Old Testament: New Testament
Old Testament: New Testament
Old Testament: New Testament
I. Infancy Narratives
a. Annunciation or Announcement of the Birth of Christ
b. Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Queen Elizabeth
c. Birth of Christ
d. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
e. Finding of Jesus in the Temple
II. The Public Ministry of Christ
a. Baptism of Jesus
b. Miracles at the Wedding at Cana
c. Proclamation of the Kingdom of God through Parables
d. Healing and Forgiving Ministry (Parable of the Paralytic Man)
III. Paschal Mystery of Jesus
a. The Last Supper/ Institution of the Holy Eucharist
b. Passion and Death of Christ
c. Resurrection
d. Ascension
e. Descent of the Holy Spirit
IV. Natures of Jesus
a. Jesus is True God
b. Jesus is True Man
Note: Jesus is God. He is superior over Moses. Moses is a human being like
Messianic Prophecy:
Liturgical Seasons:
Preparation- for the second coming of Christ (Parousia)
Reparation (renewal, conversion of the heart, transformation)
December 08- Immaculate Concepcion
Birth of our Lord Jesus
Feast of the Holy Family- Sunday after Christmas
Solemnity of the Divine Motherhood of Mary- January 1
Baptism of the Lord- day after Epiphany
(Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday)- the highest point in the
Liturgical calendar. This is a 3day special celebration of the death and
resurrection of our Lord that brought us our salvation.
Annunciation- March 25
Solemnity of the Lord’s ascension
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary- May 31
Aramaic: “Mesiha”
Hebrew: “Masiah”
Greek: “Christos”
-which means the “Anointed”, the one that is to come as we wait for Him
during the Advent season
Jesus: comes from the Hebrew word “Yehoshuah” which means “Yahweh is
Salvation or God Saves”.
Conflict: Mary was chosen to be the mother of the Son of God but she has
no relations to any man.
Solution: The Holy Spirit will come upon her and the power of the Most High
will overshadow her.
The Annunciation is the event which made Mary the Model of Faith/
Anne and Joachim: parents of Mary
Elizabeth, her cousin: barren and old but got pregnant. Zechariah/
Zachary, husband of Elizabeth. John the Baptist, their son.
Immaculate Conception: title of Mary which means: Mary was
conceived without original sin. She was preserved from any stains of
original sin.
Lesson 2- Visitation
When Mary greeted, the infant in the womb of Elizabeth leaped for
Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit, she said: “Most blessed are you
among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb…”
Mary’s response is entitled “The Magnificat” which is the Canticle of
Canticle means song of praise to the Lord.
The wise men: Melchor, Gaspar, Baltazar… brought the 3 gifts: gold,
myrrh and frankincense
Gold: symbolizes the kingly mission of Christ. Myrrh: His prophetic
mission and Frankincense: His priestly mission.
Jesus was born in a manger symbolizes that He is intended to be the
suffering servant/ Messiah.