BID Evaluation Report
BID Evaluation Report
BID Evaluation Report
Procurement Process
[Detail Review]
Committed to Breakthrough!
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
3 Obbo Desalegn Tadesse VP – Retail and SMEs Banking Until May 23, 2022
4 Obbo Liko Tolesa VP – HC and Projects Management Until May 23, 2022
7 Obbo Anteneh Demerew Manager – Construction Projects Management Until May 23, 2022
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
2.2 Current Construction Steering Committee (From May 24, 2022 to date)
No. Name Designation Running
3. Procurement Committee
Chapter Three
BID No. 03 – Bid Three Process through Short listing
1. List of Invited Consultants
The Employer announced a call to bidders (including DAR from the previous bid process) to
participate on the bid through invitation letter dated on January 12, 2022 to the
understated International Consultant – as per the direction forwarded by the Construction
Steering Committee (with its minute CSC-1-2022).
S/No Bidders Name
1 Solidus S.R.L
2 Treinador International Services (PVT)
3 Dar Al-Handasah Consultant
4 ECG Consultant
6 General Group AG
2. Bid Submission
During bid submission dated February 21, 2022, out of the aforesaid six (6) Consultants, only
two (2) Consultants submitted packages of technical and financial proposals.
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
3.Bid Opening
Attendance of purchase approval committee during bid opening
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
The evaluation has been done on the basis of RFP evaluation criteria which were prepared
in the light of PPAs 2011 Guidelines by Public procurement agency, for Procurement of
Goods, Works & Services.
1.2.Technical Qualifications, Competence, and Experience of the Consultant (ITC Clause 16)
A. The Consultant has successfully completed at least three (3) similar Contracts for Banks
or similar high-rise building projects with a construction value of at least USD 20,000,000
(Twenty Million USD) , in the past ten (10) years;
The number of points to be assigned to each of the positions or disciplines shall be determined
considering the following three sub-criteria and relevant percentage weights:
❑ There are 8600 staff currently working world wide and among them 5955 are professionally
qualified Engineers, Architects, Town planners, Environmentalist, Economist, Finance,
Marketing and Management specialist, Quantity surveyors and others,
❑ More than 150 of their professionals are found to be at higher level with minimum of 15
years’ experience.
Accordingly, we found the bidder full filled the must meet criteria
Bidder 2: - Engineering Consultants Group (ECG)
❑ There are 3143 staff currently working world wide among them 2496 are professionally
qualified Engineers, Architects, Town planners, Environmentalist, Economist, Finance,
Marketing and Management specialist, Quantity surveyors and others and,
❑ More than 150 their professionals are found to be at higher level with minimum of 15 years’
Accordingly, we found the bidder full filled the must meet criteria
2.Technical Qualifications, Competence, and Experience of the Consultant (ITC Clause 16)
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
The project consists of 12 towers with varying floor from 30 to 50 Concept design, Detail design,
2012 to
5 Ministry of Finance Saudi Arabia stories and total built up area 1.5 million square meters with Tender document preparation and
construction cost of USD 4.2 Billion Construction supervision
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
●Concept Design
The project consists of 12 towers with varying
Ministry of Finance (Abraj floor from 30 to 50 stories and total built up ●Detail design
2 Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2012- 2019
Kudai) area 1.5mil m2 with construction cost of USD ●Tender documents
4.2Billion ●Supervision of Construction
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
●Project ●Project
The Park Tower consists Management
Management Ocean Heights Facilities include 310 meters
of 49 floors with built up ●Detail design ●Detail design
DAMAC 2004- DAMAC Ocean Heights Soars with 87 floors. The 2006-
3 UAE area of 185,800m2 with 3 UAE
2011 2010
Properties ●Supervision of Properties approximate construction cost is USD 205 Million ●Supervision of
construction cost of USD Construction Construction
and service fee for consultant is USD 4.1 Million
603,280,000 million.
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Bidders were requested to present the average annual turnover calculated as total
certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed within the last five
(5) years must exceed USD 50,000,000.00 (Fifty million USD).
Accordingly Both Bidders has full filled as per the criteria
4.2.Bidder result under Qualification with points
4.2.1.Personnel Experience (100%)
❑ Total Experience = 30.00%
❑ Experience in similar works = 40.00%
❑ Experience in proposed position = 30.00%
With the following Team Composition
❑ Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Plan
❑ Preparation of Bidding Documents
❑ Design Review Team
❑ Concept Design Team
❑ Construction Supervision and Contract Administration Team
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Accordingly the bidders submitted the required personnel as per the terms of reference and scored
the following point
MEP, HVAC, ICT & Fire Precaution MEP, HVAC, ICT & Fire Precaution
IV 14.50 10.15 IV 14.50 10.1
Service Design Team Service Design Team
Accordingly, Out of 30% both bidders Dar Al-Handash Consultant and ECG have scores 30%
4.2.3.Currencies of Financial offer in%
❑ Bidder were requested to present the financial proposal offer in the employer country and in
foreign currency in the following option.
After thoroughly discussing on the agenda, the members of the Construction Steering Committee
unanimously forwarded the following condition with its minute CSC-4-2022, i.e. order was given to
proceed with the Second Bid Opening (Financial Proposal Opening) and is to be conducted on April 9,
Picture Captured during Financial Proposal Opening
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Total Amount
Total Amount Before Deviation after
After arithmetic Remarks
No Bidders Name arithmetic check (in USD) arithmetic check
check (in USD)
(in USD)
The price offered includes
1 Consultants 17,395,244.00 17,395,202.00 -42 USD
payable local taxes and
Group (ECG)
Vat (15%)
8.Consolidated Evaluation
Technical Score
S/No Firm Name Technical Score out of Converted Technical score to 60% Remark
1 DAR 89.69 53.82
2 ECG 83.52 50.11
Financial Score
S/No Firm Name Financial offer Converted Financial Remark
score to 40%
1 DAR 10,158,538.0 40
2 ECG 17,395,202.0 23.36
9. Direction’s Passed by Construction Steering Committees on different issue related with Evaluation
Negotiation with the Responsive Bidders (DB Consultant) – Headquarters Building (HQ) – CSC-6-2022
Technical and Financial negotiation points were raised to both bidders and detailed discussion and responses were
forwarded accordingly. DAR was not ready at the moment but ECG forwarded discount offer of USD 9,788,494.00 (with
VAT and TAXs) and hard currency (USD) to local currency (BIRR) proportion is 75% to 25% respectively.
After thoroughly discussing on the agenda, the Construction Steering Committee recognized the aforesaid facts and
unanimously forwarded the following direction, i.e.:
❑ Both bidders (Dar Al-Handasah Consultants and ECG Qatar) were requested to take the necessary
discussion/negotiation points into account and submit their final discount offer by May 20, 2022.
Compiled summary of financial offer after negotiation
11. Conclussion
After thoroughly discussing on the recent situation, the Construction Steering Committee unanimously forwarded the
following decision with its minute CSC-7-2022, i.e.:
❑ Partially revise the Original RFP, reference to the aforementioned changes in scope of work/services,
❑ Partially cancel the recent bid process and communicate both bidders (Dar Al-Handasah Consultants and ECG Qatar) to submit a revised
Financial Proposal and a revised Technical Proposal (if need be) reference to the aforementioned changes in scope of work/services; which
are stated hereunder: -
➢ Project - A, on the 6,322 m2 plot, originally envisaged to be a 65 story skyscraper building shall be changed to a 40 story
skyscraper building,
➢ Project - B with the following understated two (2) options:-
✓ Project – B1 (Option - 1), on the recently approved 11,244 m2 plot, shall be envisaged to be a 65 story skyscraper building,
✓ Project – B2 (Option - 2), on the 20,000 m2 plot to be approved in the near future, shall be envisaged to be a 65 story skyscraper
❑ Finally, Procurement Committee was ordered to thoroughly communicate the two (2) bidders (Dar Al-Handasah Consultants and ECG Qatar)
on the new directions forwarded so that they can accordingly submit their revised proposals for the Bank’s subsequent action to follow.
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Picture Captured in the process of the new land Acquisition on requesting of 20,000m2 land
The Bank President at Addis A/A City
Letter submitted for A/A City Administration Administration and Processing the new
Proposal submitted for A/A City
land Bureau in requesting 20000sqm land land for the bank
Administration land Bureau
A proposal for
Construction of
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Chapter Four
BID No. 04 – Partial Cancelation of Bid and Request for Proposal
❑ Work plan
❑ Organization and staffing
❑ Work schedule/Master work schedule
❑ Team composition and task assignment Staffing schedule
Even though the previous project scope has been changed, the submitted technical document by both bidders
was not changed significantly and also can’t affect the prior awarded technical point. Thus the evaluation
team, after thoroughly review the technical document, have reached on the following recommendation.
❑ The submitted technical documents highly strengthen the previous technical document.
❑ The submitted additional technical document shall be considered during contract signing.
❑ RFP amendment made only on the project scope hence the evaluation criteria and the allotted points
shall remain the same.
❑ Thus, the new technical document does not alter the previous technical score.
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Therefore, by considering the above raised points, the evaluation teams have recommended that the
previous technical evaluation report result for both bidder to be considered and at the same time
it recommended to go to the next bid proceedings.
Thorough discussion was made on the recommendation and the Construction Steering
Committee unanimously forwarded the following decision with its minute CSC-9-2022 i.e.:
❑ Concerning the Technical Evaluation Report: it was decided to proceed as recommended by the assigned
evaluation team – which is not to alter both bidders (Dar Al-Handasah Consultants and ECG Qatar) previous
Technical Point and Score,
❑ And accordingly, order was given to proceed with the Second Bid Opening (Financial Proposal Opening) and
shall be conducted on July 11, 2022.
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
2.Financial Evaluation
Financial Proposal before and after arithmetic check (The price is inclusive of local taxes and VAT)
Project - A 0.00
Plot size 6322sqm 7,464,000 7,464,000
Group (ECG) Project - B1 12,584,000.16 -0.16
Plot size 11244sqm 12,584,000
Project - B2 -0.16
Plot size 20000sqm 12,584,000 12,584,000.16
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Financial Proposal before and after arithmetic check (The price is inclusive of local taxes and VAT)
Project - A 0.00
Plot size: 6322sqm 8,296,100 8,296,100
Dar Al-
2 Handasah Project - B1 16,427,175 0.00
Consultant Plot size:11244sqm 16,427,175
Project - B1 on Plot
size 11244sqm 30.64
Project – B2 on Plot
size 20000sqm
40 22.69
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
Plot size 6322sqm 50.11 40 90.11 53.82 35.99 89.81
After thoroughly discussing on the aggregate point, the members of the Construction Steering Committee unanimously forwarded the
following direction, i.e.:
❑ The Committee agreed to onboard both bidders for negotiation to minimize the risk which could arise from awarding both projects
to one Consultant. The Committee also agreed that this could be realized if Dar Al-Handasah Consultants agrees to make further
❑ In addition to risk minimization, the Committee reached consensus that willingness of Dar Al-Handasah Consultants for further
discount and engagement on one of the two projects will also help the Bank commence the project on top urgent given that Dar Al-
Handasah Consultants has already established a branch office here in Addis Ababa and is locally registered plus managing a
project (like Ethiopian Airlines Skylight Hotel Expansion Project),
❑ Furthermore, the Committee also agreed that triangulation of technical expertise to be deployed by the two Consultants will
significantly aid in administering both projects,
❑ Accordingly, Procurement Committee was ordered to arrange a negotiation meeting with both bidders (Dar Al-Handasah
Consultants and ECG Qatar).
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
4. Negotiation
Negotiation Meeting for DB Consultant Selection (as per the revised RFP) – Headquarters
Building (HQ) – CSC-12-2022
As per the directions forwarded on previous Steering Committee Meeting, Negotiation meeting was conducted and both
bidders were communicated on sharing the two projects,
❑ Due to the highlighted interest in commencing with Project – A on top urgent, the Committee expressed to DAR that the
Bank is willing to work with them if it considers further financial discount relative to its competitor (ECG Qatar). DAR
replied that they are willing to comply with the Bank’s latest interest forwarded and will make the necessary logical reviews
on their financial offer for Project – A,
❑ In the same manner, ECG Qatar was inquired on the same session whether it is willing or not to engage on only one of
the two projects; and if it is willing, it was also inquired to choose one of the two projects. In consequence, ECG Qatar
replied that they duly understand the Bank’s perspective and are willing to work on one of the two projects and
accordingly selected Project – B1 or B2 with its latest financial offer.
Subsequent Construction Steering Committee’s direction:
❑ The Committee instructed DAR to submit its revised financial offer,
❑ Moreover, the Committee also instructed Procurement Committee to schedule opening of the revised financial offer in
the presence of the Construction Streaming Committee members.
Headquarters' Procurement Process and Summary of Evaluation Report
5. Final Decision
Revised Financial Proposal Opening and Overall Evaluation Report Review (as per the
revised RFP) – Headquarters Building (HQ) – CSC-13-2022
❑ Following the instruction forwarded on the previous Construction Steering Committee Meeting, only DAR submitted
a Revised Financial Proposal for Project – A only; which is USD 7,397,663.00 (including VAT and applicable TAXs),
❑ Revised Financial and Overall Evaluation was conducted and is summarized as follows.