Mary's Way of The Cross
Mary's Way of The Cross
Mary's Way of The Cross
With Mary,
The Mother of Jesus
Richard Furey
Twenty-Third Publications
Opening Song: Hail Mary, Gentle Woman (#889)
Good evening.
The third reader will read a reflection, then she will lead all
of us together in a prayer at the end of each station.
Reader !:
Reader 2:
It was early Friday morning when I saw my son. That was the
first glimpse I had of him since they took him away. His
bruised and bleeding skin sent a sword of pain deep into my
heart and tears down my cheeks. Then Pilate, from his chair
of judgment, asked the crowd why they wanted my son
executed. All around me thy shouted, “Crucify him!” I wanted
to scream at them at them to stop, but I trusted God, even in
this darkest hour. So I stood by, and cried silently.
Reader 3:
Reader 3:
“Crucify him!”
“Crucify him!”
your Kingdom
Reader 1:
To accept the challenges that life offers and seek the will of
decision-a decision made from the very core of our being, even
Reader 2:
shoulders. Then they shoved him down the road. My pain for
him was unbearable. I wanted to take the cross from him and
Reader 3:
Lord Jesus, I beg you to forgive me for the many times I have
about others and for always trying to find excuses to avoid
us your eyes to see the cross in the lives of those around us.
Musician: Instrumental
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
Nothing had ever hurt me more than to see him in such pain.
when I saw him fall, face to the ground, the heavy cross
Then the guards kicked him. He rose slowly and began to walk
Reader 3:
Lord, how often have I seen you fall, and, unlike Mary, have
Reader 3 & All:
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
side by side with my son. I called to him through the shouting
voices. He stopped. Our eyes met, mine full of tears of
anguish, his full of pain and confusion. I felt helpless, then his
eyes said to me, “Courage! Trust in God’s love. There is
purpose for this.” As he stumbled on, I knew he was right. So
I followed and prayed silently.
Reader 3:
Lord Jesus, forgive me the many times our eyes met and
Yes, Lord, our eyes have met many times, but fruitlessly.
Reader 3:
Musician: Instrumental
Reader 1: Fifth Station: Simon Helps Jesus Carry His
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
Reader 3:
Reader 1:
we are invited to go beyond the cover story to the real story,
Reader 2:
guards, took off her veil and began to wipe my son’s sweating,
Reader 3:
Musician: Instrumental
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
Reader 3:
Lord, of all people Mary was your most faithful follower, never
stopping in spite of all the pain she felt for you. I have
sometimes allowed life’s difficulties to overwhelm me, and to
make me lose my focus on you. I ask you, O Lord, to give me
Reader 3:
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
I was walking a few steps behind Jesus when I saw him stop.
Some women were there crying for him and pitying him. He
told them not to shed tears for him, but to act
compassionately on behalf of their suffering sisters and
brothers. He told them that those tears would be a blessing,
for them and for many others. They did not see the
connection between reaching out to help others and helping
Jesus as he walked to his death. But I did, and I trusted in
God’s love, even in the darkest hour.
Reader 3:
O Christ, as we weep for you and for all who suffer in our
world today, may our tears move us to action. Help us to
respond with your love, and be instruments of your compassion
and healing.
Musician: Instrumental
All: Because by your holy cross you have
redeemed the world.
Reader 1:
control, trusting that God will prevail over evil. And yet
Reader 2:
This fall of Jesus was agony to me. Not only had he fallen on
the rocky ground again, but now he was almost at the top of
Reader 3:
Reader 3 & All:
your kingdom.
Reader 1:
of all that holds us from giving the same love in the world
Reader 2:
Reader 3:
Musician: Instrumental
All: Because by your holy cross you have
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
Reader 3:
Lord, what pain you endured for me. And what pain your
mother went through, seeing her only son die for love of me!
Yet, both you and she are ready to forgive me as soon as I
repent of my sin. Help me, Lord, to turn away from my
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
What greater pain is there for a mother than to see her son
die right before her eyes? I, who had brought this savior into
the world and watched him grow! And now I had to stand
helplessly beneath his cross as he lowered his head and died.
His earthly anguish was finished, but mine was greater than
ever. I knew that I had to trust in God’s love and in God’s
faithfulness. And so I stood by and I mourned silently.
Reader 3:
You have said that true love is laying down your life for your
friends. Let me always be your friend. Teach me to live my
life for others, and not fail again.
Musician: Instrumental
Reader 1: The Thirteenth Station: Jesus is Taken
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
The crowd had gone; the noise had stopped. I stood quietly
with one of Jesus’ friends and looked up at the dead body of
our savior, my son. Then two men took the body from the
cross and placed it in my arms. A deep sorrow engulfed my
being. Yet, I also felt deep joy. Life had ended cruelly for my
son, but it had also brought life to all of us. I knew this had
to be, and I prayed silently.
Reader 3:
choose sin over you. I have done my part in your crucifixion
and now, my savior, I beg your forgiveness with all my heart.
Help me to live a life worthy of you and your mother.
your kingdom.
Reader 1:
upside down. The “end” is only the beginning.
Reader 2:
Reader 3:
Yes, my Lord, this had to be because you love me, and for no
other reason. All you ask is that I live a good life. You never
said such a life would be easy. I am willing to leave sin and
fear behind, and try to live as you lived, and to love as you
Musician: Instrumental
Reader 1: The Fifteenth Station: Jesus is Raised from
the Dead
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
My savior, thank you! Thank you for such endless love that
helps me to rise out of my own sinfulness and fear. I will try
again to live a better life. Mary, mother of our risen savior,
teach me to be like you, opening my heart to all of God’s
beloved people. Help me to see that in my love for others, I
am also loving Jesus in return.