Integ 2
Integ 2
Integ 2
c. to provide evidence of his guilt. Narration – the witness should be allowed to tell all he
knows with little interruptions from the investigator.
MIRANDA DOCTRINE – this case which entitled Miranda
The simplest technique is to assume that the suspect vs. Arizona, is a US Supreme Court Jurisprudence which
will confess if he is treated in a kind and friendly laid down the constitutional rights of the accused
manner. during custodial investigation. It was incorporated in
Extenuation our 1973 Constitution and later in the 1987 Constitution
of the Philippines.
The investigator indicates he does not consider his
subject’s indiscretion a grave offense. 3. INSTRUMENTATION
b. Judicial Confession– those made by the accused in CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE - facts or circumstances
open court. The plea of guilt may be during arraignment from which, either alone or in connection with other
or in any stage of the proceedings where the accused facts, the identity of the person can be inferred.
changes his plea of not guilty to guilty.
c. Takes down extensive note to document important 3. Baseline method– a sketching method that makes
factors; measurements along from a single reference line, called
a baseline, which can be established by using a length of
d. Establishes the evidence most likely to be
string, chalk line, or some other convenient means.
4. Compass point method– a sketching method that
e. Defines the extent of the search area;
requires a protractor or some method of measuring
f. Determines the personnel and equipment needed and angles between two lines. One point is selected as the
makes specific assignments; and origin and a line extending from the origin becomes an
axis from which the angles can be measured.
g. From his assessments, he develops a general theory
of the crime scene. 5. Cross projection method – a sketching method in
which the ceiling appears to open up like a lid of a
C. Preparation of Narrative Report hinged box, with the four walls opening outward.
The Team leader uses the systematic approach in Measurements are then indicated from a point on the
making a narrative report. floor to the wall.
b. Sketch of the Ground- picture of the scene of the a. Strip or Line Search Method – the searchers will
crime with its nearest physical surrounding. proceed at the same pace along the path parallel to one
side of the rectangle.
c. Sketch in Details – the immediate scene only.
b. Double Strip or Grid Method – is a combination of the
d. Exploded/ cross projection – gives the clear strip search and is useful for large crime scene.
impression of the scene in cases where blood stains or
bullet holes are found. c. Spiral or Circular Method – the searchers will follow
each other in the path of a spiral, beginning in the
outside and spiraling towards the center or vice versa in
TYPES OF MEASUREMENTS a clockwise or counter clock-wise direction.
1. Rectangular coordinates method – a sketching d. Quadrant of Zone Method – the area to be searched
method that involves measuring the distance of an is divided into four quadrants and each searcher is
object from two fixed lines at right angles to each other. assigned to one quadrant.
2. Triangulation method – a sketching method that e. Wheel, Radial or Spoke Method – is applicable for
requires measuring the distance of an object along a area which is considered to be approximately circular or
oval. The area is then divided into six quadrants in a pie- CHAIN OF CUSTODY
like fashion.
It is the number of persons who handled and possessed
the pieces of evidence the moment they were collected,
marked and tagged, up to the time of the final
disposition of the case.
The main objective crime scene photography is to
create an accurate objective visual record of the crime
scene before any item is moved as possible physical
A rough sketch is prepared indicating the actual
Special Crime Investigation
measurement of things with scale and proportion
observed and oriented to the North Pole. All necessary It deals with the study of major crimes based on the
information is placed in the sketch. application of special investigative technique.
Collection of Physical Evidence The study concentrates more on physical evidence, its
collection, handling, identification and preservation in
The competence to recognize and properly collect
coordination with the crime laboratory. Special Crime
physical evidence is critical to both solving and
Investigation involves a close relationship between the
prosecuting crimes.
prober in the field and the crime laboratory technician.
The team leader is always informed of significant They work together as a team, reacting to and
evidence located. The evidence collectors shall put his extending one another’s theories and findings both
initial, location and date of collection on the item and working patiently and thoroughly to solve a crime from
turn it over to the evidence custodian for their investigative discoveries.
documentation and safekeeping.
The present criminal justice system in our country, the
court relies more on physical evidence rather than
extra-judicial confession.
Title Eight
PHYSICAL EVIDENCE – these are the articles and
materials which are found in connection with the CRIMES AGAINST PERSON
investigation and which aid in establishing the identity
(Destruction of Life)
of the perpetrator or the circumstances under which
the crime was committed or which, in general assist in Art. 246. Parricide – Any person who shall kill his father,
the prosecution of criminal. It embraces any object, mother, or child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, or
living or inanimate, solid, liquid, or gas state. any of his ascendants or descendants, or his spouse,
shall be guilty of parricide.
What are the procedures needed for the care of
physical evidence? Art. 247. Death or physical injuries inflicted under
exceptional circumstances–
In order to introduce physical evidence in court, three
important factors must be considered: Any legally married person who, having surprised his
spouse in the act of committing sexual intercourse with
a. The article must be properly identified
another person, shall kill any of them or both of them in
b. Chain of custody must be proved the act or immediately thereafter, or shall inflict upon
them any serious physical injury, shall suffer the penalty
c. The evidence must be material and relevant
of destierro.
If he shall inflict upon them physical injuries of any kind, 6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly
he shall be exempt from punishment. augmenting the suffering of the victim, or outraging or
scoffing at his person or corpse.
These rules shall be applicable, under the same
circumstances, to parents, with respect to their Plain and simple, there is treachery if the offended
daughters under eighteen years of age, and their party was not given opportunity to make a defense.
seducer, while the daughters are living with their
Premeditation is the act of mediating in advance;
Any person who shall promote or facilitate prostitution
deliberation upon a contemplated act; a design form to
of his wife or daughter, or shall otherwise have
do something before it is done.
consented to the infidelity of the other spouse shall not
be entitled to the benefits of this article.
It is the cessation of life of the individual cells in the 2. Asphyxia – dark lividity
whole body, which occurs one at a time after somatic
Characteristics of Post-Mortem Lividity The body cools following death at approximately 1.5
degrees F per hour, under normal conditions and
1. It occurs in the most extensive areas of the most assuming the body’s temperature at death is 98.6
dependent portion of the body. degrees F (37 degrees C).
2. It involves the superficial layer of the skin, lungs, Factors Affecting AlgorMortis:
intestines, kidneys, and brain.
1. Illness
3. Color is uniform in the tissues.
2. Clothes
4. It is not elevated from the skin, lungs, intestines,
kidneys and brain. 3. Obesity
2. Presence of blood stains and other injuries to the
body of the victim.
Robbery and Theft, compared. Fencing – is the act of any person, who, with intent to
gain, for himself or for another shall buy, possess, keep,
a. Both robbery and theft involved unlawful taking as an
acquire, concealed, sell or in any other way, deal on any
articles, items, objects, or anything of value which he
b. Both involve personal property belonging to another; knows to have been derived from the proceeds of crime
or robbery or theft.
c. In both crimes, the taking is done with intent to gain;
Fence – includes any person, firm, organization,
d. In robbery, the taking is done either with the use of association or corporation or partnership and other
violence or intimidation of person or the employment organization who/ which commits the act of fencing.
of force upon things; whereas in theft, the taking is
done simply without the knowledge and consent of the Article 267 – Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention
owner. Elements:
professional practice of planning, deciding, and
• It is an act or process of conveying from one place to operating traffic system to achieve safe and efficient
another, from the Latin word “Terans” meaning across transportation of persons and goods
or and move and “Portare” means to carry.
• The first railroad is the Stockton and Darlington line - This theory asserting that man exhibit constant
(1925). variation of energy and mood states.
2. EDUCATION 4. Military
4. Restriction Code No 4 - limited to drive weighing 2. Pedestrian- drivers should yield to pedestrian
4500 kg and with automatic transmission only crossing except at intersection whereas the movement
of vehicles is regulated by a police officer.
5. Restriction Code No 5 - limited to drive vehicle with
automatic clutch and weighing more than 4500 kg
4. AFP/ PNP vehicle on official call - overtaking lane is the lane to the left of overtaken
vehicle going in the same direction, overtaken vehicle is
5. Vehicle in pursuit of criminals
the privileged vehicle
- Motorist should observe equity of the lead vehicle,
doctrine of the last clear chance on rotunda drive.
2. Lead bus moving toward the center of column of POLICE TRAFFIC LAW ENFORCEMENT
busses lining on the bus stop zone, and remain until
- the part performed by the police and other agencies
zone is filled with busses, but longer than three
with police power including deterrent to law violations
created by the presence of uniformed
5. PENALIZATION - the imposition of penalty upon the 1. Stationary traffic observation - officer is assigned at
accused. Penalty can be influenced by previous records specific place
of conviction as provided by the police. 2. Conspicuous traffic observation - officer attracts
1. Visual warning - using gestures and signals. - defined as calculating manipulation or direction. It
includes forecasting of future traffic demands.
2. Verbal warning - oral warning made when there is
newly enacted law
• traffic or road sign 2. Red ring with diagonal line connotes prohibition
FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF TRAFFIC CONTROL 3. Equilateral triangle red sign, directing to yield the
DEVICES right of way
1. Regulatory devices
2. Warning devices
3. Green- go
• mandatory signs
• It is the portion of the road that answers the safety of - Any motor vehicle accident occurring on a traffic way
pedestrians (ex. Collision between automobiles on a highway)
• That occurrence in a sequence of events which usually CHAIN OF EVENTS IN A VEHICULAR ACCIDENT
produces unintended injury, death or property damage
1. PERCEPTION OF HAZARD – it is seeing, feeling or
TRAFFIC ACCIDENT hearing and understanding the usual or unexpected
movement or condition that could be taken as a sign of
• An accident involving travel transportation on a traffic
an accident about to happen
2. START OF EVASIVE ACTION – it is the first action
taken by a traffic unit to escape from a collision course
MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT or otherwise avoid a hazard
- event resulting in unintended injury or property 3. INITIAL CONTACT – the first accidental touching of an
damage attributable directly or indirectly to the action object collision course or otherwise avoids a hazard
of a motor vehicle or its load
4. MAXIMUM ENGAGEMENT – it is the greatest collapse
or overlap in a collision; the force between the traffic
unit and the object collided with are greatest at
• Shabu is a white, odorless crystal or crystalline C) Heroin – is processed from morphine, a naturally
powder with a bitter numbing taste. occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of
certain varieties of poppy plants.
• Illegal cultivation, culture, delivery, administration,
• Any substance that enters the human body and can dispensation, manufacture, sale trading, transportation,
change either the function or structure of the human distribution, importation, exportation and possession of
organism. any dangerous drugs.
• Drugs used in the diagnosis, cure, treatment, and • Willful act by any person of maliciously and
prevention of disease or for the relief of pain or surreptitiously inserting, placing, adding or attaching
discomfort. directly or indirectly, through any overt or covert act
any dangerous drugs in the person, house, effects or in • -Created by virtue of Republic Act 6425 otherwise
the immediate vicinity of an innocent individual for the known as Dangerous Drug Act of 1972 subsequently
purpose of implicating, incriminating or imputing the repealed by RA 9165.
commission of any violation of RA 9165.
• -the policy-making & strategy-formulating body in the
PUSHER planning & formulation of policies & programs on drug
prevention & control.
• Any person who sells, trades, administers, dispense,
delivers or gives away to another, distributes, • -It shall develop and adopt a comprehensive,
dispatches in transit or transports dangerous drugs or integrated, unified and balanced national drug abuse
who acts as a broker. prevention and control strategy.
• Refers to the residential treatment and rehabilitation
of trainees, clients and patients in a center. • Individuals who transport dangerous drugs in
exchange for a huge amount of money, depending on
the amount of drugs to be delivered and the
• An analytical test using a device, tool or equipment route/distance to be traveled.
with different chemical or physical principle that is
• Women are usually targeted by syndicates since they
more specific which will validate and confirm the result
generally generate mild suspicion from authorities and
of the screening test.
the female body has more cavities possible to insert the
PROTECTOR/CODDLER drugs in, therefore posing less detection risk.
4. International Cooperation
• Act or practice of providing sexual services to another
Neutralize transnational drug syndicates person in return for payment. It is the exchange of
Minimize drug trafficking to and from the country money for the performance of sexual act.
Multilateral, regional, sub-regional and bilateral • Customarily used, to refer to a female person who
assistance and cooperation engages in sex in exchange for money as profession.
Vices – is any immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence • -Any person having no apparent means of
of which leads to depravity, wickedness and corruption subsistence, who has the physical ability to work and
of the minds and the body. who neglects to apply himself or herself to some lawful
Different Forms of Vices:
• -Any person found loitering about public or semi-
1) Drug addiction public building or places, or tramping or wandering
about the country or to the streets without visible
2) Alcoholism
means of support.
3) Prostitution
• -Any idle or dissolute person who lodges in houses of
4) Gambling ill-fame, ruffians or pimps and those who habitually
associate with prostitutes.
A public officials, law enforcement officers or anybody China Organized Criminal Groups
who not a member of the organization who can helps
the organization.
1. Gangs (Triad) = work in cooperative ventures
involving black market activities, burglaries and thefts,
Scale of Organized Criminal hijackings and extortions.
Taiwan organized crime has close connection with the 8. Intellectual Property Theft
Chinese Triads and Hong Kong particularly the United 9. Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships
Bamboo Gang. They are involved in drug trafficking,
prostitution, women and child trafficking. 10. Illicit Trade (smuggling) of Small Arms and Light
The country considered as the heaven for the sex • sending fraudulent e-mails or website pop-ups, to get
industry. A number of women are sent abroad as victims to divulge sensitive financial information such as
entertainers but later end-up as prostitutes. Thailand, credit card numbers or social security numbers
Japan and other Asian Countries are common places of
their destination. Young children for pedophiles are also
being catered. TERRORISM
• the word terror derives from the Latin word terrere,
meaning “to frighten” the use or threatened use of
force design to bring about political change. (Brian
Jenkins of the Rand Corporation) IDEOLOGY
• the unlawful use of force or violence against persons • body of ideas affecting the social needs and
or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the aspirations of an individual or group, a class or a
civilian population, or any segment thereof, in culture”
furtherance of political or social objectives (FBI)
• Bovier defines it as “a set of doctrines or beliefs that
• Al Qaeda from the basis of a political, economic and other
• in Arabic, this means The Base that founded by Osama
bin Laden in 1980
Types of bombers
Osama bin Laden 1. Amateur
Organized al Qaeda that responsible for truly heinous - can be described as experiments
terrorist incidents, including the 2001 destruction of the
World Trade Center (WTC) died killed in Pakistan on 2. Professional
May 2, 2011 (Operation Neptune Spear) - builds or bombs or does both for profit
ABU SAYYAF GROUP (ASG) 3. Psychopathic
Aliases: Al-Harakat Al-Islamiyyah, Bearer of the Sword, - acts without rhyme or reason
Father of the Swordsman
4. Suicidal
Founding Philosophy
- major attack weapon in recent years, particularly
The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) was formed in 1991 during among Islamic terrorist groups
the peace process between the Philippine government
and the nationalist/separatist terrorist group, the Moro R.A. 9372
National Liberation Front (MNLF). Angered by the Human Security Act of 2007, Approved on March 6,
movement toward a peaceful resolution, certain MNLF 2007 Effective on May 15, 2007
members formed Abu Sayyaf.
• Any person who commits an act punishable under any
1. Political Ideologicalism of the following provisions of the RPC: (Sec. 3)
2. Religious Fanaticism MONEY LAUNDERING
- A rapid, self-sustaining oxidation process accompanied
by the evolution of heat and light of varying intensity.
- anything that will burn when heated with sufficient ⚫ It refers to the chemical process whereby fire
oxygen consumes the most solid part of the fuel.
- electrical appliances; causes electric shock - the willful and malicious burning of all kinds of
buildings and structures including personal properties
- metal fire such as magnesium (white element burning
with dazzling light), sodium (a silver white metallic - an art that deals with the identity and location of the
element), etc.; creates violent reaction offender and provides evidence of his guilt in criminal
- flammable gases such as LPG, LNG, etc.; also creates
violent reaction 1. Actual burning took place
3. Extent of damage caused; and 4. Sexual Deviates – some sex perverts derive sexual
stimulation from setting a fire and watching the flame.
4. The fact of its being inhabited or not. Frequently, he is chronic masturbator who stimulates
Charring pattern may indicate fire characteristics. The and enhances his sexual gratification by means of arson.
fact that the fire feeds on combustible while
propagating itself, indicates that the char will generally
be deepest from where the fire originates. When a fire FIRE CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES
is extinguished quickly, the charring is only slightly
Republic Act No. 9514
below the surface. Fire burning for a longer period of
time will indicate a char that is deep and pronounced. - Approved on December 19, 2008
These facts are most apparent in the charring of wood
- Repealed PD 1185
as a fire burns. The charring from fire on woods looks
like the hide of a black alligator. Fire extinguished - known as the "Revised Fire Code of the
Definition of terms
Fire Door - A fire resistive door prescribed for openings CHAPTER VII
in fire separation walls or partitions. FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES
Fire Hazard - Any condition or act which increases or
may cause an increase in the probability of the
occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay, hinder
or interfere with fire fighting operations and the Fingerprints- It is an impression design by the ridges on
safeguarding of life and property. the inside of the last joint of the finger or thumb on any
Fire Lane - The portion of a roadway or public way that smooth surface through the media of an ink, sweat or
should be kept opened and unobstructed at all times for any reagents capable of producing visibility.
the expedient operation of fire fighting units. Dactyloscopy - derived from the Latin words Dactyl =
Fire Protective And Fire Safety Device - Any device finger and Skopien – to study or examine)
intended for the protection of buildings or persons to • It is the practical application of the science of
include but not limited to built-in protection system fingerprints. Dactylography – is the scientific study of
such as sprinklers and other automatic extinguishing fingerprint as a means of identification.
system, detectors for heat, smoke and combustion
products and other warning system components, Dactylomancy – is the scientific study of fingerprint for
personal protective equipment such as fire blankets, purposes of personality interpretation.
helmets, fire suits, gloves and other garments that may
Dermatoglyphics = is the science which deals with the
be put on or worn by persons to protect themselves
study of skin pattern.
during fire.
• It is derived from two Greek words, Derma which
means Skin and
Plain Arch (A) Tented Arch (T) No circuiting ridge within the pattern area is touched or
cross by an imaginary line drawn between the two
3. Two deltas
d. Accidental Whorl (irregular shaped) denominator Plus the pre-established fraction of l/1 to
complete the primary.
1. A combination of two different patterns with the
exception of the plain b. Secondary – Represented by Capital and small letter
combination based on interpretation made during the
2. Two deltas
It is the process of tracing the ridges intervening c.1 Ridge Counting of Loop
between the tracing ridge (flows from the left delta to
the right delta Index Finger 1 to 9 Ridge Count = I
c.3 Plain Arch and Tented Arch are always dash (-)
Molded prints or Prints made by contamination with
colored substance.
d. Major Division (Taken from Thumb fingers only)
2. Invisible prints = prints that are generally made by
d.1 Whorl = Ridge tracing = I, O, or M.
sweat or perspiration that requires developing for
d.2 Loop = Ridge Counting = S, M or L Table 1 Table 2 visibility.
1 to 11 = S 1 to 17 = S
12 to 16 = M 18 to 22 = M
17 or more = L 23 or more = L
a. General View Lights can largely be classified into visible and invisible
= taking an over-all view of the scene of the crime. It
shows direction and location of the crime scene. a. Visible Light
c. Close-up View The lights in which their wavelength are either too short
or too long to excite the retina of the human eye i.e. X-
ray, Ultrat-violet and Infra- red lights.
2. Photographic Rays
It is the taking of individual photograph of the evidence
a. X-ray
at the scene of the crime. It is design to show the details
of the crime.
Commonly designed in laboratory photographing using Light with the wavelength between .01 to 30
some magnification such as Photomacrography and millimicrons. It is produced by passing an electric
photomicrography. current through a special type of vacuum tube. It was
incidentally discovered by Conrad Welhelm Roentgen.
This type of light works in the principle of shadow
1. Light - is an electromagnetic energy that travels in a photography.
form of a wave with the speed of 186, 000 miles per
b. Ultra-violet ray (Before the violet)
Radiation having a wavelength of 30 to 400 nanometers This is expressed in arithmetic value system. The bigger
designed to photograph fingerprints in multi colored the number the more sensitive the film is.
background, documents that are altered, decipherment
of erase writing and developing invisible writing. It is
commercially known as “black Light”.
c. Visible Light ASA 10, 20 , 30 , 40,50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1000
It refers to the type of radiation having a wavelength of 2. DIN ( Deutche Industre Normen)
400 to 700 millimicrons designed for ordinary
photographing purposes. Thus expressed in Logarithmic value system. Used in the
same principle as the ASA.
d. Infra-red (Beyond the Red)
Din 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33 etc.
Considered as the photographic rays with the longest
wavelength ranging from 700 to 1000 millimicrons. It is 3. ISO (International Standard Organization) expressed
designed to take photograph of over-written as combination of ASA and DIN rating.
documents, obliterated writing, and charred documents
or for black out photography. It is sometimes referred
to as heat rays). Photographic Paper
SENSITIZED MATERIAL It is that sensitized material that will record the visible
image in the final development and become the
It refers to the film and photographic paper that photograph.
basically composed of emulsion containing Silver
Halides suspended in gelatin and coated on a
transparent or reflective support. Types of Photographic Papers
Parts of the Sensitized Material A. According to Emulsion Used (Silver halides content)
1. Emulsion 1. Silver Chloride paper
It is that part of the film or photographic paper which It is used for contact printing, the size of the positive
contains the silver grains which is the one sensitive to print is the same as the size of the negative used.
light. In a colored film this emulsion surface can be Sensitivity to light is low and give blue-black tones when
composed of three layers (Blue, Green and Red) with properly developed.
filters intervening.
2. Silver Bromide paper
2. Anti Halation Backing
It is used projection, printing and enlarging process. This
It is the one designed to hold back the light and is one of the most ideal photo paper used for police
prevents halation. photography. Will give a black tone when properly
3. Base = Support the emulsion developed.
FILM SPEED (Emulsion Speed) It is used both for projection and contact printing. Slow
This refers to the degree of sensitivity of the film to
4. Variable contract paper
1. ASA (American Standards Association) It combines the contrast range in one paper it uses a
special chlorobromide emulsion that produces varying
contrast responses upon exposure to different colors of reaching the sensitized material. It is usually expressed
light. in a fraction of a second.
CAMERA 1/1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60 1/125 1/250 1/500
A. Viewing System
It is that part of the camera which provides the means If the objective of a photographer is obtain the widest
of showing to the photographer the entire scene possible coverage of the lens in which objects are all
coverage that can be recorded in the sensitized sharp, It will be advisable to used a smaller lens
material. opening.
Branches of Ballistics
CHAPTER IX FORENSIC BALLISTICS 1. Interior (Internal) Ballistics treats of the motion of the
projectile while it is still inside the firearm (chamber
Ballistics is the science of the motion of the projectile /barrel) which extends from the breech to the muzzle.
and the condition that affects their motion. It is a
science in itself for it is an orderly arranged knowledge, 2. Exterior (external) Ballistics treats of the attributes or
which is a product of series of experimentation, movement of the projectile after leaving the gun
observation and testing muzzle.
d. Range
Refers to the rate of speed of the bullet (during its (According to the Caliber of the projectile propelled)
flight) per unit of time usually express is feet per second
1. Artillery Refers to those type of firearms that propels
projectile with more than one inch diameter.
3. Terminal Ballistics it is that branch of Ballistics which
Examples: Cannons, Mortars and Bazookas:
deals with the effects of the impact of the projectile on
the target. 2. Small Arms Are firearms that propels projectile with
less than one inch diameter and it can be handled,
4. Forensic Ballistics is defined as the study of the
moved and operated by one man.
motion of the projectile as applied to law or simply the
science of firearm identification by means of the Examples: Machine gun, shoulder arms and handguns.
ammunition fired through the
2.1 Machine guns
inside their gun barrel. Muskets It is an ancient smoothbore and muzzle loading
military shoulder arms designed to fire a shots or a
Examples: Shotguns and Musket single round lead ball. A more detailed discussion of
musketeers can be found on chapter 8 in the discussion
2. Rifled Bore Firearms = Firearms that have rifling
of ignition system.
inside their gun barrel. Examples: Pistols, Revolvers, and
other modern weapons.
Shotgun A smooth bore and a breech loading shoulder Examples: Single shot pistols, Revolvers and shotguns.
arms designed to fire a number of lead pellets or a shots
2. Repeating Arms = A type of firearms designed to fire
in one charge (FBA Manual)
several loads (shot) in one loading.
The barrel construction of shotgun may also be found in
Examples: Automatic pistols revolvers rifles and
different bore construction.
A. cylinder bore type which the bore size is the same
3. Automatic F/A = type of firearms that constitutes a
through out the barrel
continuous firing in a single press of the trigger and
B. choke bored gun designed with a diminishing or while the trigger is press.
reducing bore diameter type towards the muzzle. This
Examples: Machine guns and rifles
type is designed to cause an effect to the travel of the
shots. It makes the shots travel longer before it spreads. 4. Slide Action type = types of firearms in which loading
take place by back and forth manipulation of the
C. “Paradox gun” in a very rear occasions another type
under/over forearms of the gun.
of shotgun can be observed to be having rifling only a
few inch from its muzzle points. Examples: Shotgun and pistols
2.3 Handguns = those type of firearms that are designed 5. Bolt Action Type = Type of firearms in which
or intended to be fired using one hand. reloading takes place by manipulating the both back
and forth.
Ex. Pistols and Revolvers
Examples: Rifles, shotguns and machine guns.
a. Pistol
6. Lever type (Break type) = loading takes place by lever
action on the firearms.
b. Revolver
b. b. Rim fire it is a type of cartridge in which the Buck Shot = a large size lead shot for used in shotgun
priming mixture is located at the hallow rim of the case
can be fired if the cartridge is tuck by the firing pin on
the rim of the case (cavity rim).
Gun Powder
1. Ball Type – Is a type of bullet, which is intended for Two of the most popular individual whose name is
anti-personnel and general use. always attached to gunpowder discovery were Roger
Bacon and Berthold Schwartz. Let’s take a short
2. Armor piercing – is a type of military bullet designed description of how their names are always mentioned in
to penetrate light steel armor. Its mechanical the history.
construction makes it capable of penetrating through
some light vehicles. Roger Bacon, (1242 A.D.) a Franciscan monk, who wrote
the ---“De Mirabili Potestate Artis et Naturae” (On the
3. Explosive Bullet - Is a small bullet containing a charge Marvelous Power of Art and Nature), including an
of explosive, which will detonate on impact. anagram.
4. Incendiary Bullet –Type of military bullet used to Berthold Schwartz (whose real name was Constantin
cause fire in a target, generally designed to use by Anklitzen), a mysterious monk of Freiburg, who
aircraft armament in order for the fuel tanks to ignite. according to legend that is supported by an engraving
5. Tracer Bullet – a type of military bullet capable of dated 1643, while experimenting on some powder in a
leaving visible marks or traces while in flight giving the cast iron vessel, he ignited a charge and thus blew off
gunner the chance to observe the strike of the shot or the lid, and from this deduced the principle of
make adjustments in the event of a miss containing a charge in a tube and propelling a shot
(Encyclopedia of ammunition).
8. Helixometer
1. Questioned Document – Document to which an issue 4. Commercial Document = any document defined and
has been raised or which is under scrutiny. The focal regulated by the Code of Commerce ( People Vs. Co
point of the examination and to which the document Beng, C.A. 40 OG 1913) or any other commercial law.
examiner relies as to the extent of the problem. (also
referred to as disputed document).
Writings and Signature:
2. Standard Document – Document in which the origin
is known can be proven and can legally be used as System of Writing – is the combination of the basic
sample to compare with other things is questioned. shape and designs of letter and the writing movement
which was taught in school.
3. Natural Writing – a specimen of writing that is c. Projection or transmitted light process- used of light
executed normally and without any attempt of altering from the back or bottom.
its usual writing habits.
d. Laser method – used of hologram.
4. Disguised – a specimen of writing executed
deliberately with an attempt of changing its usual
writing habits in the hope of hiding one’s identity.
- is an act of simulating or tracing somebody’s signature 2. Beard – is an introductory up and down strokes found
without the latter’s consent for profit. in some capital letters. Also called as double hitch.
3. Traced Forgery – forged signature which closely 7. Eyelet/ eyeloop – refers to small oblong strokes.
resembles the genuine made by some tracing process or 8. Hitch – an introductory backward strokes found in
outline form. most capital letters and in some small letters.
9. Hiatus - an obvious gap between letters. Miscellaneous Document Problem
13. Stem/shank/staff – is considered as the backbone of Erasure – refers to removal of a writings or any part of a
the letter characterized by a long downward strokes document either by mechanical or chemical process.
14. Initial/terminal Spur – a long running initial or Mechanical Erasure – done by means of abrasive
terminal strokes. method through rubbing or scrapping.
15. Through – refers to any garland form of a letter Chemical Erasure – done with the aid or use of
strokes bleaching agent called ink eradicator.
16. Whirl – is the long upward strokes usually found Usually examined with the aid or fuming, transmitted
opposite the stem light,
Writing Movement – refers to all factors relative to the Charred Document – refers to partly burned or brittle
motion of the pen. document. Decipherment is usually accomplished with
the used of infra-red light examination.
Types of movement:
development depending on the ink used. Methods of
1. Finger (used by beginners) development can be by heat. Water, chemical fuming or
by ultra-violet light process.
2. Hand (wrist serves as the point of pivotal & of limited
freedom) 6. Decipherment of Contract writing
3. Forearm (most skillful type of movement) Contact writing – refers to partially visible ink strokes
cause by sudden contact between a sheet of paper with
4. Whole arm (used for ornamental or large writings)
another paper containing fresh ink. Can be enhanced
through fuming or ultra-violet light process.
justice but notion of decency and delicacy may cause
inhibition of its presentation.
a. Corpus Delicti Evidence- Objects or substance which 2. Saponification (Adipocere formation) - is the
may be a part of the body of the crime. formation of a soft, friable and brownish- white greasy
substance in the soft fatty tissues of the body after
b. Associative Evidence- These are physical evidences
death. This substance is called adipocere that is formed
which link a suspect to the crime.
by hydrogenation of the body fats. It can be possibly be
c. Tracing Evidence- These are physical evidences which seen in the buttocks, trunk, limbs, breast and cheeks. It
may assist the investigator in locating the suspect. prevents or delays the putrefaction of the body.
1) STRANGULATION (THROTTLING) may be with the use d) studying the natural course of disease process
of hands or a ligature (such as rope)
e) educating students and physicians.
2) MEDICO LEGAL OR OFFICIAL an examination
entrance of air through the nose and mouth is blocked
performed on a dead body purpose of:
or severely restricted.
a) determining the cause, manner or mode and time of
3) HANGING the neck is tied while the body is
suspended common from suicide
b) recovering, identifying and preserving evidentiary
4) CHOKING there is blocking of the internal airway by a
foreign object inside or outside of the victim’s body.
c) providing correlation of facts and circumstances
5.) CRUSH OR TRAUMATIC ASPHYXIA brought about by
related to death
the mechanical compression of the chest by some
heavy object d) providing a factual, objective medical report for law
enforcement, prosecution and defense agencies
e) separating death due to disease from death due to
external cause for protection of the innocent.
• An autopsy which failed to establish cause of death • It remains of persons who died of dangerous
after all efforts have been exhausted communicable diseases may be disinterred after five (5)
• An autopsy which after a meticulous examination with
the aid of other examination does not yield any definite
cause of death.
Physical Injury
• An autopsy wherein no cause of death is found on Physical Injury- is an injury of the body caused by
account of imprudence, negligence, lack of skill and lack physical agents which is the application of stimulus to
of foresight of the examiner. the body producing damage or injury to the tissue.
Method of Disposal of the Dead Body Wound- is a break or solution in the continuity of the
skin or tissues of the body.
1. Embalming- Artificial Mummification
Inflammation- Is a specific tissue response to injury by
2. Burial- Inhumation or Interment
the living or inanimate agents, or to electrical, chemical
Is a method of placing the dead body in the grave. etc., characterized by vascular dilatation, fluid
exudation and accumulation of leukocytes in the
Funeral- it is the procession of the dead body followed tissues.
by grieving relatives, friends and other persons to the
place of burial in accordance with the religion, custom
and traditions.
Classification of Wound or Physical injury
Persons in-charge; The Spouse(if married), The
A. As to Severity
descendant of the nearest degree and brother and
1. Mortal Wound
3. Cremation- Is the burning of the dead body into ashes 2. Non-Mortal Wound
or pulverization of the body into ashes by the
B. As to Kind Instrument used
application of heat or flames. Requirement: permit for
cremation, Exact identification of the deceased and 1. Blunt instrument – lacerated
exact cause of death has been ascertained.
2. Sharp-edge instrument – incised
4. Disposal of the dead body to the Sea.
• It refers to the taking out of a body from its tomb or C. As to Manner of Infliction
gravesite D. As to the depth of the Wound
• It can be done only upon a lawful order, with E. As to the relation of the site of application of force
permission from the Department of Health. and injury
• It remains of persons who died of non- dangerous, a) Coup Injury- Injury at the side of application.
non-communicate diseases may be disinterred after
three (3) years.
b) Contre coup- injury found opposite the side of birth.
DEFLORATION - the laceration or rupture of the hymen
c) Coup Contre Coup- injury both at the side and as a result of sexual intercourse.
opposite side of application.
Kinds of Virginity
A condition wherein the hymen is intact, with the edges Polygraph - (derived from the Greek words Poly) many
distinct and regular, and the opening is small to barely or several and Graph = (writing chart) is a scientific
admit the tip of the smallest finger of the examiner instrument capable of recording simultaneously
even if the thighs are separated. changes in blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration and
FALSE PHYSICAL VIRGINITY skin resistance as indicative of emotional disturbance
especially of a lying subject when being questioned.
A condition wherein the hymen is unruptured but the
orifice is wide and elastic to admit two or more fingers
of the examiner with a lesser degree of resistance. Thomas Jefferson- first person known who used the
3. DEMI-VIRGINITY term Polygraph to described one of his inventions
In 1921, Earl Bryant made an instrument for Larson in MAJOR COMPONENTS OF POLYGRAPH
which he used a breadboard as a base and from that it
became in the industry as Breadboard Polygraph –
1. Pneumograph = designed to detect and record 1. Relative Blood Volume/Pressure = is the changes in
changes in respiration of the subject which consists of the average value of the cardio tracing (waveform) with
the ff: respect to a baseline.
• Rubber Convoluted Tube = about 10 inches a. Diastolic Blood Pressure = refers to the downward
corrugated rubber attached to the body of the subject. blood pressure representing the low pressure to the
closing of the valves and heart relaxed.
• Beaded Chain = used to lock the rubber convoluted
tube. b. Systolic Blood Pressure = the upward blood pressure
as the apex of the curve caused by the contraction of
• Recording Pen Unit = consisting of two 5 inches
the heart, valves are open and blood is rushing into the
recording pen
• Centering Knob = used to center the pen
2. Pulse Amplitude = is the changes in pulse amplitude
• Sensitivity Knob = used to adjust the desired size of (tracing height) independent of baseline.
3. Pulse Rate = changes in heart rate or time between
• Vent = used to release excess pressure from the pulses.
4. Dicrotic Notch = changes in relative position of the
• Pneumo Module = located inside the instrument that dicrotic notch or pulse waveform
receives the reactions detected by the corrugated tube
= short horizontal notch in a cardio-tracing located at
and moves the pen to record the reactions on the chart
the middle of the diastolic stem
c. Recording Pen Unit = five (5) inches length a.2. Connecting Plug = attached the system to the
d. Air Pump/Pump Bulb = designed to supply air to the
system b. Recording Pen Unit = usually 7 inches
e. Cardio Module = located inside the instrument that c. Amplifier Unit = designed to support the
receives the reactions detected by the cuff and moves galvanometer in converting electrical to mechanical
the pen to record the reactions on the chart current.
f. Sensitivity Control = used to adjust the desired size of d. Sensitivity Control = used to adjust the desired size of
tracings tracings
g. Centering Control = designed to center the pen on e. Centering Control = designed to center the pen on
the chart the chart
h. Vent = Used to release excess pressure from the f. GSR Module = located inside the instrument that
system receives the reactions detected by the finger electrodes
and moves the pen to record the reactions on the chart
Cardiosphygmograph provides a record of the following:
The electrodes electrically connect the subject to the 2. Symptomatic Question - is designed to ensure that
instrument. These provide a 5 microamp sensing the examiner will not ask un-reviewed questions or that
current to the subject, far below the threshold of the examinee is not afraid that the examiner will ask un-
feeling. reviewed questions.
Kymograph - serves as the paper feed mechanism of the Do you believe me when I promised not to ask a
polygraph machine question in this test I have not gone over word for
• It is a motor that pulls or drives the cart paper under
the recording pen simultaneously at the rate of five Even though I promised I would not, are you afraid I
seconds per vertical chart division or twelve divisions in will ask a question in this test I have not gone over word
one minute run. for word?
a. Chart- approximately 100 ft. rolled graph paper with 3. Sacrifice Relevant Question - it introduces the
approximately ¼ inch horizontal division and ½ inch relevant question to the subject Designed to absorb the
vertical division equivalent to 5 seconds run response generated by the introduction of relevant
b. Cutter Bar- used to cut the paper at the end of the question in the series
c. Rubber Roller- the one responsible for pulling the
Regarding the (matter under investigation), are you
paper out of the machine.
willing to answer the questions truthfully?
d. Pen Table- flat portion where the pen write on the
4. Relevant Question- a question deals with the matter
under investigation. Color coded red in computerized
instruments. It is designed to generate reactions from
deceptive subject.
e. Paper Rail Guide- serves as the security for the
unnecessary movement of the chart paper or to ensure
the paper’s forward movement without shaking.
Types of Relevant Question
f. Synchronous Motor- runs the chart paper at the
a. Primary Relevant (Strong Relevant) - addresses the
uniform rate speed regardless of the voltage change.
primary issue or direct involvement of the subject on
the matter under question. It is use primarily with the
single-issue examination.
Pen and Inking System - the one that provides for the
permanent record of the test Ex. Did you take that missing money?
Capillary Ink a water based ink intended for polygraph b. Secondary Relevant (Weak Relevant) - deals with the
instruments physical acts that support the primary issue. This is
usually use in multi-issue examination.
Ex. Did you participate in the theft of that missing
b. Exclusive - a comparison question separated in time,
c. Guilty Knowledge - designed to probe whether the place and category from the relevant question. It was
subject possesses information regarding the identity of introduced by Cleve Backster. He believes that this
the offender or the facts of the case under question. prevents the guilty suspect from perceiving the
comparison question as an ambiguous relevant
Ex. Do you know who took that missing money?
d. Evidence Connecting Question - test question in
which the examinee is asked about a particular piece of
physical evidence that would incriminate the guilty • During the first years of your life, did you ever ?
person. It could be items left at the crime scene by the
• Prior to 2009, did you ever ?
perpetrator or stolen property.
-he will be instructed to take one, look at it and return it 2. Diagnostic Exam - a test which involves specific case
with the rest of the cards. investigation.
-the examiner will shuffle the cards and each card will Types of Diagnostic Exam
be shown to him, with the instruction that he will
1. Single Issue Exam - a test which inquires direct
answer “NO” to all cards , even if the one being shown
involvement of subject into a specific case under
to him is the one he has seen earlier.
5. Guilt Complex Test used primarily for overly
responsive subjects.
2. Mult-facet Exam - test format in which the relevant
- A totally fictitious incident but a similar nature to the
questions are targeted toward different elements of the
matter being investigated and make him believe it is
same crime.