3rd-Quarter General Biology 2 STEM

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General Biology 2 Activity Sheet

Week 1-6


Name of Learner:____________________________________________________
Grade and Section:_________________________________________ Date: ____


Processes Involved in Genetic Engineering
I. Learning Competency with Code
Outline the processes involved in genetic engineering (STEM_BIO11/12-IIIa-b-6)

II. Background Information for Learners

The process of genetic engineering is not a simple task, it requires complex
machinery and innovative minds. Since farming began, humans have been
selectively breeding different plants, doing so provided more and better food for all.

Genetic engineering is the process of manually transferring genetic

information from one organism to another. Stages of genetic engineering to include:
a. identify section of DNA that contains required gene
from source chromosome,
b. extract required gene,
c. insert required gene into vector/bacterial plasmid,
d. insert plasmid into host cell,
e. grow transformed cells to produce a genetically modified (GM) organism.


Figure 1. An illustration that shows the Stages in Genetic Engineering.

The Process of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is the process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA)

technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism. Traditionally, humans have
manipulated genomes indirectly by controlling breeding and selecting offspring with
desired traits. Genetic engineering involves the direct manipulation of one or more
genes. Most often, a gene from another species is added to an organism's genome
to give it a desired phenotype.

As shown in Figure 1, the first stage of the process is to identify the section of
DNA that contains required gene from the source chromosome. Second stage,
extract the required gene. Third stage, bacterial plasmid is removed from the
bacterial cell and cut open using enzymes. Fourth stage, insert plasmid into host cell
and sealed using enzymes. Fifth stage, grow transformed cells to produce a
genetically modified organism (GMO).

Genetic engineering involves the direct manipulation of one or more genes.

Most often, a gene from another species is added to an organism's genome to give it
a desired phenotype.

III. Activity Proper

Activity 1.
Directions: Arrange in sequence the stages of genetic engineering from first to last
by writing
1 – 5 on the box provided before each stage.

The modified plasmid is inserted into the host bacterial cell to produce a
genetically modified organism.

The bacterial plasmid is removed from the bacterial cell and cut open using

The identified gene is extracted from the chromosome using enzymes.

The required gene is inserted into the bacterial plasmid and sealed using

The section of DNA that contains the required gene is identified.

Activity 2.

Directions. Study the statements below. Choose the correct process of production of
human insulin by genetic engineering method inside the box. Write your answers
on the box provided for each process.

* multiplying the plasmid in bacteria

* insertion of plasmid into host cell
* identified gene is extracted from the
chromosome 3
* identification of the gene interest
1. The recombinant bacteria multiply in a fermentation tank and produce human insulin.
Insulin is extracted, purified and bottled.

2. Human insulin is extracted from pancreas cells and an insulin-producing gene is


3. Insert human insulin-producing gene into the bacterial plasmid vector to form the
DNA of human insulin-producing gene.


4. A plasmid DNA is extracted from a bacterium and cut with restriction enzyme, forming
plasmid vector.

5. Introduce this recombinant DNA into a bacterial cell to form the recombinant


IV. Reflection
How important is genetic engineering in the field of agriculture, industry, and


Name of Learner:______________________ Grade and Section_____________

Applications of Recombinant DNA
I. Learning Competency with Code
Discuss the applications of recombinant DNA (STEM_BIO11/12-IIIa-b-7)

II. Background Information for Learners

The introduction of recombinant DNA technology paved the way in developing
different concepts and interventions in the field of biology. Because of the different
problems occurred in the society, people began to discover many things to lessen
the problems encountered. This is the reason why such developments were done.
Below are the important applications of recombinant DNA technology. It includes (1)
applications in crop improvement, (2) applications in medicines and (3) industrial

Applications Descriptions Examples

Crop Improvement
1.    Distant Hybridization Due to the development of genetic Dianthus caryophyllus
engineering, the transfer of genes barbatus also known as
between distantly related species Fairchild’s Mule
are now possible. Desired genes
can be transferred to higher A crossbred of a
organisms from lower organisms. carnation pink (Dianthus
caryophyllus) and Sweet
William (Dianthus

2. Development of Transgenic plants are genetically Pest resistant GM crops

Transgenic Plants altered plants which contain (cotton and maize) often
imported genes. Through called as Bt crops.
recombinant DNA technology,
genetically modified plants can It was genetically
resist diseases, insects, pests and modified so they are
herbicides. Some may tolerate toxic to certain insects.
drought and metal toxicity.

3. Development of Root Rhizobium (nitrogen fixing Biological Nitrogen

Nodules in Cereal Crops bacteria) found in the root-nodules Fixation (BNF) Rice
of leguminous plants converts the
free atmospheric nitrogen into
nitrates in the root nodules.
Through genetic engineering,
bacterial genes can be transferred
to cereal crops (wheat, rice,
maize, barley etc.) to make it
capable too of fixing atmospheric

4. Development of C4 Improving the photosynthetic  Examples are sorghum,

Plants efficiency of crop plants can sugarcane, maize, some
improve its yield. In order to grasses which are grown
increase the photosynthetic rate of in tropical and
crop plants, C3 plants must be subtropical zones.
converted into C4 plants through
protoplasm fusion. Recombinant
DNA technology C4 plants have
higher potential rate of biomass
production than C3 plants

Applications in Medicines Antibiotics are very common and

Tetracycline which is a
1. Production of Antibiotics effective cure for different viral,
bacterial or protozoan diseases. napthacene antibiotic
Tetracyclin, penicillin, produced
streptomycin, novobiocin, and semisynthetically from
bacitracin are common examples chlortetracycline, an
of antibiotics produced by antibiotic isolated from
microorganisms. Improving the bacterium Streptomyces
microbial strains through
modification of genetic
characteristics helps in increasing
the production of antibiotics.

2. Production of Hormone The insulin which is a hormone Gilbert and

Insulin used by diabetics is usually Willokomaroff designed
extracted from pancreas of pigs a method of Insulin
and cows. The structure of this production through
insulin is slightly different from the recombinant DNA
human insulin which leads to technology
allergic reactions in about 5%
patients. Production of insulin is
made by incorporating human
gene into the bacterial DNA. This
genetically modified bacteria are
used for the production of insulin.
3. Production of Vaccines Transfer of antigen coding genes  Inactive polio vaccine
to disease causing bacteria can (IPV) is an example of a
produce vaccine. The antibodies vaccine for polio.
protect the hosts against the
infection by the same bacteria or
virus. Vaccines for polio, malaria,
cholera, hepatitis, rabies and
smallpox are some examples of
vaccines developed through
genetic engineering.
4. Diagnosis of Disease Physicians were able to diagnose
some diseases through Nucleic Acid Test,
recombinant DNA. Some Antigen/Antibody Test
investigations are now used in and Antibody Test are
detecting infectious agents like types of tests conducted
food poisoning of Salmonella, Pus to detect HIV.
forming Staphylococcus, hepatitis
virus, HIV and others.
5. Production of Enzymes Recombinant DNA technique can  Production of chymosin
produce some useful enzymes like which is important in
enzyme urikinase which is used to cheese production. It
dissolve blood clots. It has been was naturally extracted
produced by genetically from calve’s stomach but
engineered microorganisms. due to modernization, it
can be produced from
6. Production of In order to produce transgenic Some examples of
Transgenic Animals animals, preferred genes is transgenic animals
introduced into an animal. This produced were pigs,
method helps in increasing the sheep, rats and cattle.
variety of selective breeding in
animals. It also ensure that better Dolly the sheep was the
farm animals will be produced for first transgenic animal.
marketable benefits.
Industrial Applications
Biofuels derived from biomass and these are renewable and cost effective.
Genetic engineering plays an important role in a beneficial and large scale
production of biofuels. It also helps in improving the organisms for obtaining higher
product yields and improve tolerance.

Recombinant DNA technique will help in the production of chemical

compounds of commercial importance, improvement of existing fermentation
processes and production of proteins from wastes. This can be achieved by
developing more efficient strains of microorganisms. Specially developed
microorganisms may be used even to clean up the pollutants.

III. Activity Proper

Activity 1.
Directions: Answer the following question comprehensively.
1. Give example of application of recombinant DNA in the following fields. Briefly
discuss how recombinant DNA is applied in each.
a. Crop Production
b. Medicine
c. Industry

IV. Reflection
1. How does application of recombinant DNA influenced the way in today’s life?

Name of Learner:_________________________________________________________
Grade and Section:__________________________ Date: ______________________


Patterns of Descent
I. Learning Competency with Code
Show patterns of descent with modification from common ancestors to produce
the organismal diversity observed today. (STEM_BIO11/12-IIIc-g-10)

II. Background Information for Learners

While most of you are confused about the descent of modification, this
concept was actually realized in the mid-nineteenth century through observation by
the two naturalists, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Darwin is
considered to be the “Father of Natural Selection” but the actual concept was
actually developed both by Darwin and Wallace. Both of them observed similar
patterns in other organisms and they independently developed the same
explanation for how and why such changes occur. Darwin called it a natural
selection, also known as the “survival of the fittest”, it is the proliferation of
individuals with favorable traits and is evident on the survival of the species due to
environmental change that can be passed on to the next generation.

Darwin himself used the phrase “descent with modification” but was
reformed to the word “evolution” through time. The discovery of the descent with
modification did not stop with their works in fact, the search for evidences continue
to strengthen the “Theory of Evolution”. The theory of evolution is based on the
idea that all species are related and gradually change over time.

Genetic differences are heritable and can be passed on to the next

generation and in other way it can be altered depending on the environmental
factors creating a modified characteristic different from its ancestors. Descent with
modification suggest that each species has descended with changes from other
species over time and that all species living and extinct share a common ancestor.
It is a predictable and a long-term outcome of several principles taken from nature.
The passing on of traits from parent to their offspring is called heredity and gene
as its basic unit. Gene is a blueprint that holds the information in making an
organism. The passing of gene is not always exact. In a sexual reproduction for
example, genes of one parent are combined to another parent organism. This is why
there are no organisms seen to have an exact copy of genes or ambiguos features
with their parents. In other words, evolution gave the idea that nobody looks
exactly like his parents.

Small changes in every generation over billions of years have led to new
species branching from one common ancestor creating a “tree of life”. These
changes occur in the DNA inside a gene. Factors leading to these changes could be
due to adaptation, natural selection or survival of the fittest, genetic drift, mutation
and recombination as discussed in your previous learning activity. In each case,
the offspring in the population will have slightly different genes than the parents.
These are the reasons for the organismal diversity.

Most species came from one common ancestor that diverge or converge
through time affecting physical transition. It can undergo various kinds of natural

selection and may engage in several patterns of evolution. Environmental factors
can have several effects on how species are exposed to them. This could lead to the
two main types of evolutional patterns: convergent and divergent evolution as
sshown in the figure below.

Figure 1. (A)divergent evolution (B)convergent evolution

Divergent evolution occurs when closely related species diverge to

form new species from a common ancestor. This type of evolution contributed to the
current diversity of species on earth. This evolutional pattern may occur in
response to changes in environmental conditions, competition, predation, or when
a new niche is become available. Through divergent evolution, organisms may
develop homologous structures. These are anatomically similar, which are present
in the common ancestor and persist within the diverged organisms, although have
evolved dissimilar functions.

Example is the Darwin’s finches in

the Galapagos Islands, with several
species matching with their unique beak
shape ( see Figure 2). The species on the
islands had a graded beak sizes and
shapes with very small differences
between the most similar. From it, he
concluded that the varied beaks evolved to
help the birds acquire a specific type of
food. In his search, he found out that the
Figure 2. Darwin’sfinches in the Galapagos variation in their finches was used for a
Islands showing divergent evolution. different type of food available in their

Convergent evolution takes place when two different species started to share
the same traits because they are in the same environment. Species can converge in
sympatry. An example of convergent evolution is the similar nature of wings of
insects, birds and bats.
A butterfly species in Figure 3, is an
example of species that adapted to
change. The alteration of butterfly
wings’ color as seen in the illustration
evolve to help them protect themselves
from predators. Beyond butterflies, it is
possible that this type of speciation has
been part of the species convergence
They evolve after one has become
aposematic (warningly colored) because
it is toxic or poisonous.

Figure 3. Modification of butterfly wings,showing a
convergent evolution.
Today, it is clearly understood that
organisms descended from ancestral species. The organisms that you see now
could be a way different before or could be from the same ancestors but have
changed through time because of the above-mentioned environmental factors.

To understand it better, unfold this mechanism as you go on with this learning


III. Activity Proper

Activity 1

Theory of Descent with Modification

1. How does the descent of modification occur? What are the environmental
factors involve?

2. Provided with the evidences below, choose which of these represents descent
with modification.



3. Based on your choice, explain why it is considered as a descent with

modification? Provide one theory or evidence to support your answer.

Activity 2

Patterns of Descent with Modification

From Common Ancestors

1. Dog is a common pet found at home. Using this species create a diagram to show
patterns of descent with modification of dog from its common ancestor. You can use
the internet or book for your reference. Answers could be in a form of drawing or
word. Arrows can be use in indicating the modification. (Please see example below)

Example: The descent of modification or evolution of cat.

2. What pattern of evolution this species represents? Explain your answer.


IV. Reflection

If you have a power to modify a part of yourself, what would it be? Why?

Name of Learner:____________________ Grade and Section:______________
School:_________________________________ Date: ___________________________

General Biology 2 ACTIVITY SHEET 4

Development of Evolutionary Thought


I. Learning Competency with Code

Trace the development of evolutionary thought. (STEM_BIO11/12-IIIc-g-11

II. Background Information for Learners

Evolutionary thought, the recognition that species change over time and the

perceived understanding of how such processes work, is directly traceable to
developments in intellectual thought in western Europe over the last 300 years. Many
people contributed to this shift in perspective.

The following are early scientist who contributed to shaping and developing
evolutionary thought:

Scientist Contribution/Discovery Description

Carolus Systema Naturae (Systems of He developed a method of
Linnaeus Nature) classifying plants and
(1707-1778) Binomial nomenclature animals. He standardized the
use of genus and species
terminology and established
the two-name classification
Jean-Baptiste Inheritance of acquired According to this theory, a
Lamarck characteristics, or the use- trait acquired by an animal
(1744-1829) disuse theory during its lifetime can be
passed on to offspring.
Georges Cuvier Catastrophism A belief that the earth’s
(1769-1832) geological features are the
results of sudden, worldwide
cataclysmic events.
Thomas Malthus An Essay on the Principle of He theorized that continued
(1766-1834) Population population growth would
outgrow current resources.
The book was cited by Charles
Darwin in development of the
theory of natural selection.
James Hutton Theory of gradualism The earth’s geological
(1726 – 1797) futures are formed by slow
Charles Lyell Uniformitarianism Geological processes
(1797-1875) observed in the present are
the same as those that
occurred in the past.
Charles Darwin Natural Selection The process through which
(1809-1882) On the Origin of Species populations of living
organisms adapt and

1. Carolus Linnaeus
The Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) is best known for
developing a method of classifying plants and animals. In his famous work, Systema
Naturae (Systems of Nature) 1753, he standardized the use of genus and species
terminology and established the system of binomial nomenclature. He also added two
more categories: class and order. Linnaeus’ four-level system became the basis for
taxonomy, the system of classification we continue to use today.
Another of Linnaeus’ innovations was to include humans in his
classification of animals, placing them in genus Homo and species sapiens.

2. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
The first scientist to explain the evolutionary process was a French
naturalist named Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829). In 1809, Lamarck suggested a
dynamic relationship between species and the environment such that if the external
environment changed, an animal’s activity patterns would also change to accommodate
the new circumstances. This would result in the increased or decreased use of certain
body parts, and consequently, those body parts would be modified. Because the
alteration would make the animal better suited to its habitat, the trait would be passed
on to its offspring. This theory is known as the inheritance of acquired
characteristics, or the use-disuse theory. Thus, according to this theory, a trait
acquired by an animal during its lifetime can be passed on to offspring. Today we know
that this explanation is wrong, because only those traits that are influenced by genetic
information contained within sex cells can be inherited.
Moreover, he coined the term biology to refer to studies of living organisms.

3. Georges Cuvier
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832), the most vehement opponent of Lamarck, was
a French vertebrate paleontologist who introduced the concept of extinction to explain
the disappearance of animals represented by fossils. Rather than assume that
similarities between certain fossil forms and living species indicated evolutionary
relationships, he suggested a variation of theory known as catastrophism. In his Essay
on the Theory of the Earth (1813) Cuvier proposed that now-extinct species had been
wiped out by periodic catastrophic flooding events.
Catastrophism was the belief that the earth’s geological features are the
results of sudden, worldwide cataclysmic events like the Noah flood. He suggested that a
series of regional disasters had destroyed most or all the plant and animal life in various
places. These areas were then restocked with new, similar forms that migrated in from
unaffected regions.

4. Thomas Malthus
In 1798, Thomas Malthus (1766-1834), an English clergyman and
economist, wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population, which inspired both Charles
Darwin and Alfred Wallace in their separate discoveries of natural selection. In his essay,
Malthus argued for limits to human population growth and pointed out that human
populations could double in size every 25 years if they weren’t kept in check by limited
food supplies.
Darwin accepted Malthus’s proposition that population size increases
exponentially while food supplies remain relatively constant, and they extended it to all
organisms. He recognized the important fact that when population size is limited by the
availability of resources, there must be constant competition for food and water. And
competition between individuals is the ultimate key to understanding natural selection.

5. James Hutton
Hutton (1726 – 1797) is best known for his theory of gradualism. Hutton
was a geologist who left the medical field to travel and study the earth’s surface. In 1785,
Hutton published his paper titled ‘Theory of the Earth.’ In this paper, he explained how
the study of geology confines itself as the study of the material makeup of the earth. He
suggested many explanations and origins for many geological occurrences ranging from
molten rock formations to the origins of materials found on sea floors.
It was not until the third version of the Theory of the Earth was
published when Hutton introduced his theory of gradualism. This is where he
recognized that change did occur, but that change was the gradual culmination
of slow processes happening over great amounts of time. By using this idea, it is
possible to observe the earth today and make assumptions about the past since
change happened over such a long period of time, the earth today must be
relevant to the earth of the past.

6. Charles Lyell
Charles Lyell (1797-1875), the son of Scottish landowners, is considered
the founder of modern geology. In 1833, his immensely important work, Principles of
Geology, he argued the geological processes observed in the present are the same as
those that occurred in the past. This theory is called uniformitarianism. The theory
demonstrated that such forces as wind, water erosion, local flooding, frost,
decomposition of vegetation, volcanoes, earthquakes, and glacial movements had all
contributed in the past to produce the geological landscape that exists in the present.
What is more, the fact that these processes still occurred indicated that geological
change was still happening and that the forces driving such change were consistent, or
uniform, over time.

7. Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was one of six children of Dr. Robert and
Susanna Darwin. After the death of his mother when he was eight years old, Darwin was
raised by his father and his older sisters. Because he showed little interest in anything
except hunting, shooting, and perhaps science, his father sent him to Edinburgh
University to study medicine. It was there that Darwin first became acquainted with the
evolutionary theories of Lamarck and others.
While at Edinburgh, young Darwin studied with professors who were
outspoken supporters of Lamarck. Therefore, although he hated medicine and left
Edinburgh after two years, his experience there was a formative period in his intellectual
Even though Darwin was indifferent to religion, he next went to Christ’s
College, Cambridge, to study theology. It was during his Cambridge years that he
seriously cultivated his interests in natural science, immersing himself in botany and
geology. It is no wonder that following his graduation in 1831, he was invited to join a
scientific expedition that would circle the globe. And so, it was that Darwin set sail
abroad the HMS Beagle on December 17, 1831 that would take almost five years and
would forever change not only the course of Darwin’s life but also the history of
biological science.
Darwin went abroad the Beagle believing in fixity of species. But during the
voyage he privately began to have doubts. During the famous stopover at the Galapagos
Islands, Darwin noticed that the vegetation and animals (especially) birds shared many
similarities with those on the mainland of South America. But they weren’t identical to
them. What’s more, the birds on one island were somewhat different from those living on
another. Darwin collected 13 different varieties of Galapagos finches, and it was clear
that they represented a closely affiliated group; but they differed regarding certain
physical traits, particularly the shape and size of their beaks.
The insight that Darwin gained from the finches is legendary. He
recognized that the various Galapagos finches had all descended from a common
mainland ancestor and had been modified over time in response to different island
habitats and dietary preferences.
Darwin arrived back in England in October 1836 and was immediately
accepted into the most prestigious scientific circles. He married his cousin, Emma
Wedgwood, and moved to the village of Down, near London, where he spent the rest of
his life writing on topics ranging from fossils to orchids.
At Down, Darwin began to develop his views on what he called natural
selection. This concept was borrowed from animal breeders, who choose, or “select”, as
breeding stock those animals that possess certain traits they want to emphasize in
offspring. Darwin applied his knowledge of domesticated species to naturally occurring
ones, recognizing that in undomesticated organisms, the selective agent is nature, not
By the late 1830s, Darwin had realized that biological variation within a
species was crucial. Furthermore, he recognized that sexual reproduction increased
variation, although he didn’t know why. Then, in 1838, he read Malthus’ Essay, and
there he found the answer to the question of how new species came to be. He accepted
from Malthus that populations increase at a faster rate than do resources, and he
recognized that in nonhuman animals, increase in population size is continuously and
restricted by limited food supplies. He also accepted that in nature there is a constant
“struggle for existence”. The idea that in each generation more offspring are born than to
survive to adulthood, coupled with the notions of competition for resources and
biological diversity, was all Darwin needed to develop his theory of natural selection.
In December 1859, Darwin completed and published his greatest work, On the
Origin of Species, where the riddle of species was now explained: Species were mutable,
not fixed; and they evolved from other species through the mechanism of natural

Activity Proper

Direction: Development of Evolutionary Thought Timeline. Trace the development of

evolutionary thought by completing the timeline below. Fill in the boxes with the time
(year), the scientists and their significant contributions towards the development of
evolutionary thought.

Complete the statements below.
I understand_____________________________________________________________________
I don’t understand _____________________________________________________________

Name of Learner: _________________________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ___________________________________Date: ______________________


Evidences of Evolution

I. Learning Competency with Code

Explain evidence of evolution (e.g., biogeography, fossil record, DNA/protein
sequences, homology and embryology) (STEM_BIO11/12-IIIc-g-12)

II. Background Information for Learners

EVOLUTION Evidence from biogeography
Biogeography is the study of the past and present geographic distribution of
organisms. Evolutionary patterns arise among organisms in the same area. Similar
organisms that are found in different locations could mean that these places where once

Evidence from fossil records

Fossils are remains, impression, or trace of organisms of past geologic age that
has been preserved in the Earth’s crust.

Evidence from molecular biology

Similarities shared by many organisms in their DNA and RNA structure suggest
common ancestry with modification. The near universality of the genetic code provides
evidence of relatedness between and among organisms.

Evidence from structures

Homologous structures are physical structures shared by different organisms
such as set of bones or body form that may have been inherited from a common
ancestor, although it may appear different and have varied functions. These structures
are believed to have the same origin but functions differently.

Analogous structures are structures that perform the same function but have
emerge from different origin.

Vestigial structures are structures that exist in organisms that have no known
function which is believed to be remaining parts from the ancestor.

Evidence from embryology

Embryology is the study of the development of an organism from embryo to its
adult form. Organisms that are related shows similarity in embryonic development.

2 Activity Proper
1. Figure 1 below shows corresponding portions of hemoglobin molecules in humans
and five other vertebrates. The numbers indicate the position of a particular
amino acid (abbreviated name) in the chain.

Figure 1: Portion of hemoglobin molecules in vertebrates

Directions: Study figure 1 and complete the table below by comparing the amino acid
sequence of each organism with that of a human and count the number of differences.
Answer the guide questions that follow.

Organisms being compared Amino acid difference

Human & Chimpanzee

Human & Gorilla

Human & Rhesus monkey

Human & Horse

Human & Kangaroo

3. Based on your answer in the table, which organisms do you think are the least
related? Explain your answer.

4. Which organisms do you think are closely related? Explain your answer.

5. How does similarity in the biochemical level can be used as evidence of evolution?

4. Directions: Examine the following statements and then decide which evidence of
evolution does it supports. Choose whether biogeography, fossil records,
molecular biology, structure, or embryology.

_________1. Wolves and dogs share approximately 99.8% similarities in their

_________2. Most mammals have five toes or fingers which have changed
through time for different usage.
_________3. Vertebrates have tails at some point in their early development.
_________4. Footprints of prehistoric organisms found in rocks.
_________5. Remnants of ancient ferns that are found in the continents of Africa
and South America.
_________6. Diversification of marsupials and the absence of other mammals in
_________7. Difference in the beaks of finches found in Galapagos Island
compared to those that are found in mainland.
_________8. Human and chimpanzee have the highest number of similarities in
the amino acid sequence found in hemoglobin molecules.
_________9. Pharyngeal arches are structures in embryonic stage of fishes and
humans that are differentiated in the later stages of development.
_________10. Forelimbs of mammals, reptiles and birds show similarities in
anatomical patterns.

5. Directions: Given the following sources of evidence, explain how it

supports evolution.



Homologous Structure



Name of Learner: ____________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________ Date: _____________________

General Biology 2 ACTIVITY SHEET No. 6

Evolutionary Relationships Among Organisms
I. Learning Competency

Infer evolutionary relationships among organisms using the evidences

of evolution. (STEM_BIO11/12-IIIc-g-13)

II. Background Information for Learners

In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book, On the Origin of Species

by Means of Natural Selection. Contrary to creationism, Darwin believed that
organisms evolve from a common ancestor. Having a common ancestor, you
are all related to one another no matter how different you are. The
relationships among organisms can be illustrated on a family tree as shown
in the illustration below.

Figure 1- Family Tree of Life

Photo Source: www.sirinet.net/-jgjohso/tree.html

Living organisms sit like leaves at the tips of the branches of the Tree
of Life. Living things share a common ancestor. All organisms are related to
one another no matter how different they seem. Scientists collect
information that allows them to make evolutionary connections between
organisms. Similar to detective work, scientists must use evidence to
uncover the facts. In the case of phylogeny, evolutionary investigations focus
on two types of evidence: morphologic (form and function) and genetic.

Two Measures of Similarity

Organisms that share similar physical

features and genetic sequences tend to be
more closely related than those that do not.
Features that overlap both morphologically
and genetically are referred to as
homologous structures; the similarities
stem from common evolutionary paths. As
shown in Figure 2, the bones in the wings
of bats and birds, the arms of humans, and
the foreleg of a horse are homologous
structures. Notice the structure is not
simply a single bone, but rather a grouping
of several bones arranged in a similar way
in each organism even though the elements
of the structure may have changed shape
and size. Figure2.
Organisms with
Misleading Appearances homologous structures

Some organisms may be very

closely related, even though a
minor genetic change caused a
major morphological difference
to make them look quite
different. For example,
chimpanzees and humans,
the skulls of which are shown
in Figure 3 are very similar
genetically, sharing 99
percent of their genes.
However, chimpanzees and
humans show considerable
anatomical differences,
Figure 3 including the degree to which
3 The chimpanzee jaw protrudes to a much greater degree than
4 the human jaw. the jaw protrudes in the adult
Photo Source: modification of work by "Pastorius"/Wikimedia Commons
and the relative lengths of our
arms and legs. However,
unrelated organisms may be distantly related yet appear very much alike,
usually because common adaptations to similar environmental conditions
evolved in both. An example is the streamlined body shapes, the shapes of

fins and appendages, and the shape of the tails in fishes and whales, which are
mammals. These structures bear superficial similarity because they are
adaptations to moving and maneuvering in the same environment—water.
When a characteristic that is similar occurs by adaptive convergence
(convergent evolution), and not because of a close evolutionary relationship, it is
called an analogous structure. In another example, insects use wings to fly like
bats and birds. We call them both wings because they perform the same
function and have a superficially similar form, but the embryonic origin of the
two wings is completely different. The difference in the development, or
embryogenesis, of the wings in each case is a signal that insects and bats or
birds do not share a common ancestor that had a wing. The wing structures,
shown in Figure 3 evolved independently in the two lineages.

Similar traits can be either homologous or analogous. Homologous traits

share an evolutionary path that led to the development of that trait, and
analogous traits do not. Scientists must determine which type of similarity a
feature exhibits to decipher the phylogeny of the organisms being studied.

Molecular Comparisons

With the advancement of DNA technology, the area of molecular systematics,

which describes the use of information on the molecular level including DNA
sequencing, has blossomed. New analysis of molecular characters not only
confirms many earlier classifications, but also uncovers previously made
errors. Molecular characters can include differences in the amino-acid
sequence of a protein, differences in the individual nucleotide sequence of a
gene, or differences in the arrangements of genes. Phylogenies based on
molecular characters assume that the more similar the sequences are in two
organisms, the more closely related they are. Different genes change
evolutionarily at different rates and this affects the level at which they are
useful at identifying relationships. Rapidly evolving sequences are useful for
determining the relationships among closely related species. More slowly
evolving sequences are useful for determining the relationships between
distantly related species. To determine the relationships between very
different species such as Eukarya and Archaea, the genes used must be very
ancient, slowly evolving genes that are present in both groups, such as the
genes for ribosomal RNA. Comparing phylogenetic trees using different
sequences and finding them similar helps to build confidence in the inferred

Building Phylogenetic Trees

How do scientists construct phylogenetic trees? Presently, the most accepted

method for constructing phylogenetic trees is a method called cladistics.
This method sorts organisms into clades, groups of organisms that are most
closely related to each other and the ancestor from which they descended.
For example, in Figure 4, all of the organisms in the shaded region evolved
from a single ancestor that had amniotic eggs. Consequently, all of these
organisms also have amniotic eggs and make a single clade, also called a
monophyletic group. Clades must include the ancestral species and all of
the descendants from a branch point.

Clades can vary in size depending on which branch point is being
referenced. The important factor is that all of the organisms in the clade or
monophyletic group stem from a single point on the tree. This can be
remembered because monophyletic breaks down into “mono,” meaning one,
and “phyletic,” meaning evolutionary relationship.

Shared Characteristics

Organisms evolve from common ancestors and then diversify.

Scientists use the phrase “descent with modification” because even though
related organisms have many of the same characteristics and genetic codes,
changes occur. This pattern repeats over and over as one goes through the
phylogenetic tree of life:

6. A change in the genetic makeup of an organism leads to a new trait which

becomes prevalent in the group.
7. Many organisms descend from this point and have this trait.
8. New variations continue to arise; some are adaptive and persist, leading to
new traits.
9. With new traits, a new branch point is determined (go back to step 1 and

If a characteristic is found in the ancestor of a group, it is considered a

shared ancestral character because all of the organisms in the taxon or
clade have that trait. The vertebrate is a shared ancestral character. Now
consider the amniotic egg characteristic in the same figure. Only some of the
organisms have this trait, and to those that do, it is called a shared derived
character because this trait derived at some point but does not include all
of the ancestors in the tree.

The tricky aspect to shared ancestral and shared derived characters is the
fact that these terms are relative. The same trait can be considered one or
the other depending on the particular diagram being used. Note that the
amniotic egg is a shared ancestral character for the Amniota clade, while
having hair is a shared derived character for some organisms in this group.
These terms help scientists distinguish between clades in the building of
phylogenetic trees.

Choosing the Right Relationships

Imagine being the person responsible for organizing all of the items in a
department store properly—an overwhelming task. Organizing the
evolutionary relationships of all life on Earth proves much more difficult:
scientists must span enormous blocks of time and work with information
from long-extinct organisms. Trying to decipher the proper connections,
especially given the presence of homologies and analogies, makes the task of
building an accurate tree of life extraordinarily difficult. Add to that the
advancement of DNA technology, which now provides large quantities of
genetic sequences to be used and analyzed. Taxonomy is a subjective
discipline: many organisms have more than one connection to each other, so
each taxonomist will decide the order of connections.

To aid in the tremendous task of describing phylogenies accurately,

scientists often use a concept called maximum parsimony, which means
that events occurred in the simplest, most obvious way. For example, if a
group of people entered a forest preserve to go hiking, based on the principle
of maximum parsimony, one could predict that most of the people would
hike on established trails rather than forge new ones.

For scientists deciphering evolutionary pathways, the same idea is used: the
pathway of evolution probably includes the fewest major events that
coincide with the evidence at hand. Starting with all of the homologous
traits in a group of organisms, scientists look for the most obvious and
simple order of evolutionary events that led to the occurrence of those traits.

6. Activity

Proper Activity 1

Directions: Based on the information given above, answer the following


2. Dolphins and fish have similar body shapes. Is this feature more likely
a homologous or analogous trait?
3. Describe maximum parsimony.

4. How does a biologist determine the polarity of a character change?


5. “In evolutionary relationships using the evidences of evolution, the more

closely related the species are, the more similar their DNA sequences.” Do you
agree in this statement or not? Briefly explain your answer.

Name of Learner: ________________________________________________________
Grade Level/Section:__________ ____________________Date:


Basic Taxonomy of DNA Sequences

I. Learning Competency with Code

Explain how the structural and developmental characteristics and
relatedness of DNA sequences are used in classifying living things.
(STEM_BIO11/12lllhj-14 )

II. Background Information

Earth is a home to between 10 million and 1 trillion different species. That’s

a lot of things to identify and name but scientists have always tried to classify
livings things. This is the field of study of taxonomy that determines identifying,
naming, and classifying living things in relation to other living things. Taxonomy
takes into account the functional similarity as well as genetic similarity of

5 Activity Proper
Activity 1. Reading Time!

How Do Scientists Classify Organisms?

Closely related organisms may also have a more similar appearance, or

morphology than distantly related organisms. Scientists look for homologies or
shared traits that are similar because they come from similar ancestor. The more
homologies two species have, the more closely related they are. These homologous
structures develop from similar embryonic substances and thus, have similar basic
structural and developmental patterns reflecting common genetic traits and
evolutionary relationships. For example, a chimpanzee’s arm and a human’s arm
are homologous structures. Both sets of arms have a similar structure/ use and
chimpanzees and humans share a common ancestor. However, analogous
structures have the same functions but have different structural and
developmental patterns. Analogous structures are similar structures in unrelated
organisms. These structures are similar because they do the same job, not because
they share common ancestry. For example, dolphins and sharks both have fins,
even though they aren’t related. Both species developed fins because of how and
where they live.
Scientist also used modern technique to identify and classify species using
its genetic data. Through DNA sequence, it is possible to determine how living
things are related to each other by looking at its genome and protein sequence. It
also measures the number of changes (mutations) between them to infer if species
are closely or distantly related. In some genes, the DNA sequence is the same for all
members of the same species but it’s different for members of different species.

Guide questions:

10. What is the difference between homologous and analogous structures?


11. Why would scientists classify in the same group organisms with homologous

12. How could DNA sequences of organisms be used in classifying species?


Activity 2: CORRECT ME!

Direction: Write CORRECT if the statement is true. If it is wrong, change the underline
word to make it correct.

_________1. Dolphins and sharks have fins that are homologous structures.
_________2. Closely related living organisms have DNA sequences that have similar
_________3. Organisms that have analogous structures share a common ancestry.
_________4. Taxonomy is the study of identifying, naming and classifying living
_________5. The human and chimpanzee arms are structures that are homologous.

IV. Reflection:

Complete the statement below:

I understand that organisms may be classified or grouped together by using


Name of Learner: _________________________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________ Date:__________________


Characteristics of a Specific Taxon Relative to other Taxa

I. Learning Competency with Code

Identify the unique/distinctive characteristics of a specific taxon relative to other

taxa. (STEM_BIO11/12IIIh-j-15)

II. Background Information for Learners

Taxonomy is the branch of biology that classifies all living things. The
taxonomic system was devised by Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778). It is a
hierarchical system since organisms are grouped into even more inclusive categories
from species up to kingdom. In 1981, a category higher than a kingdom, called
domain, was proposed by Carl Woese.

What You need to Know : The Taxonomic Hierarchy

A taxon (plural: taxa) is a group of organisms that are classified as a unit.

This can be specific or general. For example, we could say that all humans are a
taxon at the species level since they are all the same species, but we could also say
that humans along with all other primates are a taxon at the order level, since they
all belong to the order Primates. Species and orders are both examples of taxonomic
ranks, which are relative levels of grouping organisms in a taxonomic hierarchy.

The scientific classification of human is as follows:

KINGDOM Animalia Organisms that are able to move on their
PHYLUM Chordata Animals with a backbone
CLASS Mammalia Chordates with fur or hair and milk glands
ORDER Primates Mammals with grasping fingers
FAMILY Hominidae Primates with relatively flat faces and three-
dimensional vision
GENUS Homo Hominids with upright position and large
specific epithet sapiens Members of the genus Homo with a high
forehead and notably thin skull bones
SPECIES Homo sapiens
The following is a brief description of the taxonomic ranks that make up the
taxonomic hierarchy.
A domain is the highest (most general) rank of organisms The three domains
of life are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota or Eukarya.

Before domains were introduced, kingdom was the highest taxonomic rank. In
the past, the different kingdoms were Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea, and
Bacteria (Archaea and Bacteria were sometimes grouped into one kingdom, Monera).
Phylum (plural: phyla) is the next rank after kingdom; it is more specific than
kingdom, but less specific than class. There are 35 phyla in the kingdom Animalia,
including Chordata (all organisms with a dorsal nerve cord), Porifera (sponges), and
Arthropoda (arthropods).
Class was the most general rank proposed by Linnaeus; phyla were not
introduced until the 19th Century. There are 108 different classes in the kingdom
Animalia, including Mammalia (mammals), Aves (birds), and Reptilia (reptiles),
among many others. The classes of Animalia that Linnaeus proposed are similar to
the ones used today, but Linnaeus’ classes of plants were based on attributes like
the arrangement of flowers rather than relatedness.
Order is more specific than class. Some of Linnaeus’ orders are still used
today, such as Lepidoptera (the order of butterflies and moths). There are between
19-26 orders of Mammalia, depending on how organisms are classified—sources
differ. Some orders of Mammalia are Primates, Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and
porpoises), Carnivora (large carnivores/omnivores), and Chiroptera (bats).
Family is, in turn, more specific. Some families in the order Carnivora, for
example, are Canidae (dogs, wolves, foxes), Felidae (cats), Mephitidae (skunks), and
Ursidae (bears). There are 12 total families in the order Carnivora.
Genus (plural: genera) is even more specific than family. It is the first part of
an organism’s scientific name using binomial nomenclature; the second part is the
species name.
Species is the most specific major taxonomic rank; species are sometimes
divided into sub species, but not all species have multiple forms that are different
enough to be called sub species. There are 2an estimated 8.7 million different
species of organisms on Earth, but the vast majority have yet to be discovered and
Very general:
DOMAIN contains many





GENUS Very specific:

Sample mnemonic to remember:
Did Kings Play Chess On Fine Glass 2 contains closely
Sets SPECIES related organisms

The Linnaean taxonomy which is hierarchical in nature is the most employed
system nowadays. This system was created long before scientists understood that
organisms evolved.

The table below illustrates how four species are classified using the present
classification system.

KINGDOM Animalia Plantae
PHYLUM Chordata Arthropoda Magnoliophyta
CLASS Mammalia Insecta Lilopsida
ORDER Primates Canivora Diptera Liliales
FAMILY Hominidae Canidae Drosophilidae Liliaceae
GENUS Homo Canis Drosophila Allium
specific epithet sapiens familiaris melanogaster cepa
SPECIES Homo sapiens Canis familiaris Drosophila Allium cepa

COMMON NAME human dog fruit fly onion

Binomial nomenclature

Linnaeus invented binomial nomenclature,3 the system of giving each type of

organism a genus and species name. Nomenclature refers to the practice of
assigning scientific names. Binomial comes from the words “bi” meaning “two” and
“nomen” meaning “name”. A species name consists of two parts: the genus or
generic name and the specific epithet. The first letter of the genus is always
capitalized (e.g. Canis) while the specific epithet is not capitalized (e.g. familiaris).
One can distinguish a species name from the way it is written. Species name can be
in bold letters or underlined or italicized.

Linnaeus introduced the binomial system of nomenclature for plants,

animals, fungi, protozoans and protists. The binomial system consists of the generic
name and the specific epithet. Thus, the species name is binomial in nature.

Canis familiaris Canis a dog familiaris familiar
Felis catus Felis happy catus cat

Dichotomous key as a tool in identification

A dichotomous key is a tool that helps identify unknown organisms to some
taxonomic level (e.g., species, genus, family, etc.). The key is constructed in such a
way that a series of choices is made that leads the user to the correct identity of a
sample organism. "Dichotomous" means, "divided into two parts." Therefore, a
dichotomous key always offer two choices for each step, each of which describes key
characteristics of a particular organism or group of organisms.

Sample Key: Key to common snacks

1a. Plastic bag packaging Go to 2

1b. Hard tube packaging Go to 4
2a. Chips have ridged surface Go to 3
2b. Chips have non-ridged surface Lays Cheese and Onion
3a. Chips orange color Tortillos Cheese
3b. Chips tan color V-Cut
4a. Chips orange color Pringles Cheddar Cheese
4b. Chips have other color Go to 5
5a. Chips solid tan with no speckles Pringles Original
5b. Chips tan with greenish speckles Lays Stax Sour Cream and Onion

III. Activity Proper

Directions: In the inverted pyramid, enumerate the different taxa based on the
taxonomic hierarchy (in order) and describe the distinctive characteristics
of each taxon. Write your answers on the space provided.
Taxonomic Hierarchy Description


Directions: Identify the taxonomy of pig, chicken, and sunflower based on each
taxonomic rank. Write your answer on the space provided. You may
search the answer on the internet or in other sources. Complete the
table. by writing the taxa (orderly manner) in the first column. (Given as
an example is the taxonomy of human.)

Homo sapiens
COMMON NAME human pig chicken sunflower

Guide Question:

6 State the difference between binomial nomenclature and dichotomous key as

basic taxonomic concepts.

IV. Reflection

Directions: Complete the statements below.

13. understand

I don’t understand

I need more information about


Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________
Grade & Section: _______________________________Date: __________________


Species Diversity and Cladistics
I. Learning Competency with Code
Describe species diversity and cladistics, including the types of evidence and
procedures that can be used to establish evolutionary relationships.

II. Background Information for Learners

Rich diversity is important for survival of organisms in an ecosystem. A more

diverse ecosystem will have more resources to help it recover from famine, drought ,
disease or even extinction of species. All the species depend on each other in order to
survive. It is important for an ecosystem to have high species diversity.

This learning activity will help you describe species diversity and cladistics,
including the types of evidence and procedures that can be used to establish
evolutionary relationships.

III. Activity Proper:

A. Reading Time
Directions: Read and study the selection below to be able to answer the questions
that follow.

What is species diversity?

It defined as the number of different species present in an ecosystem and
relative abundance of each of those species.
There are two constituents of species diversity.
7 Species Richness- number of different species present in an
8 Species Evenness- relative abundance of individuals of each of
those species.
Note: It is possible in an ecosystem to have high species richness, but low
species evenness.
The natural system of classification based on the evolutionary history or
genealogy shared by a group of organisms. The phylogeny of organisms can be
traced using phylogenetic trees show the evolutionary relationships of organisms
based on the best available pieces of evidence.
This is an analytical method of refining the evolutionary classification of
organism. It involves identifying shared derived characteristics.
Shared derived characteristics can be shown in a cladogram. A cladogram
is a diagram used to represent a hypothetical relationship between groups of
animals. A cladogram is used by a scientist studying phylogenetic systematics to
visualize the groups of organisms being compared, how they are related, and their
most common ancestors.

Figure 1. Shows the branching lines represents evolutionary lineage. For example, for
the trait “egg with shells” only crocodiles and birds are included.

What types of evidence are used to determine evolutionary relationships?

Scientists have combined the evidence from;
-protein structure
-early development
-body structure
to determine the evolutionary relationships among species. In most cases, DNA
and protein sequences have confirmed conclusions based on earlier evidence.

Activity 1. Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read the question carefully and select the letter of the correct answer.

14.It is defined as the number of different species present in an ecosystem and

relative abundance of each of those species.
a. Species diversity b. Species Richness c. Species Evenness

2. A relative abundance of individuals of each of those species.

a. Species diversity b. Species Richness c. Species Evenness

3. A number of different species present in an ecosystem.

a. Species diversity b. Species Richness c. Species Evenness

4. It is the natural system of classification based on the evolutionary history or

genealogy shared by a group of organisms.
a. Species diversity b. Phylogeny c. Cladistics

5. This is an analytical method of refining the evolutionary classification of

organism. It involves identifying shared derived characteristics.
a. Species diversity b. Phylogeny c. Cladistics

ACTIVITY 2. Cladogram Analysis.

Directions: Study the figure below and refer to the following cladogram to answer
the questions below in your notebook.

Which organisms in the cladogram have fur and mammary glands?

Which organisms in the cladogram have jaws?
6. Based on the cladogram, which shared a common ancestor most recently? A mouse
and a lizard or a mouse and a perch?
7. Which two organisms would you expect to have a closer DNA sequence for a gene that
is not under pressure in nature? Hagfish and pigeon or hagfish and salamander?


Directions: Answer the following questions.

3. What are the constituents of species diversity?


4. List down the list of evidence use to determine the evolutionary



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