Risk Management

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Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences

& Disorders

Volume 2 Issue 2 Article 3


Risk Management Practices at University Clinics in

Communication Sciences and Disorders
Dorothy Neave-DiToro
Brooklyn College, City University of New York, [email protected]

Donald A. Vogel
Hunter College, City University of New York, [email protected]

Susan E. Wortsman
Hunter College, City University of New York, [email protected]

See next page for additional authors

DOI: doi.org/10.30707/TLCSD2.2Neave-DiToro

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Recommended Citation
Neave-DiToro, Dorothy; Vogel, Donald A.; Wortsman, Susan E.; and Cascella, Paul W. (2018) "Risk
Management Practices at University Clinics in Communication Sciences and Disorders," Teaching and
Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders: Vol. 2: Iss. 2, Article 3.
DOI: doi.org/10.30707/TLCSD2.2Neave-DiToro
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Risk Management Practices at University Clinics in Communication Sciences and

This study surveyed university clinic directors of audiology and speech-language pathology programs
throughout the United States, and identified the content and risk management (RM) practices embedded
into graduate curricula. One hundred and two (102) respondents provided information, via an electronic
survey, about their campus and departmental RM practices. More than half of the programs reported
embedding RM concepts into at least one graduate course yet only slightly above half of the programs
assessed students’ RM knowledge. Pre-professional students were most often trained in protecting
patient’s privacy and fire drills. Approximately one-third participated in university-wide programs, and 11
of the 102 programs reported a freestanding RM committee. In contrast, the clinic directors reported
frequent RM monitoring activities, including yearly updates to policy and procedure manuals, equipment
and documentation audits, and monitoring of fire drill and in-service attendance records. University clinics
are only somewhat invested in RM topics and pedagogy. Thus, pre-professional students may not be fully
informed about RM in work settings. University clinics, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
and the American Academy of Audiology are encouraged to further evaluate the content and breadth of
candidates’ knowledge and experiences to ensure that RM coursework and resources address this
contemporary and critical topic.

audiology, risk management, speech-language pathology

Cover Page Footnote

Acknowledgements: The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Michael Bergen for his input in the
preparation of the manuscript. They would also like to thank the peer reviewers for their suggested
revisions and comments on a previous draft of this paper.

Dorothy Neave-DiToro, Donald A. Vogel, Susan E. Wortsman, and Paul W. Cascella

This pilot studies is available in Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders:
Neave-DiToro et al.: Risk Management

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) (2016) and the American

Academy of Audiology (AAA) (2016) advocate for risk management (RM) in work settings,
emphasizing the implementation of practice standards to improve patient outcomes, promote safe
work environments, and reduce practitioner financial loss and legal liability. The origins of the
term RM can be traced to the early and middle parts of the twentieth century when it was embraced
by the financial and business communities, as well as hospitals, medical professionals, and
healthcare organizations (The Joint Commission, 2016; Dionne, 2013). Emphasis on RM has
continued with the installation of the not-for-profit organization, The Joint Commission, and in
the latter part of the century, with the founding of the American Society for Healthcare Risk
Management (ASHRM, n.d.). Streimelweger, Wac, and Seiringer (2015) further discussed RM as
a mechanism to assess and mitigate potential errors and adverse effects in healthcare settings.

In the same vein, the World Health Organization (WHO) (2011) has highlighted the need for
training in patient safety at the undergraduate and graduate level for students in healthcare fields,
and has classified it as a worldwide issue. In 2011, a curriculum guide on patient safety was
released by the WHO, and in 2015, the WHO reported findings of a field test of university
administrators, faculty and students based on the implementation of the WHO Multi-Professional
Patient Safety Curriculum Guide (Farley, Zheng, Rousi & Leotsakos, 2015). The field test included
twelve universities, representing worldwide geographical regions, cultures and various economic
backgrounds. The organization reported that the patient safety guide was written to be used by
staff through academic faculty, and that the guidelines are culturally sensitive and written in easy
to understand language. Overall, the feedback on the guide was positive and recommendations
based on the field tests were that academic institutions could adapt the WHO patient safety
guidelines based on the discipline and locality.

Enacting policies to ensure the safety of and benefits to patients and protection against financial
loss and legal liability are important aspects for healthcare professionals to address. In the United
States, while the highest rates of malpractice claims are waged against physicians (Bal, 2009),
allied healthcare professionals such as physical therapists (Kolber & Lucado, 2005) and those
working in the communication sciences and disorders (CSD) fields (Lubinski & Hudson, 2013)
also face the risk of negligence lawsuits. Despite these risks, a recent survey of 437 allied health
professionals found inconsistency in how RM was implemented despite RM advocacy by
healthcare organizations (Leggat et al., 2016). Hopkin (2017) discussed how, with planning,
identified risks in the workplace can be controlled. Lubinski & Hudson (2013) discuss that liability
is a topic that affects CSD professionals in all work environments and needs to be considered in
terms of documentation of all patient interactions. The CSD field could look to other professions,
such as nursing and physical therapy, to develop sound RM practices for clinical training
(Johnstone & Kanitsaki, 2007; Johnstone & Kanitsaki, 2008; Kolber & Lucado, 2005; Vincent et
al, 2000).

RM is not only valued in ASHA and AAA professional settings, but is also salient to graduate
curricula as evidenced in requirements set forth by the Council for Clinical Certification in
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CFCC), the Council on Academic Accreditation in
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA), and the Accreditation Commission for
Audiology Education (ACAE) (ACAE, 2016; CAA, 2016; CFCC, 2012). The CAA and ACAE
standards, for example, require graduate programs to train pre-professionals in Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

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Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, Vol. 2 [2018], Iss. 2, Art. 3

(FERPA), and universal precautions (ACAE, 2016; CAA, 2016). These standards are regularly
updated to meet the demands within the audiology (AUD) and speech-language pathology (SLP)
fields. According to ASHA (1994), RM is akin to Quality Improvement initiatives, and RM
programs include, (a) identifying potential risks, (b) analyzing the degree of risk, (c) developing
and implementing risk control techniques, (d) monitoring RM effectiveness, and (e) professional
RM education. As well, members of both associations are ethically mandated to protect the safety
and welfare of clients (AAA, 2016; ASHA, 2016).

In addition to teaching students to be knowledgeable about the risks they face, it is important that
graduate clinics have measures in place to minimize legal risks for the university and university
employees, and to maintain the program’s good standing and integrity. Gilfoyle (2008) discusses
from a legal standpoint best practices for professional psychology training programs when
addressing student competencies in clinical internships/externships. The article highlights possible
legal ramifications related to encounters with students that lack the essential
functions/requirements necessary for clinical work and/or students that are considered to be a
possible direct threat to those around them. While the Guilfoyle (2008) article was not written to
specifically address CSD professional training, many of the issues, legal matters and suggestions
could be applied. For example, within the CSD profession, both the Council of Academic
Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD) (2007) and ASHA (2007) have
highlighted the essential functions required of CSD students.

Johnstone and Kanitsaki (2008) discusses that RM in healthcare is a worldwide issue that needs to
be addressed and calls for further research in this area. While ASHA and AAA have existing RM
standards, there are no professional reports describing how RM elements are addressed or assessed
in academic training programs for AUD and SLP. Due to the important nature of this topic, and
the limited information available on this topic in the CSD field, this research surveyed university
clinic directors about RM practices at their CAA approved programs in AUD and SLP. The
purpose was to obtain preliminary information about institutional and departmental RM
committees, and RM pedagogy and content. This information is useful so that pre-professional
training programs can understand the current state of clinical RM activities and to inform the
development of RM guidelines for clinical training programs.


Survey Development. The authors constructed a RM survey that included a total of 29 questions
(yes/no/not sure, multiple choice, scaled and open-ended) (see Appendix). Twenty questions were
related to the RM practices within university CSD programs, three questions were to obtain
demographic information on the individual completing the survey (number of years in clinic
director role, number of years in CSD field, and area(s) of certification), and six questions were to
obtain information about their programs (state where university is located, student population-
undergraduates/graduates, services offered, number of clients seen per week, number of personnel
in clinic, and number of students observing per week). The inclusion of various RM tasks was
based on the literature search described below and the clinical experience of the authors. The
survey was developed in four stages to further enhance its validity and reliability (Brancato et al,
2006). First, a draft survey was created based on a comprehensive literature review from 1994 to
2013 using electronic archival resources from ASHA, AAA, and publicly available databases
including CINAHL, PUBMED, EBSCO, MEDLINE, and ERIC. Combinations of search terms

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included risk management, audiology, audiologist, speech-language pathology, speech-language

pathologist, speech therapist, healthcare, schools, quality assurance, risk, risk reduction, risk
avoidance, risk prevention, and risk transfer. Then, twelve public and private university clinic
directors from the Metropolitan New York Council of University Clinic Directors in
Communication Sciences and Disorders (MNYCUCD) independently reviewed the draft survey.
These directors held their respective positions for no less than 5 years.
After incorporating the clinic directors’ content, wording, and length suggestions, three City
University of New York (CUNY) AUD and SLP faculty members (each with 15+ years’
experience as clinic directors) and one advanced doctoral student with research design experience,
also independently reviewed the revised survey’s content, readability, and organization. Then, an
associate clinic director, also affiliated with the MNYCUCD, offered comments about the survey’s
readability and content, after completing the amended survey herself. The output for this paper
was generated using Qualtrics software (2014).

Distribution. Via Qualtrics survey software (Qualtrics, 2014), an email invitation and an
electronic survey link was sent to 280 university clinic directors throughout the United States. The
surveys were confidential and the software monitored completion statistics (i.e., number of surveys
and rate) and prevented participants from taking the survey more than once. Participants had 60
days to complete the survey and received two reminder notices. The CUNY Institutional Review
Board approved this research.

Participants. The participants were self-identified university clinic directors whose email
addresses were obtained from a 280-member CAPCSD list that included nearly every American
AUD and SLP training program. Preceding the survey, participants confirmed their consent to

One hundred and two surveys were returned, a 36.4% response rate. The participants held national
certification (Certificate of Clinical Competence) in SLP (79.6%), AUD (16.3%), or both
disciplines (4.1%). Information was obtained regarding their experience in the CSD field (M =
25.5 years; SD = 9.1; range 2 to 41 years) and varied duration in their current director roles (M =
9.5 years; SD = 7.2; range = <1 to 34 years). The participants worked in 31 states and the District
of Columbia, and represented all regions (Northeast, Southwest, West, Southeast, and Midwest)
of the United States. Descriptive information about their university clinics is provided in table 1.

Table 1. Descriptive Information

Characteristics of the Participants’ University Clinics M (SD) Range

Number of Students
Graduate SLP Student-Clinicians 32.0 (15.9) 0 to 80
Graduate AuD Student-Clinicians 8.9 (9.9) 0 to 40
Undergraduate Student Clinicians 9.9 (13.9) 0 to 67
Number of Weekly Sessions
Speech-language Therapy 68.4 (41.3) 5 to 200
Speech-language Diagnostic Sessions 4.9 (5.8) 0 to 37
Audiology Diagnostic Sessions 14.2 (14.7) 0 to 80

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Hearing Screenings 14.9 (25.0) 0 to 197

Hearing Aid Services 12.2 (11.4) 0 to 50
SLP = Speech-Language Pathology; AuD = Doctor of Audiology


Institutional and Departmental RM Committees. A majority (64.7%) of respondents reported

having an institution-wide environmental health and safety program and 35.3% of their clinics
were included in the centralized program. In contrast, 25.5% reported not knowing if a university-
wide program existed, and 9.8% reported the absence of a university-wide program. A majority
(89.2%) reported the absence of a clinic-specific RM committee and the main reasons were: the
clinic’s inclusion in university RM activities (34.1%), being unclear whether a RM committee was
needed (28.6%), a lack of prior consideration (21.1%), a lack of RM knowledge (21.2%), a lack
of available time (20.9%), and insufficient financial resources (10.9%).
In contrast, 11 respondents (10.8%) reported the presence of a departmental RM committee.
Committee membership typically included the clinic director, clinical educators, administrative
assistants, academic faculty, and graduate students. Six of the committees had funding from either
the university, department or clinic budget. The frequency of departmental RM committee
meetings ranged from monthly to once a semester to annually. Table 2 identifies the most and least
frequently reported tasks of these committees. The tasks most frequently addressed privacy
compliance, documentation monitoring via file audits, fire safety, patient privacy monitoring, and
emergency preparedness.

Table 2. Risk Management Committee Tasks

Most Frequently Reported RM-Related Tasks

Compliance to Privacy Policies
Monitoring Client Documentation
Implementing Fire Safety Plans
Monitoring Patient Privacy
Emergency Preparedness
Verifying Credentialing Documentation
Implementing Infection Control Protocols
Least Frequently Reported RM-Related Tasks
Monitoring Chemicals Use/Implementation
Monitoring Equipment Calibration
Monitoring Patient Satisfaction
Monitoring Abuse Issues
Monitoring Affiliation Contracts
Training in Mobility and Transfers of Patients
Training Related to Asthma and Respiratory and Food Allergies

Clinic RM Activities and Content. A majority (62.8%) of participants reported that RM was
embedded into at least one course and 37.6% noted that RM was discussed during student meetings

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outside of regular classes. In contrast, 18.8% reported that RM was not a curriculum topic. A
majority (51.5%) reported that student RM knowledge was confirmed via an assessment tool,
while 39.6% reported no RM assessment, and 7.0% reported a student self-assessment process.
The participants indicated that student-clinicians were most often trained in HIPAA/privacy
training, fire drills, and incidentally exposed to RM signage in their clinics (Figure 1). A majority
(86.1%) indicated HIPAA/privacy training for graduate student-clinicians and 48.5% for
undergraduate students.

Figure 1.
Frequency of University Clinic RM Educational Activities

90.0% 86.1%




49.5% 48.5%
50.0% 45.5%



Privacy Fire Drills Privacy Risk Risk Other Safety Information via
Training Grad Training Management Management Drills Webpage
Students Undergrad Signage Inservice

Clinic RM Efforts and Infractions. The participants reported frequent RM monitoring activities,
including yearly updates to policy and procedure manuals, equipment and documentation audits,
and monitoring of fire drill and in-service attendance records (See Figure 2). Participants also
estimated the frequency of specific RM clinic incidents that were reported within the year. Sixty-
six respondents (64.7%) reported a cumulative total of 164 incidents across 12 incident types (See
Figure 3). The most frequent incidents involved client documentation and/or breach of privacy
issues, public safety problems, and externship contract issues. Some clinics reported having
evacuation procedures, and six reported prior campus lockdowns.

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Figure 2.

Frequency of RM Monitoring Activities at University Clinics




60.0% 56.8%

50.0% 45.1%




Policy Manual Equipment Documentation Fire Drill Inservice Safety Drill Chemical
Update Audits Audits Attendance Attendance Attendance Review

Figure 3.
University RM Clinic Infractions







40.0% 35.3%

20.0% 16.7%
13.8% 11.8%
8.8% 7.8%

Client Public Safety Externship Liability Fire Safety Patient Infection Control
Documentation Contract Issues Insrnc/Credential Incidents Dissatisfaction Incidents
Issues Incidents

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Major Findings. Accredited AUD and SLP programs must demonstrate that pre-professional
candidates are taught RM principles and activities, yet the emphasis on this important aspect of
clinical training is not stressed and appears to not be clearly understood. Results of this survey
revealed that slightly more than half of the programs addressed RM in at least one course, and 19
programs reported not including RM topics in the curriculum. Aspects of RM not being covered
in the curriculum is highly unlikely and speaks to the premise of this article, that aspects of RM
are not fully understood. For programs with RM activities, students participated in formal and
informal activities whose content emphasized HIPAA and infection control training, fire safety,
and being made aware of RM via clinic signage and program manuals. RM curricula did not appear
to address abuse prevention, liability and externship contracts, patient satisfaction, public safety,
or food/respiratory allergies. Slightly more than half of the programs assessed candidates’ RM
knowledge, and very few university clinics had their own RM committees, though some
participated in campus RM activities. Programs with freestanding RM committees addressed
health, safety, quality assurance, and prevention and educational tasks. Of the programs that
reported to have a RM program, 16.83% reported that the legal department and/or administration
utilized clinic documentation and 21.78% reported that having a RM program resulted in being
appropriately prepared for incidents that occurred involving students.
Nearly all respondents reported monitoring activities that included annual updates to policy and
procedural manuals, monitoring of equipment calibrations, and recording fire safety plans and
drills and in-service attendance records. Indeed, many clinic directors reported RM infractions,
suggesting that students had some exposure to information regarding RM infractions, most often
client documentation mistakes, and issues related to public safety, externship contracts, and
privacy. In addition, some of the programs had evacuation procedures, and six had prior campus-
wide lockdowns.

School lockdowns are included as contemporary concerns that can impact students and
professionals in the field. Alarms or announcements within a building may indicate a safety
concern and/or individuals may sign up to receive immediate text messages regarding safety
lockdowns, emergencies and other planned incidents within a locality. These safety alerts may be
related to an issue within a school setting, university or a particular location in a neighborhood.
Professionals must act to protect themselves and the clients within the classroom or clinic setting.

An additional contemporary issues that graduate students should be exposed to is how to handle
suspected abuse/bullying cases. Professionals are mandated reporters and should be aware of the
state laws where they practice (Johnson, 2012). This is an issue that has been addressed in various
publications by ASHA, as bullying of children with communication disorders, hearing loss and
disabilities has been noted (McKinley, 2004; Blood, 2014; Hughes, 2014). Evidence of exposure
to and retention of information related to the safety and welfare of the patients is certainly
warranted considering the issues that professionals may face, and state licensure may require that
professionals working in schools participate in harassment, bullying, abuse and discrimination
prevention, and intervention trainings. Graduate students and professionals should be encouraged
to obtain information regarding the requirements of the state in which they practice.

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Further, Mashima & Doarn (2008), discuss the expanding role of SLPs in the area of telehealth,
and discuss potential legal issues related to evidence-based practice, clinical competency, informed
consent and providing education and training to assistants and/or caregivers. With the expanding
scope of practice, graduate students and professionals need to ensure they are safeguarding patients
and themselves by being aware of potential risks.

A particular issue that can arise for clinical training programs is the existence of students who can
perform satisfactorily in academic courses, yet lack the skills deemed necessary to move forward
with clinical internships/externships. Programs need to have protocols in place to deal with
students who lack clinical competence. The importance of consistently following protocols and
detailed documentation is stressed throughout the RM literature for various clinical training
programs (Gilfoyle, 2008; Johnstone & Kanitsaki (2008); Kolbler and Lucado, 2005; Vincent et
al, 2005). Gilfoyle discusses the potential legal ramifications of clinic programs not addressing
risks to students, faculty and the public, and provides guidance on how programs can address
student competency issues in the clinical setting. The importance of detailed documentation of
instances of concern, written notices being provided to students and obtaining students’ signatures
on remediation plans are considered by Gilfoyle (2008, p. 203) to be “critical risk management
tools.” In addition, the importance of updating academic and clinical policies, ensuring that faculty,
administrators and students are aware of the policies and that such policies are fair and consistently
enforced is stressed.

Hopkin (2017) suggests individuals and organizations should develop RM programs that are
“proportionate, aligned, comprehensive, embedded and dynamic (PACED)” (p. 441).
Proportionate refers to identifying the level of risks that may arise in the particular environment.
The risks should align with the culture of the organization and the RM should be embedded
throughout the various manuals and protocols of the facility. In addition, the RM procedures
should comprehensively cover all of the risks the individual and/or organization may encounter
and be dynamic and responsive to the changing needs of the organization and employees. In the
case of clinical programs, protocols should be analyzed and updated, as needed, based on where
applicable, the laws, accreditation guidelines, evidence based practice, incidents in clinic, etc.

The results obtained from this survey suggest that pre-professional candidates have some, but not
consistent and comprehensive exposure to RM content and/or activities. From a survey tool alone,
it is difficult to identify the degree to which university clinics address the wide range of RM topics;
however, as derived from these data, it appears that pre-professional RM training is only somewhat
available and narrow in scope. Such a finding is inconsistent with CFCC and CAA standards and
thus a gap may exist between policy and practice.

Weaknesses. There are several weaknesses that limit the generalization of these findings. First,
despite extensive survey development, this new RM survey tool has not yet been proven as valid
and reliable. Future RM work will allow for continued development of an effective survey tool.
Second, although the survey link was emailed to university clinic directors whose email addresses
were obtained from a 280-member CAPCSD database and respondents were asked to indicate how
many years they worked in their “directorial role,” this research did not confirm the respondents’
titles, nor did it verify that the participants had sufficient knowledge of their programs’ academic
requirements. Future research might triangulate data collection strategies via surveys of academic

DOI: doi.org/10.30707/TLCSD2.2Neave-DiToro 8
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program directors and graduating students, as well as reviewing graduate and undergraduate

Future Directions and Research. University clinics should examine the content and scope of
their RM offerings. The following questions might prove helpful as programs attempt to identify
the degree to which RM is embedded within coursework and clinical experiences: 1) Is RM
information included in and updated in the program and clinic manuals?; 2) Is RM information
addressed during graduate school and clinic orientation meetings?; 3) How might RM be
embedded into formative and summative assessment activities?; 4) Does the graduate program
address a myriad of RM issues?; 5) Are faculty, administrators and students are aware of the clinic
policies, and are said policies fair and consistently enforced?; and 6) Does the program have clear
guidelines for dealing with student clinical competencies issues?
Future research might consider which pedagogical strategies best acculturate undergraduate and
graduate students to RM issues and when might these activities best be introduced during
professional development. For example, there may be differences in pedagogy for undergraduate
versus graduate students, and certain topics may be better incorporated into beginning versus
advanced practicum experiences. Also, it would be helpful to develop reliable and valid assessment
tools for rating students’ RM knowledge.

Conclusion. Although RM is a contemporary topic across many American private and public-
interest industries, this survey’s results suggest that university speech-language-hearing clinics are
only somewhat vested in RM topics and pedagogy. University clinics, ASHA, and AAA are
encouraged to further evaluate the content and breadth of candidates’ knowledge and experiences
to ensure that RM coursework and resources address this contemporary and critical topic.


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Survey questions were related to the RM practices within university CSD programs. Unless
otherwise specified, the choices were yes/no/not sure.

1. Does your university administration run an institution-wide environmental health and

safety department (risk management program)?
2. Does university administration include your clinic or CSD program as a member of its
institution-wide environmental health and safety program (risk management team)?
3. In your clinic, do you have a Risk Management Committee?
4. What are the barriers to having a clinic risk management committee (please select all that
• A Risk Management Committee has never been considered
• Lack of time
• Insufficient resources to pay for a risk management committee and its programs
• Lack of personnel to add this task to their work load
• Lack of knowledge about risk management
• My institution's administration includes our department in their overall management
• The need for a risk management committee is unclear
• Other (Please specify)
5. At your clinic, who is on your Risk Management Committee (please select all that
• Clinic director
• Assistant clinic director
• CSD academic faculty
• Clinical educator(s)
• Clerical staff
• Business manager
• Associate dean or other college administrator
• Undergraduate student(s)
• Graduate student(s)
• Client(s)
• Risk management consultant from outside of college/university
• Representative from your institution's environmental health and safety department
(risk management)
• Other (Please specify)
6. What areas of risk management does the clinic committee consider (please select all that
• Abuse issues (e.g., elder, emotional, physical, sexual)

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• Asthma and respiratory allergies

• Chemicals (e.g., cleaning solutions)
• Client/patient documentation (e.g., charts, notes, raw data, etc.)
• Compliance to Privacy Policy
• Credentialing documentation (e.g., license, certification, liability insurance, etc.)
• Equipment calibration
• Externship contracts
• Fire safety plans
• Food allergies
• Infection control protocol
• Mobility transfer for patients (e.g., walker to stationary chair, wheelchair to
washroom, etc.)
• Patient satisfaction
• Patient privacy (HIPAA)
• Public safety plan (emergency preparedness)
• Other (Please specify)
7. How frequently does your clinic Risk Management Committee meet?
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Bi-monthly
• Once a semester
• Annually
• Bi-annually
8. How is your clinic Risk Management Committee funded (please select all that apply)?
• Risk Management Committee receives no funding
• Department budget
• Clinic budget
• University budget
• Other (Please specify)
9. How long have you had a risk management program in your clinic?
• Less than 6 months
• Less than one year
• 1-2 years
• 3-5 years
• 6+ years
10. What metric surveys are conducted by your clinic’s Risk Management Committee (please
select all that apply)?
• None
• Chart audits

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• Patient satisfaction survey

• Credentialing review (e.g., valid insurance, license renewal, etc.
• Externship contract validity
• Equipment calibration (e.g., biologic monitoring, electro-acoustic calibrations, etc.)
• Monitoring of cleaning (e.g., toys, ear probes, counter tops, etc.)
• Chemical expiration date monitors (e.g., ultrasonic cleaning solutions, ear mold
materials, etc.)
• Fire drills (frequency and attendance)
• Safety drills (frequency and attendance)
• I do not know
• Other (Please specify)
11. Whether or not you have a clinic Risk Management Committee, which of these incidents
have you recorded over the past 12 months (please select all that apply)?
• None; we did not record any risk management incidents (e.g., elder, emotional,
physical, sexual)
• Asthma and/or respiratory allergy problems
• Food allergies (e.g., reaction to food exposure)
• Infection control (e.g., not cleaning materials, reusing speculae, not using gloves, etc.)
• Chemical (e.g., expiration, spills, etc.)
• Client/patient chart documentation (e.g., missing data, misfiled charts, breach of
• Credentialing documentation (e.g., expired license, certification, liability insurance)
• Externship contracts issues (e.g., sending student to site with expired or no contract)
• Fire safety (e.g., any type of fire incident)
• Lockdown, university wide
• Lockdown, in clinic only
• Patient satisfaction (e.g., unresolved complaint)
• Public safety (e.g., falls in clinic, assault, threats, etc.)
• Privacy (e.g., breach of HIPAA and privacy rules)
• Other (Please specify)
12. Regarding electronic health records, which of the following is applicable to your clinic?
• We do not maintain electronic health records at this time and have no plans to move
towards electronic health records within the next 12 months.
• We do not maintain electronic health records at this time but we do plan to move
towards electronic health records within the next 12 months
• We currently maintain electronic health records.
13. What is your perception regarding the use of electronic health records in your clinic?
• Documentation risks have decreased.
• Additional privacy and documentation risks have resulted.

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• Documentation and privacy risks remain unaffected.

14. How many HIPAA/Privacy incidents have you observed and/or recorded over the past
12 months (click and drag/slide the cursor for a number, or click "Not Applicable")?
An “incident” may be defined as any breach of confidentiality whether verbal (e.g.,
discussing clients in a public area), written (e.g., leaving charts unfiled, printing reports
with identifiable information, etc.) or electronic (e.g., entering a client’s name or other
identifiable information in an email, leaving a computer with client information
unsecured or unattended, etc.)

15. Indicate those who receive HIPAA/Privacy training and if the training is formal or
informal? For those who do not receive training, select “not applicable”

Formal Informal Not Applicable

Clinic director
Assistant clinic director
Clinical educators
Clerical staff
Business manager
Associate dean or other
college/university administrator
Undergraduate students
Graduate students
Risk management consultant from
outside of college/university
Representative from your institution’s
environmental health and safety
department (risk management)

16. Identify educational activities within your risk management program

• We offer no activities
• Approved Continuing Education (CE) events
• In-service programs
• Risk Management Day (i.e., a designated time of activities dedicated to risk
management awareness)
• Fire drills
• Safety/evacuation drills
• Educational brochures
• Signage

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• Webpage information
• Other (Please specify)

17. Whether or not there is a committee, what monitoring activities are conducted in your
clinic and how often?

Never Once a Once a year Every other

semester year
Document audits
Equipment audits
Chemical and Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS) reviews
Policy and procedure manual
Fire drill attendance
Safety drill attendance

18. Has your clinic Risk Management Program resulted in any of the following (please select
the most appropriate answer below):
• We do not have a risk management program.
• Our legal department and/or administration has utilized clinic's documentation.
• We had one or more incident(s) for which we were appropriately prepared.
• We have not seen a positive or negative impact from having a risk management
• We had one or more incident(s) for which we were unprepared
19. Is risk management used as a clinical/academic teaching tool (please select all that
• Risk management is not embedded in any form in our curriculum.
• Risk management is embedded in at least one course in our curriculum.
• We discuss risk management subjects during student meetings outside regular classes.
• We require students to attend risk management program activities.
• Students have the option to attend risk management program activities.
• Other (Please specify)
20. How do you confirm your students’ knowledge of risk management issues?
• Students' knowledge is not confirmed via assessment tool.
• Students' knowledge is confirmed via assessment tool.
• Students perform self-evaluation of risk management knowledge.
• Other (Please specify)
21. Please select the state in which your clinic is located.

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22. What services are offered in your college/university clinic (please select all that apply)?
We do not have a university clinic
Speech-Language Pathology
General Medicine
Learning Disabilities/Special Education
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Social Work
23. What is the average number of client visits per week to your clinic in one of your
typical semesters (click and drag/slide the cursor for a number, or click Not Applicable
______ Number of Speech-Language, Voice diagnostic evaluations performed on
average, each week
______ Number of SLP treatments/therapy given in your clinic on average, each week
______ Audiological diagnostic services given in your clinic on average, each week
(combine CAE, APD, ABR, ENG, etc.)
______ Hearing aid services of any type given in your clinic, on average, each week
(includes HAE, Real Ear, counseling, earmold, ALDs, etc.)
______ Hearing screenings sponsored and performed on average, each week by your
clinic (combine those off-site and on campus)
______ Other
24. What is the average number of personnel entering your clinic on weekly basis
in one of your typical semesters (click and drag/slide the cursor for a number, or click
Not Applicable)?
______ How many clinical educators/supervisors work in your clinic each week?
______ How many faculty, full time and adjunct, come into your clinic each week to
work, teach, consult or do research, on average?
______ How many work study students/TAs work in your clinic each week?
______ How many clerical support personnel work in your clinic each week?
______ Other
25. What is your student clinician population?
______ Undergraduates
______ Graduate SLP
______ Graduate AuD
26. On average, how many students enter your clinic each week to observe versus
work with client as part of their training (click and drag/slide the cursor for a number, or
click Not Applicable)?
______ Undergraduate students observing
______ Undergraduate students working with clients
______ Graduate SLP students observing
______ Graduate SLP students working with clients

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______ Graduate AuD students observing

______ Graduate AuD students working with clients
27. How many years have you worked in your directorial role(s)?
28. How many years have you been working in the field of communication sciences
and disorders?
29. What is your area of license/certification?
Speech-Language Pathology

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