Togo Report
Togo Report
Togo Report
ADMN NO: MTVC/DICT/1192/2021
All information in this document has been obtained and presented in compliance with academic
principles and ethical conduct. I also certify that, in accordance with these rules and behavior, I
have produced my report entirely on the basis of the truth and have cited all activities and duties
I performed while on attachment. As a result, I hereby declare that this attachment training report
is my original work and it has not been submitted before for any academic award either in this or
other institutions of higher learning for academic publication or any other purpose.
Signature................................... Date........................................
This attachment report has been submitted and approved by the host industry supervisor.
Signature................................... Date........................................
The report has been submitted for examination to the Mabera technical and vocational collage.
Signature................................... Date........................................
I wish to dedicate this work to my family and friends for supporting me throughout my study as
well as my tutors who took their time to guide me.
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I would like to thank a number of persons for their efforts, support, and direction in the creation
of this report. I'd like to thank the Migori County Government’s management and personnel for
giving me the opportunity to work with them and for their continuous support. Thank you to
MR. DENNIS BOERA my academic supervisor, for taking the time to evaluate me and provide
me advise on how to improve my skills. Sincere thanks to my field supervisor Mr. JABEZ for his
support, direction and training throughout the attachment period.
I want to express my gratitude to my family for their unwavering support and prayers, not just
throughout my attachment period but also throughout my studies. I cannot conclude this list
fraternity for their constructive training and information imparted to me during the four years of
training. May God continue to bless you all.
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With this growth in technology, there comes a challenge of security. Computer systems and
networks are targeted for exploitation by unethical hackers, whose aim is to compromise the
security of the systems and networks thereby stealing information or denying services to
users of the systems.
The goal of this report is to document the attachment intuition, including a description of all
activities carried out throughout the attachment, as well as the lessons learned and obstacles
faced during the attachment period. The purpose of attachment is to put all of a student's
theoretical material from class into practice.
As a result, I was attached at the Migori County Government for Three months. Network
installation and management, guaranteeing employee security while accessing the internet,
and repairing and troubleshooting computer CPUs, monitors, keyboards, and UPSs were
among the important tasks I completed.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................
1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................
1.1 Objectives of the field attachment.............................................................................................
1.2 HOST INSTITUTION.............................................................................................................
1.2.0 Historical Background..........................................................................................................
1.2.1 Legal Structure......................................................................................................................
1.2.3 Main function of the organization........................................................................................
1.2.4 Size of the Workforce...........................................................................................................
1.3 HOST DEPARTMENT...........................................................................................................
1.3.0 Vision, Mission and Objectives............................................................................................
1.3.0 Organizational structure........................................................................................................
1.3.1 Major activities.....................................................................................................................
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................
2.0 EXPERIENCES.......................................................................................................................
2.1 Success/ Failure of The Attachment Exercise.........................................................................
2.2 Competencies and Skills Acquired..........................................................................................
2.3 Challenges Faced During the Attachment Period....................................................................
2.4 How the Challenges Were Overcome......................................................................................
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................
3.0.1 Conclusion............................................................................................................................
3.0.2 Recommendations..........................................................................................................................
This report is the result of a twelve -weeks practical training program I completed at the
Migori County Government.
My host supervisor was Mr. JABEZ who is an ICT officer in the MCG ICT Department. He
guided me through all that I needed to learn within that period and gave me full assistance in
ensuring I gained maximum experience.
The industrial attachment was to take 12 weeks as per the schools’ recommendations. I
started my attachment on 5th of September 2022 and ended on 30th of November 2022. It was
a rigorous exercise as I had to learn a number of things in my Information Technology field
of expertise within the limited time as an a at Migori County Government.
To assess the interest of the student in the occupation he/she plans to undertake.
To expose the students to work methods not taught in the Collage and to provide access to
products equipment not normally available in the environment of the university.
To provide the students with an opportunity to apply knowledge in real work situation
thereby closing the gap between university work and the actual practice.
To make the transition from school to the world of work smoothly and to enhance student
contacts for job placement.
To enhance industry´s satisfaction with the graduate of the faculty in particular and the
university at large.
Migori County is one of the forty-seven counties in Kenya. It is situated in the South-Western
part of Kenya. It borders Homa Bay County to the North, Kisii and Narok Counties to the
East and the Republic of Tanzania to the South. It also borders Lake Victoria to the West.
The devolved government came into being through the referendum of august, 2010 that
brought the new constitution. This is the origin of all forty-seven counties of which Migori
County is one of them. On 4th March, 2013, Migori County Government operations officially
began with most of the national ministries being devolved to the county government. The
ministries devolved include: health; Education, Culture, Sports and youth affairs; Trade and
Regulation; Finance and Economic planning; Public service management; Water and Energy;
Transport and Infrastructure; lands, survey and physical planning; Agriculture, Fisheries,
Vetenary and Livestock and Environment. Migori County comprises eight sub-counties
initially called districts. The sub-counties include: Rongo, Awendo, Uriri, Nyatike, Kuria
east, Kuria west, Suna West and Suna East where the county headquarter offices are situated
in the former municipal council offices.
The County Government of Migori is governed by the Kenyan Constitution of 2010 as well
as the County Governments Act of 2012 (Cap. 17 of the Kenyan Laws). The County
Government is responsible for delivering devolved services to Migori County's people and
residents. The county government's mandate is both incorporated in the constitution and
codified in legislation. In carrying out its duty and as mandated by law, the County
Government of Migori aims to develop facilities to provide Government services to
inhabitants in a convenient, secure, and comfortable manner. The proposed facilities' main
principle is to deliver citizen services in the most convenient manner possible in a one-stop-
shop environment where most, if not all, government functions are given under one roof. In
this context, the Migori County Government is seeking expressions of interest from qualified
consultants to design and execute citizen service centers in or near the county's eight (8) sub-
county headquarters. The centers are going to do it. Provide services in a modern setting
while leveraging relevant technologies.
county Secretary, ministries and the County Assembly. The executive provides proper
management to the county government and assents to the bills from county assembly. The
Facilities, Implementation of specific national government policies on natural resources,
environmental conservation.
To use ICT as a dynamic tool of choice in provision of data and information services.
MISSION Provide effective and efficient ICT infrastructure and secure information
technology systems that support timely access to information.
To automate all County services for effective and efficient service delivery to the residents of
Migori. The department is working towards making the Migori County a SMART County
through integration of technology in all its service delivery areas Response – the department
has commenced the process of automating all County services for effective and efficient
service delivery to residents.
It is expected that this policy will help MIGORI COUNTY re-engineer its processes with a
view of efficient and effective delivery of data and information services. Specific objectives
of the policy include:
• Provide guidelines on the usage of ICT software and services in the County systems and
• Promote efficient utilization of information system within the county and Sub- County
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1.3.1 Major activities
• Advice and guide the County Government on ICT Policy, strategy and implementation of
ICT projects in compliance with national and county legal and regulatory requirements;
• Manage and provide oversight for implementation of any ICT strategy and disaster recovery
plans that minimize the risk of data loss and breach of privacy of County Government
information data base.
• Automation of all County services in order to provide enhanced operational efficiency and
effectiveness in service delivery.
• Design and development of an interactive website through which information for public
consumption can be uploaded thus provide a communication channel for exchange of views
and opinions.
• Ensuring that the departments under the Department are aligned roles and responsibilities
with the priorities and objectives set out in the Migori County’s policies and plans.
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The Information Communication Technology (ICT) function entails maintaining ICT
standards within the County Government; spearheading e-Government initiatives in the
county public Service; application of Information Communication Technology; systems
analysis and design, developing and implementing computerized information systems;
carrying out research and development on ICT standards, guidelines and approaches and
coordinating their consistent and efficient application in County Public Service; formulating
and developing County Government ICT infrastructure; coordinating and developing county
website and portals; coordinating the development of the County ICT policy and regulatory
framework; providing advisory services to departments on all matters related to ICT; training
on the use ICTs equipment & system applications, relevant software packages and
developing customized applications; providing hardware. Maintenance support services; and
liaising with hardware vendors for administration of guarantees and warranties.
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2.1 Success/ Failure of The Attachment Exercise
The attachment experience at The Migori County Government was a success, owing to all
that I learnt and the new people I met. Challenges were there but a few of them that pushed
me to work harder and involve all the knowledge I had. I attained the following skills and
competencies out of the objectives I had set for my attachment.
This involved a comprehensive carrying out of delegated duties and responsibilities as per the
• Adoption of performance driven goals. Goals are so crucial in projects, be it long term or
short-term goals. It is the performance driven goals that gear towards the right direction
making it possible for one to achieve set objectives.
My entire experience at The Migori County Government gave me a foretaste of how it feels
to be an Information Technology technician. Learning and carrying out activities in the field
gave me enough exposure.
I had a chance to interact with the real working environment not only in my field of study but
the whole working experience, the challenges people face, and the right way to handle them.
This gave me tips on how to handle such situations.
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• Social and Interpersonal relationship skills
Meeting different people, interacting with them and giving my best to give them the services
they needed to satisfaction, gave me knowledge on how to interact with different people. It
also gave me a chance to make new friends and to establish connections in my field of
Finding clearly written documentations of the installed equipment and servers was a
challenge. This made it hard to troubleshoot most of the issues whenever they arise. Also this
delayed the work and productivity as a whole.
• Hardware installation
Replacing the RAM for example was a challenge in that finding the perfect RAM to replace
the damaged one in terms of specifications and model proved to be difficult. The same
applied to crashed hard disks that would not format or repair.
• Network Administration
Network challenges often arose either due to issues pertaining to the power supply. The
moment power went off the network went down to an extent that customers will sit and wait
until it’s back. Although the institution had a generator, it wasn’t automatic in that it will
support the duties within the institution. At times it would take me time while troubleshooting
to detect and solve the possible errors or problems.
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Delivering the support to different users that is the staff was a challenge once in a while. This
usually happened when a staff member expected me to help within a short time even when
the problem or error encountered needed more time and attention.
hardware in terms of specifications to make it easy to find the right replacement for the
damaged ones.
In the case of repairing hard disks, experience on how to handle the repair and format of the
drives was gained with time. Extensive research also added knowledge on how to handle
different related cases.
• I learnt how to use network troubleshooting tools with time. Right from the cable tester that
helped me to know and detect faulty Ethernet cables to the ping and trace tools that assisted
me in tracing the reason or source of network related problems. Working with my supervisors
also gave me a first hand and a practical learning experience on how to handle network
related issues.
• The more I worked with different staff the more I learnt how to interact with different staff
and how to contain the pressure or frustration that may arise from the staff in need of
assistance. Acting with humility and kindness worked for me.
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provided a platform for me to borrow, use and implement the class theoretical knowledge in
real situations. Information Technology is an entirely practical and technical field and so the
practical you get in the field the more experience one acquires. There were challenges of
course but they were an eye opener on how the real working environment is and pushed me
to exploit my full potential. The attachment served me well especially on the practicality of
my course of study. Interact with different and current technology helped a great deal in
enriching my knowledge in the Information Technology world. Aside from my main
objectives related to my course work, I also learnt life skills and values. Ranging from
integrity, time consciousness, hard work, respect, patience, tolerance submissiveness, ability
to take instructions from superiors to team work.
3.0.2 Recommendations
As per my 8-week experience on attachment at The Migori County Government, I would
recommend the following:
• Information Technology course should emphasize more on practical aspects than theory. I
had a lot to learn that some of my colleagues were knowledgeable about.
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• The University should assist students find places of attachment in relevant institutions in
relation to the students’ areas of specialization in good time.
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Migori prisons
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