Bird Species Diversity

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Queeny Esther R. Ciocon

Southern Luzon State University

College of Agriculture

April 2022


Name: Queeny Esther R. Ciocon

Birthdate: July 6, 1998

Birthplace: Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Permanent Address: Purok 7 Barangay Mamala I

Sariaya, Quezon

Contact Number: 0931 850 5646

Email Address: [email protected]

Educational Background

School/University Inclusive Years

Southern Luzon State University 2018 - 2022

Lutucan National Highschool 2009 – 2014

Mamala I Elementary School 2004 – 2010

Academic Affiliations:

Position Year

Mother Earth Ecosystem Society Asst. Treasurer 2020-2021

Member 2018-2022

International Forestry Student Association Member 2018-2022

SLSU CHORALE - Southern Luzon State Member 2019-2022



I am at this moment affirm that this compliance is my work and that, to the best of

my understanding and certainty, it covers no article previously published by another person

nor material to which to a considerable range has been acknowledged for an award of any

other degree or diploma of a university or other institute of higher learning, except where

due credit is made in the text.

I also declare that the relevant content of this thesis is the product of my effort, even

though I may have customary assistance from others on style, presentation, and semantic.


Signature of Advisee Over Printed Name



It is with genuine gratitude and warm regards to all the people who have extended

assistance for the success of this study. To the Almighty God, the source of life

and strength of knowledge and wisdom. This research is proudly dedicated to

my dearest single mom; words are just not expressive enough. Thank you

for all the unconditional love and financial support that you have given me

to succeed in what I do. To my siblings, boss group friends, college

friends and, MEES who encouraged me and support me throughout

the process. To myself, who had surpassed all the trials and

unexpected circumstances. And to my (ania) Paulo J.

Teodoro, my constant source of love, inspiration,

wisdom, knowledge, and understanding

to pursue and complete this research.

Without their love and support

this research would not

have been made




This research paper becomes a reality with the kind support and help of the people

with her. The researcher would like to acknowledge various people who have been

journeyed to complete this research study. It would not have been possible without their

help, support, and patience behind her.

Foremost, the researcher is grateful to the Almighty God for the gift of wisdom,

knowledge, and patience to the success of this undertaking to the finish.

For. Eraldwin A. Dimailig, the researcher’s adviser, expressed her gratitude for

his guidance, persistent help, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance and

valuable advice helped her in all the time of research and writing this thesis. She could not

have imagined having a better advisor for her research study.

Dr. Amalia E. Almazol, chairman of the research guidance committee. The

researcher would like to express her gratitude for giving advice and sharing knowledge to

improve her research paper.

For. Richard L. Valle and For. Ronald C. Garcia, members of the guidance

committee, could not have accomplished too without their guidance and giving all the

necessary information and recommendation to contribute to making her research paper.

Also, to her professors in the College of Agriculture (CAg), for providing the knowledge

and supporting her in completing her research paper.

To Mother Earth Ecosystem Society (MEES), her second family with Batch

Makaasim. To her alumni, Brod EJ Tinamisan, Brod Ronwell Pineda, and Brod

Jerrymie Dinampo, for the guidance and suggestions to improve her research and their

unending support.

City-ENRO of Tayabas, Sir Melvin Rada, for providing the required equipment

and data that are essential to the study and Kuya Cristian Javin, the researcher would like

to extend her most profound gratitude for assisting in the identification for the

accomplishment of the study.

To Barangay Chairman of Ibabang Palale, Emilio Naynes, for his cooperation

with the researcher in conducting a study of the area. Also, to Kuya Virgilio Ayaay and

Kuya Florentino Raca for guiding us to the study area and spending their time with us to

help gather data.

To her BS Forestry Classmates, especially MGA BOSS – Paulo, Joylene,

Enelyn, Jenie, Nicole, and Dan Marc, for their unending support, love, and

companionship throughout data gathering. They have always been there for her to guide

and encourage her in everything through ups and downs.

Of course, this acknowledgement would not be complete without thanking her

family, her Eomma Ester who have been there for her, especially in supporting her

financially. Thank you for always believing that she can do better and stay stronger; To her

siblings, Kecy and Cielo, for keeping her happy through advice and motivation; and to her

beloved significant other, Paulo Jara Teodoro, for the love and support throughout her

research study. Above all, these words are not enough to thank all the people behind this

study and continuously support the researcher.




Content Page












Background of the Study 1

Objectives of the Study 4

Significance of the Study 4

Scope and Limitation 5

Definition of Terms 6


Birds 8

Diversity and the Importance of Faunal Diversity 11

The Status of Bird Species in the Philippines 12


Conservation Strategies 13

Government approaches to protecting birds and their diversity 19

Republic Act No. 9147 21

Local Government Units and Protected Area Management Boards 21

National Parks Law Act. No. 3915 22

Birds and Caves 22

Birds: Analysis of Recent Researches Done in the Philippines 27


Research Locale 33

Research Design 34

Procedures/Data Collection 34

Reconnaissance 34

Collection and Identification of Species 35

Transect Walk 35

Mist-netting 36

Binocular Observation 36

Photo Documentation 38

Identification 38

Checklist of Avifauna 38

Data Analysis 38

Shannon-Wiener Index 39

Simpson’s Diversity Index 39



Brief Description of the Study Site 41

Bird species inhabit the environ of Palale Cave 41

Species Richness 76

Conservation Status 85


Summary 92

Conclusion 94

Recommendations 95





Table Page

1 List of Threatened Fauna Species (DAO 2004-15) 15

2 Diversity Range Value– Modified by Fernando (1998) Diversity Scale 40

3 Bird Species in the Environ of Palale Cave Tayabas City, Quezon 42

4 Species Richness of Avifauna in Palale Cave Tayabas City, Quezon 80

5 Species Evenness of Avifauna in Palale Cave Tayabas City, Quezon 83

6 Conservation Status of Bird Species in the of Palale Cave Tayabas City, 89



Figure Page

1 Classification of Birds (Meghna, 2020) 10

2 Map of the Study Area 33

3 Transect Map 36

4 Location of Mist-net 37

5 Family Columbidae 46

6 Family Apodidae 47

7 Family Zosteropidae 48

8 Family Accipitridae 49

9 Family Estrildidae 50

10 Family Accipitridae 51

11 Family Laniidae 52

12 Family Paridae 53

13 Family Nectarinidae 54

14 Family Pycnonotidae 56

15 Family Meropidae 57

16 Family Bucerotidae 59

17 Palale Cave Site and Vegetation 156

18 Transect Establishment 157

19 Data Gathering 158

20 Establishment of 3 Mist-nets in Different Elevation 159



Appendix Page

A Permit to Conduct 117

B Certification from Barangay Ibabang Palale 118

C Certification from the CENRO Tayabas 119

D Field notes 120

E Checklist of Avifauna 138

F Field Data Sheet for Bird Mist-netting 154

G Photo Documentation 155

H Instruments and Tools (Used) 159



Title: Bird Species Diversity in the Environ of Palale Cave Tayabas City, Quezon
Author: Queeny Esther R. Ciocon
Adviser: Eraldwin A. Dimailig

This study aims to determine birds' diversity in the environment of Palale Cave,
Tayabas City. Specifically aims to: identify the inhabiting bird species in a limestone forest
area; determine the species richness of birds in the area and the conservation status. Two –
kilometer transect line survey was conducted from the environ of Palale Cave down to the
area. The Transect line was divided into eight (8) stations with 250-meter intervals and
recorded using a GPS (Global Positioning System), and coordinates were recorded for each
central point. A total of 333 individual birds representing 41 species, 11 orders, 25 families,
and 39 genera were observed through binoculars and mist-nets. The Species Diversity of
the Birds in the environ of Palale Cave had resulted in a high value of H= 3.09. Swiftlet
(Collocalia spp.) was found to be the most diverse species, and the Philippine Bulbul
(Hypsipetes philippinus). In Species Evenness, it shows that bird species recorded in the
forest area of Palale Cave are evenly distributed with a very high range value of 0.93 based
on the Diversity Scale. Based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, one (1) species is categorized as Vulnerable,
Buceros hydrocorax. In the category of Least Concern, 40 bird species were identified. On
the other hand, based on the DENR Administrative Order No. 2019-09, Loriculus
philippensis is listed as Critically endangered, Buceros hydrocorax as Endangered, and
Penelopides manillae as Vulnerable. It is recommended that the area be conserved for these

Keywords: birds, species diversity, evenness, conservation status, limestone forests


Chapter I


Background of the Study

The Philippines is one of the megadiverse countries in Southeast Asia. It is home

to two-thirds of Earth's biodiversity and 70 percent of its plant and animal species due to

its geographical isolation and various habitat's high endemism rates (GOV.PH, 2019).

There are about 700 known species of birds, and through surveys and assessments of

different sampling methods, many species of birds are discovered and recorded. Most bird

species live in tropical forests, and there are 67% of Philippine birds live in the forest area.

However, as the world develops with modern technology and development, most tropical

forests are being degraded from logging, land conversion, quarrying, deforestation, and the

like (Birdlife International, 2012).

Avifauna diversity is essential because they significantly predict the environment's

changes, whether our ecosystem is in good condition or not since they are indicators in

many ways. The increase in species diversity is an indication that the number of species is

rich, and their distribution is not disturbed (Bellanthudawa et al., 2019). Determining bird

diversity will help analyze how diverse forests over limestone are and the other type of

forests surrounding them.

The Philippines has about 1,500 caves, with 37% located in Mindanao (DENR-

PAWB, 2008), home to a rich array of flora and animals (Tuttle & Moreno, 2005). Caves

are habitats for some of the most delicate and rare animals known to man. Cave

environments are typically gloomy and stable in geography, temperature, saturation

humidity, and energy input (Biswas, 2010). Cave-dwelling organisms have exhibited

structural modifications, behavioral alterations, and specialized functions due to this

environment (Pan et al., 2010). Thus, cave habitats are home to fauna capable of surviving

due to their distinctive traits.

In the Philippines, caves are mostly in threat due to a lack of explicit recognition

and protection, the need for outdoor spaces, treasure hunts, quarrying, pollutants, cave

resource gathering, and rapid population growth, there is a critical need for conservation

efforts. Only seven caves are currently designated as protected areas, accounting for less

than 1% of the total, whereas the remaining cave in the nation were primarily examined to

develop a cave management plan (DENR-PAWB, 2008).

The Palale Cave is a forest covering a limestone formation (ENRO-Tayabas, 2020).

Due to the absence of an underground stream, the cave is very dry and almost totally

covered with guano deposits. The Palale Cave is located within the Atimonan Limestone

Formation. It is distinguished by fine-grained to large fossiliferous reef limestone. This

limestone formation is dated to the early to late Oligocene or was created during this period

(28.5 million years ago). On November 19-21, 2018, a reassessment of the Palale Cave

was done in response to the cave's reclassification from Class II to Class I. It was

discovered that some of the cave's data has increased since the previous assessment and

requires protection and conservation. Physically, the cave appears to be a natural

depression within a limestone slope covered in secondary forest. The area is characterized

by large limestone formations, boulders, and outcrops. Beyond the forest, coconut trees

were planted; the remainder was covered with grasses such as cogon and talahib. The forest

canopy in the area is approximately 10-15 meters tall, with emergent trees reaching a height

of up to 25 meters. Research conducted within the vicinity of the cave was the Preliminary

Mammal survey of Caves in Tayabas, Quezon conducted by Mr. Danilo Balete, Lawrence

Heaney, and Joel Sarmiento (ENRO-Tayabas, 2020).

From the literature that has gathered, there are gaps or missing links that need to be

addressed in this study, which are: first, in the study by (Mukhlisi et al., 2021), knowledge

of birds in Teluk Sumbang in Indonesia limestone forest is restricted, and most caves in

the Philippines are threatened by a lack of clear legal protection, rising demands on tourist

services, unauthorized cave resource gathering, and growing urbanization (DENR-PAWB,

2008). As a result, the majority of Philippine caves containing vertebrates are unprotected,

and most are severely endangered (Bat Conservation International, 2010). Numerous

papers on newly discovered vertebrate species have been published (Diesmos et al., 2002).

However, except for a few recent results by Brown and Alcala (2000), investigations on

cave wildlife are limited.

However, the research studies that have been conducted in the past by the student

at Southern Luzon State University are the Bats Diversity, Vines, Woody and Non-woody,

Medicinal values. On the other hand, there is no study on the bird species in the Province

of Quezon in Palale Cave, Tayabas City; second, limited information on the conservation

status of birds within and near forests over limestone and what is the action made by the

local government and; lastly, lack of focus in conservation strategies, policies, and

knowledge-based in protecting our karst landscape.

According to the study by Jiang et al. (2013) & Clements et al. (2006), limestone

areas are likely to be their habitat for some endemic animals to be used as breeding sites.

Thus, endemic birds are highly adapted and only found their foods in a specific location.

That is why it is essential to identify their conservation status and their importance in a

forest over limestone. Karst landscapes are well-known for their caverns, but numerous

tiny holes in the rocks can serve as nesting grounds or shelter for some endemic animals,

including swiftlets and babblers.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to determine the bird species diversity in the environ

of Palale Cave Tayabas, City. Specifically, the objectives of this study are as follows:

1. To determine the inhabiting bird species in the environ of Palale Cave;

2. To determine the species richness of birds in the area; and

3. To determine the conservation status of birds within the area.

Significance of the Study

This research study gives information on what birds are inhabiting in the caves,

birds' diversity, and conservation status. It will provide awareness and knowledge to the

community on how it will be protected. Suppose that the research is not conducted in the

area; no data and information can gather since there are still no studies regarding bird

species in limestone forests. Moreover, if not conducted, this research will prevent

identifying bird species and the significance of the karst landscape. It can also help gather

data on the distribution of birds inhabiting Palale Cave Tayabas, City.

This research study aims to collect data that will benefit the community residing

beside the limestone forest, such as knowledge-based information to identify different

approaches and strategies in protecting and conserving birds and the karsts landscape.

Furthermore, this research study may help change how the community acts, particularly

those near the limestone forest area. By disseminating awareness and education campaigns

on the effects of degrading natural resources, birds and other species live in limestone

forests. The research study will also help future researchers, Department of Environment

and Natural Resources (DENR), teachers, and Forestry students that may be interested in

this field, especially at Southern Luzon State University (SLSU), to contribute new

knowledge information that may need for their future researches in the area. The

significance of this study is to help in discovering bird species in the environ of limestone

forests. In addition, gaps identified in the country's previous research studies, assessing

bird conservation and strategies, that can protect birds and karst landscapes in the


Scope and Limitation

The study of bird species diversity was conducted in the environ of Palale Cave in

Tayabas City, Quezon. The study focuses on the site by determining the birds' population

in a forest limestone formation. This study was done through inventory in the research

period, from September 2021 to March 2022.

However, the study's limitation where the researcher cannot control conditions or

not all fauna species were identified in the study, but only bird species. In determining the

abundance or diversity of the species present within the area, only given time record the

data analysis. Only available bird species were recorded and monitored in a given area.

Different methods such as transect walk, mist-nets, and photo-documentation were limited

to the species in the environ of Palale Cave because of the unstable weather.

Definition of Terms

Avifauna –is a term for birds or the types of birds found in a certain place, time, or

environment (Merriam-Webster, 2022).

Conservation status - a situation of one's species, whether this will continue to exist or

nearly extinct in the present or near future (ScienceDaily, 2020).

Inhabit – means to live in a place or present in the area of Palale Cave (Britannica, 2022).

Fauna - refers to the animal life on Earth. It is the study of the features of animals in a

particular place, time, or environment (Biology, 2019).

Flora- refers to the natural vegetation of a certain geographical location or a scientific study

that catalogs such vegetation (Berrens, 2019).

Habitat- a place in the environment where wildlife species are living (National Geographic,


Limestone forest- a type of forest found in tropical rainforest areas, referred to as karst or

caves, is the habitat of many species. It is the type of forest of the study site

(, 2020).

Mist-net - it collects data on cryptic, less vocal, and nocturnal bird species and is placed

along potential flyways and feeding trees (DENR-BMB, 2017).

Shannon Diversity Index - is a widely used measure for describing species diversity in a

community (Zach, 2021).

Species - a group of animals or plants that have similar traits and can reproduce with one

another (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022).

Species Richness- a variety of species or the number of other species or genera, families in

a study area (ScienceDirect, 2009).

Vegetation- refers to plant cover found in a study area (Canadian National Vegetation

Classification [CNVC], 2013).


Chapter II



Birds in Class Ave had more than 10 400 living species and, its distinguishing

characteristic has a feather more than those other animals. Birds have spindle- shape body

that was covered by feathers. They have a small head, and their eyes are possessed pecten.

They are warm-blooded vertebrates that relate to reptiles than mammals. As resembles

mammals, birds have a four-chambered heart. They have a trait shared with bats. Its

forelimbs are modified into wings, a keen vision, hard-shelled egg, and mostly they depend

on sensing information in their environment. Their sense of smell is limited, for their

hearing range is not likely developed. One thousand (1000) species that have been extinct

are identified from fossil remains (Rand et al., 2020).

In a previous time, birds were created by prehistoric humans in France's Lascaux

grotto and used in the methodology and literature of societies and materials as cultural

resources. It symbolizes art. It may be real or not. They are enabled to flight modified

feathers to swim and can protect themselves by camouflaging, it can also transport into

water. In subclass Archaeonithes, the most primitive fossil birds. Extinct, from the Jurassic

and early Cretaceous periods. An elongated body has small eyes and brain, both jaws have

teeth, and a feathered tail looks like a reptile. The forelimb has three (3) clawed digits and

nonpneumatic bones, and they are endothermic or warm-blooded. In subclass Neornites,


an actual bird from the Greek word neos means modern. (Rand et al., 2020; Meghna, 2020).

Their beaks are toothless, teeth replaced by horny rhamphotheca or a bill. The type of skull

is prognathous. Neonates’ wings are well-develop. The Carpometacarpals combine the

form of metacarpals and carpals. 13 more or less caudal vertebrae are present; usually,

digits are clawed. Avians have two suborders, which are the Archaeonithes and neornithes.

Two suborders of this are the Order Odontignathae, and the other one is neonatal, whose

type of skull is prognathus. Highly develop sternum and kneel are present. Positively

developed wings and consists of 28 orders, and only one is extinct. The following are the

Suborder of Order neognathae; which are the tinamiformes, rheiformes, struthioniformes,

passeriformes, aepyornithiformes, dinornithiformes, podicipediformes, sphenisciformes,

procellariiformes, passeriformes, anseriformes, falconiformes, ciconiiformes, galliformes,

gruiformes, charadriiformes, gaviiformes, columbiformes, cuculiformes, psittaciformes,

coraciiformes, strigiformes, apodiformes, coliformes, caprimulgiformes, trogoniformes,

piciformes (Meghna, 2020).


Figure 1. Classification of Birds (Meghna, 2020)


Diversity and the Importance of Faunal Diversity

Diversity is composed of various elements, qualities, groups of organizations, and

an instance of being diverse, and it may be ecological or biological diversity (Merriam-

Webster, 2020). Biodiversity is composed of trees, plants, animals of their sizes, and all

kinds of macroorganisms and microorganisms. It categorizes into three parts which are:

First, the number of different species which is species diversity. Second, ecological

diversity is the variation that can be found in aquatic ecosystems, and last, genetic diversity

defines genes or unique features of individual species. Avifauna diversity is essential

because they significantly predict the environment's changes, whether our ecosystem is in

good condition or not since they are indicators in many ways. The increase in species

diversity is an indication that the number of species is rich, and their distribution is not

disturbed (Bellanthudawa et al., 2019). Therefore, the status of an ecosystem is excellent.

However, through massive conversion and human pressure for the development of such

agricultural lands, the establishment of buildings, pollution, or noise pollution significantly

affect birds and decrease their population when poaching and killing human activities are

involved. Thus, humans, particularly in urban areas, should know how to protect birds

instead of disturbing them. Also, birds' importance and role in helping regenerate our forest

and prevent further destruction of our ecosystem must be discussed.


The Status of Bird Species in the Philippines

From 2001 to 2012, there has been described and discovered new bird species in

different habitats in the Philippines. However, a type of habitat has declined, including

endemic and threatened bird species (Haribon Foundation, 2014). Anthropogenic habitat

degradation such as land-use conversion, pollution, and climate change increases the

vulnerability of Philippine birds found in wetlands and forests (Haribon Foundation, 2012;

Metzger et al., 2006).

According to Jetz et al. (2007), "Climate change will be the principal driver of range

contradictions at higher altitudes"; their projection shows that land conversion includes

grasslands to cropland conversion, deforestation, and the like. It has a significant impact

on the species that live in the tropic. They were vulnerable and can be extinct because of

their small ranges due to multiple factors that affect bird species, such as deforestation,

which refers to the clearing of a forest used in agricultural lands, mining, urbanization, and

climate change.

It will lead to our bird population's extinction if there is no such awareness, legal

actions, and regulations. Birds are often hunted due to a lack of understanding that leads to

the misconception that all birds tend to eat crops, and with the use of harmful pesticides

and herbicides, many bird species ate being poisoned. We are currently experiencing global

climate change in which the temperature increases. As a result, it will affect humans and

our biodiversity. Conservation strategies must be included to protect our birds that are

beneficial to an ecosystem as a whole.


Conservation Strategies

"In the past 20th century, Birds conservations strategies were not considered but

later on made a study on identification of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) that develops into

Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)". Haribon Foundation (2014). IBAs aim to protect and

identify not only birds but threaten species of wildlife. It determines what kind of habitats

of bird species and strategies are used to ensure birds' high survival worldwide and

conserve their population. It includes promoting public awareness, and observation

processes of birds' species or wildlife to guide and ensure threat destruction.

In linkage to; conservation in the Philippines, social and political issues cannot be

separated since they are most likely to use our natural resources for any purposes (Broad

& Cavanagh, 1993: Pineda, 1991). The impacts of devastating our environment will suffer,

firstly our indigenous people or the countryside area that depends on the natural resources

(Broad & Cavanagh, 1993). Some community members refuse to misuse and practice the

government by harming and threatening our local ecosystem's quality. Our local

government's projects and activities were not agreed upon by the community; that is why

protesting and obstructing logging in their community are the least they can do.

The social group's exposure and presence, which are the Nongovernmental

organizations (NGOs) and People's organization, cares about managing and sustaining our

environmental development. Today, protection in the Philippines is supported by our local

governments in implementing such awareness programs, and environmental policies that

concern conservation (Utting, 2000). Local governments significantly affect public

information since they have the power to implement and support our battles against

environmental threats. Having a conservation strategy plan will help the researchers

analyze, and give information on what we will contribute to the community and the relevant

solutions that may hinder our future conservation within our local community.

According to Birdlife International (2020) "The country's rank in bracket numbers

is compared to other territories and countries globally" It means that the Philippines is

categorized as the 8th rank globally threatened; this includes (vulnerable, endangered, and

critically threatened), and 14th rank for threatened category (vulnerable, endangered, and

critically threatened). Table 2 shows that Extinct (E) has 0, Extinct in the wild (E.W.) has

0, and Globally threatened has 93 species, 93rd to Philippines' rank. Threatened species

with a percentage of 16% and 14th to Philippine’s rank. Critically endangered (C.R.) has

15 species, Endangered (EN) has 24 species, Vulnerable (V.U.) has 54 species, near

threatened (N.T.) has 78 species, Least Concern (L.C.) has 417 species, and Data

Deficiencies (D.D.) has five (5) species.

In the Philippines, a glance was recorded at the Capital of Manila, with an area of

300 000 km2. BirdLife has a partnership with Haribon Foundation. The total number of

birds that have been recorded has 593, the globally threatened birds have a record of 93

species, and the country endemics has 258 total species. In important bird & biodiversity

areas, the number of IBAs has 117 and a total area of 3 432 303 hectares. In endemic bird

areas, there are ten (10) numbers in total.

It shows a list of threatened fauna species and their categories, which are: Thirty-

two (32) bird species under Critically Endangered (C.R.); forty (40) bird species under

endangered (EN); seventy-nine bird species under Vulnerable (V.U.) and; thirty-three (33)

bird species under Other Threatened Species (OTS).


Table 1. List of Threatened Fauna Species (DAO No. 2004-15, Series of 2019)

Family Name Scientific Name Common Name

Accipitridae Pithecophaga jefferyi Philippine eagle
Acrocephalidae Acrocephalus sorghophilus Speckled reed warbler
Alcedinidae Ceyx cyanopectus Indigo-banded kingfisher
Anatidae Aythya baeri Baer's pochard
Bucerotidae Anthracoceros montani Sulu hornbill
Bucerotidae Rhabdotorrhinus waldeni Walden's hornbill
Bucerotidae Penelopides panini Visayan hornbill
Cacatuidae Cacatua haematuropygia Red-vented cockatoo
Chloropseidae Chloropsisflavipennis Philippine leafbird
Columbidae Gallicolumba platenae Mindoro bleeding-heart
Columbidae Gallicolumba keayi Negros bleeding-heart
Columbidae Gallicolumba menagei Sulu bleeding-heart
Columbidae Phapitreron amethystinus Amethyst brown dove
Columbidae Phapitreron cinereiceps Tawi-Tawi brown dove
Columbidae Ptilinopus arcanus Negros fruit dove
Columbidae Ducula poliocephala Pink-bellied imperial pigeon
Columbidae Gallicolumba platenae Mindoro bleeding-heart
Cuculidae Centropus steerii Black-hooded coucal
Dicaeidae Dicaeum quadricolor Cebu flowerpecker
Dicruridae Dicrurus menagei Tablas drongo
Fregatidae Fregata andrewsi Christmas Island frigatebird
Gruidae Grus antigone Sarus crane
Laridae Thalasseus bernsteini Chinese crested tern
Monarchidae Hypothymis coelestis Celestial monarch
Oriolidae Oriolus isabellae Isabela oriole
Psittacidae Loriculus philippensis Colasisi
Psittaculidae Prioniturus luconensis Green racket-tail
Psittaculidae Prioniturus verticalis Blue-winged racket-tail
Psittaculidae Tanygnathus lucionensis Blue-naped Parrot
Psittaculidae Tanygnathus sumatranus Blue-backed parrot
Pycnonotidae Hypsipetes siquijorensis Streak-breasted bulbul
Scolopacidae Eurynorhynchus pygmeus Spoon-billed sandpiper
Sulidae Sula dactylatra Masked booby

Table 1. Continued. . .

Accipitridae Nisaetus pinskeri Pinsker's hawk-eagle

Ardeidae Gorsachius goisagi Japanese night heron
Bucerotidae Buceros hydrocorax Luzon rufous hornbill
Bucerotidae Penelopides mindorensis Mindoro hornbill
Burhinidae Esacus magnirostris Beach stone-curlew
Ciconiidae Ciconia boyciana Oriental stork
Columbidae Streptopelia bitorquata Island collared dove
Columbidae Caloenas nicobarica Nicobar pigeon
Columbidae Ramphiculus marchei Flame-breasted fruit dove
Columbidae Ducula mindorensis Mindoro imperial pigeon
Columbidae Ducula carola Spotted imperial pigeon
Columbidae Ducula pickeringii Grey imperial pigeon
Laridae Anous minutus Black noddy
Muscicapidae Copsychus cebuensis Black shama
Muscicapidae Muscicapa randi Ashy-breasted flycatcher
Muscicapidae Vauriella albigularis White-throated jungle
Phasianidae Polyplectron napoleonis Palawan peacock-pheasant
Family Name Scientific Name Common Name
Picidae Chrysocolaptes Yellow-faced flameback
Picidae Chvysocolaptes Red-headed flameback
Psittacidae Prioniturus mindorensis Mindoro racket-tail
Psittacidae Prioniturus montanus Montane racket-tail
Rallidae Lewinia mirificus Brown-banded rail
Rallidae Gallirallus calayanensis Calayan rail
Rhipiduridae Rhipidura sauli Tablas fantail
Scolopacidae Tringa erythropus Spotted redshank
Scolopacidae Tringa guttifer Nordmann's greenshank
Scolopacidae Calidris tenuirostris Great knot
Scolopacidae Numenius madagascariensis Far eastern curlew
Strigidae Otus fuliginosus Palawan scops owl
Strigidae Bubo philippensis Philippine eagle-owl
Strigidae Ninox spilonota Romblon hawk-owl
Strigidae Ninox rumseyi Cebu hawk-owl
Strigidae Ninox leventisi Camiguin hawk-owl
Strigidae Otus gurneyi Giant scops owl
Sulidae Sula leucogaster Brown booby
Threskiomithidae Platalea minor Black-faced spoonbill

Table 1. Continued. . .
Turnicidae Turnix worcesteri Worcester's buttonquail
Zosteropidae Dasycrotapha speciosa Flame-templed babbler
Zosteropidae Zosterornis nigrorum Negos striped babbler
Category C. VULNERABLE (V.U.)
Accipitridae Haliaeetus ichthyaetus Grey-headed fish eagle
Accipitridae Nisaetus philippensis Philippine hawk-eagle
Alcedinidae Todiramphus winchelli Rufous-lored kingfisher
Alcedinidae Ceyx melanurus Philippine dwarf kingfisher
Alcedinidae Ceyxflumenicola Southern silvery kingfisher
Alcedinidae Ceyx argentatus Northern silvery kingfisher
Alcedinidae Actenoides hombroni Blue-cappedwood kingfisher

Anatidae Anas luzonica Philippine duck

Anhingidae Anhinga melanogaster Oriental darter
Apodidae Mearnsia picina Philippine spine-tailed swift
Ardeidae Egretta eulophotes Chinese egret
Bucerotidae Rhabdotorrhinus leucocephalus Writhed hornbill
Bucerotidae Penelopides manillae Luzon hornbill
Bucerotidae Anthracoceros marchei Palawan hornbill
Campephagidae Coracina ostenta White-winged cuckooshrike
Campephagidae Coracina mcgregori McGregor's cuckooshrike
Campephagidae Pericrocotus igneus Fiery minivet
Campephagidae Coracina mindanensis Black-bibbed cuckooshrike
Charadriidae Charadrius peronii Malaysian plover
Columbidae Gallicolumba luzonica Luzon bleeding-heart
Columbidae Gallicolumba crinigera Mindanao bleeding-heart
Columbidae Phapitreron brunneiceps Mindanao brown dove
Columbidae Treron axillaris Philippine green pigeon
Columbidae Treron formosae Whistling geen pigeon
Picidae Mulleripicus pulverulentus Great slaty woodpecker
Picidae Dendrocopos ramsayi Sulu pygmy woodpecker
Pittidae Erythropitta kochi Whiskered pitta
Pittidae Pitta steerii Azure-breasted pitta
Pittidae Pitta nympha Fairy pitta
Podargidae Batrachostomus chaseni Palawan frogmouth
Procellariidae Pterodroma sandwichensis Hawaiian petrel
Psittacidae Trichoglossus johnstoniae Mindanao lorikeet
Psittacidae Prioniturus platenae Blue-headed racket-tail

Table 1. Continued. . .
Psittacidae Prioniturus waterstradti Mindanao racket-tail
Pycnonotidae Hypsipetes rufigularis Zamboanga bulbul
Scolopacidae Limosa limosa Black-tailed godwit
Scolopacidae Numenius tahitiensis Bristle-thighed curlew
Scolopacidae Limnodromus semipalmatus Asian dowitcher
Strigidae Otus longicornis Luzon scops owl
Strigidae Otus mindorensis Mindoro scops owl
Strigidae Otus mantananensis Mantanani scops owl
Strigidae Ninox randi Chocolate boobook
Strigidae Ninox spilocephala Mindanao hawk-owl
Strigidae Ninox mindorensis Mindoro hawk-owl
Strigidae Ninox reyi Sulu hawk-owl
Strigidae Otus nigrorum Negros scops owl
Sturnidae Gracula religiosa Common hill myna
Sturnidae Basilornis mirandus Apo myna
Timaliidae Micromacronus leytensis Visayan miniature babbler
Turdidae Geokichla cinerea Ashy thrush
Zosteropidae Zosterornis striatus Luzon striped babbler
Zosteropidae Zosterornis latistriatus Panay striped babbler


Accipitridae Aegypius monachus Cinereous vulture
Alcedinidae Ceyx margarethae Dimorphic dwarf
Bombycillidae Bombycilla japonica Japanese waxwing
Ciconiidae Ciconia episcopus Woolly-necked stork
Cisticolidae Orthotomus samarensis Yellow-breasted
Cuculidae Centropus unirufus Rufous coucal
Dicaeidae Dicaeum anthonyi Flame-crowned
flower pecker
Diomedeidae Phoebastria immutabilis Laysan albatross
Estrildidae Eyythrura coloria Red-eared parrotfinch
Hydrobatidae Oceanodroma monorhis Swinhoe's storm petrel
Laridae Onychoprion anaethetus Bridled tern
Locustellidae Robsonius thompsoni Sierra Madre Bound
Nectariniidae Hypothymis helenae Short-crested monarch
Nectariniidae Aethopyga primigenia Grey-hooded sunbird
Nectariniidae Aethopyga boltoni Apo sunbird
Nectariniidae Aethopyga guimarasensis Maroon-naped sunbird

Table 1. Continued. . .
Nectariniidae Aethopyga decorosa Bohol sunbird
Nectariniidae Anthreptes griseigularis Grey-throated sunbird
Paridae Parus semilarvatus White-fronted tit
Paridae Periparus amabilis Palawan tit
Pelecanidae Pelecanus philippensis Spot-billed pelican
Pellomeidae Malacopteron palawanense Melodious babbler
Picidae Dinopium everetti Spot-throated flameback
Procellariidae Pseudobulweria rostrata Tahiti petrel
Psittacidae Prioniturus discurus Blue-crowned racket-tail
Pycnonotidae Alophoixusfrater Palawan bulbul
Scolopacidae Numenius arquata Eurasian curlew
Strigidae Otus elegans Ryukyu scops owl
Threskiomithidae Threskiornis melanocephalus Black-headed ibis
Zosteropidae Dasycrotapha plateni Mindanao pygmy
Zosteropidae Dasycrotapha pygmaea Visayan pygmy babbler
Zosteropidae Sterrhoptilus dennistouni Golden-crowned babbler
Zosteropidae Zosterornis hypogrammicus Palawan striped babbler

Government approaches to protecting birds and their diversity

Conservation and Protection of Wildlife

Conservation and protection protect and wise use of our natural resources such as

forests, flora, and fauna to prevent destruction. Given significant endemism levels joined

with fast paces of pulverization of typical environments, the Philippines have distinguished

itself as a top worldwide need for conservation activity (Bibby et al., 1992; Balmford &

Long, 1994). The Philippines is recognized as mega diversity and the world's second-

largest archipelago in Southeast Asia and has high endemism or biodiversity hotspot. The

Philippines has 7 641 islands territory and a home of 52 177 described species and believed

that 50% are endemic to the Philippines. However, our species diversity is at risk of

continuous human pressure, land degradation, and the like brought to habitat loss (Mona,

2016; Barile, 2017). After recognizable proof as a need, be that as it may, minimal

quantitative data has been gathered to propose ideal systems for the accomplishment of

preservation destinations. Regardless, of the prioritization of islands for conservation;

consideration can do by enriching the population and breeding rate of endemic species

(Pressey et al., 1996). Furthermore, the first step is to understand species' management and

transportation, explicitly keeping different species in shared habitats (Patterson, 1987).

Birds that are usually protected are the Endemic to the Philippines that are Critically

endangered and endangered, which are as follows: Rufous-headed hornbill (Aceros

waldeni), Red-vented cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia), Black-hooded coucal

(Centropus steerii), Negros bleeding-heart (Gallicolumba keayi), Luzon bleeding-heart

(Gallicolumba luzonica), Catanduanes bleeding heart (Gallicolumba luzonica rubiventris),

Sulu bleeding-heart (Gallicolumba menagei), Mindoro bleeding-heart (Gallicolumba

platenae), Isabela oriole (Oriolus isabellae), Philippine eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), and

Negros fruit dove (Ptilinopus arcanus). Endangered species are as follow; Black shama

(Copsychus cebuensis), Flame-templed babbler (Dasycrotapha speciosa), Mindoro

imperial pigeon (Ducula mindorensis), Streak-breasted bulbul (Hypsipetes siquijorensis),

Mindoro hornbill (Penelopides mindorensis), Visayan hornbill (Penelopides panini),

Tawi-tawi brown dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps), Blue-winged racquet-tail (Prioniturus

verticalis), White-throated jungle flycatcher (Rhinomyias albigularis), and Negros striped-

babbler (Stachyris nigrorum) (Balatibat, 2018). Also, migratory birds are being protected

in the Philippines as they provide food to other wildlife species and pollinate plants. They

migrate from their winter season habitats to tropical countries where they can stay and

enjoy the weather, particularly having a healthy environment that ensures their source of

foods and habitats.


One law that helps protect fauna like birds are the Republic Act No. 9147. This act

focuses on providing conservation and protection of our natural resources, and habitats of

wildlife. Poaching, killing, and destruction of the wilderness without permission following

the law will undertake in such punishment (GOVPH, 2020).

Local Government Units and Protected Area Management Boards

As the Local Government Units (LGU) and Protected Area Management Boards

(PAMB) create mandates or policies that will give strategy uphold and legal system for the

conservation, protection, and management of our natural resources. Besides, they have to

learn and observe the significant gap, which is the lack of local policies on our natural

resources. Local government units have protected wildlife in the Philippines. For instance,

the Mangrove protection ordinance stated that collecting mangrove trees burnt and floating

within the area will commit illegal activities and penal provisions with fines or

imprisonment depending on the actions. Moreover, there is an administrative provision

under municipal ordinance where they conducted a reforestation program by the Local

Government Unit (Municipality of Tukuran, 2006).

Another example is the mangrove rehabilitation project in the Municipality of

Leganes in Ilo-ilo, Philippines, where the planning started in 2005. By the year 2009, the

mangroves' reforestation program started by planting mangrove plants,

specifically Avicennia marina species. Eventually, in 2012, the program successfully

restored mangrove forests' beauty for wildlife habitats and coastal erosion protection. The

said mangrove project was participated by the Local Government Unit (Leganes), and

public and private institutions (Municipality of Leganes, 2018). To improve conservation

strategies, focusing on how we make policies that will benefit our forest and wildlife

biodiversity by protecting our natural resources, and managing our protected areas

(USAID, 2015).

National Parks Law Act. No 3915

Another law is the National Parks Law Act No. 3915. It is an act of providing for

the establishment of National Parks, which was followed by a series of laws and decrees

declaring such Parks as a game refugee, bird sanctuaries, and other purposes." Establishing

National Parks will help protect wildlife and create enjoyment, recreational activities for

the people, historical values, and tourism (Robles, 1998).

Birds and Caves

This research aims to study birds in the context of forests near cave ecosystems.

Also, some bird species have been observed that are attracted to cave entrances for their

breeding sites or spot, and they think of it as a safe place to protect themselves and their

eggs from predators. However, as mentioned in the study, it becomes their alternative site,

and found foods readily available for insects or mammals that live within or near the cave

(Hamilton, 1965). Limestone areas are likely to be their habitat for some endemic animals

to be used as breeding sites (Jiang et al., 2013; Clements et al., 2006).

High nest predation is a factor that affects the bird population, including its

breeding season (Stutchbury and Morton, 2001). Depending on the sorts of predators,

predation exists in numerous habitats, alters the behavior of prey, and eliminates species

by consuming its eggs or animals. Therefore, the use of an artificial nest as a surrogate for

a real nest in a limestone forest has proved successful for observing the sorts of predators

that affect bird populations and the mating season (Seibold et al., 2013). It is common for

tropical birds to experience high nest predation, although data from low limestone locations

are sparse. In the limestone karst rainforest of south China, the uncommon Nonggang

Babbler (Stachyris nonggangensis) breeds in May, but the common Streaked Wren-

Babbler (Napothera brevicauda) produces in March. Locations comprised of limestone are

favourable to the study of tropical nest predators. Over millions of years, the deposit of

limestone at the bottom of ancient oceans, followed by upheaval and erosion, produced

these karst habitats, which are primarily concentrated in southern China and Southeast Asia

(Clements et al., 2006). Recent ornithological advancements have happened in these

regions; for example, a large number of new bird species have been discovered in China

and Southeast Asia over the past decade (Zhou and Jiang, 2008). Swiftlets and some

babblers use the numerous tiny holes in rocks as breeding grounds or homes. Limestone

areas are renowned for their caverns (Jiang et al., 2013a). In southern China, close to

Vietnam, the common Streaked Wren-Babbler (Napothera brevicaudata) and the

endangered Nonggang Babbler (Stachyris nonggangensis) nest in narrow rock crevices


(Jiang et al., 2013a). It is unknown whether such nests experience high levels of nest

predation due to their unique combination of characteristics. Because they are on the

ground, they may be susceptible to ground-dwelling small rodents and snakes, but they are

also a type of cavity, and species that inhabit holes in trees typically experience low nest

predation (Martin and Li, 1992).

Third, some endemic and migratory birds rare and wandering in Qesem Cave are

due to climate change or environmental conditions and human disturbance of water area

resources. For instance, waterfowl happened in a particular area, most likely wandering

species that spent their lives in the cave. The Qesem Cave assemblage of bird bones has

not revealed any extinct avian species. The non-migratory birds found there belong to the

eastern Mediterranean avian fauna. The avian assemblage of Qesem Cave did not include

any non-migratory birds that presently live in more northern or southern latitudes. Thus,

during the time recorded at the cave, the climatic regime in this region was not much

different from that of the present. On the other hand, the migratory taxa found in the cave

are considered rare or accidental at present, and this may indicate a different climatic

regime or different environmental conditions than currently exist in the territories where

these birds spend the rest of the year. In this sense, the find of Cygnus and the record of

Pterodroma in inland water bodies could be connected to harsh and chilly winters at

latitudes farther south and north. Close to Qesem Cave, there would have been bodies of

still water, possibly around the large springs to the southwest. Another biotope would be a

system of lagoons along the coast to the west of the site, consistent with a series of

consolidated sand (kurkar) ridges and swampy trough basins between the ridges to the west

of the cave (present along the coast up to the late 19th and early 20th century) that provided

rich riparian vegetation throughout the year. Other biotopes included woodland or tree

patches, bushland or undergrowth, and open lands, apparently with more extensive wooded

coverage than at present. The Qesem Cave finds seem to correspond with the tendency of

humans in the Early and Middle Pleistocene to occupy and use rich habitats near large

bodies of water, as indicated by the presence of some waterfowl linked to this kind of

aquatic environment. (Marco et al., 2015).

Fourth, a cave is characterized by absolute darkness, air and water temperatures

that are nearly constant, relative humidity that approaches saturation, and a limited source

of nutrients (Engel, 2007). These species have successfully colonized one of the hardest

environments (Christman and Culver, 2001), yet they are typically ignored since they are

unattractive and difficult to study. However, despite these traits, caves include a diverse

fauna that is unique to subterranean habitats (Culver et al., 2004) that is likewise worthy of

study (Percival, 2006). Less well-known is that caves, particularly cave entry sites, may

serve as a vital resource for several species. Particularly in dry climates, caverns may offer

a short reprieve from high temperatures and low humidity (Strong & Goodbar, 2005). Most

caves in the Philippines are in jeopardy due to the absence of special legislative protection,

rising demand for recreational places, treasure-seeking, mining, pollution, unauthorized

collection of subsurface resources, and fast urbanization (DENR-PAWB, 2008). Thus,

most Philippine caverns containing vertebrates are unprotected, and many are in grave

danger (Bat Conservation International, 2010). Less than one percent of the country's caves

are currently designated as protected areas, while the remaining caves were first evaluated

for cave management plan development (DENR-PAWB, 2008). Multiple instances of

recent vertebrate species discovery are reported throughout the nation (Diesmos et al.,

2002; Alcala, 2002; Linkem et al., 2010). Mighty Cave is a region with a modest diversity

of vertebrates. The richness of species was most significant in the Deep and Twilight zones.

The primary risks to the Cave's vertebrates were vandalism, installing lights, and the

construction of concrete paths. The existence of endemic species shows that Mighty Cave

is a cave worthy of conservation efforts.

Finally, it indicates further research on protecting and conserving forests over

limestone that significantly affects and increases species diversity. Also, biological data

that focuses on the study of forests over limestone are still lacking. That is why

conservation strategies are needed to protect the species from dependent threats in the

caves. In the Philippine karst landscape, we have 35 000 km2, and the country's total land

area is 11.7% (BMB-DENR, 2019). However, the country's total that the law has protected

is about 29% (Wagner, 2013). For this reason, no legislation exists that directly protects

the forest over the limestone ecosystem (Restificar et al., 2006).

Roles of birds in our ecosystem: Analysis of Recent Researches Done in the


The environmental settings that avifauna gives are significant and unique. Birds are

also key indicators of worldwide trends in biological diversity maintenance (Mallari et al.,

2011), and the range of research on birds is an information indicator for evaluating

extinction prospects across the avifauna as a whole and, at a local level, to provide explicit

conservation directions to administration authorities. In this section, three kinds of research

on bird species diversity will be discussed. The first study is "The Conservation status of

birds of Negros, Philippines" by Brooks et al. (1992). The second study is "The State of

Philippine Birds" by Haribon Foundation (2014), and the third study is "Small Things

Matter: The value of rapid biodiversity surveys to understanding local bird diversity

patterns in Southcentral Mindanao, Philippines" by Krizler et al. (2019). These researches

will discuss and identify birds' role in our ecosystem, particularly on the scope/location,

research problem addressed, concept employed, data collection method, scope or location,

significant discoveries, and research gaps.

The first study by Brooks et al. (1992), its scope or location, is conducted in Mt

Canlaon National Park, where two specific areas were studied. First is the Guintubdan in

the southwest, where the forest along the Guintubdan route begins at 1,050 m. and

Mambucal in the Northwest sector, 750 m lower in some steep valley, Patag, north slope

of Mt Mandalagan. Ban-ban, Ayungon municipality, Cuernos de Negros, whereas the

Negros highlands, Balinsasayao, and Mt Talinis (Valencia Geothermal Site) are no higher

than 1,400 m. The scope of the second study by Haribon Foundation (2014) is generally in

the Philippines, with no specific location. The last study area was in Southcentral

Mindanao, the Philippines, by Krizler et al. (2019). In conclusion, they generally conducted

the Philippines, Negros, and Southcentral Mindanao, Philippines.

The study entitled "The conservation status of the birds of Negros, Philippines" by

Brooks et al. (1992). The authors say that bird species' problem is forest degradation and

cultivation, leading to birds' continuous decline. Based on birds' conservation status,


deforestation critically affects the country, explicitly damaging the Central Philippines.

Recently, continuous cultivation in the upland areas and population pressures that leads to

the decline of the population ate caused forest degradation. Deforestation limits the birds'

population and can be extinct in the future years. They have observed and identified 221

as Endemic Bird Areas (EBAs), nine (9) in the Philippines. There are three (3) species of

birds, which are the Negros Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus areanus), Negros Bleeding-

heart (Gallocolumba keayi), and Negros Striped-babbler (Stachyris nigrorum) that are

now endemic to Negros. (Brooks et al., 1992).

In the study entitled "The State of the Philippine Birds" by the Haribon Foundation

(2014), this research was mainly conducted because the threatened birds are increasingly

high as the discovery of endemic birds continues to rise. Habitat destruction was said to be

the most critically prevalent threat. The study reveals that the discovery of the new bird

species will be placed in a threatened status. Moreover, it is stated that in just five (5) years,

birds increased from 74 to 84 threatened birds in the Philippines. Currently, there are seven

(7) Endemic Bird Areas (EBAs) and three (3) Secondary areas in the Philippines. Likewise,

in the study "Small things matter: The value of rapid biodiversity surveys to understanding

local bird diversity patterns in Southcentral Mindanao, Philippines" by Krizler et al. (2019).

Based on the research problem addressed, the increase in land degradation, climate change

(Ceballos et a., 2015; Jones et al., 2018; Newbold et al., 2015), social pressure,

fragmentation, and extensive destruction (Jones, et al., 2018; Wilson et al., 2016) rapid

deforestation that comes from widening of agricultural lands, urbanization (Hughes,

2017ab; Sodhi et al., 2010), high endemism, rapid habitat loss (Myers et al., 2000; Posa et

al., 2008), anthropogenic activities, are the threats in high species of birds in different

habitats (Brooks et al., 1999). It shows that many authors assessed the dangers of

biodiversity to analyze the different research problems that affect bird species diversity in

the Philippines.

Based on the data collection method in the first study, which is "The Conservation

Status of the Birds of Negros, Philippines" by Brooks et al. (1992), they used: Standard

line- transect, which is made up of rope that is numbered at 0.5m or 1m interval in its length

with measurement is based on the area of study by counting and identifying the species

intercepted the line. The transect line should be in the correct position and direction for a

good result of measurements (Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust, 1998); mist-netting,

where is used to observe and monitor whether the species can survive the specific range

and its productivity. It also helps assess the number of species and relative abundance

(Ralph & Dunn, n.d), expedition records of each bird species, and direct observation. The

different methods were used to observe their behaviors and movements closely in a specific


On the other hand, the second study, the "State of the Philippine Bird" by the

Haribon Foundation (2014), used recording materials to record birds' sightings and survey

the area of wetlands and waterbirds. In the previous study which is "Small things matter:

The value of rapid biodiversity surveys to understanding local bird diversity patterns in

Southcentral Mindanao, Philippines" by Krizler et al. (2019), they used sampling methods,

mist netting for about 100 days, point count method where it is an auditory detection

method used to monitor and estimate species richness and abundance in a given area.

Moreover, suitable weather is vital in conducting a survey (Volpato, Lopes, Mendonça,

Boçon, Bisheimer, Serafini & dos Anjos, 2009). A rapid assessment is done to record local

birds, types of their habitats, and their feeding guild if they share the same ecological niches

or not. They have also used the nonparametric test in assessing the differences in their

distribution and species, and statistica V10 was used in diversity analysis to determine

similarities of various habitat types (StatSoft Inc., 2011) and PAST v 3.18 (updated version

2018; Hammer et al., 2001).

Based on the first study, there are 100 forest bird populations found in Negros; 59

are endemic to the Philippines. In Western Visayas, they found out that 9 of these are

restricted and found only in Negros or Panay (Brooks et al., 1992). In the second study,

they recently describe new endemic species such as Philippine Hawk Owls (Ninox

philippensis), Camiguin Hawk Owl (Ninox leventisi), Cebu Hawk Owl (Ninox

rumseyi) (Haribon Foundation, 2014). The previous study found that the Kruskal – Wallist

test also known as "one-way ANOVA"), a nonparametric test to identify a notable

comparison between two or more independent variables. (Lund Research Ltd, 2018),

Furthermore, feeding guild greatly varies in habitat types. In similarities, it shows a

disproportionate resembling species between families and feeding groups, which is in

nature forest types ha 50%. Likewise, rubber plantations have 60%. Thus, native forest

types and regenerated forest types have the most similarities (80%) (Krizler et al., 2019).

The conservation status of birds significantly affects their population and decline

in different habitats. The effect of deforestation, land degradation, population pressure,

cultivation, climate change, and the like will continuously harm our bird and affects other

wildlife species. They indicate whether our ecosystem is suffering from human activities.

There is a need for conservation strategies improvements and further policymaking, which

has been observed even in the previous years. These strategies, through public awareness

or educational campaigns, will protect our wildlife and natural resources. In recent years,

there is a new bird species discovery, but as soon as the study, found out that there are now

belong to threatened status their population is not well conserved. Threats to our

biodiversity have a significant impact on their community. Considering that forest is the

habitat of all species in different places or ranges, especially our migratory birds, they

benefit our ecosystem, provide food for other wildlife species, and are excellent plant

pollinators. Protection, conservation, and management of our wildlife species will serve

our country as a rich biodiversity species that balance our ecosystem.

Moreover, this literature review shows minimal studies on bird diversity, especially

in the forest over limestone, as mentioned by Restificar, Day, and Urich (2006). We need

more conservation strategies and policies, and protect our forest over limestone by

implementing proper management and further research on the importance of the karst

landscape in our country. Also, as mentioned by the BMB-DENR (2019), it provides

protection and ensures many species' safety that lives there. Furthermore, forests over

limestone are unique. Many of it is still undiscovered through a lack of studying the role in

our biodiversity and its benefits, especially on endemic species and species that can only

be seen inside the caves.

Furthermore, the researcher aims to identify birds' conservation status within or

near forests over limestone and conservation strategies established by the local

government. Thus, increasing the research-based knowledge or information about forests

over limestone will help the community to understand the significant roles of our


Chapter III


Research Locale

Palale Cave has situated at coordinates 14˚ 03' to 14˚ 04' 30" North latitude and

121˚ 44' to 121˚ 45' East longitude 400 meters above sea level, on the steep edge of a karstic

hill (Figure 2). The cave is about 3 kilometers from the Barangay Hall of Palale or about 1

to 1.5 hours of walking.

Figure 2. Map of the Study Area


Research Design

A descriptive research design was used in the study to describe bird species

diversity. The researcher used opportunistic sampling at 2 km long in the environ of Palale

Cave. All birds are encountered within the transect line through the help of binocular

observation, birds call, and songs.

Procedures/ Data collection

For the collection of data, the study was conducted from September 2021 to March

2022. Data was gathered through transect walk, opportunistic, sound recording, mist

netting, photo-documentation, and a checklist of avifauna. Different bird species are

captured and monitored. Diversity and relative abundance and the total number of recorded

data are computed in identifying bird species. Bird species are recorded by photo

documentation, identifying their common names, scientific names, and the total number of

recorded data species.

In determining the species richness of bird species in the Environ of Palale Cave,

Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index and the Simpson Diversity Index were computed. The

listed bird species are recorded based on their categories in DENR Administrative Order

(DAO) No. 2019-09/ IUCN to determine their conservation status.


Reconnaissance is done in the preliminary survey where the researcher assessed the

study area and prepared what materials and supplies are needed in conducting the study.

These include preparation, planning on the possible location of the traps, and information

on how to gather data in the study area.

Collection and Identification of Species

Transect Walk

Two – kilometer transect line survey was conducted from the environ of Palale

Cave down to the area. The Transect line was divided into eight (8) stations with 250-meter

intervals and recorded using a GPS (Global Positioning System), and coordinates were

recorded for each central point. The locality, elevation, position, date, weather, habitat type,

and species were all noted, how often a bird was observed throughout the trip, the bird's

location on monitoring, the method of observation, and the transect point where the bird

was sighted. Binoculars were also used to better see birds, even at greater distances, noted

any bird species and numbers present throughout each transect, and photographs of sighted


The researcher carried out all counts during 1/2 to two (2) hours in daylight and

afternoon. The number of individuals of all species seen or heard is recorded within the

standardized area. Some birds in flight were distinguished that flew over the site without

stopping. Care was taken to avoid counting the same bird twice along a transect or at a

counting point. Additional fieldwork was conducted, such as listening to bird sounds or


Figure 3. Transect Map of Palale Cave in Tayabas City, Quezon (2021)


Mist-nets with an average mesh size of 35 mm and a length of 12 m were used, as

recommended for mist-netting research (DENR-BMB, 2017). Mist nets were strategically

positioned in vertical forest strata: ground, middle canopy, and higher canopy in flyways,

forest boundaries, foraging regions, and the forest interior. The nets were inspected

thoroughly upon sample retrieval to ascertain which side the bird entered to avoid net

damage and assist bird retrieval. The caught birds were released after being photographed

and identified. The identification of birds was verified using Kennedy et al. (2000). The

avifauna's conservation status was assessed using the IUCN Red List of Threatened

Species (2022).

Figure 4. Location of Mist-nets in the Environ of Palale Cave in Tayabas City, Quezon


The researcher used binoculars to observe the bird species encountered within the

area. It is essential for the identification of species at a far distance and the use of field

guides (Kennedy et al., 2000). Thus, with this observation, the researcher easily identifies

its physical characteristics.


Photo Documentation

The research used photo-documentation to capture gathered data in the natural data

in the natural environment to document each bird species properly, mainly when an

unidentified species may represent a new locality record (BMB-DENR, 2017).


The bird species in the environ of Palale Cave was identified by the staff of ENRO-

Tayabas, Sir Cristian Javin, with his talent and training in identifying bird species,

especially in his line of work.

Checklist of Avifauna

All bird species identified and observed in the study area are recorded and listed

with their Order, Family name, Scientific name, and Common name and their endemism

(BMB-DENR, 2017).

Data Analysis

Species Diversity

Diversity evaluates by counting the number of species, and the relative abundance,

or using an index that analyzes the abundance and species richness (Anand, 2013).

Shannon-Wiener Index (Castillo, 2018)

The Shannon diversity index (H') is used to quantify the woody species' richness

and abundance. Both species abundance and species richness are taken into account in this


𝐻 = − ∑ 𝑝𝑖 ln (𝑝𝑖)


H = is the Shannon index value

pi = is the proportion of individuals found in the ist species

ln = is the natural logarithm

s = is the number of species in the community

Simpson's Diversity Index (Castillo, 2018)

The Simpson index (D), a measure of species dominance, and the Shannon diversity

index (E) measure the evenness of spread.

1 ∑ 𝑛𝑖 (𝑛𝑖 − 1)
𝐷𝑠 = 𝑜𝑟
𝜆 𝑁(𝑁 − 1)


N = is the total number of individuals

ni = is the abundance of species


Table 2. Diversity Range Value – Modified by Fernando (1998)

Relative Values Shannon (H’) Index Evenness Index

Very High 3.5 and above 0.75 – 1.00

High 3.0 – 3.49 0.50 – 0.74

Moderate 2.5 – 2.99 0.25 – 0.49

Low 2.0 – 2.49 0.15 – 0.24

Very Low 1.9 and below 0.05 – 0.14


Chapter IV


Brief Description of the Study Area

The Palale Cave is a forest covering a limestone formation (CENRO-Tayabas,

2020). Due to the absence of an underground stream, the cave is very dry and almost totally

covered with guano deposits. A reassessment of the Palale Cave was done in response to

the cave's reclassification from Class II to Class I.

The environ of Palale cave is a secondary forest and was covered with grasses,

including cogon and talahib. The forest canopy in the region is approximately 10-15 meters

tall, with emergents reaching heights of up to 25 meters. Few dipterocarps were found in

the region, along with Narra, Molave, Sterculia spp., and plentiful figs (Ficus spp.).

Additionally, lianas, climbing bamboos, ferns, and rattan were prevalent in the region

(CENRO-Tayabas, 2020).

Bird species inhabit the environ of Palale Cave

A total of 333 individual birds representing 41 species, 11 orders, 25 families, and

39 genera were observed in the environ of Palale Cave in Tayabas, Quezon (Table 3).

According to the result, the family Accipitridae has the highest number of five (5) species

with four (4) genera and 17 individuals, family Columbidae has the second highest number

of species having four (4) species with 4 genera and 24 individuals. The family

Pycnonotidae has three (3) species with three (2) genera and 62 individuals and the family

Alcedinidae, Artamidae, Nectariniidae, Cisticolidae, Dicaeidae, Cuculidae, Bucerotidae

have (2) species each with 127 individuals. Lastly, in the family of Meropidae, Apodidae,

Rallidae, Rhipiduridae, Laniidae, Estrilididae, Paridae, Corvidae, Zosteropidae,

Locustellidae, Muscicapidae, Accipitridae, Galliformes, and Rhamphastidae has one (1)

species and one (1) genera each with 127 individuals. These implied that birds existed in

the environ of Palale cave because of the availability of Ficus species, food resources,

habitat, and predation. As primary consumers, birds obtain their nutrition from

nectar, seeds, fruit, and plant tissues (roots, shoots, and leaves). Birds that ingest the

vegetative parts of plants may enhance their diet with other protein sources, such as insects

(Karasov, 1990; López-Calleja & Bozinovic, 1999). Most of these forest pigeons and doves

are frugivores that feed in dense flocks alongside other fruit-eating birds. On the other

hand, Insectivores are primarily responsible for pollinating trees with fleshy fruits and tiny

seeds. These are additionally disseminated by small to medium-sized birds such as bulbuls,

white-eyed, flowerpeckers, doves, crows, and malkohas (Gruezo and Gonzalez, 1997).

Table 3. Bird Species in the Environ of Palale Cave in Tayabas City, Quezon

Family Order Scientific Name Common Name


Accipitridae Accipitriformes Accipiter soloensis (Horsfield) Chinese


Table 3. Continued. . .

Accipitridae Accipitriformes Haliastur indus (Boddaert) Brahminy Kite

Accipitridae Accipitriformes Pernis celebensis (Wallace) Barred Honey

Accipitridae Accipitriformes Pernis ptilorhynchus Oriental
(Temminck) Honeybuzzard
Accipitridae Accipitriformes Spilornis cheela (Latham) Crested Serpent-
Meropidae Accipitriformes Merops viridis (Linnaeus) Blue throated
Apodidae Apodiformes Collocalia spp. (Linnaeus) Swiftlet

Bucerotidae Bucerotiformes Buceros hydrocorax (Linnaeus) Rufous Hornbill

Bucerotidae Bucerotiformes Penelopides manillae (Boddaert) Tarictic Hornbill

Columbidae Columbiformes Phapitreron leucotis White Eared

(Temminck) Brown Dove
Columbidae Columbiformes Ptilinopus leclancheri Black-chinned
(Bonaparte) Fruit Dove
Columbidae Columbiformes Chalcophaps indica (Linnaeus) Common
Emerald Dove
Columbidae Columbiformes Macropygia phasianella Reddish
(Temminck) Cuckoo-Dove
Alcedinidae Coraciiformes Halcyon gularis (Linnaeus) Brown-breasted
Alcedinidae Coraciiformes Actenoides lindsayi (Vigors) Spotted Wood
Cuculidae Cuculiformes Centropus viridis (Scopoli) Philippine
Cuculidae Cuculiformes Dasylophus superciliosus Red Crested
(Dumont) Malcoha

Table 3. Continued. . .

Phasianidae Galliformes Gallus gallus (Linnaeus) Red Jungle

Rallidae Gruiformes Amaurornis olivaces (Meyen) White-breasted
Artamidae Passeriformes Artamus leucorynchus White Breasted
(Linnaeus) Wood Swallow
Artamidae Passeriformes Cincloramphus timoriensis Tawny
(Wallace) Grassbird
Cisticolidae Passeriformes Orthotomus castaneiceps Philippine
(Walden) Tailorbird
Cisticolidae Passeriformes Orthotomus derbianus Grey-backed
(Horsfield) Tailored Bird
Corvidae Passeriformes Corvus macrorhynchos (Wagler) Large Billed
Dicaeidae Passeriformes Dicaeum hypoleucum (Sharpe) Buzzing
Dicaeidae Passeriformes Dicaeum australe (Hermann) Red-Keeled
Dicruridae Passeriformes Dicrurus balicassius (Linnaeus) Balicassiao

Estrildidae Passeriformes Lonchura articapilla (Vieillot) Chestnut Munia

Laniidae Passeriformes Lanius cristatus (Linnaeus) Brown Shrike

Locustellidae Passeriformes Megalurus palustris (Horsfield) Striated

Muscicapidae Passeriformes Copsychus luzoniensis (Kittlitz) White Browed
Nectariniidae Passeriformes Cinnyris jugularis (Linnaeus) Olive-backed
Nectariniidae Passeriformes Nectarinia sperata (Linnaeus) Purple-throated

Table 3. Continued. . .

Paridae Passeriformes Pardaliparus elegans (del Hoyo Elegant Tit

and Collar)
Pycnonotidae Passeriformes Hypsipetes philippinus (J. R. Philippine
Forster) Bulbul
Pycnonotidae Passeriformes Pycnonotus goiavier (Scopoli) Yellow Vented
Pycnonotidae Passeriformes Pycnonotus urostictcus Yellow Wattled
(Salvadori) Bulbul
Rhipiduridae Passeriformes Rhipidura cyaniceps (Cassin) Blue Headed
Zosteropidae Passeriformes Zosterops meyeni (Bonaparte) Lowland White
Rhamphastid Piciformes Megalaima haemacephala (P. L. Coppersmith
ae S. Muller) Barbet
Accipitridae Psittaciformes Loriculus philippensis (Statius Philippine
Muller) Hanging

Common Emerald Dove - Chalcophaps indica (Linnaeus)

This bird is observed and captured by the used of mist-net in the environ of Palale

Cave. The Common emerald dove, known as the grey-capped emerald dove, is a resident

breeding pigeon that inhabits the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. The dove is

commonly referred to as a green dove or a pigeon with green wings. Often observed flying

low over forests, down trails and logging roads, or across clearings. Emerald-green wings

and two broad whitish-grey streaks on the lower back and rump are diagnostic traits

(Kennedy et al., 2000). It feeds on the seeds and fruits of many plants (Thai National Parks,

2022). Smaller populations inhabiting sparse habitat pieces may be critical for the long-

term survival of spatially organized populations and seed dissemination of various tree

species across the forest region (Pejchar et al., 2008; Swijesundara, 2015). Because birds

respond swiftly to changes in their surroundings, the avifaunal richness of C. indica is an

effective measure of ecological stability (Miller & Spoolman, 2011).

Figure 5. Family Columbidae

Common Name: Common Emerald Dove
Scientific Name: Chalcophaps indica (Linnaeus)

Swiftlet - Collocalia spp. (Linnaeus)

It was seen and captured in mist-nets and dominated other species having 50

individuals. Their nest is also be found inside the Palale cave. Swiftlets are widespread in

the Philippines, ranging from endemic to resident. These birds' plumage was typically drab,

with black, brown, and grey shades due to their long wings and tiny breast muscles.

February is the month when certain animals reproduce. The nests are placed inside the

salival cement-made cave. Swiftlet-like Forest and mountain habitats, typically at

intermediate and high elevations above 900m (Kennedy et al., 2000; BirdLife International,

2012). Additionally, the Philippines has eight swiftlet species, four of which are endemic

(WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines, 2017). According to Kennedy et al. (2000),

this bird species is widely dispersed throughout the Philippines. However, some are only

in specific regions (e.g., Edible-nest). Swiftlet is found exclusively in Palawan and a small

portion of Visayas.

Figure 6. Family Apodidae

Common Name: Swiftlet
Scientific Name: Collocalia spp. (Linnaeus)

Lowland White Eye - Zosterops meyeni (Bonaparte)

Lowland White Eye is a tiny songbird with a green upper body and a gray

underbody, yellow throat, and a thick white ring around the eye. Found in the Philippines

(subspecies meyeni) and southeast of Taiwan in the Lanyu and Lüdao Islands (subspecies

batanis). Active forager in tropical broadleaf forests and gardens, typically in small flocks

and noisy, buzzy sounds. (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2021).

Figure 7. Family Zosteropidae

Common Name: Lowland White-Eye
Scientific Name: Zosterops meyeni (Bonaparte)

Chinese Goshawk - Accipiter soloensis (Horsfield)

Reasonably abundant in forest and forest edge habitats. Hunts from perches in the

air or on the ground, catching insects and other prey. Migrates in big flocks of soaring


It is differentiated from other accipiters by its white wing lining and base to

primaries, contrasting dramatically with the black wing tips in ad and less so with the barred

flight feathers in imm (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Figure 8. Family Accipitridae

Common Name: Chinese Goshawk
Scientific Name: Accipiter soloensis (Horsfield)

Chestnut Munia - Lonchura articapilla (Vieillot)

A vast, reddish-brown bird with a large, silvery-blue beak. Immature birds are

uniformly sandy brown with considerably darker-colored wings. Frequently observed in

flocks, mainly in grassy habitats such as lawns, marshes, and rice fields, this species favors

wetter conditions than the Scaly-breasted Munia. Soft pipping and clinking sounds are used

throughout the tune, as are low-slurred whistles and bill clicks. Although native to

southeastern Asia, this species has been imported to several locations, including the

Hawaiian Islands, Japan, Ecuador, and Jamaica (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2021).

Locally prevalent, particularly in rice fields, grasslands, and open areas. Travels

from dense flocks ranging from five to ten individuals to several hundred. Large flocks can

be pretty damaging to rice farms. Unmistakable ad. Imm possesses a chestnut tail. Calls

are tinkling tones that are mild when foraging and more robust when flushed and in-flight

(Kennedy et al., 2000).

Figure 9. Family Estrildidae

Common Name: Chestnut Munia
Scientific Name: Lonchura articapilla (Vieillot)
Brahminy Kite - Haliastur indus (Boddaert)

Frequently near bodies of water, but also in the mountains up to 1500 m in

elevation. It is a diurnal raptor known locally as Banog. The wings are held forward in

flight, and the wrists are slightly curved. In addition, different white and rufous plumage

with black primaries. This species serves as a vital bioindicator of ecological health.

However, because of human pressure and ecological degradation, the population of the

Philippines is rapidly declining (Villegas, Clarido, Enobio, Limpapac & Ibanez,2021;

Wang et al., 2014). Predation by H. indus serves as a key control on the population of other

pest species, regulating their distribution (Villegas et al., 2021). They are known locally as

"Banog" for their kite-like flight pattern and are distributed throughout Southeast Asia and

the rest of the world. They thrive around coasts, rivers, mountains, and forests, as well as

in urban and suburban locations. Their basic diet consists primarily of carrion, fish, and

insects (BirdLife International, 2016; Sivakumar & Jayabalan, 2004).

Figure 10. Family Columbidae

Common Name: Brahminy Kite
Scientific Name: Haliastur indus (Boddaert)

Brown Shrike - Lanius cristatus (Linnaeus)

This species is similar to Lanius tigrinus (Tiger Shrike) but is significantly larger

(the tiger shrike is smaller than the brown shrike). The brown shrike's wings, round tail,

and greyish brown back and head are dark brown. Additionally, brown shrikes are sexually

dimorphic. This species is quite active and noisy and is found in various habitats. They

perch in open regions and are typically seen between mid-September and late May.

(BirdLife International, 2016; Kennedy et al., 2000). Lanius cristatus was critical in

rehabilitating the local eco-environment (Li, Xiao, Zhang, & Wang, 2004) and is essential

for ecosystem functions, including pollination and seed dissemination (Daim, Saad, Malim

& Mamat, 2012).

Figure 11. Family Laniidae

Common Name: Brown Shrike
Scientific Name: Lanius cristatus (Linnaeus)

Elegant Tit - Pardaliparus elegans (del Hoyo and Collar)

This bird was observed as one of the highest individuals of 24 in the environ of

Palale Cave. This tiny, common bird inhabits forests and more open forested regions from

the foothills to the mountains. Yellow on the cheeks and underparts, black on the bib,

crown, and wing, whitish patches on the wing, and a black tail with a white tip and edge

markings. Females are not as intelligent as males (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2021).

Common at all canopy levels, from lowland mossy forest to montane mossy forest. Usually

travels in family groups or mixed flocks, making it one of the main species in areas where

it is found (Kennedy et al., 2000). Parus elegans (Pardaliparus elegans) is an excellent

indicator of habitat quality since it responds to habitat functions and some species are more

sensitive to habitat alteration (Moreno, n.d.). It is an excellent bioindicator of pollution and

environmental health (Alfonso, 2018).

Figure 12. Family Paridae

Common Name: Elegant tit
Scientific Name: Pardaliparus elegans (del Hoyo and Collar)

Olive-backed Sunbird - Cinnyris jugularis (Linnaeus)

The smallest and most active sunbird, it frequents forest edges, parks, and gardens

throughout the majority of its habitat. Both sexes have a basic olive back, a yellow belly,

and flared-out white tail margins. The male's throat is iridescent blue, while the Female's

throat and eyebrows are yellow. Female Brown-throated Sunbirds similarly have a yellow

belly, but they are larger, have a thicker bill, and lack the whitetail patches of the Olive-

backed Sunbird (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2021). This sunbird is typically found

alone or in couples in fruiting trees in scrub and secondary growth. Their nests resemble

purses suspended from branches and leaves high in the trees. Their eggs are white with

prominent grey and brown markings, and they breed from December to June. They are

widely scattered throughout the Philippines, especially in Apo, Bohol, Boracay, Cebu, and

Southern Luzon (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Figure 13. Family Nectariniidae

Common Name: Olive-backed Sunbird
Scientific Name: Cinnyris jugularis (Linnaeus)

Yellow Vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus goiavier (Scopoli)

Yellow-vented bulbuls have a white face and a bright yellow undertail. Adults have

an olive-brown crown, neck, and upper parts. White is the color of the head, brow, throat,

and belly, whereas black is the color of the bill, feet, and eyes (National Park, 2013). It is

a prominent species typically found alone or in groups in scrub and early secondary growth

(BirdLife International, 2016). They breed from February to August, building cup-shaped

nests of grasses and roots between 1 and 3 meters above the ground. Their eggs are 2 to 4

clutches and are pinkish-white with reddish-brown blotches. It is found in various nations,

including Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, and Borneo. It is widespread in the Philippines but is

endemic only in Boracay, Calagna-an, Caluya, Carabao, Catanduanes, Gigantaes,

Guimaras, Libagao, Marinduque, Masbate, Mindoro, Negros, Panay, Romblon, Sibuyan,

Tablas, Verde, and Luzon (Kennedy et al., 2000).

They are another urban-adapted bird; however, it favors vegetation-covered habitat.

They are omnivores who forage primarily on the land or in low-lying plants. They are

frugivorous (fruit eaters), grabbing fruits from perches and swallowing them completely;

seeds are crapped or thrown back in open areas. As a fruit feeder in the tree canopy, this

species ranks second in importance. It disperses seeds 50–100 meters from the parent tree

and travels between 1 and 1250 meters. Additionally, they are insectivorous species that

can reduce the number of insects on the bark, leaves, and stem and benefit plants. They

change their breeding and foraging behavior based on the availability of food within 500

meters of their location (Nor et al., 2017).


Figure 14. Family Pycnonotidae

Common Name: Yellow Vented Bulbul

Scientific Name: Pycnonotus goiavier (Scopoli)

Blue throated bee-eater - Merops viridis (Linnaeus)

A vivid green bug hunter with a large bill and starling-like triangular wings. Adults

have a vivid blue neck, an orange-brown crown and nape, and a long trailing middle tail

feather. The sexes are identical. Juveniles have a paler blue throat, lack of orange-brown

pigmentation, and short tail extensions. Frequently hunts from exposed perches, like

telephone lines or snags, where it scratches its poisonous prey to disarm it (The Cornell

Lab of Ornithology, 2021). A long middle tail feather is found alone or in groups in cleared

areas near forest, open terrain, and grasslands, capturing insects on the wing or perched on

exposed branches and telephone lines. Its blue throat and chestnut head distinguish it from

the similarly colored Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Kennedy et al., 2000). They have strange ways

of eating and mostly eat flying insects, like bees and wasps (Fry et al., 1992). The species

lives in many places, from southern China and Southeast Asia to the Philippines and the

Greater Sundas (MacKinnon et al., 2000; Collar, 2011). It lives in mangrove forests that

are either sub-tropical or tropical. The species has a high ornamental value and is on species

checklists because of its economic, scientific, and conservation values.

Figure 15. Family Meropidae

Common Name: Blue throated bee-eater
Scientific Name: Merops viridis (Linnaeus)

Tarictic Hornbill - Penelopides manillae (Boddaert)

Up to 1500 m, relatively frequent in small groups in woodland and forest edges.

Files quickly by 'darting' through the canopy. Perches are exposed on dead snags or

branches. The smallest Philippine hornbill, male, is all white below and has a black chin

strap. The Female is completely greyish brown to black, except for mindorensis, where the

Female resembles a male. (Kennedy et al., 2000). Hornbills are a remarkable family of

tropical birds, distinguished by their long decurved bill supported by a conspicuous casque.

There are 60-64 identified species of Bucerotiformes, including two species of ground-

hornbills in the family Bucorvidae. The majority of species belong to the family

Bucerotidae, and they all possess the distinctive ability to plaster the nest-cavity (Gonzalez


Hornbills may disperse a broad range of fruits in tropical forests, frequently far off

the mother trees. They exclusively ingest the meaty sections of fruits, regurgitating or

defecating the seeds intact. Although some seeds may be concentrated at breeding and

roosting sites, hornbills are able of dispersing seeds over many kilometers, resulting in a

very uniform seed distribution throughout the forest. Hornbills are an efficient seed

disperser for tropical plants in their native settings, according to the research.

Figure 16. Family Bucerotidae

Common Name: Tarictic Hornbill

Scientific Name: Penelopides manillae (Boddaert)

Oriental Honeybuzzard - Pernis ptilorhynchus

It mainly feeds on honey and the nymphs, pupae, and adults of social bees, wasps,

and hornets found in live combs. At times, other insects such as cicadas, lizards, frogs,

small juvenile or injured birds, and small mammals are also consumed (Honey–Buzzard et

al., 1821). Ptilorhynchus ptilorhynchus is a small raptor with a very specialized feeding

ecology (Nagai, Tokita, Ono, Uchida, Sakamoto & Higuchi, 2019). It is a specialized raptor

that forages on honeybees and wasps. It is reliable in its migration patterns and stopping

locations throughout Southeast Asia, mainly during the spring migration (Sugasawa &

Higuchi, 2019).

This giant raptor of lowland and montane broadleaf and mixed forests is well-

known for congregating in flocks of up to thousands during migration. While the plumage

of this species varies considerably across its range, the combination of a tiny and thin head,

a long-striped tail, large wings, and well-striped underwings makes it pretty easily

identifiable across a wide area. As its name implies, this species raids wasp and bee nests.

However, it favors wasp and bee larvae for their honey (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology,

2021). A typical Asian raptor is classified as least concern (IUCN, 2008), with many

residents and migratory populations (BirdLife International, 2016). Only once was

recorded this Asian species in continental Africa, in May 1996 in Egypt (Baha., 1997).

Northern migrating race Orientalis breeds from Southern Siberia and Northern Mongolia

to North Korea and Japan and migrates (from late August) to South and South East Asia.

Barred Honey Buzzard - Pernis celebensis

Rare in woodland and along forest edges in lowlands below 1500 m. Inconspicuous

prefers dense areas of tree crowns to perch but soars, frequently very high, on level wings.

Take note of the length of the wings, the length of the neck, the smallish head, the streaked

breast, the barred belly, the short legs, and the little feet. Imm's crown is golden, his face

is dark grey, and his crest is lengthy and dark (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Crested Serpent Eagle - Spilornis cheela

A reasonably large, common raptor is found in woodland and more open forested

habitats throughout the lowlands and lower highlands. The crown and upper parts are dark

browns with white speckles, while the underparts are rufous-brown with giant white dots.

Keep an eye out for the gray cheek and yellow eye. It distinguishes itself from other raptors

in its range by having bare yellow skin between the bill and iris as well as dark terminal

stripe on the wings and tail in flight (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2021). Common,

rising over woodlands at elevations ranging from the lowlands to above 2000 meters. The

wings retain a small forward angle and a slight dihedral. A distinctive broad white stripe

runs along the underwing's trailing edge. Imm is primarily white on the inside, with a dark

solid stripe extending through and beyond the eye (Kennedy et al., 2000). This shows that

the role both in ecological and socio-economic functions (Albert, Novarino, Rizaldi &

Janra, 2014; Iskandar, Iskandar & Partasasmita, 2016). It plays a crucial function in

controlling the prey population and stabilizing natural communities, as well as serving as

a bioindicator of a healthy ecosystem (Nayasilana, 2020; Ningtyas et al., 2021).

Rufous Hornbill - Buceros hydrocorax

A colossal hornbill that inhabits lowland and foothill forests. Dark body with rufous

thighs, breast, neck, whitish tail, red casque, long red bill, and a black face with a yellow

line on the back. Females have a smaller casque, a lighter eye, and a ringless eye. Southern

birds have a bill with a yellow tip. Similar to the Writhed Hornbill, but without the black

tail tip and with a rufous head rather than a black or pale head. The voice contains

prominent, down-slurred nasal honking sounds (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2021).

Common but dwindling in forest and edge habitats, migrating in groups across the canopy.

The largest Philippine hornbill is distinguished from the smaller Writhed and significantly

smaller Tarictic by its homogeneous cinnamon buff tail devoid of black stripes (Kennedy

et al., 2000).

The preferred habitat of Kalaw was defined by the predominance of

Dipterocarpaceae species and gap species of Araliaceae and Moraceae. Kalaw was found

in stands of giant trees with natural chambers for nesting and fig and other fruit-bearing

gap species for feeding. Perches were large, towering trees that made up the canopy and

emergent levels. Hornbills feed mainly on the fruits of various plants and transport seeds

hundreds of miles from their initial place. As a result, they are considered one of the

primary seed dispersers in the forest and a vitally important species for the rainforest

ecosystem's regeneration and survival (Gonzales, 1998).

White-Eared Brown Dove - Phapitreron leucotis

White-earned Brown-Doves have brown plumage that is paler on the breast and

belly and significantly paler on the posterior. Adults have a black line running from the

gape to the nape, followed by a white line running from the eye's posterior border. This

bird is identifiable by its call; it often lives alone or in pairs in secondary growth to montane

forest up to 1600m. These birds consume a range of tiny fruits, including berries and

peppers. They reproduce from March to June and have swollen gonads in February and

October. Their nest is constructed of thin twigs and twisted tendrils from vines, flora found

in small trees near streams between 1 and 6 meters above the ground. Their eggs are clasped

in pairs and are a beautiful white color. It is found exclusively in Alabat, Catanduanes,

Lubang, Luzon, Marinduque, Verde, and Mindoro (Kennedy et al., 2000; BirdLife

International, 2016).

Black-chinned Fruit Dove - Ptilinopus leclancheri

Uncommon in forest patches up to 1500 m but may be shared on small islands like

the Batan Is. Larger Spotted Imperial-Pigeon also has a grey breast and dark belly but lacks

the black chin. Note imm grey throat, no yellow wash on breast, and a whitish belly.

(Kennedy et al., 2000). Ptilinopus leclancheri provides a variety of roles and ecosystem

services, including seed dispersal, pollination, and insect population control, all of which

are critical for forest ecosystem health and survival (Bernardo, 2017).

Reddish Cuckoo-Dove - Macropygia tenuirostris

Common in a variety of environments, from patches of lowland forest to mossy

forests in the mountains, solitary or in pairs. Low and swiftly flies over clearings or through

the trees. Reddish feathers and a fairly long tail are diagnostic characteristics. Call distinct

bouncing boo boo-wow lasting 1.6 seconds and repeated every 3 or 4 seconds. Initial notes

may be absent or so soft they may not be heard (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Spotted Wood Kingfisher - Actenoides lindsayi

The spotted wood-kingfisher is another member of the Family Alcedinidae. This

bird is distinguished by its speckled body, above and below, and its dark green cap and

turquoise border above and around the black eyestripe and neck. This bird is frequently

seen in pairs or individually in lowland woodland below 1200m, specifically in the

understory's dark recesses. They are boisterous in their pre-dawn chorus, with a piercing

whistle and explosive stuttering followed by a drawn-out descent.

From March to May, birds with more enormous gonads are observed. According to

records, indigenous to the Philippines can be found in Luzon, Catanduanes, and

Marinduque (Kennedy et al., 2000). A forest kingfisher sits in the understory's dark

recesses and feeds on small vertebrates, insects, and other invertebrates.

Brown-breasted Kingfisher - Halcyon gularis

Usually, their heads, belly, and shoulders are dark chocolate color. On occasion,

a white patch might be observed on the breast and throat. The wings and tails are blue with

white spots on the primary feathers and black tips (McCallen, 2007). This bird prefers

lowland habitats, particularly streams. However, it has been seen above a 1000m gradient.

In April and May, these birds breed, laying two to four glossy white eggs in termite tunnels

or ant nests. This species is found around the world, not just in the Philippines. They are

found in southern China through India, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. It occurred in

Alabat, Basilan, Bohol, Catanduanes, Cebu, Leyte, Luzon, Marinduque, Masbate, Samar,

Negros, Polillo, and Mindanao in the Philippines (BirdLife International, 2017; Kennedy

et al., 2000).

Philippine Coucal - Centropus viridis

A huge, long-tailed bird is found in open or disturbed regions ranging from the

lowlands to the mountains' intermediate elevations. Except for the rufous wings, entirely

black. Mindoro has a black-winged race, as does Luzon, which has an unusual white

variant. Forages on or near the ground for insects and other animal prey. Similar to the

Black-hooded Coucal, but with a black belly rather than a brown one and inhabiting more

open settings. Significantly larger than the Lesser Coucal (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology,

2021). Common from meadows to elevations of 2000 meters. Alone or in pairs, shy and

obtrusive. It is distinguished from Lesser Coucal by its entirely dark body and lack of buff

shaft streaks. On Mindoro, it is distinguished by its uniform black plumage from the black-

headed and brown-bodied, Black-hooded Coucal. (Kennedy et al., 2000).

The Philippine coucal is endemic and has only been documented in two habitat

types, highways, and agroforest (Tanalgo, Pineda, Agravante & Almerol, 2015). This

species inhabits a variety of environments, including grassland, mixed farming, secondary

growth, and primary forest up to 2,000 meters in altitude (Kennedy, 2000). Birds are

essential to maintaining the equilibrium of numerous habitats because they provide

numerous ecological services (Tanalgo et al., 2015). It plays an essential role in

maintaining the insect population (Achondo et al., 2011).


Red Crested Malcoha - Dasylophus superciliosus

A huge bird with a long tail inhabits lowland and foothill forests. The plumage is

blackish with a bluish sheen on the back and a white tail tip. Take note of the broad red

eyering, red base with a yellow bill, and shaggy red crown crest. Forages for insects and

other animal prey amid vine tangles. Red-crested Malkoha is similar in size and shape to

Scale-feathered Malkoha but lacks the conspicuous white hood (The Cornell Lab of

Ornithology, 2021). Fairly abundant in lowland forest edges and second growth, skulking

in dense foliage and vines in the understory, individually or in small groups. Flight is

floppy. Notable characteristics include a pea-green bill, a red crest, and all-black plumage

with white tips on graduated tail feathers. Call a quiet guttural, slightly metallic check from

the back of the throat, repeated once or twice but not consistently (Kennedy et al., 2000).

White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis olivaceus

Common in wetter areas than Plain Bush-hen, from grasslands to marshes and

mangroves. More conspicuous than most rails coming into open at water's edge or along

roads. Unmistakable white underparts contrasting with dark upperparts, rufous flanks, and

under tail coverts. Call loud kor-wak-wak-kor-wak-wak, a persistent wok wok wok, often

with several birds joining (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Red Jungle Fowl - Gallus gallus

The male red junglefowl is more colorful than its domesticated counterpart. G.

gallus changes into eclipse plumage from June to October. Eclipse plumage consists of a

long black feather across the center of a male's back and thin red-orange feathers on the

rest of his body. A female cannot identify an eclipse plumage, although she does molt. The

red junglefowl female is slimmer than domesticated chickens. (North & Bell, 1990;

Ponnampalams, 2000; Stevens, 1991; Peterson & Brisbin, 1999). Common in forest and

forest edge up to 2000 m where it forages and nests on the forest floor. Solitary. Both sexes

can be confused with feral chickens, but wild birds usually will fly away when flushed.

Call similar to the domestic chicken but somewhat harsher and leaves off the last note

(Kennedy et al., 2000).

Philippine Tailorbird - Orthotomus derbianus

Orthotomus castaneiceps have the ability as suitable agents for seed dispersal,

enabling them to play a vital role in the forest ecosystem (Park, 2016). Olive-green wings,

pale abdomen, gray back, rump, streaked gray chest and throat, rufous cap and tail, and

orange legs. Although quite similar to the Green-backed Tailorbird, this species has a gray

back, neck, and lower belly. (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2021). Common in dense

undergrowth and tangles in forest and edge habitats, either alone or in pairs. Central (north

to Nueva Vizcaya Province) and southern Luzon are the only areas affected. In central

Luzon, its grey back distinguishes it from the overlapping green-backed Philippine

Tailorbird (Kennedy et al., 2000).


Large Billed Crow - Corvus macrorhynchos

Its functions and significance in the transmission of harmful bacteria inside the

human environment (Maeda, Siddiki, Nozawa-Takeda, Tsukahara, Tani, Naito & Sugita,

2013). The Philippines is home to large-billed crows. All crows have a dark gray hue on

their backs, necks, shoulders, and lower bodies. Glossy black coloring covers the wings,

tail, face, and throat. This bird is frequently encountered in highland ecosystems due to its

habitat of forest edge to open canopy, coconut plantations, and the outskirts of town. They

are available individually, in pairs, or in small groups. They breed between March and

June, and August. Their nests are made of substantial flat sticks and are placed in the fork

of a tree, far above the ground. Their eggs hatch in three clutches and are dull green with

brown or grey markings. Additionally, they have louder calls and a deeper range of notes.

Corvus macrorhynchos is a widespread species found from Iran to Northeast Asia, China,

Taiwan, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Southeast Asia, including the Philippines (BirdLife

International, 2016; Kennedy et al., 2000).

Red-Keeled Flowerpecker - Dicaeum australe

A tiny woodland bird that prefers lowland and foothill forest and more open

woodland. The upper parts of the blackbird are glossed blue, while the underparts of the

white bird are washed with pale gray. A crimson line goes down the center of the stomach.

Take note of the relatively long, slender beak. Similar to the Fire-breasted Flowerpecker,

but without the black line running down the center of the belly (The Cornell Lab of

Ornithology, 2021). The endemic Philippine flowerpecker, D. australe, has been spotted

feeding primarily in agroforest settings, and Kennedy (2000) reports that this bird prefers

forest canopy, forest borders, and secondary growth as bushes and fruit trees in the ground.

It is found singly or in flocks, particularly below 1000 masl. The presence of flowering

sources and the period of blooming may account for the endemic flowerpecker D. australe's

occurrence in an agroforest and the presence of a nectarivore (Fleming, 1992).

White Breasted Wood Swallow - Artamus leucorynchus

Large, triangular-winged bird with a short, decurved bill. Contrast the blackish head

and upper parts with the brilliant white underparts and rump. The upper parts of juveniles

are lighter grey and less contrasted. Frequently found around bodies of water, this species

typically roosts high in trees or huddles together on utility wires (The Cornell Lab of

Ornithology, 2021). Common, ranging from open land to forest edge clearings at elevations

up to 1800 m. Frequently sits on telephone wires and exposed tree limbs. Flying out from

a perch, it feeds on the wing. Noisy and aggressive, larger birds will be mobbed. Notable

characteristics include dark grey and white plumage, a white rump, and a deltoid wing

form. Call it a harsh, unmusical git or geet or geet geet (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Yellow Wattled Bulbul - Pycnonotus urostictcus

A lowland and foothill forest bird of modest size. Above, the coat is dark brown

with a grayish-brown head and a slight crest, a warmer brown chest and sides, a white

center to the abdomen, white under the base of the tail, and white tips to the undertail. Keep

an eye out for the distinctive yellow eyering. While Yellow-wattled Bulbuls are similar to

Zamboanga and Philippine Bulbuls, they have a crest and a noticeable yellow eyering. The

song is composed of a brief, relatively tuneless whistled melody that frequently ends higher

(The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2021).

Fairly widespread in lowland early second growth and forest edge habitats,

occurring singly or in pairs at all vegetational heights. A brief crest that is not always

apparent. Around the eye, a golden wattle of medium size. It is distinguished from

Philippine Bulbul by a dark subterminal band on the white-tipped tail. Call a loud, musical

whistle wee-a-weeeee or wee-eeee-ee easily imitated. Additionally, there is a long

succession of similar notes (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Purple-throated Sunbird - Nectarinia sperata

Common in lowlands in mangroves, coconut groves, second growth, scrub, and

cultivated areas. Throat and upper parts of male look black except in good light, but scarlet

breast is unmistakable. Yellow-breasted juliae ranges from western Mindanao south

through the Sulu Archipelago. Female differs from larger female Olive-Backed Sunbird by

pale olive-yellow underparts. Call a metallic spee-spit or pee-pit (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Tawny Grassbird - Cincloramphus timoriensis.

Frequent in tall grass, bushes in open places, and early second growth up to 2000

meters in altitude. Only visible when perched on top of the grass, bushes, and telephone

wires, this bird is loud but timid. Told from larger Striated Grassbird by the unstreaked

rufous crown and upper breast. Call loud, sharp chi-up or threr-up repeated while foraging

or perched (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Buzzing Flowerpecker - Dicaeum hypoleucum

A tiny woodland and scrub bird inhabits the lowlands and low elevations of the

Alps. Above is darker, and below is paler, with a somewhat long, thin, slightly curved bill.

Races are distinguished by their hue. Northern birds have a brownish belly, while southern

birds are black or dark brown on top and whitish or pale gray on the underside. Females

are duller. White-bellied Flowerpecker is similar to the Bicolored Flowerpecker but with a

longer, thinner bill. It was referred to as the Buzzing Flowerpecker because of its high-

pitched insect-like buzz (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2021). Common in the forest,

along edges, and scrub at all canopy levels below 1500 m, preferring fruiting fig trees,

alone, in pairs, or in mixed flocks. Frequently hovers to reach fruits or flowers on branch

tips. All races have long, thin bills and fairly bicolored plumage. Continuously emits the

high-pitched buzzing call bzeeeppp bzeeeppp when foraging, either as a single note or in a

long series (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Balicassiao - Dicrurus balicassius

Balicassiao is endemic throughout Luzon and the Visayas. Its color ranges from

dark blue to black, and it has a forked tail. This species is typically met in tiny groups in

the forest canopy and forest border, and they are found in the understory. They

communicate using a combination of clear whistles and screeches interspersed with various

sounds, frequently imitating other species. They breed all year, from October to February

and July. It is found throughout Luzon and Visayas, including Central and Southern Luzon,

Polillo, Catanduanes, Mindoro, and Verde (Kennedy et al., 2000; BirdLife International,


Philippine Bulbul - Hypsipetes philippinus

Common, vociferous, and noticeable on forest edges, advanced second growth, and

woodland, from the lowlands to over 2000 m, singly or in groups or mixed flocks. It is

distinguished from Yellowish Bulbul by its streaked rufous throat and often all olive-brown

plumage above and a lack of yellow below (Kennedy et al., 2000). The species is sedentary

and does not migrate seasonally, as it is considered omnivorous. However, it does have a

distinct affinity for fruits (Silva-Iturriza, Ketmaier & Tiedmann, 2010).

Thus, the Philippine bulbul is critical for seed distribution. Due to its abundance in

primary and secondary forests, it is one of the essential generalists' frugivores or seed

dispersers in forest ecosystems mostly consumes the ripe fruits of the Ficus species

(Paguntalan and Jakosalem, 2008). It belongs to Pycnonotidae, which is notable for its

adaptability to seasonal fruit supply. Its individuals are essential to the forest environment

due to their seed distribution and pollination roles (Azman et al., 2011; Sekercioglu, 2012).

This species accounts for 50% of all net captures of birds in the understory. Philippine

Bulbul plays a critical role in supporting clear-fell land regeneration (Hamann & Curio,

1999). Individuals rarely fly over the forest canopy, as seen in the field (Bennett & Owens,

2002). Therefore, in karst forests, frugivorous bird groups are crucial in speeding native

plant recovery in damaged areas (Caves et al., 2013).

White Browed Shama - Copsychus luzoniensis

A medium-sized bird with a long tail that inhabits lowland and foothill forests.

Males have black heads, upper parts, breasts, a single white wing bar, a white belly, pale

orange sides, and white outer tail feathers. The Female's chest and face are gray, with

brown cheeks, crown, back, and wings. Like the Philippine Magpie-Robin, but with white-

browed plumage, Shama is distinguished by a broad white brow and a rufous rump.

Frequently heard rather than seen. The song is a delightful, varied, whistled tune that

frequently concludes with a low, falling, warbling trill (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology,

2021). Common near the ground in lowland forest below 1000 m, in pairs or alone. Notable

for its lovely voice, but shy and difficult to see. Take note of the distinct white brow.

Shortwing that overlaps at a distance of around 1000 m. Call a lengthy, loud succession of

beautiful whistles, rising and falling for 11 seconds (Kennedy et al., 2000).

Striated Grassbird - Megalurus palustris

Field bird with a streaky brown plumage prefers scrubby edges and deep thickets.

This huge but retiring warbler is most frequently visible as a flash of chestnut rump and

long, trailing tail when flushed from close proximity. Perches occasionally in open areas,

including on telephone lines. This species is a warm brown with black streaks throughout;

its size, shape, and habitat set it apart from similarly colored cisticolas, prinias, and

babblers. Typically, the song begins with a few sharp beginnings notes before devolving

into disorganized, rich warbling. Makes repeated "piht" calls (The Cornell Lab of

Ornithology, 2021). Grasslands, ricefields, and open country are all typical habitats for this

species. Noisy and prominent, frequently perched and calling on grasses, bushes, and

telephone wires.

Blue Headed Fantail - Rhipidura cyaniceps

The Blue-headed Fantail (Rhipidura cyaniceps) proved crucial in recovering

damaged landscapes and reestablishing critical ecosystem services and functions

(Mercado, n.d.). They are easily identifiable by their long, rounded, fan-shaped tail.

Fantails are predominantly brown, rufous, white, gray, or black in hue (Grzimek's Animal

Life Encyclopedia, 2004). This species is extremely noisy and prominent in the understory

of all forest types, up to 15m above the ground. They are generally seen in groups or mixed

flocks at all elevations, although occasionally solitary. The breeding season is between

February and May. Their nests are cup-shaped and are typically seen on benches in

prominent locations. They lay two eggs that appear cream in color with dark cream and

grayish streaks and blotches on the big end. It is native to the Philippines, concentrating in

Catanduanes, Northeast, Central, and Southern Luzon (BirdLife International, 2012;

Kennedy et al., 2000).


Coppersmith Barbet - Megalaima haemacephala

They serve as an ecosystem indicator because of their vital role in the environment.

These functions, which may be harmed due to biodiversity loss, include seed distribution,

pollination, and biotic interactions. Thus, the extinction of functionally significant species

can have a detrimental effect on the health of the ecosystem (Winarni, Dwiyahreni,

Hartiningtias & Supriatna, 2020).

According to BirdLife International (2012), the synonym of Coppersmith barbet is

Psilopogon haemacephala. This barbet species is easily identifiable by its red forehead,

green coloration above and below, and yellow striped body. It is found at forest edges,

usually alone or in couples, but occasionally in groups in fruiting trees. These birds are

loud and noticeable, calling in a sequence of loud song notes that frequently last less than

a second and are repeated for several minutes, frequently in duet. Their breeding season is

typically from April to May. These birds' enlarged gonads were obtained in March and

May. The nests resemble cavities towards the tops of dead trees, where three white eggs

are laid. It is found in the Philippines only on Luzon and Mindoro, but it is also found

outside the country in India, China, Java, Bali, and Southeast Asia to Sumatra (Kennedy et

al. 2000).

Philippine Hanging Parrot/ Colasisi - Loriculus philippensis

Colasisi is known as the small-hanging parrot of the Philippines. They are found up

to 1000m (3280 ft) in the forest, along forest boundaries, in secondary growth forest,

bamboo, woodland, cultivated patches, orchards, and coconut groves, but seldom to 2500m

(8200 ft). They occur in pairs, family groups, small flocks, and flocks with other species.

It forages on blooming trees and does acrobatics, hanging upside down on the canopy's top

levels (World Parrot Trust, 2022). These species are mainly green in color with areas of

orange to red on the forehead, yellow to orange on the breast, and black spots on the wings.

Their breeding season is in April and May. This species is usually found in all forest types

but has been limited in mossy forests, singly or in pairs, and in groups in feeding trees.

They are widely distributed in the Philippines, and they can be seen anywhere except

Palawan (BirdLife International, 2016e; Kennedy et al., 2000).

Dolines, ponors, and caves are prominent characteristics of karst woods, producing

a variety of microhabitats for birds. These environments also provide refuge for climate-

sensitive birds and invertebrates (Clements et al., 2006; Bátori et al., 2014). In karst forests,

frugivorous bird groups are crucial in speeding native plant recovery in damaged areas

(Caves et al., 2013). Regarding economic significance, birds have tremendous financial

worth to humans. For instance, swiftlet nests (Collocalia spp.) found in karst forests are

highly valued for use in traditional medicine (Thorburn, 2014; Haryono et al., 2017).

Species Richness

Species richness indices assess the number of species in a particular sampling unit.

Diversity is widely used as an indicator of the health of ecological systems. Based on the

results assessed (Table 4), the Species Diversity of the Birds in the environ of Palale Cave

Tayabas City, Quezon, has a total of 333 individuals belonging to 41 species recorded,

resulting in a high value of H= 3.09. Swiftlet (Collocalia spp.) was the most diverse

species, and the Philippine Bulbul (Hypsipetes philippinus). This value for high diversity

is based on the Diversity Scale modified by (Fernando, 1998), which indicates that the area

was healthy and stable. Also, it shows that having a high diversity of birds in the area means

that their food sources and habitat are available for their survival.

Table 4 shows as argued by Batary, Fronczek, Normann, Scherber, and

Tscharntke (2014), that a high diversity of bird species is indicative of a high diversity of

trees in the region. In addition, Harvey et al. (2006) found that tree coverings in secondary

and riparian forests would be associated with greater diversity and abundance of animal

species because they seem to be more prepared to yield resources and habitat for native

species than heavily modified tree covers. Thus, the Palale cave forest area has a high

diversity of birds due to a healthy ecosystem that provides flora and fauna food and shelter.

Some studies stated that ecologists could get insight into community stability by

studying species diversity, or at the very least species richness (Walker, 1988), as the

linkage between species diversity/abundance and community stability is highly complex.

This supports the high species richness and diversity in the area, which is closed forest and

secondary forest, and as a result, they serve as an excellent biological indicator of

ecosystem health. Furthermore, Styring et al. (2011) proved that canopy height, secondary

canopy growth, and shrub surface significantly enhanced species richness and variety in

bird groups. Concerning the area of Palale cave, Costantini, Edwards, and Simons (2016)

noted that hill karst forests have a diversified vegetation composition and structure. Birds

benefit from the complexity of vegetation structure and species diversity because they

provide food and shelter. Thus, the diversity and richness of birds in the tropical forest of

Borneo were related to vegetation cover.

Bird species found in the area in stations (0-8) were summarized. Chinese Goshawk

(Accipiter soloensis), Oriental Honeybuzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus), Blue throated bee-

eater (Merops viridis), Barred Honey Buzzard (Pernis celebensis), Crested Serpent Eagle

(Spilornis cheela), Swiftlet (Collocalia spp.), Tarictic Hornbill (Penelopides manillae),

Rufous Hornbill (Buceros hydrocorax), Common Emerald Dove (Chalcophaps indica),

Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus), Black-chinned Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus leclancheri),

Reddish Cuckoo-Dove (Macropygia tenuirostris), Spotted Wood Kingfisher (Actenoides

lindsayi), Brown-breasted Kingfisher (Halcyon gularis), Philippine Coucal (Centropus

viridis), Red Crested Malcoha (Dasylophus superciliosus), White-breasted Waterhen

(Amaurornis olivaceus), Red Jungle Fowl (Red Jungle Fowl), White-Eared Brown Dove

(Phapitreron leucotis), Philippine Tailorbird (Orthotomus derbianus), Red-Keeled

Flowerpecker (Dicaeum australe), Large Billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos), White

Breasted Wood Swallow (Artamus leucorynchus), Yellow Wattled Bulbul (Yellow

Wattled Bulbul), Olive-backed Sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis), Elegant Tit (Pardaliparus

elegans), Purple-throated Sunbird (Nectarinia sperata), Tawny Grassbird (Cincloramphus

timoriensis), Buzzing Flowerpecker (Dicaeum hypoleucum), Balicassiao (Dicrurus

balicassius), Yellow Vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier), Philippine Bulbul (Hypsipetes

philippinus), White Browed Shama (Copsychus luzoniensis), Chestnut Munia (Lonchura

articapilla), Striated Grassbird (Megalurus palustris), Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus),


Blue Headed Fantail (Rhipidura cyaniceps), Lowland White Eye (Zosterops meyeni),

Coppersmith Barbet (Megalaima haemacephala), and Colasisi (Loriculus philippensis).

Philippine Bulbul (Hypsipetes philippinus) significantly dominated every station

where this bird is always present as it is critical for seed distribution. Due to its abundance

in primary and secondary forests, it is one of the essential generalists' frugivores, or seed

dispersers in forest ecosystems primarily consume the Ficus species' ripe fruits. Therefore,

frugivorous bird groups in karst forests are crucial in speeding native plant recovery in

damaged areas (Caves et al., 2013). Other birds primarily present in stations area) the

Philippine Tailor Bird (Orthotomus castaneiceps) which are found alone or in pairs in deep

undergrowth in forest second growth and forest edge. Elegant Tit (Pardaliparus elegans)

usually travels in family groups or mixed flocks, making it one of the main species in areas

where it is found. They are excellent indicators of habitat quality since they respond to

habitat functions and some species are more sensitive to habitat alteration (Moreno, n.d.).

It is an excellent bioindicator of pollution and environmental health (Alfonso, 2018), and

Swiftlet (Collocalia spp.) were present in the area up to inside the cave as observed in their

presence of a nest. The nests are placed inside the salival cement-made cave.

It has been observed that in the vegetation, tree species like Tibig (Ficus nota),

Banana, Balete (Ficus balete), Takip asin (Macaranga grandifolia), Marang (Litsea

cordata), Kamuhian (Ficus fistulosai), Balobo (Diplodiscus paniculatus), Kalimutain

(Dysoxylum arborescens), Coconut (Cocos nucifera), Narra (Pterocarpus indicus),

Bamboo, Tangisang Bayawak (Ficus variegata), Lago (Prunus grisea), White Nato

(Pouteria macrantha), Balukanag (Chisocheton cumingianus), Bokbok (Xanthophyllum


flavescens), Igyo (Dysoxylum gaudichaudianum), Upling gubat (Ficus ampelas), Lianas,

and Tambalau (Knema glomerata) its surroundings have steep limestone formations and

boulders are found in the environ of Palale Cave.

Figs (Ficus spp.) is particularly important and eaten by thousand species of birds

because they are readily-available as food source. Some fruit-eating birds, such as the

bulbul, contribute to the seed distribution of fruit-bearing trees and control insect pests,

figs (Ficus spp.). Fruits are such a key resource for birds that the diversity of fruiting plants

may play a role in determining avian diversity as the majority of bird species are

frugivorous, followed by insectivorous, nectarivorous, and omnivorous species.

As supported in the study by Kuaraksa et al. (2012) & Pate (1997), that figs bear

fruit throughout the year contributes to their significance as keystone resources.

Table 4. Species Richness of Avifauna in Palale Cave in Tayabas City, Quezon

Common Scientific Name No. of Pi LnPi Piln (PI)

Name Individual
Chinese Accipiter soloensis 11 0.0330 -3.4102 -0.1126
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus 2 0.0060 -5.1149 -0.0307
Barred Honey Pernis celebensis 2 0.0060 -5.1149 -0.0307
Oriental Pernis ptilorhynchus 1 0.0030 -5.8081 -0.0174
Crested Spilornis cheela 1 0.0030 -5.8081 -
Serpent-Eagle 0.01744
Blue throated Merops viridis 3 0.0090 -4.7095 -0.0424
Swiftlet Collocalia spp. 50 0.1501 -1.8961 -0.2847

Table 4. Continued. . .
Rufous Buceros hydrocorax 3 0.0090 -4.7095 -0.0424
Tarictic Penelopides manillae 8 0.0240 -3.7287 -0.0895
White Eared Phapitreron leucotis 11 0.0333 -3.4102 -0.1126
Brown Dove
Black-chinned Ptilinopus leclancheri 4 0.0120 -4.4218 -0.0531
Fruit Dove
Common Chalcophaps indica 2 0.0060 -5.1149 -0.0307
Emerald Dove
Reddish Macropygia phasianella 7 0.0210 -3.8622 -0.0811
Brown- Halcyon gularis 1 0.0030 -5.8081 -0.0174
Spotted Wood Actenoides lindsayi 1 0.0030 -5.8081 -0.0174
Philippine Centropus viridis 8 0.0240 -3.7287 -0.0895
Red Crested Dasylophus superciliosus 1 0.0030 -5.8081 -0.0174
Red Jungle Gallus gallus 2 0.0060 -5.1149 -0.0307
White-breasted Amaurornis olivaceus 1 0.0030 -5.8081 -0.0174
White breasted Artamus leucorynchus 1 0.0030 -5.8081 -0.0174
Tawny Cincloramphus 1 0.0030 -5.8081 -0.0174
Grassbird timoriensis
Philippine Orthotomus castaneiceps 24 0.0720 -2.6300 -0.1895
Grey-backed Orthotomus derbianus 4 0.0120 -4.4218 -0.0531
Tailored Bird
Large Billed Corvus macrorhynchos 6 0.0180 -4.0163 -0.0723

Table 4. Continued. . .
Buzzing Dicaeum hypoleucum 1 0.0030 -5.8081 -0.0174
Red-Keeled Dicaeum australe 4 0.0120 -4.4218 -0.0531
Balicassiao Dicrurus balicassius 2 0.0060 -5.1149 -0.0307
Chestnut Lonchura articapilla 11 0.0330 -3.4102 -0.1126
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 2 0.0060 -5.1149 -0.0307
Striated Megalurus palustris 3 0.0090 -4.7095 -0.0424
White Browed Copsychus luzoniensis 7 0.0210 -3.8622 -0.0811
Olive-backed Cinnyris jugularis 17 0.0510 -2.9749 -0.1518
Purple- Nectarinia sperata 15 0.0450 -3.1000 -0.1396
Elegant Tit Pardaliparus elegans 24 0.0720 -2.6300 -0.1895
Philippine Hypsipetes philippinus 48 0.1441 -1.9369 -0.2791
Yellow Vented Pycnonotus goiavier 13 0.0390 -3.2431 -0.1266
Yellow Pycnonotus urostictcus 1 0.0030 -5.8081 -0.0174
Wattled Bulbul
Blue Headed Rhipidura cyaniceps 7 0.0210 -3.8622 -0.0811
Lowland Zosterops meyeni 4 0.0120 -4.4218 -0.0531
White Eye

Coppersmith Megalaima 4 0.0120 -4.4218 -0.0531

Barbet haemacephala
Philippine Loriculus philippensis 15 0.0450 -3.1000 -0.1396
Hanging Parrot
Total 333 1 -179.81 3.09

Evenness is ranged from 0 to 1 and is considered more generally as a parameter

of relative numerical dominance of species in a community. It is maximal when all species

are equally abundant, and the more the abundances differ between species, the lower the

evenness (Alatalo et al., 1980). Table 10 shows that bird species recorded in the forest area

of Palale Cave are evenly distributed with a very high range value of 0.93 based on the

Diversity Scale (Table 6). It indicates that species of birds in the forest area of Palale Cave

are evenly distributed and balanced. This also proved that having a stable ecosystem means

an indication that the species is well proportioned and functional in the area.

According to a literature study, more ecological diversity aids in the survival of

species and is a crucial predictor of human well-being. The presence of forests is a

favorable environmental factor for bird diversity in a variety of ecosystems. Several habitat

types and qualities have been researched and their effects on bird diversity are positive.

Moreover, the existence of trees is a favorable environmental factor for bird diversity in a

variety of habitats (Tu et al., 2020).

Table 5. Species Evenness of Avifauna in Palale Cave in Tayabas City, Quezon

Scientific Name No. of n–1 n (n – 1)

Accipiter soloensis 11 10 110
Haliastur indus 2 1 2
Pernis celebensis 2 1 2
Pernis ptilorhynchus 1 0 0
Spilornis cheela 1 0 0
Merops viridis 3 2 6
Collocalia spp. 50 49 2450

Table 5. Continued. . .
Buceros hydrocorax 3 2 6
Penelopides manillae 8 7 56
Phapitreron leucotis 11 10 110
Ptilinopus leclancheri 4 3 12
Chalcophaps indica 2 1 2
Macropygia tenuirostris 7 6 42
Halcyon gularis 1 0 0
Actenoides lindsayi 1 0 0
Centropus viridis 8 7 56
Dasylophus superciliosus 1 0 0
Gallus gallus 2 1 2
Amaurornis olivaceus 1 0 0
Artamus leucorynchus 1 0 0
Cincloramphus 1 0 0
Orthotomus castaneiceps 24 23 552
Orthotomus derbianus 4 3 12
Corvus macrorhynchos 6 5 30
Dicaeum hypoleucum 1 0 0
Dicaeum australe 4 3 12
Dicrurus balicassius 2 1 2
Lonchura articapilla 11 10 110
Lanius cristatus 2 1 2
Copsychus luzoniensis 7 6 42
Cinnyris jugularis 17 16 272
Nectarinia sperata 15 14 210
Pardaliparus elegans 24 23 552
Hypsipetes philippinus 48 47 2256
Pycnonotus goiavier 13 12 156
Pycnonotus urostictcus 1 0 0
Rhipidura cyaniceps 7 6 42
Zosterops meyeni 4 3 12
Megalaima haemacephala 4 3 12
Loriculus philippensis 15 14 210
Total 7346 Diversity Index 0.933554

Conservation Status of Birds found in the Area

Table 6 shows the conservation status of bird species observed in the environ of

Palale Cave. Based on the DENR Administrative Order No. 2019-09 (Updated National

List of Threatened Philippine Fauna and their Categories). Loriculus philippensis is listed

as Critically endangered, Buceros hydrocorax as Endangered, and Penelopides manillae as


Furthermore, table 6 shows that bird species are also based on the latest

information available from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red

List of Threatened Species. Of all the recorded species, only one (1) of the species recorded

was assessed to be Vulnerable, the Buceros hydrocorax. In the category of Least Concern,

40 bird species were identified.

Loriculus philippensis known as Colasisi was listed as Critically endangered in

DAO No. 2019-09 and Least Concern in IUCN Categories. This species of little parrot

belongs to the Psittaculidae family. It consists of approximately eleven subspecies, all of

which are unique to the Philippines; however, the exact taxonomy is uncertain, and at least

one of the subspecies may be split off and form a new species if more research elucidates

the situation. Despite being categorized as Least Concern by the IUCN, numerous

subspecies, such as the chyrsonotus sub-species in Cebu and the siquijorensis sub-species

in Siquijor, may be extinct. Loss of habitat is a threat, but illegal trapping for the illicit

wildlife trade, where animals are routinely sold on the streets and in online selling groups,

poses the greatest danger. They are primarily green with varying red, orange, yellow, and

blue proportions. Males only have a red patch on the front of their bodies, except among

the Camiguin people, where neither males nor females have this patch. They construct their

nests in tree holes, and, unlike most parrot species, the female returns to the nest with

building materials (Animalia, 2022).

Buceros hydrocorax is known as Rufous Hornbill, listed as Endangered in DAO

No. 2019-09 and Vulnerable in IUCN Categories. This forest-dependent species is

classified as Vulnerable. Continuous habitat degradation and forest loss due to selective

logging and agricultural deforestation have led to a scarcity of suitable nesting trees,

causing rapid population declines. Additionally, this species is subject to intense hunting

pressure and international trade trapping, and as a result, it is considered to be declining

fast across its range. Buceros hydrocorax is indigenous to the Philippine islands of Luzon

and Marinduque (Collar et al. 1999). It is still found in isolated groups throughout the Sierra

Madre, notably in the Sierra Madre highlands. However, it has been stated that it has

plummeted (del Hoyo et al., 2001). It may be starting to figure out an existence on

Marinduque at the time (J-C. Gonzalez in litt. 2013). The Sierra Madre and Cordillera

continue to be strongholds. Although the species' population size is unknown, it has been

reported as locally common. This species is found mainly in central evergreen dipterocarp

woodlands up to 400 meters, but in secondary forests and observed at 760-meters on

Luzon's Mt. Isarog (Kemp, 1995). Food items include fruits, seeds, insects, and centipedes.

Habitat loss has substantially reduced suitable habitats within the species' range,

with Luzon losing over 70% of its forest cover (del Hoyo et al., 2001). Breeding is a team

endeavor, with assistance assisting with nest preparation and feeding. The breeding group

consists of two to seven individuals, both adults and juvenile birds (Witmer, 1993). This

species is under severe hunting pressure, and its habitat is deteriorating due to logging and

agricultural conversion. Continuous sustenance hunting and harvesting of residual

dipterocarp forests for agriculture are expected to reduce population numbers drastically,

and the distribution has mainly become fragmented, with areas of the range probably

suffering from acute scarcity of suitable nesting trees (J-C. Gonzalez in litt. 2013 & J.

Ibanez in litt. 2014).

Penelopides manillae is known as Tarictics listed as Vulnerable in DAO No.

2019-09 and Least Concern in IUCN. They are commonly found residing in secondary

lowland evergreen rainforest scattered along the central mountain spine of Polillo and

Patnanungan Islands. The Asian Hornbill Network has classified it as critically endangered

due to its narrow range and limited available forest habitats (Asian Hornbill Network,

1991). They were also once poached and sold in the illegal pet trade at a very high price

but are now given special attention by the island's local people. The sustainability of the

current remaining fragments of lowland forests on Polillo is essential in conserving these

unique birds. Generally, hornbills are considered an essential biological species, which can

indicate the presence of a healthy forest within an area (Rabor, 1977).

Other bird species were listed on the IUCN as Least Concern, such as Chalcophaps

indica, Pernis ptilorhynchus, Dicrurus balicassius, Pernis celebensis, Ptilinopus

leclancheri, Rhipidura cyaniceps, Merops viridis, Haliastur indus, Halcyon gularis,

Dicaeum hypoleucum, Lanius cristatus, Lonchura articapilla, Accipiter soloensis,

Loriculus philippensis, Megalaima haemacephala, Pardaliparus elegans, Orthotomus

derbianus, Corvus macrorhynchos, Zosterops meyeni, Cinnyris jugularis, Hypsipetes


philippinus, Centropus viridis, Orthotomus castaneiceps, Spilornis cheela, Nectarinia

sperata, Dasylophus superciliosus, Macropygia tenuirostris, Gallus gallus, Dicaeum

australe, Actenoides lindsayi, Megalurus palustris, Collocalia spp., Amaurornis olivaceus,

Copsychus luzoniensis, Phapitreron leucotis, Artamus leucorynchus, Penelopides

manillae, Cincloramphus timoriensis, Pycnonotus goiavier, and Pycnonotus urostictcus.

These species have a fairly vast range and hence do not meet the range size

requirement for Vulnerable. Because the population trend appears constant, the species

does not approach the Vulnerable criteria under the population trend criterion. As a result

of these factors, the species is classified as Least Concern. Although the global population

estimate has not been determined, the species are considered widespread or very

widespread (del Hoyo et al. 2005). In the absence of evidence of population decreases or

significant threats, the population is presumed to be stable.

In addition, Haliastur indus is designated as a species of Least Concern on the

International Union for the Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Red List of Threatened

Species (BirdLife International, 2016). However, their number in Southeast Asia quickly

diminishes due to hunting, pesticide use, food scarcity, and human persecution (Ferguson-

Lees & Christie, 2001). Sixty-four percent (64%) of the Philippines' birds of prey reside in

tropical rainforests, but extensive deforestation and habitat fragmentation threaten their

survival (Khaleghizadeh et al., 2014). There have been numerous conservation attempts;

however, its implementation and sustainability have limitations. Lack of local support

hinders conservation efforts, indicating that human attitudes about wildlife conservation

significantly impact wildlife conservation. It is critical to understand the elements that


impact their attitudes while developing strategies for conflict between humans and wildlife

(Mir et al., 2015). The sustainability of species protection is frequently predicated on social

perceptions, beliefs, and conservation attitudes (Ceriaco, 2012).

Our synthesis showed that most of the birds in Palale are categorized as Least

Concern; threats in the context of the status of birds are still one of the problems

encountered in the forest near cave ecosystems. These include hunting birds and other

animals, logging and wood harvesting, noise pollution, and the like. Native forests and

restored habitats provide habitat for endemic and uncommon species, which has significant

consequences for the effectiveness of conservation strategies. As the area was classified as

Class I, laws like Republic Act No. 9072 known as National Caves and Cave Management,

and Republic Act No. 9147 known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection

Act, provide protection and conservation of protected areas and faunal diversity.

Table 6. Conservation Status of Bird Species in the Palale Cave in Tayabas City, Quezon

Species IUCN 2021 DAO 2019

Chalcophaps indica Least Concern No Data

Pernis ptilorhynchus Least Concern No Data

Dicrurus balicassius Least Concern No Data

Pernis celebensis Least Concern No Data

Ptilinopus leclancheri Least Concern No Data

Rhipidura cyaniceps Least Concern No Data

Merops viridis Least Concern No Data


Table 6. Continued. . .

Haliastur indus Least Concern No Data

Halcyon gularis Least Concern No Data

Dicaeum hypoleucum Least Concern No Data

Lanius cristatus Least Concern No Data

Lonchura articapilla Least Concern No Data

Accipiter soloensis Least Concern No Data

Loriculus philippensis Least Concern Critically Endangered

Megalaima haemacephala Least Concern No Data

Pardaliparus elegans Least Concern No Data

Orthotomus derbianus Least Concern No Data

Corvus macrorhynchos Least Concern No Data

Zosterops meyeni Least Concern No Data

Cinnyris jugularis Least Concern No Data

Hypsipetes philippinus Least Concern No Data

Centropus viridis Least Concern No Data

Orthotomus castaneiceps Least Concern No Data

Spilornis cheela Least Concern No Data

Nectarinia sperata Least Concern No Data

Dasylophus superciliosus Least Concern No Data

Macropygia tenuirostris Least Concern No Data

Gallus gallus Least Concern No Data


Table 6. Continued. . .

Dicaeum australe Least Concern No Data

Buceros hydrocorax Vulnerable Endangered

Actenoides lindsayi Least Concern No Data

Megalurus palustris Least Concern No Data

Collocalia spp. Least Concern No Data

Amaurornis olivaceus Least Concern No Data

Copsychus luzoniensis Least Concern No Data

Phapitreron leucotis Least Concern No Data

Artamus leucorynchus Least Concern No Data

Penelopides manillae Least Concern Vulnerable

Cincloramphus timoriensis Least Concern No Data

Pycnonotus goiavier Least Concern No Data

Pycnonotus urostictcus Least Concern No Data


Chapter V



The study was conducted to determine bird species in the environ of Palale Cave

Tayabas City, Quezon. Specifically, the study aimed to identify bird species inhabiting the

site, bird species diversity, and determine the conservation status of the birds. This study

is a descriptive type of research study based on the methods used in previous research

(DENR-BMS, 2017). Also, it was completed using a different method, such as diversity

and abundance of bird species were estimated using Shannon Weiner and Simpson Index,

and Conservation Status was determined through IUCN Redlist and DAO 2019-09.

A total of 3 mist nets were set on the forest floor in the secondary growth and karst

landscape. The findings revealed a total of 41 species were identified in two (2) kilometers

of transect lines with 8 central points. It is composed of 333 individuals representing,

twenty-five (25) families, and thirty-nine (39) genera were observed in the environ of

Palale Cave.

The family Accipitridae has the highest number of five (5) species with four (4)

genera and 17 individuals for Pernis ptilorhynchus (Temminck), Pernis celebensis

(Wallace), Haliastur indus (Boddaert), Accipiter soloensis (Horsfield), and Spilornis

cheela (Latham). On the other hand, the family of Meropidae, Apodidae, Rallidae,

Rhipiduridae, Laniidae, Estrilididae, Paridae, Corvidae, Zosteropidae, Locustellidae,

Muscicapidae, Accipitridae, Galliformes, and Rhamphastidae has only one (1) species. In

contrast, with 50 individuals, Pardaliparus elegans was revealed to have the most

significant number of individuals, while the least number were the Pernis ptilorhynchus,

Spilornis cheela, Halcyon gularis, Actenoides lindsayi, Dasylophus superciliosus,

Amaurornis olivaceus, Artamus leucorynchus, Cincloramphus timoriensis Dicaeum

hypoleucum, Pycnonotus urostictcus, which only have one (1) individual.

Based on the IUCN, one (1) species is categorized as Vulnerable, the Buceros

hydrocorax. In the category of Least Concern, 40 bird species were identified, including

Chalcophaps indica, Pernis ptilorhynchus, Dicrurus balicassius, Pernis celebensis,

Ptilinopus leclancheri, Rhipidura cyaniceps, Merops viridis, Haliastur indus, Halcyon

gularis, Dicaeum hypoleucum, Lanius cristatus, Lonchura articapilla, Accipiter soloensis,

Loriculus philippensis, Megalaima haemacephala, Pardaliparus elegans, Orthotomus

derbianus, Corvus macrorhynchos, Cinnyris jugularis, Centropus viridis, Zosterops

meyeni, Orthotomus castaneiceps, Spilornis cheela, Nectarinia sperata, Hypsipetes

philippinus, Dasylophus superciliosus, Macropygia tenuirostris, Gallus gallus, Dicaeum

australe, Actenoides lindsayi, Megalurus palustris, Collocalia spp., Amaurornis olivaceus,

Copsychus luzoniensis, Phapitreron leucotis, Artamus leucorynchus, Penelopides

manillae, Megalurus timoriensis, Pycnonotus goiavier, and Pycnonotus urostictcus.

On the other hand, based on the DAO No. 2019-09, Loriculus philippensis is listed

as Critically endangered, Buceros hydrocorax as Endangered, and Penelopides manillae as


The Species Diversity of the Birds in the environ of Palale Cave Tayabas City,

Quezon has resulted in a high value of H= 3.09. This value for high diversity is based on

the Diversity Scale modified by (Fernando, 1998), which indicates that the area was healthy

and stable. Also, it shows that having a high diversity of birds in the area means that their

food sources and habitat are available for their survival. In relation, species evenness shows

that bird species recorded are evenly distributed with a very high range value of 0.93 based

on the Study of Diversity Scale by Fernando (1998). It indicates that species of birds in the

forest area of Palale Cave are evenly distributed and balanced. This also proved that having

a stable ecosystem means an indication that the species is well proportioned and functional

in the area.


Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn;

1. In the environ of Palale Cave Tayabas City, Quezon. A total of 41 species

composing 333 individuals that belongs to 25 families, 39 genera were recorded

and were classified into eleven (11) orders (Accipitriformes, Apodiformes,

Bucerotiformes, Columbiformes, Coraciiformes, Cuculiformes, Galliformes,

Gruiformes, Passeriformes, Psittaciformes, Piciformes).

2. The result based on the Shannon diversity index is high with a total of 3.09. While

its evenness based on Simpson Diversity has a very high value with a total of 0.933.

3. Based on the IUCN, one (1) species is categorized as Vulnerable, the Buceros

hydrocorax (Rufous Hornbill). Meanwhile, based on DAO No. 2019-09, Loriculus


philippensis (Phillippine Hanging Parrot) is listed as Critically endangered,

Buceros hydrocorax (Rufous Hornbill) as Endangered, and Penelopides manillae

(Tarictic Hornbill) as Vulnerable.


From the conclusions derived, the following are hereby recommended:

1. Plant more figs (ficus spp.) to increase and diversify the area with fauna species as

they play keystone ecological roles.

2. Conservation strategies such as increasing the forest rangers and policy

implementation to prevent forest violators.

3. Engaging in research in birds to provide more consistent data on Conservation


4. It is suggested to have a study on seasonal variation in evenness in forest birds

because there is less study in this field.

5. Also, to have a study associating tree diversity with birds’ diversity.



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Appendix A: Permit to Conduct


Appendix B: Certification from Barangay Ibabang Palale


Appendix C: Certification from the CENRO Tayabas


Appendix D: Field notes

DAY 1: Field data sheet for simple line transect count for birds

Study Area: Palale Cave Date: Time

Septemb :
er 15, 4:00
2021 pm

Vegetation Type: Limestone Forest, Observer(s):

Secondary Forest Formation
Plot No. Quadra Cristian Javin,
t No. -- Weather: Sunny Queeny Esther
----- -- Ciocon, Paulo
Elevation: 400 masl Florntino Raca
Transe GPS Unit:
ct No. 1
n 0-8)

Transect Coordinates Transect

Starting N: 14° 2'29.22" Endpoint: Station N: 14° Length: 2 km

Point: E: 121°40'48.14" 8 1'55.25"
Station 0-1 E


. n No. D

001 0-1 Hypsipetes 3 ------ ------


002 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


003 Nectarinia 1 ------ ------


004 1-2 Hypsipetes 3 ------ ------


005 Collocalia 2 ------ ------


006 2-3 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


007 Hypsipetes 1

008 Orthotomus 1

009 3-4 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


010 Collocalia 1 ------ ------


011 Corvus 2 ------ ------


012 Dicaeum 2 ------ ------


013 4-5 Collocalia 1 1 ------ ------


014 Phapitreron 1 ------ ------


015 Artamus 1 1 ------ ------


016 Pycnonotus 1 ------ ------


017 5-6 Penelopides 1 2 ------ ------


018 Nectarinia 2 ------ ------


019 Phapitreron 1 ------ ------


020 Centropus viridis 1 ------ ------

021 Penelopides 4 ------ ------


022 Spilornis cheela 1 ------ ------

023 Dicaeum 1 ------ ------


6–7 ------ ------


024 7-8 Chalcophaps (Capture ------ ------

indica d on

025 8 Blue Headed 2 ------ ------


DAY 2: Field data sheet for simple line transect count for birds

Date: Time
Study Area: Palale Cave Septembe
r 16, 2021 7 am

Vegetation Type: Limestone Forest, Observer(s):

Secondary Forest Formation
Plot Quadrat No. Cristian Javin,
No. ---- Weather: Sunny Queeny Esther
----- Elevation: 400 masl

Transect No. GPS Unit:

2 (Station 0-

Transect Coordinates Transect

Starting N: 14° Endpoint: N: 14° Length: 2 km

Point: 1'55.25" 2'29.22"
E: (Station 0-1) E:
(Station 8) 121°41'7.95" 121°40'48.14


. n No. N D

001 8 Parus elegans 3 ------ ------

002 Loriculus 2 ------ ------


003 Hypsipetes 3 ------ ------


004 Rhipidura 3 ------ ------


005 Orthotomus 2 ------ ------


006 Buceros 1 ------ ------


007 7-6 Dicaeum 1 ------ ------


008 Hypsipetes 4 ------ ------


009 Loriculus 2 ------ ------


010 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


011 Dicaeum 1 ------ ------


012 Hypsipetes 5 ------ ------


013 Loriculus 3 ------ ------


014 6-5 Parus elegans 5 ------ ------

015 Pycnonotus 3 ------ ------


016 Orthotomus 2 ------ ------


017 Hypsipetes 1 1 ------ ------


018 Collocalia 4 ------ ------


019 Nectarinia 4 ------ ------


020 Pycnonotus 3 ------ ------


021 Corvus 1 ------ ------


022 5-4 Hypsipetes 1 1 ------ ------


023 Parus elegans 1 ------ ------


024 Nectarinia 1 ------ ------


025 Collocalia 3 ------ ------


026 Copsychus 1 ------ ------


027 4-3 Collocalia 3 ------ ------


028 Lonchura 6 ------ ------


029 Megalurus 1 ------ ------


030 Hypsipetes 1 ------ ------


031 Pycnonotus 1 ------ ------


032 3-2 Hypsipetes 5 ------ ------


033 Collocalia 10 ------ ------


034 Parus elegans 1 ------ ------

035 Copsychus 1 ------ ------


036 2-1 Lonchura 2 ------ ------


037 Pycnonotus 1 1 ------ ------


038 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


039 Hypsipetes 1 ------ ------


040 Collocalia 1 ------ ------


041 Merops viridis 3 ------ ------

1-0 Pernis 2 ------ ------

042 celebensis

0 ------ ------

DAY 3: Field data sheet for simple line transect count for birds

Study Area: Palale Cave Date: Time

Septemb :
er 25 7:00
2021 am

Vegetation Type: Limestone Forest, Observer(s):

Secondary Forest Formation
Plot No. Quadra Cristian Javin,
t No. -- Weather: Rainy and Cloudy Queeny Esther
----- -- Ciocon

Elevation: 400 masl

Transe GPS Unit:

ct No. 3
n 0-8)

Transect Coordinates Transect


Starting N: 14° 2'29.22" Endpoint: Station N: 14° Length: 2 km

Point: E: 121°40'48.14" 8 1'55.25"
Station 0-1 E


. n No. D

001 0-1 Nectarinia 3 ------ ------


002 Lanius tigrinus 1 ------ ------

003 Pycnonotus 3 ------ ------


004 Lonchura 3 ------ ------


005 Collocalia 4 ------ ------


006 Hypsipetes 1 ------ ------


007 Megalaima 1 ------ ------


1-2 ------ ------


008 2-3 Hypsipetes 2 ------ ------


009 Rhipidura 1 ------ ------


010 Parus elegans 1 ------ ------


011 Nectarinia 1 ------ ------


012 Zosterops 2 ------ ------


013 3-4 Pycnonotus 1 ------ ------


014 Orthotomus 2 ------ ------


015 Megalurus 2 ------ ------


016 Collocalia 8 ------ ------


017 4-5 Phapitreron 1 ------ ------


018 Hypsipetes 3 ------ ------


019 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


020 5-6 Lanius tigrinus 1 ------ ------

021 Nectarinia 2 ------ ------


022 Orthotomus 2 ------ ------


023 Copsychus 1 ------ ------


024 Loriculus 2 ------ ------


025 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


026 Haliastur indus 1 ------ ------

027 Buceros 1 ------ ------


028 6-7 Loriculus 2 ------ ------


029 Collocalia 3 ------ ------


030 Hypsipetes 4 ------ ------


031 Orthotomus 2 ------ ------


032 Phapitreron 1 ------ ------


033 Pernis (Capture ------ ------

ptilorhynchus d on

034 7-8 Phaenicophaeus 1 ------ ------


035 Collocalia 1 ------ ------


036 Dicrurus 1 ------ ------


037 Nectarinia 1 ------ ------


038 Accipiter 11 ------ ------


039 Parus elegans 1 ------ ------

040 8 Dicrurus 1 ------ ------


041 Rhipidura 1 ------ ------


DAY 4: Field data sheet for simple line transect count for birds

Study Area: Palale Cave Date: Time

Septembe : 2:30
r 26 2021 pm

Vegetation Type: Limestone Forest, Observer(s):

Secondary Forest Formation
Plot No. Quadrat Cristian Javin,
No. ---- Weather: Rainy and Sunny Queeny Esther
----- Ciocon, Paulo
Elevation: 400 masl Teodoro
Transec GPS Unit:
t No. 4

Transect Coordinates Transect

Starting N: 14° 1'55.25" Endpoint: N: 14° Length: 2 km

Point: E: 121°41'7.95" 2'29.22"
Station 8 Station 0 E:


. n No. N D

001 8 Parus elegans 1 ------ ------

002 Loriculus 3 ------ ------


003 Hypsipetes 2 1 ------ ------


004 Rhipidura 2 ------ ------


005 Rhipidura 1 2 ------ ------


006 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


007 7-6 Hypsipetes 1 ------ ------


008 Loriculus 2 ------ ------


009 Orthotomus 2 1 ------ ------


010 Dicaeum 1 ------ ------


011 Hypsipetes ------ ------


012 6-5 Parus elegans 2 ------ ------

013 Pycnonotus 1 ------ ------


014 Orthotomus 2 ------ ------


015 Hypsipetes 1 1 ------ ------


016 5-4 Hypsipetes 1 ------ ------


017 Parus elegans 2 ------ ------

018 Nectarinia 1 ------ ------


019 Collocalia 1 ------ ------


020 4-3 Collocalia 2 ------ ------


021 Lonchura 1 ------ ------


022 Megalurus 1 ------ ------


023 3-2 ------ ------


024 2-1 Pycnonotus 1 ------ ------


025 Merops viridis 3 ------ ------

026 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


027 1-0 ------ ------


028 0 Hypsipetes 1 ------ ------


DAY 5: Field data sheet for simple line transect count for birds

Study Area: Palale Cave Date: Time:

March 6:00
4, am

Vegetation Type: Limestone Forest, Observer(s):

Secondary Forest Formation
Plot No. Quadrat Cristian Javin,
No. ---- Weather: Rainy and Cloudy Queeny Esther
----- Ciocon
Elevation: 400 masl

Transect GPS Unit:

No. 5

Transect Coordinates Transect

Starting N: 14° 2'29.22" Endpoint: N: 14° Length: 2 km

Point: E: 121°40'48.14" Station 8 1'55.25"
Station 0-1 E



001 0-1 Hypsipetes 3 ------ ------


002 Macropygia 2 ------ ------


003 Halcyon gularis 1 ------ ------


004 Corvus 1 ------ ------


005 Collocalia spp. 3 ------ ------

006 Orthotomus 2 ------ ------


007 Parus elegans 1 ------ ------

008 1-2 Penelopides panini 1 ------ ------

009 Centropus viridis 1

010 Ptilinopus 1

011 Orthotomus 2

012 Parus elegans 2

013 Corvus 2

014 Nectarinia sperata 2

015 Nectarinia 2

016 2-3 Centropus viridis 1 ------ ------

017 Collocalia spp. 1 ------ ------

018 Hypsipetes 1 ------ ------


019 Orthotomus 1 1 ------ ------


020 Macropygia 2 ------ ------


021 Parus elegans 2

022 3-4 Centropus viridis 1 ------ ------

023 Haliastur indus 1 ------ ------

024 Amaurornis 1 ------ ------


025 Copsychus 2 ------ ------


026 Orthotomus 2 ------ ------


027 Macropygia 8 ------ ------


028 4-5 Chalcophaps indica 1 ------ ------

029 Ptilinopus 3 ------ ------


030 Macropygia 1 ------ ------


031 Phapitreron 2 ------ ------


032 Centropus viridis 1 ------ ------

033 Gallus gallus 1 ------ ------

024 Parus elegans 3 ------ ------

025 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


026 Loriculus 1 ------ ------


027 Centropus viridis 1 ------ ------


028 Hypsipetes 2 ------ ------


029 Copsychus 1 ------ ------


030 Collocalia spp. 3 ------ ------

031 5-6 Copsychus 1 ------ ------


032 Gallus gallus 1 ------ ------

033 Orthotomus 2 1 ------ ------


034 Parus elegans 3 ------ ------

035 Phapitreron 2 1 ------ ------


036 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


037 Corvus 1 1 ------ ------


038 Nectarinia sperata 11 ------ ------

039 Centropus viridis 2 ------ ------

040 Penelopides panini 2 ------ ------

041 Megalaima 2 ------ ------


042 Loriculus 4 ------ ------


043 Nectarinia 1 ------ ------


044 Hypsipetes 1 ------ ------


045 Zosterops meyeni 2 ------ ------

046 6-7 Actenoides lindsayi 1 ------ ------

047 Collocalia spp. 2 ------ ------

048 Hypsipetes 2 ------ ------


049 7-8 Parus elegans 1 ------ ------

050 Megalaima 1 ------ ------


051 Nectarinia sperata 1 ------ ------

052 Orthotomus 1 ------ ------


053 Cincloramphus 1 ------ ------


Appendix E: Checklist of Avifauna

Study Area: Palale Cave Date: Time:

September 5:30 am
26 2021

Quadrat Coordinates: Observer(s):

N:14°1'55.25" Cristian Javin, Queeny
------ E:121°41'7.95" Esther Ciocon
ot Transect Elevation: Vegetation Type:
N 400 masl Limestone Forest,
o. ------ Secondary Forest
--- GPS unit: Weather: Sunny

N CLASS Distribution Status Recor Habitat POPULATION

O. ding Association STATUS
ORD Meth
ER od

00 Class: Indomalayan/Palearct Trans It inhabits Least

1 Aves ic ect woodland Concer
Walk of various n (LC) ---- ----
Order: metho climatic
Accipitrif d, types,
ormes binoc preferring
Species: ulars broad-
Pernis leaved
ptilorhyn forests;

00 Class: Indomalayan. Trans It inhabits

2 Aves SULAWESI (Muna ect subtropical
and Banggai Island) Walk and tropical
Order: metho moist
Accipitrif d, lowland
ormes binoc and montan
Species: ulars e
Pernis forests of S
celebensi ulawesi.

00 Class: Australasian/Indomal Trans During the Least

3 Aves ayan/Palearctic to ect time it isn't Concer
southern CHINA Walk soaring, it n (LC) ---- ----
Order: south through metho prefers to
Accipitrif Southeast Asia, d, perch on
ormes Malay Peninsula, binoc the tops of
Species: Philippines, Sulawesi, ulars trees. Solo
Haliastur Solomon Islands, or in pairs,
indus Sundas, and New but can also
Guinea to Australia. occur in
of a few
people. It is
not as
common as
some other
kite species
to see big

00 Class: Southeast China, Trans During the

4 Aves Taiwan, Korea, and ect winter
Siberia are home to Walk months, I ---- ----
this species. metho spend much
d, of my time

Order: binoc in
Accipitrif ulars Indonesia
ormes and the
Species: It prefers
Accipiter woodlands
soloensis but can be
found on
outskirts of
them as

00 Class: A widespread Trans Forest Least

5 Aves presence in the Asian ect clearings, Concer
region. As far south as Walk open n (LC) ---- ----
Order: Sri Lanka and the metho forests, and
Accipitrif Andaman Islands may d, even
ormes be found in India, binoc farmed
Species: Crested serpent eagles ulars fields with
Spilornis can be seen. Further a few trees
cheela east, south of the can all be
Changiang valley, good places
they can be found in to look for
Southeast Tibet and this species.
Southeast China. In the
Indonesia's Greater Philippines,
Sunda Islands and the it is a native
Philippines are also species.
home to them. However, it
can be
found on all
but one of
the major
save from

00 Class: Southeast Asia is Trans Flat plains, Least

6 Aves home to a wide variety ect such as Concer
of mangroves, Walk farmland, n (LC) ---- ----
Order: including subtropical metho suburban
Accipitrif and tropical forests. d, gardens,
ormes binoc riversides,
Species: ulars dunes, and
Merops sandy
viridis clearings,
are their
habitats and
are popular
for blue-

00 Class: These swiftlets are Trans Several Least

7 Aves found only in tropical ect species, Concer
southern Asia, Walk such as n (LC) ---- ----
Order: Oceania, northeastern metho Seychelles,
Apodifor Australia, and the d, Whiteheads
mes Indian Ocean, with the mist- , and Guam
Species: most remarkable net swiftlets,
Collocali diversity occurring in traps are
a Southeast Asia, restricted to
mearnsi Indonesia, and Papua small
New Guinea. islands,

00 Class: It is endemic to the Trans This Vulner

8 Aves Philippines, occurring ect species is able
on the islands of Walk predominan (VU) ---- ----
Order: Luzon and metho tly found in
Bucerotif Marinduque. d, primary
ormes binoc evergreen
Species: ulars dipterocarp
Buceros forests, but
hydrocor it also
ax occurs in

00 Class: Endemic to the Trans It is found

9 Aves Philippines, where it ect up to 1,100
is known from Panay, Walk m in Endan Endang ----
Order: as well as the nearby metho primary, gered ered
Bucerotif offshore islands of d, evergreen (EN) (EN)
ormes Sicogon and Pan de binoc dipterocarp
Species: Azucar, Guimaras, ulars forest,
Penelopi Negros, Masbate, and sometimes
des Ticao. pushed
panini upslope to
1,500 m by

forest or

01 Class: A widespread resident Trans This Least

0 Aves breeding pigeon ect species is Concer
native to the Indian Walk found n (LC) ---- ----
Order: Subcontinent and metho across
Columbif Southeast Asia's d, tropical
ormes tropical and mist- forests and
Species: subtropical regions. net other deep
Chalcop traps wet
haps woodlands,
indica farms, and
It nests in a
sparse stick
nest up to
five meters
high in a
tree and
lays two

01 Class: Endemic to the Trans They are Least

1 Aves Philippines. ect found in Concer
Walk forest, n (LC) ---- ----
Order: metho subtropical/
Columbif d, tropical dry

Species: binoc
Phapitre ulars

01 Class: It is native to the Trans Its

2 Aves western Philippines. ect natural habi
Walk tats are
Order: metho subtropical
Cristicoli d, or tropical
dae binoc moist
Species: ulars lowland for
Orthoto ests and
mus subtropical
castaneic or tropical
eps mangrove

01 Class: They are found in the Trans From Least

3 Aves indo-malayan. ect lowlands to Concer
Walk 2000 m, tall n (LC) ---- ----
Order: metho grass,
Cuculifor d, mixed
mes binoc cultivation,
Species: ulars disturbed
Centropu second
s viridis growth, and
thickets are

01 Class: Endemic to the Trans Forests, as Least

4 Aves Philippines ect well as Concer
Walk grassland n (LC) ---- ----
Order: metho with
Cuculifor d, bushes;
mes binoc observed at
Species: ulars elevations
Dasyloph ranging

supercili from 100 to

osus 800 meters.

01 Class: Found only in the Trans A medium- Least

5 Aves northern Philippines ect sized, long- Concer
on the islands of Walk tailed bird n (LC) ---- ----
Order: Luzon and metho found in the
Passerifo Catanduanes. d, primary
rmes binoc and
Species: ulars secondary
Rhipidur forest on
a Luzon and
cyanicep Catanduane
s s, from the
lowlands to

01 Class: Endemic to the Trans Its natural Least

6 Aves Philippines. ect habitats are Concer
Walk subtropical n (LC) ---- ----
Order: metho or tropical
Passerifo d, moist
rmes binoc lowland
Species: ulars forests and
Dicaeum subtropical
hypoleuc or tropical
um moist

01 Class: It is distributed Trans It breeds in Least

7 Aves throughout eastern ect temperate Concer
Asia in wooded Walk eastern n (LC) ---- ----
Order: habitats. metho Asia's
Passerifo d, deciduous
rmes or mixed

Species: binoc woodland,

Lanius ulars forest
tigrinus borders,

01 Class: S Malay Peninsula, Trans It is found Least

8 Aves Singapore, Sumatra ect in forests, Concer
and Nias I, Riau and Walk brush, and n (LC) ---- ----
Order: Lingga Archipelagos, metho bushes, as
Passerifo Bangka and Belitung. d, well as
rmes binoc regions of
Species: ulars farming.
Lonchur They fly in
a a
punctulat disorganize
a d, close-
flock that is
ic of all

01 Class: Endemic to the Trans Its native Least

9 Aves Philippines (Ticao, ect habitats are Concer
Masbate, Guimaras, Walk moist n (LC) ---- ----
Order: Negros) metho lowland
Passerifo d, forests in
rmes binoc the
Species: ulars subtropics
Parus or the
elegans tropics and
forests in

or tropics.

02 Class: Endemic to the islands Trans Lowland Least

0 Aves of Luzon, Palawan, ect forest, Concer
and Catanduanes Walk especially n (LC) ---- ----
Order: metho secondary
Passerifo d, growth
rmes binoc along forest
Species: ulars borders and
Orthoto clearings,
mus with dense,
derbianu tangled
s undergrowt
h attached.

02 Class: This species has an Trans It is found Least

1 Aves extensive range that ect in Concer
extends from the Walk woodlands, n (LC) ---- ----
Order: northeastern Asian metho parks,
Passerifo seaboard to d, gardens,
rmes Afghanistan and binoc and
Species: eastern Iran in the ulars cultivated
Corvus west, across South and areas with
macrorh Southeast Asia, and at least
ynchos finally to the Lesser some trees
Sundas and Cambodia but is a
in the southeast. more open
bird in the
part of its
where it is
not in
with the
raven and

crow of the

02 Class: It is indigenous to the Trans Its native Least

2 Aves northern Philippines ect habitat is Concer
and Taiwan's Lüdao Walk damp n (LC) ---- ----
Order: and Lanyu islands. metho lowland
Passerifo d, woodland
rmes binoc in the
Species: ulars subtropics
Zosterop or tropics.
s meyeni

02 Class: The olive-backed Trans Originated Least

3 Aves sunbird is widespread ect in Concer
throughout southern Walk mangrove n (LC) ---- ----
Order: China and Southeast metho habitat, it
Passerifo Asia, reaching as far d, has adapted
rmes north as Queensland binoc well to
Species: and the Solomon ulars humans
Nectarini Islands. and is now
a prevalent
jugularis even in
where it
nests in

02 Class: Endemic to the Trans Its natural Least

4 Aves Philippines. ect habitats are Concer
Walk subtropical n (LC) ---- ----
metho or tropical
d, moist

Order: binoc forest and

Passerifo ulars subtropical
rmes or tropical
Species: montane
Hypsipet forest; on
es Mindanao's
philippin Mount
us Kitanglad,
example, it
is common
in any
forest, at
least 500 to
above sea

02 Class: It is a resident breeder Trans It occurs in Least

5 Aves from Indochina to the ect a range of Concer
Philippines in Walk open n (LC) ---- ----
Order: southeastern Asia. metho settings but
Passerifo d, not in dense
rmes binoc woodland.
Species: ulars In farmed
Pycnonot regions, it is
us one of the
goiavier most
birds. They
appear to be
from one

location to

02 Class: Endemic to the Trans Its native Least

6 Aves Philippines ect habitat is Concer
Walk damp n (LC) ---- ----
Order: metho lowland
Passerifo d, woodland
rmes binoc in the
Species: ulars subtropics
Pycnonot or tropics.

02 Class: Endemic to the Trans Endemic to Least

7 Aves Philippines. ect the Concer
Walk Philippines n (LC) ---- ----
Order: metho
Passerifo d,
rmes binoc
Species: ulars

02 Class: Bangladesh, Trans Noisy and Least

8 Aves Cambodia, China, ect prominent, Concer
India, Indonesia, Walk frequently n (LC) ---- ----
Order: Laos, Malaysia, metho perched
Passerifo Myanmar, Nepal, d, and calling
rmes Pakistan, the binoc on grasses,
Species: Philippines, Thailand, ulars bushes, and
Megalur and Vietnam are telephone
us among the countries wires. Take
palustris that have it. note of the
crown and


02 Class: It is native to the Trans It is found Vulner

9 Aves Philippine provinces ect in moist able
of Ticao, Masbate, Walk tropical (VU) ---- ----
Order: Negros, and Panay. metho primary
Passerifo d, and
rmes binoc secondary
Species: ulars forests up
Copsych to 1,000
us meters
luzoniens above sea
is level in its

03 Class: It is endemic to Trans Its natural

0 Aves the Philippines. ect habitat
Walk is subtropic
Order: metho al or
Passerifo d, tropical
rmes binoc moist
Species: ulars lowland
Dicrurus forests.

03 Class: These breeds from the Trans found Least

1 Aves Andaman Islands to ect across their Concer
northern Australia, Walk extensive n (LC) ---- ----
Order: passing through metho range in
Passerifo Indonesia. d, Australasia
rmes binoc in forests,
Species: ulars open
Artamus woodlands,
leucoryn and semi-
chus arid plains

plant types,
and grasses
used near

03 Class: The Philippine Trans Critica

2 Aves hanging parrot is ect lly
indigenous to the Walk Tropical Endan ---- ----
Order: Philippines, except for metho moist gered
Psittacifo the Sulu Archipelago, d, lowland (CR)
rmes and is not common in binoc forests,
Species: Palawan. The many ulars
forests, and
Loriculus subspecies are
philippen indigenous to certain moist
sis islands, and some are
uncommon or nearly montane
extinct. forests are
its natural
y, it is
found in
such as
groves and
It is

prevalent in
areas and is
above 1250

03 Class: The Indian Trans It is found Least

3 Aves subcontinent and ect throughout Concer
areas of Southeast Walk its range in n (LC) ---- ----
Order: Asia are home to this metho gardens,
Piciform resident bird. d, groves, and
es binoc patchy
Species: ulars forests. It is
Megalai critical to
ma have
haemace habitats
phala with
for nest

Appendix F: Field Data Sheet for Bird Mist-netting

Study Area: Palale Cave Date: Time:

September 5:30
26 2021 am

Quadrat No. Coordinates: Observer(s):

------ N:14°1'55.25" Cristian Javin,

E:121°41'7.95" Queeny Esther
Plot Ciocon
Transect No. Elevation: Vegetation Type:
400 masl Limestone Forest,
Secondary Forest

GPS unit: Weather: Sunny

(In mm)

001 Chalcophaps MALE 1


--------- ---------

002 Collocalia FEMALE 1


--------- ---------

Appendix G: Photo Documentation

Figure 17. Palale Cave Site and Vegetation


Figure 18. Transect Establishment


Figure 19. Data Gathering


Figure 20. Establishment of 3 Mist-nets in Different Elevation


Appendix H: Instruments and Tools (Used)


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