Let's Talk About... : Conversation Starters

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Let’s talk about...

for special education

by: theautismhelper.com Sasha Hallagan

Let’s talk about... babies Let’s talk about... fire drills

1. Do you like playing with little babies? 1. What do you do when there is a fire drill?
2. What things do babies need? 2. What should you not do in a fire drill?
3. Do you think babies are annoying? 3. Does the noise bother you?
4. What should you do when a baby cries? 4. Why do we need fire drills?
5. Do you think babies are cute? 5. Are fire drills scary?

Let’s talk about... fire fighters Let’s talk about... chefs

1. What do fire fighters do? 1. Where do chefs work?

2. Do you think fire fighters are brave? 2. What kinds of things do they do in their job?
3. Why are fire fighter important? 3. Would you like to be a chef?
4. Where do they work? 4. Do you think being a chef is hard?
5. How do they put out fires? 5. What does a chef wear?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... fish Let’s talk about... the beach

1. Do you think fish are a good pet? 1. Do you like going to the beach?
2. How do you take care of fish? 2. What are things to do at the beach?
3. Have you ever had a pet fish? 3. What are some beach rules?
4. Where is a good place for a fish tank? 4. What should you wear there?
5. What color fish do you like? 5. What should you bring to the beach?

Let’s talk about... flowers Let’s talk about... boats

1. When do flowers grow? 1. Have you ever been on a boat?

2. What kind of flowers do you like? 2. Do you like sailboats?
3. How do you help flowers grow? 3. When can you go on a boat?
4. When can you give flowers? 4. What should you not do on a boat?
5. Have you ever planted a flower? 5. Where do boats float?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... planets Let’s talk about... bumble bees

1. What planet do we live on? 1. Are you scared of bees?

2. What do you think Mars looks like? 2. Have you ever been stung by a bee?
3. Would you like to live on another planet? 3. What do you do when you see a bee?
4. Do you think there are aliens? 4. What do bees do all day?
5. Can you name 5 planets? 5. Can you make a bee sound?

Let’s talk about... zoo animals Let’s talk about... tools

1. Do you like going to the zoo? 1. Have you ever used a hammer?
2. What animals are your favorite? 2. What do you use tools for?
3. What are some rules when at the zoo? 3. What jobs need tools?
4. Are you allowed to feed the animals? 4. Can you name 3 tools?
5. Who takes care of the animals? 5. What do you need a hammer for?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... the desert Let’s talk about... the circus

1. How does the desert feel? 1. What goes on at the circus?

2. What animals live in the desert? 2. Have you ever been to the circus?
3. Do you like the desert? 3. What tricks do the animals do?
4. What is different about the desert? 4. Do you like clowns?
5. What would you do there? 5. Is the circus fun?

Let’s talk about... fireplaces Let’s talk about... the country

1. Do you have a fireplace in your house? 1. What does the countryside look like?
2. What do you put in the fireplace? 2. What kinds of plants do you see?
3. How does it feel by the fire? 3. Have you ever been to a farm?
4. Is the fire dangerous? 4. Are there animals in the country?
5. Have you ever made smores? 5. What things can you do there?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... playgrounds Let’s talk about... ice skating

1. What’s your favorite part of the playground? 1. Have you ever been ice skating?
2. Who do you play with there? 2. Do you like ice skating?
3. Do you like swings or slides better? 3. When can you ice skate?
4. What part do you not like? 4. Do you think ice skating is fun or scary?
5. Do you like the playground in the winter? 5. Where do you ice skate?

Let’s talk about... the newspaper Let’s talk about... laundry

1. Where can you buy a newspaper? 1. Who does your laundry?

2. What can you read about in there? 2. Where do you do your laundry?
3. What pictures are in the newspaper? 3. How do you do laundry?
4. Who write the newspaper? 4. When should you clean your clothes?
5. Why would you read the newspaper? 5. What goes in the washing machine?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... shots Let’s talk about... the 5 senses

1. Why do you get a shot? 1. What do you use to smell?

2. What do you do when you get a shot? 2. Can you name the 5 senses?
3. Where do you get shots? 3. What do you use your eyes for?
4. Do you think shots hurt? 4. What can you smell, see, and hear?
5. How can you stay brave? 5. What things can you hear?

Let’s talk about... card games Let’s talk about... instruments

1. What is your favorite card game? 1. Do you like playing music?

2. Have you ever played Go Fish? 2. What instruments do you like best?
3. Do you like the game War? 3. What instruments are hard to play?
4. Are you good at taking turns? 4. Have you ever played the drums?
5. Have you ever lost a card game? 5. Have you played instruments in school?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... teeth Let’s talk about... winter

1. Where do you go when your tooth hurts? 1. Do you like winter or summer better?
2. How can you take care of your teeth? 2. What things do you like to do in the winter?
3. Do you brush every night? 3. What do you wear in the winter?
4. How often do you go to the dentist? 4. How do you stay warm?
5. Do you like brushing your teeth? 5. Do you like snowball fights?

Let’s talk about... my backpack Let’s talk about... new clothes

1. What color is your backpack? 1. Where do you like to go shopping?

2. What things do you put in your backpack? 2. What kind of clothes do you like?
3. Do you like my backpack? 3. Do you like jeans?
4. What doesn’t fit in a backpack? 4. What size shoes are you?
5. Why do we need a backpack? 5. Who do you go shopping with?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... ice cream Let’s talk about... sunny weather

1. What’s your favorite kind of ice cream? 1. How do you feel when it’s sunny?
2. Do you like a cone or cup better? 2. What can you do in this weather?
3. What toppings do you like? 3. Can it be sunny in the winter?
4. Do you like mint chocolate chip? 4. Do you like wearing sunglasses?
5. Where do you buy ice cream? 5. Do you like sun or rain better?

Let’s talk about... thunderstorms Let’s talk about... cake

1. Are you scared of thunderstorms? 1. What’s your favorite kind of cake?

2. Do you have an umbrella? 2. When do you eat cake?
3. Where does lightening come from? 3. Do you like chocolate frosting?
4. What do you like to do when it rains? 4. Have you ever made a cake?
5. Can you play outside in stormy weather? 5. Is cake your favorite dessert?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... spicy food Let’s talk about... cold things

1. Can you name some spicy foods? 1. What is your favorite cold thing?
2. Do you like spicy food? 2. What goes in the freezer?
3. How does your mouth feel? 3. What season is cold?
4. Are all peppers spicy? 4. Do you like ice in your drinks?
5. Have you ever cooked something spicy? 5. Do you like cold weather?

Let’s talk about... hot things Let’s talk about... smelly things

1. What do you do when soup is too hot? 1. What smells bad?

2. How can you cool down in hot weather? 2. What do you do when you smell garbage?
3. What are some hot drinks? 3. How do things stop smelling?
4. What do you cook on the stove? 4. What if you have to clean something smelly?
5. Who puts out fires? 5. How do skunks smell?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... friendship Let’s talk about... cooking

1. Who are your friends? 1. Do you like cooking?

2. How can you be a good friend? 2. What have you cooked before?
3. What happens when you fight with friends? 3. Have you ever used the oven?
4. Why are friends important? 4. How can you be careful when cooking?
5. Where did you meet your friends? 5. Do you follow a recipe when cooking?

Let’s talk about... school behavior Let’s talk about... the library

1. What are some things you should do in school? 1. What kinds of books do you like?
2. What shouldn’t you do in school? 2. Why should you whisper in the library?
3. Why should you raise your hand? 3. What does a librarian do?
4. Can you cut in line? 4. Do you have a library card?
5. How do you feel when you are in trouble? 5. Do you like reading?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... scary movies Let’s talk about... camping

1. Do you like scary movies? 1. Have you ever been camping?

2. Have you ever screamed during a movie? 2. Do you think putting up a tent is hard?
3. Do you think ghost movies are scary? 3. How do you build a campfire?
4. Do you like fighting parts of movies? 4. Are sleeping bags comfortable?
5. Do movies give you nightmares? 5. What if an animal came in your tent?

Let’s talk about... night time Let’s talk about... superheroes

1. Have you ever seen stars at night? 1. Who is your favorite superhero?
2. What time do you go to bed? 2. What if you were a superhero?
3. Do you like looking at the moon? 3. What superhero movie do you like?
4. What do you like to do at night? 4. Do you like Batman?
5. What animals stay up at night? 5. What does Spiderman look like?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Let’s talk about... tv shows Let’s talk about... pizza

1. What’s your favorite tv show? 1. Where do you get pizza from?

2. Do you like Spongebob? 2. Do you like cheese or pepperoni better?
3. Do you watch tv at home? 3. What do you drink with pizza?
4. Do you argue about tv shows? 4. Is pizza your favorite food?
5. What tv shows do you not like? 5. When is the last time you ate pizza?

Let’s talk about... sports Let’s talk about... weekends

1. Do you like football? 1. What did you do last weekend?

2. What’s your favorite sports team? 2. Do we have school on Saturday?
3. Have you ever played soccer? 3. Do you play computer on the weekends?
4. Have you ever been to a baseball game? 4. What time do you wake up on the
5. Do you like running? weekends?
5. Do you stay up late on Friday nights?

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker™ is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
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