Mary's Way of The Cross

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Praying the Stations

With Mary,
The Mother of Jesus

Richard Furey
Twenty-Third Publications
Opening Song: Hail Mary, Gentle Woman (#889)

Welcome and Introduction:

Good evening.

The Gathering of Women committee is pleased to welcome

you here this evening. We appreciate you coming to pray
together. Tonight, we’re going to follow the stations of the
cross with Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Each of you should
have a worship aid that you can use throughout the stations.
We will have three readers for each station. The first reader
will announce each station and give the usual invocation. Your
response is on the worship aid.

The second reader will share the reflections of Mary, the

Mother of Jesus.

The third reader will read a reflection, then she will lead all
of us together in a prayer at the end of each station.

You’ll find that prayer in your worship aid.

As we begin our prayer tonight, we ask that you stand.

Musician: Jesus, Remember, when you come into your


Reader !:

The First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Die

Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1: Innocence and yet condemnation. What a paradox.

To discover meaning in the midst of feeling hopeless and filled
with fear is an enormous challenge. Like Jesus, we are invited
to walk the journey of the unknown with faith in God who loves

Reader 2:

It was early Friday morning when I saw my son. That was the
first glimpse I had of him since they took him away. His
bruised and bleeding skin sent a sword of pain deep into my
heart and tears down my cheeks. Then Pilate, from his chair
of judgment, asked the crowd why they wanted my son
executed. All around me thy shouted, “Crucify him!” I wanted
to scream at them at them to stop, but I trusted God, even in
this darkest hour. So I stood by, and cried silently.

Reader 3:

Lord Jesus, it is hard for me to imagine the anguish your

Reader 3:

mother felt at your condemnation. But what about today,

when I hold a grudge…?

“Crucify him!”

When I judge others…?

“Crucify him!”

Doesn’t this bring tears of anguish to both you and your


Forgive me, Jesus.

Reader 3 leads the assembly in praying together:

Oh Christ, we pray that you open our hearts so that we may

be instruments of life in our world today. Give us the courage
to restore dignity to all those whose lives we touch, and to
speak up for all who are condemned unjustly.

Musician: Jesus, Remember me, when you come into

your Kingdom

Reader 1: Second Station: Jesus Takes His Cross

Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world

Reader 1:

To accept the challenges that life offers and seek the will of

God demands trust. Jesus reminds us that trust is often a

decision-a decision made from the very core of our being, even

when we don’t know the final outcome.

Reader 2:

Regaining a little strength, I walked with the crowds

to the entrance of the square. A door flew open and my son

stumbled out, the guards laughing behind him. Two men

dragged over a heavy wooden cross and dropped it on his

shoulders. Then they shoved him down the road. My pain for

him was unbearable. I wanted to take the cross from him and

carry it myself, but I trusted God, even in this darkest

hour. But I knew this had to be, so I walked on


Reader 3:

Lord Jesus, I beg you to forgive me for the many times I have

added more weight to your cross by closing my eyes to the

pain and loneliness of my neighbor. Forgive me for gossiping

about others and for always trying to find excuses to avoid

certain people who wish to talk with me. Help me to be

like Mary, always seeking to lighten the crosses of others.

Forgive me, Jesus.

Reader 3 & All:

O Christ, as we accept the daily crosses of our lives, give

us your eyes to see the cross in the lives of those around us.

Give us your wisdom, as we companion those who walk along

with us on our journey of faith and life.

Musician: Instrumental

Reader 1: Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time

Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

Despite our best efforts, we often discover that life is not

always in our control. Jesus’ fall reminds us of our own
vulnerability to the unforeseen struggles of life. Our
challenge is to continue the journey, even when we do not

Reader 2:

I followed close behind my son as he stumbled toward Calvary.

Nothing had ever hurt me more than to see him in such pain.

I saw the cross digging into his shoulders. My heart dropped

when I saw him fall, face to the ground, the heavy cross

landing squarely on his back. For a moment I thought my

beloved son was dead. Now, my whole body began to tremble.

Then the guards kicked him. He rose slowly and began to walk

again, yet they still whipped him. I wanted to protect him

with my own body. But I knew this had to be, so I walked on

and wept silently.

Reader 3:

Lord, how often have I seen you fall, and, unlike Mary, have

left there without concerns? How often have I seen people

make mistakes and laughed at them? How often do I find

myself getting angry when someone does things differently

than I? Mary offered you her support through your entire

passion. Help me to do the same for you by the support I give

to others. Lord, have mercy on me.

Reader 3 & All:

O, Christ, giver of life, when we fall or fail, give us the power

to get up and walk again, so that we might also be able to

lift up others who have fallen or are suffering. When we

are vulnerable, help us to lean on you.

Musician: Jesus Remember Me, when you come into

your kingdom.

Reader 1: Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Grieving


Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

When we are suffering, those who love us suffer with us.

This is truly difficult, and it often breaks our hearts. As

Jesus meets his mother, and sees her suffering, we are

reminded that our own journey of life is one that is deeply

connected to the lives of others.

Reader 2:

I had managed to break through the crowd and was walking

side by side with my son. I called to him through the shouting
voices. He stopped. Our eyes met, mine full of tears of
anguish, his full of pain and confusion. I felt helpless, then his
eyes said to me, “Courage! Trust in God’s love. There is
purpose for this.” As he stumbled on, I knew he was right. So
I followed and prayed silently.

Reader 3:

Lord Jesus, forgive me the many times our eyes met and

I turned mine away. Forgive me the times things did not go

my way and I let everyone know about it. Forgive me the

times I brooded over little inconveniences or become

discouraged and did not heed your call to courage!

Yes, Lord, our eyes have met many times, but fruitlessly.

Reader 3:

O Christ, it is you who have offered life in bread that is

broken, and in wine that is poured out. Continue to nourish

us, so that we might walk with others, in the midst of their


Musician: Instrumental

Reader 1: Fifth Station: Simon Helps Jesus Carry His

Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

Both Simon and Jesus teach us about discipleship. Life often

presents unexpected opportunities to act on behalf of

another. But like Jesus, we may also find ourselves in need of

the help of another. Let us pray that we are awake to the

opportunities to love and serve others.

Reader 2:

I could now see almost complete helplessness on the face of

my son as he tried to carry his heavy load. Each step looked
as if it would be his last. I felt his every pain in my heart and
I wanted the whole thing to end. Then I noticed some
commotion near Jesus. The guards had pulled a protesting
man from the crowd. They forced him to pick up the back the
cross to help lighten my son’s load. Silently I thanked God for
a stranger’s helping hand. I trusted in God’s love even in this
darkest hour. And so I followed silently.

Reader 3:

Lord Jesus, I have many times refused to help you. I have

been too busy or selfish, and have walked past someone who
needed help, or needed a friend. Give me, dear God, the
necessary courage and strength, to faithfully respond to the
needs of others.

Reader 3 & All:

O Christ, keep us ever mindful of you in the faces around us.

Heal us from our indifference and silence, so we might bring

light to their darkness, hope in their doubt, courage in their
weakness, and comfort to their suffering.

Musician: Jesus, Remember Me, when you come into

your Kingdom.

Reader 1: Sixth Station: Veronica Wipes the Face of


Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

Like Veronica and Jesus, we are sometimes confronted with

situations that call us to color outside the lines. Like them,

we are invited to go beyond the cover story to the real story,

and to respond to each person we meet as the face of God in


Reader 2:

As I continued close by Jesus, a woman pushed past the

guards, took off her veil and began to wipe my son’s sweating,

bloody face.. The guards immediately pulled her back. Her

face seemed to say, “Why are they doing this to him?” I

knew, so I walked on in faith, trusting in God’s abundant love.

Reader 3:

Lord, this woman was courageous as she pushed past the

guards. She gave you the best she could, her veil to wipe your
face. There are so many opportunities every day for me to
give to you by giving to others. But I’m sometimes too busy to
stop and help. My savior, open my eyes, to see your face in
those around me.

Reader 3 & All:

O Christ, help us break through our own barriers, our fears,

to see your face in those we meet. Make us as bold as
Veronica in our care for others. Help us to reach out to those
in need in memory of you.

Musician: Instrumental

Reader 1: Seventh Station: Jesus Falls the Second


Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

The hardships of life can be overwhelming at times. Jesus

reminds us that we are called to struggle onward, trusting in
God’s unconditional presence and love for us. Sometimes we
fall, even a second time, but God calls us forward and gives us
the strength we need.

Reader 2:

Again, my son fell, and again my grief was overwhelming at the

thought that he might die. I started to move toward him, but
the soldiers prevented me. He rose and stumbled ahead
slowly. Seeing my son fall, get up again, and continue on was
bitter anguish to me. But, since I knew this had to be, I
walked on silently.

Reader 3:

Lord, of all people Mary was your most faithful follower, never
stopping in spite of all the pain she felt for you. I have

sometimes allowed life’s difficulties to overwhelm me, and to
make me lose my focus on you. I ask you, O Lord, to give me

Reader 3:

O Christ, help us to trust that even when we do not feel your

presence, you are indeed holding us as we journey through life.
Help us believe that you are calling us to be your healing and
caring presence for others.

Musician: Jesus Remember Me, when you come into

your kingdom.

Reader 1: Eighth Station: Jesus Speaks to the Women

Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

Jesus reminds the compassionate women of Jerusalem and

us to look outward and to create a world where there will be

no more tears, no more injustice, no more pain, no more war,

and to work together toward that end.

Reader 2:

I was walking a few steps behind Jesus when I saw him stop.

Some women were there crying for him and pitying him. He
told them not to shed tears for him, but to act
compassionately on behalf of their suffering sisters and
brothers. He told them that those tears would be a blessing,
for them and for many others. They did not see the
connection between reaching out to help others and helping
Jesus as he walked to his death. But I did, and I trusted in
God’s love, even in the darkest hour.

Reader 3:

My savior, many times I have acted like these women, feeling

pity for others, but not taking appropriate action on their

behalf. Lord, you are teaching me to be your compassionate

heart in our world today.

Reader 3 & All:

O Christ, as we weep for you and for all who suffer in our
world today, may our tears move us to action. Help us to
respond with your love, and be instruments of your compassion
and healing.

Musician: Instrumental

Reader 1: Ninth Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time

Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have
redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

Sometimes suffering in silence is the only option. Like Jesus,

we may be called to submit to that which is no longer in our

control, trusting that God will prevail over evil. And yet

while it is never easy to fall, through falling we come to know

our dependency and our need.

Reader 2:

This fall of Jesus was agony to me. Not only had he fallen on
the rocky ground again, but now he was almost at the top of

the hill of crucifixion. The soldiers screamed at him and

abused him, almost dragging him the last few steps. My heart
pounded as I imagined what they would do to him next. But, I
knew this had to be, so I climbed the hill silently behind my

Reader 3:

My loving Jesus, I know that many times I have offered my

hand to help people but when it became inconvenient or painful
to me I left them, making excuses for myself. Help me, Lord,
to be like your mother, Mary, and never take my supporting
hand away from those who need it.

Reader 3 & All:

O Christ, give us your strength to that we may continue to be

a refuge of dignity and hope in the midst of life’s chaos.
Increase our sensitivity to the suffering of others and help us
to be beacons of hope to those without hope, to those who
have fallen over and over again.

Musician: Jesus Remember me, when you come into

your kingdom.

Reader 1: Tenth Station: Jesus Is Stripped of His


Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

In his nakedness, Jesus is left totally vulnerable, releasing

the last remnants of dignity and protection. Yet in this

vulnerability he walks toward the greatest act of love ever

accomplished. So, too, we pray that we might be able to let go

of all that holds us from giving the same love in the world


Reader 2:

With my son was finally relieved of the weight of the cross, I

thought he would have a chance to rest. But the guards
immediately started to rip his clothes off his blood-clotted
skin. The sight of my son in such pain was unbearable. Yet, all
I had was the memory of God’s own promise of unconditional
love. And so I stood by and cried silently.

Reader 3:

Lord, in my own way I too have stripped you. I have taken

away the good name of another by foolish talk and have
stripped people of human dignity by my prejudice. Jesus,
there are so many ways I have offended you through the hurt
I have caused others. Help me to see you in all people.

Reader 3 & All:

O Christ sustain us in our nakedness. Help us to let go of all

that must be left behind, so that we might clothe others in
dignity and truth. Clothe us with patience and perseverance
as we reach out to so many who are in need.

Musician: Instrumental

Reader 1: The Eleventh Station: Jesus is Nailed to the


Reader1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

Jesus’ power seems to be destroyed in his execution. His

response of forgiveness seems irrational and impossible. It is

at this moment, however, that Jesus exercises his greatest

power and reminds us that love is always stronger than hatred

or suffering or even death.

Reader 2:

As they threw Jesus on the cross, he willingly allowed himself

to be nailed. As they punctured his hands and his feet I felt
the pain in my heart. Then they lifted up the cross. There he
was, my son, whom I love so much, being scorned as he
struggled for the last few moments of earthly life. In that
moment, the only thing that I could cling to was God’s promise
of a love that’s more powerful than death itself. I knew this
had to be, so I stood by and prayed silently.

Reader 3:

Lord, what pain you endured for me. And what pain your
mother went through, seeing her only son die for love of me!

Yet, both you and she are ready to forgive me as soon as I
repent of my sin. Help me, Lord, to turn away from my

Reader 3 & All:

O Christ, be our strength as we hear the cries of all who

are in need of your generous mercy. Make us strong, that we
may help the weak. Make us whole, that we may reach out to
the broken. May we be heralds of your love and mercy in our
world today.

Musician: Jesus, Remember Me, when you come into

Reader 1: Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross

Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

In Jesus’ death we are reminded how to live: act justly, love

tenderly, and walk humbly with God, even in the face of death.
In Jesus’ death we are reminded that we have responsibility,
one for the other, and the greatest gift is the gift of
ourselves for others.

Reader 2:

What greater pain is there for a mother than to see her son
die right before her eyes? I, who had brought this savior into
the world and watched him grow! And now I had to stand
helplessly beneath his cross as he lowered his head and died.
His earthly anguish was finished, but mine was greater than
ever. I knew that I had to trust in God’s love and in God’s
faithfulness. And so I stood by and I mourned silently.

Reader 3:

My Jesus, have mercy on me for what my sins have done to

you and to others. I thank you for your great act of love.

You have said that true love is laying down your life for your
friends. Let me always be your friend. Teach me to live my
life for others, and not fail again.

Reader 3 & All:

O Christ deliver us from all that is evil and brings death.

Continue to use us as bearers of your life-giving word. May we
act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with our God, so
that we might pass on to others your own life-giving love.

Musician: Instrumental

Reader 1: The Thirteenth Station: Jesus is Taken

From the Cross

Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

Those who stayed to the bitter end are examples of courage,

mercy and faithfulness. May we continue in their footsteps
for the sake of others. May we be faithful companions to all
who suffer loss and seek healing.

Reader 2:

The crowd had gone; the noise had stopped. I stood quietly
with one of Jesus’ friends and looked up at the dead body of
our savior, my son. Then two men took the body from the
cross and placed it in my arms. A deep sorrow engulfed my
being. Yet, I also felt deep joy. Life had ended cruelly for my
son, but it had also brought life to all of us. I knew this had
to be, and I prayed silently.

Reader 3:

Lord, your passion has ended. Yet, it still goes on whenever I

choose sin over you. I have done my part in your crucifixion
and now, my savior, I beg your forgiveness with all my heart.
Help me to live a life worthy of you and your mother.

Reader 3 & All:

O Christ, help us in times of unbelief or discouragement, so

that as we continue our journey of faith, we will always be
open to your Holy Spirit. Give us the gift of hope renewed
and the gift or courage restored, that we might reach out to
others in your name, and that we might love others with your

Musician: Jesus, Remember Me, when you come into

your kingdom.

Reader 1: Fourteenth Station: Jesus Is Placed in the


Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

To be placed in the tomb is the final loss in this world:

separation from all we know and love or so it would seem. In
this tomb, there is more than a body. Jesus’ death has
destroyed death. Tomb becomes womb. The world is turned

upside down. The “end” is only the beginning.

Reader 2:

We brought Jesus’ body to a tomb and I arranged it there

myself, silently weeping, silently rejoicing. I took one more
look at my loving son, and then walked out. They closed the
tomb. I didn’t understand this mystery of death, but I knew
that even then our faithful God was trustworthy. I would wait
in faith silently.

Reader 3:

Yes, my Lord, this had to be because you love me, and for no
other reason. All you ask is that I live a good life. You never
said such a life would be easy. I am willing to leave sin and
fear behind, and try to live as you lived, and to love as you

Reader 3 & All:

O Christ, help us to trust in you and you alone, so that we may

open our hearts and receive your new life. Strengthen us, so
that we can strengthen others as they carry their own
crosses. Fill us with the light of your grace so that we might
light the way for others.

Musician: Instrumental

Reader 1: The Fifteenth Station: Jesus is Raised from

the Dead

Reader 1: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.

All: Because by your holy cross you have

redeemed the world.

Reader 1:

Jesus is raised! Jesus is with us still! This is the central

mystery of our faith. This is reason we celebrate! The Risen
One conquered death and is still with us nurturing us, healing
us, forgiving us and loving us.

Reader 2:

I could only be most grateful for the unconditional love my son

had for all people. Yet what emptiness I felt trying to live
without him whom I loved so very much! But, only two days
later that emptiness was filled beyond belief, he had risen!
He was still with us! Death did not have the last word! Love is
more powerful than even death itself! Jesus had opened our
hearts to a new life, a life in the fulness of God’s own love. I
knew then that I would rejoice forever, in the graciousness of
God’s abundant love.

Reader 3 & All:

Let us pray together. The prayer is on your worship aid.

My savior, thank you! Thank you for such endless love that
helps me to rise out of my own sinfulness and fear. I will try
again to live a better life. Mary, mother of our risen savior,
teach me to be like you, opening my heart to all of God’s
beloved people. Help me to see that in my love for others, I
am also loving Jesus in return.

Reader 1: Closing Thoughts

Tonight we have prayed the Stations of the Cross though the

eyes of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary walked by faith not
by sight. Her spirit was always open to God’s Spirit but that
didn’t make life easy for Mary, it didn’t give her any more
understanding than we have. The Gospels tell us that Mary
kept life’s events in her heart and pondered them. Some of
those moments were times of intense joy. Others were times
of great suffering. Still others were unremarkable, ordinary

times. Yet Mary, the woman of faith, kept all of these

moments in her heart and she reflected on them in light of
her trust in the abundance of God’s love. Tonight, as we
prayed the stations, we walked with Mary. And we continue to
pray, in solidarity with Mary, that we too will be faithful to
God’s abundant love.

Closing Song: Change Our Hearts #493


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