Chemistry Sample Paper 1

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Subject Code: KAS102T

Roll No:

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose

1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 10 = 20

Qno. Question MarksCO

a. Explain impurity defects. 2 1
b. Why Teflon is highly chemically resistant? 2 1
c. What is selection rule? 2 2
d. On the basis of IR spectra, distinguish between 2 2
intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonding.
e. Calculate Phase, Component and Degree of freedom in 2 3
the given system;
C(s)+ ½ O2 ← → CO(g)
C(s)+ O2 ← → CO2(g)
f. Why calgon is better than other internal process for water 2 3
g. Give the preparations of Grignard reagent. 2 4
h. Why O2 is paramagnetic and N2 is diamagnetic? 2 4
i. How can sulfur be estimated by ultimate method? 2 5
j. How much rust (Fe2O3.3H2O) can be produced by 3g of 2 5


2. Attempt any three of the following: 3x10=30

Qno. Question MarksCO
a. With the help of Molecular orbital theory how Metallic 10 1
bonding in metals can be explained?
b. Write the criteria for a molecule to show Raman, IR, 10 2
Rotational and UV Spectra. Give the possible electronic
transitions (UV spectra) inCH3CH2CH3, CH3CH=CH2,
CH3CH=O and CH3-CH=CH-CH=CH-CH3. How many
fundamental Vibrational degrees of freedom are expected.
for the following molecules: CO2, H2O and C2H?
c. The percentage composition of coal sample is: C = 70 %, 10 3
H2 = 10 %, O21%,S= 5%,ash = 0.5 %and N = 0.3 %.
i. Calculate the quantity of air needed for complete
combustion of 1kg of coal, if 60% excess of air is
ii. Calculate the gross and net calorific value of the coal
using dulong’s formula
d. Give significance of Nernst equation. Consider a cell 10 4
reaction: Zn / Zn 2+ [0.1M] || Cu 2+[0.2M] / Cu Standard
reduction potential of Zn2+ and Cu2+ are -0.76V and
0.34V respectively. Write half-cell reactions, complete
cell reaction and calculate EMF of the cell.
e. Distinguish between addition and condensation 10 5
polymerization. Give monomers and one use each of
PMMA, Polyethylene, Bakelite, PVC, nylon6,6.,Buna S.


3. Attempt any one part of the following: 1x10=10

Qno. Question MarksCO
a. i. Explain types of Non stoichiometric defects with 10 1
ii. Calculate bond order, magnetic behavior and order of
stability of NO, NO - , NO+
b. Write a note on liquid crystal describing classifications 10 1
and applications of liquid crystals.
4. Attempt any one part of the following:

Qno. Question MarksCO

a. The e.m.f. of the cell cd | cdcl2, 2.5 H2O (Saturated) || 10 2
AgCl(s) | Ag involving following reaction Cd(s)
+2AgCl(s)aqcdcl2 2.5H2O(Saturated)+2Ag(s) is
0.6753V and 0.6915V at 250 C and 00C. Calculate  H,
G and S at 250 C.
b. Draw the Phase diagram of water and explain triple point 10 2
and metastable state

5. Attempt any one part of the following: 1x10=10

Qno. Question MarksCO

a. Write Notes on chromophores and Auxochrome. Explain 10 3
Transitions in UV spectra.
b. Explain the Microwave (Rotational) spectra of diatomic 10 3
molecule and write their applications.

6. Attempt any one part of the following: 1x10=10

Qno. Question MarksCO

a. Draw diagram of Bomb calorimeter. Explain proximate 10 4
analysis of coal.

b. Explain Ion exchange process of water softening. Zeolite 10 4

softener was 90% exhausted, when 10,000 hard water was
passed through it. The softener required 200 L of NaCL
solution of strengths 50 gm/L. Calculates the hardners of

7. Attempt any one part of the following: 1x10=10

Qno. Question MarksCO
a. Explain with equations preparations of acid, ketone, 10 5
alcohol, alkanes and Organometallic compound from
Grignard reagent.
b. What are composite materials? Give the classifications of 10 5
composite materials?

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