Vice and Drug Educational Control - COURSE-SYLLABUS-TEMPLATE

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Second Term School Year: 2021-2022
A globally recognized University upholding
I. Course Code : CDI 321 Premier Academic Center of Excellence in
excellence amidst rich cultural heritage
Criminal Justice Education
II. Course Title : Vice and Drug Education Control
Produce employable graduates who are III. Credit Units :3
morally upright, socially and culturally Provide quality education in Criminology,
responsible professionals through quality, IV. Course Description: Criminal Justice Education, Law
relevant, and innovative instruction, research, Enforcement, Crime Detection and
extension, and resource generation This course will talk about the different kinds of human vices and the Investigation, Correctional Administration,
Forensic, and Security Services
different kinds of drugs. It will deal on the Sociological, Psychological,
GOALS and Physiological perspectives and dimensions on the effects of drug GOALS
Goal 1. Academic excellence use and abuse, and the social development of vices. It will also cover
Objectives: To Provide well-rounded graduates who
on the different laws governing, regulating and prohibiting drugs and
1. To assure quality of programs are globally competitive, morally upright
vices. The enforcement of these different laws, relevant jurisprudence,
2. To ensure effective student lifecycle and equipped with excellent knowledge
the investigation, gathering of evidence, arrest and seizure of drugs
management and career development and skills in the fields of Criminology
and vices.
3. To Provide unique and lifelong learning profession.
experience in the entire student lifecycle
4. To integrate internationalization perspective V. Course Outcomes:
towards global connectedness
5. To strengthen student welfare services for a The students will: (Ex.)
successful academic formation of students 1. Distinguish drug abuse from drug addiction and drug dependency
6. To integrate Indigenous Knowledge, System and be able to identify the factors influencing drug abuse.
and Practices (IKSP) in the academic 2. Explain how drug are administered and how drugs works in human
programs to intensify conservation of the system.
rich cultural heritage 3. Analyze the nature of drugs by distinguishing their sources,
pharmacology and effects.

Goal 2. Strong research leadership and culture PROGRAM OBJECTIVES
1. To establish a strong brand and strengthen The graduates of Bachelor of Science in
image building of IFSU as a research leader 4. Trace the historical account, identify, predict and control drugs Criminology:
2. To intensify conduct of research and
and drug abuse.
dissemination of RD outputs 1) Lead in the fields of law enforcement,
3. To intensify conservation of the rich cultural investigation, forensic science, security
heritage 5. Balance and appreciate the medicinal uses of drugs and be able
to discuss the dangers of abusing them. services, fire protection, criminal
Goal 3. Sustainable extension and community jurisprudence and correctional
engagement 6. Discuss the importance of knowing the drug abuse jargons and administration;
Objectives: the relevance of understanding the dangers of self-medication. 2) Exemplify the values of discipline,
1. To package and transfer knowledge and
technologies relevant to the needs of the clientele integrity, leadership and accountability in
VI. Grading System
2. To create a widely shared organizational culture serving fellowmen, community and country;
that encourages, promotes, and rewards 2 1 3) Demonstrate criminological skills
extension and community engagements Midterm Grade = x Class Standing + X Midterm Exam
3 3 through seminar/training and other
3. To establish/strengthen/sustain linkages with
LGUs, industries, and other organizations/ 2 1 immersion activities.
Tentative FG = x Class Standing + X Final Exam
stakeholders for resource sharing, extension 3 3 4) Produce criminology-based technologies
program, and service complementation through quality research and development
2 1
Final Grade = x TFG + x MG undertakings; and
Goal 4. Excellent public service and good 3 3
governance 5) Extend community services in various
VII. Course Requirements
Objectives: fields of criminology profession.
1. To ensure efficient, transparent and accountable
delivery of administrative services 1. Attendance to the Learning Session- 10%
2. To forge strong network system and resource- 2. Online face to face/Offline participation – 60 % PROGRAM OUTCOMES
sharing through collaborative activities Students are required to attend, participate and share ideas 1.
conducted regularly during class discussion, and submit their
3. To strengthen the university’s local and assignment/activities/quizzes on the given deadline.
international visibility 3. Midterm Examination/Final Examination – 30 %
4. To enhance efficiency in resource generation Students are required to take their exams in Midterm and Final.
and mobilization
5. To upgrade the competencies and capabilities of
human resources
6. To technologize front line services and other
services of the University
7. To ensure a clean, green, safe, and GAD-
responsive University environment
8. To intensify conservation of the rich cultural
heritage integrating culture in the administrative
and support services


Learning Outcomes Course Online Face to Offline/Independent Teaching & Learning Assessment
Course Contents Resources
The students will Schedule Face Topics Learning Topics Strategies Tasks
Week 1 Preliminaries MWF IFSU-LMS  The IFSU VGMO, -Online Reorientation -Online -IFSU
11-12 AM Core Values & of students on IFSU recitation LMS/Social
1. Explicate the VMGO  The IFSU VGMO, 1-2 PM Grading system VMGO, Core Values, Media Platform
of IFSU and the Core Values & Grading system and
College of Criminal Grading system TTh  The College the College VMGO and -Instructional
Justice Education 1-2:30 PM VGMO & Policies its policies
2. Apply the IFSU core  The College
values in daily living VGMO & Policies -PowerPoint
3. Advocate the college
VGMO presentation on
College VMGO

Week 2 & 4 Chapter 1. MWF -Nature and -Operational -Online discussion - Online -IFSU
Introduction to Drug 11-12 AM Physiology of definition of terms - Internet Surfing exercises LMS/Social
1.Familiarize the Education and Vice 1-2 PM drugs and drug abuse - Assignment Media Platform
operational definitions control jargons - Reading - quizzes and
and drug abuse jargons; -Operational definition TTh -How drugs -Video presentation assignments -Instructional
2. Discuss the nature and of terms and drug 1-2:30 PM work and -The history of drug
through the Material
physiology of drugs; abuse jargons administered? abuse
3. Discuss how drugs LMS/Social
media -Internet
work, to include their -Nature and -What is
method of administration; Physiology of drugs Toxicology and platform
and Pharmacology?
4. Differentiate toxicology -How drugs work and
-Power point
and pharmacology; administered?
5. Discuss the history of presentation
drug abuse. -What is Toxicology
and Pharmacology?

-The history of drug


WEEK 5-7 Chapter 2. MWF -Perspective on -Common Types of -Online discussion - Online -IFSU
Dangerous Drugs 11-12 AM Drug Dangerous Drugs - Internet Surfing exercises LMS/Social
1. Discuss the common 1-2 PM - Assignment Media Platform
types of Dangerous -Common Types of -Trafficking & -Important - Reading - quizzes and
Drugs; Dangerous Drugs TTh Abuse Personalities in the -Video presentation assignments -Instructional
2. Familiarize the 1-2:30 PM
Study of Education & through the Material
contributors in the study -Important -Causes &
of education and vice Vice Control LMS/Social
Personalities in the Influences of media -Internet
3.Illustrate the illicit drug Study of Education & Drug Abuse -Illicit Drugs Routes platform
Vice Control -Books
4.Explain the perspective -Characteristics
-Illicit Drugs Routes of Drug -Gadget/s
on drug trafficking and
abuse; Addiction
-Perspective on Drug -Power point
5. Enumerate the causes
and influences of drug Trafficking & Abuse presentation
abuse and the
characteristics of drug -Causes & Influences
addiction. of Drug Abuse

-Characteristics of
Drug Addiction

WEEK 8-9 Chapter 3. Primary MWF -Process of -Classification of -Online discussion - Online -IFSU
Causes of Drug 11-12 AM Detecting Drug Drug Abusers - Internet Surfing exercises LMS/Social
1.Explain the Abuse 1-2 PM Abusers - Assignment Media Platform
classification of drug -Classification of Drug -Identifying Drug - Reading - quizzes and
abusers; Abusers TTh -Effect of Drug Abusers -Video presentation assignments -Instructional
2. Identify some markers 1-2:30 PM Abuse
through the Material
of drug abusers; -Identifying Drug
3. Discuss the process of Abusers LMS/Social
media -Books/Internet
detecting drug abusers;
and -Process of Detecting platform
5. Know and explain the Drug Abusers
effect of drugs in all -Online
Midterm -Power point
aspects of life. -Effect of Drug Abuse
examination presentation

WEEK 10-11 Chapter 4. MWF -Anti-Narcotic -Reasons for Narcotic -Online discussion - Conduct --IFSU
Operational Plans 11-12 AM Operation Investigation in - Internet Surfing online LMS/Social
1.Enumerate the different Against Drug 1-2 PM Specialize Manner - Assignment symposium Media Platform
operational plans against Problems -International - Reading
drug problems; -Oplans TTh Efforts Against -Body Signs -Video presentation
1-2:30 PM Drug Abuse -Online Symposium
2. Discuss the Anti- -Anti-Narcotic -General Drug Test -Online -Instructional
Narcotic Operation and Operation -Different Units exercises Material
the International efforts of the Society
against drug abuse; -International Efforts and Role in - quizzes and -Internet
3. Explain the different Against Drug Abuse Drug Abuse assignments
units of the society and Prevention -Books
through the
the role in drug abuse -Different Units of the
prevention; Society and Role in LMS/Social
-Power point
4. Discuss the reasons Drug Abuse media presentation
for narcotic investigation Prevention platform
in specialize manner;
5. Explain the body signs -Reasons for Narcotic
and the general drug test Investigation in
which includes the test Specialize Manner
used and the color
reaction. -Body Signs

-General Drug Test

WEEK 12-14 Chapter 5. MWF -Alcohol -Crime Scene Sketch -Online discussion - Online --IFSU
Substance Abuse, 11-12 AM - Internet Surfing exercises LMS/Social
1.Explain the substance Vice Control and 1-2 PM -Tobacco -Drug investigative - Assignment Media Platform
abuse like alcohol and Investigation (smoking vice) process - Reading - quizzes and
the common alcoholic Process TTh -Video presentation assignments -Instructional
drinks and its effect to the -Alcohol 1-2:30 PM -The gambling
through the Material
body; vice
2. Discuss the smoking -Tobacco (smoking LMS/Social
media -Books/Internet
and gambling vice as vice vice) -Drug
control; investigative platform
3. Explicate the drug -The gambling vice process
investigative process and -Drug investigative
-Power point
familiarize the crime process
scene sketch. - presentation
Crime Scene Sketch

WEEK 15-18 Chapter 6. Drug MWF Republic Act P.D. 44 - Online Discussion - Online -IFSU
1. Discuss the different Related Laws and 11-12 AM 9165 B.P. 179 - Internet Surfing exercises LMS/Social
drug related laws Government 1-2 PM - Assignment Media Platform
especially the Republic Strategies Republic Act - Reading - quizzes and
Act 9165 also known as -Republic Act 9165 TTh 6425 assignments -Instructional
the Comprehensive -Republic Act 6425 1-2:30 PM
through the Material
Dangerous Drug Act of -P.D. 44
2002 and other laws like -B.P. 179 LMS/Social
Republic Act 6425,
Presidential Decree No.

44 and the Batas media -Modules
Pambansa 179 and the platform
government strategies.

IX. Class Policy

1. Respect and listen to your classmates and teacher when explaining
2. Attend online class on time and be prepared for the activities, quizzes and recitation
3. Mute/ or unmuted your microphone and turn your camera on when instructed
4. Finish your homework/assignment/quizzes on the given deadline, late submission will be dealt punishment
5. Be respectful of others’ idea
6. What you see, what you hear, when you leave, leave it here.
7. Don’t just share information that transpired in our discussion area or online class without the permission of the owner or teacher.
8. Plagiarism and cheating, offensive and inappropriate words will not be tolerated
9. Take notes of our discussion and submit it before or during your examination period

X. Statement of Disclosure
In this course the students are required to participate in whatever activities, quizzes, and examination to be given by the subject instructor as part of their
learning assessment and they will be involved to interact with authorities and the community with the program on drug education because the subject is
responsive to the needs of time regardless of their gender identity, religion, status and age. However, students producing physical illegal drug for
educational purposes is prohibited but videos or picture from social media can be allowed. Students requirements to be graded are kept and recorded and
will be used as reference in any circumstances arise. Furthermore, offensive and inappropriate use of communication will not be tolerated. However,
students have the right to express themselves and participate freely in an online class wherein they can express if they are agreed or not agreed to other’s
idea but they must do in a civil manner and expected to treat each other and the instructor with courtesy and respect. Personal issues or concerns should
be handled by private email, chat or personal talk to the instructor.

XI. References

Manwong, R.K (2007) Instructional Material in Drug Education and Vice Control

Dacsic, R. and Aquino, D. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002

Delizo, D.B.G. and Manwong, R. K. (2006), Law Enforcement Administration, A textbook in Criminology

Llamas, V.T., Drugs, the Law and You

Nolledo, J. (1997), Revised penal code of the Philippines

Reid, S.T. (1997), Crimes and Criminology 8 th edition

Soriano, Drug Education manual

Sotto, V. (1994), A Vision for a Drug Free Philippines

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Checked and Approved by:


Instructor/Professor Chairperson Dean


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