Heat Transfer

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One Dimensional Plane Wall

Steady state heat transfer through plane wall is given by

………. [1]

with boundary conditions

and ………. [2]

is thermal conductivity of the material.
is the rate of internal heat generation per unit volume.
is temperature, ie. .
is convective heat transfer coefficient.
is fluid temperature.

Using weighted residual principle


……. [3]

Equation [3] can also be expressed as

………. [4]
Then elements of [K]k are determined by

………. [5]

Substituting Ni = (1 – x/L) and Nj = x/L, we get

………. [6]

Then elements of [K]h, which is defined only for the element at the right end, are determined by
………. [7]

Substituting Ni = 0 at x = L and Nj = 1 at x = L, we get

………. [8]

Then elements of {f}Q are determined by

………. [9]

Substituting Ni = (1 – x/L) and Nj = x/L, we get

………. [10]

Then elements of {f}h , which is defined only for the element at the right end, are determined by
………. [11]

Substituting Ni = 0 at x = L and Nj = 1 at x = L, we get

………. [12]

One Dimensional Fin

Steady state heat transfer through a one dimensional fin is given by
………. [13]

with boundary conditions

and ………. [14]

where P is perimeter.

Using weighted residual principle


……. [15]

Equation [15] can also be expressed as

………. [16]

Then elements of [K]hP are determined by

………. [17]

Substituting Ni = (1 – x/L) and Nj = x/L, we get

………. [18]

Then elements of {f}hP are determined by

………. [19]

Substituting Ni = (1 – x/L) and Nj = x/L, we get

………. [20]

Two Dimensional Heat Transfer

Steady state two dimensional heat transfer is given by

………. [21]

with boundary conditions


………. [22]


Using weighted residual principle

Using gradient theorem

Since , and substituting and

Since on
………. [23]

Equation [23] can also be expressed as

………. [24]

Then elements of [K]k are determined by

………. [25]

Substituting Ni = ai + bi x +ci y , Nj = aj + bj x +cj y and Nk = ak + bk x +ck y, we get

………. [26]

Then elements of [K]h, which is defined only for the edges of the element subjected to
convection, are determined by

………. [27]

If jk edge of an element is subjected to convection, Ni = 0 on the edge jk and Nj = (1 – s/sjk) Nj =

(s/sjk) on the edge jk, we get

………. [28]

Then elements of {f}Q are determined by

………. [29]
Element values of {fi}Q can be determined to be

………. [30]

Then elements of {f}q, which is defined only for the edges of the element subjected to
convection, are determined by

………. [31]

If jk edge of an element is subjected to flux, Ni = 0 on the edge jk and Nj = (1 – s/sjk) Nj = (s/sjk)

on the edge jk, we get

………. [32]

Then elements of {f}h, which is defined only for the edges of the element subjected to
convection, are determined by

………. [31]

If jk edge of an element is subjected to convection, Ni = 0 on the edge jk and Nj = (1 – s/sjk) Nj =

(s/sjk) on the edge jk, we get

………. [32]

Variational Formulation for Two Dimensional Heat Transfer

Weak formulation for steady state two dimensional heat transfer is given by

………. [33]

Then the functional for variational formulation of the problem is given by

………. [34]

If the given domain is divided into a certain number of elements,

………. [35]

For a linear triangular element

Since Ni = ai + bi x +ci y , Nj = aj + bj x +cj y and Nk = ak + bk x +ck y, gradients of field

variables are given by

Then the first integral term of Equation [35] for a single element is given by
……. [a]


Then the second integral term of Equation [35] for a single element is given by

……. [b]

If jk edge of an element is subjected to convection

Similarly the third integral term of Equation [35] for a single element is given by

……. [c]


Similarly the fourth integral term of Equation [35] for a single element is given by

……. [d]

If jk edge of an element is subjected to convection

Similarly the last integral term of Equation [35] for a single element is given by

……. [e]


If jk edge of an element is subjected to convection

Now substituting expressions [a], [b], [c], [d] and [e] into Equation [35], we get

………. [36]

where [K] = [Ke]k + [Ke]h and {f} = {f}Q + {f}q + {f}h

Assembling the equations,

………. [37]

Then using Ritz method,

 ………. [38]

Two Dimensional Heat Transfer Using Rectangular Element

Bilinear shape functions for a two dimensional rectangular element are

For a linear rectangular element, field variable is given by

Then gradients of field variables are given by


Then stiffness matrix due to conductivity is given by

Then stiffness matrix due to convection is given by

If jk edge of an element is subjected to convection

Similarly the force vector due to heat generation is given by

Similarly the force vector due to heat flux is given by

If jk edge of an element is subjected to flux

Similarly the force vector due to convection is given by

If jk edge of an element is subjected to convection

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