Implementing Quality Assurance in An Agile Software Development Process

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Volume , Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Implementing Quality Assurance in an Agile Software

Development Process
Wumi AJAYI OLAYINKA Wasiu Olakayode,
Software Engineering Dept, Department of Computer Science,
Babcock University, Illisan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. Faculty of Basic Science

Fasina Temilade, Mariam Gbadegesin,

Department of Computer Science, Department of Computer Science,
Faculty of Basic Science Faculty of Basic Science

Abstract:- Extreme programming (XP), Scrum, Lean, and program development life cycle, it is necessary to guarantee that
other agile software methods depend on best practices to the agile culture and practices are followed in order to assure
increase software development quality. Best practices the quality of the software[4]. Communication between
attempt to include software quality assurance (SQA) within stakeholders is made seamless, resulting in a reduction in the
the project. According to some agile academics, quality in amount of paperwork necessary and, as a result, a reduction in
agile software projects should be a natural result of the used the length of time it takes to complete a software development
strategy. As a result, agile quality is required to be part of project.
agile software processes. Is it true that many reports tout
the benefits of agile approaches for quality assurance? This Agile software development is characterized by short
paper's ambitious purpose is to showcase efforts done to iteration cycles, incremental development, and a focus on
comprehend quality. It summarizes and analyzes research people. Agility in software development refers to a collection
findings in the area of software engineering, specifically for of software development methodologies that are focused on
the issue of agile methodologies and software quality. iterative and incremental development, in which requirements
and solutions are developed via cooperation amongst self-
Keywords:- Agile, Lean, Programming, Scrum, Software. organizing, cross-functional teams[5]. Using the examination of
software quality assurance that is achieved during agile
I. INTRODUCTION software testing, the paper addresses testing practice, does an
evaluation of the advantages and problems associated with it,
To summarize, from the perspective of quality assurance, and concludes with recommendations for further research. An
agile methodology is broad and includes many aspects, appropriate research topic and a pilot study with the goal of
including the similarities and differences between traditional discovering answers or developing a method to filling a gap in
quality assurance and agile quality assurance methodologies, current research will result as a result of this process. Last but
the identification and evaluation of quality in agile software not least, the conclusion and future effort involved in agile
development, and the use of test-driven development[1]. In this testing are stated.
article, we examine how software quality assurance is achieved
in an agile development strategy, taking into account the A software quality assurance process (often known as
techniques, processes, and technologies that are utilized to software quality assurance or SQA for short) is a continuous
attain the highest possible level of quality in software procedure that assures that a software product satisfies and
development. adheres to the organization's specified and standardized quality
criteria[6]. Software quality assurance (SQA) is a collection of
Agile, in its most basic definition, refers to the capacity to operations that ensures everyone participating in the project has
move fast and effortlessly. Agile software development adheres appropriately executed all procedures and processes[7]. SQA is
to the spirit of its concept in its most basic form[2]. In corporate carried out in tandem with software development and is a
application development, agile approaches are most often used continuous activity that is carried out throughout the software
because of their ability to quickly respond to changes that arise development life cycle[8]. Instead of doing quality assurance
as a result of both strategic and operational transformations[3]. tests once a project is completed, software quality assurance
Because agile makes it simple to adapt to changes in customer examines the code throughout each development step.
requests, it is also straight forward to incorporate such
modifications into the Software development life cycle.
Because Software Quality Assurance extends across the whole

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Volume , Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The practices of software testing activities provide firms section of the book. Fourteenth chapter discusses Agile
with the assurance that the software satisfies the criteria and will software development approaches, Agile development
do all of the duties that have been specified. Testing is a critical practices in the industry, and some significant difficulties that
activity in software engineering because it allows developers to arise in the industry while implementing agile methodologies in
determine if a system is functioning as intended and to identify practice. The primary discussion segment is found in the fifth
and correct any errors[9]. Due to the fact that it gives realistic chapter. This section discusses a variety of topics such as the
feedback on the behavior of the system, it is commonly software testing process in agile development and why it is vital
employed in the manufacturing sector for quality assurance. In to have a distinct testing team. Testing, both automated and
today's world, software systems are employed to execute manual, industrial practices of agile development, survey
important jobs where the margin of error is very small. As a findings, and significant concerns encountered by practitioners
result, these systems must be devoid of errors and of excellent in industry are all covered. References are provided at the
quality. Software testing is a critical technique that may aid in conclusion of the report.
the achievement of software quality assurance objectives. The
testing operations carried out by companies consume a II. PROBLEM STATEMENT
significant portion of their budgets.
Understanding the similarities and distinctions between
Development Operations (DevOps), as the term implies, traditional quality assurance and agile software development is
is considered to be a critical component of the Agile style of crucial, as is how quality assurance is used in this process.
working since it increases business agility while simultaneously
reducing frictions between the many teams engaged in value The approaches, practices, and tools for using software
generation[10]. Thus, it should come as no surprise that 74 quality assurance in an agile development methodology are
percent of those who answered the poll had already began using examined in this study.
DevOps in pilot projects or in at least one of their teams[10].
The upshot of this is that many company approaches and The capacity for swift and fluid movement is known as
methodologies are now adopting an agile methodology. agility. The foundation of Agile is software development. Due
to its flexibility in responding to both strategic and operational
Many harmful testing approaches are avoided in Agile changes, agile approaches are frequently used in the creation of
methodologies because they place a major emphasis on client corporate applications. Reacting to shifting market expectations
or user participation. Some of the approaches, like as Xp, give is made easier by agile software development. To guarantee
a highly strict set of constructive development practices that are software quality, software quality assurance is employed
intended to achieve excellent enough quality without the need throughout the software development process. Stakeholder
for further testing other than user acceptance tests, which are interactions reduce the amount of paperwork needed to
the duty of the client[11]. Other agile techniques, on the other complete a software project.
hand, do not give such a comprehensive set of activities and
realize the necessity for particular testing processes at the Agile software development is rapid, incremental,
integration, system, and acceptance test levels, among other iterative, and user-centered. "Agile" refers to a grouping of
things. For example, by creating the position of an independent ways to software development that stress iterative, incremental
tester that tests each finished feature in partnership with the progress, including cross-functional communication within
developer, heartbeat QA processes might be further agile teams.
improved[12]. This gives immediate feedback on the attained
quality, which is based on the results of independent destructive The main topic of this paper is software quality control in
tests rather than merely the developer's own constructive an agile setting.
techniques, and allows for more rapid improvement. Only a few
agile approaches include techniques for software testing, and The methodologies, advantages, and difficulties of agile
the majority of the activities are carried out by the software software testing are examined in this article. New research
developer in the traditional sense. As a result, the issue arises as questions and a pilot study to uncover solutions or a strategy to
to whether or not these actions are sufficient to produce a high- fill the knowledge gap will be the outcome. The outcomes and
quality product. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the future goals are then summed up.
necessity of software testing in the agile development process
via the use of an independent software testing team, which will A continuous process called "software quality assurance"
be established. makes sure that the software product complies with the
organization's quality standards (SQA). SQA is a collection of
The following is the outline of the paper's organizational protocols and practices that ensures each person working on the
structure: The first chapter provides an overview of the situation project complies with them.
and associated efforts. The second chapter describes the
difficulties and objectives of this investigation. The approach
that was used to perform this study is described in the third

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Volume , Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Throughout the whole software development life cycle,
SQA runs in parallel with software development. Software The following is the breakdown of the essay: Detailed
quality assurance looks for problems before the development background information on the project is provided in the first
process is finished, as opposed to waiting until it is finished. chapter. The goals and challenges of the research are explained
What Exactly Is Software Quality Assurance, and Which in this chapter. The third chapter provides a description of the
Techniques Work the Best? See [2] as well. research process. The fourth chapter will focus on the industry
acceptance and issues of Agile's software development
Software testing may contribute to increasing trust in the methodology. The majority of the discussion in the book is
software's ability to satisfy business needs. Software found in this chapter. This section discusses topics like the agile
engineering needs testing to make sure the system functions as software testing process and the necessity of a separate testing
intended and to spot any problems. Since it correctly depicts team. The survey results demonstrate that both automated and
system behavior, it is helpful for industrial quality assurance. manual testing present substantial obstacles to industry
practitioners. References are included at the study's end.
As a result, software systems are being employed more
frequently to complete crucial jobs accurately. This suggests  What are the current software testing practices of agile
that the program must be faultless and of the highest caliber. development in industry?
Software quality assurance depends on software testing.  What can be the effects of separate software testing team in
Businesses invest a lot of money on testing and evaluation. Agile development?
 How and when the manual and automated software testing
Due of its increased business agility and less team friction, can be used to attain better results in Agile development?
DevOps (short for Development Operations) is frequently  The Roles of Quality assurance in software development
recognized as a crucial component of Agile working Life Cycle
Unsurprisingly, 74% of respondents had utilized DevOps
in pilots or on at least one of their teams in the past [3]. The In order to continuously deliver customer value through
result is a more vibrant workplace environment. working software[14], "Agile is a set of concepts and practices
that promote team collaboration and feedback." Agile software
Agile methodologies encourage user participation and development methodologies are built on iterative development.
steer clear of harmful testing techniques. User acceptance In agile procedures, feedback serves as the primary control
testing are the responsibility of the customer. A rigorous set of mechanism rather than planning.
constructive development methods are offered by XP and other
techniques that are similar to it in an effort to attain sufficient We are aware that some of the traditional techniques, such
quality without further testing. The need for distinct testing as Waterfall and V-Model, aren't the best to use anymore
procedures at the integration, system, and acceptance levels is because they aren't flexible enough to accept changes made
acknowledged by other agile techniques. An impartial tester when products are developed for a variety of reasons. Because
might collaborate with the developer to test every feature in of this, the trend and recommendation for SDLC technique is
order to improve Heartbeat QA procedures. This offers Agile in today's market where items must be supplied "just in
immediate feedback on the level of quality attained as opposed time" and value is generated by minimizing waste. [4]
to just using the developer's own constructive tactics. Software
testing techniques are rarely used in agile methodologies For a long time, the most widely used software
because most developers handle this work themselves. The development methodology was plan-based. Only one phase
thought "Is this enough?" appears as the product is being may begin before the preceding one has been finished. Using
produced. We wish to highlight the importance of software this method may lead to a long-term trajectory for a project as
testing in the agile development process with an independent well as several hazards.
software testing team.

Fig 1. Plan Based Software Development Model

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Volume , Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
To accept a change in the Waterfall technique, all stages approach to mixed research that a researcher blend quantitative
of the software development endeavor must be reconsidered. As and qualitative in a manner that best serves the study issue.
a result, the change would need to be evaluated, reviewed, and Mixture of inductive and deductive methodologies, as well as
approved by a CCB before requirements for the change could quantitative and qualitative data, are used in mixed research.
be developed and a comprehensive design put in place for the
change. It may take a long time and need a lot of work to make In order to accomplish our objectives, we employed a
changes when using Waterfall technique, since formal variety of research methods. We've done a lot of research, both
documentation is required at different stages in software quantitative and qualitative. The first stage of our research was
development to examine and record any changes. This shows a literature review, in which we looked at existing research on
that while using the Waterfall technique, modifications are the topic of our research questions. The second half is an
typically avoided and even frowned upon because of the industry study, in which we investigated a survey in which
possible schedule implications that may be caused by following different software development processes were analyzed to
formal change control methods, as shown could not determine identify their strengths and weaknesses. We looked at the
whether Agile is better for small, medium, and large-scale results of a study to see how organizations are really
projects[5]. implementing testing in Agile development from a management
Plan-based software development methodologies were the and technical standpoint when it comes to software testing.
most popular for a while. Only one phase may start before the
one before it is complete. This approach could result in a Figure 4 depicts the steps used to arrive at the desired
project's long-term trajectory as well as a number of risks. outcomes. We've identified the issue, done some research to
have a better understanding of the domain, and determined our
IV. METHODOLOGY scope. After that, we planned out our whole project in relation
to the time. The next stage was to choose a technique of research
A research methodology lays down the rules for how a for the study. In order to meet our objectives, we've chosen a
study will be conducted, how it will be evaluated, and how it hybrid approach. The first step was to do a literature review,
will know whether it has been a success. Various methods may which included reading up on what other researchers had said
be used to perform a study. In which qualitative, quantitative, about the topic at hand. The second element is an industry
and mixed techniques approaches are increasingly common. survey, which includes interviews with people in the software
business in order to get a better understanding of current
It's common to see qualitative and quantitative studies practices and to support our notion.
compared to one other. Human experience may be better
understood and described with the use of qualitative research. The different methodologies of Agile development are
It is the goal of the qualitative paradigm to comprehend the given below:
social environment via extensive descriptions of cognitive and  Scrum Extreme programming (Xp)
symbolic acts, as well as the richness of meaning connected  Feature Driven Development (FDD)
with observed behavior, from the point of view of the  Crystal Clear Methodology (CC)
respondents.  Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
 Adaptive Software Development
It is common to draw a comparison between quantitative
and qualitative research. Mathematical modeling, However, the first four strategies have become more
empirical/statistical survey, and experiment are all components common and are employed in the workplace. This chapter will
of a quantitative technique. There are two sorts of system focus on Scrum, Xp, FDD, and CC methods. Most businesses
experiments: proof of concept and comparison. Experiments use Scrum and Xp, therefore it's not viable for us to cover all of
might be on simulation or system. Quantitative research focuses the procedures for each style in detail. As a result, these four
on numbers and measurements rather than words in the techniques were chosen and explained as succinctly as possible.
collecting and analysis of data.
 Scrum
Your research issue may be answered using a combination From the approach used in rugby, the term SCRUM was
of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Because it coined. It entails regaining possession of an out-of-play ball via
incorporates the advantages of both quantitative and qualitative teamwork. Scrum is a project management framework that was
research, using a combination of the two may give you a more created specifically for managing the development of
comprehensive picture. software[15]. For the implementation phase, this strategy does
not focus on particular software development approaches. To
A variety of research approaches, such as mixed methods, put it another way, it instructs management on how to best use
are often used in behavioral, health, and social science research. team members in order to maximize system adaptability in an
[6]. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies are combined in ever-shifting business environment. Scrum is based on the
a mixed method. Qualitative and quantitative research methods premise that a number of the project's technical and
are used in this study. An eclectic, pragmatic, and sensible environmental elements will change over time. These factors

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
include the needs, finances, time, and technology of each Backlog items are worked on with each sprint[16]. The quantity
individual. In order for the development team to produce a of work that has to be done is known as a backlog.
functional system, it is essential that their method be flexible
enough to accept these unforeseen and challenging adjustments. There is a defined number of items from a project's
Because Scrum offers a number of regular activities for backlog that are implemented in each sprint. After each sprint,
management to examine the system for any form of faults or the team members count the amount of backlog items that need
obstructions, it may assist firms accomplish better engineering to be implemented, and they also evaluate it. Members of the
tasks such as software testing. team gather at the end of each sprint to go through the backlog
items they've worked on and those that need to be finished.
Using an iterative and incremental approach to software They also talk about how they achieved their prior assignments
development, Scrum is an agile methodology. Scrum is an agile and the difficulties they encountered in their last sprint. When
framework that is meant to give value to the client throughout they're done, they merge their efforts and deliver it to the client
the project's development[15]. Scrum's fundamental goal is to for testing. Having completed acceptance test cases, the
meet the needs of the customer in an atmosphere of open customer now tests the system and gives management with
communication, shared accountability, and continuous comments. This item will be added to the product backlog for
improvement. The development process begins with a rough the next iteration if there are any bugs or implementation issues
understanding of what needs to be produced and a prioritized left. The product backlog is a list of all the defects, customer
list of desired qualities (the product backlog). requests, and usability and performance improvements that
need to be implemented. If the consumer is satisfied with the
Scrum incorporates a variety of system development product they received, no additional development will be done.
tasks. This process has a few easy steps. Rapid prototyping in When the client is satisfied with the release, the development
Scrum implies that the system's requirements are obtained in an team ends the project.
imperfect form from the beginning. In this approach, the client
provides the team with a general idea of what they want[16]. Teams in scrum meet everyday for 15 minutes. In order to
The original criteria are not only insufficient, but they may also keep the meeting to a minimum, they all stand the whole time.
be modified throughout the course of the project. Management Discuss what each person will do that day, and if someone has
and development procedures are included in Scrum. Because of an issue during implementation, they may go to other senior
this, it helps both the development team and the company's team members for advice. They also talk about the obstacles
management to better oversee the whole process. Planning that need to be overcome. Each backlog item is developed,
begins when all of the needs have been collected. The system is wrapped, reviewed, and adjusted throughout the sprints. It is
also designed in a straightforward manner. Planning and said that throughout development, the teams create code, test
designing in this manner is unconventional. They have a quick and record the changes they have made to the backlog. They
meeting to wrap up the whole process of conceptualizing and produce executables as part of the wrapping process in order to
creating. Prior to each sprint, the teams plan sprints, identify the illustrate the changes. Finally, they aggregate all of the data
backlog items, and allocate them to various teams so that the from the review and update the change to reflect the new items
whole project may be completed in a short period of time. in the backlog and any risks and features.

Fig 2: Scrum Pregame and Postgame Psases [17]

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
In Scrum, the pregame, development, and postgame the outset. As a result, rather of working alone, a tester should
phases are all shown in Figure 2. In the pregame, the customer's instead collaborate closely with the rest of the team. A tester
requirements are collected and the system's design is planned. should be present at daily status meetings, which should last no
Standards, norms, technology, resources, and architecture all more than 15 minutes, and be given an opportunity to actively
play a role in system planning. Scrum places a great deal of participate. To be a good tester, one must collaborate with other
emphasis on the design and architecture of high-level systems. testers and find out what to test, rather than just testing from the
A product backlog is managed based on strategic planning. As requirements.
new information becomes available, it will be included here. All
tasks are ranked and sent to the sprint backlog items based on  eXtreme Programming (Xp)
their degree of importance. During the prototyping phase, the Because of the lengthy development cycles of traditional
team has sprint meetings to determine the individual duties of and conventional development techniques, extreme
each member. Daily meetings are held for coordination and programming (Xp) was established. It's a well-known Agile
discussion of any concerns that may arise. When a project is in development methodology. It's a collection of various practices,
the midst of development, it is in a "closed" phase, meaning no norms, and ideas that have been inherited from earlier
new needs may be added. As part of the sprint process, each methods[18]. One of the key features of Xp is its emphasis on
phase includes analytic, design and testing and delivery. Sprint short iterations with frequent feedback and modest releases as
review meetings are held after each sprint in order for the team well as the constant involvement of customers and the ongoing
to reflect on their progress. The system is integrated and sent to testing and integration of the code by the whole team. Xp is
the client for testing after the development team has completed more successful in smaller and medium-sized businesses
all of the sprint backlog items. Customer-reported bugs are because of the importance of the physical environment. There
added to the product backlog for consideration in the next should be at least three to twenty persons in a team, according
iteration. As a result, the system is created in modest to Beck[18].
increments, and the customer's input is solicited on a regular
basis. In Xp, a team of three to 10 programmers works together
in a single room with monitors facing outward in a circular
 Quality Assurance Activities in Scrum arrangement[18]. In Xp, there are also tiny changes. During the
Scrum is an approach to project management that three-week iteration stage, there are two to five revisions before
emphasizes iterative, incremental improvements. Rules and the product is ready for release. The client provides the
practices for management may be found in this technique, specifications, which are then compiled into a specification
which can assist managers structure and improve their document. Using index cards, requirements may be
operations[15]. The process is not one of engineering with documented. A plain index card is used by the customer to jot
clearly defined actions for quality control. Scrum is a project down short tales. There are frequent meetings between
management framework without any support for testing or developers and customers to address various parts of the system
development techniques, so management may use whatever needs.
activities they see fit to produce a high-quality result. Scrum
and Xp are the most popular combo for firms using Scrum. As  Feature Drive Development (FDD)
a result, Scrum helps with project management, while Xp Traditional software development lacks good team
practices influence development. When it comes to testing, a communication and cooperation. It lacks several features that
typical tester will have a hard time adjusting to a Scrum project. allow speedy app development. The technique does not support
Scrum has no testing handbook, whereas Xp has some testing user modification. This reduces its commercial responsiveness.
information, but it's not enough to call it a guidebook for testers. The FDD technique improves project management and
Scrum organizations use a wide range of quality assurance software design, implementation, and documentation
tasks, including: uniformity[19]. Unlike Scrum, FDD emphasizes
documentation. Before moving on to planning, the general
Unit tests Continuous testing and improvement Sprint application model is created first, followed by a features list,
meetings are held on a regular basis. Meetings are held on a and then a model for each item on the list. FDD development
daily basis. Code and design standards are adhered to. aligns with the project's model. The FDD has five main phases,
Acknowledgement testing Automated testing Experimentation  Develop an Initial Model
with a purpose For a tester, the most crucial parts of SCRUM  Develop a Feature List
are the iterative cycle and regular communication. There are  Plan by Feature
two things that the tester has to bear in mind while adjusting  Construction Phase
these two. During each iteration, the product is tested, rather  Design by Feature
than at the conclusion of the development process. When the
product isn't ready, it's up to the tester to select what needs to
be tested. Scrum emphasizes teamwork and cooperation from

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Fig 3: FFD Stages

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