In Series Circuit

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In series circuit, the current (I) remains same whereas the Voltage (V) is distributed

In parallel circuit, the current (I) is distributed whereas the Voltage (V) remains the same

What are the factors affecting resistance?

The property of the material that restricts the flow of electrons is known as resistance.
Resistance is denoted by "R”.
Factors affecting resistance.
There are fours factors affecting resistance, such as:

1. Temperature: Heating a wire increases its resistance. Electrical resistance also

depends on temperature. At a certain temperature and for a particular
2. Length of wire: Thick wires have less resistance than thin wires. Longer wires
have more resistance than short wires.
3. Area of the cross-section of the wire: Smaller diameter wires have greater
4. Nature of the material: The copper wire has less resistance to thin steel wire of
the same size.

Therefore, the resistance of a wire depends both on the cross-sectional area and length
of the wire and on the nature of the material of the wire.

Why is voltmeter connected in parallel and an ammeter im series?


Ammeter measures value of current flowing in circuit, so current should flow inside
ammeter to give proper result. And it has very low resistance to ensure the correct
measurement of current in the circuit.
If it is connected in parallel across any load then all current in circuit will choose lower
resistive path (i.e ammeter) to cause it's circuit to be damaged. Hence it is used in series.
A Voltmeter has very high resistance to ensure that it's connection do not alter flow of
current in the circuit.Now if it is connected in series then no current will be there in the
circuit due to it's high resistance. Hence it is connected in parallel to the load across
which potential difference is to be measured.
 Rheostat is a variable resistor.
 Galvanometer is used to determine whether the current if flowing or not and it is connected
in series.

What happens to the electric current when the potential difference is zero?

When the potential difference is zero then:

1. When the potential difference is zero, electric current stops flowing.

2. It means that two ends have the same potential.
3. The flow of charges between two points is determined by the electric potential
difference between them.

What is a Variable Resistor?

 A variable resistor is a resistor of which the electric
resistance value can be adjusted. 

Potential difference: Work done in bringing a unit positive charge from one point to other point.

One volt: When Joule of work is done to move one coulomb of charge.

Ohm’s Law: It states that current through a conductor between 2 points is directly proportional to
the potential difference and inversely proportional to the resistance given that the physical
conditions like temperature remains constant.

Resistivity: a measure of the resisting power of a specified material to the flow of an

electric current.
Power: Rate of doing work/energy spent.
All Formulas:
 Q=ne
 I=Q/t
 V=W/Q
 V=IR
 R= ρ(L/A)
 Power=Energy/time
 One electron volt is the energy gained by an electron when it is accelerated through
a PD of one volt.
 Specific resistance is defined as the resistance offered per unit length and unit cross-
sectional area when a known amount of voltage is applied.
 While a plug key has a base in which wires are connected. When the circuit is
need to be on, then the wires are inserted between the base. A Switch helps
in making or breaking of the circuit while, a plug key helps in keeping a circuit
open or closed for a longer duration.
 P=VI, P=V^2/R, P=I^2R

 P * T = E (watt * second=Joule)

What is Total Internal Reflection?

Total internal reflection is defined as:

The phenomenon which occurs when the light rays travel from a more
optically denser medium to a less optically denser medium.

In a current carrying conductor, free electron move with a drift velocity and they
feel magnetic force, but the positive ions are stationary, so they don't feel any
magnetic force. So net charge on current carrying conductor is zero.

What Is Specific Resistance? Specific resistance is defined

as the resistance offered per unit length and unit cross-
sectional area when a known amount of voltage is applied.

While a plug key has a base in which wires are connected. When the circuit
is need to be on , then the wires are inserted between the base. A Switch
helps in making or breaking of the circuit while, a plug key helps in keeping
a circuit open or closed for a longer duration.
 1 Joule of energy is 10^7 ergs.

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