FS Lesson Plan

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I. Objective

At the end of 50 minutes discussion, the Grade 4 pupils will be able to do the following with at least
75% accuracy.

a. identify adding similar fractions

b. add similar fractions correctly

c. appreciate the importance of adding similar fractions

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Addition of Similar Fraction

Reference: Mathematics for Everyday Use Texbook ( Grade 4)

https://math-lover.com https://www.britannica.com

Materials: flash cards, chalk , box, ball, worksheets

Values Integrated: Patience and Cooperation

Strategy Used: Group Activity

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
Everybody stand up for the prayer
2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!
3. Energizer
Let us sing the song “ Ten little monkeys Students will sing
jumping on the bed “
4. checking of attendance
First row, is there any absences? None Ma’am
How about Row 2? None Ma’am
5. checking of assignments
Yesterday, I gave you assignment, who can Solve the Following .
read the directions?

1. 18 2. 10 3. 31 4. 15 5. 14
+11 +12 +22 +20 +15
1. 29 2. 22 3. 53 4. 35 5. 29
6. Setting of Standards

Very Good! Almost everyone got perfect score.

Now class, if someone is talking here in front, what
will you do? We will listen Ma’am.

Very good. And what if I will give an activity? We will participate Ma’am.

If you want to answer questions, what will you do? Raise our hands Ma’am.
Very good. I have here a list of your groups that
we’ve created yesterday. Each group has 10 stars. If
someone from the group misbehave and won’t
participate the activity, I will remove one star, after
class, the group that has many remaining stars will get
the prize that I’ve prepared. Is that understood? Yes Ma’am.

b. Developmental Activity
1. drill

I will show you flashcards containing addition

equation, you are going to tell me the answer.

78+82 = ? 160 Ma’am

64+14= ? 78 Ma’am
25+30= ? 55 Ma’am
86+90= ? 176 Ma’am
12+35+ ? 47 Ma’am

2. Review

Now class, let’s have a quick review, what was our

lesson yesterday? Our lesson yesterday was all about Dissimilar

And what dissimilar fraction? Dissimilar fraction are fractions with different

3. Motivation
Before we will formally start our lesson for
today, I want you all to stand up, because we’re going
to have a quick game. Who wants to play game? Me Ma’am

Okay, here’s the instruction. Go to your group, I will

ask you questions that is still regarding math.
For example: 78+25 is equal to?
a. 103 b. 107 c. 110
If your answer is letter A, you shot the ball in the Blue
box, if it is letter B, shot the ball in the Green box, and Yes Ma’am
Red box for the letter C. Do you understand class?

Okay. So I will give one ball in each group. I want Yes Ma’am
everyone to participate, okay?

4. Presentation Of the Lesson

Our lesson for today is all about “ Addition of Similar


What is a Fraction?
Fraction represents part of a whole. When something
is broken up into a number o parts, the fraction shows
how many of those parts you have .

There are types of Fractions, but as of now we will

concentrate on Similar Fractions. Similar Fraction are
fractions having the same denominators.
How are we going to add similar fractions?
Step 1: Ensure that all denominators are the same.
Step 2: Add all the numerators. The sum will be the
numerator of our answer.
Step 3: Copy the denominator. This will be the
denominator of our answer.
Step 4: Add all the whole numbers if it is mixed
Step 5: Convert your answer into its lowest term or
mixed numbers.

Here are some examples:

Solve 1/5 + 3/5
Step 1 is to check the denominators. All the
denominators are the same 5 thus we can proceed to
step 2.
Step 2 is to add all numerators. Let us add 1 and 3.
This will give us 4.
Step 3 is to copy the denominator. Our denominator
is 5.
Step 4 is to add whole numbers. Since we do not have
mixed numbers, then we can skip this step.
Step 5 is to convert our answer into its lowest term.
Since 4/5 is already the lowest term, then 4/5 is our
final answer.

Example no.2 Let us try to add more proper fractions.

The same procedure will be applied when adding improper
fractions with the same denominator.

Example No.3
Let’s take a look at another example of adding similar
fractions. This time, we are going to add a proper fraction
and improper fraction. We will follow the same steps.
To make it simple, to add fractions with like or the same
denominator, simply add the numerators then copy the
common denominator. Always reduce your final answer to
its lowest term.

Now class, I need any volunteer to answer the fractions

written on the board.

1. 2 + 3 2. 8 + 7 3. 6 + 9
4 4 6 6 7 7

5. Discussion

Based on the presentation I made, who can Step 1: Ensure that all denominators are
enumerate the steps in adding similar fraction? the same.
Step 2: Add all the numerators. The sum
will be the numerator of our answer.
Step 3: Copy the denominator. This will
be the denominator of our answer.
Step 4: Add all the whole numbers if it is
mixed numbers.
Step 5: Convert your answer into its
lowest term or mixed numbers.

Very good. How about we add improper fractions with

the same denominator. What procedure will be use? The same procedure Ma’am

When adding a proper fraction and improper fraction

with the same denominator, are we still using the same Yes Ma’am

6. Application
Class, we will have another activity, you are going to
apply what we have discuss awhile ago. Go to your group.
Before we will start, what will you do during our activity? Help the group mates Ma’am

Okay, very good. You may now start.

Group 1:
Add the following Similar Fractions:

1. 1 + 4 = 3. 5 + 1 = 5. 2 + 1 =
9 9 7 7 8 8

2. 6 + 1 = 4. 3 + 1 =
8 8 5 5

Group 2:
Instructions: Add the following similar fractions, write your
answers on the box provided.

1. 2 + 2 =
4 4

2. 3 + 7 =
2 2

3. 5 + 4 =
6 6

4. 1 + 2 =
3 3

5. 5 + 7 =
8 8

7. Generalization

Class, how will you add similar fractions? To add fractions with like or the same
denominator, simply add the numerators
then copy the common denominator.
Always reduce your final answer to its
lowest term.

Let’s read the concept of our lesson.

Do you understand children? Yes Ma’am
Is there any question ? No Ma’am

Add the following similar fractions


Since you already know how to add similar fractions, I

want you to try this one. Pass this tomorrow, this serves as
your assignment.

1.) 2 + 1 = 3.) 3 + 1 =
5 5 5 5

2.) 2 + 4 = 4.) 2 + 3 =
7 7 9 9

5.) 9 + 3 =
20 20

As I promised awhile ago, the group who have many

remaining stars on their chart will receive a price.

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