Syllabus FSM 7 Studoc

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Course Code: FSM 7


Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Plan

Course Title International Cuisine Course Code FSM 7

Credit Units 3 Course Pre-/Co-requisites None
Course Description This course focuses on various cuisines from countries and regions throughout the world. Students will prepare
complete menus reflective of the culture and goods of these countries and regions with emphasis on ingredients and
authentic preparation methods. Upon completion, students should be able to research and execute international menus.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes After completing the course, STUDENTS MUST:
1. Explore basic concepts of various cuisines from countries and regions throughout the world.
2. Display deeper knowledge and understanding on the different cultural and traditional customs in cooking preparation,
techniques, usage of equipment, flavors, herbs and spices, and food influenced across Asian, European
Mediterranean, Latin American, and African cuisine.
3. Develop in-depth artistic appreciation on the immense wealth of cuisine that exists in the world.
4. Demonstrate understanding on the preparation and production of authentic and classical dish from different countries
essential for their chosen profession and for lifelong learning.
Liminal Period (MIDTERM) UNIT 1: Exploring Basic Concepts of Asian, European, Latin America and African Cuisine
Essential Learning
Intended Learning Outcomes Suggested
Declarative Functional Assessment
Desired Competencies (ILO) Teaching/Learning
Week Knowledge Knowledge Tasks (ATs) OUTCOMES
(OUTCOME) Students should be able to: Activities (TLAs)
1st Gain understanding on Discussion of the Discussion of Memorize and recite the vision, Teaching/Learning Activity: Construct a The pre-service
the vision and mission of VMGO of the Vision mission, and goals of the college Discussion colorful teachers live the
the institution, goals of College Mission and the objectives of the illustration on the school’s VMGO in
the department and Goals department. Input Material/Resources school culture their daily lives.
objectives of the Objectives School prospectus and and climate of
program. fliers ASIST.

To be familiar with the Output Materials

grading system, course Colorful illustration.
outline and course
2–4 Explore basic concepts of Various  The Asian Present a timetable on the history Teaching/Learning Activity: Construct a The students can
various cuisines from International Cuisine Cuisine of various international cuisines. Discussion timetable on the explore and
countries and regions - Chinese Lecture history of various appreciate basic
throughout the world. - Japanese Appreciate the basic concepts of Independent Learning international concepts of
- Indian various international cuisines. cuisines. various
- Korean Input Materials international
- Filipino Compare and contrast the Learners’ module Correlate the cuisine.
 The European relationship and differences of Google classroom relationship and
Mediterranean international cuisines. differences of
Cuisine Output Materials international
- Egyptian Analyze the cuisine and determine Accomplished timetable cuisines.
- Greek factors that shaped it. Accomplished venn
- Italian diagram Make a reaction
- French Explain how these factors shaped Accomplished food paper about the
- Spanish the cuisine and give examples or brochure/flyer factors that
 The Latin situations. Worksheets shaped particular
American Written reflection/reaction cuisine and give
Cuisine Design a food brochure for an paper examples or
- Caribbean international cuisine to enhance situations.
- North creativity and wide range of
America knowledge of the students. Present a food
- Mexico brochure/flyer for
- South an international
America cuisine to
 The African enhance
Cuisine creativity and
wide range of
knowledge of the

Liminal Period (MIDTERM) UNIT 2: Display Deeper Understanding on the Different Cultural and Traditional Customs
6 – 11 Display deeper Different Traditional  Cultural and Design a concept map focused on Teaching/Learning Activity: Make a concept The pre-service
knowledge and Customs traditional the cultural/traditional customs of Independent learning map that teachers exhibit
understanding on the customs the different cuisines. Research generates ideas and gain wide
different cultural and  Cooking Video-based learning and design range expertise
traditional customs in preparation and Report on various cooking complex on the
cooking preparation, techniques preparation and techniques, Input Materials structures about cultural/traditional
techniques, usage of  Usage of kitchen kitchen tools and equipment, Learners’ module international customs of the
equipment, flavors, herbs tools and herbs and spices used by Google classroom cuisine traditional different cuisines.
and spices, and food equipment international cuisines customs.
influenced across Asian,  Various flavors, Output Materials
European Mediterranean, herbs and Determine food products that Concept Map on Present and
Latin American, and spices influenced a country/cuisine cultural/traditional customs discuss various
African cuisine.  Food products cooking
Practice some cooking PowerPoint presentation preparation and
preparation and techniques about various cooking techniques,
preparation and kitchen tools and
Compare and contrast techniques, kitchen tools equipment, herbs
international cuisine to local and equipment, herbs and and spices used
cultural/traditional customs spices used by by international
international cuisines cuisines
Analyze and explain implication
and contribution of Written Reflection Make a reaction
cultural/traditional customs to paper about
implication and
international cuisine Worksheet contribution of
customs to

Liminal Period (FINALS) UNIT 3: Develop Artistic Appreciation on the Immense Wealth of International Cuisines
12 – Develop in-depth artistic The Immense  Importance of Complete the K-W-L chart about Teaching/Learning Activity: Present the K-W- The pre-service
15 appreciation on the Wealth of religion, climate artistic appreciation on the Discussion L chart about teachers are
immense wealth of International Cuisine and history in immense wealth of international Lecture artistic appreciative to
cuisine that exists in the the shaping of a cuisine Independent Learning appreciation on the immense
world. the immense wealth of cuisine
region’s cuisine
Present how culinary traditions are Input Materials wealth of that exists in the
 The role of food international world that in one
formed and the role of food in Learners’ module
plays in culture culture Google classroom cuisine and way could help
 How culinary answer the guide them understand
traditions are Appreciate the immense wealth of Output Materials questions international
formed cuisine that exists in the world. Accomplished KWL Chart provided cuisine and
- What I know? essential for their
Create an artistic video PowerPoint presentation - What I want to chosen
showcasing the immense wealth know? profession
of cuisine that exists in the world Video presentation of the - What I
immense wealth of cuisine learned?
that exists in the world
Make a reflection
Reflection paper paper to develop
in-depth artistic
appreciation on
the immense
wealth of cuisine
that exists in the

Discuss how
culinary traditions
are formed and
the role of food in

Consult to some
publications and
find at least 3
studies on the
role of food in
culture and
studies related to
the artistic
appreciation on
the immense
wealth of cuisine
that exists in the

Video output

Liminal Period (FINALS) UNIT 4: Demonstrate Preparation and Production of Classical Dish from different Countries
16 – Demonstrate Prepare and  Preparation Demonstrate knowledge and skills Teaching/Learning Activity: Video output in The pre-service
18 understanding on the produce classical Techniques in preparing and Independent learning the preparation teachers are
preparation and dishes from different  Produce producing/cooking international Demonstration teaching and cooking competent in
production of authentic countries international dishes. international preparing,
and classical dish from dishes Input Materials dishes producing or
different countries Learners’ module cooking
essential for their chosen Videos international
profession and for lifelong Google classroom dishes.
Output Materials
Video demonstrations
Recipe or Menu

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