Implementing Quality Assurance in An Agile Software Development Process
Implementing Quality Assurance in An Agile Software Development Process
Implementing Quality Assurance in An Agile Software Development Process
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Extreme programming (XP), Scrum, Lean, and program development life cycle, it is necessary to guarantee that
other agile software methods depend on best practices to the agile culture and practices are followed in order to assure
increase software development quality. Best practices the quality of the software[4]. Communication between
attempt to include software quality assurance (SQA) within stakeholders is made seamless, resulting in a reduction in the
the project. According to some agile academics, quality in amount of paperwork necessary and, as a result, a reduction in
agile software projects should be a natural result of the used the length of time it takes to complete a software development
strategy. As a result, agile quality is required to be part of project.
agile software processes. Is it true that many reports tout
the benefits of agile approaches for quality assurance? This Agile software development is characterized by short
paper's ambitious purpose is to showcase efforts done to iteration cycles, incremental development, and a focus on
comprehend quality. It summarizes and analyzes research people. Agility in software development refers to a collection
findings in the area of software engineering, specifically for of software development methodologies that are focused on
the issue of agile methodologies and software quality. iterative and incremental development, in which requirements
and solutions are developed via cooperation amongst self-
Keywords:- Agile, Lean, Programming, Scrum, Software. organizing, cross-functional teams[5]. Using the examination of
software quality assurance that is achieved during agile
I. INTRODUCTION software testing, the paper addresses testing practice, does an
evaluation of the advantages and problems associated with it,
To summarize, from the perspective of quality assurance, and concludes with recommendations for further research. An
agile methodology is broad and includes many aspects, appropriate research topic and a pilot study with the goal of
including the similarities and differences between traditional discovering answers or developing a method to filling a gap in
quality assurance and agile quality assurance methodologies, current research will result as a result of this process. Last but
the identification and evaluation of quality in agile software not least, the conclusion and future effort involved in agile
development, and the use of test-driven development[1]. In this testing are stated.
article, we examine how software quality assurance is achieved
in an agile development strategy, taking into account the A software quality assurance process (often known as
techniques, processes, and technologies that are utilized to software quality assurance or SQA for short) is a continuous
attain the highest possible level of quality in software procedure that assures that a software product satisfies and
development. adheres to the organization's specified and standardized quality
criteria[6]. Software quality assurance (SQA) is a collection of
Agile, in its most basic definition, refers to the capacity to operations that ensures everyone participating in the project has
move fast and effortlessly. Agile software development adheres appropriately executed all procedures and processes[7]. SQA is
to the spirit of its concept in its most basic form[2]. In corporate carried out in tandem with software development and is a
application development, agile approaches are most often used continuous activity that is carried out throughout the software
because of their ability to quickly respond to changes that arise development life cycle[8]. Instead of doing quality assurance
as a result of both strategic and operational transformations[3]. tests once a project is completed, software quality assurance
Because agile makes it simple to adapt to changes in customer examines the code throughout each development step.
requests, it is also straight forward to incorporate such
modifications into the Software development life cycle.
Because Software Quality Assurance extends across the whole