GFM New Manual

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SGS make


Table of Contents Page no.
Instruments Specifications
Instructions before installing &
operating 4-5

Operating Procedure 6-7

Troubleshooting 8-9

Calibration Procedure 10-12

Test report 14

Calibration Certificate 15

Guarantee Certificate 16

SGS 24 - Gas Flow Meter (Wet Type)

Model Nos. 02 / 04 / 06 / 08 / 09 / 010


Model no. Capacity per Graduation Minimum Maximum

Revolution in in Flow Rate Flow Rate
litres litres Litres / Hour Litres / Hour

SGS 24 - 02 0.5 0.01 15 135

SGS 24 - 02A 0.5 0.01 5 135

SGS 24 - 04 10 0.1 300 2700

SGS 24 - 04A 10 0.1 100 2700

SGS 24 - 06 3 0.02 90 810

SGS 24 - 06A 3 0.02 45 810

SGS 24 - 06B 3 0.02 9 810

SGS 24 - 08 1 0.01 30 270

SGS 24 - 08A 1 0.01 10 270

SGS 24 - 08B 1 0.01 1 270

SGS 24 - 09 20 0.2 600 5400

SGS 24 - 09A 30 0.2 900 8100

SGS 24 - 010 100 100 3000 27000


Accuracy +/- 0.5% of full reading

Maximum Reading Capacity / Revolution multiplied by 99999

Pressure range 2”Water Gauge to 12” Water Gauge

Your equipment’s Model No.: SGS 024 –

Your equipment’s Serial No.:


It is important that the following Precautions and Operating Procedures are properly read,
understood and followed. Else, guarantee will become invalid.

More important, proper understanding and observation of the instructions in this manual will
ensure longer life of the flowmeter and trouble free operation.

1. Wherever any union, (nozzles, thermometer etc.) are opened ensure that they are
properly tightened. Check for gas leak as described in the procedures that follow.

2. If meter outlet is connected to a burner, keep burner at least 5 feet away from the meter.

3. The inlet gas pressure must be below 2” W.G. (=0.5 pa = 0.005 Kg/Cm) and should not be
above 12” W.G. (=3 pa = 0.03 Kg/Cm). Any gas pressure regulating device should be
connected before the inlet of the meter. If pressure is insufficient, meter may not work. If
pressure is more, meter will get damaged or will leak from the front, depending on the
amount of excess pressure.

4. Meters are calibrated at factory so that one revolution of the needle measures volume
equal to the capacity per revolution of the meter, if the liquid level is coincident with the
mark on the water level indicator block sight glass. If required, recheck the calibration at
your laboratory. A detailed calibration procedure can be sent on request.

5. Ensure that the flow of gas is smooth and without surges. Also ensure that the rate of flow
of gas is at no stage less than the minimum flow rate if the model or more than the
maximum flow rate. Else, readings are likely to be erratic.
6. Use only distilled water (light mineral oil, if gas is water soluble) as sealing media. When
meter is not in use for a prolonged period, remove all liquid from the meter, including that
which is trapped in its drum.
To do this, open out the drain nut on the rear of the meter, and allow liquid to drain on its
own. Once flow of liquid stops on its own, rotate the needle of the meter or its spindle
thereby rotating the drum and causing liquid trapped in it to fail into the outer casing. Then
tilt the meter in all directions and remove liquid through the drain. Once gain rotate the
needle/spindle and repeat procedure till all liquid has drained

This will help increase the life of the meter, since if liquid is not fully drained during
prolonged storage, scales/coatings are likely to form thereby causing the meter to get
stuck or give erratic readings.

7. Use very little pressure on the counter resetting knob.

8. If you are using meter to measure low volumes, equal to the capacity of revolution of the
meter or a few multiples thereof, please note that accuracy of the flowmeter is for full
revolution only. For part revolutions no guarantee of accuracy can be given, as the meter
is calibrated to measure required volumes for full revolutions only.

1. Unpack case causing minimum possible shock

2. Check that the following have been received

Main Flow meter Body

Nozzles, with washers and locking nuts (2 sets)

Leveling Screws (3 Nos.)

(For models: SGS 24-04/09/010-only - 2 nos.)

 Armored thermometer with washer and locking nuts

 Guarantee cum Acknowledgement Card

3. Check that there are no damages to any part. Remove the acrylic cover from the
front of the meter.

4. Fix the levelling screws by turning them into the legs of the meter in a clockwise
direction. Fix the nozzles with locking nuts and washers on the inlet/outlet
provided on the rear of the meter (refer diagram on last page). Check that the
excess water drain and drain nuts are properly tight.

5. Fill the meter with required sealing liquid (normally distilled water, but use light
mineral oil, if gas is water soluble). The level of the liquid will be visible after a
short while on the water level indicator block on the right of the meter. The level
of the liquid should be equal to the mark shown on the sight glass. This level is
factory marked for measuring required volume per revolution. Check the
calibration if required at your end. Recalibrate, if necessary. Detailed calibration
procedure can be sent on request.

6. Water level can be adjusted by using the knurled nut provided on the block
bottom. Once correct level is got, open out the excess water drain nut on rear of
the meter (refer diagram on last page) to remove excess water from the inlet.
Close the nut again properly.

7. Place the meter on workspot. Level the meter using the levelling screws. When
the meter is perfectly level, the bubble in the spirit bubble on top of the meter will
be within the circle.
8. Fix the sheathed thermometer with its union nuts on the top of the indicator block.
Tighten properly to ensure that there is no gas leak.

9. Connect the meter in series with the gas flow system. The source of gas is to be
connected to its inlet at the center. The outlet is to be connected to the
equipment/system consuming the gas. Ensure all connections are leak proof.

Check that there are no leaks in the system in the following manner:

Allow gas to flow into the meter at low pressure. Close the outlet so that there is no
gas flow out of the meter for about 30 seconds. The needle of the meter should
not move, even slightly. If it does, check all joints for leak with soap solution/leak
detectors and rectify leaks. Check again till all leaks are eliminated.

10. Set the counter to show all ‘O’ by turning the counter reset knob towards the rear
of the meter, using very little force. Set the needle of the meter to zero either by
removing it and re-fixing it so that it coincides with the ‘O’ mark or by rotating it till it
does so.

Replace the acrylic cover if required.

11. The meter is ready for use. Allow gas flow to start. Ensure pressure and flow rate
are within limits as per specification of the meter.
Allow gas to flow for required duration. Note reading of counter and multiply by
capacity per revolution of the meter as indicated on the dial. Add the reading
shown by the needle when gas flow has stopped. This will give you the total
volume of gas flow through the meter in litres.

The accuracy of measurement is 0.5% of full scale. Accuracy is to be taken into

account only for full revolutions.

If meter is not be used within a short period, remove all liquid, including that which may
be trapped in drum. Refer PRECAUTIONS for details.

1. Gas Leaks
a. Check all joints and junctions with soap solution or leak detector if available.
Tighten any joint found to be leaking. Recheck for leaks.

b. If leak is found to be emanating from body of meter, write to factory with full
details including location of leak.

2. Liquid leaks

a. If liquid appears to be leaking from under the dial, check that pressure is
within 12” W.G. If meter still leaks from under dial, do as follows:
Remove acrylic cover.
Remove dial ring by opening the 3 screws provided.
Remove dial by opening the 3 screws provided.
Remove counter assembly by opening out 3 nuts provided.
Remove black connecting lever fixed to spindle by removing its fixing
Open out the grease cup through which the spindle is passing.
Fill grease cup with grease and re-fix in position.
Re-fix lever, counter assembly, dial ring and acrylic cover.

The above should be done by qualified technical personnel only. Take care not
to damage any part. The position of the backup nuts of the counter assembly
should not be disturbed. If disturbed, please ensure plane of the counter
assembly is perfectly perpendicular to horizontal axis of the meter.

b. If water leaks from overflow or drain nut tighten the same.

c. If water appears to be leaking from any other point, write to factory with full
details and location of such leak.

3. Erratic Readings

a. Check for non-smooth flow of gas and rectify.

b. Check if gas flow rate is within that specified for the meter (Check
specifications). If not, ensure the same.

c. Check if pressure of gas is within 2” W.G. to 12” W.G. If not, ensure the same.

d. Check if any physical obstruction is there in the path of the needle.

4. Meter Getting Struck

a. If during early use, meter gets stuck, when gas flow rate is within specified
range, inform factory.

b. If after prolonged use, meter gets stuck, inform factory and request estimate
for servicing and cleaning, giving full details, like Date of purchase, gas
with which normally used etc.

For any of the problems observed, write to factory. Please intimate all possible details,
including Model. No., Sl.No. Gas pressure and gas flow rate at which problem is
noticed, nature/ composition of gas, sealing media used and a description of the

If all details are sent, prompt action including advice regarding cause of problem and
remedy will be taken. Else, precious time may be lost in correspondence. Our address
as follows as


CHENNAI 600 116,
E: [email protected], [email protected]

For SGS make Flow Meters (Wet Type) (By displacement of air)

Calibration of a Wet Type Gas Flow Meter is done by determining exactly the level of the
sealing media so that for every full revolution, the meter records a volume equal to its

Materials Required :

(For Calibration of SGS 24 - 08, 08A & 08B Models capacity – 1 lit. / rev.)

Graduated Measuring Jar / bottle, duly calibrated and certified, for volume of 1 ltr, with
graduation as required. Should have a connection for tubing at the top and at the bottom
through a stop cock arrangements. The bottom mark should be well above the stop cock

Suitable stand for the above, so that the entire jar is held at a height above the table on which
the flow meter is to be placed.

A plastic measuring jar for water, with an outlet at the bottom, (capacity greater than 1ltr).

Two platforms to place the above container, one where the outlet of the container is well above
the jar and one where it is well below the jar.

Flexible tubing’s to connect to the meter, the jar and the container, with hose clips to make all
connections leak proof.


Connect the container outlet to the bottom of the measuring jar.

Prepare the flow meter for use, by filling it with sealing media, leveling it as per the general
operating procedure contained in the Instruction Manual. Set the pointer and the counter to

Ensure that the stop cock at the bottom of the measuring jar is closed.

Fill the container with water to the maximum level and place it on the higher platform

Open the stop cock on the jar, till water enters the jar. Once the lower meniscus of the water
level inside the jar coincides with the bottom ‘O’ mark, close the stop cock

Connect a tube to the outlet at the top of the measuring jar. Its length should be sufficient to
reach the inlet of the flow meter. Do not, as yet, connect it to the meter.

Plug by means of a pinch cock or just by folding, the tube connected to the outlet of the
measuring jar.

Open the stop cock at the bottom of the measuring jar. Water level inside the jar must not rise.
If it rises and continues to do so, there is a leak in the arrangement, which is to be identified and

If water level in the jar has risen, it can be decreased by bringing the container of water to the
lower platform and keeping the stop cock open till the ‘O’ level is reached. The container is then
to be shifted back to the higher platform..

Connect the tube from the outlet of the measuring jar to the inlet of the meter.

Ensure once again that the pointer of the meter is at ‘0’ position

Open the stop cock so that water level in the jar starts to rise, displacing air through the meter.
The pointer of the meter will move, indicating flow of air through it. When level of the water in
the measuring jar reaches the 1 ltr mark at the top, close the stop cock, so that no further rise in
the water level is there and the lower meniscus coincides exactly with the 1 ltr mark

When the water level in the measuring jar has traveled from the ‘O’ mark to the 1 ltr mark, the
pointer in the meter should have completed one full revolution and come back exactly to the
point of its start. If this has happened, the level of the sealing media in the meter is correct and
this level can be marked on the water level indicator block for future reference. The meter will
record one litre per revolution.

However, if the pointer has traveled more than or less than one revolution, do the following:

A. If the pointer has traveled more than one revolution (i.e., if the meter is recording more than
the 1 litre of air that has passed through it)

Remove a small amount of the sealing media through the tap provided at the bottom of the
Water Level Indicator Block.

B. If the pointer does not complete one revolution (i.e., if the meter is recording less than the 1
ltr of air that has passed through it):

Add a little more sealing liquid (water or oil as the case may be) to the flow meter through the
Water Level Indicator Block (refer Instruction Manual).

To bring back the water level in the measuring jar to zero, disconnect the tube to the inlet of the
meter. Place the container of water on the lower platform and open the stop cock till the water
level reaches the ‘O’ mark. Close the stop cock and place the container of water on the higher
platform. Reconnect the tube to the inlet of the meter. Recheck calibration from procedure no.
10 onwards, after preparing the meter correctly, till the pointer of the meter travels exactly one
revolution when water level in the measuring jar travels from the bottom ‘O’ mark to the top 1 ltr

1. Ensure there are no leaks anywhere in the arrangement. The outlet of the meter may be
left open to atmosphere.

2. Ensure that all time’s only one meniscus (upper or lower) of liquid levels is taken into

3. Ensure minimum parallax errors while reading water level on the measuring jar and while
noting position of the pointer of the flow meter.

4. This procedure is for calibration of meters whose capacity is 1 ltr/revolution. For meters
with higher capacity, it is suggested that measuring jar and container of suitable capacity
be used. Else, meters with bigger capacities may be calibrated using a properly calibrated
1 ltr/rev. flow meter.

5. Calibration checks may be carried out, every few weeks, depending on the frequency of
use. While calibrating, please take into account an error of +/-0.5% as per the specifications
of the meter. Some errors due to end correction etc are likely, but these are generally well
within the specified accuracy limits.

All meters are factory calibrated and the level of the sealing media is marked on the Water Level
Indicator Block. Users may recheck at their end as per their requirements, if necessary.
Ref: SGS/TR- /18-19 Date:


Instrument name Gas Flow meter (wet type)

Make SGS make

Serial No.

Model No. SGS 024 -

Capacity per Revolution 1 Litre per Revolution

Flow rate tested on

Minimum Flow rate < Litres per Hour

Maximum Flow rate > Litres per Hour

The above SGS make Gas Flow meter (Wet type) is tested for the flow rate

Tested by: Passed by:

For SGS Lab Instruments

Authorised Signatory.
Ref: SGS/CAL- /18-19 Date:


Instrument name Gas Flow meter (wet type)

Make SGS make

Serial No.

Model No. SGS 024

Calibration done for Capacity per Revolution

Range Litres per Revolution

Calibrated on

Next Calibration due

Standards used Measuring Jar of capacity 1 OR 3 Litre., duly Calibrated

Calibrated Result For the water level marked on the water level
indicator block, the meter has a capacity of measuring
One litre of air flow per revolution within a accuracy of
+ 0.5% of the reading
Minimum Flow rate < Litres per Hour

Maximum Flow rate > Litres per Hour

Customer name

For SGS Lab Instruments

Authorised Signatory.
Ref: SGS/GC-GFM- /18-19 Date:


This is to certify that the equipment supplied as per our Invoice number:
dated: against your PO No.:

DATED: is guaranteed for a period of 12 Months (One Year) against any manufacturing

defects from the date of installation / delivery. During this period the defective material will be replaced

/ rectified free of cost.

Equipment : GAS FLOW METER (Wet type), SGS make.

Model No. : SGS 24 –

Serial No. :

Date of Dispatch / Installation :

Customer :


Authorized Signatory

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