Model Turbines
Model Turbines
Model Turbines
, e:::- s
Home Built
© Auflage 2004 by Verlag Fiir Technik und Handwerk
Postfach 227'1, 7h492 Bade n-Haden
All rights reserved. All trademarks and registered names acknowledged. No part of this book may be copied,
reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the Publishers.
The information in this hook is true to the best of o ur knowledge at the time of compilation. Recommendations
are made without any guarantee. implied or otherwise. o n the part of the author or publisher, who also disclaim any
liability incurred in connection with the use of data or specific info rmation contained within this publication.
ISBN 1 900371 37 5
Front Cover:
''KJ66 engine designed by Kurt Schreckling and manufactured in kitform hv Jesus Artes".
Back Cover:
P U lI l l t: AT I O N S
In 19881 began experimentillg with a view to '11,. .,,,,/m (,jlll'l "Id m'/'clll' 1'1 Lt"lIIl1lklil'
establishing a simple alld effectilJe method of C""" 0-1- os. ]!llli 1004
buildillg a modeljet turbine -as the result shows, 1
that he was a hout to puhli sh the first m agazine in to build his own high thrust a nd reliahle je l p ropulsion
German o n the subject of model jet turbines and their must come to terms with constructing to higher sta n-
use: The J ETMAG. dard s . l lnfo rtun ately , t he very simple a pproach , as
Today. of cou rse, a model jet turhine is expected to d escribed in my firs1 book. is no longer enough .
~ capable of a lot more than it was te n years ago. As a The c hapter that explains hasic principles is written
result, specifications are higher and anyone w ho wants with the ma jority of home builders in mind, whose pro-
fessiona l career has not
This is tbe FD-2, probably tbefirst motleljet turbillefuelled by keroselle tbat involved a ny aspects of
lI'as capable ~ifflight. lis sllccessfulfirstflight took place Oil lOti} September physics or e ngineering
1989. sciences. Consequently ,
I do not s p e nd time
u si ng formulae to dis-
cuss in d e tai l the corre-
la tion of physica l
value s. Ind ee d , t h is
would exceed the 'icope
of this hook in a ny case.
It is a ll too easy for spe-
cialists to fo rget tha t you
need years to lea rn the
langu a g e of formul ae
and that it is not possi-
ble to adequately impa rt
this knowledge between
the covers of just one
hook . Anyone who
wishes to learn about
theoretical principles in
more dera il can find ref-
e rel1l'es to rhe appropri-
ate litera t u re in th e
appendix, I will display
the res ults a nd calcula-
tions that a re releva nt
for the practical aspects
()f model je t nlfbines in
the form of di a gra ms
a nd the ir practical appli-
- -- -- - .- - -- - -- - -- - - -- -- -
Chapter 1
Principles of ModelJet
What are we talking about? combustion chambe r increases the work content of the
air i.e . the compressed a nd heated a ir can now perform
It is a curious point of fact that you will not find the more work than was necessary to compress it. As the ai r
term 'turhine' in most physics books. [n the ne w Fischer flow s past the turbin e wheel it gives up th e e n ergy
encyclopedia under the e ntry ·turbine' is written : 'power required to drive the compressor wheel. The excess
machine in wh ic h the energy of a flowing m e dium energy accelerates the air to very h ig h velOCity in a n
(water, steam, gas) is transforme d into useful e nergy; axia l dire ction opposite to the d irection of flight. An
precursors were windmills and warerwheels'. Specialist exh a ust gas nozzle improves th e efficiency o f the
technical books on the suhject explain the variety o f tur- process.
hines in some de rail under the main heading of 'flow
machines'. In Dubbel 's pocket Ixx)k of enginee ring you The most important physical
find the definition: .. the gas turhine is a machine that
uses heat to deliver mechanical e ne rgy (shaft power) or parameters
thrust (e.g. aircraft e ngines)" . Accordingly , the term 'gas A je t turbine ge nerates thrust by accelerating air mass-
turbine' is the generic term for a ll types of turho jet es. When m a sse~ of air are accelerated . they create force
engines. jet turhines as well as turbo -prop drives. effects . Forces are measure d in n ewtons not in kil o-
They a re a ll deemed to be 'gas turbines'; frolll the grams! The force of 1 newton (signified by the leuer N)
model engines such as JPX . fD . micro- turbines . acts a t the precise point in time when the mass of 1 kg
Turhomin and Pegasus as well as the KJ-66, J -(J(J and TK- a ccelera tes or decelerates by 1 m / s'. The change in
50 turbo engines featured in this hook, up to a nd includ- ~peed per unit of ti me is defined ; IS acceleration a nd
ing any such machine type that either cu rrently exists or measured in m / s' . Mass. i.e . th e m ate rial weight of a
is yet to be invented . They a re all 'gas turbines', and body . is measured in kilogra ms . Acceleration du e to
they all generate thmst! In fact. an alternative and more gra vity causes a fixe d mass to exert a to rce on the s ur-
proper na me for s uch devices is turbo air jet engines. I fa ce it stands on. Scales use this so-called 'weight-force '
prefer the rerm often used by ex perts : ' jet turhines' . to compare different weights. Spring hala nces ta ke the
Some people also call them jet engines. However, the jet deflectio n of a spring and translate it into a meas ure-
is actually just the back part of such a n engine. ment on a scale . Take such a spring b a lance to the
As you can see. we already have more than e nough moo n to measure the same mass and the result would
de finitions at our disposal. There is no need to come up h e completely d iffe re nt from tha t o n ea rth . e ven though
with a ny new d e finitions . Unfortunately. tech nica l the mass ibelf would not have changed in a ny way.
experts do not always speak a la nguage that is logically You just have to pick up a ha mmer to be ;I\va re of
correct and dear. Of course , to aid the understanding of the ve ry disparate forces it can generate. If you hold it
readers who do not have special prior knowledge. it is still in your hand . you just feel the weight-force. Whe n
essential to always state exactly what is mea nt by the you ta ke the ha mmer hack . so as to bring it down , i.e.
word ·turhines'. Is tha r the complete unit, the turbine when you accelerate it. dea rly you mus. expend more
wheel, a nlrbine stage or something e lse perhaps? force. When the hammer strikes, it d evelops a force that
we a re nor at a ll a hle [Cl replicate with our muscles
How does a model jet turbine work? alone. Just try to push in a nail into a piece of wood
with your hand and you can hegin to imagine the kind
The diagram (Fig. 1) shows the rypical construction in of force generated by a ha mmer when it i~ decelerated .
a very simplified form . The same fundamental laws of In a ll insta nces the aerual mass of the hammer re mains
physics apply to model jet turbines as they d o to the unalte red. Now let us apply our theorem that fo rce
large jet engines or in general to a ll air-breathing gas tur- equa ls mass times acceleration to our jet turbine . For
bines. The air is sucked in by the compressor wheel and example , an engine s ucks in air a t a speed of 0.25
compressed. The introduction of comhustion heat in the kg/ second a nd accelerate~ it at the same time to a speed
Air Shajl -
Shaft tmmel
------1--+--- -+--'-----
- - - Ball'!!.arings
Turbi1le u,heel
of 400 m/ s. Therefore, the sta tic thrust is 100 N. For subjecr to the constant force of air re~istance a nd the
those with a long mcmory. you can also say 10 Kp but path covered is the dista nce. This makes it possihle to
definitely not 10 kg! Admittedly, it is hetter to work in N ca lculate the work required . In both cases we have only
or in general in SI units. Let us cause a thrust of JOO N to taken into cunsidera tion the actual work that is per-
act on a model w ith an initial mass of 12 kg to give a formed on the model. This effective work is generated
maximum possible initial accderation of Iou 7 12 m, s' = from the hear energy of the fuel burnt. Unfortunately.
8.33 1l1/ S'. This value i~ the true \-alue. provided that the only part of the heat energy can be transformed into
forces associated with rolling triction and air resistance effective work .
at the start are ignored. Power is the work divided by the time period in
\Vhenever masses come together. it a lways results in which this work was completed . What is the power of a
a change in the direction of velOCIty. As a consequence. jet turbin e? T here are many different w ays of answering
the forces that act are what we call ce ntrifugal forces. this question:
111e wheels of our turhine and compressor are rotating We are interested in the power that the engine gives
so quickly that they turn the air masses at a very high to the model. This constitutes thmsl times tlight velocity.
velocity. resulting in high centrifuga l forces . .lust imag- As long as the model is fixed to the ground. it will not
ine: a typical turbine whed for a mode l jet turbine has a fly no matter how high the thrust.
diameter of 66 111111. The centre point of the turhin e The power of the exhausl gas flow , a lso called jet-
vanes is at a diameter of ")') mm. Such a vane weighs stream powe r, is velocity squared, times half the m ass
o nly 1 gra m . You may be already aware that such tur- now rate.
bine vanes can he driven at velocities of up to approxi- II is likewise possible to calculate the necessary ther-
mately 120.000 revolutions/ min. This implies tha t the mal power to be provided hy the fuel , although this is
vane~ hurtle at a velocity of 34") 111/ s. the equivalent of somewha t more complicated .
1.242 km h on a circular path with a diameter of only 55 Finally. a little additional effort is required to calcula te
m111. So just imagine the force that ans nn the connec- the power with which the turhine wheel drives the com-
tion betwee n the turbine vane a nd the wheel disk - it is pressor.
4.430 N. That is approximately the same as lifting '14 ten- A physicist would not llnderstand the term 'thrust-
litre buckets of water :1t the :-.ame time . This illustrates power'; it wou ld sound to him like a contrJcl iction in
very clea rly that the ro tational velocity of a turbine terms.
wheel does have its limits and th at these 111ust he
respected at all costs for reasons of safety. Suitable fuels
In physics, work is determined as force times dis-
rance. measured in the direction of travel. Energy is the Most mo del jet turhines a re pretty indiscriminating in
ability to undertake work. To take a nying m(xlel up to terms of the quality of the fuel. You can even go as far
a certai n height requires a s pecific amount of work. In as saying: you can use anything that is tlu id . comhustible
this insta nce the force is the weight-force of the mode l and not more volatile than diesel fu el. Compa red to all
and the distance up into the air. Flying over a specific the other a vailable fuels, diesel or similar materials, sllch
distance in a straight line at a consta nt height, a model is as kerosene or paraffin, have more or less the highest
Depending a ll the condition of the turbine , the diffe r- From Marti'l Lambert's workshop comes a model
ential heat expansion characteristics of the ho using and of a turbille wheel made from speCial CNC-milled
the turhine wheel will necessitate a gap of between 0. 15 plastic. The suiface is smoothed in a second
and 0.20 mm . This will result in a small loss o f the effec- process. This technique avoids the time it takes to
tive flow that generates power at the turbine wheel. In desigll alld cOllstruct moulds in the development of
addition, there are also friction losses in the flow on the neu' turbine wheels. The plastic model is used to
surfaces of the guide vanes and the turbine vanes. In cast a turbine wheelfrom very high temperature
spite o f this, the effiCiency of a turbine stage is some- materials usillg the melted Ulax method.
whal hetter than that of a compressor stage. The turbine
stage design shown above results in perfect nozzle flow, Today, factory built turbine wheels are available. The
both in the gUide system as well as between the turbine wheels come in different dime nsions a nd w ith a certifi-
vanes . No losses occur du e to the flow becoming cate of quality. They G ill he purchased from a number
detached . o f different suppliers, e ither as a cast blank or ready-to-
The huikling instructions show turhine gUide systems fit component. The w hee l~ are vacuum-cast frum very
that are built by fitting together single rings and guide high temperature nickel-b ased alloys using the melted
vane~ a nd welding them in place . This design does wax method . Turbine wheels that are well-deSigned and
enable subsequent partial correction o f the outlet angle cleanly cast will a c hievt: a permitted circumferential
of the turbine guide vanes. velocity of 400 mi s, which is as high as that of the com-
It is relatively easy to calculate the number and pro- pressor wheels. Adminedly. the re are restrictions : the
file as well as the width of the vanes. However, tht:se temperature of the turbine disk should not exceed 400°C
calculations provide only very approximate values. This and that of the vanes not exceed 6()()°C. If you huy a
is true both fo r the turbine wheels and the gUide system. blank, you need first to bore it and the n to calibrate and
Consequently, il should be no ted that the d eSigns fea- balance the external diameter. As a rule it is nol neces-
tured here are based on estimations, even though these sary to rework the vanes. In any case you sh o uld get the
have been proven to work in practice. supplier to confirm the permitted m aximum rotatio nal
- -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- -
Turbines from tbe collections of Lumbert und Scbrecklillg.
On tbe left u turbine for tbe TK·50 by Murtin • Reducing the d iameter of the shaft.
Lumbert, on tbe right u rudiul turbilw from u smull • Making the shaft from a m ate rial with a low elasticity
turbocbarger. modulus.
• Lengthening the shaft.
velocity and operating temperature for the particular tur- • Increasing the wheel mass .
bine wheel. • Increasing the distance between the centre of gravity
Recently, it has also been possible to find turbine of the wheel m ass from the centre of the bearings.
guide systems that have been produced as castings t<lr
the most popular sizes with a turbine wheel diameter of Of course. high rotational velocities necessitate pn:ci-
66 111m. sion ball be arings. At the ~talt such ball bearings were so
expensive that few could afford them. We had to make
Beurings, counteructillg reSOllallCe vibration and do with sta ndard versions. All the same. with an engine
lubricating tbe rotor such as the KJ-(i6 it was still possible to run at rotational
The shaft transmits the moment of force and hence velocit ies of as high as 90 ,000 revolutions / min .
the power from the turbine wheel to the compressor Nevertheless, fitting the same jet turbine with modern
wheel. Looking at the design drawing. the diameter of turbine wheels made from very high temperature alloys,
the shaft appears surpri~ingly large. However, its very its capability is increased to rota tional velocities o f
high rigidity is necessa ry. Otherwise, even if the rotor l20,OOO revolutions/ min. Indeed. the smaller TK-SO and
were perfectly balanced, it would still be susceptible to similar engines can even reach 1'10,000 revolutions min.
resonance vibration at high rotational velocities. As a Clearly, standard b all bearings are no longer suitable for
consequence. the maximu m permitted operati ng rota- such applications.
unused a nd is burnt in the comhustion chamber with the CombustiOlI chamber and igrlitioll
main part of the fuel. The combustion chamber is nothing other than an
To overcome th is disadvantage. there is the option of oven, w hose purpose is to heat the compressed air to
feeding pure. type 2 turbine oil into the lubrica nt line the temperature a llowed by the staged turbine. Tha t
from a sepa rate tank. In this case. the pressure diffe ren- sounds very s imple. However. during the construction
tial hetween the housing and the e nd of the lubricant of the first m odel jet turbin es. it w as the d e velopment
line is u sed to provide the delivery press ure . of a functional com bustion chamber that took the
Furthermore . the engine must he fitted with an addition- longest time. To unde rstand why this s hould be so, you
al connection un the housing to d ischarge the pressure just have to look at the important role it is required (0
for the oil ta nk . The restrictor is adjusted so that approx- play.
imately "i ml min of o il is consull1t'd at full throttle. The temperature at the intake to the turbine stage. the
This method of de livery can lead to a luhrication defi - so-ca lle d fresh -mixture temperature , should remain as
ciency. should the e ngine run at idle for some time. The constant as p ossible and not exceed 700°C during accel-
situatio n is made worse by a low idle setting. e ration or deceleration.
Alte rnatively. some turbine pilots choose to use syn-
thetic oil for two-.~[roke m o tors in.~tea d of turbine oil. • As much of the fuel as possible s hould be combuste d .
Currently there is no dear e vidence as to whether or not • The dimensions of the combustion cha mber sho uld
this is harmfu l for the bearings. not increase the size of the engine unnecessarily.
'" 2
divided by the ambient air pressure . If you measure, for 1.'
example, 1.2 bar positive pressure after the compressor, U
the total pressure is 2.2 bar, since the atmospheric pres- 1.7
sure at sea level is approximately 1 har. Therefore, the
pressure ratio is 2.2 bar. This factor is non-dimensionaL 1,4
For practical applications it can be noted that: the com- u
pressor pressure in bar equals the pressure ratio minus U
results that were actually recorded for the jet turbines 1 ~~-+--+-~-+--+-~-+--+-~__--+--r~--+-~
o w ~ ~ .. ~ .. ro .. • ~ m =_ ~ __
KJ-66, J-66 and TK-50. Rotational velocity (1,000 rev/ min)
The Swiss mathematician, Leonard Euler 0707-1783),
discovered that the power generated hy a compressor this inevitably leads to cooling problems, particularly at
wheel equals the mass flow multiplied by the circumfer- the combustion chamber.
ential velocity u of the wheel and the change in swirL A greate r rotational velocity increases the pressure
Based on Euler's equations the power required to drive ratio, which in turn improves the thermal efficiency of a
the KJ-66 compressor wheel must be around 25 ,UOO turbo engine. It follows that increasing rotational veloci-
watt! In fact , the turbine wheel is indeed capable of ty also results in an ever steeper increase in thmst. The
achieving this level of power. However, when throttled graph in diagram 4 plots values measured from the
back to n30%, the power reduces to only around 500 afore-mentioned jet turbines. When you compare dia-
watt. gram 2 with diagram 4, it is apparent tha t thmst and
When air is compressed rapidly, it heats up. Using the pressure increase along a similarly steep curve.
pressure values indicated in diagram 2, if we know the Technical reasons prevent the turbine from withstand-
efficiency of the compressor stage, we are able to calcu- ing particularly high temperatures. This is particularly
late the temperature as shown in diagram 3. It is appar- tme of the turbine stage. Clearly, the relation between
ent that at nlOO% the temperature of the compressed air temperature and rotational velocity is of major signifi-
is already 120°C, This value is tme for ISA conditions ca nce. The easiest method of establishing the tempera-
and assumes that the cum pressor stage operates at an ture in the turbine stage is to measure the temperature
internal efficiency of 70%. If the temperature of the of the exhaust gas, since these a re directly related .
intake air is higher or the compressor is less efficient, Diagram 5 shows values recorded for exhaust gas tem-
the temperature after the compressor would he signifi- perature for our turbines.
cantly higher than 120°C, Consideration has to be given
to the fact that the only air available to cool the combus- The start procedure
tion chamber and the bearings has already been pre- Starting the turbine requires the use of an auxiliary
heated. It is technically possible to increase the pressure drive to accelerate the rmor to at least n }()%. A velocity
ratio by redesigning the compressor wheels. However, of nlOO/O does not necessitate a particularly powerful
Jet turbine Wheel diameter (mm) nl0% (rev/min) nl00% (rev/min) n30% (rev/min)
Behotec J-66 66 12,000 120,000 36,00 0
KJ-66 66 12,000 120,000 36,000
TK-')O ')0 1'),000 ],)0,000 ')0,000
W 20 ~ ., ~ 00 ro 00 ~ 100 ~ m
duce a uxiliary gas a nd then hold a lighter flame to the
Relative rotational velocity (%) nozzle outlet. On most occa ~ions a gas flame ignites a t
the nozzle ourlet. By a dju~ting the flow of aux ilia ry gas it
is possible to gel the !lame to jump into the combustion
chamber. This ignition method can he employed if you
Diagram 4
have open access to th e jet turbine . However, if the tur-
Rotational velocity and thrlL·.t of the KJ -66. J-66 and TK-50
bine is mounted in the hody of the model, you will nm
he a hle to see for sure w hether the tlame is actually
burning in the combustion chamber or whether it only
continues to burn outside in the thrust tuhe . If the latter
is true and the pump carries on injecting ti.le!. the com -
hustion chamber will become floodecl. This will contin-
ue until eventually the thlIne of a uxiliary gas hurning
outside the comhustion chamber ignites the excess of
kerosene or diesel. At that point your only recourse is to
have a fire extinguis her at hand, o therwise the whole
model will he lost. In short. it is better to use a glow
_ _.
~ ~ .. - ~
. .- .- - - ---- -
conSiderably less at higher rotational vel()(:ities than it is
10 2G •
- -~------'
at around n 3OO16, This is due to increased thermal effi-
Rotational velocity [I.OOO rev/ min] ciency.
~----~-- __ --~
increase in te mperature
750 800 850 900 .50 1000 1050 at the turhine stage due
Air Pressure [mbar] to the intake air being
Noise development
If a jet turbine emits a high-pitched whistle, it should
he switched o ff immediately . This k ind of noise is
caused by badly-balanced wheels and or by the wheel:-.
Air flow ing through the turbine a lways m akes a rush-
ing sound. This is unavoidable . The vol ume of this
Necessary Accessories
Different types of starter compressor or a bottle of compressed -a ir. you decid e to
lise a heayy -duty foot pump. It has its advantages: the
For test stand trials it is best to use a mains-operated pump neve r runs out and it provides healthy exercise
co mpressor with a pressure tan k of app roximately 10 for the person who operates it. r tria lied my turbo-prop
litres. A pressure of '5 to 6 bar is sufficient. Of course , e ngine using this method . Howeve r, to e mploy it on
there is nothing to stop you u sing compressed air in bot- your own, you need to he very fleet of foot.
tled form . Nevertheless. you do ha ve to be quite fit . If you do not want to mess arou nd with compressed
since bottles of compressed air a re not exactly light. On air. then you need a mechanical solution . The drawing
no account sho uld pure oxygen be used instead of com- (Fig. 7) shows the diagra mmatic construction of a starter
pressed ,lic. l 'n1ess it is your intention to m isa ppropt'iate hl ower. The power input of the e lec tri c m ot o r is
the e ngine as some k ind o f firework. he tween 100 a nd 120 wa U. It should be p ossible to push
Physical fitness is like w ise require cl if, instead of a the ad a ptor easily over the intake nozzle . The diameter
o f the blower wheel is
Fig 7. Drawing of starter blower_ based on the operating
rota tional velocity of the
Bloll'er Wbeel Guide Vanes Adaptor electri c motor. The gap
betw ee n the blower
wheel a nd the housing
is no t criti cal. Eight
straight guide va nes a re
re quired to reduce the
swirl behind the blower
w heel a nd there fore to
improve t he perfor-
mance of the blower. I
recommended fitt ing a
protective grate in front
of the b lower wheel to
preve nt a ny injury to
finge rs.
Another possibility is
to huild your own elec-
tr ic starter motor.
Motors used in m o del
18 Vcmes cars a re a good o pti{ln.
They do not have to be
the expensive racing car
~ ---0
,/ , I
___ _ _ p ) 1
". {>:
/ ;f \'. \\ ' I
I mately n:30% of that of
the jet turbine's rotor. A
can replace the race clutch hy a elise with an external the fire extinguisher to spray from the front into the suc-
rubher ring. The diameter of the ring should be approxi- t ion opening . Utherwi s e you wo u ld force the hot
mately twice the size of the compressor nut. In spite of exhaust fumes from the fire b ack into the cold zones of
the relatively low rotational velocity ot thl.' motor, thl.' the body and, for e xample, e lectric and pneumatic feed
coupling effect will be sufficient to transmit the required lines could s()on become charred.
rotational velocity to the rotor.
Suita ble startl.'rs arl.' now availabk on the markl.'t . The fuel pump
They a re also fitted with a manually adjustable soft-
switch . This avoids slippage when accelerating. It is Fuel is injected into the comhustion c h amber by
even possihle [0 buy kits also for home-built engines to means of a gl.'arl.'d pump. This is a standard solurion for
retrofit jet turbines with an automatic start. They require all turbines. The pump must genera te a pressure that is
the starter motor to be pl.'rmanentiy fixed to the jet tur-
bine and fitted with a n automatic dutch. A small electric motor used tlS tl starter. A spinner
with tln O·ring is mounted onto the motor tlnd
An essential' a fire extinguisher pressed diagontlllJ/ tlgainst the compressor nut.
imagine that in terms of 20 buckets! Certainly, exhaust mm at IOU N. Mounting it to the test stand is relatively
fumes are harmful to health in a closed room . Therefore, simple. The jet turbine i!> fastened to the part that is
never carry out test stand trials in a closed room . fl exibly mounted on rollers . The spring halance is
At full throttle the noise in close proximity to the attached [0 the back of the turhine . In from you fix a
engine can damage your hea ring. Consequently. for test pointe r that slides along a millimetre rule mounted on
runs you should usc hearing protection or at least ear the table. Providing tha t the spring balance is correctly
plugs. You can get the latter from the chemist. dimensioned. the elongation is proportional [0 the force .
• Always have a fire extinguisher at ha m.\. i.e. clouble the force means double the elongation in the
• Keep out of the area of the rotor's rotational plane. length of the spring. This is easy [0 determine. Different
• Do not allow any spectators close to the test stand. weights arc used for calibration within the required
• Secure all cables and feed lines so that they cannot be measurement range. To help you in your search for an
sucked in by the engine . appropriate ~pring. here is the data that I use for thrust
measurement up to ')0 N.
Measuring the thrust
Length I,)Omm
In certain Glses kitchen scales, mounted horizontally. External diameter 1') nun
can be used to measure thrusr. Admittedly, this may not Wire thicknes!> 1.') mm
work with a ll scales , h eca us e it might cause th e
measuring system to ma lfunction. A better option is to At a force of ')0 N these springs arc extended to a
constmct a spring balance from a long tension spring. length of approx. '-f00 mm.
This can be calibrated using weights. You hang weights
o n the tension spring and measure the length of the Measuring rotational velocity and
spring with and without the weight. The exact weight
force is calculated from acceleration due to gravity. 9.HI pressure
m s' times the attached weight in kilograms. For a 5 kg The best way to measure rotational velocity is to use
weight that is exactly: an ECU, as described in the previous chapter.
Sta nd a rd manumeters provide a good way of
9.Hl x 5 = 49.05 N measu ring compressor pressure, as long as they do not
have hysteriCS, i.e. pointer flutter due to oversensitivity
Using a simple calculation rule. 1 kg is equal to 10 N. to minor changes in pressure. They a re inexpensive and
the error i~ less than 2%. have a meas urement range up to 2 bar {2 ,000 hPa).
When you later come to take the reading at the test Furthermure. the zero point of the scale should be fixed.
stand, you want it to be sufficiently precise. To ensure otherwise measurements taken in the engine 's lower
that this is the case, you should aim for an elongation of range of operational velocities may be erroneous. You
100 mm for the intended measurement range, e.g. 100 can test the responsiv e ness of the manometer hy
Temperature measurement
For th e p ra ctical require ment s o f flying , the
temperature sensor within the Eel ; is :-.uffi cient. The tip
o f the mea surement sen s or must be loca ted a few
millimetres b e hind the trailing e dges of the turhine
\·anes. Deviations of ± 'joDe from the mean arc normal
and not significant for flight ope ration. However. should
you requ ire more exact measurement of the average
exha ust g as tempera ture for your own d evelopme nt
wo rk. you would need to take measureme nts at seve ral
points around the outflow plane in order to establish a
mean value . To do thi s you need a second digita l
thermometer with a thermocouple.
1befurlher development of the ED-3 modeljet turbi"es required the construct/oil ofsel'eral e;\:perimelltal
models, eaclJ capable offlight.
filS ide tbe F-16 SbOll'S the design oftbe tbrllst tube. Today tbis desigll is still commoll to most jet models
tbat bat'e the jet tllrhilte incorporated ills ide the body oftl:Je aircraft.
30 +-- - --
Nitro Day, Punitz 1992. I" tbeforegroulld Hermann Michelic's tll'illjet A -IU, CIt tl:JClt time still equipped
witb 111'0 home-hlliltjet turbitles similar to the FD-3 type. producing appro.,·. 25 N of thrust.
weighed 12 kg at take-off. thanks to the 80 N thmst from Modernjet turbilles hCll'e a high thrust capabilit),.
a KJ-66, Jdcat 80 or similar, it had no problems getting This enabled the amstruction of larger models.
airborne, Nevertheless, it d id have a much greater sur- Here you call see my larger F 100 packaged up as
face area loading. So whenever I began my landing flight luggage.
approach to rather narrow model ,urfields, I always had
my hea rt in my mOLlth. It w as for this reason tha t I
decided to e qu ip myoid F 100, which I me ntioned at
the start, with a sma ll modern TK'iO jet turbine, designed
to provide 40 N of thmst. Including the on-board fuel,
the model the n weighed less than () kg a nd the fuel w as
sufficient for R minutes of flight. I calculated the fo llow-
ing flight data, shown in d iagram 11 . The d ata indicated
that at full thmst the maximum velocity in horizontal
flight would be almost 300 km h . This is a lready a lot
more than is required to reproduce a reasonab ly realistic
flight experience.
Engines today a re ca p a ble of h igh levels of thmst.
Unfortunately, they also increase the temptation to over-
load the model. In my opinion the re are many reasons
why this is a risk to safety. There is something definitely
a mi~s w ith a model that has a surface area loading of
200 g 'dm' more . Whilst your model may look fa ntastic.
w hen you come to fill it u p for a competition a nd you
d iscover that a full tank would ta ke it over the 20 kg
(including fuel!) weight limit, it m ay be that it does not
look quite that fantastic after a ll. Smaller jet tu rbines do
produce less thmst, but they w e igh less a nd consume
less fuel. Two of them miglu prove a hener solution,
particularly if you have a twin-engine model.
By the way, e ach one of the models shown in this
book is equipped with a home-built engine . Many more
such models exist, I know. We could probably fill a
whole hook with their photos, and what is more, home-
built engines are just as competitive . Patrick Reichstetter
has a Mirage powered by a jet turbine developed by h is
father Rudi . In the World Cha mpionships of 1999 h e
achieved third place in the Expert-Class and at the same
time first place in the Team Prize.
Max . permittcd rotational velocity rcv min 75.000 120.000 120,000 150,000
Of course. I took time to watch the film and subse- nel to just he screwed to the compressor guide system.
quently assembled the J-66 according to the construction The back end of the shaft tunnel is float fitted in the
instructions enclosed. Tn the course of doing so, I took central section of the turbine guide system . This pre-
some photos to use in the book. From start to finish, vents any heat transmission from the turbine guide sys-
including taking the photos, it took me no more than tem to the shaft tunnel.
four hours . Incidentally , the last photograph in this There is an excellem fit between the front lid and the
series is the test photograph shown ahove. It shows all housing. An O-ring seal is included hut you can almost
the resources and tools actually required to assemble the do without it. The J-66 has exactly the same external
engine. None of the tools shown, it seems to me, would diamete r as the KJ-66, yet the internal diameter is 2 mm
he either unknown to an average model -builder or larger. i.e. leaving more room for the combustion cham-
impossible to obtain . her.
All through-hores and threads a rc cleanly drilled. The turbine guide system is likewise machined from a
They do not require any reworking. heat-resistant steel alloy. It fits very well into the proper
The rotor is supplied in assemhled form with stan- turbine hOllsing and is already secured in place. The
dard 608 ball bearings. The rotor is already balanced. To back of the combustion chamber, which contains the six
secure it in position, there are marks on the wheels and sticks. is firmly fastened to the front flange of the turbine
the shaft as well as on the nut to faMen the compressor guide sy~tem. The remainder o f the combustion cham-
wheel. At last [ had the chance to try out my own finger- ber i~ screwed to the back. The internal surface of the
tip method (see next chapter) on a professionally manu- sticks is constructed as a threaded bore. TIle idea is that
factured rmor. Of course, there was nothing to improve. it provides better combustion at lower rotational veloci-
Having said that, I only needed to a[[ach a 'i x 5 mm ties. The whole construction, including complete com-
piece of fabric tape to any pall of the compressor or tur- bustion chamher and turbine guide system. is screwed to
hine wheel and my fingel1ip method could detect the the housing via tIl(:' hack flange . This process abo
deterioration. involves aligning the turbine wheel to the turbine hous-
In some respects the )-66 is very different from the ing.
KJ-66. The housing is machined from a single piece of In the final a~seJl1bly it is neces~ary to re place the
aluminium alloy . Once connecred [0 the compressor hearings mentioned previously with the full compliment
guide system it creates a very rigid structure. Specially hall bearings that are supplied . The wheels and the cor-
adapted angle mounts are fixed to evelY joint. They are responding seats on the shaft have been machined with
used to moum the engine inside the model or to the test extreme precision. For instance, once heated, the turhine
stand. The aforementioned rigidity enables the shaft tun- wheel should fall almost automatically into the correct
' )
q~ Home Huilt .l1odel Turbines
position on the shaft.
Yet , when cold , it
s hould adhere tightly .
For the final assembly
you just need to make
slI re that the corre-
sponding markings are
aligned again, as indicat-
e d in the instructions .
This mainta ins the high
quality of the rotor bal-
Apa rt from simply
sc rewing the compo-
nents together, you also
need to do the follow -
ing: drill a hole in the
combustion chamber to
ta ke the glow plug .
position the fuel lines
a nd a uxiliary gas line
and hard solder them to
the combus tion cham-
ber. If you do not have
much experience of
hard soldering small
components, all is not
los t . You can use an
alternative technology to
as semble the engine. The turbine guide system oftheJ-66 is screwed to the combustion chamber.
This involves securing
the line for the auxiliary gas to the back section of the the gap should be between 0 .15 a nd 0.2 mm. Of course,
combustion chamber using a clamp a nd the intended the only way to eliminate this fault involved taking most
scre~ fitting. Another possibility is to secure the fuel dis- of th e engine apa rt . Unfortunately , th e re were no
tributor simply by clamping it tightly to the three loops instructions as to how to do this. When I asked the
you will find on the combustion cham her. question, , was given the follOWing advice: open the
To test the engine, I fastened it to my well-equipped engine. unscrew the compressor wheel, housing a nd
test stand. Although the
photo in the instmctions Turbine wheel witl:J nut. special clamping nut mid shaftfor theJ-66.
does indeed show to
which side the connec-
tion nipple for fuel and
oil should be attached , I
managed to reverse
them . The engine spat
out fire and smoke a nd
the Orbit Eel' took the
correct decision: switch
off pump! After the sec-
ond failed attempt , I
paused for reflection
and quickly found the
The constmction kit I
tested still contained the
old turbine wheel that
Behotec ha s since
updated technically. The
gap hetween the vanes
of the turbine wheel
a nd the housing was
o nly 0.1 mm. The result
was that the turbine
wheel seized up instant-
ly in the start phase .
According to Behotec,
Constructioll requirements
A precision engineering lathe is absolutely essential,
alo ng with at least a welding d e vice using ~h ielding gas
(MIG . MAG). A simple MAG welding device w a:-. used to
create the welde d joints for the prototype described in
the following senion. A TIG welding device works bet-
ter with thinne r materials. Sometimes it is easier to create
a sheet joint by spot welding (power: a pprox. 500 VA).
In ca:-.e it is not pu:-.:-.ible tu use a lathe to cuI the thread ,
you need M5 left-hand threaded ta ps a nd dies. To bore
the turhine wheel, you need a 5.5 mm carbide drilL
55 ,..
13 ...... .
· ·-,-,-,~ ,-,-,~':Jr-'-'-'-'-'-'''''T=J·~1'''''·J. -;- ·-·- ; -·-L· _ ,_·_·-· -~_·_·_ ·_·_·_,.;,· _ · _ ·_·_ · _·_·_·J. ·_r_ · _·_·_·_·L./"" . ,,' I.,. .
... .'
\ ; '\ \.
56 '
TK-50: Sheet 2
. C'l
-.. @
.6 .,.,.-
0\ ....
. .~.
! -® /
'-, - -@l .-----·· · -
. I
-. -. Q~/~/,L-___--.J~_
N ..-
LO _._-t._=*=-.
~ 81-~
Section B-B
Scale - 2.5: 1
ts: 2,~
@' 1< 71 .. _._. _,-1_ __ ._ .
~ 1< 75
~ 1< ' 83 30 0
~ Section A-A Scal
1< 88
- 94 (internal diameter of housing)
TK-50: Sheet 5
I. SL----------------~
vv to N
N o
- -- -- - - - ~:.~ ~-: ~ ; - -- -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - __ - __ -- -- 0- -- __ __ . _ . _ .
7 ..:: CI)"C
T t- . . . • • CIO
l ---L
I I-
'- '
- _1--.-t
t f
'PII tf"1
. U -ou lament approx" 1 mm
Scale = 2.5:1
1~78~ ~I
r- 4
P.49 Glow plug
co { ~
~9~i r~3 I
P.17 Connector
0-7 P.57 Clamping jaw
0.5 thick
~ --
··N· ;
I •
~-30 -~
.., j ; 1<.,":>
o [)( ,,~)o
_._._ ._
··;\~. . ~
L 3
-------,-- 7
4/: ~
- 15
P.30 Turbine guide vane Section A-A
Scale = 2.5:1
TK-50: Sheet 9
,. ,,.
m ~
-- - - - - ----- -- ~--------- -- -- o ~OP~7t--__~__~~
---L .
Z:£:--~ ...o
.~ Q)
~ 5'05 >1 1<lewatUl
9t1' 'i
3:! , >1
E Ii)
to I/)
0 g'OS
z lewalul
£'toS :
1< IeUJalU I
- - 12x2 .---
~- , ~ Hard plywood
, ---r---; --l l
\\ ---r-- co- - -----9
+~ --- -L _
_ 1
\ l i B 1 1
:I '---J-- l---1-'
I1 I I I
3 ~ I
~ ~-
l -- L A~ 1 - __ , I
I I ..
1 I
I 4----1- -- 1-- -+ ~
I B +'
; I->1-+---1
- - ± - -~~
Section A-A Section 8-8
r ~+ --J-- - - -!-~
I I I C?'"
=- T - S;P= - ==r
~\ Pos. 26 External wall of
" 1 '\ 66 ~ combustion chamber
P.S8 P.S9
~ri5 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~"
~. -
ql--r-==- -40-
- f -I . l . - -
--1 -/ ~ -- ~ - :-1 --
"- co
Tool Pos. 29 Stick Tool
~ .- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -257,6
24 x 1,5 , 'I'
I Cf - I'~ --t--4-~~ ~- ~ - +-1'-
I I I , I I I
. ~2X2,5
~ I 10,7 .
. ~-+- ;TT
I U) I I I
+ 1'-+ -I I I
Developed view of hole plan for th
the combustion cham
/--::Detail Z
It ,
/ / "
1\", ~ 't
6- - ' - -- ' - ' - ' - '---';ir /
."-'-'-'-----.- .
I \ A.. I
q .
I V~/ ~p
1 ~ ~
II) i oCI)
, i
?~: 1-1
i 0,8
:: - . ' ;
'- '-=-.:.~.:.~.:-'- '-'- _._._._.- m -.~.-.-.- •
~--------50 --------~
A stai nless steel thermos fla sk (from Aldi , Conrad
Electronic) makes a very good housing (25 ). This com-
p o ne nt has a n interna l diameter of 94 mm . You first
begin by removing the base and the plastic strap. The
connecting p iece for evacuation is now visible and you
need to open il up. Mark out the le ngth of the housing
approx. 2 mill. The e asiest w ay to separate the parts is
Fitting together the turbine ring, guide vanes and to use a mini-drill and a 10 mm cutting disk . It n o w
central body. fo rms the blank for th e hOUSing . Drill it so that it can
ta ke the turbine guide
A thermos flask of tbis type provides several componellts for tbe TK-50. sys te m . At the sa me
ti m e mak e the b o re
ho les for the spark plug
or fo r the screws O S ) to
the connectors t 17).
Compressor guide
For the guide va ne
holder (16) you need a
high strength alul11inium
a \loy. It should have a
thi c kness o f a t leas t 6
111m and a diamete r o f
Y5 mill . Mac hine the
plate to create a plane
surface on o ne sid e a nd
bore a 20 nUB hule in
the centre . The b o re
s h o uld ha ve the sa m e
diameter as that of the
sh a ft tunne l (H) . Next.
bore six h o les in t he
Guide vane holder together with partially fitted nozzle 3:3.8 mm in the area of the intake to the com-
guide vanes. pre~sor vanes. The gap between the intake nozzle a nd
the outlet of the compressor wheel va nes is achieved
plate for the M 2.'5 fixing screws to mate with the corre- by axial adjustment of the rotor. The inlet opening of
sponding holes in the shaft tunnel. Finally. bore a total the nozzle at the front is less critical. Working to the
of forty 5 mm holes around the edge at a diameter of I:>H dimensions indicated in the drawing. you just need to
mm. create an a pproximately elliptical curve as you feel
Once you have screwed the guide vane holder to the appropriate.
shaft tunnel. clamp it in the lathe so that it is perfectly
aligned. centred and supported in the tailstock using a Compressor guide vanes
live centre. This enables you to machine the external The compressor guide vanes (24) are made from 3
diameter of the guide vane holder so that it fits perfecrly mm thick Dural plate. From this material machine a ring
to the internal diameter of the housing. In the same with an internal diameter of 1HO mm and an external
position on the lathe, machine the profile according to diameter of IHH mm and cut from it ten segments, each
section A-A. leaving a slight positive tolerance. 24 mm long. Clamp these to a disk to machine a 24 mm
The next stage is to finish machining the 40 bore radius (see photo). Use a file to round the front edges of
holes. As indicated in the drawing (viewed from the the vanes to a radius of a pprox . O.'t mm. while leaving
front). you need to take a file and smooth down the ldi-
hand edges of the remaining partition walls as well as Machining the external radius of the guide vane.
the edge~ on the luwer part of each bure. The right-
hand edge of the partition wall remains sharp-edged.
The rounded edges can he finished off using a polishing
cloth or alternatively with silicon polishing disks and a
Drill holes in the four connector» (17) tu mate with
the corresponding holes in the guide vane holder. Then.
rivet the connectors in place. You need to make sure
that the outer shank of each connector extends beyond
the edge of the guide system by around 0.2 mm. Finally,
»crew the shaft tunnel and the guide vane holder togeth-
er and chuck the whole assembly in the lathe. This
chuck configuration should permit the external diameter
of the connectors to be machined to fit the internal
diameter of the housing.
Intake nozzle
The intake nozzle (3) is machined from an FlO mm
solid blank. It is important that the profile of the nozzle
matches the compressor wheel. First , bore a hole
through the blank to a diamder of 33.'5 mm. This is
exactly the same diameter as that of the front of the
compressor vanes. Next machine the profile to fit the
radius of 12 mm. It is necessary for there to he a gap at
the outlet of the vane between the vane edges of the
compressor wheel and the inta ke nozzle . When the
engine is operational, this gap should be between 0.1
and 0.2 mm.
Once the profile of the intake nozzle fits that of the
compressor wheel. increase the diameter of the intake
Housing wit/} welded turbine guide system. Our TK-50 is ready for operation, built to tbe
cOllstructioll pia" alldfitted with sellsors.
View oftbe TK-50from thefront without intake
ish assembling the engine for tria ls at reduced rotational
velocity. , GAS TURBINE (SECTtONEfJ)
10.1 10.2
1.5 1.6
S: 14.4 8.2 8.3 5.6
IQ-66: Sheet 2
- 0.002
8 -0.005
8 -0.005
M 6 Left hand
M 6 Left hand
lO·O+ ZZ
~ oDe )(
Ltl 0
M r-
";: "0
"0. Q)
CJ "0
0 ";: ::I:
.s::::: N
0 )(
0 N
lO·O + ZZ
Lubricant channel
M =2,5:1
M =2:1 72
o 89
t...- 93
I..... 97
107.4 (diam. casing)
138 ~~h-
24 x 1.5
~ -0--+- +--+- +--+- .........- 9-+--.- .......... - &-..- - -....- -. . - . - It It •
~----'~-~-+-~-+-$-+++-~ e $ G-~-~~" I
&! 24 x2
12 x 3.5
~ y )-~~ - 4 - --$ · 4 · - $- - ~ - t- -·- -- - -
6 slots 0.5
spot welde
diam. nozzle ~------
sheet c - C
hole 0.5 mm smaller than tool
<t R=0.5xD
hard plywood
::: e: I ~ L 0.7 301 I< 94 i
- --
_1 __ _-.---_ __
6 slols_ _ ___ L
!t - , ?24X 1.5 ,
., II t-4f~ -t- - ~ - L-.l
~. ~ - -tt- ---- -+ - 12X3 - 4- ~ -
y I H.)~$- Q}- -$-- -
"'0" 24x4
& _12X6_-e __ _-4) ~ _ --G) - -r
:- :r~-~ - - - - J- : -l_---.~-. -. ._._. - . _. _._._. _. _.
8 _. _._ (j)
,,--- - 4--,.,.-
j- spot welded
48 x2
~ '
"-... slots converted to h
6 nozzles
see Sheet 5
spin chased from disk 103 mm diam.
68.5 inside
94 outside
spot welded
It [~ 6x 0.5 Cr-Ni
::t 62
KJ-66: Sheet 8
--.,H'fl-H-II----- -------- - -- - -- -{
\ \
L-- "11 .. ..
4 J, ~. c·
thread for glow plug
, ...........................................\...........•.............
z /...----- "'\
1~ i \
combustion chamb
parts 5.7 and 6.2
assembling comb.- chamber with fuel- gas supply
~ {1~~~1
~ co
~ /-t-~~ I
..... Detail Z
:; 18
~ Centring device
~ I 14 I/')
77)1\ ~.
2 mm sheet
i< 240.5 >1
Making the rings from sheet material: Cut the slots for the blades first. Bend strip to a ring .
Weld diagonal edges. Retouch slots to the right dimension.
KJ-66: Sheet 11
A." ._._._._._._._._.
................. tip················ ......--..-
t r B _._._._._._._._._.-
-z-_..I:!oot ....................,------'L---.J~
base size 10
Full scale
A C:'========:::11 A
B t:::,c ======- ~B
tip section
110.11 scale = 2: 1
3 A-A
_ 1
, /
/ i
1 xO.2
z 3xO.4
spot welded
150 I
"C ;
'iii , I
c .. _. __ . _ . J . _ . _ . ~ . _ . _ _ __ . _ ._._._. _ _ . _ ._._. _ . _ __ . _ . _ ._._ __
, I
i ,-
, I
~ I
Spun GU<ve
~ ~ ~ ~
- ~.
! \'?
I 15.5 14
._-------- +-------
spin chased from disk 133 diam. 1,5 rom AI- sheet
---:jt ---
/ \
----~ -~,-
I - - -.- - \
f \
\ /
\ I
\\ 1/
, //
/ ------_._-------- "
:g o
~--- >
- K-----.:~
115.5+0.05 14
"",cI ...
I~ '--""",-- _
,, /
....- - - '
I \,
_"'_';~ ~_r-im____1
- r,_ ' \
I ~
/ I
- _._.- .. /'
o I
~. - - ~.9 !
-~ ,
, I.
90 Home Built Mod el Tu r:h'lnes
KJ-66: Sheet 18
._.-........ I'-
- - --y-
main dimensions
,6.~ _
-~ ~
Important Safety
have compiled the following list of risks involved in represent a special danger. They are capable of causing
A turboprop ellgille
belongillg to Mike Murphy
from Ellgland. Tile propeller
is dril.en I'ia a gearbo,1(
from a secolld free-ru,,,,itlg
turbine wheel I.first
described this prillciple ill
"~)' book 'The Turboprop
Ellgille For Home-Buill
Models' (see literary
Construction kitfor the 60 Newtonjet turbine manufactured by Wren in England; top left a wax modelfor
the turbine guide system, on the right thefinished component. below is the blank casting.
. . ...-- -- .- -- -- - . - .
• --
• • •
- - - • ••
Thomas Kamp:-.: Model Jet Engines . Components. home- Thomas Kamps : The technology of model turbines -
build. operation . Puhlished by Tra plct Publica tions , Volume 1. Engines and components, Verlag flIr Technik
Traplet House, Pendragon Close. Malvern. Worcs. WR14 und Handwerk, Baden-Baden. Order no. 310 2105.
The author has been intensively involved in the further Thomas Kamps : The technology of model turbines
developme nt of model jet l.'ngines. His book contains all Volume 2. Home-build and practical tips , Verlag fiir
the information required to build a high-pe rformance jl.'t Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden. Order no. 310
engine using professionally manufactured turbocharger 210<;.
compressor wheds. His design provides the basis for
most of thl.' jl.'l turhines that today are either home-built Of course, much can be learnt from large standard
or manufactured professionally. He is an engineer with a turbines. The works listed below represent only a small
very good grasp of theory a nd communicates the selection of the comprehensive specialist literamre from
necessary theoretical knowledge in a very dear form . which the authors Kamps and Schreckling have gained
The Ixx)k certainly lives up to the promise of its title. the ir understanding of the subject. To be able to fully
understand these books, you will require, without douht.
Kurt Schreckling: The Model Turho-prop Engine For an appropriate level of mathematical understanding.
Ho me Construction. The constmction plan in the form of
a hook . Puhlished hy Traplet Publications. Traplet Willi Bohl: Ventilators. Vogel Buchverlag, Wurzhurg
Hou:-.e. Pendragon Close . Ma lve rn . Worcs. WR14 lGA. H Cohen, G .F.C. Hogers, H. I. H. Sravanamuttoo:
This contains the first ever description of how to build a Gas Turbine Theory. Addison Wesley, Boston. USA.
functional dual shaft version of a turboshaft engine. It Fritz Dietzel: Gas turbines, short and to the pOint, Vogel
includes comprehensive building instructions with Buchverlag, Wurzburg
construction drawings and features solutions to physical Dubhel. Engineering Pocket Hook. Springer Verlag,
and technical problems. using diagrams to demonstrate Berlin (The ' Oubbel' is the engineer's bible).
the interrelations. It provides documentation of the first Wolfgang Kalide: Introduction to the technical theory of
experiences of flying turho-driven model helicopte rs. flow . Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Vienna.
turboprop model a ircraft and turbofan m(xlels. R.K. Turton : Principles of Turbomachinery . Second
edition. Chapman & Hall. London (amongst others).
Thumas Kamps : Radio Controlled Mod el Jet Guide.
Published by Traplet Public~ltions . Traplet House . Magazines
Pendragon Close, Malvern. Worc:-.. WIU4 IGA.
Radio Control Jet International
Kurt Schreckling : Gas Turbine Engines for Model Traplet Publications Ltd .,
Aircraft. Published by Traplet Puhlications , Traplet Traplet House, Pendrdgon Close,
Housl.'. Pendragon Close, Malvern. Worcs. WH14 IGA. Malvern.
Worcestershire, WH14 IGA
Mike Cherry: Mike's Jet Hook . Published by Trapkt United Kingdom .
Publications. Traplct House, Pendragon Close, Malvern. E-mail: [email protected]
Worcs. WRH IGA.
For more information and products visit the Traplet
German Language Books website:
Rudi Rcichstetter
Untergasse 32
D-64850 Schaafheim
E-mail: [email protected]
The essential text for both beginner and expert alike, covering
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Flight International
. . . . [cJU'' '£Hffk(;fJ!,
In the meantime the pace of development has increased. Engines are now capable
of much greater performance and are more reliable. Today, possibilities are wide
and varied : they include everything from complete construction sets to single
finished parts, not forgetting essential accessories such as fuel pumps or electronic
controls . These all provide an excellent basis for home-building, as Kurt
Schreckling describes here in great detail.
The book illustrates technical principles, whilst at the same time establishing
important operational parameters and safety measures. Extensive drawing plans,
a large number of photographs and detailed instructions enable the committed
model maker to eventually build his own model of the KJ-66 and TK-50, as well as
the J-66 kit version turbine from Behotec.
Three high-specification propulsion drives to fulfil your dream of building your very
own model turbine .
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