Binar Digital Talent Accelerator

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Digital Talent Accelerator

“Your Digital Transformation Partner”

of 1,500 managers from across 50
Industry Updates
organizations were dissatisfied with New Employee Development
their company’s Learning & Tailored curriculum based on digital
to prepare your new hire in digital
Development (L&D) team. industry updates and delivered by
digital industry experts.
L&D only measure their own KPI NOT the
business impact. (Learning hours,
training budget, & etc).

Only 12% Internal Upskilling to enhance Multiple Solutions

of employees apply new skills
your internal employee’s skill-set Various solutions from multiple
learned in L&D programs to their jobs.
being relevant in the digital era! topics in digital updates.
L&D only measure their own KPI NOT the
business impact. (Learning hours, training
budget, & etc).

Only 25%
of respondents to a recent McKinsey
Measurable Results
survey believe that training CSR Program to create feasible
Comprehensive methodologies that
measurably improved performance. social impact in digital era!
could enable feasible results.
Learning the wrong things and/or at the
wrong time
The Learning Methodology

Trusted Institution

Education Alliance Finland (EAF) validated our

learning goals matched with 21st-century skills
and Finnish curriculum including:

1. Students’ problem solving skills,

2. Finding joy in learning and new
3. Strategic thinking, decision-making,
influencing and accountability.
The use of technology have enabled learners’
explorative and creative process.
The Program

Workshop Bootcamp

Objective A multiple choices of short course yet insightful to Intensive courses to deep dive the knowledge,
open up the awareness skills by collaborating in creating digital product

Type of Session Online Workshop Online Intensive Learning

Offline Worksop

Duration 3 hours / session / day 3 hours / session / day

Learning Target Able to Remembering Things Able to Remembering Things

Able to Understanding Things Able to Understanding Things
Able to Applying Things
Able to Analyzing Things
Able to Creating Things

Student Profile Beginner - Advance Beginner

Number of participants Up to 50/Class Min.10 Participants/Class

Assignment Understanding how to apply specific tools Applying Specific Tools

(must already have the tools that you want to
Our Workshop Menu
Workshop (All Menu)

A multiple choices of short course yet insightful to open up

Workshop Pillars the awareness of mindset and skill set in digital industry.

● 3 hours / Session / Topic

Digital Transformation & Building Digital Culture, Digital
Mindset, Building Career in Details with speakers from
Mindset Digital Industry
Digital Industry Expert

Finance and Economics, Legal, ● Can be held

Digital Business Human Resource, Sales & offline/online/hybrid

● Beginner, intermediate,
Big Data, Business Intelligence, upper intermediate, and
Data Analytics Data Visualization, Data Analytic
Tools advanced level

● Tailored subject, just for you

UI/UX, Reactnative, Android, Full
Software Development Stack Web, Front End, Back End,
● Evaluation Reports

Cyber Security, Block Chain,

Future Technology Machine Learning, AI, Chatbot,
Workshop Menu 1 ●

Can be used for upskilling people from external company
Can be used for upskilling students in higher or vocational education
● Basic Level in digital competence
● Note: This journey is only an example, so it can be adjusted based on
needs and objectives of each company

Software Future
Digital Transformation & Mindset Digital Business Data Analytics
Development Technology

(a) Digitize Your Mindset (c) The Way of Working How to Create Creative Understanding Data Pillar Software Development Artificial Intelligence in
Nowadays Digital Content can be taken only if the Our Daily Lives
- Digitize Your Mindset - Data Introduction workshop is held as a
- What is digital mindset? - Acknowledge Different Bootcamp complement.
- Three Key Elements of - The Content Creation - Concept of Artificial
- Digital mindset dimension types of data Courses offered are:
Virtual Work: technology, Process Intelligence
- An agile mindset social needs, and work - Content Creation Tools - Common data sources - Natural Language
- Accelerating adoption rhythms - Creating Content Planning - Data Source Matter a. Product Management Processing
- Manage a High-Performing - Analyze the content - Metadata & Data Dictionary (Fundamentals) - Neural Network
(b) Future Skills and Job Virtual Team b. Product Management - AI in Daily Lives
- Workforce of The Future (Product Discovery)
in Demand | Workforce c. Product Management
Crisis Post Covid-19 (Product Delivery)
(d) How To Overcome
d. UI/UX
- Workforce Landscape in
Your Digital Fatigue
Indonesia Nowadays
- Work Culture Post Covid-19 - Why Digital Fatigue
- Skills in Demand in 2023 Matters
that Company’s Needed - Small Step to Reduce Learning Goal in This Menu
- Minimizing Skills Gap with Digital Fatigue
- Make Prioritization on Your Students can understand the digital-based mindset
Reskilling and Upskilling
Daily Task needed to compete in the 5.0 era. The learning
output is students are able to internalize digital
aspects as a provision for a future career.

* This is only a suggestion (objectives can be adjusted based on company needs)

Workshop Menu 2 ●

Can be used for upskilling people from internal company
Can be used for company in Level 1 (Starting to Use Digital Workplace)
● For all levels from all divisions in company
● Note: This journey is only an example, so it can be adjusted based on
needs and objectives of each company

Digital Transformation Software Future

Digital Business Data Analytics
& Mindset Development Technology

(a) Digital Culture Mindset Growth Hacking Understanding Data (a) Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence in
Fundamentals Product Our Daily Lives
- Building a Digital Mindset from - Data Introduction
the Individual Level - Growth hacking - Acknowledge Different - The Basic Product - Concept of Artificial
- How to Deal with “Mental Blocks” introduction types of data Management Concept Intelligence
in the Digital Transformation - AIDA marketing model - Common data sources - Understanding Product - Natural Language
Process - When and why company - Data Source Matter Roles and Responsibilities Processing
- Building Adaptive Behavior from - Metadata & Data - Get to know MVP
needs growth team - Neural Network
Individual to Organizational Level Dictionary - SDLC : How We, Me & My
- Growth team roles & team, Develop a Product
- AI in Daily Lives
Using Agile Methods responsibility

(b) Simple & Collaborative (b) An Introduction to

Mindset Design Sprint
- The Productivity Paradox Learning Goal in This Menu
- Smart Simplicity: Six Smart Rules - What is Digital Product and
Product Design Sprint
- Effective Virtual Collaboration
- Benefit and Methodology of Employees can be literate in digital
- Technology for Remote Working Design Sprint era. The learning output is
- Process Development employees can internalize digital
Digital Product with Design competencies to support their daily
Sprints work.

* This is only a suggestion (objectives can be adjusted based on company needs)

Workshop Menu 3 ●

Can be used for upskilling people from internal company
Can be used for company in Level 2 (Process & Apply)
● For all levels from all divisions in company
● Note: This journey is only an example, so it can be adjusted based on
needs and objectives of each company

Digital Transformation Software Future

Digital Business Data Analytics
& Mindset Development Technology

(a) Introduction to Digital (a) Growth Hacking (a) Data-Driven (a) Foundational Chatbot 101
Transformation Fundamentals Organization Research & Design
Thinking - Empower AI-generated
- How Technology Can Achieve - Growth hacking - Data-driven organizations Content Strategy
Business Vision introduction fundamentals - Design Thinking - Provide more customized
- Value Drivers and Key Challenges - AIDA marketing model - Data Visualization and - Understanding Empathy experiences at ease
- Adopting Agility to Drive Digital - When and why company Communication - Creating Research Plan - Better content & improve
Transformation needs growth team - How to apply data-driven in - Research Methodologies strategy
- Know debunking digital - Growth team roles & organization - Synthesizing Data - Humanize company
transformation myths responsibility branding
- Know breaking down digital (b) Data Management & (b) How to Set a Clear
transformation value drives (b) Intro to Digital Organization Product Vision and
Marketing Product Strategy
(b) How to Develop Digital - Data management
Transformation Strategy - Marketing Fundamentals fundamentals - Know what is product
- Marketing Team - Data life cycle vision
Learning Goal in This Menu
- Formulating Digital Transformation Workflows - Data Analyst vs Data - Know what is product
Strategy and Roadmap - Roles & Responsibilities Scientist vs Data Engineer strategies and how fo
- Key Success Factors on Digital - Marketing Skill Tree - Data management define Employees have the understanding
Transformation Implementation principles - Prioritization framework and skills to support company's
- Do's and Don'ts on Digital - Problems in data for product strategy digital transformation
Transformation Initiatives management and how to - Product roadmap
- Current business model for media solve

* This is only a suggestion (objectives can be adjusted based on company needs)

Workshop Menu 4 ●

Can be used for upskilling people from internal company
Can be used for company in Level 3 (Create & Connect the Product)
● For all levels from all divisions in company
● Note: This journey is only an example, so it can be adjusted based on
needs and objectives of each company

Digital Transformation Software Future

Digital Business Data Analytics
& Mindset Development Technology

(a) Use Innovation to Grow Your Calculating Precise (a) Solve Business Can take topics based on Utilization of AI for a
Business Workforce Problems with the Software Better Customer
Data-Driven Solutions Development series that Experience
- Know The Metrics of Digital - The Fundamentals of meet the company's
Transformation Calculating Staff - Data-driven organizations needs and objectives - Concept Artificial
- Know Formulating Product Requirements fundamentals Intelligence
(refer to Special Series
Innovation Strategy to Grow Your - Service Metrics and Types - Data Visualization and - Natural Language
Business of Workloads in Workshop)
Communication Processing
- Know Case Study: Digital - Calculating Staff - How to apply data-driven in - Types of Machine
Transformation Journey Requirements for organization Learning
Different Channels - How Machine Learning
(b) Agile transformation a - Determining Shrinkage (b) Business Intelligence: Works
journey to enterprise agility - Optimizing Staff
Turn Data to Insights
Requirements Based on
Stakeholder Needs and
- Know business agility, definition, - What is Business
Economies of Scale
three laws goals and the Intelligence and How It
measurement Works Learning Goal in This Menu
- Know Cynefin framework, the - How BI Help an
benefit, example, and study case Organization to Make
- Know stacey matrix Critical Decision Using Data Employees are able to internalize digital-based
- How to Adapting, scrum in team and analytical skills to support the connectivity of
organization technology systems in company
- Step to build agile organization

* This is only a suggestion (objectives can be adjusted based on company needs)

Our Bootcamp Program
The Program

Intensive courses to deep dive the knowledge, skills by

Bootcamp Topics collaborating in creating digital product prototypes

● 20 - 70 Session/Course

Business & Production Class UI/UX Designer | Product Management ● 3 hours/session

● Maximum 25 Participants/Class
React Native | Full-stack Web
Development | Quality Engineering, | Profile Participants: For anyone
Developer Class iOS Engineer | Android Engineering |

who wants to accelerate digital
Front End | Back End
skills (upskilling and/or
Business Intelligence Analyst, Business
Data Analytics Intelligence Engineer, Data Science ● Monthly Evaluation Reports

● Level Taxonomy Bloom

(Evaluating and Creating)
Cyber Security Cyber Security
The Program

Intensive courses to deep dive the knowledge, skills by

Bootcamp Topics collaborating in creating digital product prototypes.

Business & Product Creation Class Developer Class

Back End Engineering
Becoming developer who designs
software from server side and database.
React Native Duration: 4 Months
UI/UX Design Becoming multi platform mobile apps
Becoming human-centric UI/UX Designers. developer: Android and iOS. Front End Engineering
Duration: 4 Months Duration: 4 Months Becoming developer who’s providing
visual elements from users’ side and
Fullstack Web interact within web application.
Becoming all-around engineer with a Duration: 4 Months
Product Management robust organisation and interpretation
Becoming a data driven + business skills. Android Engineering
growth-mindset product manager. Duration: 4 Months Becoming Android engineer with
Duration: 4 Months knowledge of latest tech stack.
Quality Assurance Duration: 4 Months
Becoming developer who has
end-to-end skills to establish quality
IOS Engineering
Becoming iOS engineer with knowledge
Duration: 4 Months
of latest tech stack.
Duration: 4 Months
The Program

Intensive courses to deep dive the knowledge, skills by

Bootcamp Topics collaborating in building digital product prototypes.

Data Analytics Cyber Security

Business Intelligence Analyst

Becoming a Business Intelligence analyst
who can convert data to a business decision.
Duration: 6 Weeks

Business Intelligence Engineer Cyber Security

Strengthening Your Data Security from
Becoming a Business Intelligence Engineer
Data Breaching Activity
who can convert data to a business decision.
Duration: 2 Months
Duration: 6 Weeks

Data Science
Creating Data Model to Improve Your
Duration: 2 Months
Our Clients
2019 - 2022

Talent Platform:




Oil & Gas:


from various industries bootcamp boughted Bootcamp student

Binar Academy
Case study

Telkomsel Software Developer Academy

BCA Synergy Academy CSR Program
Internal Upskilling

An 16 week intensive upskilling program A CSR collaboration program between

held by Telkomsel for their internal BCA dan Binar Academy for the IT talents
employees. To equip the employees with development in Indonesia and talent hunt
new skills and competencies including for BCA and BINAR Hiring Partners job
Back End, Android & iOS. allocation.

Courses offered are; Front End Engineering,

Backend Engineering, Android, Quality
Assurance and UI/UX Design.
Our pal who has started their experience first

“Working with Binar, it definitely helped

“I had the pleasure of working with the “Quick, effective, to the point, and insightful.
us in finding the right mix of skills,
Binar team on an innovative project for our Binar Academy’s method is very suitable for
experience, and attitude for our team.
Asia Pacific Headquarters.” our IT and Digital team who has many
We’ve been very happy with the quality of
people joining us from Binar and always iterative business-as-usual projects.”
- Adrian de Canha - looking for ways to add more.”

Director of Sales & Account Management

- Dickie Widjaja - - Dindin Rosyidin -
for Indonesia, Philippines & Vietnam
Lufthansa Systems Chief Information Officer Investree Dean of Digital Banking Bank Mandiri

What you going to be

Our Society

With BINAR, you're going to be

progressive, inclusive, and empathetic in
optimizing your various roles to
contribute to the world's needs.

Our Planet Our Self

Meet us anytime.

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