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I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Determine the possessive nouns and collective nouns,
2. respond in the given activity; and
3. use possessive and collective nouns in a sentence.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Possessive and Collective nouns
Learning Competency: Use clear and coherent sentences employing
appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of Nouns – Mass Nouns and
Count Nouns, Possessive Nouns, Collective nouns (EN4G-Id-33)
Concepts: Possessive nouns express ownership or possession.
Collective nouns refer to a group or whole unit of persons,
animals, places or objects.
Value(s): Responding
Reference (s): English Q2-M2
Materials: printed Handouts.

III. Procedure
A. Classroom Routine
B. Review.
Post two examples of mass and count nouns
Ask the pupils to identify the mass and count nouns.
C. Motivation. Oral participation
1. scramble words.
2. give scramble words to the class.
3.let the pupils arrange the scramble words and post it in the board
4. Ask the pupils what they observed.
5. Come up with the topic.
D. Lesson Proper
1. Reveal the subject matter and objectives of the session.
2. Discussion
a. Explain what is possessive nouns
b. Explain what is collective of nouns
c. Give more examples.
3. divide the class into two.
a. the first group will be given a story about possessive nouns
they are going to find the possessive nouns in the story.
b. the second group will be given a story about collective nouns
they are going to find the collective noun in the story.

E. Generalization.

Definition Example
possessive nouns
collective nouns
D. Reflection.
How can a collective nouns help you in your daily life?
IV. Evaluation/Assessment. Quiz
A. Match the community helpers with their possessions. Write the
correct form
Camp police officer __________________________
Pen writer ________________________________
net fisherfolk ____________________________
bible priest _______________________________
hose firefighter _____________________________
A. Read the words inside the box. Use these collective nouns to complete
the paragraph below.

V. Assignment
Direction: Underline the correct possessive nouns.
1. The (bird/bird’s) is in my yard.
2. The (dog / dog’s) owner is very responsible.
3. The (childrens/children’s) trip to the zoo was fun.
4. The (puppy/puppy’s) tail wag when he is happy.
5. The (duck’s/ducks) home is in the lake.
Direction: Underline the collective noun in a sentence.
6. Mrs. Santos’ class enjoys the activity in Math.
7. My friend’s family likes camping.
8. The group enter the gym together.
9. There was a crowd at the show.
10. A school of fish swam by us

Prepared by:

Teacher I NOTED:

Head Teacher II

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