IT Policy & Electronic Transaction Act 2063 MCQ

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Computer Operator Online Class Host by IT Solution Nepal

Computer Operator (IT Policy & Electronic Transaction Act 2063) Set 1
(Delta computer Institute)
F.M: 50 Time : 45 Min
1. What is the vision of IT Policy 2000(2057)?
a. To place Nepal on the global map of information Technology within the next 5 years.
b. To place Nepal on the global map of information Technology within the next 10 years.
c. Computer education for all within the next 5 years.
d. Computer education for all within the next 10 years.

2. How many strategies are there in IT policy 2057(2000)?

a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18
3 . How many Information Technology policy are there in IT policy 2057(2000)?
a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18
4. Which is the Acton plan of IT policy 2057?
a. Participation of private sectors in infrastructure development
b. Infrastructure development
c. Dissemination of information technology
d. All of the above.

5. What was the slogan of Human resource development in the context of long-term
a. "Computer education to all by 2010 AD"
b. "Computer education to all by 2015 AD"
c. "Computer education to all by 2020 AD"
d. "Computer education for all within next 5 years"

6. NITDC stands for………….

a. National Information Technology Development Council
b. National Information Technology Development center
c. National Information Techniques Development council
d. Nation Information Techniques Development Center

7. What is the slogan of long term program?

a. "Computer education to all by 2010 AD"
b. "Computer education to all by 2015 AD"
c. "Computer education to all by 2020 AD"
d. "Computer education for all within next 5 years"

8. Who is chairman of NITDC?

a. Rt. Honorable Prime minister.
b. Honorable Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology
c. Honorable vice chairman of National planning commission
d. None of the above.
9. How many members in NITDC under chairman?
a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18

10. What is the full form of NITC?

a. National Information Technology Council
b. National Information Technology Center
c. National Information Techniques Council
d. National Information Techniques Center.

11. Who is the chairman of NITC?

a. Rt. Honorable Prime minister
b. Honorable Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology
c. Honorable Vice chairman of National planning commission
d. None of the above

12. In Which city, IT park is located?

a. Kathmandu b. Dhulikhel c. Banepa d. Biratnagar
13. In which district, IT park is located?
a. Kathmandu b. Bhakapur c. Kavre d. Lalitpur

14. How many investment shall make by government for venture capital found?
a. 10 Million b. 100 Million c. 10 billion d. 100 billion

15. When was the Electronic Transaction Act 2063 has been Authenticated and published?
a. 22 Mangir 2063 b. 23 Mangir 2063 c. 24 mangsir 2063 d. Mangsir 2063

16. When was the Electronic Transaction Act 2063 has been Authenticated and published?
a. Dec 8, 2006 b. Dec 9, 2006 c. Dec 8, 2008 d. Dec 9, 2008

17. When did Electronic Transaction Act 2063 have been commenced?
a. 24 Bhadra 2063 b. 25 Bhadra 2063 c. 28 Bhadra 2063 d. 30 Bhadra 2063

18. When did Electronic Transaction Act 2063 have been commenced?
a. Sep 2, 2006 b. Sep 4, 2006 c. Sep 2, 2008 d. Sep 4, 2008
19. Which is used to create digital signature?
a. Private key b. Public key c. Private-public key d. Public-public key

20. Which is used to verify the digital signature?

a. Private key b. Public key c. Private-public key d. Public-Public key

21. How many chapters are included in the Electronic Transaction Act 2063(2008)?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13
22. In which chapter includes Provisions relating to Digital signature and Certificate in the
Electronic Transaction Act 2063?
a. Chapter 3 b. Chapter 4 c. Chapter 5 d. Chapter 6

23. If any person make private, destroy or alter other computer source code , he/she shall be
liable to punishment with:
a. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
b. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
c. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both
d. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both

24. If any person take unauthorized Access in computer material , he/she shall be liable to
punishment with:
a. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
b. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
c. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both
d. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both

25. If any person damage any computer and information system, he/she shall be liable to
punishment with:
a. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
b. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
c. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both
d. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both

26. If any person publishes illegal materials in electronic form, he/she shall be liable to
punishment with:
a. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
b. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
c. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both
d. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both
27. If any person confidentiality to divulge, he/she shall be liable to punishment with:
a. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
b. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
c. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both
d. Fine not exceeding Ten thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not exceeding two
years or with both
28. If any person inform false statement, he/she shall be liable to punishment with:
a. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding two years or with both
b. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
c. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both
d. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both

29. If any person submit or display the false license or certificate, he/she shall be liable to
punishment with:
a. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding two years or with both
b. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
c. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both
d. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both

30. If any person not submit any prescribed statements or documents, he/she shall be liable
to punishment with:
a. Fine not exceeding five hundred thousand rupees
b. Fine not exceeding fifty thousand rupees
c. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees
d. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees
31. If any person commit computer fraud, he/she shall be liable to punishment with:
a. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding two years or with both
b. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding three years or with both
c. Fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both
d. Fine not exceeding two hundred thousand rupees or with the imprisonment not
exceeding five years or with both
32. In which of the following, a person is constantly followed/chased by another person or
group of several peoples?
a. Phishing b. Bulling c. Stalking d. Identity theft

33. As per Electronic Transaction Act 2063, which organization issues digital signature end
a. OCC b. DOIT c. CA d. NTA
(OCC stands for Office of Controller of Cerfification)
34. All of the following are examples of real security and privacy threats excepts:
a. Hackers b. Virus c. Spam d. Worm

35. ………..monitors user activity on internet and transmit that information in the background
to someone else.
a. Malware b. Spyware c. Adware d. None of these

36. Unsolicited commercial email is known as…………..

a. Spam b. Malware c. Virus d. Spyware

37. Which of the following is not an external threat to a computer or a computer network?
a. Ignorance b. Trojan horses c. Adware d. Crackers

38. The certificate Authority signs the digital certificate with…….

a. User's public key b. User's private key c. It's own public key d. It's own private key
39. Which of the following refers to exploring the appropriate, ethical behaviors related to the
online environment and digital media platform?
a. Cyber low b. Cyber ethics c. Cyber security d. Cyber safety
40. Which one of the following is actually considered as the first computer virus?
a. Sasser b. Blaster c. Creeper d. Both A and C

41. When was the first computer virus created?

a. 1970 b. 1971 c. 1972 d. 1969
42. Which of the following is considered as the world's first antivirus program?
a. Creeper b. Reaper c. Tinkered d. Ray Tomlinson

43. Digital signature is a………..

a. Digital id, send as an attachment to a web page/email/message
b. Is used for verifying the attachments send using web
c. Bothe a and b
d. None of these

44. How many algorithms digital signature consists of?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
Explanation: A digital signature consists of three algorithms: key generation algorithm,
signing algorithm and signature verifying algorithm.
45. What was the first policy in Nepal regarding the Tele communication sector?
a. National communication policy 1992(BS 2049)
b. National Communication policy 1993(BS 2050)
c. National Communication Policy 1994(BS 2051)
d. National Communication Policy 1995(BS 2052)
46. What is the full form of RTDF?
a. Rural Telecome Development Fund
b. Rural Telecommunication Development Fund
c. Rural Technology Development Fund
d. Rural Technological Development Fund

47. According to ICT policy 2015, what percentage of the population will be able to access the
broadband services by 2020?
a. 90 percent of the population b. 80 percent of the population
c. 70 percent of the population d. 60 percent of the population
48. What is the full form of NAPA?
a. National Adaption Plan of Action b. National Action plan of Adaption
c. National Adaption Project of Action d. National Action project of Adaption
49. What is the full form of FTTH?
a.Fiber the to home b. Fiber To The Home
c. Fiber Technique the Home d. Fiber Technical to Home
50. How many total laws(policy) are there in ICT policies 2015?
a. 15 b. 18 c. 20 d. 21
51. How many strategies are there in ICT policies 2015?
a. 15 b. 18 c. 20 d. 21
52. What is the full form of ADSL?
a. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line b. Assymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
c. Analog Digital Subscriber line d. Assymmetric Digital Subscriber Land
53. EMF stands for……….
a. Electronic Magnetical Fields b. Electro Magnetic Fields
c. Elctronical Magnetic Fields d. Electonic Magnet Fields
54. What is the full form of NCERT?
a. Nepal computer Electronic Right Team
b. Nepal Computer Electronic Response Team
c. Nepal Computer Emergence Right Team
d. Nepal Computer Emergency Response Team
55. When did IT policy launch in Nepal?
a. 2000AD b. 2005 AD c. 2010 AD d. 2015AD
56. What is the main objective of IT policy 2000?
a. To establish knowledge based industry
b. To increase employment
c. To build knowledge based society
d. All of the above
57. Which is the most recent and the latest information technology policy?
a. ICT policy 2015 b. ICT policy 2002
c. ICT policy 2018 d. ICT policy 1020
58. When was cyber law introduced in Nepal?
a. 28th Bhadra 2061 b. 29th Bhadra 2061 c. 30th Bhadra 2061 d. 31th Bhadra 2061
59. When was cyber law introduced in Nepal?
a. 14th Sep 2004 b.15th Sep 2004 c. 16th Sep 2004 d. 17th Sep 2004
60. What is the vision of ICT policy 2015(2072)?
a. To transform Nepal into an information and knowledge-based society and economy.
b. Computer education for all
c. education is based on technology
d. None of the above
61. What is the full form of LAPA?
a. Local Action Plan Adopt
b. Local Adaption Plan of Action
c. Local Action Project Adopt
d. Local Adaption Project Action
62. QOS stands for………..
a. Quick of Service b. Quality of Service c. Quick open Service d. Quality open service
63. Full form of GNI…………
a. Gross National Income b. Grade National Income
c. Gross National Information d. Grade National Information
64.What is the full form of NDLI?
a. Nepal Digital Literacy Initiative b. National Digital Literacy Initiative
c. Nepal Digital Literacy Information d. National Digital literacy Information
65. The law that provides a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transaction
in the electronic medium.
a. Digital signature law b. Intellectual property law
c. Telecommunication law d. Copyright law

Answer Key:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65

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