2022-Chem Passing & MLL Questions

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Chapter No-1
The solid state
Q.No :1,16,36=1+2+5=08M
Q. Calculate the packing efficiency in simple cubic lattice.
Q. Calculate the packing efficiency in BCC.
Q. Calculate the packing efficiency in FCC/CCP.
Q. Calculate the number of atoms in SC/BCC/FCC.
Q. Differences between crystalline and Amorphous solids.
Q. Differences between schottky and Frenkel deffect.
Q. Differences between n-type and p-type semiconductor.
Q. Difference between n-type semiconductors and p-type Semiconductors.
Q. What are molecular crystalline solids? Give an example.
Q. What are covalent or network crystalline solids? Give an example.
Q. What are ionic crystalline solids? Give an example.
Q. What are metallic crystalline solids? Give an example.
Q. How many tetrahedral and Octahedral voids in closed packed spheres.
Q. Problems on the calculation of Density of crystalline Solid.
Z M
d= aN
Q.Silver forms ccp lattice and X- ray studies of its crystals show that the edge length of its unit
cell is 408.6pm. Calculate the density of silver (atomic mass = 107.9 u)
Q.X- ray diffraction studies show that copper crystallizes in an fcc unit cell with cell edge of
3.6 x10-8cm. In a separate experiment, copperis determined to have a density of 8.92g/cm3,
calculate the atomic mass of copper.
Q.Calcium metal crystallizes in a face centered cubic lattice with edge length of 0.556nm.
Calculate the density of the metal. (Atomic mass of calcium = 40g/mol and NA= 6.022 x1023mol-1)
Q.What are para, dia, ferro magnetic substances? With an example.
Chapter No-2
Q.No :2,3,17,37=1+1+2+5=09M
Q. Define the following and Write SI unit
i) Molality ii) Molarity iii) Mole fraction.
Q. Among Molarity,Molality Which is temperature dependent and independent.
Q. i) What happens to Molarity when temperature is increases?
ii) What happens to Molality when temperature is increases?
Q. Define i) Osmosis ii) Osmotic Pressure
Q. Reverse osmosis and is applications.
Q. Define Isotonic Solutions,Hypotonic Solutions,Hypertonic Solutions
Q. What are Azeotropic Mixtures? Give an example for i) Minimum Boiling azeotropy mixture
ii) Maximum Boiling azeotropy mixture.
Q. Effects of Temperature on i) Solubility of gas in Liquid ii) Solubility of Solid in Liquid.
Q. Effects of Pressure on i) Solubility of gas in Liquid ii) Solubility of Solid in Liquid.
Q. State i) Henry's law, (i) Raoult’s law. Give Mathematical Expression for both laws.
Q. Differentiate between Ideal and non-ideal solutions.
Q. Differentiate between non ideal solution with +ve deviation and non ideal solution with -ve
Q. Problems based on the Calculation of Molar Mass of solute.(Colligative Properties)
1. The vapour pressure of pure benzene at certain temperature is 0.850 bar. A non-
volatile,nonelectrolyte solid weighing 0.5 grams when added to 39 grams of benzene
(molar mass 78 grams), vapour pressure of the solution, then is 0.845 bars. What is
the molar mass of the solid substance?
2. A solution was prepared by dissolving 18 grams of glucose in 150 grams of water the resulting
solution was found to have boiling point of 100.34oC. Calculate the molar mass of glucose.
(Kb for water = 0.51K/Kg/mol).
3. 1.00 gram of non volatile solid dissolved in 50 grams of benzene lowered the freezing point of
benzene by 0.40 K. The freezing point depression constant a benzene is 5.12KKgmol-.Find the
molar mass of Solute.
4. 200 cm3 of an aqueous solution of a protein contains 1.26 g of protein. The osmotic
pressure of such a solution at 300 K is found to be 2.57 × 10-3 bar.Calculate the molar
mass of the protein.
Q. Questions on Concept of Vant Hoff' factors i.
Chapter No-03
Q.Faraday's laws(1St Law and 2nd Law)
Q.Kohlrausch law and its Application
Q.Write Cell reactions of Dainel cell.
Q.Explain Working of SHE and Write Cell reaction and Cell Notation.
Q. Explain the construction and working of Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell.
Q. What are primary and secondary cells. Give example.
Q. Write Anode and Cathode reactions for the following battery
i) Dry Cell ii) Lead Storage battery iii) H2-O2 Fuel cell iv) Corrosion of Iron
Q.What is corrosion? Mention the methods to prevent corrosion of iron.
Q.Problem on a calculation of i) Emf of cell ii) ∆Go iii) Equilibrium Constant (K)
i) Calculate the emf of the cell in which the following reaction takes place
Ni + 2Ag(0.002M) Ni2+(0.160M)+ 2Ag Given E0Cell=1.05V
ii) Calculate the value of ∆G0 at 298 K for the cell reaction.
3Mg(s)+2Al3+ 3Mg2+(aq) +2Al(s)
[Given : E0Mg = -2.36V,E0Al = -1.66 V and F= 96487 C].
iii) Calculate equilibrium constant for the reaction.
Cu + 2Ag+ Cu+2 + 2Ag EoCell= +0.46V

Chapter No-4
Chemical Kinetics
Q.No :5,39,40=1+5+5=11M
Q.Derive an expression for integrated rate equation of
(i) First order reaction, (ii) Zero order reaction.
Q.Show that half life period of a first order reaction is independent of initial concentration of
reacting species. (OR) Derive Half life period of First order reaction,
Q.Show that for a Zero order reaction of half life period is directly proportional to initial
concentration of the reactants.(OR) Derive Half life period of Zero order reaction
Q. Differences between Order and molecularity
Q. Units for different orders of reaction.
Q. Explain temperature Co-efficient of a reaction.
Q. Arrhenius equations and explain the terms.
Q. Explain with Graphs for i) Effect of catalyst ii)Effect of temperature.
Q.Define i) Threshold Energy iii) Activation Energy iii) Collision Frequency
Q.Problems on calculation of t1/2 and K of first order reaction.
1. 50% Of a 1st order reaction is completed in 40 minutes. calculate the time required to
complete 65% of the reaction.
2. 70% Of a 1st order reaction is completed in 23 minutes. calculate the rate constant of a
Q.Problems on calculation of Ea by using Arrhenius equation.
1.The rate of a specific reaction doubles when a temperature changes from 350K to
360K.calculate the energy of activation.
2.The specific reaction rate of a reaction quadruples when the temperature changes from 300C
to 500C calculate energy of activation of the reaction.
3. The rate constant of a reaction at 500K and 700K are 0.02 S-1 and 0.07S-1
respectively.calculate the energy of activation of the reaction.
Chapter No-05
Surface Chemistry Q.No-6,7,41
Q. Difference between
(i) Phyrisorption and chemisorption, (ii) Lyophilic and Lyophobic colloids.
Q.What is the effect on ∆H and ∆S during the process of adsorption?
Q. Explain Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis with example.
Q Explain the preparation of colloids by Bredig's Arc method.
Q. Write a note on (i) Tyndall effect (ii) Brownian movement.
Q.What are the condition to show the Tyndall effect in colloidal solution?
Q.State Hardy Schulz Rule. Out of Na+,Mg+2 and Al+3 which one is needed in lower
concentration to coagulate As2S3 Sol?
Q.Define shape selective catalysis. Name the zeolite catalyst used to convert alcohol to gasoline in
petroleum industry.
Q.What is peptization?Give an example.
Q.Write the expression for Freundlich adsorption isotherm.
Q.What is Coagulation of a sol? Name any two methods by which lyophobic sol can be
Q.Write a note on Electrophoresis.
Q. Explain the mechanism of enzyme catalysis.
Chapter No-06
Isolation of Elements
Q. Explain: (i) Froth flotation process (ii) Depressant.
Q. Explain the extraction of aluminum from Hall-Heroult process.
Q. Write the reactions involved in the leaching of alumina from bauxite.
Q. Explain the extraction of Iron from blast furnace.
Q Explain the extraction of copper from copper matte.
Q.Explain Zone refining.
Q. Which metals are refined by (i) Mond Process. (ii) VanArkel Process.
Q.Complete the following equations
i) 2Cu2O +Cu2S
ii) ZrI4
iii) ZnO + C
Chapter No-07
The P-Block Elements
Q. Explain the manufacture of ammonia by Haber's process.
Q. Write the reactions involved in the preparation of nitric acid by Ostwald's process.
Q. Expalin the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process?
Q. Mention any 3 anomalous properties of i) Nitrogen. ii) Oxygen iii) Fluorine
Q. Write the structure of (i) HP02, (ii) H3PO3, (iii) H2PO4.
Q. Write the structure of (i) H2S02, (ii) H2SO3, (iii) H2SO4.
Q. Write the structure of (i) HClO, (ii) HClO2, (iii) HClO3 (iv) HClO4
Q. Complete the following reactions
i) NH3+ 3Cl2 ? + 3HCl
ii) Cl2 + F2 ?
iii) 8NH3 + 3Cl2
iv) Na2SO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2O + ?
v) Br2 + 3F2
vi) NO + O3
vii) 5SO2 + 2MnO4- + 2H2O
viii) C + 2H2SO4(conc)
ix) CH4 + 2O2
x) 2Fe3+ + SO2 + 2H2O
xi) C12H22O11+ H2SO4(conc).
Q. i)Name the noble gas which does not have general noble gas electron configuration ns2np6.
ii) Name the commercial source of this gas.

Q.How is radon obtained?

Q.Name the noble gas obtained as decay product of 226Ra.
Q.Name the noble gas which does not occurs in the atmosphere.
Q.What is the commercial source of helium?
Q.Noble gases are less reactive.Give reasons.
Q.Noble gases are chemically inert.Give one reason.
Q. How is XePtF6 prepared?
Q.Complete the reaction
i) XeF6 + 2H2O 2Xe + 4HF + ?
ii) 6XeF4 + 12H2O 4Xe + ? +24HF + 3O2
iii) XeF6 + 2H2O A + 4HF.
Q.Complete the reaction XeF6 + 2H2O ? + 4HF
Q.Complete the reaction XeF6 + H2O ? + 2HF

Chapter No-08
The d and f-Block Elements
Q. Write the reactions involved in the manufacture of potassium dichromate.
Q. How is potassium permanganate is manufactured from pyrolusitc?
Q. What is (i) Lanthanide contraction (ii) Actinoid contraction?
Q. 3d-series elements exhibit variable oxidation states.Why?
Q.What are interstitial compounds? Write any 2 characteristics of interstitial compounds.
Q. Transition elements shows catalytic property. Give two reasons.
Q.Many copper (I)compounds are unstable in aqueous solution and undergoes disproportionation.
Give Reason.
Q.Explain the magnetic properties of transition elements. Give the formula to calculate magnetic
Q.Transition metals form large number of complex compounds.Give reasons.
Q.Calculate the magnetic moments of a divalent ion in aqueous solution if its atomic number is 25.
Q. Calculate the magnetic moment of Mn+2, Zn+2.
Q.What is Lanthanoid contraction? Mention any 2 consequences of it.
Q.Study of actinide elements is difficult.Give two reasons.
Q.What is the composition of Mischmetal?
Q.Give any 2 differences between Lanthanoids and actinoids.
Q.Complete the following reactions.
i) 4Ln + 3O2
ii) 2Ln + 6H2O
iii) 2Ln +N2
Chapter No-09
Coordination Compounds (Q.No-33,34,35)
Q. State the postulates of Werner’s theory of co-ordination compounds.
Q. Explain linkage isomerism, Ionisation isomerism solvate isomerism with example.
Using VBT explain the electronic configuration, geometry and magnetic property of the
following complexes:
i)[Ni(CN)4]-2complex ion (Z for Ni=28).
ii)[NiCl4]-2 complex ion (Z for Ni=28).
iii)[CoF6]-3 complex ion (Z for Co=27).
iv)[Co(NH3)6]+3 complex ion (Z for Co=27).
Q.What are Homoleptic and heteroleptic complexes?Give one example for a heteroleptic complex.
Q.What are cationic and anionic Complexes?Give an example.
Q.Write the geometrical isomeric structures of [Co(NH3)4Cl2]+. What is the coordination number of
cobalt in this complex.
Q.Give the facial and meridional isomeric structure of [Co(NH 3)3(NO2)3].
Q.Draw geometrical isomers of [Fe(NH3)2(CN)4]-.
Q.Write the IUPAC name of K3[Cr(C2O4)3], [Co(en)3]Cl3(Practice IUPAC Names given in previous
year Question papers )
Q.What are ambidentate Ligands? Give an example.
Q.What is Ionisation isomerism?Give an example.
Q.What is Linkage isomerism?Give an example.
Q.What is Coordinate isomerism?Give an example.
Q.What is solvate isomerism or hydrate isomerism?Give an example.
Q. What is crystal field splitting energy? Draw energy level diagram of CFT for Octahedral complex.
Q.Between t2g and eg sets of d- orbitals of a central metal in an Octohedral complex, which set
has higher energy?
Q. How is a metal-carbon pi- bond formed in metal carbonyls?
Q. Explain synergic effect in the formation of metal carbonyls.
Q.Write the structure of Mn2(CO)10.
Q.What type of characteristic bonds are present in M-C bonds in metal carbonyls?
Chapter No-10
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Q. Explain the SN1 mechanism of the conversion of tert-butyl bromide into ter-butyl alcohol.
Q. Explain SN2 mechanism of conversion of methyl chloride to methyl alcohol.
Q. Explain i) Wurtz reaction ii) Wurtz Fittig’s Reaction iii) Fittig’s Reaction.
Q. Explain i) Finkelstein reaction ii) Swart’s Reaction
Q. Explain the reaction of haloalkanes with i) Alc.KCN ii) Alc.AgCN iii) Alc.KOH iv) Aq.KOH
Q. What is racemisation?
Q. What are enantiomers?
Q. Zaitsev rule and example of 2-bromopentane
Q.Reaction of Alcohol with Thionyl chloride

Q.Chiral carbon, Enantiomers, Racemic mixture, racemisation ( Definition and one

Q.Why Aryl halides are less reactive for nucleophilic substitution reaction?
Q.Friedal craft reactions of chlorobenzene .
Q.What is Grignard reagent and its formula
Q.What are Freons? What is its effect on environment.
Q.Write the structure of DDT.
Chapter No-11
Alcohols,Phenols and Ethers
Q Explain the acid catalysed dehydration of ethanol into ethene.
Q.Explain the acid catalysed hydration of ethene into ethanol.
Q.How to prepare phenol from cumene.
Q.Kolbe's reactionn
Q.Reimer-Tiemann reaction
Q.Williamson's ether synthesis
Q.Friedel-Craft's reaction
Q. Lucas reagent and its test
Q.Reactions of phenol with a) Excess Bromine water b) Bromine in Cs 2
c) Conc. HNO3 d) Dil.HNO3 e) Chromic acid d) Zinc dust
Q.Why phenols are more acidic in nature
Q.Conversion of BDC to Phenol
Q.Esterification reaction
Q.Acidity of Phenols and alcohols
Q.Reaction of alcohol with preheated Cu at 573K.
Q.Examples for dihydric, trihydric alcohols and phenols
Chapter No-12
Aldehydes,Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
Q Explain the mechanism of addition of HCN to aldehyde and ketone.
Q.Cannizzaro's reaction.
Q.Aldol Condensation
Q.Rosenmund reaction
Q.Gatterman Koch reaction
Q.Clemmensen's reduction
Q.Wolf Kishner reaction
Q.HVZ reaction
Q.Decarboxylation reaction
Q.Name a reaction to show the presence and absence of -hydrogen in the
Q.How to convert toluene and propyl benzene to benzoic acid
Q.How to convert Benzoic acid to benzamide
Q.How does Grignard reagent react with CO2
Q.Give reason: benzoic acid does not undergo Friedel craft reaction.
Q.What is the reaction of PCl5 on carboxylic acids? Give an example

Q.Name the product formed when a sodium acetate is heated with soda lime.
Q.How do you prepare carboxylic acid from nitriles? Explain with an example.
Q.A Grignard reagent X react with CO2(Dry ice)followed by acid hydrolysis gives acetic acid
hat is the name of the compound X.
Q.Arrange the following compound in decreasing order of their acidic strength
i) Chloroacetic acid ii) Fluoro acetic acid iii) Bromoacetic acid.

Chapter No-13
Q.Hoffmann Bromamide reaction (Explain and Eqn)
Q.Carbylamines Reactions with equation.
Q.Hinsberg reagent and its reactivity with amines (NO Eqn expected)
Q.Reaction of Amines with nitrous acid (Aliphatic and aromatic)
Q.Diazotization reaction (Will be asked in fill in the blanks type also)
Q.IUPAC of amines (very important)(Refer previous year question papers)
Q.Basicity of amines in gas and aqueous phase (Give reasons will be asked)
Q.Gabriel phthalamide synthesis, Reaction of aniline with Bromine water and
Sulphonation of aniline
Q.Azo dye test (OR) coupling reaction of BDC with phenol and aniline
(Will be asked in complete the reaction type also)
Q.Sandmayer reaction and reduction of Nitrobenzene to amines
(Complete the reaction type might be expected)

Chapter No-14
Q. Reducing and non reducing sugars with example.
Q. Write the Haworth structure of Maltose.
Q. Write the Haworth structure of Sucrose(Non-reducing sugar)
Q. Write the Haworth structure of lactose.
Q.What is Peptide bond and How it is formed? Write the structure of glycylalanine.
Q.Zwitter ion and Write the structure of Zwitter ion of glycine and alanine
Q.What is denaturation of proteins? Give one example. Name the structure which
remains intact and gets disturbed during denaturation of proteins.
Q.Write any two differences b/w Fibrous and Globular proteins.
Q.Write any two differences between Amylose and amylopectin.
Q. What are Essential and non essential amino acids? Give examples.
Q Vitamin deficiency and diseases like vitamin A, D, C, K, B1, B2, B12 etc.
Q. Base present in RNA but not in DNA.
Q. Base present in DNA but not in RNA.

One marks questions Answers

Give an example for reducing sugar Glucose
Given an example for non reducing sugar Sucrose
Give an example for essential amino acid Valine, Leucine, Lysine
Give an example for non essential amino acid Glycine
Nitrogen base present only in DNA not in RNA Thymine
Nitrogen base present only in RNA not in DNA Uracil
Water Soluble component of Starch Amylose
Water insoluble component of Starch Amylopectin
Water soluble Vitamin Vitamin B, C
Fat soluble Vitamin Vitamin A, D, E, K
Deficiency of Vitamin A causes Night blindness
Deficiency of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) causes Scurvy
Deficiency of Vitamin B causes Beri Beri
Deficiency of Vitamin D causes Rickets
Deficiency of Vitamin B12 causes Pernicious anemia
Name the hormone which maintains blood Insulin
sugar level in body
Name the protein present in hair Keratin
Name an Optically inactive amino acid Glycine

Chapter No-15
Q. Explain the Preparation of following polymers:
(i) Polythene (ii) Teflon ii) Nylon 6.6 (iv) Nylon 6 (v) Buna-s (vi) Decron(Terylene).
Q.Name the monomer present in natural rubber and write its structure.
Q. Write a note on vulcanization of rubber.
Q. Explain the preparation of (i) Neoprene, (i) Buna-N, (ii) PHBV.
Q. What is Addition Polymerisation? Give an example
Q.What is condensation polymerisation? Give an example
Q.What are Homopolymers? Give an example
Q.What are co-polymers? Give an example
Q.What are thermoplastics? Give an example
Q.What are thermosetting plastics? Give an example
Q.What are biodegradable polymers? Give an example
Q.What are non biodegradable polymers? Give an example.

One mark questions:Polymer Monomer unit

Polyethene Ethene
PVC Vinyl chloride
Polyacrylonitrile Acrylonitrile
Teflon Tetrafluoroethene
Nylon-6,6 Adipic acid+Hexamethylene diamine
Nylon-6 Caprolactum
Terlyene(Dacron) Ethylene glycol+Terephthalic acid
Bakelite Phenol+Formaldehyde
Buna-N 1,3-butadiene+Acrylonitrile
Buna-S 1,3-butadiene+Styrene
Natural rubber Isoprene
Synthetic rubber/Neoprene Chloroprene

Chapter No-16
Chemistry in everyday life
Q. What are Analagerics? Give an example.
Q. What are tranquilizers? Give an example.
Q. Explain the following with an example:
(i) Antacids (ii) Antimicrobials (iii) Antiseptics and disinfectants.
Q. What are artificial sweetening agents? Give an example.
Q. What are food preservatives? Give an example.
Q. What are antioxidants? Give an example.
Q. What is saponification? Write reaction.
Q. Explain the anionic detergents with an example.
Q. Explain the cationic detergents with an example
Q. i) Give an example for a narcotic analgesic.
(ii) To which class of drug does ranitidine belongs.
Q. Explain saponification with chemical reaction.
Q. Give an example for i) an antacid ii) Antifertility drug
Q. What are antioxidants? Give an example.
Q. What are artificial sweetener? Give examples.
Q. Give one example each for a) Narrow Spectrum antibiotics b) Analgesics
Q.What are detergents? Why are they preferred over soaps?
Q. What are antihistamines? Give example.
Q. What are antibiotics? Give example.
Q What are antiseptics? Give example.

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