Science 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bais City
Brgy. Olympia, Bais City

S.Y. 2022-2023
Name : _____________________ Grade : _______________________

Date : _____________________ Score : ______________________

1ST Periodic Examination in Science 8

Directions: Choose the letter corresponding to the correct answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet.

D. When a cardboard with coin on top is suddenly

1. What force pulls an object back to the Earth? pulled, the coin falls into the glass.

A. Applied C. Gravitational 6. In a grocery store, you can easily push a cart with
B. Magnetic D. Tension 5 kg sack of rice than a cart with a 10 kg sack of
rice to the counter. Which of these explains the
2. Two people pull on a rope in a tug-of-war. Each situation?
pull with a 300 N force. What is the net
Force ? A. Law of Inertia
B. Law of Interaction
A. 0 N C. 300 N C. Law of Acceleration
B. 600 N D. 900 N D. Law of Universal Gravitation

3. What is the net force in the figure below? 7. The following situations demonstrate potential
energy EXCEPT:

A. a bullet fired from a gun

B. a child at the top of a slide
C. a car parked at the top of a hill
D. river water at the top of a waterfall
A. 25
N, to the left C. 25 N, to the right
B. 195 N, to the left D. 195 N, to the right 8. Which of the following quantities, when doubled,
has the greatest effect on the amount of kinetic
4. If the mass of an object is 45 kg on Earth, what is
its mass on the moon?
A. mass C. size
B. speed D. weight
A. 45 N C. 45 kg
B. 441 N D. 441 kg

5. Which of the following phenomena apply the first 9. Where does a car on a hill have the greatest
law of motion? potential energy?

A. A leaf sways back and forth falling from a tree.

B. When a ball falls on the floor, the ball bounces
back up.

A. top of the hill

B. bottom of the hill
C. When pushed with the same force, a car C. halfway down the hill
accelerates slower than a grocery cart. D. it has the same potential energy at all points
10.What force acts perpendicular to the surface of B. 12.0 A D. 25.0 A
the object in contact with?
A. Applied 18. What will happen to the current if the voltage is
B. Gravitational reduced to one half?
C. Normal
D. Tension A. tripled
B. doubled
11. Which of the following is true about the effect C. decreased by one half
of air temperature on the speed of sound? D. decreased by one fourth

A. The lower the temperature the faster the speed. 19. Which of the following properties of materials
B. The higher the temperature the faster the speed. does NOT affect resistance?
C. The higher the temperature the slower the speed.
D. The temperature does not affect the speed of A. Length
sound. B. Thickness
C. Temperature
12. What happens to the speed of sound when it D. Strength of the material
travels in warmer objects?
20. How many billions of electrons are there in a
A. constant C. faster 3.000-A current?
B. slower D. cannot be determine
A. 6.250 C. 12.50
13. Which has the least energy among the colors of B. 18.75 D. 25.00
a rainbow?
21. What happens to the brightness of the bulbs
A. green C. orange connected in series when more and more bulbs are
B. red D. violet added to the circuit?

14. Violet is bent most among the seven colors A. increases C. remains the same
because it has the ___________. B. decreases D. cannot be predicted

A. highest frequency 22. The following are advantages of a series circuit

B. lowest frequency EXCEPT:
C. longest wavelength
D. shortest wavelength

15. For visible light, which property changes with


I. frequency II. Period III. wavelength

A. III only C. I and II

B. I and III D. I, II, and III
A. Series circuits do not overheat easily.
B. Easy to install and easy to repair and maintain.
C. All loads in a series circuit have the same
D. If one load fails, all loads in the circuit will not
16. Which of the following arrangements of visible
light colors shows decreasing 23. The following are disadvantages of a series
wavelength? circuit EXCEPT:
A. It is difficult to control the load individually.
A. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet B. It is easy to install, repair and maintain the
B. red, yellow, green, orange, violet, blue, indigo circuit.
C. violet, blue, green, orange, red, indigo, yellow C. It is difficult to identify the damaged light bulb in
the circuit.
D. violet, indigo, blue, green, orange, yellow, red
D. Since voltage is not equal for every load, not all
loads will have the same
17. What is the electric current if a circuit has a
resistance of 100 Ω and voltage of 12.0 V?

A. 0.120 A C. 9.00 A
24. Which of the following statements is NOT true Science Teacher
about safety devices used at home?

A. Safety devices are used to prevent electric shock.

B. Safety devices cut the flow of current in case of
C. Safety devices supply unsteady amount of
voltage to protect appliances against overloading. Noted by:
D. Safety devices are used to provide alternative
route for current in the case of a grounded circuit.
School Head
25. How do you prevent from experiencing electric
shock at home?

A. Recycle blown up fuse

B. Regularly check household wirings
C. Plug electrical appliances with wet hand
D. Continue using worn-out extension wire

26. When do you consider repairing electrical

wirings at home?

A. when a newly bought extension cord is used

B. when electrical appliances are in good condition
C. when fuses blows out or circuit breakers trip off
D. when lights do not flicker even if other
appliances are turned on

27. At home, you noticed that a portion of an

electrical wire is worn out, exposing its metallic
part. What do you think might happen if you will
just ignore this problem?

A. short circuit may happen

B. circuit is of better condition
C. overloading may not happen
D. nothing happens when someone touches the wire

28. What electrical circuit condition in which

current returns and takes the path of metal casing of
an appliance?

A. short circuit
B. series circuit
C. parallel circuit
D. grounded circuit

Good luck!

Prepared by: IRISH B. GENERAL

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