EBC Annex 81 Factsheet

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Data-Driven Smart Buildings


This project imagines a future world empowered by

access to discoverable, reliable, ubiquitous real-time
data from buildings, such that digital solutions can
rapidly scale and where energy efficiency knowledge
provide the knowledge, standards, protocols
can be widely encapsulated and disseminated within 1 and procedures for low-cost high-quality data
highly accessible software ‘Applications’. Applications, capture, sharing and utilization in buildings
in this context, are conceived as easy-to-configure and
instantiate software microservices, built on top of a develop a Building Emulator platform that
common software infrastructure that facilitates data 2 enables testing, development and assessment
access under well-defined application program interfaces of the impact of alternative building HVAC
control strategies in a digital environment
(APIs), deployed on edge-computing devices or the cloud.
Such Applications are somewhat analogous to the ‘Apps‘
develop building energy efficiency software
we use on personal mobile devices. 3 Applications that can be used and ideally
commercialized for reducing energy use in
By embracing modern IT approaches, the hope is that the
management and operation of building services can be
simplified to overcome energy efficiency skills barriers drive adoption of results through case
and reduce reliance on manual interventions. Inside this 4 studies, business model innovation and
vision, the purpose of the project is to help harness the results dissemination
emerging digital technology revolution to both reduce

Conceptual representation of Model-based Predictive Control (MPC).

Source: EBC Annex 81
energy use in buildings, and to enable buildings to
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY participate as distributed energy resources in support of
The International Energy Agency (IEA) increased use of variable renewable electricity sources.
was established as an autonomous body The project achieves this through developments in
within the Organisation for Economic ‘Software as a Service’ innovation and intelligent data-
Co-operation and Development
driven building automation.
(OECD) in 1974, with the purpose of
strengthening co-operation in the vital The planned deliverables from this project are:
area of energy policy. As one element
of this programme, member countries –– a proposal for government leadership on data sharing
take part in various energy research, from their buildings;
development and demonstration
–– an MVP Open Data Platform functional-requirements
activities. The Energy in Buildings and
Communities Programme has co- report;
ordinated various research projects –– an online repository of exemplar datasets for building
associated with energy prediction, analytics research;
monitoring and energy efficiency
–– a set of data-driven control-oriented building models
measures in both new and existing
buildings. The results have provided for different scenarios;
much valuable information about the –– emulator prototype(s);
state of the art of building analysis and
–– a software repository, containing the prototype software
have led to further IEA co-ordinated
implementations and descriptions of each application;
–– reports.
By 2030, near-zero primary energy use
Project duration
and carbon dioxide emissions solutions
Ongoing (2019 - 2024)
have been adopted in new buildings
and communities, and a wide range of Operating Agent

reliable technical solutions have been Dr Stephen White

Grids and Energy Efficiency Systems
made available for the existing building
10 Murray Dwyer Ct.
Steel River Estate
EBC MISSION Newcastle, NSW 2304
To accelerate the transformation of the AUSTRALIA
built environment towards more energy [email protected]
efficient and sustainable buildings
Participating countries (provisional)
and communities, by the development
Australia, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, UK
and dissemination of knowledge and
technologies through international Further information
collaborative research and innovation. www.iea-ebc.org

Published by: EBC Executive Committee Support Services Unit

© 2019 AECOM Ltd on behalf of the
IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities
Technology Collaboration Programme

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