Test 3 Bonding Review Sheet-Final Version

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Regents Chemistry

Test 3 Review: Chemical Bonding

Describing a Chemical Bond

 Atoms combine with other atoms to have a more stable electron configuration
 When a bond is formed, energy is released (exothermic)
 A chemical bond is an attractive force between two atoms

Three types of chemical bonds occur between atoms:

1) ionic bond (valence electrons are transferred between the two atoms)
2) covalent bond (valence electrons are shared between the two atoms)
3) metallic bond ( “A sea of mobile valence electrons” between all the metal atoms)

1. Ionic Bonding

 Created by the attraction between positive ion (cations) and negative ions
 Solid ionic compounds arranged in crystal lattice structure
 Generally formed between metals (tend to lose electrons) and nonmetals
(tend to gain electrons)
 Electrons are transferred from the metal atom to the nonmetal atom to
create opposite charged ions

*Know how to draw Lewis Dot structures of ionic compounds

In Lewis structures for ionic compounds, metals always have zero valence electrons and nonmetals always have

Example: Lithium fluoride (LiF) compound can be represented as

Flourine has 7 from its own valence electrons and 1 from Li (light dot)

2. Metallic Bonding

 Attraction between positive metal ions and mobile electrons between the
metal ions (think of “a sea of electrons” where the positive metal ions
floating within the electrons)
 The mobile electrons explains properties of metals (malleable, ductile,
good conductors of electricity and heat)
 Notice the difference between ionic bonding and metallic bonding: ionic
bonding results from the attraction between opposite charged ions
whereas metallic bonding is the attraction of only positive metal ions and
the negatively charged mobile electrons. There is no negative ion in a
metallic bond.
Ms. Martin
Regents Chemistry

3. Covalent Bonding

 Nonmetal atoms tend to gain electrons. What happens if two hydrogen

atoms combine? Each hydrogen atom would like to gain one electron to
have a stable electron configuration. However, since both hydrogen
atoms want to gain electrons, the two hydrogen atoms share electrons so
that each hydrogen atom can achieve a stable electron configuration. The
sharing of electrons between two atoms creates a "covalent bond".
 Nonmetal atoms combine with each other by creating a covalent bond
between the atoms.
 A molecule is a group of two or more covalently bonded atoms that have
combined with each other to create a single unit. For example, H2O is two
hydrogens combined with oxygen to form a "molecule" of water. The
molecule acts as one item that has two hydrogens bonded with on
 One covalent bond has a total of 2 shared electrons (one pair) between
two atoms. A double bond has 4 electrons (two pairs), and a triple bond
has 6 (three pairs).

**Know how to draw the Lewis structures of covalent compounds!


Lewis dot structure for hydrogen fluoride (HF)

Lewis dot structure for ammonia (NH3)

Lewis dot structure for the oxygen molecule

The double lines represent two pairs of shared electrons (double bond)

What other elements exist as diatomic molecules at STP and how many bonds are between their two
atoms in Lewis Structures? (BrINClHOF)
Ms. Martin
Regents Chemistry

*You should know the overall differences between ionic, covalent, and metallic compounds:
eg. melting/boiling points, electrical conductivity, general solubility in water

Polarity of Covalent Bonds (Theorized by Linus Pauling)

 Electrons are shared equally in a nonpolar covalent bond.

Electronegativity difference of ZERO between two atoms in a covalent
bond indicates a nonpolar covalent bond.
 Electron shared unequally in a polar covalent bond. Electronegativity
difference is NOT ZERO.
 Example of nonpolar covalent bond: F-F in F2
 Example of polar covalent bond: H-Cl in HCl
 Electrons in a polar covalent bond are closer to the atom with the
higher electronegativity
 Remember that electronegativity is the “ability to attract or gain electrons”
 Comparing the polarity of polar covalent bonds: For example
 Which bond is more polar, H-Cl or H-O? To answer this question, you must
determine which bond has the greater electronegativity difference. The H-
O bond has a greater electronegativity difference and is more polar than
the H-Cl polar covalent bond.
 The more electronegative atom in a bond has a partial negative charge (𝛿-) and
the less electronegative atom has a partial positive charge (𝛿+)


Molecular Shapes & Molecular Polarity

 Key shapes: linear, bent, tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal *Know

how to determine the shapes of molecules from the Lewis
Structure (You do NOT need to know bond angles)

Determining Molecular Polarity

 Draw the dipole arrows of each bond in the molecule to determine the
distribution of charge
 Molecules that have an asymmetric distribution of charge are called POLAR
molecules (H2O, NH3, HCl, CH3Cl)
 The more negative end of the molecule has a partial negative charge (𝛿-) and the
more positive end has a partial positive charge (𝛿+)


 Molecules that have a symmetric distribution of charge are called

NONPOLAR molecules (CH4, CO2, H2)
 Nonpolar molecules do NOT have partial charges!

Ms. Martin
Regents Chemistry

Intermolecular Forces (IMF’s)

 Attraction between molecules (not chemical bond between atoms)

 Intermolecular forces determine physical properties of a covalent
 The stronger the intermolecular forces between the molecules of
a substance, the higher the melting point and boiling point of a
substance. For example: H2O has a higher boiling point than CH4 because
the intermolecular forces between water molecules (H-Bonding) is stronger
than the intermolecular forces between the molecules of methane (Dipole-
 Three types of intermolecular forces described below: dipole forces ,
hydrogen bonding (strongest) and dispersion forces (weakest)

Dipole Forces

 Intermolecular attraction that results from all polar molecules (an

unequal distribution of electrons around these polar molecules results in a
“dipole’, positive and negative sides that attract similar molecules)
 Nature of attraction is positive side of a molecule with the negative side of
another molecule

Hydrogen Bonding

 Hydrogen bonding (strongest of intermolecular forces) occurs when an H

in a molecule is covalently bonded to the elements ( O, N, or F)
 Hydrogen bonding is a type of dipole-dipole intermolecular force
 Hydrogen bonding is not a chemical bond between atoms forming
a compound, but an intermolecular force
 Water is the best example of hydrogen bonding between water molecules
that explains the properties of water such as high boiling point
 Other molecules where hydrogen bonding is the intermolecular force
include: NH3 and HF

Dispersion Forces (also called van der Waals forces)

 Weakest of the intermolecular forces

 Exists between all atoms and molecules!
 The only intermolecular force of attraction between nonpolar molecules
 Explains the attractive forces that causes nonpolar points to exist in solid
and liquid phases
 Dispersion forces is the attractive force between positive and negative
charges that results from temporary dipoles. (Buildup of sheep)
 Dispersion forces increase as molecular size increases
Ms. Martin
Regents Chemistry

Ion-Dipole Forces

An ion-dipole force is an attractive force that results from the electrostatic attraction between
an ion and a polar molecule

 Most commonly found in solutions. Especially important for solutions of

ionic compounds in polar liquids.
 A positive ion (cation) attracts the partially negative end of a polar
 A negative ion (anion) attracts the partially positive end of a polar


Rules for Naming Compounds (Nomenclature)

*The three common names that you will be responsible for memorizing are:
ammonia (NH3), water (H2O), and methane (CH4)
Ms. Martin
Regents Chemistry

What you should know about the mini-topics:

1. Polyatomic Ions
a. All of the polyatomic ions (and their charges) that you need to know are provided for
you in Table E of the NYS Chemistry Reference Tables.
b. Compounds containing polyatomic ions are IONIC. But the bonds within the
polyatomic ions themselves are covalent. So compounds containing polyatomic ions
contain both ionic and covalent bonds.

c. By looking at the formula of an ionic compound-you should be able to tell that it

contains a polyatomic ion. Traditional “metal and nonmetal” ionic compounds are ALL
BINARY. Meaning there are only two types of elements in each of them. NaCl only
contains sodium and chlorine-no polyatomic ions are present. However, a formula
such as CaCO3 is an ionic compound with more than two types of elements present in
the compound. Therefore, it MUST CONTAIN A POLYATOMIC ION.

2. Allotropes (Not covered on this test but will most likely be on midterm/regents)
a. Atoms of the same element that are arranged in different molecular structures.
Because of these different molecular structures, they have different chemical and
physical properties.

Ex: O2(elemental oxygen) and O3 (ozone), Diamond and Graphite (Different structural
arrangements of the element Carbon), Red Phosphorous and White Phosphorous
Ms. Martin
Regents Chemistry

3. Network Solids
a. Network solids are macromolecules (large molecules) being held together by networks
of covalent bonds.


b. Because network solids have so many bonds within them, they have HIGH MELTING
c. Additionally, it is important to know that they DO NOT CONDUCT ELECTRICITY IN
EITHER THE SOLID OR LIQUID FORM (the only exception to this graphite, but this is an
d. The examples you must know of network solids are: Diamonds, Graphite, and SiO2

4. Coordinate Covalent Bonds (Not covered on this test but will most likely be on
a. In a typical (non-coordinate) covalent bond, one electron is being shared by each of
the two atoms that are bonded.


b. In a coordinate covalent bond, one atom is donating BOTH of the electrons to the
bond, so it is required that the atom donating the electrons has a free lone pair of
electrons to donate.


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