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Received January 5, 2022, accepted January 16, 2022, date of publication January 25, 2022, date of current version

February 7, 2022.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3145991

Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality for

Mathematics Education: A Scoping Review
Science, Mathematics and Technology Cluster, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore 487372
Corresponding author: Kang Hao Cheong ([email protected])
This study was funded by Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) under the Tertiary Education Research Fund (Grant No.
MOE2019-TRF-048) and Education Research Funding Programme (Grant No. DEV 03/21 CKH).

ABSTRACT Augmented reality and virtual reality, collectively called extended reality (XR), has made
substantial strides in the education sector in both theory and practice. Existing active research focuses on
implementation by educators to teach real-world phenomena, and for students to learn through an immersive
experience. This article surveys existing research in XR with special focus on the implications of immersive
extended realities for teaching and learning engineering mathematics in institutes of higher learning. We also
survey various interactive multimedia associated with XR before examining the implications of XR as an
educational tool for existing mathematics pedagogy. Finally, the contribution of this scoping review is to
provide an adaptable framework on XR implementation for educators, and potential academic advances for

INDEX TERMS Mathematics education research, extended reality, education technology, pedagogy, peda-
gogical framework, virtual reality, augmented reality.

I. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW Unity, and Google VR has opened opportunities for educa-
Augmented reality and virtual reality, collectively called tors to learn and deploy their choice of XR content. Nev-
extended reality (XR), as a concept, has existed since the pop- ertheless, an acute demand to fully express the differences
ularisation of creating illusions of alternative realities in sci- between XR and other forms of interactive multimedia is
ence fiction. With the development of immersive technology, critical and necessary. The lack of a formal framework to
XR has been actively used for professionals in well-known distinguish the two have unfortunately led to XR being
areas such as flight simulation, design, and the humani- unjustifiably implemented in many areas, including for ped-
ties, and also in other areas such as medical [1]–[5], the agogy [16]. The introduction of such a framework can
languages [6], [7], and various vocational training [8]–[10]. minimize instances where XR is implemented in a poor or
With training as its main usage, the pathway of adoption of sensationalist approach, which severely hampers the prolifer-
such technologies naturally finds its way into educational ation of a useful technology for education. While interactive
settings [11], [12]. New possibilities for teaching and learn- educational multimedia has been present for decades, readily
ing emerge with the advances of XR and have been widely available XR technologies have only been available for the
acknowledged as beneficial by educational researchers [13]– last decade.
[15]. These educational benefits have made XR one of the A key difference and advantage of XR is the representa-
key emerging technologies for education. tion of three-dimensional (3D) objects embedded in a 3D
There are several similarities between XR and interactive world. 3D thinking can be enhanced, and the mental trans-
multimedia. Both technologies can deploy visual-audio- formation of information, not available on 2D interactive
kinestatic learning experiences. The ease of use for simple multimedia, can be facilitated [17]. For example, in a course
XR applications in a smart device has enabled XR to catch of multivariable calculus where most of the work is done
up with interactive multimedia for asynchronous learning. in 2D (plotting software can plot 3D objects, but they are
The availability of XR toolkits like ARKit, Vuforia Engine, still represented on a 2D display), can be translated into a
3D representation, reducing the cognitive load on the user
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and and facilitating the visualisation of complicated functions.
approving it for publication was Muhammad Imran Tariq . Learners’ interaction with a 3D virtual object is intuitive as

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 10, 2022 13693
J. W. Lai, K. H. Cheong: Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Mathematics Education: A Scoping Review

it is naturally how they perceive objects. Furthermore, 3D Readers can refer to the cited references to be apprised of and
learning objects within XR educational systems have the consider other means of classification, which include marker-
unique advantage to provides opportunities to go beyond based, marker-less, GPS based amongst others to learn more
traditional face-to-face or computer-based simulation activ- about the technical implementation of such technologies.
ities, providing the learner with a sense of in-situ, active Next, Section III contextualises the implementation of XR in
engagement [18]. Although some studies have shown this mathematics, at the level of higher education. We synthesize
may not necessarily lead to a comparative grade advantage existing studies in mathematics educational XR research at
over a learner who learns from interactive multimedia [19], this level, and provide a perspective on how improvements
[20], XR can significantly enhance the learning experience can be made on existing research. Section IV concludes our
and have shown added intrinsic benefits such as improving work here. This scoping review therefore aimed to explore
student motivation [21], [22]. the body of literature pertaining to existing framework to
While mixed reality is the latest immersive technology integrate XR technologies with pedagogical considerations.
that allows for digital and real-world objects to interact, Following which, existing higher education mathematics
it is a developing technology and relatively costly, with few research articles obtained from Google Scholar and Edu-
research being done in the education sector. Furthermore, cation Resources Information center (ERIC) databases are
some aspects of mixed reality has applications in both vitrual evaluated against the framework to identify alignment to the
reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) [23]. Therefore, framework.
in this work, we focus on the VR and AR aspects of XR.
XR as a technology presents the potential of offering A. WHAT IS VIRTUAL REALITY?
learners the opportunity to participate with an augmented or Virtual Reality (VR) is multiply defined, however, one com-
virtual reality, and hence invoke full participation. Immersive mon definition is by Biocca and Levy [31], where they
participation allows the transference of concepts to new con- defined VR as ‘‘the sum of the hardware and software systems
texts. However, mathematics as a subject, especially in higher that seek to perfect an all-inclusive, sensory illusion of being
education, has traditionally not been taught in an immersive present in another environment’’. One of the great benefits of
environment. The potential usefulness of XR and the current VR, touted by proponents of the technology, is the promotion
extent of XR use in mathematics education in higher educa- of an immersive experience. Users are immersed into a virtual
tion presents an opportunity for enhancing the teaching and environment, but the extent of that, which constitutes as VR,
learning [24], [25]. While capitalising on the benefits of XR is broad. For example, there exist some primitive implementa-
is important for the advancement of mathematics education, tion of VR, which consist combinations of sound and visuals,
educators ought to use XR to solve an existing pedagogical however, when pushed to its full potential, it includes a com-
problem instead of deciding on implementing XR before plete range of sensory experiences such as olfactory, aural,
going in search for a problem. This is evidenced via a review and tactile immersion [17]. The appropriate hardware needs
by Mirkropoulos and Natsis [26], studying the use of VR to be acquired in order for a complete immersive experience.
in designing virtual environments for education in the years The typical VR experience, comes in three categories
1999-2009, revealing that only limited studies have a clear shown in Fig. 1. (1) Non-immersive VR. the most common
pedagogical framework. Subsequent studies [27], [28] con- form, are often largely forgotten as VR experiences. They
ducted in the 2010s and early 2020s arrive at the same conclu- involve a motion sensor that detects a user’s motion, which
sion, not withstanding attempts to evaluate the effectiveness is then translated on screen, in a virtual world. Video games
of learning technologies [14], [29]. Beyond education, in the like Wii Sports is a common example of non-immersive VR.
context of training, there is limited empirical evidence to These may not require any head-mounted devices, but tactile
show that the use of VR leads to better learning performance; controls can be used as inputs for the virtual world. (2) Semi-
instead, the advantage over interactive multimedia stems from immersive VR provides a partially virtual environment, and
a high sense of presence during VR simulation, which has is commonly used for training and educational purposes.
shown to lead to increased skills learning [30]. The aim to As an example, in a flight simulator, the controls in the
introduce XR as a robust pedagogy tool motivates the content simulator give real inputs to the simulator, but the instrument
of our work here. read back and window screens are displaying virtual content.
The remaining of this section seeks to introduce the XR As with non-immersive VR, user’s interaction with the virtual
learning environments, in particular, VR and AR. Section II environment. (3) Fully-immersive VR. Fully-immersive VR
focuses on the current use of XR in education and the theo- provides users the most realistic immersive experience possi-
retical potential of XR in education. In essence, the approach ble. The use of head mounted display is required to provide
here is an attempt to infuse XR into existing pedagogical sensory content with a wide field of view, and can even be
frameworks. This way, XR as a learning environment, can programmable to provide full-body haptic feedback.
take a more pedagogical description that leads to achieved VR platforms are also key in translating the immersive
learning outcomes. While there are many ways to classify VR experience to the end user. Controls can come in the form
and AR, we have focused on one classification based on space of hand-held controls where actions are mapped to buttons,
and hardware considerations for adoption in the classroom. or full control panels, where users are required to physically

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J. W. Lai, K. H. Cheong: Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Mathematics Education: A Scoping Review

FIGURE 1. Types of virtual reality experiences and accompanying platforms. See section on ‘Acknowledgement’ for the image attributions.

perform the actions. Displays provide visual feedback to the transporting the AR system is possible, it is not as conve-
users. Stationary displays generally catering to less immer- nient as mobile AR because it also requires advancements
sive implementations of VR while head mounted displays to wearable technology, as the computer system needs to
being able to provide a greater immersive experience [32], be carried with the user. These can also be alleviated if the
[33]. Displays are often complemented with audio, and equipment is mounted on a vehicle. However, advances in
high-end immersive experience also provides gyroscopic and portable technology has significantly increase the prospects
haptic feedback. of deployable mixed AR.
Since AR augments virtual objects onto the real-world,
B. WHAT IS AUGMENTED REALITY? or substitutes real-world objects with virtual objects, a view
Augmented Reality (AR) is defined as a real-time direct finder (often a camera) is necessary to capture environmental
or indirect view of a physical real-world environment that features. Then a user can view the AR in two forms, mounted
has been augmented by adding virtual computer-generated spatial view which enables spatial AR, and smart device dis-
information to it [34]. AR allows for virtual information to play, where virtual objects only appear on screen. However,
be placed in the immediate surroundings of the user, which advances in technology has led to development of state-of-
enhances perception of and interaction with the real world. the-art AR targeting lightweight handheld displays [39] that
Similar to VR implementation, AR is not limited to sight, and seeks to amalgamate the advantages of both. Spatial AR
can potentially apply to all senses. AR has the added advan- makes use of optical elements, such as holograms or video-
tage as a substitute for impairment of some senses by aug- projection, to display information directly onto real-world
menting the real world with assisting information [35]–[38]. objects without the need for a display. Such a technology is
Furthermore, since interaction with the real-world is its main useful as it can be scaled up to to a group of users, interacting
advantage, AR can be deployed both indoors and outdoors. and collaborating on a single virtual object [40].
The typical AR experience can be loosely categorised into
three AR systems shown in Fig. 2. (1) Fixed AR is a system II. XR AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL
that is fixed in a locale. Users are confined to a location and THEORY AND METHODOLOGY
with little flexibility in changing locations, which requires a In this section, we synthesize the existing frameworks that are
relocation of the entire system setup. There are advantages available and envision how they can be put together to pro-
to such systems as it does not require location tracking, and duce a robust pedagogical framework that best amalgamates
a fixed setup allows for more controls and computing power learning theories with educational technology. The challenge
to bring more realism to the AR experience. Fixed AR can with the incorporation of XR in teaching and learning is
be deployed both indoors and outdoors. (2) Mobile AR, not the alignment of educational technology with the intended
to be confused with AR deployed on mobile phones, enables learning outcomes. As mentioned previously, poor or sensa-
users to deploy the AR system at any location. The hardware tionalist implementation of learning technologies, not limited
required to deploy the AR system is portable which gives to XR, can severely hamper the proliferation of a useful
users the flexibility to use this interface anywhere with a technology for education. Therefore, educators need to form
trade-off for lesser computational power. As most people in an alignment between the class content and use of XR, as with
the developed world have access to a ‘‘computer’’ in their the introduction of any other learning activities.
smartphones, mobile AR are often deployed, using smart How can one prevent the aforementioned and appropri-
devices as its main platform. (3) Mixed AR is a combina- ately use XR in pedagogy? In Fowler’s design for learn-
tion of both fixed AR and mobile AR. While the ease of ing framework [41], Fowler performed a critical review of

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J. W. Lai, K. H. Cheong: Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Mathematics Education: A Scoping Review

FIGURE 2. Types of augmented reality experiences and accompanying platforms. See section on ‘Acknowledgement’ for the image attributions.

the work introduced by Dalgarno and Lee [42] on incor- The use of XR should help students experience the in the
porating 3D virtual environments into education. One of appropriate context. Matching Conole’s learning activities to
Fowler’s critique is that, more often than not, educational Mayes’ pedagogical framework (colour-coded in shades of
technology research is based on the technology affordances blue in Fig 3), the use of XR to present knowledge representa-
with limited consideration for the pedagogical aspects such tions should be aligned with conceptualisation. Construction
as learning outcomes and objectives. As such, Fowler pro- and scaffolding of learning are done through experiential and
poses an alignment between Mayes and Fowler’s pedagogical contextual learning. Finally, engagement and collaborative
framework [43] and Dalgarno and Lee’s considerations learning create the dialogue for further curiosity.
for virtual learning environments. This alignment is an The process of design for learning has two process
attempt to achieve good pedagogical design, described by outcomes, identifying learning requirements, and task affor-
Biggs [44] to be an interactive system of factors including dances, leading to creation of a prototype. While the com-
fixed student-related factors such as ability; teaching-related monly used framework is the taxonomy introduced by
factors such as curriculum, teaching methods, and assess- Bloom [47], [48], this can be substituted for any preferred
ment; and the approaches to learning through tasks aimed to frameworks such as the Structure of the Observed Learning
achieve an outcome. Fowler’s framework calls for an align- Outcome (SOLO) taxonomy introduced by Biggs et al. [49],
ment between pedagogical requirements at various stages or Fink’s taxonomy [50]. The process of prototyping is
of learning with the technology affordances made available as important as the design process. The prototyping stage
by XR. In essence, the process of alignment is a unifying ensures that the learning requirements are identified through
procedure that is central in design for learning. This concept a meticulous study of what stage the student is at, and what
is also previously advocated by Sharpe and Beethamwhen stage of the learning taxonomy can activate the student’s
considering the pedagogy of e-learning [45]. cognition to achieve the learning required. The work by
The pedagogical framework introduced by Fowler and fur- Yang et al. [51] provides a comprehensive description and
ther enhanced in our work here can be summarised (Fig. 3) guide to designing XR systems for education. The learn-
into four key stages: Design, Prototype, Validate, and Iter- ing environment, such as XR, can facilitate these learning
ate. The design process begins with the identification of requirements, as current XR technology is able to provide
intended learning outcomes. Next is to decide the learning information at a suitable level of representational fidelity
stages, by considering two frameworks, each classified into through virtual text, audio cues, video clips, and immersion
three stages: Mayes’ pedagogical framework and Conole’s experiences. Such experiences have varying level of inter-
learning activities [46]. Mayes’ pedagogical framework pro- action dependent on the level of immersion and complexity
poses three learning stages. Conceptualisation are the sets of the technology. Thus, learning with XR needs to balance
of information students should understand, this can be done the complexity of learner interaction with representational
through construction of knowledge by scaffolding the learn- fidelity.
ing process; finally, creating opportunities for dialogue sus- The process to validate is another key step in ensuring
tains students’ interest and motivation in the learned content. that what has been theoretically designed and prototyped
Likewise, learning activities need to be aligned to these three translates into achieved learning outcomes. This can be done
stages. A broad-based approach to ensure that the learn- in several ways, often observed in educational research. Tools
ing activities optimally engage the student through adequate for validation generally include appropriate use of question-
knowledge representations need to be coupled with expe- naires, attitude scales, interviews, case-studies, observational
riential, contextual, and if required, collaborative learning. studies, etc. The right use of which is largely dependent on

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J. W. Lai, K. H. Cheong: Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Mathematics Education: A Scoping Review

FIGURE 3. An enhanced framework for extended reality learning environments based on Ref [41].

the research question. Regardless, soliciting feedback from and developmental cost. Thus, despite the advantages asso-
students and documenting the teaching process would help ciated with XR, the large scale implementation of XR as an
further define the use of XR, and its appropriate use for educational tool is often hindered by the lack of administra-
learning activities. We will see some examples of this in tive and financial support. This often leads to compounding
Section III. Lastly, iterate. As with all teaching and learning issues, which also includes slow adoption and lack of enthu-
tools, the process of iteration seeks to identify additions, sub- siasm from educators to implement XR technology in the
tractions, and substitutions to the methodology implemented. classroom [52], [53].
This iteration process is a refining process that relevancy Irrefutably, XR requires much background work to create
of XR technology and prevents sensationalist or haphazard a virtual environment with many test scenarios and details.
introduction of XR in learning spaces, and continues to be The prototyping and iteration process require both educators
a key step in educational research. As with all experiments and students to be familiar with new technical skills, which
that have to be refined and replicated, the process of iteration often lead to longer implementation duration. In many recent
ensures that any research done on XR in the context of research in the field of training and education, technical
education continues to be a work-in-progress, instead of an issues are often cited as one of the reasons that hinders
isolated attempt under a very specific set of conditions that learning [53]–[55] and this may distract students from the
are difficult to replicate. actual learning. However, much like other learning tools,
it is through such iterative process that the teaching tool is
A. POTENTIAL DISADVANTAGES OF XR continuously being improved.
Regardless of the advantages of XR in educational context, XR has a high probability of acquiring routine in the
it is also vital to consider the associated disadvantages that actions taken, reducing the affective input of users. It is
commonly arise from XR implementation. High costs are important for the emotive state of student to be activated in
often associated with creating an appropriate educational the learning process due to the strong effect of emotions in
station using XR technology based on professional hardware learning environments [56]. The use of VR could potentially
and software. As an emerging technology, the availability suppress socio-emotive expression of students, which is vital
of such technology often comes with associated start-up cost in the learning process [57]. Thus, the task affordances are

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J. W. Lai, K. H. Cheong: Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Mathematics Education: A Scoping Review

key in ensuring that any design for learning goes beyond present challenges to AR implementation, which can be
rote and invoke the socio-emotive learning amongst students. extended to XR implementation. They are: (i) lack of teacher
XR learning environments also require a period of adaptation. training, (ii) lack of educational experience, (iii) lack of
XR controls are not conventional and require some efforts and conceptual foundation, (iv) lack of educational research, and
time to learn, there are multiple reports of motion sickness (v) lack of institutional support [66]. Each party has its
when using XR. Virtual environment tolerance is not equal for own technical knowledge, an educator with pedagogy and
all users which in itself is a challenge to educational research developers with programming. The main problem is that the
as well [58], [59]. developed material is not adapted to the curriculum but is
based on experiences that are presumed interesting. Simi-
III. IMPLICATIONS OF XR FOR MATHEMATICS larly, what educators might envision XR is capable of doing,
EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE often is unscalable from the technological perspective. Thus,
Mathematics has traditionally been learnt using non-digital a compatible and nonexclusive approach must be taken. There
means, such as paper and pen, and taught on matching needs to be a bridge to explore opportunities where AR can
hardware, such as the chalkboard or whiteboard. The digital be injected into pedagogy beyond the basic level, this task is
age brought about advances, where the teaching tool has perform by the educational architect, which can be a person
upgraded to incorporate PowerPoint, and recitations have from the institution’s pedagogy department [64]. Fernandez
been incorporated into undergraduate teaching to match the proposes a six-step methodology to aid adoption of AR tech-
technological competence of the modern learner [60]. How- nology and are quintessential elements: (i) training teachers;
ever, despite taking steps with technological advances, while (ii) developing conceptual prototypes; (iii) teamwork involv-
educational technology have made notable strides, the use ing the teacher, a technical programmer, and an educational
of more advanced technology has stagnated in mathematics architect; (iv) producing the experience; (v) training teachers
education. While new technologies may not address stu- to apply AR solutions within their teaching methodology;
dents’ struggle with mathematics problem-solving skills, any and (vi) implementing the use of the experience with students.
inactivity will continue to stall advances in mathematics ped- The introduction of an educational architect closes the gap
agogy. Thus, educators are challenged to develop innovative between the expertise from the educators with pedagogy and
teaching and learning approaches to facilitate conceptual the technology experts with XR infrastructure.
understanding, scaffold learning, and create dialogue oppor- In the context of Fig. 3, the educator supplies informa-
tunities for solving mathematics problems applied to real-life tion for the left side of the diagram, namely, the learning
applications. requirement and part of the learning stages, while the technol-
XR is not necessarily applicable for all subject areas. ogy expert provides information to complement the learning
This is largely due to the benefits of visualisation being stages and address the task affordances of XR. The role of the
significantly more important in some subjects than others. educational architect is to blend the learning stages, learning
XR has the advantage of being useful for topics where spa- requirements, and task affordances together to achieve the
tial arrangement is important or there are dynamic changes. learning outcomes.
When it comes to mathematics education especially at the
early undergraduate levels, various levels of cognitive func- A. CASE STUDIES IN XR IMPLEMENTATION FOR
tion are required. Namely, qualitative review, quantitative MATHEMATICS EDUCATION
thinking with accuracy, and abstract relational thinking. Stu- In the remaining of this section, we will highlight existing
dents apply the axioms, theorems, and definitions to build research performed for which XR is implemented, where
complex relations, and prove mathematical concepts [61]. attempts have been made to narrow the gap between technol-
These are notably skills that XR may not have a direct ogy use for undergraduate mathematics education. A sum-
applicable usage for. This makes the alignment process in mary of existing studies, obtained through keyword search
Fowler’s framework slightly more challenging for educators. on Google Scholar, and Education Resources Information
Regardless, we advocate that knowledge gain should not be center (ERIC) databases. Keywords include combinations
the only aim of XR learning experiences [62]. Furthermore, of Mathematics, undergraduate, virtual reality, augmented
if successfully done, XR as a virtual learning experience has reality, and mixed reality. Only recent works post-2015 are
the potential to enhance mathematical literacy, especially at considered. To synthesize the information, we identify if
the level of abstract relational thinking, which is a transferable existing research methodology include the pedagogical align-
skill, highlighted as one of the important competencies in the ment proposed in Section II, and the level of implementation.
21st century [63]. Specifically, for learning stages, the aspects of learning
With the complexity of considering pedagogical framw- activities achieved based on the corresponding levels in
works and incorporation of learning technologies, it is no Mayes’ pedagogical framework; and for learning require-
surprise that, both Fernandez [64] and Reeves and Lin [65] ment, we specify the level of learning taxonomy achieved.
identified the lack of alignment between pedagogy and tech- This is carried out by a critical review of research articles
nology infrastructure as a major barrier to adoption of XR and identifying ideas or keywords synonymous with those in
technologies in education. A separate study identified five Fig. 3. Table 2 contains the summary of our findings.

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J. W. Lai, K. H. Cheong: Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Mathematics Education: A Scoping Review

TABLE 1. XR implementation in undergraduate mathematics education, list of work reviewed.

Since various research work chooses to use different types initial stages were intentionally chosen to supplement the
of XR, and hardware platform, we will not be comparing the initial learning stages, where it was student-centered learn-
task affordances of these works. In all the works reviewed, ing. Students were afforded the tools necessary to build
the lower echelons of Bloom’s learning taxonomy are actively up statistical thinking through instructor empowerment and
considered in the prototype when incorporating XR into the engagement. A particular problem statement in the context
teaching and learning of various topics. However when com- of the topics has been identified and students are organised
paring the various learning stages and requirements, only the in teams where they are to propose a solution, which is then
works by Orey and Rosa [71], Herrera et al. [73], [74], and visualised using VR. The research methodology involves key
Ríos et al. [75], [77], implemented XR for the higher eche- words such as ‘‘choice, collaboration, communication, criti-
lons of the learning taxonomy. Comparatively, these works cal thinking, and creativity’’. Alongside the intended learning
considered a greater number of dimensions of learning activ- outcomes, the choice of using VR was to impart soft skills of
ities, in particular creating opportunities for dialogue through statistical thinking to the students were concisely articulated.
student-student and teacher-student engagement, as well as López Ríos et al. had also meticulously aligned the learning
collaborative learning. For example, if the intended use of XR stages by first introducing key concepts (conceptualisation)
is to allow students to ‘Evaluate’ or ‘Create’ in a particular through an alternative media before bringing in VR to allow
subject matter, then on the side of learning activities, the XR the students to experiment (construction) and collaborate
platform would naturally involve ‘Dialogue’ through engage- (dialogue). While the authors did not report the VR system
ment and collaborative learning. Inversely, if the intended that was used, the learning stages and learning requirements
use of XR is to allow students to ‘Remember’, ‘Understand’, were clearly defined, and improvements to the work were
or ‘Apply’, then often this translates only to ‘Conceptualisa- documented with subsequent publications [77]. The intro-
tion’ and ‘Construction’ being achieved, leaving out impor- duction of an evaluation framework (Five S-C strategy) [77]
tant ‘Dialogue’ to consolidate students’ learning. further provide the alignment analogous to the framework
To close this section, we discuss several aspects from two introduced in our work here.
recent works [19], [75] to show the difference between a We now turn to another project targeting first year under-
research work that seeks to align the use of XR with pedagogy graduate students on teaching and learning multivariable
with one that focuses on the application of XR to substitute calculus [19]. The authors stated their aim ‘‘to test the
existing methods. While the content is on different mathemat- effectiveness of VR as a medium to visualise the partial
ical concepts, both of these works use VR as their primary derivatives of two-variable functions, and to see if we could
platform, with the intention of facilitating engineering stu- replace part of the standard classroom environment with a
dents’ learning in the topics of mathematical modelling and flipped classroom with the aid of VR’’. As specified, the
calculus, respectively. topics identified for implementation is partial derivatives
In a project for third year undergraduate students on teach- and interpreting contour lines. Based on the design of the
ing and learning mathematical modelling [75], the authors experiment, the learning stages are identified to include con-
stated their aim as ‘‘to develop statistical thinking in our ceptualisation and construction. In the experimental design,
students by relating an industrial process with mathemati- students in the treatment group were given the time to accus-
cal modelling using 3D videos, VR, and AR’’. The topics tom to the VR platform and a self-test was administered
identified for implementation is hypotheses tests, simulation before the actual quiz. No instructor-led teaching session
methods, and queuing theory. The use of 3D videos in the was administered for the treatment group, instead students

VOLUME 10, 2022 13699

J. W. Lai, K. H. Cheong: Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Mathematics Education: A Scoping Review

TABLE 2. The experimental details, reported results and benefits of the works reviewed.

were to ‘‘set their own pace’’ and ‘‘take control of their instructor-led session before the self-test and quiz. As part of
own learning’’. Students in the control group were given a the research methodology, ‘‘Understand’’ from the learning
paper version of the self-test and quiz, supplemented by an taxonomy was explicitly mentioned, whereas other levels like

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J. W. Lai, K. H. Cheong: Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Mathematics Education: A Scoping Review

[70] A. Martin-Gonzalez, A. Chi-Poot, and V. Uc-Cetina, ‘‘Usability evaluation KANG HAO CHEONG (Member, IEEE) received
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in a virtual learning environment,’’ ZDM, vol. 50, nos. 1–2, pp. 173–185, education from the National Institute of Educa-
Apr. 2018. tion, Singapore, in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in
[72] M. Rosa and D. C. Orey, ‘‘Mathematical modelling as a virtual learning
electrical and computer engineering from NUS, in
environment for teacher education programs,’’ Unipluriversidad, vol. 19,
no. 2, pp. 80–102, Dec. 2019.
[73] L. M. M. Herrera, M. A. Abalo, and S. J. Ordó nez, ‘‘Learning calculus Prior to joining academia, he was with the Sin-
with augmented reality and virtual environments,’’ in Proc. 11th Int. Conf. gapore Ministry of Education as grant program
Educ. Technol. Comput., Oct. 2019, pp. 18–22. manager, managing U.S. $250 million/year Academic Research Fund. He
[74] L. Medina Herrera, J. Castro Pérez, and S. Juárez Ordóñez, ‘‘Developing was an Assistant Professor with the Engineering Cluster, Singapore Institute
spatial mathematical skills through 3D tools: Augmented reality, virtual of Technology, Singapore, from 2016 to 2018. He has been an Assistant
environments and 3D printing,’’ Int. J. Interact. Design Manuf., vol. 13, Professor with the Science, Mathematics and Technology Cluster, Singapore
no. 4, pp. 1385–1399, Jun. 2019. University of Technology and Design, Singapore, since 2019. His research
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enhancement,’’ in Proc. IEEE Integr. STEM Educ. Conf. (ISEC), Apr. 2019, ear dynamics in complex networks.
pp. 367–370. Dr. Cheong is an Editor of the Journal of Computational Science (JCR
[76] R. Capone and M. Lepore, ‘‘Augmented reality to increase interaction Q1). He has served as a Reviewer for more than 20 journals, includ-
and participation: A case study of undergraduate students in mathematics
class,’’ in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020,
[77] O. López Ríos, L. J. Lechuga López, and G. Lechuga López, ‘‘A com- BIG DATA, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING, Artificial Intel-
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immersive environments on skills of higher education students: A case Review.
study,’’ Int. J. Interact. Design Manuf., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1395–1410,
Sep. 2020.

JOEL WEIJIA LAI received the B.Sc. degree

(Hons.) in physics with a second major in math-
ematical sciences from Nanyang Technological
University (NTU), Singapore, in 2017. He is
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in complex
systems with the Singapore University of Technol-
ogy and Design (SUTD), Singapore. He remained
at NTU to develop technology-enhanced learn-
ing tools for the Division of Physics and Applied
Physics, teaching courses in physics and mathe-
matics. In 2019, he was a Research Assistant with SUTD, in association
with the SUTD–Massachusetts Institute of Technology International Design

VOLUME 10, 2022 13703

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