MBA Part-II Sem-IV Assignment Questions

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MBA (Executive) Distance & MBA Distance Mode Course 2017-2018
General Instructions for submission of Assignments
1. These assignments should be submitted only by those students who have registered for
the examinations to be held in April/May2018.
2. The assignment for each course/paper/subject should be hand written on a separate sheet.
3. Strictly use Blue colour ink only for writing the assignments.
4. Other than the elective papers, assignments are common for MBA-Distance mode course
and MBA (Executive)-Distance mode course.

5. Illustrate your answer by giving suitable examples/graphs/charts/figures/tables/diagrams

wherever necessary.

6. Assignments should not be copied, should be clear, readable and well presented. Students
are advised that in case two or more students’ assignments are too similar in content,
nature, the study centre co-ordinator would at his / her discretion decide on the quantum
of marks to be awarded, irrespective of how good the submitted assignments are.

7. Students are also advised to quote sources (if any) of data, facts, sketches, drawings etc in
their assignments. They have to give References at the end of the each assignment.

8 A separate set should be made for each subject (Total 8 sets, one per subject).
9. A cover page as per the format given below should be attached on the top of the set for
each subject along with photo copy of hall tickets. Students also required to write their
seat no. and PRN no. on cover page. It is mandatory for the students to write down
their subject code on the cover page.
10. Finally for a particular semester, one file should be made for each group of 8 sets
In case a student has to submit assignments for more than one semesters then he/she
has to make a separate file for each semester.

11. Submit assignments to the centre coordinator of the respective study centre. It is the
student’s responsibility to ensure that the assignments should reach the concerned
study centre on or before the due date. No excuses of any kind for late or non-
submission of assignments will be entertained. If a student is unable to submit the
assignment(s) in person, the student may at his / her own risk submit the assignment(s)
through an acquaintance, fellow student or by courier.

12. Please note that there is separate passing head for internal assignments (Term Work) and
university examinations, student has to obtain at least 8 marks out of 20 marks in internal
assignments and 32 marks out of 80 marks in university examinations and total of
minimum 40 % in each subject for passing. In addition, to pass the course a student has
to obtain a minimum of 50 % marks in aggregate in all 32 subjects of the four semesters
taken together.
Figure No.1 Contact details of the Study Centres
Course Study Centre Coordinator

MBA (Executive) Center for Distance Education, Dr. R. U. Sankpal

Distance Mode Shivaji University, Vidyanagar (0231) 2693771
MBA Distance Mode Post Office, Kolhapur 416 004.

MBA Distance Mode Vivekanand College, Dr. N. Y. Rajeshirke

2130, ‘E’ Tarabai Park, (0231) 2658612/
Kolhapur 416 003 2658840
MBA Distance Mode Vasantdada Patil Institute of Mr. M. M. Samudre
Management Studies & Research, (0233) 2211467
Sangli-Miraj Road, Wanlesswadi,
Sangli 416 414
MBA Distance Mode Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Institute Mr. M. B. Bhosale
of Management Studies & (02162) 261088
Survey No. 467, 468/2, Varye,
Satara 415 015

Last date of Assignments Submission

15 to 20 Days before the Examination, April/May, 2018.
Coordinator M.B.A.
Centre for Distance Education
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
(0231) 2693771
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Centre for Distance Education
MBA (Executive) Distance Mode / MBA Distance Mode Course 2017-2018
Cover Page
The Cover Page (First Page) for each Assignment paper should include following information.

1. Name of the Study Centre : _______________________________________________________

Exam Seat No.

2. Name of the Candidate : _______________________________________________

3. Address : ______________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________Pin Code:___________________

4. Mobile No/Contact No:___________________________________________________________

5. Course : MBA-I/II (Semester- ) Executive/MBA Distance

6. Paper No. & Name of Subject : _____________________________________________________

7. Subject Code:___________________________________________________________________

8. Exam Seat No.__________________________________________________________________

9. PRN No._______________________________________________________________________

10. Date of Submission of Assignment: _________________________________________________

11. Signature of Student : ____________________________________________________________

(Only For Official Use)

Marks obtained out of 20 : _________________________________________________________

Name & Signature of Evaluator of Assignment :_______________________________________

MBA (Executive) Distance Mode & MBA Distance Mode
Assignment Questions – MBA Part-II/ Semester – IV

General Instruction’s for all subjects.

1. All questions carry 10 marks each.
2. Attempt any two questions for each paper.
3. Maximum total marks 20 for each paper.


Q1. Explain the steps for starting a new venture.
Q2.What are the problems faced by entrepreneurs today. Write about a successful entrepreneur you
know in brief.
Q3. Write short notes on any two
1. Role of D.I.C in Entrepreneurship Development
2. Project Feasibility Report
3. Schemes to Support Women Entrepreneurs
4. Concept of Entrepreneurship


Q1.Explain the concept and types of Responsibility Centers. What are the various financial
and non financial measures of performance
Q2.Explain the techniques of Management Audit? Distinguish between Management Audit
and Financial Audit.
Q3.Write short notes on any two
1. Labour Variances
2. Activity Based Costing
3. Concept of Contribution and P/V Ratio .
4. Methods of Transfer Pricing

Q1. What is meaning , scope and need for international business?
Q2. Explain the Absolute Cost Difference and Opportunity Cost theory of International Trade.
Q3. Write short notes on any two
1. Concept of Economic Integration and its forms
2. Role of I.M.F. in Global Issues
3. Non Tariff barriers in international trade
4. Types of Foreign Investment
Elective Group A: Marketing Management
Q1. Define global marketing? Describe global market environment.
Q2. Explain the global product pricing strategies.
Q3. Discuss on Foreign Exchange and Financial decisions.


Students are expected to write out in detail the steps involved in the case solution
development and how the case solution(s) has been arrived at. Marks would not be
given for writing and submitting the case solution only.
Q1. Which are the Objectives and Merits of Case Study in Marketing Management.
Q2. Discuss a case study (No.6) on “Branded Basamati Rice” from page no. 76 of
our Self Instructional Material (SIM).
Q3. Solve Case No 02 from page no. 72 of our Self Instructional Material (SIM).

Elective Group B: Financial Management

Q1.Explain the role of various participants in the foreign exchange market.
Q2. From the given data calculate the possibilities of a gain/loss in arbitrage for Mr.
Prabhakar Spot rate = Rs. 44.0030 = $ 1
6 month forward rate = Rs 45.0010 = $ 1
Annualised interest rate on 6 months Rupee = 12 %
Annualised interest rate on 6 months $ = 8 %
Q.3. Write Short note on
i) Convertibility
ii) Need and importance of multinational cash management


Students are expected to write out in detail the steps involved in the case solution development
and how the case solution(s) has been arrived at. Marks would not be given for writing and
submitting the case solution only.
Q.1 From the following Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Atharva & Co. for the
year 31st March 2016
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs.
To Opening Stock 60,000 By Sales 4,00,000
To Purchase 2,75,000 By Closing Stock 75,000
To Wages 25,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,15,000
4,75,000 4,75,000
To Administrative Expenses 45,000 By Gross Profit bid 1,15,000
To Selling and Distribution 10,000 By Interest on Investment 10,000
To Office Expenses 5,000
To Non Operating Expenses 15000
To Net Profit 50,000
1,25,000 1,25,000
Analyse the financial position on the basis of calculating following ratios :
(1) Gross Profit Ratio.
(2) Operating Ratio.
(3) Operating Profit Ratio.
(4) Net Profit Ratio.

Q2. Calculate- i) P/V Ratio ii) Desired Sales volume to earn profit Rs. 60000 and iii)
Desired Profit when sales volume of Rs. 120000 and make comment,
Period Sales (Rs) Profit (Rs)
2015 150000 20000
2016 250000 40000

Q3. Calculate the operating, financial and combined leverage under situations 1 and 2 and
the financial plans for X and Y respectively from the following information relating to the
operating and capital structure of a company, and also find out which gives the highest and
the least value ? Installed capacity is 5000 units. Annual Production and sales at 60% of
installed capacity.
Selling price per unit Rs. 25
Variable cost per unit Rs. 15
Fixed cost:
Situation 1 : Rs. 10,000
Situation 2 : Rs. 12,000

Financial Plan
X (Rs.) Y (Rs.)
Equity 25,000 50,000
Debt (cost 10%) 75,000 75,000

Elective Group C: Human Resource Management

Q1. Explain Difference between Domestic HRM and IHRM?
Q2. Discuss Factors in Expatriate selection?
Q3. Elucidate Principles of TQM?


Students are expected to write out in detail the steps involved in the case solution
development and how the case solution(s) has been arrived at. Marks would not be
given for writing and submitting the case solution only.
Q.1 Explain the concept of case method.
Q.2 Solve Case from your SIM ( 37.Case Example – 2, -A Critical Factory).
Q.3 Solve Case from your SIM ( 70.- Case-V, Sitaram of Solapur).
Elective Group D: Production and Operations Management
Q1.Why is world class manufacturing the need of todays competitive market? State the
various challenges the operations manager faces in doing international business?
Q2. Explain the Information Technology used in manufacturing with examples.
Q3.Write short notes on any two
1. ISO 9000 Series
2. Types of Pollution
3. Total Productive Maintenance
4. Yardsticks of Reliability


Students are expected to write out in detail the steps involved in the case solution
development and how the case solution(s) has been arrived at. Marks would not be
given for writing and submitting the case solution only.
Q1.Discuss the case on “Sunshine Group ” Refer Page 63-66 in SIM. Identify the problem and
provide the solution to the problems identified by you.
Q2. Discuss the case “Dominos India Logistics Management ” Refer Page 81-83 in SIM. Identify the
issues, problems and provide solution to the problem.
Q3. Write short notes on any two
1 Concept of Case
2. Steps in Case Analysis
3 Skills Acquired by Case Analysis
4 Importance of Case Method.

Elective Group E: Insurance & Risk Management

Q1.Explain the concept and types of ‘Risk’.
Q2.Discuss the financial analysis in risk management.
Q3.Explain in brief the implementation and administration of Risk management


Students are expected to write out in detail the steps involved in the case solution
development and how the case solution(s) has been arrived at. Marks would not be
given for writing and submitting the case solution only.
Q1. Explain the concept of case and different steps in case Analysis.
Q2. Solve Case from your SIM (pg. no. 60, Case on Mr. Suresh).
Q3. Solve Case from your SIM (pg. no. 62, Case on Mr. Satyjeet).
Elective Group F: Industrial Management
Q1.Explain the decision making process in industrial buying?
Q2. What are the various categories of industrial products? Describe the industrial product life
Q3. Write short notes on any two.
1. Commercial Terms and Conditions in Industrial Markets
2. Types of Industrial Middlemen
3. Promotion Tools in Industrial Marketing
4. Professional Sales Force in industrial marketing


Students are expected to write out in detail the steps involved in the case solution
development and how the case solution(s) has been arrived at. Marks would not be
given for writing and submitting the case solution only.
Q1. Discuss the case on “ Indochem Production Process” Refer Page 29 in SIM
Q2. Discuss the case “ Dream of Launching a National Newspaper” Refer Page 70 in SIM
Q3.Write short notes on any two
1. Advantages of case method
2. Steps for case analysis
3. Retrospective Case
4. Participants role in case method

Elective Group G: Management of Higher Education


Q1. Explain the functions of the NAAC.

Q2. Explain the components of Institutional Planning.
Q3. Explain the concept of Total Quality Management.


Students are expected to write out in detail the steps involved in the case solution
development and how the case solution(s) has been arrived at. Marks would not be
given for writing and submitting the case solution only.

Q1. Explain the concept of case and different steps in case Analysis.
Q2. Solve Case from your SIM (pg. no. 44, Student and Stakeholder).
Q3. Solve Case from your SIM (pg. no. 64, Recommendation regarding appropriate payment).

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