HSE Calendar 2023 - 221230 - 112723

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HSE Calendar Jan 2023

Electrical Safety
December January February

Electrical equipment used in an

office, is potentially hazardous and
November March
can cause serious shock and burn
injuries if improperly used or
October April

Careful cable management can play

an important part in helping to September May
ensure a safer environment in
workplace and following are some
Electrical Safety

of the benefits of good cable August July June

• Safety first. Proper cable
management Prevent cable-
related liabilities like tripping

• Save money. Good cable

management can extend the life
and maximize the performance
of your cables!

• Cut down on wasted time and

• Keep work environment cleaner
• Look better to your clients.

January 2023
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HSE Calendar Feb 2023
Office Ergonomics
Display Screen
Equipment (DSE) December January February

Our exposure to display screen

technology is continuing to increase,
with reported levels of up to 9 hours November March
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

per day spent consuming media on

devices such as computers, laptops,
smartphones and tablet PCs. October April

Greater exposure means that the

effects of preventable risks such as
poor or fixed postures can accumulate September May
and lead to musculoskeletal disorders
August July June
Conditions can be both short and long
term but in most cases cause a lot of
avoidable pain, discomfort and stress.
Other associated symptoms include
temporary eyestrain and headaches,
and fatigue/stress.
The hazards associated with DSE work
stations must therefore be properly
assessed so that they are adequately
equipped and adjustable to suit the
user’s needs

We has recently conducted DSE

survey, The results of this survey
greatly assist management to identify
the particular issues and determine the
necessary actions for improvement.

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HSE Calendar March 2023

Personal Hygiene
December January February
Good personal hygiene is one of the
best ways to protect yourself from
getting gastro or infectious diseases
such as COVID-19, colds and flu. November March
Washing your hands with soap
removes germs that can make you ill.
Maintaining good personal hygiene will October April
also help prevent you from spreading
diseases to other people.
Personal hygiene includes:
• cleaning your body every day September May
• washing your hands with soap after
going to the toilet
• brushing your teeth twice a day
Personnel Hygiene

August July June

• covering your mouth and nose with
a tissue (or your sleeve) when
sneezing or coughing
• washing your hands after handling
pets and other animals
To slow the spread of diseases or
other infections, you should:
• wash your hands often with soap
and water or alcohol-based hand
• avoid touching your eyes, nose and
• clean and disinfect surfaces you use
often such as benchtops, desks and
• clean and disinfect objects you use
often such as mobile phones, keys,
wallets and work passes
• increase the amount of fresh air by
opening windows or changing air

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HSE Calendar April 2023
First Aid at Work
When an accident happens, a first aid
December January February
program that meets the requirements
of the law and is tailored to the type
and size of the workplace can literally November March
make the difference between life and
death, or between recovery and
permanent disablement. October April

Before first aid is required

• Ensure you know where the first-aid
September May
kit is kept.
• Know who the first-aiders are.
First Aid at Work

• Understand the procedure for

August July June
calling the emergency services.

When first aid is required

• Remove the hazard from the
casualty if safe to do so.
• Call for help, e.g. first-aider.
• Don’t move the casualty, unless in
immediate danger.
• Remain with the casualty and give
• Make the casualty as comfortable as
• Don’t give drinks or food to the
casualty, if required you may
moisten their lips.
• Don’t allow the casualty to smoke.

April 2023
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HSE Calendar May 2023

HSE Everyone
Responsibility December January February



There's a catch phrase that's being heard October April

more and more these
days. "See it. Own it" That phrase is

particularly applicable to safety. September May

If you see an unsafe situation, or even a
potentially unsafe situation,
Don’t just walk away. Take responsibility August July June
forgetting it corrected.
Whether its in the office, while you're
traveling. or at the work site,
wherever you see something that you
believe is unsafe, or could lead
to an adverse incident, speak up. If ifs
unsafe to actually do something about it
yourself, keep others out Of the unsafe
zone and contact your supervisor.
Think how you'd feel if you did nothing,
then heard later that someone was

May 2023
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HSE Calendar June 2023

December January February


It is important to note that workers who work November March

under the sun, especially in the summer, may
be exposed to many occupational illnesses and
injuries. Heat stress can lead to heat stroke,
October April
heat exhaustion, fainting, cramps and rashes.
High temperatures can also lead to injuries
among workers through sweating hands and
dizziness. AVOID Dehydration ! September May

RIC take the following steps to protect

employees from heat stress:

August July June

• Schedule maintenance and repair jobs in hot

areas for cooler months;
• Schedule hot jobs for the cooler part of the
• Acclimatize employees by exposing them for
progressively longer periods to hot workplaces;
• Reduce the physical demands of employees;
• Use relief employees or assign extra
employees for physically demanding jobs;
• Provide cool water or liquids to employees:
o Avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol, or large
amounts of sugar.
• Provide rest periods with water breaks;
• Provide cool areas for use during break
• Monitor employees who are at risk of heat

June 2023
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HSE Calendar July 2023
Waste Management
Waste management involves the December January February
processes of waste collection,
transportation, processing, as well
Electrical Safety Cable Management

as waste recycling or disposal. November March

Sustainable waste management

systems include advanced
October April
management strategies to minimize
environmental challenges and
protect resources September May
Waste management involves the
regular collection, transportation as
well as processing and disposal or August July June

recycling and monitoring of different

types of waste materials. These
services can save your business a
considerable amount of money, and
can also prevent the environment
from being harmed.
‘Waste’ is any unwanted or unuseful
material. These are objects that have
been discarded since these materials
aren’t functioning anymore. Waste
can be in any form (liquid, solid or
gas), although generally, waste is

July 2023
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HSE Calendar August 2023

December January February

Protect Yourself- Personal Protective Equipment(PPE)

November March
Personal protective equipment is
preventive equipment which is used
by the worker to protect his safety, October April
from hard hats to protect the head,
gloves to protect hands, glasses to
protect the eyes or safety shoes to September May
protect foot.

It can however be one of the most August July June

commonly misused items when
looking at risk reduction within a
business. PPE by design will not
prevent any hazards from occurring,
all it can do is to lessen the severity
or provide you with some time
before the hazard really hurts!

The use of personal protective

equipment is the lowest on the
hierarchy of control measures.
These controls should not be relied
on as the primary means of risk
control until the higher options have
been exhausted

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HSE Calendar Sep 2023

Don’t Let Stress

Control You December January February

Work-related stress is defined

as the ‘physiological and November March

emotional responses that occur

when a person perceives an
Don’t Let Stress Control You

October April
imbalance between their work
demands and their capability
and / or resources to meet September May

these demands’.
August July June
As well as impacting upon our
wellbeing, chronic or intense
stress can affect our ability to
work, making us less
productive. It can also lead to
the breakdown of relationships
– both at work and in our
personal lives. Not only is it the
responsibility of employers to
help minimize workplace stress,
it is also in their best interest, as
the business case for managing
stress effectively is compelling.

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HSE Calendar Oct 2023

Fire Safety
December January February

If any employee discovers a fire in any place

the below protocol must be followed:
November March

• Move those in the immediate area away

from the threat if it is safe to do so. October April

Fire Safety Response Plan

If employees are trained and it is safe to do

so, control fire immediately with available
and correct equipment. If not, inform the September May
HSE Team and follow their instructions.
Give details of the incident and your name.
• Confine fire and smoke by closing ALL August July June
doors to rooms and areas.
• HSE Team to ascertain the extent of fire
and notify HSSE Director .
• HSSE Director to decide if evacuation is
required advice to break the nearest Fire
Break Glass Alarm and start evacuation.
• Evacuate the area via the nearest safety
exit. No person should take the lifts in the
event of emergency
• Do not re-enter until the all clear has been
• HSE Supervisor initiate incident

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HSE Calendar Nov. 2023

Pollution Prevention
December January February
Pollution Prevention means eliminating or reducing
the amount and toxicity of potentially harmful
substances at their sources, prior to generation,
treatment, off-site recycling or disposal. It November March
emphasizes preventing or minimizing pollution, rather
than controlling it once it is generated.

What is Pollution Prevention? October April

Fire Safety Response Plan

Pollution prevention is any practice that reduces,

eliminates, or prevents pollution at its source. P2, also
known as “source reduction,” is the ounce-of- September May
prevention approach to waste management.
Reducing the amount of pollution produced means
less waste to control, treat, or dispose of. Less
pollution means less hazards posed to public health August July June
and the environment.
Specific pollution prevention approaches
Pollution prevention approaches can be applied to all
potential and actual pollution-generating activities,
including those found in the energy, agriculture,
federal, consumer and industrial sectors. Prevention
practices are essential for preserving wetlands,
groundwater sources and other critical ecosystems –
areas in which we especially want to stop pollution
before it begins.
In the energy sector, pollution prevention can reduce
environmental damages from extraction, processing,
transport and combustion of fuels. Pollution
prevention approaches include:
increasing efficiency in energy use;
use of environmentally benign fuel sources.

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HSE Calendar Dec 2023

Driving Safety
December January February

If any employee driving a vehicle , the below protocol

must be followed: Novemb
Drive “defensively”
Be aware of what other drivers around you are doing,
October April
and expect the unexpected.
Fire Safety Response Plan

Assume other motorists will do something crazy, and

always be prepared to avoid it.
Keep a 2-second cushion between you and the car in September May
front of you.
Make that 4 seconds if the weather is bad.
Make a safe driving plan August July June
Build time into your trip schedule to stop for food, rest
breaks, phone calls or other business.
Adjust your seat, mirrors and climate controls before
putting the car in gear.
Pull over to eat or drink. It takes only a few minutes.
Practice safety
Secure cargo that may move around while the vehicle
is in motion.
Don’t attempt to retrieve items that fall to the floor.
Have items needed within easy reach – such as toll
fees, toll cards and garage passes.
Always wear your seat belt and drive sober and drug-

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