Semi Detailed Lesson Plan Co1

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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH 9

Quarter 1
October 20, 2022

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

a. identify the communicative style in various situations;

b. create short dialogue out of the given situations using appropriate
communicative style;
c. show realization of the importance of using the appropriate communicative style in
different situations or events.

II. Subject Matter:

Lesson : Communicative Style for Various Situations
Values Integration : Valuing the importance of communicative style in real life
Reference :
Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 1 Module 10

Instructional Materials: LCD Projector, Laptop, pencil, paper

III. Learning Procedure

Preliminaries : Prayer, Greetings, Checking of Attendance
Review : Recall the lesson about conditional statements

Motivation : The teacher will provide different scenarios for the students to read
and analyze the degree of formality of the language used.

Activity : The students will be grouped into 5 and they will be given a task to create a
short dialogue from a scenario provided. Respectively, the group will
perform the task.

Scoring Rubrics
TRAITS Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs
Improvement (1)

SENTENCE The writing has The writing has The writing has The writing has
VARIATION/FOR sentences that sentences that are sentences that are sentence formation
M show excellent use skillfully constructed generally complete errors and/or a lack
of sentence variety with appropriate with sufficient of sentence variety.
and complexity of variety in length and variety in length and
structure. structure. structure.

GRAMMAR/ The writing has The writing has very The writing has The writing has
CONVENTIONS excellent usage of good usage of some usage of numerous errors in
grammar, grammar, grammar, the usage of
Correct usage of

WORD CHOICE The writing has The writing has The writing has The writing has
extremely specific, consistently specific, somewhat specific, some general and
Descriptive and
descriptive, and descriptive, and vivid descriptive and vivid repetitive words
varied word choice
vivid word choice. word choice. word choice. that do not create
interest for the

IDEAS and Actors clearly Actors demonstrate Actors demonstrate Actors demonstrate
Content communicate knowledge of topic basic knowledge of inaccurate
knowledge of topic topic knowledge of topic

Presentation Skills Enthusiastic Some enthusiasm Little enthusiasm Unenthusiastic

Analysis : From the activity, the chosen representative from the group
shall describe and identify the type of communicative style used in the
scenario or task presented. The teacher will take note of the misconception made by
the students.

Abstraction : The teacher will correct misconception and give clarifications

about communicative style.

Application : The teacher will ask her students to identify the type of speech
style appropriate for the following situations shown to assure that
transfer of learning really happen.

The teacher will administer a 15-item quiz about communicative
style and its types
Prepared by: Checked by:


SST – III, English HT - III

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