Reflection Paper-Reo Lynn April O. Manansala

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Am I already a 21st Century Teacher? That was the question I have in my mind on
the very first day of my teaching profession.

In this fast-developing world, this new generation of students we are dealing with has
new educational tools and technology. Am I really capable of teaching them all the
things they need to know for them to grow? Probably before joining this GURO 21
Course I would say No, but now I am proud and loud to say “Yes I am!”

Being a part of this course, Gearing Up Responsible and Outstanding Teachers in

Southeast Asia for the 21st century is more about getting acquainted with my co-
flexible learners, knowing some of our interests, sharing our common and varied
interesting teaching experiences, and learning about our insights and views on what
and how it takes to be a 21st-century educator.

Honestly saying before I enrolled in this course, I don’t have any idea about GURO
21. How does it work? What should I do? What things to prepare? Was it hard? A lot
of questions in my mind but all of these were answered on the day of the orientation.
I must say the program is very relevant and timely. I know from that very day I will
learn and realize a lot of things in this course. However, I also had doubts in myself
to be in the program when I learned how heavy the task of a GURO 21 flexible
learner is, much more in this time of pandemic where we teachers are doing a lot of
things such as printing modules and aside from that, I was tasked to do our school’s
SIP, APP and M&E report. I just can’t imagine how to properly manage my time and
energy. But because my School head supported and encouraged me to join then I
pursued it. Also to my surprise, during the release of the list of participants my name
was included so I think that was a sign that I should really pursue joining this

GURO21 was indeed a very helpful course for me and for my school. This course
keeps me updated with the current trends in education, it also helped me with my
professional growth.

I remembered the very first day we started this course with our first video
conferencing through Google Meet, that day traced a glimpse of optimism that I can
really survive this course, and much more when I met my co-flexible learners and our
undeniably gorgeous and evidently brilliant tutor, Dr. Michelle Acledan. The
preliminaries somehow invigorated my enthusiasm and interest in GURO21. I even
got excited and was looking forward to the chat sessions imagining how different and
enjoyable the experience would be.

And I was right. It was all worth it. I had so much fun during the class. I felt
exceedingly overwhelmed by my co-flexible learners and by Dr. Acledan ideas,
experiences, and knowledge.
The first module of GURO 21 has brought me the following questions to reflect:
 What qualities and skills do I possess that can call me an effective, efficient, and
competitive 21st-century educator?
 What have I done to my pupils that developed them to be knowledgeable, skillful,
and socially responsible?
 Have I addressed their individual needs based on their individual differences,
capacities and interests?
 What else can I can do and share to them in order to prepare them for their future?
 Am I a good influence on my learners and co-teachers?

to sum up these questions, I came to ponder on this line from Abraham Lincoln:
“Teach the children… so it will not be necessary to teach the adults.”

As I interpret it, the dots following the word children, represent the four pillars of
learning which is the meat of Module 1: learning to know, learning to do, learning to
live together, and learning to be.

Module 1 led me to realize deeper the vitality of my role aa s teacher in nurturing and
shaping the holistic development of every learner, from his mind and body, his
emotion, to his spiritual values down to his personal and social responsibilities. As I
reflect, teaching is all about preparing our learners to become beneficial adults who
can be a catalyst for change. Thus, it is very necessary to expose them to some
alarming environment and global issues that concern them in many ways. With this,
they can acquire social awareness and learn about their social obligations as youth
and as future adults.

As teachers in this fast-changing world where almost everything is connected by

Information and Communication Technology (ICT), there is a need for us to keep
ourselves abreast and updated with the latest in technology just like the way we
adapt to the kind of learners we have at present. We can take advantage of our
pupils’ interest in gadgets and social media by giving them advanced research
assignments using the internet. This will lead them to explore more than what is
written in the textbook. Eventually, they will appreciate the importance of technology
and how should it be used wisely and responsibly.

Another significant thing I learned in this module is the importance of communication

in the teaching-learning process. A teacher should not only listen. He needs to
understand, appreciate and respect each pupil’s personality.

Beyond the knowledge, skills, attitude, and values that we possess as teachers, is a
heart that cares and loves the children and a heart that gives light and hope to every
child’s dream.

And completing this course indeed I can say I am a 21 st Century teacher well
equipped with all the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values I need to nurture not
just myself but my students to become ready to face and survive this ever-growing

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