Aggasavika Foremost Bhikkhuni Disciples Thirteen Arahant Theris (Trilingual-Bold)

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Aggasāvikā Foremost Bhikkhunī Disciples of the Buddha

Na kho ekaṃyeva sataṃ na dve satāni na tīṇi satāni na cattāri satāni na pañca satāni,
There is not just one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, or five hundred,

atha kho bhiyyova yā bhikkhuniyo mama sāvikā āsavānaṃ khayā anāsavaṃ cetovimuttiṃ 
There are even more than that - the bhikkhuni disciples who have eliminated their defilements

paññāvimuttiṃ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṃ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharantīti.

and attained wisdom-based mental liberation in this very life with their own direct knowledge.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ rattaññūnaṃ yadidaṃ Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in seniority: Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ mahāpaññānaṃ yadidaṃ Khemā.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in great wisdom: Khemā.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ iddhimantīnaṃ yadidaṃ Uppalavaṇṇā.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in psychic powers: Uppalavaṇṇā.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ vinayadharānaṃ yadidaṃ Paṭācārā.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in upholding Vinaya: Paṭācārā.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ dhammakathikānaṃ yadidaṃ Dhammadinnā.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in teaching Dhamma: Dhammadinnā.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ jhāyīnaṃ yadidaṃ Nandā.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in meditation: Nandā.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ āraddhavīriyānaṃ yadidaṃ Soṇā.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in energy: Soṇā.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ dibbacakkhukānaṃ yadidaṃ Sakulā.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in clairvoyance: Sakulā.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ khippābhiññānaṃ yadidaṃ Bhaddā Kuṇḍalakesā.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in swiftness of higher knowledge: Bhaddā Kuṇḍalakesā.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ pubbenivāsaṃ anussarantīnaṃ yadidaṃ Bhaddā Kāpilānī.
Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in remembering past lives: Bhaddā Kāpilānī.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ mahābhiññappattānaṃ yadidaṃ Bhaddakaccānā.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in attaining great knowledge: Bhaddakaccanā.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ lūkhacīvaradharānaṃ yadidaṃ Kisāgotamī.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in wearing coarse robes: Kisāgotamī.

Etadaggaṃ, bhikkhave, mama sāvikānaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ saddhādhimuttānaṃ yadidaṃ Sigālamātāti.

Monks, this is the foremost of my bhikkhuni disciples in devotion through faith: Sigālamātā.
MN 73, AN 1.235-247 | CBETA

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