Flood Control - Feasibility Study - Author-John Marvin Mendoza

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Prepared by:



PROPONENT: Local Government of Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro
CONTACT PERSON: Hon. Walter B. Marquez – Municipal Mayor
FUNDING AGENCY: Department of Budget and Management (DBM)


A. Rationale

The province of Occidental Mindoro was ranked number twenty-three (23) out of seventy-four
(74) provinces of the country with vulnerability risk index of 0.45 and exposure risk index of
0.59 wherein the municipality of Sablayan was situated with it. According to Department of
Environment and Natural Resources – Mines and Geosciences Bureau MIMAROPA region, the
municipality of Sablayan is one of the areas in Occidental Mindoro with high to very high flood
susceptibility rating. And throughout Philippines’ recorded history, disaster in various parts of
the country have been recorded either on print or collective stories of who witnesses them
including their descendants. Unmistakably, tropical cyclone, flooding and landslide have been
the most frequently occurring and extracted with the devastated damage. The main reason is that
Occidental Mindoro is rated HIGH to climate change exposure and geographic make-up.

Aside from geographic location and characteristics of Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro, it is also
exposed to various hydro-meteorological and geographical hazards. This is evidence by increase
in frequency and intensity occurrence of different hazard such as tropical cyclone in the
municipality that causes different disaster. The onset climate change brought about global
warming contributes to erratic weather pattern exemplified by increased incidence of La-Nina
phenomena, wreaking havoc on agricultural production and other economic activities. Other
factors contributing to increase risk and vulnerabilities are unsustainable land and resource use
leading to decrease forest cover and wildlife biodiversity, failure to watershed functions and
siltation of rivers and natural waterways.

The municipality of Sablayan, has a total land area of 218,880 hectares which occupying the 37%
of the total land area of Occidental Mindoro province and its municipal water cover
approximately 183,000 hectares which are unevenly distributed among 22 barangays. In 2019,
about 14,467.1 hectares of agricultural lands are functionally devoted to rice production which
considered the municipality as traditionally agricultural surplus area and it supplies the
consumption requirements of neighbouring Visayan region and Metro Manila.

However, more or less 14,000 hectares of rice fields were submerged in flood water during rainy
season or even during southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon. These areas are mainly
concentrated in the barangays alongside of Patrick River and Amnay River namely: Claudio
Salgado, Lagnas, Ilvita, Pag-asa, Victoria, Paetan, Tagumpay and San Agustin covering a total
area of 90, 273.77 hectares where Amnay and Patrick rivers traversed through these flood plains.
During the rainy season, flash floods occur on the low-lying areas along the tributaries of Amnay
and Patrick River inundation causing an extreme damage to agricultural fields including rice
crops and high-value crops. Every onset of flooding in CLIPVIC area, losses on rice production
and high-value crop were generated with an estimated amount of Php 10,453,232.75 (seedlings
or vegetative stage). And most of the rice fields were covered by flood mud “banlik” causing the

area cannot be replanted with rice crops. Many agricultural lands are also situated alongside of
Amnay and Patrict rivers where soil erosion frequently happened. An estimated of 500 hectares
per year were eroded.

The Mompong river on the other hand, inundates the Southern part of the municipality which
affects the barangays alongside of it namely: Barangay Batong-buhay, Tuban, Malisbong, San
Nicolas and Sta. Lucia. These areas are also experiencing a tremendous damage to rice crops and
high-value crops during rainy season with estimated cost of damage yearly amounting to Php

Despite of these hindrances, the municipality does not waive from its role of providing the
neighbouring province and metro manila their basic food needs such as rice and other high-value

Likewise, there are some areas in three urban Barangays, namely Barangay Buenavista, Sto.
Nino and Poblacion experiences moderate to severe flooding when there is a prolonged rainfall
associated with high tide. With the continuous rain, the Sabang River and Guiron creek were
overflowed where the said Barangays are located.

The Mines and Geoscience Bureau had conducted a detailed landslide and flood hazard mapping
of areas within the municipality of Sablayan assessing the susceptibility of each barangays to
flooding and its impacts to the populace. The team identified for each barangays its potential
relocation sites. The Mines and geosciences Bureau also recommended to make an action plan
and projects for mitigation.

In terms of climate, Tropical storms are common from June to October but due to climate change
there are some tropical storms happened during month of November to December bringing high
winds and flooding that sometimes result in property damage and loss of life. Rainfall is brought
about by different rainfall-causing weather patterns such as air stream, tropical cyclones, the
inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), fronts, easterly waves, local thunderstorms, etc. About
five to seven tropical cyclone usually pass through the province of Occidental Mindoro. Most of
these are associated with heavy rainfall resulting to widespread flooding.

There are three river basins in the municipality of Sablayan such as Amnay, Patrick and
Mompong. With an average of 5 to 7 tropical cyclone pass through the municipality every year
causing intense rainfall, overflowing of waterways, inundation and deposition of sediment in the
flood plain, extensive flood damage often result. Flood-prone areas abundantly located near in
the major river basins.

Flood impact may be contributed to different sector in the municipality of Sablayan. These
impacts can be experienced in society, lives, health livelihood and on asset and services. In
societal impacts, loss of lives and property are most obvious and well researched impacts of
floods as they can easily be quantified, reported and recorded. However, other consequences that
cannot be assessed as easily in monetary values are equally important aspects of societal impacts
that need to be categorized and integrated to overall assessment. The direct of floods on people’s
lives include fatalities, the partial and total destruction of shelter and the lack of food which is
paramount concern for the affected individuals. The affected tend not to care as much other
sources of discomfort but rather, go to great length to access food aid fast. Health impacts of

floods may be direct or indirect. The direct impacts which arises from physical contact with flood
water include drowning, heart attack, and hypothermia, wounds from submerged wreckage,
contamination and animal bites. Indirect impacts are related to flood damage of the natural or
built environment and include infections ailments, starvation, physical and mental disabilities
triggered or worsened by flood conditions, and diseases incidental to displacement. In flood-
prone areas, people are employed in various livelihoods such as farming, hired agricultural and
laborer, self-employment in small retail store and transport operations. Flood occurrences have
entirely demolished the livelihood of affected people, who had no replacement strategies. Large
tracks of lowland farms that have been covered with flood mud “banlik”, debris and rocks
rendered the land unfit for crop growing. Crops and other high value crops are submerged with
flood water causing lost cost in the market. These conditions have led to challenging livelihood
shifts in the affected communities. Affected individuals who were totally dependent on their
primary livelihoods and had insufficient support network system, encountered serious difficulty
and uncertainty in obtaining incomes for their daily sustenance. Floods directly harm farmland,
aquaculture, buildings, roads, power supplies and other and infrastructure and assets. Recurrent
flood also exacerbate existing loss of top soil, sand settling problems for natural and artificial
lakes, dams, electric power and water system facilities and lessen the deepness of canals and
reservoir. Floods also leaves waste buildups in waterways and other water bodies that lower the
feasibility of these natural resources for profitable activities.

The municipality having been located at the center of Occidental Mindoro was chosen by the
province to become its growth center as stated in the Provincial Physical Framework Plan. The
economic activities and growth can be stopped when major flooding in the three major rivers
(Amnay, Patrick and Mompong) were not controlled because there are bridges, national roads,
provincial road and barangay roads connecting the neighboring town.

Thus, the Local Government of Sablayan proposing a long term solution for flooding such flood
control project on Amnay, Patrick and Mompong are major concern.

Below details are the action plans recommended by the Local Government of Sablayan are the

 Relocation of households within flood-prone areas

 Study on Sablayan’s Geographical nature by DENR
 Follow up DPWH projects currently implemented in the municipality
 Coordinate with NEDA for development projects

B. Project Objectives:

B.1 General Objective

The proposed project aims to give a long term solution to the flood problems in the municipality
of Sablayan province of Occidental Mindoro. Such projects shall help to protect lives, properties
and the environment during occurrence of natural calamities.

B.2 Specific Objective:

The municipality of Sablayan is facing certain issues like crop production losses, slow economic
growth, low performance on tourism industry and high poverty incidence. These issues will be
simultaneously addressed when flood problems are resolved.


A. Description of the Project:

The proposed project involves relocation site for the affected families in flood prone areas, flood
protection wall and rechanneling of the three main tributaries: AMNAY-PATRICK AND

B. Project Location

The proposed project will cover the CLIPVIC Areas and the barangays where the three major
rivers traversed.

C. Project Beneficiaries

The direct beneficiaries of the project are the local farmers, the residents situated in the flood-
prone area and all the populace of Sablayan which presently accounted of 83,169 based on 2015
CBMS survey.

The indirect beneficiaries of the project are those neighboring municipality, Visayan region and
Metro Manila where surplus production of rice is transported and marketed.

D. Project Implementation

The proposed project is expected to be completed within five years or maybe earlier depending on
the work force and capacity of the project implementer.


Funds to be used for the project will get from the outsource fund or to the National Government
Agency whereas the estimated amounts are stated below:

National Government Agency: USD. 20,712, 960.00

International Funding: USD. _____________
LGU Sablayan: USD. _____________


The Local Government of Sablayan will give its counterpart


The proposed project will not affect the environment since the rechanneling, relocation site to
affected population, flood protection wall and other similar activities will promote life to the bio-
diversity of flora and fauna. River and seas will be protected by reducing siltation.


Economic growth will increase in the town of Sablayan. Many investors will become entice to
come to build their businesses or programs such as home developers. There will be an increase in
agricultural production, aquaculture productions and other basic livelihoods of the residents in the
municipality of Sablayan.

Proposed by:

Hon. Walter B. Marquez

Municipal Mayor


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