Lesson Plan Math 3 - Week 24

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S.Y. 2022-2023
Jl. Yos Sudarso Blok A No. 4/5 Pelita – Batam 29443
Telp. (0778) 450797 Fax.(0778) 452983 Web: www.sekolahpelitautama.sch.id


Subject: Mathematics Grade Level: III

Teacher: Wa’is Alkhorni, S.Pd Date: February 13-17 2023

Time: 140 minutes per meeting

Objectives: After the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Introduce the concept of equivalent fractions by comparing
b. Name the numerator and denominator of a fraction
c. Find equivalent fractions
d. Write a fraction in its simplest form
e. Compare and order fractions
f. Find fraction of a quantity

Subject Matter:  Chapter 9 “Fractions”

a. Lesson 9.1 (Numerator and Denominator)
b. Lesson 9.2 (Equivalent Fractions)
Reference Materials:  Onwards Math 3 (Teacher’s Guide)
 Onwards Math 3 (Textbook)
 Internet
Drill/Review: a. Show pupils the pictures of pizza being split into several
Motivation: pieces. Ask how many pieces of pizza are there?

b. Ask pupils about the lesson that they have learnt about
fractions in Grade 2.

c. By giving the picture of shapes are divided equally into their

fractions. Ask pupils to name the fractions shown.

Procedures/Executions: a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance
d. Lesson Proper
Lesson 9.1 (Numerator and Denominator)
1. Refer pupils to p.75 of the Textbook. Recap the meaning
of fractions and teach pupils how to compare areas to
determine if two fractions are equivalent. Get pupils to
pair up. Say: We have learnt that fractions are parts of a
whole. Ask (pupils with Sheet A): How many parts are
there in the square? (3) How many of those parts are
shaded? (2) Say: Since two parts out of three are shaded,
we say that the fraction of the square that is shaded is 2/3.
Ask (pupils with Sheet 8): How many parts are there in
the square? (12) How many of those parts are shaded?
(8) So what fraction of your square is shaded? (8/12)
Say: Now, cut along the dotted lines. Compare your
rectangle with your partner's. Ask: Do they have the
same area? (Yes) Say: Since they have the same area, we
can say that the fractions 2/3 and 8/12 are equal. We call
them equivalent fractions.

2. Ask pupils for their thoughts on finding equivalent

fractions by comparing the areas. Allow them to respond
freely. The objective of this activity is to bring across the
concept of equivalent fractions.

3. Refer pupils to p.76 of the Textbook. Say: We have learnt

to read and write fractions. Look at the figure shown. It is
divided into five equal parts. Since one part is colored
purple, we say that 15 of the figure is purple. Ask: What
fraction of the figure is green? (25)

4. Introduce the terms 'numerator' and 'denominator'. Say:

Look at the fraction 25. The number above the line is the
numerator. It shows the number of parts of a whole. The
number below the line is the denominator. It shows the
number of equal parts into which the whole is divided.

Lesson 9.2 (Equivalent Fractions)

1. Introduce the concept of equivalent fractions to pupils.
Say: Recall the activity that we did at the start of the
chapter. We compared the shaded portions of the
squares and concluded that since they have the same
area, the fractions 23 and 8 12 are equal. We call them
equivalent fractions. Equivalent fractions are fractions
that have different numerators and denominators, but
have the same value.

2. Refer pupils to p.76 of the Textbook. Use the example

to further illustrate the concept of equivalent fractions.
Say: Look at the example shown. Rita, Tom and Ari
each have a similar swiss roll. Rita cut her swiss roll
into two equal parts and ate one part. Tom cut his swiss
roll into four equal parts and ate two parts. Ari cut his
swiss roll into eight equal parts and ate four parts. Rita
wants to find out who ate more. We can use diagrams to
represent this information. We shade the parts that each
of them ate. From the diagram, we can see that the parts
that were eaten by all three children are of the same
length. So, the fractions ½, 2/4, 4/8 are equal. We call
them equivalent fractions. Look at their numerators.
Ask: Are the numerators the same? (No) What about the
denominators? Are they the same? (No) Say: So,
equivalent fractions are fractions that have different
numerators and denominators, but have the same value.

3. Refer pupils to p.77 of the Textbook. Teach them how

to find equivalent fractions by multiplying the
numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same
number. Say: Besides using diagrams to find equivalent
fractions, we can also find equivalent fractions by
multiplying the numerator and denominator of a fraction
by the same number. In this example, we want to find
the equivalent fraction of 2/3. We can multiply the
numerator and denominator by 2; this gives us 4/6. We
can also multiply the numerator and denominator by 3;
this gives us 6/9. Notice that the amount shaded in each
circle is still the same. So, we can conclude that 2/3, 4/6
and 6/9 are equivalent fractions. The fractions 4/6 and
6/9 equivalent to 2/3.

4. Guide pupils in finding other fractions that are

equivalent to 2/3.

5. Refer pupils to p.78 of the Textbook. Teach them how

to find equivalent fractions by dividing the numerator
and denominator of a fraction by the same number. Say:
We can also find equivalent fractions by dividing the
numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same
number. In this example, we want to find the equivalent
fraction of 8/12. We can divide the numerator and
denominator by 2; this gives us 4/6. We can also divide
the numerator and denominator by 4; this gives us 2/3.
We can see from the diagrams that the amount shaded
in each circle is the same. So, 4/6 and 2/3 are some
fractions that are equivalent to 8/12.

6. Refer pupils to p.78 of the Textbook. Explain to them

what the term 'simplest form' of a fraction means, and
teach them how to find fractions in their simplest form.
Say: The simplest form of a fraction means we cannot
divide the numerator and denominator further by any
common number, except 1. How do we find the simplest
form of a fraction? Let us look at the example shown. To
find the simplest form of 6/12, we must find some
fractions that are equivalent to 6/12 which have smaller
numerators and denominators. First, we divide the
numerator and denominator by 2. Ask: What fraction
do we get? (2)

7. Say: Next, let us divide the numerator and denominator

of 3/6 by 3; we get ½. We cannot divide the numerator
and denominator of ½ further by any common number,
Except 1, to get an equivalent fraction with a smaller
numerator and denominator. Therefore, ½ is the
simplest form of 6/12.

Strategies/Techniques:  Thinking Skills

 Analysing
 Comparing
 Problem solving

Valuing:  Equivalent Fraction

 Parallel Situation in life
Evaluation/Agreement:  Activity
 Test
 Practice

Batam, February 10 2023

Prepared by: Checked by:

_______________________ Mecho Q. Urbiztondo

Subject Teacher Assistant SD IC- Coordinator
Lower Primary (Grades I - III)

Approved by:

Anne Shinta Murti, S.S

SD Principal

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