H L Enrolment

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Worship Centre Table with a white cloth tall candle in center.

Four smaller candles arranged around tall candle and only tall candle is lit.

LEADER Stands behind the table. She is assisted by the HLS and four other locals, each of the
four representing one part of four fold purpose- Education, Fellowship, Service and Worship.
They are seated at the front row and will come up at the proper time.
(Leader may desire to say a few words before she begins the ceremony regarding the beginnings
and scope of the international Home League)

LEADER The candles here at the worship table are symbols of this great organization, the
Home League. It is the great in scope for it is an international sisterhood, and it is great in
The central candle, burning brightly, reminds us of Jesus who said ‘I am the light of the world”
It is also a symbol of the Home Leagues of the world and we pause now to light from the Centre
candle these four candles which are the symbolic of our fourfold purpose.

HOME LEAGUE LOCAL#1 (walks over to worship center, lights first candle from center
candle then returns to her seat)

LEADER The first candle speaks of worship- a light to warm the soul, and through worship we
may truly find God.

HOME LEAGUE LOCAL #2 (Lights the second candle, returns to seat)

LEADER The second candle speaks of education-a light to warm the mind, through learning
we may live a useful lives

HOME LEAGUE LOCAL #3 (lights the third candle, returns to seat)

LEADER The third candle speaks of fellowship- -a light to warm the heart that through
fellowship we may learn sympathy and understanding.

HOME LEAGUE LOCAL #4 (lights the fourth candle, returns to seat)

LEADER (the fourth candle speaks of service- alight to warm others, that through service we
may know the joy of helping those in need

LEADER I will now ask those wishing to be enrolled as Home League members to come

(Each woman is given an unlighted candle by the HLS and takes her place on either side of the

This is the pledge which you promise to keep as a league member

“Believing that Christian principles are the foundation of good home, realizing the importance of
a woman’s influence, recognizes my personal responsibilities to my family.

I pledged myself a member of the Home League to endeavor to make mine a Christian home ,
ruled by the love, unselfishness and devotion , and I now ask God for Jesus Christ sake to give
me at all times strength to carry out this sacred pledge.”

Leader if you willing to make this promise, will you now light your candle from the Centre

(When all candles are lit, leaders says please stand for prayers)

Prayer of Dedication by the Corps Officer.

Leader: I now accept you as a member of the _________________________ Corps Home

League and am happy to present your Home league Pledge cards and Badges. I trust that you will
find joy and blessings in the fellowship of the Home League.

( Facing the congregation , leader will say , I present to you these new members ( call names) I
ask you to give them a warm welcome, in true spirit of home League Fellowship.

(As new members return to their seats, the congregation should join in a song or chorus.

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