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Ani Minarni (2016) PDF
Ani Minarni (2016) PDF
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The implementation of learning materials developed based on Joyful Problem Based Learning
(JPBL) has been carried out from March to July 2016. The subject of the research is 8 grade students
at Public Junior High School (PJHS) 27 Medan, PJHS 1 Percut, and PJHS 7 Pematangsiantar. The
data was collected by 5 essay test given at the beginning and at the end of all learning process. Then
data was analyzed using t-test Independent. The results showed there was the improvement of the
students’ mathematical understanding ability (MUA) at all school included in this research. Some
aspects of MUA in this study include the ability to connect and represent problem in various ways.
The achievement of students in these two aspects are quite balanced with a mediocre category. It is
recommended to teachers to use this learning materials which is developed based on JPBL in order
to get the students ability in MUA.
In the post-industrial era, the demands on the quality of human resources increasingly
complex, it being understood that the present era is the era of information and communication
technology in which rapid development of information and communication technologies
require capable humans in order to get benefit and prosper. One sector that plays an important
role in developing human resources is education. Education is the process of facilitating
learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
The process of learning through education can be facilitated through mathematics
because mathematics is a universal science that underlies the development of modern
technology, have an important role in a variety of disciplines and advance the capabilities of
human thinking (logical, analytical, systematic, critical and creative) (MoE, 2006). In fact,
when someone is in the process of acquiring the content of mathematics through problem
solving, then that person is constantly thinking analytical, systematic, critical, logical and
In line with the growing understanding of the network whenever they are increasingly large
and increasingly organized. However, an understanding can be limited if only a partial
representation of the idea of the actual mental potentially interrelated, interconnected, or if
the relationship is weak. Understanding is increased when the network grows and existing
relationships strengthened through the experience and the network structure is more tightly
Activities that may elicits mathematical understanding includes building relationships
between mathematical topics or between mathematics with other sciences, extend and apply
mathematical knowledge in solving problem, let the students give articulation to the new-
found knowledge, and make the students as the owner knowledge they found.
B. Joyful Problem Based Learning
Direct teaching could make the students grasp abundant of knowledge but it could not
promote students’ problem solving ability and even understanding ability and transfer
knowledge to new situation (Ronis 2008). On the other side, there is learning model, that is
Problem Based Learning (PBL), which can be hoped to increase transferring knowledge to
new problems, integrating concepts, catering intrinsic learning motivation and skills (Wilson,
1997). PBL start the learning process by giving problems to the students, and have some
other caracteristics such as the problems should be designed as ill-structured problems,
trigger learning, student-centered, while teacher takes role as tutor, coach, or facilitator,
students worked in groups to analyze, investigate, discuss, and propose solution, also
improving and encouraging self and group-assessment.
Problems proposed in PBL classroom should be designed properly to give context and
meaningful, considering scope, conected to student’s need and students’ previous knowledge
to motivate and engage students in solving problem (Tan, 2003). Assestment in PBL
classroom is made along the learning process run, not only based on paper and pencil test
only. It is and is called as a holisctic assestment. The teacher cans help the students by
proposed question and probes as a scaffold for the students to solve the problems. But
scaffolding must be eliminated gradually so in the end the students become a self-learner and
good problem solver. The weaknesses and success story of implementing PBL can be seen
in Tan (2003; Ronis, 2008; Napitupulu, 2011).
c. Learning Material
Learning material consist of Student Activity Sheets (SAS), Student’s Book, Lesson
Plan, Instrumentation, Observation & Interview Guidance. Content of material instruction
consists of System of Linear Equation of Two Variables and Pythagorean Rule. According
to Nieveen (2013), intervention in instruction is effective if using the intervention results in
desired outcome. The desired results of this research among others the improvement of the
students’ MUA, the students and teachers’ positive response towards developed learning
materials, and the improvement of the students’ engagement in the classroom discussion.
c. Implementing Learning Material
Learning materials developed based on JPBL implemented on 88 students in three
schools. Learning implementation thoroughly monitored by observers to comply with the
syntax of PBL and joyful learning. That is, there are times when teachers take students out
of the classroom to experience the real problems associated with SPLDV.
Overall, activity in learning process take place like in the following order: At the first
meeting, the teacher gives pre-test. nine meetings used to carry out learning process using
the developed learning materials. At the end of implementing developed learning materials,
all 88 students take a post-test of MUA (mathematical understanding ability).
Five syntax of PBL used in the research including (1) organize the students into
small group discussion, (2) orient the students to the problem, motivate them to engage in
solving the problem, (3) Assists students in planning and preparing appropriate reports, ppt
presentation, and poster, help students share their work with others, (4) help students to
reflect on the process of solving problem they used, (5) facilitate students to presenting the
result of their work.
Learning materials developed in this study is said to be effective if more than 50% of
students received a score of over 70 in test of mathematical understanding ability (MUA);
get positive response from the students and the teachers give positive response towards
learning materials, and the students engagement in solving problems improved.
From Table 3 can be seen that more than 60% of the students acquire average score
of 70 or more. So, there is an improvement of mathematical understanding of the students.
It means, learning materials developed based on JPBL was effective to fulfill the desired
criteria, it must be more than 60% of the students achieved score 70. But, still further research
needed to conduct in order to get higher classical achievement, that is more than 80% of the
students get score 70 for MUA test. Hopefully, within the next study the revised learning
materials can be implemented in five schools in the city of Medan, Percut Sei Tuan,
Tebingtinggi, and Pematangsiantar.
The Student Performance
Figure 2 shows an example of MUA test. That problem requires the ability of the
students to connect their knowledge to the concept of gradient of a line which is parallel to
other line, then represent new line based on gradient information about parallel line.
Look at the figure below, lines k and l represent by y = 2x + 2 and y = 2x respectively. If line m is
parallel to the line k and l. Determine the line equation of line m.
Figure 2
Figure 3 displays the student performance in pre-test of mathematical understanding
ability (MUA).
Figure 3
The performance of the student in pre-test presented in Figure 3 showed that this
student could not do anything instead of writing an equation of gradient and an equation of
any line. This is reasonable, as long as learning process is conventional learning which
always start learning with the teacher explaining the material, followed by giving the
example problems and their resolution, asking the students do the problems similar to those
the described teacher (routine problems), until at the end of the lesson teachers give
homework to students. Learning like this is hard to make the students understand the
knowledge they learned, moreover apply that knowledge to complex problems. The finding
is in line with Ronis (2008).
Figure 4 presented the student performance in post-test of mathematical
understanding ability (MUA).
Figure 4
The performance of the student in MUA post-test presented in Figure 4 showed that this
student understood the concept of parallel gradient, he also fluent in determining a point lies
in line m. So, he did not have difficulty in solving this problem, even gave perfect solution.
Overall, after implementing learning materials developed based on JPBL, the
students’ performance has improved significantly (Table 1). This finding support the power
of problem based learning which is conducted in joyful environment. Teachers as well as
students gave positive response toward learning materials. The students’ engagement in
group discussion has improved. Furthermore, based on observation result, the teachers
activity in learning process fulfill JPBL requirement.
The weaknesses found in this research including too much time needed to conduct
learning activity. Much of the time consume by the activity to encourage the students to be
consistently in solving the problem; the teachers need to do a lot of effort to make scaffolding
is only given as needed, students must continue to solve the problem diligently in order to be
able to build their own knowledge (this part is rather hard to be). Assessment of students’
performance also requires a lot of time because it is done holistically. Teachers actually
experiencing fatigue. Time was too limited to make the students have fun learning outside
the classroom.
To overcome the weaknesses in implementing learning materials developed based on
JPBL no other way than the dedication of teachers consistently. By providing this dedicated,
teachers can get the excitement that could not be measured with money. Why not, because
actually the real teacher is the people who really want their students to master science is
taught by him.
1. Learning materials developed based on JPBL is effective to improve the students’
mathematical understanding ability.
2. The teachers and the students’ response towards learning materials are positive.
3. The weakness of this study include lack of seriousness in working to solve problems
of students, the students easily give up and frustrated (there is no perseverance they
have), teachers are not skilled in providing scaffolding, therefore they still need
training to master the technique of scaffolding.
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