Student Engagement Project II

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Student Engagement Project

Spring 2023
Due Date: April 16th in Anthology by 11:59 P.M.
200 points
 Use the template provided as a working document for all steps of the SEP

Goal: Increase student learning while decreasing time off-task by creating a positive learning
environment engaging in new classroom management techniques.

Step 1: Collect Data (30 points)

Step 2-3: Identify the barrier through video analysis (3 pages; 30 points)
The barriers in creating a positive learning environment are distractions keeping students from

focusing and boring instruction.

For my Student Engagement Project, I have decided to pursue my 3rd period class. When

recording my classes, I recorded the “meat” of the class. By this I mean the part of the class

where I can truly see how many students are participating in or understanding the material

being taught. The Teacher Instruction time for each teaching session video was the majority of

my time. This is because I recorded the portion of my lessons where I could relive and observe

the engagement of my students the best. In Video 1, I taught the skill of CPR in the classroom.

Of the 30 minutes, my planned presentation was roughly 63% of my time. This is where I went

over the steps of CPR and why it is important to know what it is. During this part of the lesson,

most students were engaged, answering questions and engaging gin the class discussion.

Students were furthering the discussion by asking “what if” questions and keeping me on my
toes. My other two videos were 96% and 97% Teacher Instruction. Again, this is because I chose

to video the meat of the lesson rather than the time where the students were getting dressed

in and out or taking a quiz in the classroom. I often do not have to stop the entire class to give a

response presentation. I usually only repeat myself if it is extremely important for them to

know. For example, day 2 I repeated the act of jogging three and walking one was overloading

so they could pick up on that information. I feel for response presentation on day 1, I could

have clicked it when the students were watching the video on the CPR situation. I did not

because I was not the one who was giving the response presentation, so I placed it under

monitoring because I was watching them watch the video. I placed the video in the lesson to

help with students who needed a better visual of the steps and differentiation. On days 1 and 3,

my monitoring time is lower than day 2. This is because in the classroom, I taught more than

doing activities which will be changing. The monitoring time in Personal Fitness is high because

the students are participating in a workout. Students love to hear feedback. It was hard for me

to get many people to participate in this period, so I decided to bring in candy on day 3. Every

time a student contributed to the discussion, they got candy and the students loved it. They

hear a lot of performance and behavior feedback, so it is fun for me and them to hear some

positive feedback. For Teacher Management, the only class where I recorded the beginning was

day 1. This is where I take attendance and begin my class. This class was set up differently

because I needed the space for the CPR dummies. If I were to record the entire classes during

workout days, beg/end of class would be a big piece of the class due to attendance and dressing

in and out. For days 1 and 3, I did have some equipment management time. This is where I was

passing out papers and getting the students the materials, they needed in a quick fashion.
Organization was quick everyday as well. I gave students 30 seconds to find their CPR training

groups on day 1 and this worked fabulous. They were quick. There were behavioral

management issues with students in all days. This is a period I constantly have to get on to for

talking while I am talking, not doing the right thing during warmups, and trying to grab

attention from anywhere they can. I have to stop class multiple times in order to get it under

control. For example, in day 2. During warmups, a student took off his shoes and threw them

across the field because he wanted to run faster. I had to stop the whole class for him to put

them back on.

Student Instruction was about the same as Teacher instruction for every all three days.

Day 1: 81% Day 2: 97% Day 3: 98% The Student Instruction time for each teaching session video

was the majority of my time. This is because I recorded the portion of my lessons where I could

relive and observe the engagement of my students the best. Day 2 we had a dynamic warmup

for our workout day. Every workout comes with a warmup. Some days in the classroom we

would review what we did the day before or re review the unit as a whole; however, this was

not the case for these lessons. Day 1 was CPR skill training where students were in a classroom

discussion which I listed as non-engaged because they were not actively doing the skill. Then

students got into groups of three where they actively performed the skill on dummies. Day 3,

students were engaged in discussions about goal setting and later in the lesson wrote goals

about fitness gram. We also learned content of muscular fitness. Day 2, Students were engaged

in the workout and completed the full circuit. The non-engaged portion would be when I was

taking with them beforehand about what a progression circuit is and why we are overloading at
this point in the semester. Day 3 is the only day that has “gameplay” because this is the content

taught in health. This day I taught personal fitness content as well as skill. For Student

Management, the percentages are low because of when I videoed the lessons. At the beginning

of class on day 1, the students came in and were shocked to find the classroom the way it was. I

had to tell them to place their stuff to the sides and get a pencil. Then it took a little longer to

take attendance because they were sitting all out of seating order (which was okay). Equipment

management came when the students passed around the papers in the classroom. These were

papers they needed in order to receive the information. This also was when I passed them the

CPR dummies and they passe them around as well. Organization was quick everyday as well. I

gave students 30 seconds to find their CPR training groups on day 1 and this worked fabulous.

They were quick. Behavior is an issue I have with this period. I have to stop the class multiple

time in order to get it under control sometimes and I am starting to feel like I need to switch

things up.

Step 2-3: Define the Barrier and Theoretical Foundation (1 page; 10 points)
In order to achieve maximum student engagement, I as a teacher need to make my

lessons interesting to my students and help to create less distractions. I have many students

who have IEP‘s and 504 plans who need special attention and they try to find it through

distracting other students. The first thing I plan to do is create a new seating chart. At the

beginning of the year, I allowed the students to choose their seats; however, it has now

become an extreme distraction. Another huge distraction for students is their phones. They

become distracting for me as well. Student will put their phones and air pods away at the

beginning of class and the only time they can have it out is if they are doing independent work

to listen to music. As we move into health content, I will no longer stand at the front of the

room and lecture. I will give the outline notes to the students for a homework assignment, then

when they come to class we will dissect quickly and jump into our daily project assignment.

These will be hands on assignments of application of the material in the unit. This will be more

engaging than listening to me speak for 30 minutes. In Personal Fitness, I will start

incorporating workout games. I know my students are more likely to play a game outside of

school rather than a full body workout unless they are at a gym. I need to incorporate activities

they can do with younger siblings and such. Activity-Based Learning gives the classroom

material cultural and social importance. Making the activities relevant and providing challenges

to help students learned to engage socially. I feel the engaged section on the Student

Instruction side will go up in time while the behavioral management time will go down.
Step 4: Intervention
March 13 – March 17
 Use the strategy in your class for a minimum of 1 week.

Step 5: Collect Data (70 points)

March 20 – March 31
 Video a minimum of 3 classes for 30 minutes each
 Perform a PETAI Analysis for each video lesson.
 Include a “snapshot/image” of each analysis for both teacher and students.
 Create a graph or chart that represents and compares teacher instruction, teacher
management, student instruction, and student management for each video. Make sure
to label your graph using Video 4, Video 5, Video 6.

Step 6: Reflection (2 pages; 20 points)

Due April 9
 Regarding diagnosing the barrier you identified with your intervention, w
 ere you successful? Unsuccessful? Indifferent? Why/why not?
 Did you hypothesize the outcome?
 What impact did your intervention have on your students? Be specific. What
behavioral changes did you see? Performance changes? Motivational changes?
 Why is this influence important to you?

Step 7: Hight Impact Practice (HIP) Reflection (2 pages; 40 points)

Due April 16
 How can this information be used to guide your future teachings? (1/2 page)
 What areas of growth did you experience regarding the CAPS standards through this
project? Identify 2-3 CAPS standards. Give examples of how this occurred. (1/2 page)
 How has your experience with the Student Engagement Project shaped your
professional growth and self-confidence as a teacher? (1/2 page)
 How has your experience with the Student Engagement Project affected your personal
growth and overall self-esteem? (1/2 page)

Educational Value Connectedness Insights Integrated Problem- Values Growth

10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points
Reflection clearly Reflection clearly Reflection clearly Reflection clearly
contains exceptionally contains an exceptionally contains contains
strong positive comment rich array of deep, exceptionally strong, exceptionally strong
on or great enthusiasm substantive, and numerous, and and much
about the value and sophisticated new noteworthy noteworthy evidence
meaningfulness of the insights on the references to or that the PETAI Video
PETAI Video Analysis connections and excellent examples of Analysis contributed
related to instruction integration of the the student’s ability greatly to the
and management. student’s academic to build upon and student’s growth in
preparation of transfer prior professionalism or
instruction and knowledge and personal values as
management with the experience to solve well as self-
Educational Value Connectedness Insights Integrated Problem- Values Growth
10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points
challenges of the applied problems successfully confidence and self-
setting in which the PETAI in instructing and esteem related to
Video Analysis occurred. managing students instruction and
in the new applied management.
settings in which the
PETAI Video Analysis

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