DLP (Sample) - Force & Motion

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At the end of the one-hour period (60-minute period), the student should be
able to:
ATTITUDE: Cite the significance of learning force and motion as part of
one’s life.

SKILLS: Enhance performance by active participation in regard to the

activities relevance to force and motion,

KNOWLEDGE: Comprehend the different types forces and internalize

Newton’s 3 Laws of motion.


A. Topic: Force and Motion

B. References: Learner’s Module, https://youtu.be/aA_mqSzbkM0

C. Materials: Pictures, PowerPoint presentation, rope and egg

D. Strategies/Methods Used: Interactive Teaching, Collaborative learning, Games

and Reflective Teaching



“Good Morning Class...”
   “Good Morning Ma'am!”
“Let us pray first...lead the prayer”
(One Student will lead the Prayer in their
own words
(Checking of Attendance)
   ...say your number if you are present   
and say the number for those who are
absent, count starts in 1...
                   1, 2, 3… (Students say their number)
“Please pick up the trashes on the floor
and arrange your chair properly” (Students pick up trashes, put it on the
trash can and arrange the chair)
“To have a refreshment on our previous
lesson, let’s have a recap who can do the
recap?” Bea: “The lesson we tackle last meeting
is about the scientific theories.”
“Yes, Bea”

“Very Good! Now give me some examples Kyle: “Theory of evolution Ma’am”
of Scientific theories.”

“Yes, Kyle”

“Very Good”

A. Awareness

“Before going through our lesson let’s

have a game. This game is called Guess
the Word. So, I will show you 2 pictures
and you have to guess what the picture is
All: “Yes Ma’am”
all about. Alright?”

First Picture:


“Let me give you a clue, one word with

five letters. You will now guess this word.
Raise your hands if you want to answer. “
“Ma’am, push?”
“Yes, Born”

“No but close enough!”

“Ma’am, moves?”
“Okay, Kent”

“Nice try!”

“Now, I’ll give you another clue: The word

start with letter F and ends with letter E”
“Ma’am, Force”
“Yes, Maylen”

“Excellent! You just revealed one word

that is part of our lesson today”

“Let’s proceed to the second picture.”

Second Picture:


“Let me give you a clue, one word with six

letters. You will now guess this word.
Raise your hands if you want to answer. “

“Yes, Shaun” “Ma’am, circle?”

“Nice try!”

“Okay, Faith” “Ma’am, enjoy?”

“Nice try!”

“I’ll give you another clue: The word start

with letter M and ends with letter n”
“Ma’am, Motion”
“Yes Yunafe”

“That’s great! You just revealed another

word that is part of our lesson today”

All: “Yes Ma’am”

“Are you familiar with the topic force and

“How about the questions like ‘What are

the significance of force and motion in our
lives?’, ‘How does force and motion
related to each other?’ These questions
will unravel its answer as we go through
our discussion for today.”

B. Activity

“Before starting, I want you to group in 4

groups, please count…1,2,3,4,1…….” (*Student counting 1-4)

“Please seat with your group mates.

Group 1 will stay here in front, group 2 at
this side, group 3 at the other end and
group 4 at the right side”

“At this point, we will play a game.”

“Are you familiar with the game Tug of

War and the Egg throwing?” All: “Yes Ma’am”
“Good, now listen carefully students,
Group 1 and 2 will be assigned to play the
Tug of War while Group 3 and 4 will play
the egg Throwing. Is that clear?” All: “Yes Ma’am”

“Alright, let’s play outside and please

minimize your voice. Now, let’s go”

(*After playing)
(*Back to the classroom)

“How was the game class, did you All: “Yes Ma’am”
enjoyed it?

(Everyone claps.)
“Everyone did a Good Job! Let’s clap our

“And Let’s give a thunderous applause to (Everyone claps.)

our winners, we have Group 1 and 4!”

“Thank you so much for your participation


C. Analysis

“Before proceeding, I have a few

questions regarding the activity we did a
while ago”

“This question is for Group 1; so how did Jamie: “By strongly pulling the rope
you win the game?” together Ma’am”

“Well said!”

“So what did you used or exert to pull the Hope: “Force Ma’am”
rope aside from your hand?”


“How about Group 3 and 4? Did you exert

force while throwing the egg to your Group 3 and 4: “Yes Ma’am”
John: “It is the motion Ma’am”
“Group 2, what do you call the direction or
movement when your Group 1 begins to
pull you over?

“Very Good!”

“We will now formally discuss about Force

and motion”

“Force is defined as any force that can

push and pull on an object. “

“In the game you played earlier, you

experienced push and pull force right?”
Nica: “When we say push you move an
“What is the difference between push and object from your body while when we say
pull Nica?” pull you move an object towards your
“Very well said Nica!”
Loren: “Painting, Ma’am”
“What example of push and pull can you

“Very good”

“Now let’s proceed to the different types of


“Please read the first one Yves”

Yves: “Gravity- The force of gravity is the
1. Gravity
force that draws another object towards
The force of gravity is the force that the planet, moon, or other massively
draws another object towards the planet, large object.
moon, or other massively large object.

“Thank you Yves.”

“The best example of this is the activity

that we did earlier, as you’ve seen, the
egg was dropped when you didn’t catch it. All: “Yes Ma’am”
Am I right?”

“Good!” All: “Isaac Newton Ma’am”

“Who studied the gravity?”

“Next, kindly read Carol.”

Carol: “Friction Force - The force exerted
2. Friction Force by a surface as an object moves across
it or makes an attempt to move across it
The force exerted by a surface as
is known as the friction force.”
an object moves across it or makes an
attempt to move across it is known as the
friction force.

“Thank you Carol.”

“Okay so for example, if a book slides

across the surface of a desk, then the
desk exerts a friction force in the opposite
direction of its motion. “
All: “Yes Ma’am”
“Do you understand?”

“Good! Let’s proceed to the third one. (Raise a hand)

Who wants to read?”
“Yes Ivy, you may read it.”
3. Air Resistance Force Ivy: “Air Resistance Force- Air resistance
Air resistance is a form of frictional is a form of frictional force that objects
force that objects experience when they experience when they move through the
move through the air. air. “
“Thank you Ivy.”

“Example, when a person jumps down

while skydiving and opens up his/her
parachute, the air resists the jump. Due to
this, the speed with which the parachute
approaches the ground slowly.”

“Do you understand class?” All: “Yes Ma’am”


“Now read the next force Mercy.”

4. Tension Force
The tension force is guided along Mercy: “Tension Force- The tension force
the wire's length and pulls equally on the is guided along the wire's length and
objects at the wire's opposite ends. pulls equally on the objects at the wire's
opposite ends.”

“Thank you Mercy”

“Just like what you did earlier in the game
Tug of war, when forces acting from
opposite ends pull a string, rope, cable, or
wire close, the tension force is transmitted
through the string, rope, cable, or wire.”
“Do you understand class?”
All: “Yes Ma’am”
“Good, now let us proceed.”
“Who wants to read?” (Raise a hand)

“Yes rose, you may read it.”

5. Spring Force
The force exerted by a compressed Rose: “Spring Force- The force exerted
or stretched spring on any material by a compressed or stretched spring on
attached to it is known as the spring force. any material attached to it is known as
the spring force. “
“Thank you Rose.”
“Example of this are rubber bands,
brakes, toys that have springs, spring in
the batteries.”
“Got it class?”
All: “Yes Ma’am”
“Then we have Magnetism”
6. Magnetism

The force exerted by magnets as
they attract or repel each other is known
as magnetism.
“You are familiar with magnet already
right?” All: “Yes Ma’am”

“Good that’s it. So those are all types of

forces that we can use or see every day.”
“Let’s proceed to motion. “
Motion- the change in the position of an
object which may be described by speed,
velocity, and acceleration.
“Now, class to fully understand Motion
and its nature, I will show you a video
explaining the Newton’s 3 laws of motion.”

(*Plays A Video)
“Do you understand it class?”
All: “Yes Ma’am”
“Very good!”

D. Abstraction

“Okay, so how is force and motion

connected to each other?”

“Yes, Skusta? Skusta: “They are connected because

forces have an impact on objects in
motion and at rest.”
“Precisely, it is force and motion that
makes movement in an object or let an
object stay still.”

“Do you know now that all matter in the

universe are made up of force as well as All: “Yes Ma’am”

“Very Good, all matter in the universe are

made up of force and motion. Force and
motion are always present in our daily

E. Application

“Since we are done about our discussion

now, let me ask you this question: Why is
necessary for us to learn the different
types of forces as well as motion?”

“Yes, Dianne” Dianne: “All kinds of physical activities
require force and motion. A person
needs to understand the techniques and
physics of applying a force for performing
any work.”
“Excellent! It is very important to learn all
of this for us to know the consequences of
our action and on how to control it as

“Now, what is the significance of force in

our everyday life?”

“Yes, Shin” Shin: “The use of force in our everyday

life is very common and important. We
use force to walk on the road, to lift the
objects, to throw a cricket ball, or to
move a given body by some particular
speed or direction. We are very familiar
with the various effects of force. We can
exert pull and push.
“Very well said Shin!”

“How about motion what is its


“Yes, Moira” Moira: “Motion strengthens your muscles

to better support your body. It also
provides movement to your joints and
strengthens your bones.
“Absolutely, we need movements in our
daily lives that’s how we live. In addition,
motion provides a release of hormones
that makes you feel good, so it positively
affects your mental health.”

“Any question about our topic?” All: “None Ma’am”

“Great! Let’s now proceed”

F. Assessment

Write in a half sheet of paper (crosswise):

Part 1 - Enumerate the different types of

forces and The Newton’s 3 Laws of

Part 2- Give me 2 examples or situation in

which you can say that you are applying
force and motion in your daily life.

Do a research of the following questions below. Write it in your Science

1. What is energy?
2. What are the two types of energy? Provide examples.

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