Computer 10 SHOTCUT PDF
Computer 10 SHOTCUT PDF
Computer 10 SHOTCUT PDF
Isabel, Leyte
Notes in Computer 10
SY: 2022 – 2023
This toolbar button opens the Recent Panel, simply a clickable Ripple-delete -- Deletes the currently-selected track
list of all the files (standard format files and Shotcut project or track segment without copying it to the clipboard
files) you have recently opened and edited in Shotcut. and shifts any further segment(s) of this track to the
C. Playlist
One of these panels in Shotcut, along with the Timeline, Lift --- cuts (i.e., removes and copies to clipboard) the
Playlist is essentially the clickable list of all assets that have currently-selected track segment without shifting the
been added to the project for manipulation, position of any other segments in this track.
Menu -- Displays a menu of additional actions, Zoom Timeline In -- horizontally zooms the Timeline
including adding video and audio tracks and adjusting in, allowing you to see more significant segments (or
their visual presentation. In the Shotcut Timeline, the entirety) of a long Timeline;
video tracks can also contain audio and display the
audio wave-form, but audio tracks can only contain audio References:
Cut -- cuts the currently-selected video or audio track
(or track segment) and 'ripple-deletes' it, meaning
that any additional track segment to the right of the