This document contains references to various studies related to academic adjustment of students. Specifically, it references studies that have examined factors such as self-efficacy, attachment to parents and peers, social anxiety, self-regulation strategies, and locus of control as predictors of academic adjustment. It also includes references to studies that have developed and validated scales to measure constructs like academic adjustment, self-efficacy, and attachment. The references cover research conducted in multiple countries and contexts from 1984 to 2021.
This document contains references to various studies related to academic adjustment of students. Specifically, it references studies that have examined factors such as self-efficacy, attachment to parents and peers, social anxiety, self-regulation strategies, and locus of control as predictors of academic adjustment. It also includes references to studies that have developed and validated scales to measure constructs like academic adjustment, self-efficacy, and attachment. The references cover research conducted in multiple countries and contexts from 1984 to 2021.
This document contains references to various studies related to academic adjustment of students. Specifically, it references studies that have examined factors such as self-efficacy, attachment to parents and peers, social anxiety, self-regulation strategies, and locus of control as predictors of academic adjustment. It also includes references to studies that have developed and validated scales to measure constructs like academic adjustment, self-efficacy, and attachment. The references cover research conducted in multiple countries and contexts from 1984 to 2021.
This document contains references to various studies related to academic adjustment of students. Specifically, it references studies that have examined factors such as self-efficacy, attachment to parents and peers, social anxiety, self-regulation strategies, and locus of control as predictors of academic adjustment. It also includes references to studies that have developed and validated scales to measure constructs like academic adjustment, self-efficacy, and attachment. The references cover research conducted in multiple countries and contexts from 1984 to 2021.
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