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Republic of the Philippines


Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuses




OFAD 30025



Rothlehner Bldg., PUP Quezon City Branch, Don Fabian St., Commonwealth, Quezon City Phone: (Direct Line) 952-78-17; 428-91-44; 952-78-18
Website: www.pup.edu.ph e-mail: commonwealth@pup.edu.ph


 Orientation and Setting Expectation
 Introduction to Elementary Shorthand
o Definition and Nature
o Rules/guidelines to follow in learning shorthand
o Non-shorthand elements of transcription like
 Grammar
 Spelling
 Punctuation
 Vocabulary
 Contextual usage
 Letter formatting
o The Desirable Working Habits to Remember
 Neatness of work
 Sense of responsibility
 Resourcefulness
 Timeliness
Module Objectives
• Spell shorthand outlines accurately based on the presented shorthand principles.
• Recognize and integrate the importance of active listening and participation in
developing mastery in reading shorthand outlines.
• Read shorthand outlines using correct pronunciation and contextual meaning.

Course Material
 The Lecture-Videos in each lesson are included to teach the actual writing in shorthand.
 Demonstration of the proper spelling and reading of shorthand outlines.
 Individual and concerted reading of outlines from the sample word lists and shorthand
plates from the blackboard and textbook
 Use of repetitive exercises, drills, and reviews to reinforce the principles learned for
mastery and permanency of learning
 Games and interactive activities

Lesson 1-6

 Sound of A, E, N, M, T, D
 Rules on Punctuation, Paragraph, Rules on Punctuation, Paragraph, and Capitalization
 Sound of H, -ing, Long I
 Sound of O, R, L, and Short I
 Minor Vowel Omitted
 Brief Forms
 Short and Soft Sounds of A, Short and Soft Sounds of E
 Phrases
 Sound of S, F, V, Short and Soft Sounds of O.
 Fr, Fl Blends
 Similar Words Sight, Site, Cite
 Word Beginning In-
 Sound of OO, K, G, W, Sw, Wh
 Similar Words To, Too, Two and Knew, New

Lesson 1
• Concept of you write what you hear
• Concept of symbols representing sound
• Symbols for the sounds of a, e, n, m, t, and d
• Shorthand symbols of punctuation, paragraph, and capitalization

You write what you hear

• In shorthand silent letter are omitted and other letters may have different sounds.
Following are some English words with their shorthand spellings and an explanation of the

Word Sound Explanation
• name nam e is silent
• right rit gh is silent
• navy nave y sounds like e
• stay sta y is silent
• face fas c sounds like s
• phone fon ph sounds like f
• snow sno w is silent
• safe saf e is silent
• age aj g is sound like j
• home hom e is silent
• lead led a is not heard
• large larj g sounds like j
• copy kope c sounds like k; y like e

Sound of A, E, N, M
Shorthand symbol for a and e are circles that are differentiated by size as much as the same as
they are in longhand.
a is large circle
e is a small circle
Shorthand symbols for n and m are straight lines written forward along the line in writing.
n is shorth straight line
m is a long straight line

A, E, N, M Words
me main aim
may knee
mean name

Sound of T, D
Shorthand symbols for t and d are upward slanting straight lines differentiated by length.
t is short slanting straight line
d is a long slanting straight line

T, D words
day mate team
date meet, meat tame
deed tea ate
made eat aid, aide

Punctuation, Paragraph and Punctuation Symbol

 It states that since ordinary longhand marks of punctuation are like some of the shorthand
symbols that will presented in later lessons, special symbols are used to represent those
punctuation marks. There are also special paragraph and capitalization symbols.
 Punctuation and Paragraph Symbols
Special symbols are used to represent the period and question mark at the end of a
sentence. Note that an ordinary comma is used within a circle.
A sentence ending with a period or question mark may also be the last sentence in a
paragraph. In this case, if the last sentence in paragraph ends with a period, the period is dropped,
and a paragraph symbol is used alone. If the last sentence ends with a question mark or an
exclamation point, both the punctuation mark and the paragraph symbol are retained.

Punctuation and paragraph symbols

period . hypen
question mark ? dashparagraph
exclamation point !
comma , left parenthesis
semicolon ; right parenthesis
colon :

Shorthand capitalization is indicated with a pair of tiny upward slanting straight symbols.
The capitalization marks are placed underneath the word to be capitalized at the end of the
outline. While vertical placement is not critical, the capitalization marks should be close enough
to the body of the outline to be unmistakably associated with it. To promote writing speed, the first
word of each shorthand sentence does not contain capitalization marks. When shorthand notes
are typed in English – which is called transcribing-the first word of each sentence is, of course,
Salutations such as William or Dear William or sentences beginning with a proper noun
will contain capitalization marks. However, when a letter begins with a salutation such as Dear
Mr. Franklin or Dear Ms. Harrington, the proper noun will not contain capitalization marks. When
the notes are transcribed, the names will be capitalized.

Capitalized Word

Practice Writing:
Repeat 3 times each strokes.

me ______________ ______________ ______________

main ______________ ______________ ______________
mean ______________ ______________ ______________
may ______________ ______________ ______________
knee ______________ ______________ ______________
name ______________ ______________ ______________
aim ______________ ______________ ______________
day ______________ ______________ ______________
date ______________ ______________ ______________
deed ______________ ______________ ______________
made ______________ ______________ ______________
mate ______________ ______________ ______________
meet ______________ ______________ ______________

meat ______________ ______________ ______________
tea ______________ ______________ ______________
eat ______________ ______________ ______________
team ______________ ______________ ______________
tame ______________ ______________ ______________
ate ______________ ______________ ______________
aid ______________ ______________ ______________
aide ______________ ______________ ______________
May ______________ ______________ ______________
Dean ______________ ______________ ______________
Amy ______________ ______________ ______________
Nate ______________ ______________ ______________
period ______________ ______________ ______________
semicolon ______________ ______________ ______________
coma ______________ ______________ ______________
period ______________ ______________ ______________
hypen ______________ ______________ ______________
question mark ______________ ______________ ______________
dashparagraph ______________ ______________ ______________
exclamation point ______________ ______________ ______________
comma ______________ ______________ ______________
left parenthesis ______________ ______________ ______________
semicolon ______________ ______________ ______________
right parenthesis ______________ ______________ ______________
colon ______________ ______________ ______________

Diary – Everyday, you are required to write in your diary about the learnings you acquired in

Lesson 2
• Symbol for the sound of h at the beginning of word
• Word ending –ing
• Symbol for the sound of long I

 Efficient use of a steno pad

Sound of h, -ing
The shorthand symbol for the sound of h and –ing is a dot, h –ing
The letter h, which almost always occurs at the beginning of a word, is represented by a dot
placed above the vowel.
The sound of –ing, which almost always occurs at the end of a word, is represented by a dot
place close to the end of the body of the outline.

H, -ing Words
he naming taming
heat meeting heeding
heating hate dating

The shorthand symbol for long i is a broken circle
Long I Words
high mine night
my tie die, dye
might tied dying

Practice Writing:
Repeat 3 times each strokes.

he ______________ ______________ ______________

heat ______________ ______________ ______________
heating ______________ ______________ ______________
naming ______________ ______________ ______________

meeting ______________ ______________ ______________
hate ______________ ______________ ______________
taming ______________ ______________ ______________
heeding ______________ ______________ ______________
dating ______________ ______________ ______________
high ______________ ______________ ______________
my ______________ ______________ ______________
might ______________ ______________ ______________
mine ______________ ______________ ______________
tie ______________ ______________ ______________
tied ______________ ______________ ______________
night ______________ ______________ ______________
die, dye ______________ ______________ ______________
dying ______________ ______________ ______________

Activity: Write your own idea on what is required in the table.

Word Brief Form Text Shorthand











Lesson 3
• Symbols for the sounds of o, r, and l
• Minor vowels omitted as an abbreviating principle
• Symbol for the sound of short I
• Listening as a communication skill

SOUNDs of O, R, L
O Words

no, know own total tow

owning note dough known

home tone mode noting

SOUNDs of O, R, L
R Words
ray or dear rate
more write raid row
ride rain wrote try
train road tried trade
near hire

SOUNDs of O, R, L
L Words (Sound of L) – The l is a long forward curve.
lay lane line late
lean Dale Lee lie
mailing leading light low

Minor Vowel Omitted

Many words contain vowels that are barely pronounced in ordinary speech. Such as vowels
may be omitted from shorthand outlines if they do not contribute to speed or readability.

Minor-Vowel-Omitted Words
later dealer total leader
trailer title lighter meter
delay reader motor delight

Sound of Short I
The short sound of the vowel I is represented by the shorthand e symbol. Phonetically. They are
the same family of sounds.

Short I Words
him Tim little hit did
knit hitting

Practice Writing:
Repeat 3 times each strokes.

no ______________ ______________ ______________

know ______________ ______________ ______________
tow ______________ ______________ ______________
dough ______________ ______________ ______________
home ______________ ______________ ______________
own ______________ ______________ ______________
owning ______________ ______________ ______________
known ______________ ______________ ______________
tone ______________ ______________ ______________
total ______________ ______________ ______________
note ______________ ______________ ______________
noting ______________ ______________ ______________
mode ______________ ______________ ______________
ray ______________ ______________ ______________
rate ______________ ______________ ______________

raid ______________ ______________ ______________
rain ______________ ______________ ______________
train ______________ ______________ ______________
trade ______________ ______________ ______________
or ______________ ______________ ______________
more ______________ ______________ ______________
row ______________ ______________ ______________
wrote ______________ ______________ ______________
road ______________ ______________ ______________
near ______________ ______________ ______________
dear ______________ ______________ ______________
write ______________ ______________ ______________
ride ______________ ______________ ______________
try ______________ ______________ ______________
tried ______________ ______________ ______________
hire ______________ ______________ ______________
lay ______________ ______________ ______________
late ______________ ______________ ______________
Lee ______________ ______________ ______________
leading ______________ ______________ ______________
lane ______________ ______________ ______________
lean ______________ ______________ ______________
lie ______________ ______________ ______________
light ______________ ______________ ______________
line ______________ ______________ ______________
Dale ______________ ______________ ______________
mailing ______________ ______________ ______________
low ______________ ______________ ______________
later ______________ ______________ ______________
leader ______________ ______________ ______________

lighter ______________ ______________ ______________
reader ______________ ______________ ______________
dealer ______________ ______________ ______________
trailer ______________ ______________ ______________
meter ______________ ______________ ______________
motor ______________ ______________ ______________
total ______________ ______________ ______________
title ______________ ______________ ______________
delay ______________ ______________ ______________
him ______________ ______________ ______________
hit ______________ ______________ ______________
Tim ______________ ______________ ______________
did ______________ ______________ ______________
litter ______________ ______________ ______________
little ______________ ______________ ______________

Activity: Write your own idea on what is required in the table.

Word Brief Form Text Shorthand































Lesson 4
• Nine abbreviated words called brief forms
• Short and soft vowel sounds of a and e
• Taking class note
Note: Outlines for brief forms will be highlighted in the practice materials.


Brief Forms - Some of the most common words have abbreviated shorthand spellings called
brief forms. The nine brief forms in this lesson are all written with single shorthand symbols. Since
these words occur often in our language, their brief forms are major source of writing speed. They
must be learned for instant recall and are highlighted in the practice material.

Brief-Form Derivatives – Some brief forms can be used for longer words by making the brief
forms plural or past tense, or by adding a common prefix or a common suffix such as –ing. One
brief-form derivative is possible using the alphabetic characters presented so far.

Brief Forms
it, at in, not are, our, hour
would am will, well
I of a, an

Practice writing:
it, at ______________ ______________ ______________
would ______________ ______________ ______________
I ______________ ______________ ______________
in, not ______________ ______________ ______________
am ______________ ______________ ______________
of ______________ ______________ ______________
are, our, hour ______________ ______________ ______________
will, well ______________ ______________ ______________
a, an ______________ ______________ ______________

Short and Soft Sounds of a
The large a circle, which represents the long sound of a as in made, also represents the short
sound of a as in man and the soft sound of a as in arm.

Short A Words
man dad matter had hammer
ran hat Matt ladder

Practice writing:
man ______________ ______________ ______________
ran ______________ ______________ ______________
dad ______________ ______________ ______________
hat ______________ ______________ ______________
matter ______________ ______________ ______________
Matt ______________ ______________ ______________
had ______________ ______________ ______________
ladder ______________ ______________ ______________
hammer ______________ ______________ ______________

Soft A Words
Arm harm art army heart alarm

Practice writing:
arm ______________ ______________ ______________
harm ______________ ______________ ______________
art ______________ ______________ ______________
army ______________ ______________ ______________
heart ______________ ______________ ______________
alarm ______________ ______________ ______________

Short and soft sounds of E
Tiny e circle which represents the long sound of e as in Lee, also represents the short sound of
e as in let and the soft sound of e as in her.

Short and Soft E Words

let net her letting
met hurt letter red
hurting heading led

Practice writing:
let ______________ ______________ ______________
met ______________ ______________ ______________
hurting ______________ ______________ ______________
net ______________ ______________ ______________
hurt ______________ ______________ ______________
heading ______________ ______________ ______________
her ______________ ______________ ______________
arm ______________ ______________ ______________

Activity: Write your own idea on what is required in the table.

Word Brief Form Text Shorthand





















Lesson 5
• Shorthand phrases
• Symbols for the sounds of s, f, and v
• Shorthand blends for fr and fl
• Short and soft sounds of o
• Differentiating between sound-alike words sight, site and cite
Note: Beginning with Lesson 5, outlines for new words and phrases will be highlighted in the
practice materials.

In Lesson 4, you learned special abbreviations, called brief forms, for some very common words.
Very often these occur together. Much of the writing speed of shorthand comes form combining
these brief forms into a single outline called a phrase.
I will are in, are not it will not will not
I am I would I will not in it
I would not in our it will of our

Practice writing:
I will ______________ ______________ ______________
I am ______________ ______________ ______________
I would not ______________ ______________ ______________
are in ______________ ______________ ______________
are not ______________ ______________ ______________
I would ______________ ______________ ______________
in our ______________ ______________ ______________
it will not ______________ ______________ ______________
I will not ______________ ______________ ______________
it will ______________ ______________ ______________
will not ______________ ______________ ______________
in it ______________ ______________ ______________
of our ______________ ______________ ______________

Sound of s, f, v
The symbols for s, f and v are downward right curves differentiated by length.

Sound of S
The s symbol is a short downward curve. Because of its size, slope and direction, it is often
called the comma s.
Sound of F
The f symbol is a medium-size downward curve.

Sound of V
The v symbol is a long downward curve.

Sound of S, F, V
S Words
say see same

seat, set, sit has sign
sight, cite, site seen, scene as
stay so
Practice writing:
seat ______________ ______________ ______________
set ______________ ______________ ______________
sit ______________ ______________ ______________
sight ______________ ______________ ______________
cite ______________ ______________ ______________
seen ______________ ______________ ______________
scene ______________ ______________ ______________
sign ______________ ______________ ______________
as ______________ ______________ ______________
stay ______________ ______________ ______________
so ______________ ______________ ______________
Sound of s, f, v
V Words
vain saved Dave
vase Steven even
vote Navy save
Practice writing:
vain ______________ ______________ ______________
vase ______________ ______________ ______________
vote ______________ ______________ ______________
saved ______________ ______________ ______________
Steven ______________ ______________ ______________
Navy ______________ ______________ ______________
Dave ______________ ______________ ______________
even ______________ ______________ ______________
safe ______________ ______________ ______________

Fr, fl blend
Another way in which Gregg Shorthand provides writing speed is through several blends of
symbols that frequently occur together. Writing speed is gained by eliminating the pen stop.

Fr, Fl Words
frame fry flying Fred afraid
flame flown free fly

Practice writing:
frame ______________ ______________ ______________
fry ______________ ______________ ______________
flying ______________ ______________ ______________
Fred ______________ ______________ ______________
afraid ______________ ______________ ______________
flame ______________ ______________ ______________
flown ______________ ______________ ______________
free ______________ ______________ ______________
fly ______________ ______________ ______________

Short and Soft Sounds of O

The o symbol represents the short and soft sounds of o, no matter how the word is spelled in

Short and Soft O Words

on lot hot Tom small
law saw taught all

Practice writing:
on ______________ ______________ ______________
law ______________ ______________ ______________
lot ______________ ______________ ______________

saw ______________ ______________ ______________
hot ______________ ______________ ______________
Tom ______________ ______________ ______________
small ______________ ______________ ______________
law ______________ ______________ ______________
saw ______________ ______________ ______________
taught ______________ ______________ ______________
all ______________ ______________ ______________

Activity: Write your own idea on what is required in the table.

Word Brief Form Text Shorthand
















Lesson 6
• Word beginning in-
• Symbols for the sound of oo, k, and g
• Symbols for the sounds of w, sw, and wh at the beginning of words
Differentiating between sound-alike words to, too, two and knew, new

Word Beginning In-

The brief form in is also used as a word beginning, as in invest

In – Words
invest invite indeed
investing inviting inside

Practice writing:
invest ______________ ______________ ______________
investing ______________ ______________ ______________
invite ______________ ______________ ______________
inviting ______________ ______________ ______________
indeed ______________ ______________ ______________
inside ______________ ______________ ______________

Sound of OO, K, G
The symbol for oo, k, and g are forward “over” curves differentiated by length.

Sound of OO
The shorthand oo is a tiny upward hook.

Sound ok K

The k symbol is a short over curve written from left to right across the writing line.

Sound of G
The g symbol is a long over curve written from left to right across the writing line.

OO Words
do move suit duty moved
food to, too, two who room knew, new
whom fruit noon Sue flew

Practice writing:
do ______________ ______________ ______________
food ______________ ______________ ______________
whom ______________ ______________ ______________
move ______________ ______________ ______________
to, too, two ______________ ______________ ______________
who ______________ ______________ ______________
room ______________ ______________ ______________
knew ______________ ______________ ______________
whom ______________ ______________ ______________
fruit ______________ ______________ ______________
noon ______________ ______________ ______________
Sue ______________ ______________ ______________

k Words

came Mike like crate

make cake liked clearing
making take car, care clean
Note: Writing Tip: Curves of the same length, like kr, are written as somewhat flat reverse
curves. Curves of unequal length, like kl, have an exaggerated joining to ensure readability.

Practice writing:
came ______________ ______________ ______________
make ______________ ______________ ______________
making ______________ ______________ ______________
Mike ______________ ______________ ______________
cake ______________ ______________ ______________
liked ______________ ______________ ______________
clearing ______________ ______________ ______________
making ______________ ______________ ______________
take ______________ ______________ ______________
car ______________ ______________ ______________
care ______________ ______________ ______________
clean ______________ ______________ ______________

G Words
gain give great grain again
game given grade go eager
gave guide green goal regret
glow gleam legal
Note: Writing Tip: Curves of the same length, like gl, are written as somewhat flat reverse curves.
Curves of unequal length, like gr, have an exaggerated joining to ensure readability.

Practice writing:
gain ______________ ______________ ______________
give ______________ ______________ ______________
great ______________ ______________ ______________
grain ______________ ______________ ______________
again ______________ ______________ ______________
game ______________ ______________ ______________
given ______________ ______________ ______________
grade ______________ ______________ ______________

gave ______________ ______________ ______________
guide ______________ ______________ ______________
green ______________ ______________ ______________
goal ______________ ______________ ______________
regret ______________ ______________ ______________
glow ______________ ______________ ______________
gleam ______________ ______________ ______________
legal ______________ ______________ ______________

Sounds of W, Sw, Wh
At the beginning of words, w is represented by the oo hook, as in the word we. The sound of sw
at the beginning of a word is written s oo, as in sweet. The sound of sw at the beginning of a word
is written s oo, as in sweet. The wh sound at the beginning of words, such as why, is represented
by the oo hook.

W, Sw, Wh Words
we way week weeks wait
waste sweet swell why white

Practice writing:
we ______________ ______________ ______________
way ______________ ______________ ______________
week ______________ ______________ ______________
weeks ______________ ______________ ______________
wait ______________ ______________ ______________
waste ______________ ______________ ______________
sweet ______________ ______________ ______________
swell ______________ ______________ ______________
why ______________ ______________ ______________
white ______________ ______________ ______________
while ______________ ______________ ______________

Activity: Write your own idea on what is required in the table.

Word Brief Form Text Shorthand

















Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 Charles E. ZOUBEK

Gregg A. Condon – page 1 – page 40
Centennial Edition:
Gregg Division/ McGraw-Hill Book Company
Philippine Copyright, 1990 by McGraw-Hill Book Company

Lesson 7-12
 Sound of S, P, B, Short and Soft
 Sounds of OO
 Sound of H, -ing, Long I
 Similar Words It Is, its
 Sound of Th, Sh, Ch, J
 Dates within Sentences
 Word Ending-ly
 Word Endings-tion, -cienct, -cieny
 Number Expression and Rules in Transcribing
 Numbers
 Sound of Tem, Dem
 Word Salutations and Complimentary Closings
 Transcription of Names of Places, Salutations, and Complimentary Closings
 Similar Brief Forms, Brief-Form Phrases
 Additional Phrases
Module Objectives
• Spell shorthand outlines accurately based on the presented shorthand principles.
• Recognize and integrate the importance of active listening and participation in
developing mastery in reading shorthand outlines.
• Read shorthand outlines using correct pronunciation and contextual meaning.

Course Material
 The Lecture-Videos in each lesson are included to teach the actual writing in shorthand.
 Demonstration of the proper spelling and reading of shorthand outlines.
 Individual and concerted reading of outlines from the sample word lists and shorthand
plates from the blackboard and textbook
 Use of repetitive exercises, drills, and reviews to reinforce the principles learned for
mastery and permanency of learning
 Games and interactive activities

Lesson 7
• Another way of writing s
• Symbol for the sounds of p and b
• Symbol oo for the short and soft sounds of oo
• Intelligent notetaking

Sound of of S, P, B

The symbols for left s and p and b are downward left curves differentiated by length.

Left S
The left s is a mirror image of the comma s. There are two symbols for s so that this frequent
letter may always join curves in the same direction as the curve and os that it may join straight
strokes with a sharp angle. Joining patterns will become clear through reading practice.

Sound of P

The symbol for the sound of p is medium-size downward left curve.

Left s words
seems names list, least increase
writes nice raised most
needs leads sales readers
days desk, disk
Practice writing:
seems ______________ ______________ ______________
names ______________ ______________ ______________
list, least ______________ ______________ ______________
increase ______________ ______________ ______________
writes ______________ ______________ ______________
nice ______________ ______________ ______________
raised ______________ ______________ ______________
most ______________ ______________ ______________

needs ______________ ______________ ______________
leads ______________ ______________ ______________
sales ______________ ______________ ______________
readers ______________ ______________ ______________
days ______________ ______________ ______________
desk ______________ ______________ ______________
disk ______________ ______________ ______________

P words
pay piece post
Pays, pass paper hope
please people opens
Place pipe despite
space prize, price Paul
Note – Writing Tip: The p symbol joins to the l and r symbols in a single curve.

Practice writing:
pay ______________ ______________ ______________
Pays ______________ ______________ ______________
pass ______________ ______________ ______________
piece ______________ ______________ ______________
paper ______________ ______________ ______________
hope ______________ ______________ ______________
opens ______________ ______________ ______________
Place ______________ ______________ ______________
space ______________ ______________ ______________
pipe ______________ ______________ ______________
prize ______________ ______________ ______________
price ______________ ______________ ______________
post ______________ ______________ ______________
hope ______________ ______________ ______________

opens ______________ ______________ ______________
despite ______________ ______________ ______________
Paul ______________ ______________ ______________

Activity: Write your own idea on what is required in the table.

Word Brief Form Text Shorthand
















B words
base beats blame
based beds bright
best better brief
buy big bought, boat
bay label neighbor
 Note – Writing Tip: The b symbol joins to the / and r symbols in a single curve.

Practice writing:
base ______________ ______________ ______________
based ______________ ______________ ______________
best ______________ ______________ ______________
buy ______________ ______________ ______________
bay ______________ ______________ ______________
beats ______________ ______________ ______________
beds ______________ ______________ ______________
better ______________ ______________ ______________
big ______________ ______________ ______________
label ______________ ______________ ______________
blame ______________ ______________ ______________
bright ______________ ______________ ______________
brief ______________ ______________ ______________
bought ______________ ______________ ______________
boat ______________ ______________ ______________
neighbor ______________ ______________ ______________

Short and soft sounds of oo

The oo hook that represents the sound of oo in too also represents the short sound of u as in up
and the soft sound of oo as in book.

Short and soft OO Words
up number does must
enough us book books
cook cookbook foot put
pull took
Us is written oo s in a single pen motion.

Practice writing:
up ______________ ______________ ______________
enough ______________ ______________ ______________
cook ______________ ______________ ______________
pull ______________ ______________ ______________
number ______________ ______________ ______________
us ______________ ______________ ______________
cookbook ______________ ______________ ______________
took ______________ ______________ ______________
does ______________ ______________ ______________
book ______________ ______________ ______________
foot ______________ ______________ ______________
must ______________ ______________ ______________
books ______________ ______________ ______________
put ______________ ______________ ______________

Steno Notebook
Choose and Write at least 30 words from the dictionary, write the brief form text and shorthand
strokes in your notebook.

Lesson 8
• Eight brief forms
• Brief-form phrases
• Differentiating between similar words it is and its

Brief-Forms Phrases
The new brief forms in this lesson, together with those in Lesson 4, make possible a large number
of high-speed phrases-so many that they cannot all be used in this lesson. The phrases presented
here, along with additional similar phrases, will be used in the following lessons.

Brief-form phrases
You, Your Phrases
Of you, of your you are you have
For you, for your you are not you have not

Practice writing:
of you, of your ______________ ______________ ______________
you are ______________ ______________ ______________
you have ______________ ______________ ______________
you have not ______________ ______________ ______________
for you ______________ ______________ ______________
for your ______________ ______________ ______________
you are not ______________ ______________ ______________
you have not ______________ ______________ ______________

Brief-Form Phrases
Will Phrases

I will be I will not be I will have

you will not you will be you will not be
you will not have you will not have he will
you will you will have we will

Practice writing:
I will be ______________ ______________ ______________
I will not be ______________ ______________ ______________
I will have ______________ ______________ ______________
you will not ______________ ______________ ______________
you will be ______________ ______________ ______________
you will not be ______________ ______________ ______________
you will not have ______________ ______________ ______________
you will have ______________ ______________ ______________
he will ______________ ______________ ______________
you will ______________ ______________ ______________
you will have ______________ ______________ ______________
we will ______________ ______________ ______________

Brief-form phrases
Would Phrases
you would you would be I would
I would not I would be You would not have

Practice writing:
you would ______________ ______________ ______________
you would be ______________ ______________ ______________
I would ______________ ______________ ______________
I would not ______________ ______________ ______________
I would be ______________ ______________ ______________
I would ______________ ______________ ______________
I would not have ______________ ______________ ______________

Brief-Form Phrases
Can Phrases
I can you can have I cannot be
I can be you can cannot be
I cannot you cannot we can
can have you can be we cannot

Practice writing:
I can ______________ ______________ ______________
I can be ______________ ______________ ______________
I cannot ______________ ______________ ______________
can have ______________ ______________ ______________
you can have ______________ ______________ ______________
you can ______________ ______________ ______________
you can be ______________ ______________ ______________
I cannot be ______________ ______________ ______________
cannot be ______________ ______________ ______________
we can ______________ ______________ ______________

Brief-form phrases
Additional Phrases
it is by the
I have I have
by you, by your have not

Practice writing:
it is ______________ ______________ ______________
I have ______________ ______________ ______________
by you, by your ______________ ______________ ______________
by the ______________ ______________ ______________
I have ______________ ______________ ______________
I have not ______________ ______________ ______________

Lesson 9
• Phrases containing theory words and brief forms
• Symbol for the sound of th
• Symbols for the sound of sh, ch, and j
• Transcribing dates within sentences
A large number of high-speed phrases are possible by combining a few simple theory words
with the brief forms already learned.

Theory and brief-form phrases

I know we know as you, as your do not
as you know if the if you, if your I do not
if you have if you are if you will we do
if you can if you cannot we are do you know
we are not we have we have to you, to your
we need I need I do to take
on our for our on it

Practice writing:
I know ______________ ______________ ______________
we know ______________ ______________ ______________
as you, as your ______________ ______________ ______________
do not ______________ ______________ ______________
as you know ______________ ______________ ______________
if the ______________ ______________ ______________
if you ______________ ______________ ______________
if your ______________ ______________ ______________
I do not ______________ ______________ ______________
if you can ______________ ______________ ______________
if you cannot ______________ ______________ ______________
we are ______________ ______________ ______________

do you know ______________ ______________ ______________
we are not ______________ ______________ ______________
we have ______________ ______________ ______________
to you ______________ ______________ ______________
to your ______________ ______________ ______________
to take ______________ ______________ ______________
on our ______________ ______________ ______________
for our ______________ ______________ ______________
on it ______________ ______________ ______________

Brief-form phrases
Can Phrases
I can we can we cannot
can you we can be we cannot be

Practice writing:
I can ______________ ______________ ______________
can you ______________ ______________ ______________
we can ______________ ______________ ______________
we can be ______________ ______________ ______________
we cannot ______________ ______________ ______________
we cannot be ______________ ______________ ______________

Will Phrases
we will we will be we will not have
we will have we will not we will not be

Practice writing:
we will ______________ ______________ ______________
we will be ______________ ______________ ______________
we will not have ______________ ______________ ______________

we will have ______________ ______________ ______________
we will not ______________ ______________ ______________
we will not be ______________ ______________ ______________

Brief-form phrases
Would Phrases

We would we would be we would not have

We would have we would not we would not be

Practice writing:
we would ______________ ______________ ______________
we would be ______________ ______________ ______________
we would not have ______________ ______________ ______________
we would have ______________ ______________ ______________
we would not ______________ ______________ ______________
we would not be ______________ ______________ ______________

May, Might Phrases

I might we might you might have
I might be we might have we may be
we may be we would not be

Practice writing:
I might ______________ ______________ ______________
I might be ______________ ______________ ______________
we may be ______________ ______________ ______________
we might ______________ ______________ ______________
we might have ______________ ______________ ______________
we would not be ______________ ______________ ______________

Sound of th
The sound of th as in these is written with an upward sloping short curve, much like a curved t
symbol. This symbol is called ith.

Th Words
these then, thin thick math
smith Beth Keith Ruth
smooth truth faith booth

Practice writing:
these ______________ ______________ ______________
smith ______________ ______________ ______________
smooth ______________ ______________ ______________
then, thin ______________ ______________ ______________
Beth ______________ ______________ ______________
truth ______________ ______________ ______________
thick ______________ ______________ ______________
truth ______________ ______________ ______________
Keith ______________ ______________ ______________
faith ______________ ______________ ______________
math ______________ ______________ ______________
Ruth ______________ ______________ ______________
booth ______________ ______________ ______________

Sound of Sh, Ch, J

The symbols for sh, ch and j are downward straight symbols differentiated by length.
The sound of sh as in she is represented by a short downward straight symbol called ish.
The sound of ch as in check is represented by a medium-size downward straight symbol called
The sound of j as in job is represented by a long downward straight symbol called j.

Sound of Sh, Ch, J
Sh Words

she share sure show

showed shade shape sure
issue issued

Practice writing:
she ______________ ______________ ______________
showed ______________ ______________ ______________
issue ______________ ______________ ______________
share ______________ ______________ ______________
shade ______________ ______________ ______________
issued ______________ ______________ ______________
sure ______________ ______________ ______________
shape ______________ ______________ ______________
show ______________ ______________ ______________
sure ______________ ______________ ______________

Sound of Sh, Ch, J

Ch Words
check each attach
checked match reach
chair March search
church teach French

Practice writing:
check ______________ ______________ ______________
checked ______________ ______________ ______________
chair ______________ ______________ ______________
church ______________ ______________ ______________

each ______________ ______________ ______________
match ______________ ______________ ______________
March ______________ ______________ ______________
teach ______________ ______________ ______________
attach ______________ ______________ ______________
reach ______________ ______________ ______________
search ______________ ______________ ______________
church ______________ ______________ ______________
teach ______________ ______________ ______________
French ______________ ______________ ______________

Sound of Sh, Ch, J

J Words
Job jobs Jane
Jean Jean age
page charge charged
large college George

Practice writing:
Job ______________ ______________ ______________
Jean ______________ ______________ ______________
page ______________ ______________ ______________
large ______________ ______________ ______________
jobs ______________ ______________ ______________
Jean ______________ ______________ ______________
charge ______________ ______________ ______________
college ______________ ______________ ______________
Jane ______________ ______________ ______________
age ______________ ______________ ______________
charged ______________ ______________ ______________

Lesson 10
• Eight brief forms
• Phrases containing theory words and brief forms
• Word ending –ly
• Tips on taking dictation

Brief forms
the them but
but that should
which could this

Practice writing:
the ______________ ______________ ______________
but ______________ ______________ ______________
which ______________ ______________ ______________
them ______________ ______________ ______________
that ______________ ______________ ______________
could ______________ ______________ ______________
but ______________ ______________ ______________
should ______________ ______________ ______________
this ______________ ______________ ______________

Theory and brief-form phrases

of of these of them on the as the
by the to the for the for this for you, for your
in the on the is this this is this is the
in this on this this will this will be that will
in which which is is in, is not should be should have
I could I could not did not

Practice writing:
of ______________ ______________ ______________
by the ______________ ______________ ______________
in the ______________ ______________ ______________
in this ______________ ______________ ______________
in which ______________ ______________ ______________
I could ______________ ______________ ______________
of these ______________ ______________ ______________
to the ______________ ______________ ______________
on the ______________ ______________ ______________
on this ______________ ______________ ______________
I could not ______________ ______________ ______________
which is ______________ ______________ ______________
I could not ______________ ______________ ______________
of them ______________ ______________ ______________
for the ______________ ______________ ______________
is this ______________ ______________ ______________
this will ______________ ______________ ______________
should be ______________ ______________ ______________
as the ______________ ______________ ______________
for you ______________ ______________ ______________
this is the ______________ ______________ ______________
that will ______________ ______________ ______________
should have ______________ ______________ ______________
I could ______________ ______________ ______________
I could not ______________ ______________ ______________
did not ______________ ______________ ______________

Word ending -ly
The word ending –ly (which sound like “lee”) as in only is written with the e circle.
-ly Words

only clearly weekly early

properly daily sincerely greatly
mostly highly likely
But: When the l is double, both the l and the ly are written.

Practice writing:
only ______________ ______________ ______________
clearly ______________ ______________ ______________
weekly ______________ ______________ ______________
early ______________ ______________ ______________
properly ______________ ______________ ______________
daily ______________ ______________ ______________
sincerely ______________ ______________ ______________
greatly ______________ ______________ ______________
mostly ______________ ______________ ______________
highly ______________ ______________ ______________
likely ______________ ______________ ______________
Activity: Write your own idea on what is required in the table.

Word Brief Form Text Shorthand








• Word endings –tion, ciency, and cient
• Shorthand symbols for numbers
• Phrases containing been, able, and to
• Transcription of numbers
The word ending –tion, pronounced shun as in nation, fashion, and decision, is represented by
the ish symbol.
The word ending –ciency, pronounced –shun see as in proficiency, is written ish, s, e.
The word ending –cient, pronounced –shunt as in patient, is written ish, t.
Word endings –tion, -ciency, -cient

-tion Words
Nation collection occasion national
Selection occasionally section application
Education fashion decision provision
Vacation location possession, position

Practice writing:
Nation ______________ ______________ ______________
Selection ______________ ______________ ______________
Education ______________ ______________ ______________
Vacation ______________ ______________ ______________
collection ______________ ______________ ______________
occasionally ______________ ______________ ______________
fashion ______________ ______________ ______________
location ______________ ______________ ______________
occasion ______________ ______________ ______________
section ______________ ______________ ______________
decision ______________ ______________ ______________

Word endings –tion, -ciency, -cient
-tion Words

operation cooperation promotion operations

Practice writing:
operation ______________ ______________ ______________
cooperation ______________ ______________ ______________
promotion ______________ ______________ ______________
operations ______________ ______________ ______________

-ciency Words
proficiency efficiency

Practice writing:
proficiency ______________ ______________ ______________
efficiency ______________ ______________ ______________

-cient Words
patient patiently proficient efficiently
patiently efficient sufficient

Practice writing:
patient ______________ ______________ ______________
patiently ______________ ______________ ______________
efficient ______________ ______________ ______________
proficient ______________ ______________ ______________
sufficient ______________ ______________ ______________
efficiently ______________ ______________ ______________

Number expressions
The numerical expression hundred, thousand, million, and dollars are given special shorthand
abbreviations which greatly increase writing speed.
Hundred is written with the n symbol
Thousand is written with the over th symbol
Hundred thousand is written with the n and the symbols
Million is written with the m symbol
Dollars is written with the d symbol
Hundred dollars is written with n and d symbols
Thousand dollars is written with th and d symbols
Hundred thousand dollars is written with the n, th and d symbols
Million dollars is written with the m and d symbols
Number expressions

These expressions often occur in combinations.

200 $8 $10 million

5,000 $600 $7.50
300,000 $7,000 a dollar
6 million $800,000 a million
The n for hundred and the over th for thousand are place underneath the figure. The m for million
is written beside the figure.

Practice writing:
300 ______________ ______________ ______________
6,000 ______________ ______________ ______________
2 million ______________ ______________ ______________
$ 300 ______________ ______________ ______________
$ 500,000 ______________ ______________ ______________
$7 ______________ ______________ ______________

Been, able, to phrases
In phrases the b symbol may represent been, while a symbol may represent able. Twenty-four
such phrases are impossible. A representative sample follows.
has been you have not been able I have not been able
has been able we have not been will be able
you have been we have not been able you will be able
In two very common phrases the t symbol represents the symbol to.
to have to be

Practice writing:
has been ______________ ______________ ______________
has been able ______________ ______________ ______________
you have been ______________ ______________ ______________
you have not been able______________ ______________ ______________
we have not been ______________ ______________ ______________
to have ______________ ______________ ______________
to be ______________ ______________ ______________
will be able ______________ ______________ ______________
you will be able ______________ ______________ ______________
we have not been able______________ ______________ _____________

Activity: Write your own idea on what is required in the table.

Word Brief Form Text Shorthand






Lesson 12
• Eight brief forms
• Brief-form phrases
• Symbols for the sounds of term and dem
• Salutations and complimentary closings
• Transcription tips
Brief forms
about after Mrs.
From street when
Glad with

Practice writing:
about ______________ ______________ ______________
after ______________ ______________ ______________
From ______________ ______________ ______________
Glad ______________ ______________ ______________
with ______________ ______________ ______________
Mrs ______________ ______________ ______________
when ______________ ______________ ______________

Brief-Form Derivations
gladly streets
Afternoon within
*Combination the brief form with and in would produce an outline that would be difficult to read;
therefore, an extra e is added for readability

Practice writing:
gladly ______________ ______________ ______________
afternoon ______________ ______________ ______________
streets ______________ ______________ ______________
within ______________ ______________ ______________

Brief-Form Phrases
about the with our I am glad
with you, with your from the I will be glad
with the from you, from your after the

Practice writing:
about the ______________ ______________ ______________
with our ______________ ______________ ______________
I am glad ______________ ______________ ______________
with you, with your ______________ ______________ ______________
with you, with your ______________ ______________ ______________
with you, with your ______________ ______________ ______________
with you, with your ______________ ______________ ______________

Sound of Dem, Tem

The sound of team as in item and dem as freedom are presented by a blend of d and m

d + m = dem
Example: item freedom

Tem Words
item tomorrow automobile
items attempt customer
temper attempting customers
temporary estimate accustom
Practice writing:
item ______________ ______________ ______________
items ______________ ______________ ______________
temper ______________ ______________ ______________
temporary ______________ ______________ ______________
tomorrow ______________ ______________ ______________

attempt ______________ ______________ ______________
attempting ______________ ______________ ______________
estimate ______________ ______________ ______________
estimate ______________ ______________ ______________
automobile ______________ ______________ ______________
customer ______________ ______________ ______________
customers ______________ ______________ ______________
accustom ______________ ______________ ______________

Dem words
freedom demonstrate medium
damage demonstrates Adams
damages seldom Dempsey

Practice writing:
freedom ______________ ______________ ______________
damage ______________ ______________ ______________
damages ______________ ______________ ______________
demonstrate ______________ ______________ ______________
demonstrates ______________ ______________ ______________
seldom ______________ ______________ ______________
medium ______________ ______________ ______________
Adams ______________ ______________ ______________
Dempsey ______________ ______________ ______________

Salutation and Complementary Closings

Dear Mr. Dear Sir Yours very truly
Dear Mrs. Dear Madam Cordially yours
Dear Miss Very truly yours

Practice writing:
Dear Mr. ______________ ______________ ______________
Dear Mrs. ______________ ______________ ______________
Dear Miss ______________ ______________ ______________
Dear Sir ______________ ______________ ______________
Dear Madam ______________ ______________ ______________
Very truly yours ______________ ______________ ______________
Your very truly ______________ ______________ ______________
Cordially yours ______________ ______________ ______________

Transcript Tips
When writing shorthand outlines for the names of places, such as streets and avenues, you should
include capitalization marks below outlines.
Therefore, when transcribing the names of places, you will remember to capitalize them.
When transcribing salutations such as Dear Sir and Dear Madam, capitalize the first letter
of each word. When transcribing salutations such as Dear Mr. and Dear Mrs., Mrs., and Ms. When
transcribing Dear Miss, Miss capitalized but not followed by a period.
When transcribing a letter, it is customary to place a colon at the end of salutations and to
place a comma at the end of the complimentary closing. To promote writing speed, omit these
marks of punctuation in your shorthand notes

• Lecture-Demonstration
• Recitation

 Test Results

Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 Charles E. ZOUBEK
Gregg A. Condon – page 41 – page 81
Centennial Edition:
Gregg Division/ McGraw-Hill Book Company
Philippine Copyright, 1990 by McGraw-Hill Book Company

Lesson 13-18
 Phrases
 Sound of Rd, Ld, Sez
 Sound of Dev, Div, Def, Dif, U
 Sounds of Ten, Den, Tain, Word
 Ending -ical
 Special Phrases
 Word Ending -tial, Sound of Oi
 Measures of Time, Percent, Feet and Pounds
 Men Blend, Word Ending ward
 Numbers: Time and Amounts
 Word Ending -ings, -rity, lity, lty
 Brief Forms
 Form Phrases
Module Objectives
• Spell shorthand outlines accurately based on the presented shorthand principles.
• Recognize the importance of active listening and participation of active listening and
participation in developing mastery in reading shorthand outlines.
• Read shorthand outlines using correct pronunciation and contextual meaning.
• Appreciate the value of shorthand in developing relevant language and communication
skills in developing vocabulary.

Course Material
 The Lecture-Videos in each lesson are included to teach the actual writing in
 Demonstration of the proper spelling and reading of shorthand outlines.
 Individual and concerted reading of outlines from the sample word lists and shorthand
plates from the blackboard and textbook
 Use of repetitive exercises, drills, and reviews to reinforce the principles learned for
mastery and permanency of learning
 Games and interactive activities

Lesson 13

 Word beginning con- and com-

 Second symbol for the sound of th

 Word beginning re

 Using shorthand to compose rough drafts

Word Beginning Con- and Com

The word beginnings con- as in control and com- as in complain represented by the k symbols.
Examples: control complain
Con- Words
control conduct concern
contracts consider conference
*when k is followed by an f or v, the outline is blended.

Practice writing:
control ______________ ______________ ______________
contracts ______________ ______________ ______________
conduct ______________ ______________ ______________
consider ______________ ______________ ______________
concern ______________ ______________ ______________
conference ______________ ______________ ______________
contract ______________ ______________ ______________

Word Beginning Con- and Com

Com- Words
complain completion compile
complete compare combine
completely comparing combines
*but: When n or m is double in con- or com- words, these word
connect committee accommodate
connection commerce accommodation

Practice writing:
complain ______________ ______________ ______________
complete ______________ ______________ ______________
completely ______________ ______________ ______________
completion ______________ ______________ ______________
compare ______________ ______________ ______________
comparing ______________ ______________ ______________
compile ______________ ______________ ______________
combine ______________ ______________ ______________
combines ______________ ______________ ______________
Sound of th
Just as we have two s symbols to facilitate fluent joining to other symbols, we have two th symbols
for the same reason. The th you learn in lesson 9 is called the ith. The under ith is the mirror
image of the over ith.
under ith
Example: though

Under Ith Words

though health thorough
thought healthy both
those clothes growth
threw, trough clothing wealth
word beginning re-
The word beginning re- as in reject represented by the r symbol.
Example: reject

Practice writing:
through ______________ ______________ ______________
thought ______________ ______________ ______________
those ______________ ______________ ______________
threw ______________ ______________ ______________
trough ______________ ______________ ______________

health ______________ ______________ ______________
healthy ______________ ______________ ______________
clothes ______________ ______________ ______________
clothing ______________ ______________ ______________
thorough ______________ ______________ ______________
both ______________ ______________ ______________
growth ______________ ______________ ______________
wealth ______________ ______________ ______________

reject repair refer
replace research referring
reply receive reference
replies received reason
*but: Before a forward or upward stroke, re- id written re.
relate remain retire

Practice writing:
reject ______________ ______________ ______________
replace ______________ ______________ ______________
reply ______________ ______________ ______________
replies ______________ ______________ ______________
repair ______________ ______________ ______________
research ______________ ______________ ______________
receive ______________ ______________ ______________
received ______________ ______________ ______________
refer ______________ ______________ ______________
referring ______________ ______________ ______________
reference ______________ ______________ ______________
reason ______________ ______________ ______________

Using Shorthand to Compose Rough Drafts
Anyone who has ever completed a writing assignment knows what writing difficult job can
be. Much though is required to formulate clear sentences and paragraphs. All too often to those
thoughts are fleeting. You might spend several minutes trying to mentally compose a smooth
sentence, only to have thoughts disappear during the slow, laborious process of writing them
down in longhand. You could compose a rough draft by dictating to a tape recorder, but take
recorder thoughts are very difficult to review when you are trying o compose one sentence after
another with grammatical precision, a certain progression of ideas, and a smooth style.
Shorthand, then, is the perfect medium for capturing those fleeting thoughts those burst
of genius that you may never be able to create verbatim again. The rough draft in shorthand alco
provides the hard copy that you need for continual review in those instances when elements of
grammar, logic, and style are critical.

Lesson 14
• Eight brief forms
• Eliminated-word phrases
• Blend symbol for the sounds of ted, ded, and dit
• Differentiating between there and their

Brief forms
doctor, Dr., during they yesterday
there, their was` one won
office where
*in shorthand, only the numbers one and two are written in shorthand symbols. All other numbers
are written with Arabic numerals.

Practice writing:
doctor ______________ ______________ ______________
Dr ______________ ______________ ______________
during ______________ ______________ ______________
they ______________ ______________ ______________
was ______________ ______________ ______________
where ______________ ______________ ______________
yesterday ______________ ______________ ______________

one ______________ ______________ ______________
won ______________ ______________ ______________
office ______________ ______________ ______________
where ______________ ______________ ______________

Brief-Forms Derivations
doctors offices once

Practice writing:
doctors ______________ ______________ ______________
offices ______________ ______________ ______________
once ______________ ______________ ______________

Brief-Form Phrases
there is here is they are not
there was here are they will
I was is there they will be
it was they are they will not

Practice writing:
there is ______________ ______________ ______________
there was ______________ ______________ ______________
I was ______________ ______________ ______________
it was ______________ ______________ ______________
here is ______________ ______________ ______________
here are ______________ ______________ ______________
is there ______________ ______________ ______________

they are ______________ ______________ ______________
they are not ______________ ______________ ______________
they will ______________ ______________ ______________
they will be ______________ ______________ ______________
they will not ______________ ______________ ______________

Eliminated-Word Phrases
In several common phrases the middle word is eliminated.
one of the one of our
one of them up to date

Practice writing:
one of the ______________ ______________ ______________
one of them ______________ ______________ ______________
one of our ______________ ______________ ______________
up to date ______________ ______________ ______________

sounds of ted, ded, dit

The sounds of ted as in started, ded as in guided, and dit as in credit are represented by a blend
of the t and d symbols.
t d ted
Examples: started guide credit

Ted Word
started rested acted
listed tested accepted
drafted today studied
omitted steady, study

Practice writing:
started ______________ ______________ ______________
listed ______________ ______________ ______________
drafted ______________ ______________ ______________
omitted ______________ ______________ ______________
rested ______________ ______________ ______________
tested ______________ ______________ ______________
today ______________ ______________ ______________
steady ______________ ______________ ______________
study ______________ ______________ ______________
acted ______________ ______________ ______________
accepted ______________ ______________ ______________
studied ______________ ______________ ______________

Sounds of Ted, Ded, Dit

Ded Words
guided graded deduct
needed dead deduction
added deadline provided

Practice writing:
guided ______________ ______________ ______________
needed ______________ ______________ ______________
added ______________ ______________ ______________
graded ______________ ______________ ______________
dead ______________ ______________ ______________
deadline ______________ ______________ ______________
deduct ______________ ______________ ______________
deduction ______________ ______________ ______________
provided ______________ ______________ ______________

Dit Words
credit audited editor
credited auditor detail
audit edit debt

Practice writing:
credit ______________ ______________ ______________
credited ______________ ______________ ______________
audit ______________ ______________ ______________
audited ______________ ______________ ______________
auditor ______________ ______________ ______________
edit ______________ ______________ ______________
editor ______________ ______________ ______________
detail ______________ ______________ ______________
debt ______________ ______________ ______________

Activity: Write your own idea on what is required in the table.

Word Brief Form Text Shorthand











Lesson 15
• Word ending –their
• Word beginning fur-
• Symbol for the sound of ow
• Differentiating between weather and whether
• The word ending –ther as in rather and father is represented by both the under ith and
the over ith symbols.
• -ther or their
Example: rather father

-ther Words
rather weather, whether either
father brother author
other another authors
gather bother bother
neither mother bothers

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

The word beginning fur- as in further is written with the f symbols, which you have already been
as an abbreviation for the similar sound for.
Example: further

further furnace furnishers
furthermore furnish refurnish

Sound of Ow
The sound of ow as in south is written with the a and oo symbols.
a + oo = ow
Example: how

Ow Words
how announce doubt
now announced doubts
south town crowd
house down brown

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Update your diary, it should be fully written in shorthand

Listen to the English news and try to practice writing in shorthand.
Write what you hear.
Transcribe what you write base on what you hear.

Lesson 16
Eight brief forms
Special phrases
Word endings –ure and ual
Transcription tips

Brief Forms
company state recommend
work communicate direct
ever, every soon

Brief-Form Derivatives
companies communication recommendation accompany
communications recommendation work worker
everywhere whenever stated communicated
sooner recommends recommended recommendations
recommendations directed director directly

The following phrases contain shorthand symbols representing one or two sounds from each
to us as soon as let us
of course as soon as possible let me

A phrase beginning with to followed by the sound of m is written with the tem blend. A phrase
beginning with to followed by the sound of d as in do is written with the ted blend.
to me to make to do

Word Ending –ure, -ual

The word ending –ure as in procedure is written with an r; the word ending –ual as in annual is
written with l.

-ure Words
procedure picture natural failure
nature nature feature

Word ending –ure, -ual

-ual Words
annual annually actual equal
gradual gradually contractual
But: After a downstroke, the oo is written.

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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• Symbol for the sounds of nd and nt
• Sound of short u omitted
• More minor vowels omitted
• Differentiating between personal and personnel

The sound of nd (end) as in sound and the sound of nt (ent) as in sent are both written with a
blend of n and t.
Sound of Nd, Nt
Nd Words

sound found signed assigned find remind

agenda end planned trained kind spend
kindly kindness grand friend mind friendly

Sound of Nd, Nt
Nt Words

sent print printer rental current

currently apparent account accountant amount
accountant amount agent spent into
entire entirely

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Omission of Short U
The short sound of us as in some is omitted before n, m and straight downstrokes (ish, chay, j)

Short U Omitted Before N and M

some lunch come summer run
income fun begun become welcome
But: Number retains the oo to facilitate the joining of n and m

Minor Vowels Omitted

In Lesson 3 you were taught to omit minor vowels. Here is a brief review of minor vowel omitted
words you have been reading and writing:
reader final delay writer total reason
Here are some more minor-vowel-omitted words:

person personal pursue purchase agency
courtesy secretary display disturb description

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Lesson 18
• Eight brief forms
• Word ending –ble
• Word ending –ment
• Using number as first word of sentence

Brief Forms
and several advertise part
value advantage were immediate

Brief-form derivatives
partly, party advantages values partner
advantages disadvantages advertising depart
immediately advertises
word ending -ble

The word ending –ble as in available is written with the b symbol.

-ble Words
available sensible considerable possible table
considerably capable trouble suitable reliable
troubled valuable favorable reasonable desirable

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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Word ending -ment

The word ending –ment as in shipment is represented by the m sybol.
-shipment commitment basement agreement
statement retirement payment installment
advertisement replacement payments attachment
department investment arrangement installment
judgement assignment

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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• Lecture-Demonstration
• Recitation

 Test Results


Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 Charles E. ZOUBEK

Gregg A. Condon – page 81 – page 120
Centennial Edition:
Gregg Division/ McGraw-Hill Book Company
Philippine Copyright, 1990 by McGraw-Hill Book Company

Lesson 19-24
 Phrases
 Sound of Rd, Ld, Sez
 Sound of Dev, Div, Def, Dif, U
 Sounds of Ten, Den, Tain, Word
 Ending -ical
 Special Phrases
 Word Ending -tial, Sound of Oi
 Measures of Time, Percent, Feet and Pounds
 Men Blend, Word Ending -ward
 Numbers: Time and Amounts
 Word Ending -ings, -rity, lity, lty
 Brief Forms
 Brief Form Derivatives and Brief
 Form Phrases

Module Objectives
• Read and write shorthand outlines accurately based on shorthand principles.
• Transcribe dictated materials accurately using appropriate language usage based on
contextual meaning.
• Value the practice of good work ethics and confidence in tackling more challenging
shorthand activities.
Course Material
• The Lecture-Videos in each lesson are included to teach the actual writing in shorthand.
 Demonstration of the proper spelling and reading of shorthand outlines.
 Individual and concerted reading of outlines from the sample word lists and shorthand
plates from the blackboard and textbook
 Use of repetitive exercises, drills, and reviews to reinforce the principles learned for
mastery and permanency of learning
 Games and interactive activities

Lesson 19
• Nine New Phrases
• Blends the sound rd and ld
• Blend for the sound of sez
Writing speed is gained by representing the word hope with the p symbol in the following phrases.
The middle word is eliminated in the following phrases to gain writing speed.


I hope I hope the I hope that the

we hope we hope that the I hope that
we hope you will we hope that we hope the
some of the some of our some of them

Sound of for Rd, Ld

The sound of rd as in heard and the sound of ld as in old are written with blends in which the
end of the r and l curl upward to represent the d.

Rd Words
heard hard harder answered ignored
assured toward prepared tired word
record recorded

Sound of for Rd, Ld

Ld Words
old told sold build, billed folder
failed stored held child called, cold

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Sound of sezz

The two form of s are joined – and called the sez blend – to represent for the sound of ses, sis,
and sus as in senses, basis, and versus. Notice the right sez begins with the right s and ends with
the left s. The left sez begins with the left s and ends with the right s.

Right Sez Words

services faces suspend
advises suspect cases

sound of sez

Left Sez Words

spaces insist basis, bases says system

assist senses versus assisted process
promises losses processes necessary Moses
sister analysis crisis

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Lesson 20
• Seven brief forms
• Symbol for the sounds of dev, div, def and dif
• Symbol for the sound of u (pronounced you) as in few
• Using shorthand to record instructions

Brief Forms

organize govern however

present general opportunity
however acknowledge

Brief-Forms Derivatives
organization presented acknowledged
organized represented acknowledges
government representative acknowledgement
presently opportunities generally

Sound of Dev, Div, Def, Dif

The sounds of dev, div, def, and dif as in devote, divide, definite and differ are all expressed with
a blend which represents a rounded d v joining. It is called the dev blend.

Dev, Div Words

devote devoted devise, device devised devising
devises develop development developing divide
divided dividing division divisions divorce

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Sound of dev, div, def, dif

The sounds of dev, div, def, and dif as in devote, divide, definite and differ are all expressed with
a blend which represents a rounded d v joining. It is called the dev blend.

Def, Dif Words

definite definitely defeat
defeated defend differ
different difference differences

Sound of U
The sound of u as in few is written with a combination of the e and ou symbols. This e oo
combination is called u (pronounced you).

U Word
few use used
unit unite unique
refuse review Hughes

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Lesson 21
• Blends for the sounds of ten, den, and train
• Word ending –ical
• Speed phrase to know
• Using shorthand to record information
Sound of Ten, Den, Tain
The sounds of ten as in tent and bulletin and den as in sudden are represented by the same blend
– a blend of the t and n symbols. The ten blend is also used for the word ending –tain as in obtain.
The curved ten blend symbol represents a rounding of the angle of the t and n joining.

Ten Words
tent tonight attend
attention intend written
bulletin Fenton Trenton
maintenance assistance assistant
Although an a is heard in the word stand and its derivatives, for ease of writing it is written with
the ten blend.

Den Words
sudden suddenly deny denies
dentist dinner danger evident
evidently evidence student students
confident president presidency
 Although an a is head in the word danger, for ease of writing it is written with the den

Tain Words
obtain obtains obtainable attained
obtainable attain certain certainly
container attain obtains maintain

Word Ending -Cal
The word ending –ical as in medical and article is written with a disjoined k. A disjoined word
ending such as –ing or –ical should be written close to its root word so that it is not mistaken for
a separate outline.

-ical Words
medical typically logical logically
typical article articles physical
political radical technical chemical

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Lesson 22
• Seven brief forms
• Word ending –tial
• Symbol for the sound of oi

Brief Forms
Ms. business out than
what difficult than

Brief-Form Derivatives
businesses overhead outside
businesslike overlook overlooked
outcome whatever difficulty
without difficulties outstanding

Word Ending -Tial

The word ending –tial (pronounced shul) as in special is represented by the ish sumbol. The
context of the sentence tells the reader whether the ish represents –tial or whether it represents
–tion, which was presented in Lesson 11.

-tial Words
special especially initial initialed
partial partially officially initial
financial social initialed financially

Sound of Oi
Oi Words
toy joy join boy oil
soil royal noise annoy point
appoint appointed appointment invoice invoices
Roy void avoid

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Lesson 23
• Expressing measures of time, percent, feet, and pounds
• Symbol for the sound of men
• Word ending ward
• Transcribing expression of time and amounts

Special shorthand abbreviations are used for expressing time, percent feet, and pounds.

Hours and minutes are expressed in normal-size figures. Shorthand symbols are used for a.m.,
p.m., and o’clock.
The shorthand outline for a.m. is a with an intersected m.
The shorthand outline for p.m. is p with an intersected m.
The o is used for o’clock and is placed above the number.

The word feet are represented by the f symbol and is placed at the base of the number.
5 feet 200 feet

The word percent is represented by the comma s. It is placed at the base of the number and
should intersect the line. The comma s is not used when writing the entire outline for percent.
75 percent 100 percent
 In 100 percent the n for hundred is placed below the number and followed by the
commas s.
The word pounds are represented by the p symbols and is placed at the base of the number.
3 pounds 500 pounds

Men Blend
The sound of men, min, man, and mon as in mention, minute, manner and month are
represented by a blend of the m and n symbols.

Men Words
men mentions mental
mention many mentally
mentioned meant women

Men Blend
Min, Man, Mon Words
minute manner manage manager
woman month monthly money

Word Ending Ward

The word ending ward as in backward is written with a disjoined d.

-Ward Words
backward onward afterward afterwards
upward inward reward rewarding
forward forwarded forwarding downward
Edward Woodward awkward

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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Lesson 24
• Seven brief forms
• Word ending –ings
• Word endings –rity, -lity, and –ity

Brief Forms
thing, think success between responsible
request send regard

Brief-Form Phrases
think send the send you
we think send us sending you

Brief-Form Derivatives
thinking requests requesting
things, thinks requested sending
successes sends regarding
regarded regardless nothing

Word Ending -Ings

The word ending –ings as in saying is represented by a disjoined left s and is written close to
the last symbol in the root word.

-ings Words
sayings meetings listings findings
proceedings openings earnings findings
feelings buildings savings drawings

Word Endings –rity, -lity, -lty
The word ending –rity as in majority is written with a disjoined r. The word endings –lity as in
ability and –lty as in penalty are written with a disjoined l. The disjoined r and l are written close
to the last symbol.

-rity Words

cmajority security sincerity

authority charity prosperity

Word Endings –Lity, -Lty

-lity Words

ability facility possibility dependability

locality personality utility quality

-lty Words

penalty faculty royalty

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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• Lecture-Demonstration
• Recitation
• Test Results on dictation transcription of materials

Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 Charles E. ZOUBEK
Gregg A. Condon – page 121 – page 158
Centennial Edition:
Gregg Division/ McGraw-Hill Book Company
Philippine Copyright, 1990 by McGraw-Hill Book Company

Lesson 25-30
 Sound of Ort, Ea
 Days and Months
 Brief Forms
 Word Beginnings En- Un-; Sound of Ya, Ye
 Word Ending -ification, Word Begging Mis-, W Dash
 Brief Form, Thank Phrases
 Word Beginning Ex-
 Salutations and Complimentary Closings
 Similar Words Correspondence, Correspondents and Accept, Except
 Sound of Ia; Word Beginnings Inter-, Enter-
 Cities and States
 Similar Words Quit, Quite, Quiet
 Word Ending -tribute, -ful
 Brief Forms, Brief Form Derivatives and
 Brief Form Phrases
Module Objectives
• Recall with proficiency shorthand principles learned
• Improve their transcription skills based on dictated shorthand materials of various length,
and level of difficulty.
• Apply appropriate formatting on various office documents when transcribing dictated
Course Material
 The Lecture-Videos in each lesson are included to teach the actual writing in shorthand.
 Demonstration of the proper spelling and reading of shorthand outlines.
 Individual and concerted reading of outlines from the sample word lists and shorthand
plates from the blackboard and textbook
 Use of repetitive exercises, drills, and reviews to reinforce the principles learned for
mastery and permanency of learning
 Games and interactive activities

Lesson 25
Sound of ort as in port is written with the o and t symbols. For ease of writing, the r is not

Ort Words
port portable deport report
reported reporter support, sport sports
airport airports sort resort
assort assorted assortment

Ea words
area piano appreciate
areas appreciates appreciated
create associate Garcia
created c creation

Days and Months

The sound of the first syllable is written for each day of the week; fri for Friday, for example. The
sound of the first syllable is written for each month of the year except for the five months March
through July, which are easy to write in full.
Sunday Monday Tuesday
Wednesday Thursday Friday
January February March April
May June July August
September October November December

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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Lesson 26
• Seven brief forms
• Word beginnings en- and un-
• Symbols for the sounds of ya and ye
• Shorthand for personal use

Brief Forms
gentlemen any morning time
insure insurance very manufacture

Brief-Form Derivatives
anybody anyone anything anyway
anywhere anytime timed timely
sometime manufactured manufacturer insuring
insured gentleman mornings

Brief-Form Derivatives / Brief-Form Phrases

anybody anyone anything anyway
anywhere anytime timed timely
sometime manufactured manufacturer insuring
insured gentleman mornings
 In the compound word anywhere, the e is dropped from any for ease of writing.

at this time by this time very much

Word beginning en-, un-

The word beginning en- as enjoy and the word beginning un- as in until are represented by the
n symbol. You have been using the letter n for the similar word beginning in-ever since you
learned the brief form in in Lesson 4.

En- Words
enjoy enroll enrolled enrollment
engine engineers encourages encouragement
endeavor engagement enforce environment

Word Beginning Un-

Un- Words
until unless unlikely unload
unloaded unrelated unfair unwilling

Sound of Ya, Ye
Ya Words
yard yarn Yale

Ye Words
year years yellow yield yielded
yielding yes yellow yields yet

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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Lesson 27
• Word ending –ification
• Word beginning mis-
• New symbol for w
• Handling interruptions during dictation

Word Ending –IFICATION

The word ending –ification as in ratification as in ratification is represented by a disjoined f and is
written close to the last symbol.

-ification words
ratification identification modification modifications
classification classifications notification certification
clarification specification specifications justification
However, note that the word ending ify is written according to the “minor-vowel-omitted” rule.

Minor-vowel-omitted words
ratify ratified notify specify
specifies classify justify modify
notify classify clarity

Word Beginning Mis-

The word beginning mis- as in mistake is abbreviated with the m and s symbols.
MIS – Words
mistake mistakes mistaken
misplace mislead misleading
misprint mystery misrepresent
W dash
In Lesson 6 you learned that the oo symbol represents the sound of w or wh at the beginning of
words. A w within the body of a word is represented by a short dash underneath the following
vowel. The dash is written after the body of the outline.

W Dash Words
quick quickly quick quit quart
quoted quarterly quite always qualify
Broadway square hardware quote
Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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Lesson 28
• Eight brief forms
• Thank phrases
• Word beginning ex-
• Salutation and complimentary closings
• Differentiating between

Brief forms

order product equip

never regular opinion
thank correspond, correspondence

Brief Form Derivatives

orders ordered ordering products
production equipment equipped regularly
opinions thanks thanking corresponds
corresponded correspondent correspondents
The jog is used to distinguish the d in order from the d representing past tense.
The dot is dropped and replaced by the s.

Brief-Form Phrase / Thank Phrases

Brief-Form Phrase

in order

Thank Phrases
To increase writing speed, the dot is omitted from the brief form thank in the following phrases.
thank you thank you for thank you for the
thank you for your thank you for your order thank you for your letter

Word Beginning x-
The word beginning ex-as in extra is written with the e and left or right s symbols, depending on
the symbol that follows ex.

extra exam examine extreme expense
extremely exact exactly exciting expenses
expand expire expired expired expensive
expert export expect expected

Salutations and Complimentary Closing

Eight salutation and complimentary closings were presented in Lesson 12.
Here are the remaining six for which we have special outlines.
Dear Ms. Sincerely yours Yours sincerely
Very cordially yours Very sincerely yours Yours very sincerely
Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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Lesson 29
• Symbol for the sound of ia
• Word beginnings inter- and enter-
• Outlines for cities and states
• Differentiating between similar words quit, quite, and quiet
Sound of IA
The sound of long I followed by soft a as in riot is represented by the long I symbol in which the
tail of the I is closed as a second circle.

Ia Words
riot prior dryer dryers
trial appliances reliance science
quiet client O’Bryan Ryan

Word Beginnings Inter-, Enter-

The word beginnings inter-as in interest and intr- as in introduce are written with a disjoined n.
The word beginning enter-as in entertain and entr-as in entrance are also written with a disjoined
n. Line placement of the inter-word beginning is generally halfway between the lines of writing.

Inter- Words
interest interested interest interview
interviewing interfere interferes interval
international interrupted introduce introduction

Word Beginnings Inter-, Enter-

Enter- Words
enter entering entered
entertain entertainment enterprise
enterprises entrance entrance

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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Cities and States
The state abbreviations are simply shorthand versions of the standard two-letter state
abbreviations used with ZIP Codes. The complete lists of state abbreviations and abbreviations
for many cities are appendices to the Gregg Shorthand Dictionary. Here are several examples.


Chicago Boston Philadelphia

San Francisco Los Angeles St. Louis
Denver New Orleans Seattle

Cities and States

The shorthand outline for each state abbreviation is based upon the two-letter ZIP Code
abbreviation. The following guidelines were used to determine the shorthand symbol:
1. The c is represented by k in CA, CO, CT, NC and SC
2. The y is represented by I in KY, NY and WY
3. The short I is represented by e in IL, IN, and WI
4. The w is represented by oo in WA, WV, WI and WY

Massachusetts Illinois Pennsylvania California
New York
Missouri Wyoming Georgia Floridac

Similar abbreviations are used for the following:

America American United States

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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Lesson 30
• Eight brief forms
• Word ending –tribute
• Word ending –ful
• Using shorthand for confidentiality

Brief Forms
enclose envelope throughout usual
newspaper recognize property probable

Brief-Forms Derivatives
enclosed enclosure envelopes
usually unusual recognized
recognition recognizes probably

Word Ending -Tribute

The word ending tribute as in contribute is written with the treb symbols.

-tribute Words
contribute contribution contributor distribute
distributed distribution distribution distributes
attributes attributed

word ending -ful

The word ending –ful as in grateful is expressed with the f symbol
-ful Words
grateful successful successfully helpful
useful careful carefully meaningful
beautiful wonderful hopefully delightful
thoughtful doubtful useful wonderful

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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• Lecture-Demonstration
• Recitation
• Test Results on dictation transcription of materials at the rate of 40-50-60 wpm
Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 Charles E. ZOUBEK
Gregg A. Condon – page 159 – page 196
Centennial Edition:
Gregg Division/ McGraw-Hill Book Company
Philippine Copyright, 1990 by McGraw-Hill Book Company

Lesson 31-36
 Sond of Md, Mt, X, Word Beginning Al-
 Words Ending -quire, Sounds of Ng, Nk
 Similar Words Some, Sum
 Word Endings -ition, -ation
 Word Ending -hood
 UI Words
 Ern, Erm Words
 -titute and -titude words
 Communication Skill Builder; Know, no
 Minor Vowel words
 Ah-, Aw-words
 Word ending-ingly
 Communication Skill Builder; principle, principal
 Word beginning Super-
 Word ending -ulate, -quent
 Communication Skill Builder: advise, advice
 Brief Forms, Brief Form Derivatives and
 Brief Form phrases

Module Objectives

• Appy the proficiency shorthand principles previously learned to current lesson.

• Improve their transcription skills based on dictated shorthand materials of various length,
and level of difficulty.
• Apply appropriate formatting on various office documents when transcribing dictated

Course Material
 The Lecture-Videos in each lesson are included to teach the actual writing in shorthand.
 Demonstration of the proper spelling and reading of shorthand outlines.
 Individual and concerted reading of outlines from the sample word lists and shorthand
plates from the blackboard and textbook
 Use of repetitive exercises, drills, and reviews to reinforce the principles learned for
mastery and permanency of learning
 Games and interactive activities

Lesson 31
• Symbol for the sound of md and mt
• Symbol for the sound of x
• Word beginning al-
• Coding notes

Sound of MD, MT

The sound of md as in seemed and mt as in empty are written with a blend that represents a
combination of the m and d symbols. The same symbol represents both sounds and it is a long
under curve written on the slope of the d symbol

Md, Mt Words
seemed claimed welcomed framed
named blamed confirmed empty
claimed informed promptly
unconfirmed welcomed prompt

The letter x in shorthand is represented by a slanted right or left s symbol. Compare the
example below:
example : mess mix

fees fix
X Words
mix tax taxes index indexing
box boxes fix fixed

Word Beginning Al-

The word beginning al- as in also is represented by the o symbol for ease of writing.
Al- Words
also already altogether
almost altered although
But: Always retains the l to make a more readable outline.

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

Lesson 32
• Eight brief forms
• Word ending quire
• Symbols for the sounds of ng and nk
• Differentiating between some and sum

Brief Forms
suggest satisfy, satisfactory include
short worth progress
experience under

Word Ending -Quire

The word ending quire as in acquire is represented by the k and I symbols.

-quire Words
acquire inquire inquires inquiry
inquired require require requires
required requirements

Ng Words
single long longer belong
spring bring strong stronger
longer bring younger

Nk words
sink rank frank frankly
Franklin bank banker blank
anxious ink uncle Lincoln

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

Lesson 33
• Word endings –ition and –ation
• Word ending –hood
• Symbol for the sound of ul
• Shorthand as an aid to research

Word Endings –ition, -ation

The circle vowel sounds a and e are omitted between t, d, n, m and the word ending –tion. The
following eight word endings are thus abbreviated: -tition, -tation, -dition, -dation, -nition, -nation,
-mition, and –mation.

-Ition, Iation Words

condition conditions conditional addition
additional edition invitation station
stationed presentation reputation admission
permission donation automation information
accommodation repetition


The word ending hood as in neighborhood is represented by a disjoined.

-hood Words
neighborhood neighborhoods boyhood
childhood girlhood parenthood
fatherhood likelihood motherhood

Sound of Ul
The sound of ul as in result is represented by the oo symbol.

UI Words
result results resulted
ultimate ultimately consult
consulting consultant insult
adult adulthood multiply

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Lesson 34
• Eight brief forms
• Symbols for the sounds of ern, erm
• Word endings –titute and –titude
• Differentiating between know and no

Brief Forms
quantity wish particular appropriate
object program executive subject

Brief-Form Derivatives
quantities wishful subjected appropriately
appropriation executives wishes wished
objects objected objection objective
objective subjects subjected particularly
programs programmed programmer programming

Sounds of ERN, ERM

The sounds of ern and erm as in eastern and determine are abbreviated by the deletion of the r

Ern, Erm Words

turn turns return returning eastern
western modern southern alternate alternated
alternative term terminal termination determine

determined western eastern term


Word Endings –Titute, -Titude

The word endings –titute and –titute and –titude as in institute and gratitude are
abbreviated t e t.

-titute, -titude Words
institute instituted institution
constitute constitution gratitude
aptitude attitude attitudes

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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Lesson 35
• Minor vowels omitted
• Word beginnings ah- and aw-
• Word ending –ingly
• Differentiating between principle and principal

Minor Vowels Omitted

When two vowels occur together, such as the e us sounds in previous, the minor vowel may be

Minor-Vowel-Omitted Words
previous previously various serious
seriously period genuine theory
situated situation continue continued

Word Beginnings Ah-, Aw-

In the word beginnings ah-and aw-, the sound of a is represented by a dot (the same as the brief
form a).

Ah-, Aw- Words

ahead awaken aware away

awake await awaits award

Word Ending -Ingly

The word ending –ingly as in knowingly is represented by a disjoined –ly circle.

-ingly Words
knowingly willingly increasingly
interestingly convincingly exceedingly

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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Lesson 36
• Six brief forms
• Word beginning super-
• Word ending –ulate
• Word ending –quent
• Differentiating between advise and advice

Brief Form
reluctant reluctance anniversary public
next incorporate convenient, convenience

Brief-Form Derivatives
reluctantly publicly conveniently
inconvenient conveniently incorporated

Brief-Form Phrases
next time next year next month

Word Beginning Super

The word beginning super- as in supervise is written with a disjoined comma s.

supervise supervised supervisor

supervision supervises superior
supervisor supersede superb

Word Ending -Ulate

The word ending –ulate as in congratulate is represented by a disjoined oo and is written close to
the last symbol. The word ending –ulation is represented by the disjoined oo and ish.

-ulate Words
congratulate congratulations regulate regulates
regulation circulate circulation calculate
calculations calculator formulate formulated

Word Ending -Quent

- quent Words frequent frequently frequently
consequent consequence eloquent

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

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• Lecture-Demonstration
• Recitation
• Test Results on dictation transcription of materials at the rate of 40-50-60 wpm

Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 Charles E. ZOUBEK
Gregg A. Condon – page 197 – page 236
Centennial Edition:
Gregg Division/ McGraw-Hill Book Company
Philippine Copyright, 1990 by McGraw-Hill Book Company

Lesson 37-40
 Word ending – ship
 Word beginnings Im-, Em-
 Word beginning Trans –
 Word ending - ily
 Word beginning sub –
 Communication Skill Builder; peace, piece
 Word beginning and ending self
 Word ending -iety
 Names ending in- -ington, -ingham, -ville, -burgh
 Communication Sill Builder: sense, cents, scents
 Brief Form

Brief Form Derivatives

Word Beginnings Im-, Em-
The word beginnings im- and em- as in import and empire are represented by the m symbol.

import impressed improvement
imports impress impressed
impressive improve improvement
impact impartial

Word beginnings Im-, Em-

empire employ employed
employment employees employed
employs embarrass emphatically
employee emphatically

But: Im- and em- are written in full when followed by a vowel.
immodest emotional

Word Beginning Trans-

The word beginning trans-as in transfer is represented by a disjoined t. The disjoined t is written
in the middle of the writing line and close to the first symbol in the second outline.

transfer transferred transact transaction
transacted translation transmit transmission
transport transportation transcribe transistor

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Lesson 38
• Eight brief forms
• Word ending –ily
• Word beginning sub-
• Differentiating between piece and peace

Brief Forms
important importance significant significance
speak idea memorandum equivalent

Brief-Form Derivatives

speaks worldwide electricity
speakers ideas worldwide

Word Ending -ily

The word ending –ily as in readily is represented by a –ly circle which is flattened into a loop.
-ily Words
readily steadily family
easily temporarily families

Word beginning sub-

The word beginning sub-as in subway is written with a left or right s symbol, depending on the
symbol that follows:
Sub- Words
subway submit subsequent subscribe
subscribes subscription subdivide subdivision
substance substantial suburb suburban

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Lesson 39
• Word ending –ology
• Word beginning and ending self
• Word ending –iety
• Linking shorthand and English competence

Word Ending –OLOGY

The word ending –ology as in psychology is abbreviated with the o and l symbols.
-ology words
psychology psychological psychologically
apology apologies apologize
sociology biology technology

Word Beginning and Ending Self

The word beginning self-as in selfish is represented by a disjoined left s and is written in the
middle of the line.
Self –Words
selfish self-addressed self-confidence
selfishness self-control self-improvement

The word ending self as in himself and yourself is presented by a joined s.

-self word
himself myself ourselves
herself yourself themselves
itself yourselves

Word Ending -iety

The word ending –iety as in society is abbreviated with the I symbol

-Iety Words

society anxiety notoriety


Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

Lesson 40
• Eight brief forms
• Common name endings –ington, ingham, -ville and –burgh
• Differentiating between sense and cents

Brief Forms
circular privilege question circumstance
ordinary publish publication statistic

Brief-Form Derivatives
circulars circumstances statistical privileges
ordinarily extraordinary characters questions
questionable questionnaire published publication

The name ending –ington is represented by a disjoined ten blend.
Washington Lexington Wilmington

The name ending –ingham is represented by a disjoined m.
Buckingham Cunningham Framingham

The name ending –ville is represented by the v symbol.
Nashville Jacksonville Evansville

The name ending –burg(h) is represented by the b symbol

Pittsburg, Pittsburg Harrisburg Greensburg

Practice Writing:
Choose the word that you want to rewrite for 3 times

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________

______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
______________ ______________ ______________ _________________
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Attach your favorite song written in shorthand.

• Lecture-Demonstration
• Recitation
• Test Results on dictation transcription of materials at the rate of 50-60-70 wpm

Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 Charles E. ZOUBEK
Gregg A. Condon – page 237 – page 260
Centennial Edition:
Gregg Division/ McGraw-Hill Book Company
Philippine Copyright, 1990 by McGraw-Hill Book Company

Lesson 41-44
 Dictation Speed Building (30-40 wpm)
 Transcription Skill Development
 Punctuation Commas with Conjunction, Introductory
 Expressions
 Similar Words; Stationery
 Brief Forms and Brief form Derivatives

Module Objectives
• Appy the proficiency shorthand principles previously learned to current lesson.
• Improve their transcription skills based on dictated shorthand materials of various length,
and level of difficulty.
• Apply appropriate formatting on various office documents when transcribing dictated

Course Material
 The Lecture-Videos in each lesson are included to teach the actual writing in shorthand.
 Demonstration of the proper spelling and reading of shorthand outlines.
 Individual and concerted reading of outlines from the sample word lists and shorthand
plates from the blackboard and textbook
 Use of repetitive exercises, drills, and reviews to reinforce the principles learned for
mastery and permanency of learning

Games and Interactive activities

Dictation Speed Building

The shorthand outlines below appear in the speed dictation practice which follows. Practice
writing these words using the shorthand outlines. Then, using the key below, dictate the words to
Brief Forms

Transcription Skill Development
Transcribe the following words and phrases, noting spelling and capitalization. Then transcribe
the transcription letter which follows.

Transcription Warmup



Dictation: (Watch some news in YouTube and write it in shorthand) or look for a
magazine, news paper and write it in shorthand.

• Lecture-Demonstration
• Recitation
• Test Results on dictation transcription of materials at the rate of 50-60-70 wpm

Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 Charles E. ZOUBEK
Gregg A. Condon – page 262 – page 278
Centennial Edition:
Gregg Division/ McGraw-Hill Book Company
Philippine Copyright, 1990 by McGraw-Hill Book Company

Lesson 45-48
 Dictation Speed Building (40-50 wpm)
 Transcription Skill Development
 Punctuation Commas with Conjunction, Introductory
 Expressions,
 Similar Words; Past and Passed; Council and Counsel; Lose, loose and loss

Module Objectives
• Apply shorthand skills with confidence in real-life situations like taking down instruction,
handling telephone calls, taking notes during class lectures, seminars and conference and

Course Material
 The Lecture-Videos in each lesson are included to teach the actual writing in shorthand.
 Demonstration of the proper spelling and reading of shorthand outlines.
 Individual and concerted reading of outlines from the sample word lists and shorthand
plates from the blackboard and textbook
 Use of repetitive exercises, drills, and reviews to reinforce the principles learned for
mastery and permanency of learning
 Games and interactive activities
Dictation Speed Building
Theory Words
Brief Forms
Transcription Skill Development
Transcription Warmup
Transcription Practice
Reading and Writing
Dictation speedbuilding

• Lecture-Demonstration
• Recitation
• Test Results on dictation transcription of materials at the rate of 60-70-80 wpm

Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 Charles E. ZOUBEK
Gregg A. Condon – page 278 – page 296
Centennial Edition:
Gregg Division/ McGraw-Hill Book Company
Philippine Copyright, 1990 by McGraw-Hill Book Company

Lesson 49-52
 Dictation Speed Building (40-50-60 wpm)
 Transcription Skill Development
 Punctuation: Parenthetical Expressions, Geographical
 References, and omitted

Module Objectives
• Apply shorthand skills with confidence in real-life situations like taking down instruction,
handling telephone calls, taking notes during class lectures, seminars and conference and

Course Material

 The Lecture-Videos in each lesson are included to teach the actual writing in
 Demonstration of the proper spelling and reading of shorthand outlines.
 Individual and concerted reading of outlines from the sample word lists and shorthand
plates from the blackboard and textbook
 Use of repetitive exercises, drills, and reviews to reinforce the principles learned for
mastery and permanency of learning

 Games and interactive activities



Dictation speed building
Listen to the speech of the President Rodrigo R. Duterte and write it in shorthand
Any speech of Mr. President at least 300 to 400 words


Brief Forms
Transcription skill development
Transcription Warmup
Transcription Practice
Reading and Writing
Dictation @ 60 words per minute

• Lecture-Demonstration
• Recitation
• Test Results on dictation transcription of materials at the rate of 60-70-80 wpm

Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 Charles E. ZOUBEK
Gregg A. Condon – page 297– page 314
Centennial Edition:
Gregg Division/ McGraw-Hill Book Company
Philippine Copyright, 1990 by McGraw-Hill Book Company

“Facing new normal set up is not easy but the eagerness to give knowledge to our
students is not a normal scenery, it should be the reality”.

Han Eun Ah


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