Detailed LP The Bunny's Magical Present
Detailed LP The Bunny's Magical Present
Detailed LP The Bunny's Magical Present
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. differentiate reality and fantasy;
b. tell whether an action or event is reality and fantasy;
c. construct sentences about reality and fantasy, and
d. give examples on how to show generosity to others.
1. Prayer One student will raise a hand and will lead the
Before we start, let us all stand up and let us prayer. “In the name of the Father, the Son, and
pray. Who wants to be the prayer leader? the Holy Spirit. Amen”
3. Motivation
“Ok class, do you want to play a game?” “Yes, ma’am!”
“That’s good. This time we will play a game called
“I want”. Here’s the mechanics of the game listen
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
“Based on our game, what have you observed? “Teacher, we observed that it’s all about
“Very good! So I guess you are now ready for the “Yes, ma’am!”
“Now who wants to give the meaning of reality “Ma’am reality are things that are proven while
and fantasy? Anyone? fantasy are things that unreal.”
“Very good!”
“So how was the story?” “Teacher, the story is very beautiful!”
“Did you understand the story?” “Yes, ma’am!”
“ok, so I guess you are now ready to answer the
following questions.
1. What problem was experienced by the animals
in the story?
2. What did the wizard give to the bunny?
3. Who did the bunny met on his way?
4. What did the bunny do with the bouquet of
5. If you were the bunny, will you do the same? (Students will answer)
6. Why do you think it is important to have
7. In what ways can you show generosity to the
people around you?
2. Generalization
We will now sum up everything we discuss today.
1. What was our lesson for today?
“Our lesson for today is all about the bunny’s
2. What is the difference between reality and magic present.”
fantasy? “Teacher, reality refers to a situation that may
happen in real life. We say it is a fantasy when it
refers to a situation that are magical and could
3. Can you give examples of sentences showing not happen in real life’.
reality and fantasy? “Example of reality ma’am is everything that
happens in real life while fantasy examples are
fairies and happy endings.”
“Very good, class! Good job! Do you have any
other questions and clarifications about our “None, ma’am!”
discussion today?”
III. Evaluation
I. Read the following statements carefully. In the
box, write F if it states a fantasy and R if it states
1. ____ My mom uses her magic wand to clean
our house.
2. ____ The man killed all his enemies though his
3. _____ Mrs. Cedro always prepare dinner for
her family.
4. _____ He had been swimming in the ocean
since the day he was born.
5. _____ Aunt Maria had many hands because
she can do many things all at the same time.
IV. Assignment
Complete the sentence below. Decide which is
fantasy and which is reality.
1. If I were a superman, I would __________
2. If I were a doctor, I would _____________
3. If I could fly, I would go to _____________
4. If I could catch a star, I would __________
5. If I become famous, I will ______________