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Finite element analysis of a passenger aircraft landing gear for structural and
fatigue safety

Conference Paper  in  Materials Today: Proceedings · September 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2021.08.199


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6 authors, including:

Aftab S.G Sirajuddin ..

Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering


Ramesh Babu N Kiran Aithal

Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology


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Finite element analysis of a passenger aircraft landing gear for structural

and fatigue safety
S.G. Aftab a,⇑, Sirajuddin b, B. Sreedhara a, E. Ganesh a, N. Ramesh Babu a, S. Kiran Aithal a
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore 560064, India
University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Landing gear is the most valued element in an airplane framework and it was also noted from a survey
Available online xxxx that an airplane structure failure occurs because of fracture in its landing gear. In the present study, a pro-
totype of a classic nose landing gear of a Boeing 737 is created in a 3-D modelling tool, and is considered
Keywords: for analysis using an analysing software, the materials selected for landing gear are Aluminium 7075,
Boeing 737 Titanium 6Al-4 V, and Alloy Steel 4340. The design load is calculated by keeping Factor of Safety constant
Nose landing gear for all three materials, while comparing the results from analysis performed, the maximum weight is con-
Titanium 6Al-4V
sidered for load on landing gear, and then it is analysed for Stress, Deformation, and Fatigue analysis is
Aluminum 7075
Alloy Steel 4340
performed to find failure point in the landing gear.
Stress Copyright Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 5th International Con-
ference on Advanced Research in Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering-2021

1. Introduction 2. Literature review

An aircraft landing gear is the most important component of Jeevanantham V et al. [1] The landing gear is displayed and
aircraft in the time of the landing and on the ground activities. It assembled utilizing SOLID WORKS. The assembled CAD Model
is joined with essential auxiliary individuals from an aircraft. It is has been considered to perform basic examination by limited com-
the most part of a landing gear needs to endure weighty compres- ponent approach utilizing the ANSYS bundle. After these cycles the
sion load, tow load along the side load. The drag load and side load auxiliary investigation has been conveyed for the landing gear get
esteems are little when contrasted with compressive force. Thus, it together for three unique materials Titanium alloy 6A1-4 V, 7075–
is handled as one-dimensional assembly. In the time of landing, it 76 Aluminum compound and SAE 1035 Steel. The outcomes show
is intended to retain the landing sway vitality with the end goal that the SAE1035 steel holds a decent exhibition when contrasted
that the heaps communicated to the air outlines are limited. A side with different materials. The outcome has been looked at based on
from static quality, vitality retention is a significant structure rule. the boundaries like twisting, anxiety. The SAE 1035 steel has a less
For smaller airplanes, a lip spring kind of a landing gear is regularly misshapening when contrasted with different materials; around 35
adequate to assimilate the effect vitality. For bulkier aircrafts, % of the disfigurement has been diminished when looked at. So, the
pneumatically operated landing gear swagger are ordinary deci- execution of this material would assist with dodging the landing
sion. Landing gears meant for their large ‘‘safe life” segments along gear harm and furthermore it can have a superior life than different
with that they are supplanted ordinarily while the administration materials because of its less harm. Jithin Malayil Jacob et al. [2]
life of an airplane. Conventional metals utilized in the manufacture The investigation centers principally around the use of FEA in less-
of landing gears are Aluminum alloys, Titanium alloys and Steel ening the greatest pressure estimation of the nose landing rigging
composites. Determination of the material relies upon any contem- of a small airplane equipped for conveying 30 travelers. The exam-
plations, which is when all is said in done be sorted as cost and ination is directed by planning the landing gear design utilizing
auxiliary execution. CATIA along with performing finite element analysis investigation
utilizing ANSYS. Most extreme taking off heap of around 11600 kg
was considered to follow up on all these landing gears whereas
⇑ Corresponding author. around 12% of this heap was applied to the nose landing gear
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.G. Aftab).
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Mechanical, Materials and
Manufacturing Engineering-2021

Please cite this article as: S.G. Aftab, Sirajuddin, B. Sreedhara et al., Finite element analysis of a passenger aircraft landing gear for structural and fatigue
safety, Materials Today: Proceedings,
S.G. Aftab, Sirajuddin, B. Sreedhara et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

model for investigation. These results of the reproduction gave the

area with estimation of most extreme pressure along with disfig-
urement. With the help of this reinforcement esteems, this funda-
mental model was adjusted with 1 metal change approach and 3
plan modification technique and an aggregate of four altered
designs were produced. Muhammad Faizal Elayancheri et al.
[3] The landing gear is displayed using CATIA V5 and bundles like
MSC NASTRAN/PATRAN so as to plan and dissect the static quality
prerequisite of the landing gear. The mathematical demonstrating
of the landing gear was finished utilizing CATIA V5 R19 program-
ming bundle. An intensive investigation of limited component
examination is done so as to create a limited component model
of demonstrated landing gear utilizing limited component pro-
gramming bundle MSC PATRAN. Materials utilized were Aluminum
2014-T6 having Ultimate rigidity 483 Mpa, Young’s Modulus 73.1
GPa, Poisson’s proportion 0.33, Fatigue quality 124 MPa and NCM
Steel having Ultimate elasticity 1230 Mpa. Derek Morrison et al.
[4] The examination of the F-16 combined a nose gear, which com-
prised of a stun swagger, a two section drag support and a solitary
actuator. The measurements for the recreated landing gear were
taken from information provided by Lockheed. After attempting
to recreate this apparatus, there was authoritative in two linkages
that made up the drag support. This issue was settled by making
little changes to. the calculation to compensate for the 3-
dimensional character of the real apparatus which couldn’t be imi-
tated with the 2-D adaptation 2 of Working Model. The outcomes
from the computations demonstrated that there would be most
elevated bowing worry at the foundation of the swagger which is
the head of the swagger that connects to the airplane. The deter-
mined pressure was 86,309 psi, which surpasses the yield pressure Fig. 1. Flow chart.
(42,000 psi) of the aluminum material. A.S. Milani et al. [5] Intro-
ductory static auxiliary investigation demonstrated full wellbeing
of the structure for the given plan loads. As per Tsai-Wu models
the structure was adequately protected and disappointment didn’t
happen in any of the composite employs because of the huge self-
weight of the airplane. Subsequently, the score occasion of the
landing gear was displayed under effect stacking and the impact
of runway surface material was researched. An aggregate of 5 mod-
ular frequencies were acquired which were required for finding the
thunderous conditions. The pressure decreases of 18% was seen
just as 14% reduction in kinematic vitality utilizing the runway
with hyperplasic surface, when contrasted with unadulterated
unbending surface. Avinash V. Gaikwad et al. [6] At the point
when airplane is landed, landing gear is exposed to rehashed wor-
ries because of push following up on upper part. So, because of
tedious anxieties, landing apparatus may fall flat underneath yield
point stresses. A breakdown of landing roll can affect the airplane.
In this way the apparatus must have the option to withstand the
stuns of landing. So, it is important to figure greatest pressure
prompted. So in this undertaking model of Aircraft (Joint strike
warrior F-35) Landing gear is made and greatest pressure and most
extreme dislodging is determined. The greatest proportionate pres-
sure is 1424.6 N/m2 which is under 600 N/mm2 (Yield pressure) so Fig. 2. Modelled B737 landing gear.
configuration model is protected. Al- Bahkali et al. [7] concen-
trated on investigation of various planned setting down gears for
a light airplane. Two distinctive landing gear designs have been
broken down and demonstrated utilizing a business finite element of the left primary landing stuff of a Boeing 737–400 has been
code (ABAQUS). Distinctive landing conditions have been consid- examined in this report. Every one of the capacities, frameworks,
ered for the two models (thirteen diverse stacking conditions that subsystems and necessities of a 737–400 fundamental landing gear
were determined for AA7075-T6 utilized for the two models, the were researched. Utilizing information, the powers and pressures
factor of safety delivered was over one for all stacking cases; this on the arrival stuff and hub were determined. In the current work,
shows that this material is an appropriate material to produce an applied new plan model of nose setting down gear for a mentor
landing gear). Also, model two yields higher factor of safety for airplane is dissected under pressure and weakness life of the nose
each condition and thusly prompts more moderate model. Balaji arrival gear. A limited component model of the arrival gear design
et al. [8] concentrated on fatigue examination on airplane landing will be created and examined. The FEA stress and disfigurement
gear hub shaft to build up the existence cycles. The disappointment results will be contrasted and those acquired from ‘‘SOM”

S.G. Aftab, Sirajuddin, B. Sreedhara et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Meshed model.

Fig. 5. Von-misses stress for Aluminium Alloy 7075.

Fig. 4. Boundary conditions.

Table 1
Material used and their properties.

Materials Yield stress (MPa) Design stress (MPa)

Alloy steel 4340 712 237.33 Fig. 6. Life for Aluminium Alloy 7075.
Aluminium alloy 7075 505 168.33
Titanium 6Al4V 830 326

allowable stresses of material. Lal et al. [12] concentrated on frac-

ture of nose landing gear of a military vehicle airplane under fati-
approach. Kabade et al. [9] researched on model and an analysis of gue load. The examination explored the reason and instrument of
landing gear drag connection in an airframe. Material Al T67075 breakdown of the nose wheel swagger of a coach airplane due to
which is having yield strength about 503 MPa. However, the stress material determination. Different techniques and tests going from
for vertically acting load got through investigation is 430.66 MPa visual assessment through independent eye and fractography,
and stress induced in drag load is 81.325 MPa which is not as much hardness tests, chemical investigation and microstructural assess-
as yield strength; henceforth the design is protected. Kim et al. ment were utilized for the examination. Kurdelski and Leski et al.
[10] examined on fatigue crack development and conduct of [13] examined exhaustion life investigation of principle landing
Al7050-T7451 connection carries under flight range variety. Vija- gear pull-pole of the contender fly airplane. Airplane life expansion
yan et al. [11] concentrated on design and stress investigation of conveys the intrinsic danger of unfriendly underlying impacts hap-
nose landing gear barrel for run of the mill maritime coach air- pening because of exhaustion. These impacts may prompt underly-
plane; the maximum principal stress that was induced in the barrel ing harm or complete obliteration of the airplane. This paper
is acquired for all the arrival load cases stresses are contrasted with represents the prospects of consolidating mathematical examina-

S.G. Aftab, Sirajuddin, B. Sreedhara et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Aluminium Alloy 7075 result.

Von- misses stress Total deformation Safety factor Life (cycles)

(MPa) (mm)
Min Max Min Max
98.234 1.43 0.84227 15 2.0696e7 1e8

Fig. 7. Total deformation for Aluminium Alloy 7075

Fig. 9. Safety factor for Titanium 6Al-4v.

Fig. 8. Safety factor for Aluminium Alloy 7075.

Table 2
Aluminium Alloy 7075 Properties.

Density 2.82 g/cc

Poisson’s Ratio 0.34
Modulus of elasticity 72 GPa
Yield Strength 505 MPa
Compression Strength 280 MPa

Fig. 10. Total deformation for Titanium 6Al-4v.

tion, nondestructive testing and segment weakness tests for the

motivations behind the primary landing gear pull-pole harm releases and demonstrative techniques expected to guarantee the
examination. The research facility tests have been performed on protected activity of the force bar components until they are sup-
examples taken from the decommissioned pull-bars. Aftereffects planted with new ones. The issue portrayed in the current paper
of the current exploration will be used for reconsidering support concerns the draw bar of the Su-220 s primary landing gear. F. Bag-
noli et al. [14] concentrated on exhaustion break of a fundamental
S.G. Aftab, Sirajuddin, B. Sreedhara et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 5
Titanium 6Al-4v Result.

Von- misses stress Total deformation Safety factor Fatigue life

(MPa) (mm) (cycles)
Min Max Min Max
100.74 0.90968 4.9634 15 1e8 1e10

Fig. 11. Von-misses stress for Titanium 6Al-4v.

Fig. 13. Fatigue life for Alloy steel 4340.

Fig. 12. Fatigue life for Titanium 6Al-4v.

Table 4
Titanium 6Al-4v Properties.

Density 4.5 g/cc

Poisson’s Ratio 0.35
Modulus of elasticity 114.9 GPa
Yield Strength 830 MPa
Compression Strength 971 MPa

Fig. 14. Safety factor for Alloy steel 4340.

arrival gear swinging lever in a public airplane. Venkatesha B K 3. Methodology

et al. [15–16] studied the numerical analysis of damage tolerance
design. Fatigue crack growth rate and stress intensity factor range In this Problem identification has been seen later Literature sur-
was estimated with of Paris law of damage crack growth. vey is done on B737 landing gear and preparing the Model in Catia

S.G. Aftab, Sirajuddin, B. Sreedhara et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 7
alloy steel 4340 result.

Von- misses stress Total deformation Safety factor Fatigue life

(MPa) (mm) (cycles)
Min Max Min Max
103.13 0.52667 0.83581 15 3.5605e5 1e8

Table 8
Comparing results.

Materials Von Misses Stress in Total Deformations in

(Mpa) (mm)
Aluminum Alloy 98.234 1.43
Titanium 6Al-4v 100.74 0.90968
Alloys Steel 4340 103.13 0.52667

V5 as per the dimensions and after the load is analysed, based on

the load materials is selected meshing has been done in Ansys
14.0 software tool and applying Boundary conditions, later Analy-
Fig. 15. Von-misses stress for Alloy steel 4340. sis is done on different materials at the end conclusion is given
based on results obtained (Figs. 1–4).

4. CAD model

A simple landing gear system related to a Boeing 737 aircraft

was modelled using CATIA V5 and has been meshed using ANSYS
Software tool, the meshed elements were found to be Tetrahedral
in shape. The number of elements were 34,414 in numbers.

5. Stress analysis on different materials

In this present paper the displayed appeared in the abovemen-

tioned landing gear is examined with respect to the accompanying
materials to discover the prime material to recommend. Vertical
force was applied on the modelled nose landing gear in our case
it is 277950 N (28343.06 Kg). This load was taken with reference of
the Boeing 737 airplane. The design stress for each material is cal-
culated by assuming Factor of Safety as 1.5 and the values of design
stress are tabulated below (Table 1).

6. Results and discussion

6.1. Aluminium alloy 7075

Fig. 16. Total deformation for Alloy steel 4340. Aluminum alloy of 7075 is regularly utilized within the aircraft
industry since it possesses less weight development along with a
comparative greater elasticity. It offers less density and solid on

Table 6
Alloy steel 4340 properties.

Density 7.9 g/cc

Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Modulus of elasticity 208 GPa
Yield Strength 712 MPa
Compression Strength 250 MPa

Materials Safety Life

factor (cycles)
Min. Max. Min. Max.
Aluminum Alloy 7075 0.84227 15 2.0696e7 1e8
Titanium 6Al-4v 4.9634 15 1e8 1e10
Alloys Steel 4340 0.83581 15 3.5605e5 1e8

S.G. Aftab, Sirajuddin, B. Sreedhara et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

the grounds that the alloy contains high amount of copper esteem offering longer fatigue life and better Safety factor for better safety
and zinc. This alloy offers rigidity of 570 MPa. The compound dis- and longer life.
solving temperature is around 478 °C. At this lowest temperature
the material retains its properties (Figs. 5–8, Tables 2,3). Declaration of Competing Interest

6.2. Titanium 6Al-4v The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
Ti-6Al-4V is the normally used alloy. Ti-6Al-4V is fundamen- to influence the work reported in this paper.
tally most grounded than monetarily refined titanium stretch hav-
ing similar firmness along with cozy properties like thermal Acknowledgements
conductivity which is around 60 Percent lesser in Grade 5 Titanium
than in CP Titanium. Amidst its great many focal points, this is heat We express our deep sense of gratitude to our respected and
treatable. The present assessment (Figs. 9–12, Tables 4,5). learned guide for his valuable help and guidance. We are thankful
to them for the encouragement in completing this project.
We are also grateful to our respected Head of Department,
6.3. Alloy steel 4340 Mechanical Engineering, NMIT Bengaluru, for permitting us to
use all the necessary facilities.
Steel 4340 is a less alloy steel accompanied by a greater quality, We are also thankful to all the other faculties and staff members
durability with great weakness quality. The additional metals like of our department for their kind cooperation and help.
molybdenum, nickel and chromium. The composite can be without Last but not least, we would like to express our deep apprecia-
much of a stretch be molded appearing with high quality within tion towards our indebtedness to our parents for providing us the
the correct structure. The compound has rigidity of 1865 MPa. moral support and encouragement.
Steel 4340 shows dissolving purpose at 1425 °C and these proper-
ties will be held at very low temperature (Figs. 9–12, Tables 6–8). References

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