Minral Processing Lab Manual

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OBJECT:- To study the construction and operation of roll crusher and to find

a. Practical reduction ratio

b. Angle of nip
c. Capacity of the roll crusher (theoretical as well as practical)

APPARATUS:- Roll crusher, scale, stop watch, weight box balance, thread feed and tray.

CRUSHING:- Crushing may be define as the reduction of large size of lump to fragments.

Angle of nip:- choosing the roll for a certain duty it is required to show that the size of feed and
the size of product that it is insured to make and the tonnage to be handle, combination of the
information relating to the size of feed and the size of product determining the dia and set of rolls
calculation is based on the co-efficient of friction between the material crushed and the roll is as

Let, `D` and `d` be the dia of roll and the particles to be nipped .Gravity being neglected the
force acting on the particles area normal force N and tangential force T. If the resultant of three
forces, R is directed downward, the particles will be nipped and crushed, otherwise it will slide
by the rolls.

Equating the limiting condition for crushing. According to figure (drown in nex page), upward
force = downward force.

i.e, N cos (π/2-n/2) =T cos n/2

=> N sin n/2 = T cos n/2

T/N = tan n/2

Under the limiting condition for crushing the angle n is formed as the angle of nip.

Since T/n = tan n/2 = φ

Where φ = co-efficient of friction. It follows that the condition necessary and sufficient in ensure
nip is T/N ≤ φ.

Now if `S` is the distance apart at the roll crusher; n, S, D and d are related as follows;

From ∆ABC (for calculation of angle of nip).

Cos n/2 = BD/AD = (D/2+S/2)/(D/2+d/2) = (D+S)/(D+d).

Where, S = distance between the rolls.

d = dia of particles.

D = dia of roll.

Capacity: It depend on the speed of rolls, the width of their forces, their diameter, and set (S).

Theoretical capacity C = 0.0034 NDWSG.

Where, N = r.p.m. of rolls.

D = dia of the roll in inches.

W = width of the faces in inches.

S = set in inches.

G = specific gravity of the rock.

Law Applicable: Kick`s law is applicable for the roll crushes which states thate the energy
required fpr crushing is proportional to the logarithmic of the size reduction. It is expressed as

E = Eklog(X1/X2).

Where, E = Energy required for crushing.

Ek = Kick`s energy constant.

X1 = Initial size of the particles.

X2 = final size of the particles.

X1/X2 = Reduction ratio.

ROLL CRUSHER:- Roll crusher consist of two cylinder revolving towards each other. So as to
nip a falling ribbon of rock and discharge it crushed below the rolls are positively driven at such
higher speed and breakage is presented by mounting the bearing of one roll shaft against spring
coil. The crushing surface shrunk on the main roll. The machine consist of a heavy frame on
which two rolls are mounted. Both the rolls are driven and have the same peripheral speed. The
roll centers are made of cast iron and are covered by a roll shell of hard field steels or heat
treated steel.
Fig : Roll crusher


1. Measure diameter of the roll which is given i.e. 10.2”

2. Set rolls in such a way that the charge can be crushed very well.
3. Measure the maximum size of the feed.
4. Motor was started and the machine started its crus
hing. The known weight of charge is
feed and the time required for crushing was noted.
5. Measure the maximum size of the particles in the product.


Wt of feed = ….

Maximum size of the particle in feed = ….

Time of crushing = ….

Maximum size of the particle in product = ….

R.P.M. of roll (N) = ….

Dia of roll (D) = ….

Width of the roll (W) = ….

Set (S) = ….

Specific gravity of the feed material = ….

1. Practical capacity = Feed/Time = ….

2. Theoretical capacity = ….
3. Angle of nip = ….
4. Practical reduction ratio = Size of the biggest particle in the feed. /Sizeof the biggest
particle in the product.


Angle of nip = ….

Theoretical capacity = ….

Practical capacity = ….

Practical reduction ratio = ….


1. Discharge between rolls should be accurately adjusted.

2. Charge should contain particles of size.
3. Feeding of charge should be continuous.
4. Keep yourself away from machine crushing was carried out.

Difference between theoretical & practical capacities……..


1. V Zone was not continuously filled all the time.

2. Errors could be made during time recording.
3. Errors could be measuring the set (i.e. distance between the rolls).

OBJECT:- To study the single deck and double deck vibrating screens and to find screen
efficiency of single deck vibrating screen using double deck vibrating screen as standard sieving

THEORY;- Screening or sieving is one of the simplest and direct sizing process. In this process,
each particle is subjected to pass through apparatus of particular size and shape. The material can
thus be separated into two groups i.e., an over size under size a large number of factors effect

1. The absolute size of the opening.

2. The relative size of the particles to that of the opening it must penetrate.
3. The percentage of openings to the total surface in the screening surface.
4. The angle at which the particle strikes the screening surface.
5. The speed with which the particle strikes screening surface.
6. The moisture content of the material that is being screened.

The principle aim in making a screen is to produce a device that permits passage of as high a
proportion of under size as possible at height possible rate per unit surface.

Vibrating screens and the most sizing equipment in modern mills for medium, coarse and fine
screening. Vibrating screens differ from shaking screens in the sense that amplitude is less and
frequency is more for vibrating screen.

Fig : Single deck vibrating screen

EFFICIENCY:- The screen efficiency can be define as the ratio of the quantity qua of fines
recovered during screening operation to the quantity of fines present in the feed.

So, screen efficiency (ῃ)

ῃ) = amount of fines recovered by screening./amount of fines present in
the feed.

The percentage efficiency can be expressed as ((ῃ) = 100U/µF.

Where, U = tonnage passing through its screem for each F tones of feed.

µ = % of under size as determined by standard test screen (double deck screen).

CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OPERATION;- Vibrating screen is used where wire screening surface
which moves off carefully gauged wire, generally made of steel. The meaning is such as to
provide square or rectangular opening. Vibrating screen in vibrated or oscillated by a mechanical
drive. Different size fractions may be separated by installing a number of screens.
screens One below the
other. The screen forms the floor of the box which can be given a rapid and positive vibrations of
low amplitude. In many cases, an indination is given to facilitate the flow of material along
screen. Rapid low amplitude vibrations results in higher capacity and efficiency. More than
onscreen can be fitted in the same box to get various size distributions.

Fig : Double deck vibrating screen

PROCEDURE:- the vibrating screen present in our lab is one of mechanical vibrating screen has
screen of 10 mesh and the double deck vibrating screen has screens of size 8 mesh and to 10

1. Feed of 2kg is taken.

2. The double deck screen is switched on and the material is fed and +8 mesh, +10mesh and
10 mesh products are collected at the bottom separatel
3. These products are weighed separately and rolled down.
4. These products are then mixed and fed to the single deck screen to get the product of -10
mesh and +10 mesh separately and weighed individually.
5. The efficiency is calculated using above formula.


Weight of feed = ….

For double deck vibrating screen:-

(X) = 8 mesh particles = ….

(Y) = +10 mesh particles = ….

(Z) = -10 mesh particles = ….

For single made vibrating = ….

(X1) = +10 mesh particles = ….

(Y1) = -10 mesh particles = ….

% efficiency (E) = 10000*Y/µF

RESULT:- The screen efficiency of single deck vibrating screen = …%


OBJECT:- To study the construction and operation of rod mill and find the grind ability index of
the given feed.

THEORY:- Rod mill is used for primary grinding of ores. Rittenger`s low is applicable here. It
states that the energy required for the grinding is directly proportional to the increase in surface

E α ∆S

=ER (S2-S1)

Where, E = Energy required to create a new surface.

ER = proportionality constant.

S1 ,S2 = Initial and final specific surfaces respectively.

Specific surface S = A/W = surface area of particle/weight of particle.

The grinding of the one material takes place in the following modes.

I. The rods are lifted to a certain height, then trace a parabolic path and fall down. Material
is crushed by the impact of falling rods. Here v thee centripetal force is more than
centrifugal force. This action is called as CATARACTING ACTION.
II. When the rods remain in circular and move inn reverse direction.. this action is called as
III. Grinding also takes place due to scissoring action of rods

Hear in this type off grinding closely sized product is obtained due to selective grinding of
largest or coarse particles. This keeps the percentage of fines minimum.

CONSTRUCTION AND OPEERATION:-- Rod mills are rotating cylindrical shells using rods
as grinding media which are laid parallel with the area. the rods are made of Cr-steel or Cr-Mo
steel they span over the whole length of the mill rod. Mill rod made of length greater than their
diameter in order to prevent the jamming of the rods in the mill. Cylinder conical shells can be
used in rod mills provided the cylindrical section is relatively longer compared to diameter. Rods
wears down in use and this effects the nipping of particles. Also they are gets contaminated.

The speed of the mill is generally kept around 0.75-0.85 times the critical speed Nc. The critical
speed is the speed at which centrifuging action takes place. They are particles moving to the
periphery and effective grinding does not take place. Hence generally the mill is always operated
at sub-critical speeds.
Fig : Rod mill diagram


Usually each stage of size reduction is followed by size separation unit. If the oversize material
is returned to the size reduction unit, the operation is referred as closed – circuit, where as if no
material is returned
turned for further size reduction , the operation is referred as open circuit. The
closed – circuit operations are usually preferred owing to being economical in crushing power,
smaller units required for a given capacity, and production of move uniform pr product.

circulating load cover size, to that of feed. i.e circulating load = (Y/X)*100.

Where, Y = circulating load

X = feed.


on of the rod mill some rods
take such a position or separate such a way that coarse particle get crushed first and then the finer
particle this is due to the line contact of rods on particle as & when coarse particles are between
rods. the separation betweeneen there is such that fine particles may just pass away or get crushed
only after the crushing of the coarse particle has taken place. This type of grinding is called
preferential grinding.

1. Take weight of rods.

2. Take 2 kg feed and sieve it for 15 minutes.
3. Analyze the sieve.
4. Grind the material for 30 minutes in rod mill.
5. Take the weight of product and sieve it for 15 minutes.
6. Analyze the sieve.
7. Plot a graph of mesh size (µ) v/s % cum. weight passed.

1. Wt. of feed taken = ….
2. Time of sieving = ….
3. Time of grinding = ….
4. Wt. of rods = ….


Table -1
MES SIZE (µ) WEIGHT (gm) % Wt. CUM.% Wt. CUM.% Wt.


Table -2
MES SIZE (µ) WEIGHT (gm) % Wt. CUM.% Wt. CUM.% Wt.

Weight of the product = ….

RESULT:- Grind ability index as read from the graph = ….

DISCUSSION:- Rods of varying cross-section area should be used. This results in packing of
rods and thus results in more effective grinding.

OBJECT:- To study the construction and operation of disc pulveriser and to find the grind ability

THEORY:- Disc pulveriser is generally us used

ed as an intermediate crusher. The comparatively
coarse particle are ground down to very fine particles by their type of grinder. The general
particle of disc – pulveriser is that the particles to be ground are fed through a gate on a fixed
disc and when thehe particles come with the gap between fixed disc and rotating disc, they get

CONSTRUCTION:- A disc pulveriser consist of two discs.. One is stationary and the other one is
moving with slight eccentricity. The rotating disc is driven by an electric motor through a fly
wheel. This feed is gravity fed directly to the centre of the stationary disc. The distance between
the discs can be varied by handle at the end of the shaft. The discharge is also received by

Fig : Disc pulveriser

PROCEDURE:- 1 kg of feed is first weighted and this is subjected for sieving for 15 minutes in a
sieve analyzer.. Then the feed in the different sieves is weighted and noted down. The feed is then
mixed and pulverized in a disc-pulverize
pulverizer twice. the product is againn subjected to sieving for 15
minutes and again the weighted of the product in different sieves is weighted separately and
noted down.
A graph is plotted between mesh size in microns and percentage cumulative weight passing for
both feed and product. The separate curve are drawn for them.

Grind ability index is calculated from the graph.

Grind ability index = 80% cumulative wt passing of feed/80% cumulative wt passing of product.


Weight of feed = ….

Weight of product = ….

Table -1 (Sieve analysis of feed).

MES SIZE (µ) WEIGHT (gm) % Wt. CUM.% Wt. CUM.% Wt.

Table -2 (sieve analysis of product).

MES SIZE (µ) WEIGHT (gm) % Wt. CUM.% Wt. CUM.% Wt.

RESULT:- The grind ability index calculated from graph is …..


1. Weighting must be accurately done.

2. Dust losses should be prevented.
3. The sieves must be arranged in proper order.

OBJECT:- To find the percentage of Iron scrap present in the given feed. Also to study the
constitution and operation of drum type magnetic separator.

THEORY:- A magnet is surrounded by a field of force, known as magnetic field, which in many
respect resembles a gravitational
nal or electric field of force.

Magnetic substances may be classified into two broad classes according to their attraction or
repulsion by an ordinary magnet. To be more precise, a diamagnetic substance may be defined as
one that is repelled along the line
liness of force of a magnetic field to point where the magnetic field
intensity is smaller; on the other hand, a paramagnetic substance is attracted along the line of
forces of a magnetic field to point of greater magnetic field intensity. There are some more
ubstance which are called Ferromagnetic substances. Ferromagnetic is special case of
paramagnetic. The characteristics usually considered as distinguishing ferromagnetism from
paramagnetic,, other than more intensity of effect, is the retention of magnetism after the
substance is taken out of the field. This property of residual magnetism is often called
remanence, and gives rise to the permanent magnet.

There is no essential difference between attraction of one magnet for other on the one hand, and
of a magnet
net for iron, magnetite, or some of the magnetic minerals, on the other.

The attraction or repulsion is quantitatively expressed as

F = (1/µ) × (m1m2/d2)

Where, F = force in dynes

m1,m 2 = strength of the poles (unit pole strength).

D = distance between thee poles (cm).

µ = magnetic permeability (is a constant).

Fig : Drum type magnetic separator

MECHANISM OF SEPARATION:- The feed is fed on the drum in such a way that magnetic
particles are carried over the rolling drum and non magnetic particles drop drown through
gravity, hence this is a gravity separation. The factors that effect the separation are.

1. The position of the feed fed on drum (or disc).

2. The rate of feed fed on drum or disc.
3. Size of the feed.
4. Specific gravity of the particles.
5. Speed of the disc. i.e rpm of the disc.

CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEPARATOR:- With the help of motor and gear system (reduction
gear) the disc is rotated. The disc consists of fixed drum (wood) over which magnet (permanent
magnet)are placed as shown in figure. The gap between the magnets in filled with iron turning &
with araldite. Over this a non magnetic revolving drum is placed.

PROCEDURE:- We first of all weighed the given feed. Then the motor was switched on and
suitable adjustments were made for feeding purpose. The feed was then fed with suitable rate and
at a suitable distance from the revolving drum, the magnetic traveled were carried along with
drum and dropped down through gravity immediately after the magnetic field is over, at the same
time non magnetic particles also drop down through gravity and were collected on separate
plates. Again the weight of the magnet particles was noted and calculated the percentage of Fe
scrape (magnet particles) present in the drum to know its effect on separation (efficiency). It was
also calculated as shown in observation.


1) Net weight of feed = ….

2) R. p. m. of disc = ….(time = …. Number of revolution = ….).
3) Final weight of Fe scrape = ….

now % of Fe scrape = ….

RESULT:- Percentage of Fe scrape in the given feed = …

Rpm of the drum = ….

PRECAUTION:- Feeding should be quite low (i.e feeding rate). We should see that feed is fed
properly on the drum, particles should be properly collected. We should take care of the rpm of

CROSS BELT SEPERATION:- THE SAME SEPARATION can be carried out on cross belt
separator also. Here we can change the magnetic field intensity and can also separate highly and
feebly magnetic particles. The sketch of the separator is shown in the figure-3.

MAGNETIC SUSEPTABILITY:- Magnetic susceptibility is define as the ratio of intensity of

magnetization to that of field strength.
Magnetic susceptibility K = I (intensity of magnetization)/H(field strength)

Diamagnetic materials have – ve magnetic susceptibility and small value..

Paramagnetic material have + ve magnetic susceptibility and small.

Ferromagnetic materials have +ve and large vale of magnetic susceptibility.


AIM:- To study the construction and operation of pneumatic classifier and to classify the given
feed i.e size classifier.

THEORY :- the principle of sizing material is in according with different in setting velocity in a
fluid medium. The fluid medium used is air particles finer than 0.05 and some time up to 0.1 mm
(depending upon the specific gravity of the solid and viscosity of the fluid), settle at a velocity
proportional to the square of the particle size, proportional to the apparent specific gravity of the
setting particle and inversely proportional to viscosity of the fluid medium. This relationship is
known stake`s low of sedimentation by viscous resistance.

Vm = 2(∆-∆1) r2g/9µ

Where vm = maximum velocity or terminal velocity of settling particle.

∆ = specific gravity of solid.

∆1 = specific gravity of fluid.

µ = viscosity of fluid.

G = acceleration due to gravity.

This here classification may be regarded as based principally on stroke’s low of sedimentation.
Classification is carried out in a relatively thick suspension therefore the settling velocity is
reduced in proportion to a correcting factor f1 which can be expressed as

f1 = (1-r2/3)(1-r)(1-2.5r),

where, r = fraction of the volume of the suspension occupied by the solid.

As the particle are irregular in shape and size since the velocity depend upon the size squared,
the correction factor f2 is approximately

f2 = 1/(1.24)2

= 0.65

(1.24)th in denominator is selected as the size of irregular particle. As it is a average for irregular
particles whose degree of roundness or sphericity is intermediate between that of cube (1.19) and
of very thin disc (1.28).

If the viscosity of the liquid and the acceleration due to gravity are viewed as constituents of
third factor f3 the velocity can be expressed as

V = F(∆-∆1) r2
F = f1.f2.f3 .

f3 = 2g/9µ

in desirable classification conditions. In particle, sizing classifiers are operated at dilutions

ranging from a solid content of 3 to 4 percent by weight (γ = 1 to 2 percent) if sizing is at the
extreme fine end of the practical range of classifies up to 30 to 35 put by weight if sizing is at the
extreme coarse end.

Type of classifications.

1) Sorting classifies using a relatively dense aqueous. Suspension as the fluid medium.
2) Sizing classifiers using a relatively dilute aqueous suspension as the fluid medium.
3) Sizing classifier using air as the fluid medium.

The classifier using in the lab is sizing classifier using air as the fluid medium (pneumatic

SETTLING VELOCITY:- In pneumatic classifiers settling velocity is roughly one hundred times
greater than in water classifier. The two factor responsible for this are.

1) The medium used in pneumatic classifier is 50 to 100 times less viscous than water.
2) The apparent specific gravity of any pneumatic suspension is appreciable les than that of
an aqueous suspension of equivalent volumetric composition.

Both factored make higher settling velocity in air than in water.

CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION:- It consist of two cylindroconical shell and rotating

feeders in provided at the top. Just below the feeder an air valve is also attached which is used
for the tangentially feeding and by which we can control the feeding. And both of the shell are
connected with air valve. Coarse medium and fine, amount of particle depend upon the position
of the valve. Both shell are connected together.

The powdered solid is introduced as a constant stream through a hollow shaft on the
revolving spiral feeding apron. The centrifugal action of the apron through the material radialy
across the ascending air system. A centrifugal motion is imparted to the air stream by rotating
fan. Coarse medium and fine particle are settle down in the shell A, shell B,and upper portion
through the suction respectively.
Fig : Pneumatic classifier

C = aAvV∆

Where C = tones of solid per hour (capacity).

sectional area (ff2).

A = cross-sectional

v = velocity (ft/min) of fluid.

V = pct of solid by volume.

∆ = Sp. gr. of solid.

a = A constant 6.25×60/2000 = 1.875

EFFICIENCY:- Ratio of classified material in the overflow to classified material in the feed.
Now we can write

E = c(f – t)/f(c-t) ×100%

Where c, f, t = constant of x- mesh material in over flow, feed & under flow respectively.

X being such that neither c,f nor t is zero. Generally E = 50


This is not used by metallurgist because coarser particle also over flow and efficiency increases.
So metallurgist used

E = 10000 (c-f) (f-t)/f (100-f) (c--t).


1) First taking 100 gram feed.

2) Then adjusted the position of all valves and feed the charge from the top, then started the
3) Then after seting of coarse medium and fine particles their respective weight were taken.
4) Again repeated the experiment with changing the opening position of valves and
observed the effect.


Valves (1)

V1 = ….% open

V2 = ….% open

V3 = ….% closed

Coarse = ….gm

Medium = ….gm

Fine = ….gm


V1 = ….% open

V2 = ….% open

V3 = ….% closed

Coarse = ….gm

Medium = ….gm

Fine = ….gm

RESULT:- On increasing the opening of air valve II ,amount of coarse particles settled
(collected) decreases, keeping other air valve at same position.

DISCUSSION:- By keeping valve II completely open the air pressure high enough to carry some
coarse particles hence less coarse particles were collected.

OBJECT:- To study the construction and operation of black jaw crusher. Find the theoretical
reduction ratio and theoretical capacity.

JAW CRUSHER:- Jaw crusher consist of two crushing faces or jaws one of which is stationary,
being mounted
unted rigidly in the crusher frame, and the other moving alternately toward the
stationary force and away from it by a small throw.

Jaw crusher can be classified according to the point of minimum amplitude of motion on
the moving face and according to the way in which the motion of movable face is transmitted. In
jaw crusher of the black type, the movable jaw is hinged at the top so that the greatest amplitude
of motion is at the bottom of the crushing face. In the dodge crusher, the reverse is true, the
bottom of the jaw is in the fulcrum and the top move by the greatest amplitude.

CONSTRUCTION:- In a typical black crusher, the crushing frame is made of cast iron. The jaws
are made of cast steel lined with replaceable jaw plates of alloy steel, generally manganese steel,
and the sides of the crushing opening are made of manganese steel cheek plate. Motion is
transmitted from main crusher shaft by means of pitman working an eccentric on the shaft, and
the toggle. The pitman are nearly vertical and toggles are
re nearly horizontal. One of the toggle is
set in steel bearing on the back of the movable jaw at one and in the pitman at the other. As a
result of this design,, the rotation of the drive shaft causes an up and down transition of the
pitman and consequently an increase and decrease of the distance between the back of the
movable jaw and the frame. The movable jaw is kept pressed against the toggles by a tension rod
and spring. Provision is made for wear on the movable jaw by shines or by making it possible to
move the settling block of the rear toggle. Force feed lubrication is the rule because of the
intermittent load on a jaw crusher, it is necessary to equalize this load by means of fly wheels.
One or two flywheels are generally mounted on the main shaft of the crusher, and the drive is by
flat belt or V-belt.

Fig : Blake jaw crusher

CHARACTERISTICS:- Jaw crushers are intended for use as primary crusher to receive the
coarsest lump produced from the mine. Accordingly, jaw crusher have a relatively large gape.
The length of the receiving opening is some what greater than width. All jaw crushers have an
adjustable discharge opening (set) so that they can produce a product that is coarse or fine within
limits depending upon adjustment.

The operation of jaw crusher is influenced by the following factors and can be adjusted to
give the best result by a proper interrelation of these factors.

1) The reduction ratio (gape to set ratio).

2) Rate of change of vertical cross – section of crusher throat in respect of fall of one
between strokes.
3) Speed and amplitude of movable jaw.
4) Size distribution of feed.
5) Crushing properties of ore.

Capacity of jaw crusher T = 0.6×L×S

Where T = capacity in tones per hour.

L & S = length of the feed opening and width of the discharge opening (set) respectively
in inches.

ENERGY REQUIREMENT IN JAW CRUSHER: the energy consumed in a jaw crusher varies
considerably and depend on the following factors.

I. Size of feed.
II. Size of product.
III. Capacity of crusher.
IV. Characteristics of the one/rock.
V. Percentage of idling time.

The yoke jaw crushers are capable processing up to 1000 tones of ore per hour with a reduction
ratio of 4 to 10.


Gape = ….inch

Set (s) = ….

Length of feed opening (L) = ….

Reduction ratio = G/S = ….

Capacity = 0.6×L×S

Theoretical reduction ratio = gape/set

Or ratio of maximum size of feed to maximum size of product.

RESULT:- The theoretical reduction ratio and theoretical capacity of Blake jaw crusher are ….
And …tones/hr respectively.

OBJECT:- To study the construction and operation of given ball mill.

THEORY:- ball mill are used for grinding purpose. Grinding may be defined as the breaking
down the particles obtained after crushing to ultimate fineness. The larger particles to be ground
can`t be usually more than a few mm in diameter.

Rittinger`s low is applicable (as grinding takes place) which states

E = ER (S2-S1)

Where E = Is the energy input per unit volume.

ER = rittinger`s constant (proportionality constant).

S1 = Initial specific surface.

S2 = final specific surface.

Specific surface (S) = surface area of particles/Wt of particles.

Mode of grinding in the ball mill can be given as.

1) Cataracting action i.e impact of falling balls on the material and the impact of the
material against lining.
2) Cascading action i.e. slippage of ball & rolling of balls.

In action the balls are lifted up the rising portion of the shell and rolled down or thrown over into
the pool, nipping ore particles against other balls, the lining, or other pieces of ores. The
effectiveness of grinding will depend on the number of upper tunities for each particles to
fracture. As the balls are lifted, their path is circular, where as the path of dropping balls is
parabolic or near parabolic. If the mill is revolving at a speed of N rpm, a ball at a distance ‘r’
will leave the circular path when the centrifugal component of angular acceleration. i.e

Mv2/r <mg cosα.

V = 2πrN (1)

Where m = mass of a ball.

v = linear velocity of the ball.

r = radius of the mill.

g = acceleration due to gravity.

Since v = 2πrN

Cosα = 4π2N2r/g.

The focus of points α represents the beginning of the parabolic path (fig -a) for different
positions of balls from the centre of mill to periphery, which is the curve OEA of fig(c). this
curve can be evaluated graphically from calculated values of α in function of r.

Centrifuging of the outermost layer of balls commence as cosα exceed unity. From fig –c
according to Davis.

β = 3α (3)

from the relationship of equation the lows of the points Z represents the end of the parabolic
path, which can be drawn in an identical manner as the low of point X. this gives the curve CDO
of fig(c). further, Davis has shown that the area DO and EO correspond to unstable equilibrium
and the zone EFC is a dead zone having no effective motion. Thus the inside of a ball mill can be
considered to consist of four zones, i.e. (a) an empty zone (b) a dead zone (c) a zone of circular
path and (d) a zone of parabolic path, which are shown in fig (c).

according to Davis crushing action should tack place along DC and nowhere else, which
is not true, since a substantial crushing takes place within the zone of circular path arising from
the rolling of balls on each other by slippage between layers. The slippage in a function of many
variable such as pulp density, size and type of ores, pores space of each ball is not compounded
of two segment i.e one circular and one parabolic, but compounded of three segments i.e one
circular, one parabolic, and one near parabolic (XY in fig -a).

in ball mill attrition also occurs between balls as they are half dragged and half rolled
through the pulp under continuous impact from above. The speed of the mill should be adequate
to raise the balls to about two-third of the height of the inside of the mill and throw them across
to the bed of the load having coarse material accumulated in it. If the mill is about half filled with
balls and pulp, the speed of mill should be about 75 pct of the critical speed N c, at which the load
will centrifuge (at this condition, no grinding take place). The critical speed may be given by

Nc = 423/D1/2

Where D = diameter of mill in cm. however with smooth linings, slip occurs between load and
liner over a wide range of speeds and centrifuging dose not occur over at the speed several times
of critical speed (Nc). this is true particularly under low loadings.

At these super-critical speeds, there is much more attrition between balls, ore, and
linings. This results in improve efficiencies, but the wear on lining is excessive the super-critical
grinding may not be favored with metal liners but can be effectively used with autogenously
linings, i.e living having ore lumps fixed to or embedded in the lining to protect the steel lining.
CONSTRUCTION:- Ball mill are characterized by the use of alloy steel balls as the grinding
media. The ball mill used in particle in lab functions intermittently. The size reduction is
accomplished by the impact of these balls as they fall back after being lifted to a certain height
with the help of lift lines, made of alloy steel.

These mills can be classified according to the shape of the mill, the method of
discharging the ground ore and whether the grinding is done in used or dry conditions.

According to shape they are:

1) Cylindrical mills.
2) Cylindroconical mills.

The length of the cylinder is normally equal to the diameter. The feed enters through one end and
discharge through the other or through periphery.

In our lab charging and discharging is done through a opening on the periphery. The ball
mill used is a cylindrical one. These are characterized by their cylindrical shape of the shell
having the uniform dia throughout. They are further classified into the following categories
depending on the mode of discharge of ground product i.e.

1) Peripheral discharge.
2) Overflow discharge.
3) Grate discharge.

Cylindroconical mill consist of two conical section connected by a short cylindrical section. The
conical section towards the feed is obtuse and that toward the discharge and is acute. It is said
that the conical shape compels coarse particles and layer balls to seek the cylindrical section of
the mill where as the fine particles and small balls are found in the conical section, especially
that near the discharge and of the mill, thus making possible the preferential grinding of coarse
particles by large ball, and fine particles with smalls.

OPERATION DETAIL:- The speed of the ball mill should be as high as possible with out
centrifuging the charge. As the speed invereases, work input increase. As slippage increase, the
work input increases more slowly than speed, it increases until critical speed in reached beyond
which the power input decreases rapidly to a vanishing point. When this condition is reached the
solid ore centrifuged on the mill shell and there is no work done by this mill.

The criticle speed may be given as Nc = 54.2/(S-s)1/2

Where S = radius of the mill (ft)

s = radius of the ball (ft)

the energy that the mill may be made to consume is a function not only the speed but the ball
load also, until a maximum is reached. The ball mill should be such that when the mill is stoped
it is slightly
ightly more than the ball load.

Fig : Schematic Diagram of a Cylindrical Ball Mill


1) Speed of the mill.

2) Load of the grinding media and material.
3) Size and type of ore.
4) Solid liquid ratio.
5) Size distribution of grinding media
6) Return load or circulating load and the presence of fine particles.

DISCUSSION:- The ball mills are usually employed to grind ores in the wet pulp, but for some
special purposes specially in the chemical industries, the ball mill are operated in dry conditions.
Dry grinding mills are offenly employed to produce an extremely fine product. This arises from
the high settling velocity of the solids suspended in air as compared with solids suspended in

OBJECT:- To study the construction

ruction and operation of floatation cell to carry out bulk floatation
of polymetallic ore ( Cu2S+PbS+ZnS+FeS2).

THEORY:- This is the most commonly employed technique in concentration of minerals/ores.

This process is based on making use of differences in tthe physico-chemical
chemical surface properties of
various minerals. The difference can also be enhanced by treatment of minerals with specific
reagents. In the forth flotation, valuable part of mineral usually passes into the forth product
(some time gangue is alsoo floated) and becomes the float fraction, whereas, the other part
remains in the pulp as an un floated fraction (chamber product). Both the fractions can be
removed separately from flotation machine by suitable mechanisms. When the desired minerals
are separated as forth product, the process is referred as direct flotation, where as, if the gangue
is drawn into the forth product, the process is known as reverse flotation.

Fig. 14: Froth Flotation Cell Operation

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF FLOTATION: FLOTATION:- The real surface property of minerals of interest
is the chemical and crystallographic capability of interacting with particular organic ions
resulting in a very thin layer (probably a monomolecular layer) of these ions attached to the
surface. This condition results in a high effective surface tension and is recognized as wet ability,
which is measured in term of contact angle at an intersection with an air air- water interface.
Physical chemistry of flotation process includes various aspects such as surface modification,
ions and changed
nged lattice points on surfaces, activation theory, double electrical layer theory, etc

MODIFICATION:- the particle surface is not
homogeneous and thus due to various de
fects and cracks resulting from explosive shattering
during mining and shearing during communication, it includes both hydration prone and water –
repentant charged points. Therefore only 2-5 pct of the particle surface needs a coating of
collector agent to ensure flotation in a number of cases.

Most minerals are readily wetted with water in preferences to air when their surface are
clean (freshly cleaned), but becomes water – repellent and floatable when coated with
hydrocarbons such as grease, oil, paraffin etc.

2) SURFACE ENERGY OF MINERAL PARTICLES:- The reaction energy of the surface atoms
being in the extreme outside layer, is exerted only in relation to the atom layer beneath them and
to the neighbouing atoms in the surface layer atoms remains free, which is called free surface
energy and usually surface energy.

3) SURFACE ACTIVATION:- the function of the PH (H-ions) has been recognized to promote
an attracting potential at the surface of each specific mineral with in a certain PH range or bellow
a specific PH value. Activation is also facilitated in accordance with the inverse solubility of the
metal sulphides compounds of Hg, Ag and Ca effectively replace ZN at the surface of sphelerite.

4) wetting:- defined as the adsorption of water ions and molecules. In case of reaction between
molecules of the same substance, the mutual tension is called cohesion. When the molecules
react in two phases making their appearance in then interface, the mutual tension is called

5) WETTABILITY AND CONTACT ANGLE:- The actual surface property of interest is its
chemical and crystallographic capacity of interacting with particular organic ions, resulting in a
very thin layer (probably a monomolecular layer) of these ions attached to the surface. This
condition results in a high effective surface tension and is recognized as wet ability, which is
measured quantitatively in terms of contact angle, θ

There is an equilibrium contact with air at any temp. and can be determined by Davidov-neiman

σs-g – σs-l = σl-g cosθ (1)

where σ = surface energy on the interface (solid-liquid, liquid-gas, & gas-solid).

For wetting of a mineral, the work of adhesion of liquid to solid should exceed the work of
cohesion of liquid, which is equal to double the surface tension of the liquid .i.e.


bubble attachment, the free energy of the system may be given as.

W1 = Sl-g σl-g + Ss-l σs-l.

Where Sl-g and Ss-l = Liq – gas and solid-liq, interfacial area respectively.
After bubble attachment, the free energy of the system to form an attachment area of 1 cm 2 is

W2 = (Sl-g-1) σl-g + (Ss-l-l) σs-l + σs-g.

So reduction in free energy ΔW = W 1-W2 > 0.


1) EFFECT OF QUALITY OF MINERALS to be concentrated.

2) Effect of size and shape of mineral particles.
3) Effect of mineral surface and isomorphism in crystal lattices.
4) Effect of pulp density.
5) Effect of pulp temperature.
6) Effect of composition of process water.
7) Effect of reagent feeds.
8) Rate of pulp entering the flotation machine.
9) Effect of particle agglomeration in the pulp.
10) Effect of fine slimes on flotation.

COLLECTOR: - Some time called promoters are organic substance which acts selectively on the
surface of certain mineral particles and from a thin coating by adsorption for adhesion on the
mineral to render then water repellant was used in lab (0.2 gm/300 gm of feed).

FROTHERS: - Frothers are the magnet which are added to the pulp to permit the production of a
sufficiently stable forth to hold the floating mineral particles until the forth is removed from the
flotation cell.pin oil (2-3 drops was used in the lab).

MODIFYING AGENT: - Also known as regulators or conditioners & define as reagents used in
flotation to intensity the specific action of a collector on the miner surface usually activators or
deactivator or PH regulators or dispersant are used as modifiers. PH controller i.e. limes (10.5)
cause for depressing was used in lab. Floats are hydrophobic (adhere to air) and sink are
hydrophilic (adhere to water).

CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION: - Our laboratory is equipped with a simple version of

flotation cell. The pulp is agitated by air which is drawn through a nozzle by a vertex caused by a
rotating impeller. The impeller is kept impressed in the cell containing the pulp as shown in the
figure. The impeller is driven by a motor.

300 gm of one is taken and mixed with sufficient quantity of water in the cell. The pulp is
agitated by driving the impeller and 2 to 3 drops of pine oil is dropped to form a stable froth.
Addition of 0.2 gm of Potassium isopropyl xanthate serves the purpose of collector. Lime is
added as depressant and the agitation is carried out for about 10 minutes. Air valve is now
opened and the froth is skimmed off dried and weighed.

weight of ore = ….gm

Weight of dried concentrate = ….gm

So % concentrate in feed = …..

RESULT:- The percentage concentration in feed = ….


OBJECT:- To study the construction and operation of mineral jig (hydraulic) and to repote the
percentage of concentration in given feed.

THEORY:- jigging is a process of ore concentration carried out in any fluid and depending for
its effectiveness on differences in specific gravity of granular mineral particles into layer of
different specific gravity followed by removal of the stratified layers. The stratification is
achieved by repeatedly affording a very thick suspension of the mixed particles an opportunity to
fall until settled. These effect can be distinguished as contribution to the stratification in jigs.
They are.

1) Hindered-settling classification.
2) Differential acceleration at beginning of fall.
3) Consolidation tricking at end of fall.
HINDERED-SETTLING:- In jigging the solid fluid mixture is so thick as to approximate a
loosely packed bed of solid with interstitial fluid such a thick solid – fluid mixture does not allow
sufficient play for complete rearrangement of the solids. The jig, by providing an alternately
more open and more compact bed, maintains a suspension of very high specific gravity while
permitting particle rearrangement during the period when the bed is open.

DIFFERENTIAL ACCELERATION:- In jigging particles are moving during their accelerating

period, and because during that accelerating period, the heavy particles have a greater initial
acceleration and speed than the light particles.

The equation of motion for either viscous or turbulent sedimentation is

mdv/dt = (m-m’) g – R(v).

where v = velocity of the solid against fluid.

m & m’ = masses of solid and the fluid displaced.

R(v) = resistance exercised by the fluid.

Initially R(v) = 0

So dv/dt = ((m-m’)/m ) g = (1-m’/m)g.

Which means more the weight of particles the greater is settling velocity.

CONSOLIDATION TRICKLING:- Different particles of either the same or different specific

gravities do not travel the same distance during one of the settling periods which is given them,
they will come to rest at different instants. A coarse may remains in suspension, …. Of a cycle of
0.3 sec, perhaps only 0.06sec, although as small particles may remain suspended as long as
0.20sec. manifestly however a period of time exists during which the fine particles are settled on
top of a bed of coarser particle. The coarser particle are bridging against each other and
incapable of movement although the fine particles are still free to move aside from any velocity
that may be imparted to these small particles by the moving fluid, they are bound to settle under
the influence of gravity in the passage between the coarser particles. The phenomenon is most
pictorially described as consideration trickling.


1. Hand JIGS
2. Fixed Sieve Plunger JIGS
3. Fixed Sieves Diaphragm JIGS
4. Fixed Sieve Pulsate JIGS
5. Fixed Sieve, Air Pulse JIGS
6. Movable Sieve JIGS
Construction and Operation:- The JIGs in our lab is fixed sieve hydraulic plunger JIGS. The
jigging motion is obtained by plunger ‘P’ reciprocating in a compartment adjoining the sieve
compartment ‘C’. The bottom layer(usually the concentrate) is moved through the gate ‘A’. after
passage into the wall or draw ‘B’. The upper layer(usually the tailing) is discharged at the end
away from the feed.

The controls are so manipulated as to produce high grade concentration in the bottom of
compartment the control over the pulsing and suction amplitude can be obtained by controlling
the opening of hutch discharge and by varying the amount of arising water.

JIG is obtained by continuously feed material into the screen compartment and receiving the
coarse having particle on screen and fine heavy particle in the hutch compartment.

PROCEDURE:- The jig is filled water and speed of the plunger is adjusted so that the water over
flows. Now the feed is fed slowly light particles are carried away by water edge over flow and
heavy particles remains on screen bed which was collected and dried and wetted. Fro this
recovery the percentage of concentrate was calculated. Heavy fine particles are collected in hutch
tank and so called hutch product was dried and wetted.
Fig : Mineral Jig (Hydraulic)

1) Hutch compartment was check for clearing water.

2) Water flow rate was controlled to get better res




Weight of feed = ….gm

Weight of coarse particle on sieve = ….gm

Weight of hutch particle (fine and heavy) = ….gm

So weight of fine light = ….

% of concentrates i.e. collected = ….

RESULT:- The percentage of concentrate iin the given feed = ….

OBJECT:- To study the construction and operation of centrifugal force & to study the effect of
centrifugal force on rate of filtration. Also to study the construction and operation of pressure
THEORY:- Filtration is that separation of finely divided solid particles from a fluid which is
accomplished by driving the pulp to a membrane or septurn, porous to the fluid passes, and by
the removal of the solid cake from the septum.
RATE OF FILTRATION:-The rate of filtration depend on
1) The filtering area.
2) The difference in pressure between the two solids of the filter.
3) The average cross section of the pores within the filter cake.
4) The number of pores per unit area of the septurn.
5) The thickness of the filter cake.
The rate of filtration increases with (1), (2), and (4) inverses directly as same power of (3).
Factors (1) and (2) are controlled by the device in use, (5) by the way in the device is
operated and (3) and (4) by the character of the pulp.
If flow of fluid through a filter cacke is regarded as made up of flow through each
capillary is proportional to the forth power of the radius. The rate of flow through a filter bed, per
unit area of the bed, is proportional to the square of the diameter (or radius) of the pores.(facture
(3) and (4) combined).
If the pulp is dispersed, the particle in the cake pack very finely so as to makes the pores
exceedingly small, each large pore becoming rapidly clogged by finer and particles, if on the
other hand the pulp is flocculated, the cake is porous, the pores remain relatively large, and
filtration is rapid
CENTRIFUGAL FILTERS:-They consist of a horizontal or vertical basket of cylindrical or
cylindro conical shape which rotates at high speed. In our lab a vertical basket of cylindrical
shape was used. Centrifugal force causes the suspension to press on the filtering basket and the
liquid to pass through the septum. The pulp was introduce at the center of the drum. The
cylindrical surface is lined with screen or other filtering surface . the centrifugal filters are
limited by their relatively small size and thus their use in filtering..fine pulp is possible only on
small-scale or chemical plants and thus find a limited application in one processing industry.
In centrifugal filters, the cake of solid separates tooth side and the clear liquid flows through
the deposited solids were removed by scraping in lab.
These are essentially intermittent in operation. Principally these filters have been used in
dewatering granular coal to a low moisture content and to remove solution metal powders
produced by electrolytic process.
Fig : Centrifugal Filter

PRESSURE FILTERS:- These are big vessels contai containing

ning porous filtering section. The feed is
admitted in the vessel and their pressure is applied. These are known as plate –and –frame
filters. These are intermittent in operation. the septurnn is stretched over a frame which is
provided with channels
nnels for pulp feed, wash liquor, and filtrate discharge. A number of such
frames are assembled in a press and pulp is pumped in, when the pressure reaches a determined
value, the entry of pulp is stopped. The solid cake filling each frame is then washed with w water
under pressure, which can be discharged separately. The press is then opened and the cake is
removed. These devices, also known s filter presses are generally used in the chemical or
hydro metallurgical industry, where interest center oonn filtrates , i.e. in classification of cyanide
beach liquor their use is mineral processing plants does not find much place, since here the
interest centers on cake.
The lab pressure filter consist of a cylindrical vessel with a gentle shape at the bottom.
the filtering media is a cloth. Pulp is fed from the top and then is closed tightly. Then air
pressure is applied. The liquid that is filtered flows through an opening provided at the bottom
centre. A suitable mechanism is provided for introd
ucing and removing the filter cloth.
Wt of pulp = ….gm
r. p. m of the motor = ….r.p.m
power of the motor = ….h.p
S.L. No Quantity r.p.m Time in min. Rate of filtration
in l/hr

RESULT;- From the observation we say that the rate of filtration increases as the r p m of
the motor increases.
OBJECT: - To Study the construction and operation of door thickness and spiral classifier.
THEORY: - Mechanical separation of solid from liquid is accomplished by one of two general
procedures thickening and filtration.
THICKENING: - In thickening a suspension of solids in a liquid is allowed to settle until a clear
liquid layer tops a mud layer; the clear liquid is withdrawn from the top the thickness is like-wise
the mud from the bottom, the operation is continuous. For its success, thickening depends upon
execution of the following steps.
1. Flocculation of the minute solid particles so as to form aggregate or flocs of many
2. Sedimentation of the liquid laden flocs, leaving clear supernatant liquid.
3. Compaction of the sedimented flocs.
4. Elimination of the clear fluid and of the thickness mud.
DOOR THICKNER: - The upper portion of the thickener is cylindrical which is attached to a
shallow conical section having the apex oriented downwards. The thickener is provided with an
annular flow canmoler which is located on the inner side of the cylindrical portion. The rakes are
provided to give a gentle, movement to the sedimented solid from its periphery towards the
center discharge point. The movement of rake is provided the suitable drive mechanism the
sedimented solids collected at the center of the tank by the action of the rake arms are removed
from the under flow cone or trench located near the bottom center.
OPERATION: - The feed carrying finally ground solid in suspension is fed centrally through a
trash screen, which prevents the entry of any debris. The pulp displace parts of its volume as an
over flow of moderately clean water. The rake arms provided a gentle radial drift of this over
flowing water from center, to sides and solid form slowly gathering and sweeping the settled
slurry towards the central discharge wall. During the revolution of rakes, channels through the
flocs are form, through which clear water can be squeezed upwards. The thickening time
depends on the dilution of the pulp i.e. more dilute pulps require greater settling time. The
working of the machine is best on the strokes low of sedimentation (even filtration).
CLASSIFICATION: - Classification is generally restricted to process in which particles of
various size shape and specific gravity are separated by their different rate of travel through a
fluid normally water or air. The cause heavier and rounder particles settle faster than finer,
lighter and more angular grains. The fall of each particle through a fluid medium is made to take
place under controlled condition. The feed sorted into over size and under size fractions. The
over flowing liquid carry away slow settling (under size) grain while the sediments of fast
settling grains is removed simultaneously from the classifier through its discharge gate. The
particles of intermediate size are held in suspension.
Basically classification depends upon strokes results in an increased specific gravity and
increase settling velocity and decreased important to eddying resistance.
SPIRAL CLASSIFIER:- (Akins or hardening spiral classifier): it consist of a usual sloping
through (as in rake classifier) in which pulp is maintained in stirring condition with theth help one
or more helices (spiral ribbons) mounted on the shaft. The helix does the same work as the rakes
in rake classifier, i.e. to remove the material from the bottom of the tank. The helices also work
as an elevator for the bottom sand. In the classi
fier the settled material is turned over and over
again, before its final discharge. It offers greater opportunity for complete disliming of sand. The
helix is run at a speed varying from its maximum diameter. The speed of the shaft is usually 3 to
20 rpm (lower rpm for a large spiral and higher for a small) depending on the size of the spiral.
Steeper slopes (25-35 35 cm/m) is the classifier tank are possible due to the continuous and gentle
action of a spiral.

Fig: spiral classifier

OBJECT: - To study the construction and operation of Wilfley Table.
THEORY:- Liquid films in laminar flow have a mechanical properties that is easily adoptable to
the separation of minerals according to specific gravity. This important property is that the
velocity of the fluid is not the same at all depths of the film, being nil at the bottom and
maximum at or very near the top. This property in turn depends upon viscosity of the fluid, i.e.
upon the existence of internal friction of one layer upon another.
FLOWNG-FILM CONCENTRATION:- Particles at the bottom of a flowing fluid film under the
influence of the several forces at play arrange themselves with the lighter, coarse and rounder
particles further downstream then the heavier, finer & flatter particles. Down slope sequence of
particles is
1. Fine heavy particles
2. Coarse heavy and fine light particles
3. Coarse light particles.
This arrangement is modified by the shape of the particles, flat and cuboid grains being upstream
from rounded grains. Fluid particles in a flowing film:
V’ = ∆’g sinα (2θ-y)/2µ
Where y = distance within the following film, measured at right angles to it from the substratum
film interface.
∆’ = sp.gr.of fluid.
G = acceleration due to gravity.
µ = viscosity.
Θ = film thickness.
Α = angle ao film to the horizontal.
(all units are in cgs).
Force acting on the particle situated at the bottom of a flowing film:-
1. Pull of gravity :- for a particle of average radius ‘r’ the pull of gravity along the slop is
F1 = (4/3) πr3 sinα (∆-∆’) g
2. Rub between particle and substratum:- if φ denotes the specific friction this force
amounts to F2 = -4/3 (πr3φ) cosα (∆-∆’) g.
3. Push of the fluid:- F3 = -9/3(πkπ’g) sinα.r3 + 6πk∆’g sinα.θr3 - 6πkµrv.
Where k = coefficient near unity design to allow for non sphericity of the particle.
V = velocity of translation of the particle with reference to deck.
Fig: Schematic Diagram of Wilfley Tabl

Assumption for push of fluid,

Resistance between particle and fluid also is stokesion force which is propositional to
t the
velocity and to the perimeter of the particle,
R= 3×2πr×µ×v
WILFLEY TABLE:- it consist of four sided, nearly rectangular deck sloping adjustably towards
one of the longer sides. This deck is actuated by pitman and toggle type head motion. When
toggle are nearly horizontal, an appreciable vertical movem
ent of the pitman has particularly no
effect on the position of the outer toggle, but the opposite is true when the toggles are markedly
indined to the horizontal. In this way asymmetrical motion the pitman becomes an asymmetrical
motion for the toggle ends. s. It is transmitted to the deck which is fastened to one of the toggle
OBJECT: to study the construction and operation of cross belt magnetic separator
THEORY: a magnet is surrounded by a field of force , known as magnetic field , which in any
respect resembles a gravitational or field of force .
Substance when placed in magnetic field gets magnetized or is affected in some way , effect is
slight in many substance but very great in others.
Substance may be classified into .
1. Dia. Magnetic-magnetic susceptibility is negative and small .
2. (a) Paramagnetic - magnetic susceptibility is positive and small.
(b) Ferromagnetic- magnetic susceptibility is positive and large .
magnetic susceptibility (k)= I/H
I= intensity of magnetization
H = field strength
Induced field in the metal (B) =H+4πi
Relative attract ability

Material Relative force of attraction

Iron 100
Magnetite 40
Pyrohotite 07
Hematite 1.3
Pyrite 0.2
Fluorite 0.1

Feed consist magnetic pulse non-magnetic material material

1 Magnetic force (Fm)
Where , v= particle volume
(s)=(k)= magnetic susceptibility
2 Drag Force (Fd)
µ= viscosity of fluid
r,d =radius , dia of particle
3 gravitational force (Fg)
Fg= mg-m’g=g(4/3)πr
G= acceleration due to gravity
Δ = specific gravity of particle
Δ’ = specific gravity of fluid
M= mmass of particle
M’ = mass of fluid
Condition for the particle to be attracted is Fm
ation of magnetic separators
1. medium of separation (air or water)
2. mode of presentation of feed (gravity or centrifugal force )
3. mode of disposel of product
4. magnets are stationary or moving
pplication of magnetic separator
1. for the separation of iron parti
particle in the comminution circuit
2. for the separation of magnetic .
3. for the separation of hematite after roasting to magnetite .
4. in the ceramics materials present of small quantity of iron
5. Feo.Tio2 can be separate then Tio2
6. Separation monazite from zircon
7. Rutile from opetite by high intensity magnetic separator

Fig : Cross belt separator

CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEPARATOR : it is consists of two discs which are rotated by a
motor the feed belt move of the discs rotating discs two magnets (hat)are placed under the upper
part of feed belt with screw two vary the gap between the pole. two other magnets with separate
cross belt one placed over the flat magnets which helps in separation of magnetite particles. Few
is feed by gravity trough feed Hooper the feed move over the feed belt and magnetite particle
are separated by cross belt and non magnetic particle are drop down as show in figure various
adjustment can be made
1. dirt between poles
2. shape of poles (bottom one is made flat as compare to top)
3. variation of field intensity
4. speed of horizontal belt
OBJECT: to study the construction and operation of Richards hindered setting classifier.
CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION : in the Richards classifier cylindrical sorting columns
replaced the rectangular boxes of the evane classifier the hydraulic water is feed from blow into
cylindrical sorting columns and from there into an inner conical columns through tangential and
radial part.
Theory: classification depends on strokes law of setting
Hindered setting : in classifier the particle fall under a vertically acting hydraulic force provided
by the velocity of rising fluid the magnitude of this force depends on the velocity (or volume) of
water passing upward through the horizontal cross section of the classifier at a given point if a
particle has to fall against the forces it should overcome frictional drag and collision in the teeter
zone . under these condition the particle will be separated by hindered setting
Relationship of stroke law of sedimentation by viscous resistance

Vm={𝑄/𝑔 𝑟ᶺ2𝑔

Vm=maximum velocity of settling particle

Δ = specific gravity of solid
Δ’ = specific gravity of fluid (water)
µ = viscosity of fluid .
g= acceleration due to gravity
1. correction factor for solid liquid ratio
f1 = (1-r^(2/3))(1-r)(1-2.5r)
r= fraction of the volume of the suspension occupied by the solid

2. correction factor for the shape of particle


3. the term (2g)/(aµ) is considered as a third factor f3



When the classifier products are to be subjected to gravity concentration (such as tabling
) ,emphasis should be laid on the effect of difference in specific gravity of minerals . in
such a case hindered setting conditions should be exploited to maximum possible extend
i.e. suspension should be as dense as possible . this operation of classification is called
sorting 40-70% solids in fluid to be separated .
Fig: Richard Hindered setting classifier

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