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CE 2201

8.1 The storage, elevation and outflow data of a reservoir are given below:

Elevation (m) Storage 106m3 Outflow discharge (m3/s)

299.50 4.8 0
300.20 5.5 0
300.70 6 15
301.20 6.6 40
301.70 7.2 75
302.20 7.9 115
302.70 8.8 160
The spillway crest is at elevation 300.20m. The following flood flow is expected into the reservoir.

Time (h) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
10 20 52 60 53 43 32 22 16 10
If the reservoir surface is at elevation 300.00 m at the commencement of the inflow, route the flood to obtain (a) the
outflow hydrograph, and (b) the reservoir elevation vs time curve.

Elevation (m) S(mm3) Q (m3/s) (2S/Δt)+Q

299.5 4.8 0 888.9
300.2 5.5 0 1018.5
300.7 6 15 1126.1
301.2 6.6 40 1262.2
301.7 7.2 75 1408.3
302.2 7.9 115 1578.0
302.7 8.8 160 1789.6

Good rich method: Δt= 3 hrs = 0.0108 Ms

Time (h) I ((m3/s) (I1+I2) (2S/Δt)-Q (2S/Δt)+Q Elevation (m) Q (m3/s)

8.2 Solve Prob. 8.1 if the reservoir elevation at the start of the inflow hydrograph is at 301.50 m.

Good rich method: Δt= 3 hrs = 0.0108 Ms

Time (h) I (m3/s) (I1+I2) (2S/Δt)-Q (2S/Δt)+Q Elevation (m) Q (m3/s)

8.3 A small reservoir has the following storage elevation relationship.

55 58 60 61 62 63
250 650 1000 1250 1500 1800
A spillway provided with its crest at 60.00 m elevation has the discharge relationship Q = 15 H3/2, where H
= head of water over the spillway crest. When the reservoir elevation is at 58.00 m a flood as given below
enters the reservoir. Route the flood and determine the maximum reservoir elevation, peak outflow and
attenuation of the flood peak.

Time 0 6 12 15 18 24 30 36 42
Inflow 5 20 40 60 50 32 22 15 10

Good rich method: Δt= 6 hrs = 0.0216 Ms

Q = 15H3/2 m3/s

Elevation (m) S(mm3) Q (m3/s) (2S/Δt)+Q

Time (h) I ((m3/s) (I1+I2) (2S/Δt)-Q (2S/Δt)+Q Elevation (m) Q (m3/s)

8.4 The storage-elevation-discharge characteristic of a reservoir is as follows:

Elevation (m) 100 100.50 101

Discharge (m3/s) 12 18 25
Storage (106m3) 400 450 550

When the reservoir elevation is at 101.00 m the inflow is at a constant rate of 10 m3/s. Find the time taken for the
water surface to drop to the 100.00 m elevation.

8.5 A small reservoir has a spillway crest at 200.00 m elevation. Above this elevation, the storage and outflow
from the reservoir can be expressed as

Storage: S = 36000 + 18000 y (m3)

Outflow: Q = 10 y (m3/s)

where y = height of the reservoir level above the spillway crest in m.

Route an inflow flood hydrograph which can be approximated by a triangle as

I = 0 at t = 0 h

I = 30 m3/s at t = 6 h (peak flow)

I = 0 at t = 26 h (end of inflow).

Assume the reservoir elevation as 200.00 m at t = 0 h.

Use a time step of 2 h.

Time (h) I (m3/s) (I1+I2) (2S/Δt)-Q (2S/Δt)+Q y (m) Q (m3/s)
8.6 A detention reservoir was found to have a linear storage discharge relationship, Q = KQ.
a. Show that the storage routing equation of an inflow hydrograph through this reservoir is Q2 = C1I 1
+ C2Q2 where C1 and C2 are constants and I 1 = (I1 + I2)/2. Determine the values of C1 and C2 in
terms of K and the routing time step Δt.
b. If K = 4.0 h and Dt = 2 h, route the following inflow hydrograph through this reservoir. Assume the
initial condition that at t = 0, I1 = Q1 = 0.
Time (h) I1 (m3/s) (I1+I2)/2 0.4 ((I1+I2)/2) 0.6(Q1) Q (m3/s)

8.7 Observed values of inflow and outflow hydrographs at the ends of a reach in a river are given below. Determine
the best values of K and x for use in the Muskingum method of flood routing.

Time 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66
Inflow 20 80 210 240 215 170 130 90 60 40 28 16
Outflow 20 20 50 150 200 210 185 155 120 85 55 23

CC= 6 hrs

ΔS= Ave
Time (h) I (m3/s) Q (m3/s) (I-Q) Ave (I-Q) S= ∑ΔS x = 0.2 x = 0.3
(I-Q) * Δt
8.8 Route the following flood through a reach for which K = 22 h and x = 0.25. Plot the inflow and outflow
hydrographs and determine the peak lag and attenuation. At t = 0 the outflow discharge is 40 m3/s.

Time 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144

Inflow 40 65 165 250 240 205 170 130 115 85 70 60 54
8.9 The storage in the reach of a stream has been studied. The values of x and K in Muskingum equation have been
identified as 0.28 and 1.6 days. If the inflow hydrograph to the reach is as given below, compute the outflow
hydrograph. Assume the outflow from the reach at t = 0 as 3.5 m3/s.

Time (h) 0 6 12 18 24 30
Inflow (m3/s) 35 55 92 130 160 140

Time (h) I (m3/s) -0.253 I2 0.449 I1 0.804 Q1 Q (m3/s)

8.10 Route the following flood hydrograph through a river reach for which Muskingum coefficient K=8 h and x=

Time (h) 0 4 8 12 16 20 12 24 28
Inflow 8 16 30 30 25 20 40 15 10

Time (h) I (m3/s) 0.5 I1 0.5 Q1 Q (m3/s)

8.11 A stream has a uniform flow of 10 m3 /s. A flood in which the discharge increases linearly from 10
m3 /s to a peak of 70 m3 /s in 6 h and then decreases linearly to a value of 10 m3 /s in 24 h from the peak
arrives at a reach. Route the flood through the reach in which K = 10 h and x = 0
Time (h) I1 (m3/s) (I1+I2) 0.1304 (Col 3) 0.7392(Q1) Q (m3/s)

8.12 A drainage basin has area = 137 km2 , storage constant K = 9.5 h and time of concentration = 7 h.
The following inter-isochrone area distribution data are available:

Time (h) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7

Inter-isochrone area 10 38 20 45 32 10 2
Determine (a) the IUH, and (b) the 1-h unit hydrograph for the catchment.
Time (h) Ar(km2) I(m3/s) 01 I1 0.9Q1 Ord of Col 6 w Col 6+ Ord of 1-
IUH 1-hlag Col 7 h UH
(m3/s) (m3/s)

8.13 3 Solve Prob. 8.11 K = 10 h and x = 0.5. Determine the peak lag and attenuation and compare with the
corresponding values of Prob. 8.11.

Time I (m3/s) 0.5386 (I2-I1) Q(m3/s)

8.14 Show that the reservoir routing equation for a linear reservoir is dQ/dt + aQ = aI; where a is a constant. Obtain
the outflow from such a reservoir due to an inflow I = I0 + b t occurring from t = 0 to t0 with the boundary condition
Q = 0 at t = 0.

8.15 Given that n = 4.0 and K = 6.0 are the appropriate values of the coefficients in the Nash model for IUH of a
catchment, determine the ordinates of IUH in cm/h at 3 hours interval. If the catchment area is 500 km2, determine
the ordinates of the IUH in m3/s.

Time U(t) cm/h U(t) m3/s Time U(t) cm/h U(t) m3/s

8.16 Show that in the IUH obtained by using the Nash model the peak flow occurs at a time tp = K (n – 1) and the
magnitude of the peak flow is
8.17 For a sub-basin in lower Godavari catchment, with an area of 250 km2 the following values of Nash model
coefficients were found appropriate: n = 3.3 and K = 1.69 h. Determine the co-ordinates of (a) IUH at 1-h interval,
and (b) 1-hour UH at 1-h interval.

Time (h) U(t) cm/h U(t) m3/s U(t) lagged by 1h 1hour U>H (m3/s)

8.18 For a catchment X of area 100 km2, an ERH of an isolated storm and its corresponding DRH were analysed to
determine the first and second moments relative to the total area of the respective curves and the following values
were obtained:

(1) (First moment of the curve)/(total area of the curve): ERH = 11.0 h DRH = 25.0 h

(2) (Second moment of the curve)/(total area of the curve):ERH = 170 h2 DRH = 730 h2

Determine the IUH with ordinates at 2 hour interval for catchment X by using Nash model.

Time(h) U(t) m3/s Time(h) U(t) m3/s

8.19 For a catchment, the effective rainfall hyetograph due to an isolated storm is given in Table 8.9(a). The direct
runoff hydrograph resulting from the above storm is given in Table 8.9(b). Determine the values of Nash model IUH
coefficients n and K for the above catchment.

Time 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

ERH 4.3 2.8 3.9 2.7
Table 8.19 a

Time DR m3/s Time DR m3/s

Table 8.19 b

Time Rainfall Interval Incre area Moment First Second Second

excess arm moment moment moment
(part a) (part b)

Table 8.19 a

Time Ord of Ave DR Interval Incre area Moment First Second Second
DRH rate arm moment moment moment
(part a) (part b)


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