Poster of Mechanics

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racter Co loring

Cha Con
ok test
The contest is open to all interested Preschool pupils of
Forbes Academy.
Each contestant will be given the same piece to color and will
be given 45 minutes to color it.
The winners will be chosen using the following criteria:
·Stroke 30%
·Creativity/Uniqueness 30%
·Appropriateness of color 25%
·Over-all impact 15%
Total 100%
1st placer-3rd placer shall be selected and shall receive a
ribbon plus certificate of recognition.
Judging of entries will be on December 05, 2022.
The decision of the judges is final and irrevocable.
Posting of Winners will be on December 06, 2022 through a
Power Point Presentation.
Awarding Ceremonies will be held at the Social Hall on
December 06, 2022.
Storytelling Co
line nte
On st
The contest is open to all interested elementary pupils (Grades 1-3, 4-6
pupils), JHS and SHS students of Forbes Academy.
Participants shall choose a short English story they want to share.
The contestant must feature the book in the video and must mention
the title of the story, author/s, illustrator/s, and publisher of the
The video must include the following:
a. portrait orientation and in the highest quality if possible
b. clear and audible voice of the contestant
c. content’s language that must be appropriate for all ages
d. citation of the original owner
e. file name format for your entry:
Title of the story_Name of the Participant_Grade Level
Ex. Thirsty Crow_Juan Dela Cruz_Grade 4
Entries containing foul and offensive language will be immediately
Adults may assist as cameramen or actors but not as content
Storytelling Co
line nte
On st

The video must not exceed 6 minutes and must be submitted in mp4
The use of microphone, props, costumes, graphics and video editing
applications are allowed but not encouraged.
Each contestant must submit one entry only.
Entry must be received on or before (December 03,2022) @ 5:00 p.m.
Any submission beyond 5:00 p.m. of the said date shall not be honored.
Entries must include learner’s name and grade level and must be sent to
[email protected]
The winners will be chosen based on the following criteria:
(Gesture, facial & emotional expressions) 30%
·Language Proficiency
(Pronunciation, pause, pitch and pace) 30%
·Voice Projection
(Balanced tone of voice) 20%
·Organization of events/ideas 20%
Total 100%

Storytelling Co
line nte
On st

Three winners- 1st Placer, 2nd Placer, 3rd Placer shall be selected and
shall receive ribbons and certificates of recognition.
Judging of entries will be on December 03, 2022.
The decision of judges is final and irrevocable.
Announcement of Winners will be on December 06, 2022 during the
Closing Program
Awarding Ceremonies will be held at FA Social Hall, on December 06,
In-Tandem Con
ell- tes
T t
The contest is open to all interested pupils of Primary Level of Forbes
The entry is tandem storytelling. One pair per family per entry. Any
member of the family can be the partner of the participant.
Entry must be a storytelling video and must be told in English.
The book must be featured in the video and the storytellers shall
mention the title, author/s, illustrator/s, and publisher of the book.
The winners will be chosen based on the following criteria:
(Gesture, facial & emotional expressions) 30%
·Language Proficiency
(Pronunciation,pause, pitch and pace) 30%
·Voice Projection
(Balanced tone of voice) 20%
·Organization of events/ideas 20%
Total 100%
The video must not exceed 6 minutes and must be submitted in mp4
Each contestant must submit one entry only.
In-Tandem Con
ell- tes
T t

Entry must be received on or before (December 03, 2022) @ 5:00 p.m.

Any submission beyond 5:00 p.m. of the said date shall not be honored.
Entries must include learner’s name and grade level and must be sent to
[email protected].
Three winners- 1st Placer, 2nd Placer, 3rd Placer shall be selected and
shall receive ribbons and certificates of recognition.
Judging of entries will be on December 03, 2022.
The decision of judges is final and irrevocable.
Announcement of Winners will be on December 06, 2022 during the
Closing Program
Awarding Ceremonies will be held at FA Social Hall, on December 06,
pine Poetry Co
ok S nte
Bo st
The book spine poetry contest is open to all interested Junior and
Senior High School students of Forbes Academy.
Pick up books that you can find at the library, at home, or in the
bookstore and stack them up, arrange their spine artistically to create
a poem.
The poem or entry should have a minimum of three (3) titles and a
maximum of eight (8) titles.
Take a picture of your creation. Entry must be in JPEG format.
Each contestant must submit one entry only.
Entry must be received on December 05, 2022, until 2:00 p.m. only. Any
submission beyond 2:00 p.m. of the said date shall not be honored.
Entries must include learner’s name and grade level and must be sent to
[email protected].
The criteria for judging will be as follows:
·Message 40%
·Originality 30%
·Creativity 30%
Total 100%
1st placer-3rd placer shall be selected and shall receive a ribbon plus
certificate of recognition.
pine Poetry Co
ok S nte
Bo st

Judging of entries will be on December 05, 2022.

The decision of the judges is final and irrevocable.
Posting of Winners will be on December 06, 2022 through a Power Point
Awarding Ceremonies will be held at the Social Hall on December 06,
Face Photo Co
ok nte
Bo st
The book face photo contest is open to all interested Elementary
(Grades 1-3, 4-6 pupils) Junior and Senior High School students of
Forbes Academy.
Find a book that has a human/animal face or body part on its cover.
Books can either be owned by the participants or borrowed from friends
or libraries.
Participants should creatively take a photo with their chosen book and
make face/body an extended part of the book cover.
Book covers which are obscene are prohibited.
Each contestant must submit one entry only.
Entry must be received on December 05, 2022, until 5:00 p.m. only Any
submission beyond 5:00 p.m. of the said date shall not be honored.
Entries must include learner’s name and grade level and must be sent to
[email protected].
The criteria for judging will be as follows:
·Originality 40%
·Workmanship Quality 20%
·Creativity 30%
·Overall Appearance 10%
Total 100%
Face Photo Co
ok nte
Bo st

1st placer-3rd placer shall be selected and shall receive a ribbon plus
certificate of recognition.
Judging of entries will be on December 05, 2022.
The decision of the judges is final and irrevocable.
Posting of Winners will be on December 06, 2022 through a Power Point
Awarding Ceremonies will be held at the Social Hall on December 06,
ary Hugot Cont
ibr est
The contest is open to all JHS and SHS students of Forbes Academy.
The participants must be able to create their own composition of a
library hugot. It may be written in pure English, pure Tagalog, or
TagLish with no derogatory, malicious, or offensive words and must be
related to the theme: "Basa.Bayan.Bukas".
The Participants must bring their own materials such as pentel pen,
bond paper or any art materials.
The participants will be given one (1) hour to finish their work.
Their hugot lines must be ORIGINAL (We will know if it is used anywhere
on the Internet.)
Top 3 hugot entries will be declared as winners and will receive
certificates of recognition.
The decision of judges is final and irrevocable.

Message or Relevance to the theme 35%
Content 35%
Originality 30%
TOTAL 100%
y Writing Cont
ssa est
The Board of judges shall provide topic of the essay at the venue of the
The contestants shall be given one (1) hour to develop the composition.
Each contestant shall be assigned with a number.
The contestants shall bring a pen and must be provided with a long bond
paper marked with the assigned number duly signed by the contest
master. They are prohibited to write their names and the grade level
they are representing.
No printed materials, electronic gadgets, or storage devices shall be
The result of the contest shall be posted on the tally board immediately
after the judges have finished rating the contestants’ manuscripts.
The judges’ decision is final.


Content (Relevance to the theme, Comprehensiveness,
Originality, Insights) 50%
Organization (Clarity of Thoughts, Creativity, Unity
and Consistency 30%
Mechanics (Punctuation, Spelling, Capitalization, Grammar) 20%
TOTAL: 100%
re Writing Con
atu tes
Fe t
The Feature Writing Contest is open to all JHS and SHS Students of
Forbes Academy. Only 3 students per section will be given a chance to
participate in the contest.
Each group shall be assigned with a number.
The contestants shall bring a pen and must be provided with a long
bond paper marked with the assigned number duly signed by the
contest master. They are prohibited to write their names and the
grade level they are representing.
The entry must be in English: minimum numbers of words is 500. No
maximum number of words is required. Below 500 words is subject to
The maximum time to write the piece is two (2) hours and will be
judged using the following criteria:
Relevance to the theme 30%
Organization and Structure 25%
Style, Neatness & Readability of piece 20%
Grammar & Vocabulary 15%
Unity of the Group 10%
TOTAL 100%
re Writing Con
atu tes
Fe t

Additional sheets of paper can be requested from the facilitators.

The contestants will be given at least fifteen (15) minute
brainstorming and after that, they are required to keep silent while
the contest is on-going.
1st placer-3rd placer shall be selected and shall receive a ribbon plus
certificate of recognition.

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