Chemistry Jan 2023 Paper 2 Non-Regional Marking Scheme
Chemistry Jan 2023 Paper 2 Non-Regional Marking Scheme
Chemistry Jan 2023 Paper 2 Non-Regional Marking Scheme
January 2023
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January 2023
Question Paper Log Number P71894A
Publications Code 4CH1_2C_MS_2301
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2023
Answer Notes Marks
1 (a) name of the part of this atom labelled A nucleus 3
(b) (i) 4 1
(ii) (species X has) three more protons than electrons / ALLOW (the atom which 1
three fewer electrons than protons formed species X has)
lost three electrons
IGNORE refs to Group 3
(iii) M1 same number of protons / both have 17 protons IGNORE all refs to 2
Answer Notes Marks
2 (a) (i) B 1
(ii) D 1
(iii) C 1
Answer Notes Marks
3 (a) B 1
If no working shown,
score M2 only
Answer Notes Marks
4 (a) (i) M1 crude oil is heated / vapourised ALLOW boiled 4
REJECT burned
M2 vapours / gases / compounds / hydrocarbons
rise up the column
M3 the column is hotter at the bottom than the top ALLOW temperature
gradient of the column
ALLOW different
temperatures at each
ALLOW fractions with
lowest boiling point rise
to the top
IGNORE refs to gradient
in density of molecules
(ii) kerosene = aeroplane fuel / fuel for heating ALLOW fuel for lamps / 2
fuel for cooking
Answer Notes Marks
5 (a) M1 layers / rows of atoms / (positive) ions REJECT molecules 2
IGNORE refs to
M2 can slide over one another
(ii) M1 positive sodium ions / cations / Na+ (ions) are ALLOW move 2
attracted (to the negative electrode) REJECT atoms / metal
M2 where they gain electrons OR where they are ALLOW balanced ionic
reduced equation (Na+ + e Na)
(iv) sodium is more reactive (than hydrogen) / higher in ALLOW (in aqueous 1
the reactivity series (than hydrogen) solution) hydrogen ions
are discharged /
hydrogen is produced
IF Ar is divided by mass,
then M1 only scores
Answer Notes Marks
6 (a) (i) REJECT more than one 1
molecule or group
(ii) 2
M3 make sure that the jet / space between tap and ALLOW no bubbles in
tip contains liquid the burette
M4 add (a few drops) of indicator (to the conical ALLOW any named
flask) indicator except
universal indicator
M5 add (sodium hydroxide) from the burette until ACCEPT any stated
the indicator changes colour (permanently) colour change
Answer Notes Marks
7 (a) M1 two electrons between nitrogen and each of the ALLOW any symbols 2
four hydrogen atoms used for electrons
M2 two electrons between the two nitrogen atoms, ALLOW each non-
and a non-bonding pair on each nitrogen bonding pair shown as
two separate electrons
(ii) M1 (12×391)+945 2
answer of 0.238
(mol/dm3) scores 4
marks with or without