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Obstetrics and Gynecology MCQs and Answers

300+ TOP Obstetrics and Gynecology

MCQs and Answers
Obstetrics and Gynecology Multiple Choice Questions
1. In three tier system of CTG interpretation, category III
abnormal CTG is all EXCEPT

a. Absent baseline FHR variability and recurrent late deceleration

b. Absent baseline FHR variability and recurrent variable deceleration
c. Absent baseline FHR variability and bradycardia
d. Prolonged deceleration > 2 min but < 10 min

Answer: d

2. Absolute contraindications to neuraxial analgesia in labour

include all EXCEPT

a. Maternal coagulopathy
b. Thrombocytopenia
c. Prophylactic low-molecular-weight heparin within 12 hours
d. Refractory maternal hypertension

Answer: d

3. Proven contraindications for the use of PGE2 for induction of

labour include all EXCEPT

a. suspicion of fetal compromise

b. bronchial asthma 
c. unexplained vaginal bleeding
d. cephalopelvic disproportion

Answer: b

4. McRobert’s maneuver for relieving shoulder dystocia acts by all

the following EXCEPT

a. straightening of the sacrum relative to the lumbar vertebrae

b. rotation of the symphysis pubis toward the maternal head
c. decrease in the angle of pelvic inclination
d. increase in overall pelvic dimensions

Answer: d

5. All the following statements are TRUE EXCEPT

a. Case-control studies are most feasible for examining the association

between a relatively common exposure and a relatively rare disease
b. Strengths of cohort studies include the ability to obtain attributable and
relative risks (RRs) because the occurrence of the outcome is being compared
in two groups
c. Phase 3 clinical trials determine the efficacy of treatment for the intended
population, compared with other available treatments, assess adverse events
and side effects
d. The negative predictive value (NPV) and positive predictive value (PPV) of
a test does not vary with the baseline characteristics of population or
prevalence of a disease

Answer: d

6. The FALSE statement regarding trichomonial vaginitis is

a. Increased risk of PPROM and PTL in pregnant women and higher post
hysterectomy cuff infection
b. Less than 10% of men contract the disease after a single exposure to an
infected woman
c. T. vaginalis infection is associated with a two to three fold increased risk for
HIV acquisition
d. Clue cells and Whiff test may be positive in TV

Answer: b

7. Find the FALSE statement regarding cervicitis

a. The microbial etiology of endocervicitis is unknown in about 50% of cases

in which neither gonococci nor chlamydia is detected
b. Mycoplasma genitaliem, can be detected in 10% to 30% of women with
clinical cervicitis
c. Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) for gonorrhea and chlamydia, is not
mandatory in all cases
d. Cervicitis is commonly associated with BV, which if not treated
concurrently, leads to significant persistence

Answer: c

8. All the statements regarding PID are TRUE EXCEPT

a. About 75% of women with tubo-ovarian abscess do not respond to

antimicrobial therapy alone and need drainage
b. No definite symptoms are defined to diagnose PID
c. Evaluation of both vaginal and endocervical secretions is a crucial part of
the workup of a patient with PID
d. Additional criteria to increase the specificity of the diagnosis include
endometrial biopsy, CRP and positive test for gonorrhea or chlamydia and

Answer: a

9. Regarding genital ulcers find the TRUE statement

a. The ulcer of syphilis has irregular margins and is deep with undermined
b. The chancroid ulcer has a smooth, indurated border and a smooth base
c. The genital herpes ulcer is often multiple, sub-epidermal and inflamed
d. If inguinal buboes with no ulcer is present, the most likely diagnosis is LGV

Answer: d

10. Regarding testing in genital ulcers which of the following

statements is FALSE

a. (VDRL) test and a confirmatory treponemal test – fluorescent treponemal
antibody absorption (FTA ABS) or microhemagglutinin-T. pallidum should be
used to diagnose syphilis presumptively in all cases
b. HSV culture sensitivity approaches 100% in the vesicle stage but PCR
assays for HSV DNA are more sensitive in the ulcerative stage
c. Optimally, the evaluation of a patient with a genital ulcer should include
culture for Haemophilusducreyi
d. The diagnosis remains unconfirmed in more than half of patients (60%)
with genital ulcers

Answer: d

11. Medical management of endometriosis – Find the FALSE


a. Approximately 85% of women with endometriosis and pelvic pain who are
treated with GnRH agonists experience relief of their pain
b. Dienogest is effective in improving endometriosis-associated pain and may
even help overcome progesterone resistance by increasing the number of
progesterone receptors
c. Estrogen-progestin contraceptives is cytoreductive and halts progression of
endometriosis in upto 90% of affected women when taken continuously
d. The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device is of value in women with
deep infiltrating rectovaginal endometriosis in reducing pain and
dysmenorrhea recurrence following surgical therapy

Answer: c

12. Find the INCORRECT statement regarding Ectopic pregnancy

a. the overall risk of recurrence is approximately 10% for women with one
previous ectopic pregnancy and at least 25% for women having two or more
b. estrogen-progestin contraceptives and vasectomy are associated with the
lowest absolute incidence of ectopic pregnancy (0.005 ectopic
pregnancies/1,000 women years)
c. if pregnancy does occur with an IUD in situ, the risk for ectopic pregnancy
is as high as 80%
d. approximately one-third of all pregnancies resulting from sterilization
failure are ectopic

Answer: c 
13. Medical Management of Ectopic pregancy-Find INCORRECT

a. In 85% cases, serum β-hCG concentrations rise somewhat between days 1

and 4 and does not necessarily indicate failed treatment
b. Medical treatment is not contraindicated for ectopic pregnancies with
serum β-hCG concentrations greater than 5,000 IU/L or presence of
embryonic heart activity, but the likelihood of treatment failure and the risk of
tubal rupture are increased substantially
c. Anti D immunoglobulin need be administered only tononsensitized Rh-
negative women with ectopic pregnancy undergoing surgical management
d. Free peritoneal fluid may be observed in almost 40% of women with early
unruptured ectopic pregnancies and that the presence or absence of cul-de-
sac fluid does not accurately predict the success or failure of medical

Answer: c

14. Fetoplacental blood volume at term is approximately

a. 125 ml/kg of fetal weight

b. 80 ml/kg of fetal weight
c. 45 ml/kg of fetal weight
d. 240 ml/kg of fetal weight

Answer: a

15. Find the INCORRECT statement regarding international

guidelines on vaccination in pregnancy

a. A dose of tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap) is ideally given to

gravidas between 27 and 36 weeks’ gestation
b. All women who will be pregnant during influenza season should be offered
vaccination, regardless of gestational age
c. Avoid becoming pregnant for atleast one month after MMR vaccination
d. HPV vaccination may be administered to high risk pregnant women after
the first trimester of pregnancy

Answer: d

16. The FALSE statement regarding fetal biometry by USS is 

a. Until 14 weeks’ gestation, the Crown-Rump Length (CRL) is accurate to
within 5 to 7 days
b. The biparietal diameter (BPD) most accurately reflects gestational age, with
a variation of 7 to 10 days in the second trimester
c. If the head shape is flattened-dolichocephaly or rounded brachycephaly, the
Head Circumference (HC) is more reliable than the BPD
d. To measure the AC, a circle is placed outside the fetal skin in a transverse
image that contains the stomach, the kidneys and the confluence of the
umbilical vein with the portal sinus

Answer: d

17. All the following are indications for fetal ECHO EXCEPT

a. thick nuchal translucency

b. monochorionic twin gestation
c. maternal anti cardiolipin antibodies
d. maternal pregestational diabetes orphenylketonuria

Answer: c

18. Fetal renal pelviectasis – Find the CORRECT statement

a. is present in 20 to 30 percent of fetuses

b. in 30 percent of cases, it is transient or physiological
c. the pelvis is typically considered dilated if it exceeds 4 mm in the second
trimester or 7 mm at approximately 32 weeks’ gestation
d. mild pyelectasis in the second trimester is not considered a soft marker for
down syndrome

Answer: c

19. All the statements about Hydramnios (Polyhydramnios) are


a. it is diagnosed when AFI exceeds 24 and complicates 1 to 2 percent of

singleton pregnancies
b. underlying causes of hydramnios include fetal anomalies-in approximately
15 percent and diabetes in 15 to 20 percent
c. the degree of hydramnios correlates with the likelihood of an anomalous

d. idiopathic hydramnios accounts for upto 30 percent of cases of hydramnios

Answer: d

20. Find the FALSE statement regarding teratogens in pregnancy

a. less than 1 percent of all birth defects are caused by medications

b. 80 percent of birth defects do not have an obvious etiology and of those
withan identified cause, nearly 95 percent of cases have chromosomal or
genetic origins
c. mono therapy with Levitracetam is associated with a 8-percent major
malformation rate, which is slightly higher than that for the general
d. sulfonamides and nitrofurantoin are appropriate for use in pregnancy only
if suitable alternatives are lacking

Answer: c

21. The following structures may be injured during sacrospinous

ligament fixation EXCEPT

a. Pudendal nerve
b. Superior gluteal artery
c. Inferior gluteal artery
d. Internal pudendal vessels

Answer: b

22. All the following statements about ureteric injury are TRUE

a. 75% of all iatrogenic injuries to the ureter result from gynecologic

b. Laparoscopic hysterectomies have the least rate of ureteral injuries and
vaginal hysterectomies the highest
c. Ninety-one percent of injuries occur at the level of the pelvicureter and only
2% and 7% occur at the upper and middle ureteral thirds
d. Careful identification of the ureter before securing the infundibulopelvic
ligament and uterine artery is the best protection against ureteric injury
during hysterectomy 
Answer: b

23. All are TRUE regarding Dermoid cysts of ovary EXCEPT

a. Malignant transformation occurs in less than 2% of dermoid cysts in

women of all ages
b. Upto 25% of dermoids occur in postmenopausal women
c. The risk of torsion with dermoid cysts is approximately 50%
d. They are bilateral in approximately 10% of cases

Answer: c

24. All are TRUE regarding Endometrial Intraepithelial Neoplasia


a. Approximately 40% to 50% of women with atypical hyperplasia or EIN

have concurrent carcinoma
b. The risk of progression of hyperplasia without atypia to cancer is low but is
approximately 30% among those with atypical hyperplasia
c. Infertile women with EIN treated with high dose progestins should have an
endometrial biopsy every 3 months
d. For women with EIN treated with progestins, recurrence risks approach

Answer: d

25. According to the FIGO fibroid classification system type 3 is

a. 50% or more of the fibroid diameter within the myometrium

b. Intramural and entirely within the myometrium, without extension to
either the endometrial surface or to the serosa
c. Abuts the endometrium without any intracavitary component
d. Located in cervix or broad ligament

Answer: c

26. All are TRUE about atypical leiomyomas EXCEPT

a. Mitotically active leiomyoma is defined by the presence of 5 to 10

mitoses/10 high-power fields and may be found in pregnancy and OCP users
b. Cellular leiomyomas exhibiting chromosome 1p deletions, may be clinically 
more aggressive
c. STUMP shows atypical histologic features that range between leiomyoma
and LMS but the mitotic count is less than 10/10 hpf
d. STUMP mostly those that are p53 and p16 positive, have been found to
exhibit malignant potential to develop a low-grade LMS

Answer: a

27. Contraindications to Uterine Artery Embolisation (UAE)

include all EXCEPT

a. desirous of future fertility

b. impaired renal dysfunction
c. diminished immune status
d. willingness for hysterectomy

Answer: d

28. The pharmacologic treatments for vulvodynia can include

topical lidocaine 5% with any of the following EXCEPT

a. oral gabapentine and steroids

b. botulinum toxin injections
c. combined oestrogen and progesterone pills
d. menopausal hormone therapy

Answer: c

29. Find the INCORRECT statement about Chronic Pelvic Pain


a. There appears to be no relationship between the incidence and severity of

pain or the stage of the endometriotic lesions
b. The specific location and density of pelvic adhesions correlates consistently
with the presence of pain symptoms
c. Endometriosis can be demonstrated in 15% to 40% of patients undergoing
laparoscopy for CPP
d. The accuracy of ultrasound in detecting ovarian remnant syndrome can be
improved by treating the patient with a 5- to 10-day course of clomiphene

Answer: b

30. Find the FALSE statement regarding elagolix

a. used to suppress the estrogen production to a level that is adequate for

symptom relief but minimizes hypoestrogenic effects
b. cannot produce a dose-dependent suppression of pituitary function and
ovarian hormones like GnRH agonists
c. improves dysmenorrhea and nonmenstrual pelvic pain during a 6-month
period in women with endometriosis-associated pain
d. orally active GnRH antagonist with no flare effect

Answer: b

31. All are TRUE regarding serous borderline ovarian tumours


a. 10% of all ovarian serous tumors are of borderline type and 50% occur
before the age of 40 years
b. Up to 40% of serous borderline tumors are associated with spread beyond
the ovary
c. Up to 10% of women with ovarian serous borderline tumors and
extraovarian implants may have invasive implants
d. Borderline serous tumors may harbor foci of stromal microinvasion and if
so, should be managed as aggressive serous carcinomas

Answer: d

32. In Kyoto (Querlou and Morrow) classification, Nerve sparing

Radical Hysterectomy is

a. Type B
b. Type C1
c. Type C2
d. Type D2

Answer: b

33. All are TRUE about Germ cell tumours EXCEPT

a. In patients with stage IA dysgerminoma, unilateral oophorectomy alone
results in a 5-year disease-free survival rate of greater than 95%
b. Patients with stage IA, grade 1 immature teratoma need 4 cycles of BEP
adjuvant therapy after surgery
c. All patients with Endodermal Stromal Tumours (EST) should be treated
with chemotherapy shortly after recovering from surgery ovarian dysfunction
of failure
d. Transient ovarian failure is common with platinum-based chemotherapy
for germ cell tumours and majority will have successful childbearing in the

Answer: b

34. All the following statements regarding Granulosa cell tumours

of the ovary are TRUE EXCEPT

a. Endometrial cancer occurs in association with granulosa cell tumors in at

least 5% of cases
b. 25-50% of Granulosa cell tumours are associated with endometrial
c. Granulosa cell tumors may also produce androgens and cause virilization
d. Juvenile granulosa cell tumors of the ovary are rare and behaves more
aggressively than the adult type

Answer: d

35. All the following statements about intrahepatic cholestasis of

pregnancy are TRUE EXCEPT

a. bile acids are cleared incompletely and accumulate in plasma but the cause
is unclear
b. pruritus shows predilection for the soles and may precede laboratory
findings by several weeks
c. total plasma concentrations of bilirubin exceed 8 mg/dL and serum
transaminases exceed 500 in 30% patients
d. ursodeoxycholic acid relieves pruritus and improves fetal outcome better
than steroids and cholestyramine

Answer: c

36. All the statements about sickle cell anaemia in pregnancy are

a. Sickle-cell trait does not appear to be associated with increased perinatal

mortality, low birthweight or pregnancy-induced hypertension
b. In Sickle cell disease there is no categorical contraindication to vaginal
delivery, and caesarean delivery is reserved for obstetrical indications
c. Routine prophylactic blood transfusions during labour is recommended to
reduce painful crises in Sickle cell anaemia
d. Antenatal folic acid supplementation with 4 mg daily throughout pregnancy
is needed to support rapid red blood cell turnover

Answer: c

37. All the statements about thrombocytopenia in pregnancy are


a. A platelet count of < 80,000/L should trigger an evaluation for etiologies

other than gestational thrombocytopenia
b. Hypertensive disorders account for 21% of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy
c. In ITP complicating pregnancy, therapy with steroids is considered if the
platelet count is below 30,000 to 50,000/L
d. Maternal platelet counts have strong correlation with fetal platelet counts
and caesarean delivery is recommended if platelet count is < 50,000 on fetal
blood sampling

Answer: d

38. All the following statements regarding diabetes in pregnancy


a. Periconceptional HbA1C should be kept under 6.5% in pregestational

diabetic women
b. MSAFP levels may be lower in diabetic pregnancies and the incidence of
congenital cardiac anomalies is five fold in mothers with diabetes
c. Ultra short acting insulin analogues starts acting in 30 minutes, peaks in 2
hrs minutes and is good for preprandial glycemic control in pregnancy
d. Insulin therapy is typically added if fasting levels persistently exceed 95
mg/dL after medical nutrition therapy

Answer: c 
39. All the statements about thyroid in pregnancy are TRUE

a. Women with TPO antibodies are at increased risk for progression of thyroid
disease and postpartum thyroiditis
b. It is recommended that women avoid pregnancy for 1 month after
radioablative therapy with iodine 131
c. Pregnancy is associated with an increased thyroxine requirement in
approximately a third of supplemented women
d. Prophylthiouracil (PTU) is preferred in pregnancy because it partially
inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3 and crosses the placenta less readily than

Answer: b

40. All the statements about SLE in pregnancy are TRUE EXCEPT

a. Fetal cell micro chimerism leads to the predilection for autoimmune

disorders like SLE among women
b. In the presence of anti-Ro and Anti-La antibodies, the incidence of fetal
myocarditis and heart block is as high as 20%
c. During pregnancy, lupus improves in a third of women, remains unchanged
in a third and worsens in the remaining third
d. Hydroxychloroquine is not associated with congenital malformations and
can be continued in pregnancy

Answer: b

41. Identify the FALSE statement regarding Test for Ovarian


a. Total number of antral follicles measuring 2-10 mm in both ovaries is

proportional to the number of primordial follicles remaining
b. Small antral follicles (2-6 mm) are likely the primary source of AMH
because they contain larger numbers of granulosa cells and a more developed
c. Recent studies suggest AMH levels decrease with the use of oral
contraceptives and GnRH agonists
d. A single elevated Day -3 FSH concentration (>10 IU/L) has high specificity
for predicting poor response to stimulation or failure to achieve pregnancy

Answer: d

42. Find the FALSE statement

a. The prevalence of uterine anomalies in infertile women and fertile women

with normal reproductive outcomes is similar, approximately 2-4%
b. Submucousmyomas reduce IVF success rates by approximately 70% and
intramural myomas by approximately 20-40%
c. Hysteroscopic polypectomy may improve reproductive performance in
infertile women
d. Conception and term delivery rates after successful hysteroscopiclysis of
intrauterine adhesions are > 80%

Answer: d

43. The FALSE statement regarding Male infertility is

a. 2-5% of men with severe oligospermia and 8% of men with azoospermia

may have Y chromosome microdeletions
b. Hyperprolactinemia and treatment with GnRH analogs or androgens can
cause hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in males
c. Men with idiopathic infertility have significantly lesser CAG trinucleotide
repeat lengths in androgen receptor gene
d. Disorders of estrogen synthesis or action may be associated with infertility
in men

Answer: c

44. Risk factors for Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

include all EXCEPT

a. Young age
b. Higher BMI
c. Higher AMH and AFC
d. Higher serum Oestradiol

Answer: b

45. Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) – Find the FALSE


a. Can be used to detect numerical chromosomal aneuploidies and monogenic
disorders but not structural rearrangements
b. Chromosomal composition of the oocyte may be inferred from that of the
extruded polar bodies
c. One or two blastomeres may be removed from cleavage stage embryos
d. Biopsy of the trophectoderm can be performed at the blastocyst stage and
has become the most commonly used technique

Answer: a

46. All are TRUE regarding cell free fetal DNA EXCEPT

a. Reliably detected in maternal blood after 9 to 10 weeks’ gestation

b. The proportion of cell-free DNA that is placental is called the fetal fraction
and it composes approximately 50 percent of the total circulating cell-free
DNA in maternal plasma
c. The specificity to detect down syndrome, trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 is over
99 percent
d. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may be used for
Rh genotyping, detection of paternally inherited single-gene disorders or fetal
sex determination

Answer: b

47. All are TRUE regarding Prenatal Diagnosis EXCEPT

a. Biopsy of chorionic villi is typically performed between 10 and 13 weeks’

b. Transabdominal amniocentesis is generally done between 11 and 14 weeks
c. FISH studies are usually completed within 24 to 48 hours
d. Chromosomal MicroArray can often be performed directly on uncultured
amniocytes with a turn around time of only 3 to 5 days

Answer: b

48. All are TRUE regarding Anti D immunoglobulin EXCEPT

a. 300 mcg dose is given for each 15 mL of fetal red cells or 30 mL of fetal
whole blood to be neutralized
b. Anti-D immune globulin may produce a weakly positive-1 : 1 to 1 : 4-
indirect coombs titer in the mother 
c. Routine postpartum administration of anti-D immune globulin to at-risk
pregnancies within 72 hours of delivery lowers the alloimmunization rate by
50 percent
d. Antepartum anti-D immune globulin at 28 weeks’ gestation reduces the
third-trimester alloimmunization rate from approximately 2 percent to 0.1

Answer: c

49. All are TRUE regarding Non-Stress Test NST EXCEPT

a. Before 32 weeks, normal accelerations are defined as having an acme that is

10 bpm or more above baseline for 10 seconds or longer
b. Beat-to-beat variability is under the control of the autonomic nervous
c. Loss of reactivity is most commonly associated with fetal hypoxia
d. Abnormal non-stress test is inadequate to preclude any acuteasphyxial
event happening in a 7 day interval

Answer: c

50. All are TRUE regarding miscarriage EXCEPT

a. balanced structural chromosomal rearrangements may originate from

either parent and are found in 2 to 4 percent of couples with recurrent
pregnancy loss
b. the incidence of euploid abortion rises dramatically after maternal age
exceeds 35 years
c. a threshold CRL of 5 mm with absent cardiac activity is used to diagnose
non-viability or embryonic demise
d. absence of an embryo in a sac with a mean sac diameter (MSD) 25 mm
signifies an embryonic pregnancy

Answer: c

51. All are TRUE statements regarding female sterilisation in India


a. Laparoscopic tubal ligation can be done concurrently with second-trimester

abortion and in the post-partum period only by an expert operator
b. The consent of the spouse is not required for sterilization 
c. Clients should be married with female client below the age of 49 years and
above the age of 22 years
d. The couple need have minimum one child whose age is above one year
unless the sterilization is medically indicated

Answer: a

52. All the following statements are TRUE EXCEPT

a. BMI greater than 35 or weight greater than 100 kg, should receive 2 g of
cefazolin as preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis
b. In as many as 50% of postoperative patients, Febrile morbidity in first 48
hours is noninfectious and does not need antibiotics
c. Even a single dose of perioperative prophylactic antibiotic decreases the
incidence of postoperative urinary tract infection from 40% to as low as 4%
d. Incidence of wound infections could be decreased by hexachlorophene
showers before surgery and shaving of the woundsite just prior to incision

Answer: d

53. All the following are TRUE about Enhanced Recovery-ERAS

Protocol EXCEPT

a. Preoperative carbohydrate loading

b. The use of liberal antiemetics including preoperative steroids
c. Avoiding routine nasogastric tube and drains
d. Adequate pain relief with opiods

Answer: d

54. Find the CORRECT statement regarding laparoscopy.

a. To avoid injury to the deep inferior epigastric vessels, the lateral trocar
should be placed 3 to 4 cm medial to the medial umbilical ligament
b. Transillumination of the abdominal wall from within permits the
identification of the deep inferior epigastric vessels in most thin women
c. The amount of gas transmitted into the peritoneal cavity should depend on
the measured intraperitoneal pressure, not the volume of gas inflated
d. Hasson’s open entry method is better than the closed method in preventing
organ injury

Answer: c

55. Find the FALSE statement.

a. Data are insufficient regarding fasting times for clear liquids and the risk of
pulmonary aspiration during labor
b. Modest amounts of clear liquids can be allowed in uncomplicated laboring
c. Obvious solid foods are best avoided
d. A fasting period of 6 to 8 hours for solid food is recommended for
uncomplicated parturients prior to undergoing Category I, II and III
Caesarean sections

Answer: d

56. Findings consistent with an Acute Peripartum or intrapartum

event leading to Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy are the
following EXCEPT

a. Apgar score < 5 at 5 and 10 minutes

b. Umbilical arterial pH < 7.0 and/or base deficit > 12 mmo I/L
c. Sentinel hypoxic or ischemic event occurring immediately before or during
d. Spastic diplegia and ataxia type cerebral palsy

Answer: d

57. Absolute contraindications to External Cephalic Version in

Breech include all EXCEPT

a. Oligohydramnios
b. Antepartum hemorrhage
c. Any contraindication to labour
d. Multiple gestation

Answer: a

58. Which of the following is used to deliver an arrested after

coming head in assisted breech delivery of chin to pubis rotated

baby ?
a. Scanzoni maneuver
b. Pajot’s maneuver
c. Prague maneuver
d. Kristellar maneuver

Answer: c

59. Which is NOT a contraindication to vacuum extraction ?

a. Brow presentation
b. Fetal bleeding disorder or demineralization disorder
c. Previous fetal scalp sampling
d. Less than 34 weeks of gestation

Answer: c

60. All the following are TRUE EXCEPT

a. Third-and fourth-degree lacerations at delivery are associated with an

increased risk of fecal incontinence (OR 2-3)
b. Patients with occult anal sphincter tears are 8 times more likely to have
fecal incontinence
c. There is sufficient evidence to support primary elective cesarean delivery
for the purpose of preserving fecal continence
d. Both forceps and vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery significantly increase
this risk, with vacuum being less traumatic than forceps

Answer: c

61. All the following are TRUE statement about gonadal

differentiation EXCEPT

a. It now appears that both testis and ovary differentiation require dominantly
acting genes
b. SRY activation of SOX 9 may be all that is necessary to activate other genes
important to testis development
c. WNT4 and R-Spondin 1(RSPO1) genes team to promote ovary development
via repression of SOX9
d. Ovarian differentiation is considered the “default” pathway of
sexdetermination the automatic result in the absence of a testis-determining
factor 
Answer: d

62. All are TRUE statements about Complete Androgen

Insensitivity EXCEPT

a. One in three phenotypic sisters of an affected individual may have an XY

karyotype but 40% may not have a family history
b. The normal testes produce normal amounts of AMH and testosterone and
absent spermatogenesis, serum LH levels are increased and the serum FSH
usually is in the normal range
c. They present with primary amenorrhea, normal breast development, absent
or scant pubic and axillary hair, a short vagina and an absent cervix and
d. Gonadectomy generally is best done before puberty because the overall risk
for tumor development is 30%

Answer: d

63. The FALSE statement regarding Congenital Adrenal

Hyperplasia is

a. An females, the classic forms of CAH (with and without salt wasting) are
characterized by genital ambiguity and is most commonly due to 21-
hydroxylase deficiency
b. Two-thirds of patients with 11β-hydroxylase deficiency exhibit hypotension
and hypokalemia
c. Females with the non-classical “late-onset” form of 21-hydroxlyased
deficiency have normal external genitalia and present later, during early
adolescence with precocious puberty or other signs of hyperandrogenism such
as hirsutism
d. Diagnosis of 21-hydroxylase deficiency is based on a high serum
concentration of 17-OH Progesterone

Answer: b

64. The FALSE statement about Puberty in humans is

a. “diphasic” pattern of gonadotropin secretion from infancy to puberty

results primarily from a high sensitivity to low levels of gonadal steroid
b. central GABA signaling is one of the factors that restrains GnRH neuronal 
activity during childhood
c. glutamate signaling may play a role in the resurgence of pulsatile GnRH
secretion at the onset of puberty
d. hypothalamic kisspeptin-GPR54 signaling is a key component of the
neurobiologic mechanism that triggers the onset of puberty

Answer: a

65. All are TRUE regarding premature ovarian Insufficiency (POI)


a. In all patients under age 30 with a diagnosis of POI, a karyotype should be

b. Women with POI should be offered testing for FMR1 premutations
c. Women with POI should be screened for antiadrenal antibodies and for
antithyroid antibodies
d. Likelihood of achieving pregnancy after diagnosis of POI is about 60-80%
and donor eggs are rarely required for IVF

Answer: d

66. The FALSE statement regarding PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome

(PCOS) is

a. AMH production is increased severalfold in anovulatory PCOS

b. Those with PCOS generally exhibit altered GnRH pulse frequency,
increased serum LH concentrations and low-normal FSH levels
c. Insulin acts synergistically with LH to perpetuate ovarian androgen
production and also inhibits hepatic SHBG production
d. Insulin resistance due to obesity also causes increased leptinsignalling and
increased adiponectin levels, there by decreasing fatty acid oxidation and
promoting lipotoxicity

Answer: d

67. Identify the FALSE statement about Metformin

a. Metformin increases insulin sensitivity up to 20% and decreases fasting

glucose by about 5%
b. Metformin decreases weight and BMI by 3-5%
c. Metformin has no effect on lipolysis and HDL cholesterol 
d. Metformin improves the chronic inflammatory state in women with

Answer: c

68. All statements regarding Familial cancers are TRUE EXCEPT

a. about 15-20% of women who develop ovarian cancer have mutations in

BRCA1 gene
b. Prophylacticsalpingo-oophorectomy reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by
about 90% and the risk of breast cancer by about 50%
c. Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy is recommended at age 35 or when
childbearing is complete for patients carrying BRCA1 mutations and by age 40
in BRCA2 carriers
d. The use of combined oral contraceptives is likely to reduce the risk of
ovarian cancer, but the effect on breast cancer risk is uncertain

Answer: a

69. All are TRUE about Tamoxifen EXCEPT

a. Tamoxifen is selective estrogen receptor modulator, having both estrogen

receptorantagonist and agonist properties, depending on the tissue
b. The incidence of endometrial cancer quadrupled with 5 years of tamoxifen
c. Levonorgestrel intrauterine device (IUD) is not effective to protect the
endometrium against hyperplasia and polyps in women using tamoxifen
d. Tamoxifen is associated with an ultrasonographic image that is
characterized by sonolucent changes that are subepithelial in the presence of
atrophic epithelium

Answer: c

70. Identify the FALSE statement about Endometrial Hyperplasia

a. Lesions without atypia basically represent only exaggerated forms of

persistent proliferative endometrium and are associated with little risk (1-3%)
for progression to adenocarcinoma
b. Atypical endometrial hyperplasia does not often spontaneously regress and
has significant risk (10-30%) of progression to adenocarcinoma if left
untreated 
c. There is significant risk (upto 40%) of an unrecognized adenocarcinoma in
endometrial hyperplasia with atypia
d. Biopsy is not indicated when the clinical history suggests long-term
unopposed estrogen exposure but the endometrial thickness is 5-12 mm

Answer: d

71. Find the FALSE statement regarding HPV induced CIN.

a. HPV-16 infection is a very specific finding and can be found in only 2% of

women with normal cervical cytology
b. HPV-18 is more specific than HPV-16 for invasive tumors
c. Metaplasia found at the squamocolumnar junction, begins in the
subcolumnar reserve cells
d. As the CIN lesions become more severe, the HPV copy numbers decrease,
and the capsid antigen disappears

Answer: a

72. The sensitivity of cervical cytology testing by Pap Smear for the
detection of CIN 2 or 3 ranges from

a. 60 to 95%
b. 47% to 62%
c. 20-30%
d. 10-15%

Answer: b

73. Cervical conisation is indicated in all EXCEPT

a. ECC histologic findings are positive for CIN 2 or CIN 3

b. Lack of correlation between cytology, biopsy and colposcopy
c. Type I transformation zone
d. Diagnosis of AGC-AIS

Answer: c

74. The following drugs are approved for treatment of

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) EXCEPT

a. Ospemifene
b. 17 beta oestradiol
c. Paroxetine

Answer: c

75. Following are the duties of a Registered Medical Practitioner

under POCSO Act of India EXCEPT

a. The registered medical practitioner shall submit the report on the condition
of the child within 48 hrs to the SJPU or local police
b. Provide prophylaxis for identified STD including prophylaxis for HIV and
emergency contraception
c. Shall request for legal or magisterial requisition or other documentation
prior to rendering such care
d. Options 1) and 3)

Answer: d

76. Using WHO classification for Semen Analysis interpretation,

choose the FALSE statement is

a. The normal lower limit for normal morphology is 4%

b. The normal lower limit for sperm motility is 32%
c. Viability should be at least 58%
d. The normal lower limit for sperm concentration is 39 million/mL

Answer: d

77. Contraindications to using Gonadotropins for ovulation

induction in infertile women include all EXCEPT

a. Uncontrolled thyroid and adrenal dysfunction

b. Hypogonadotropichypogonadism due to space occupying lesions
c. Sex hormone-dependent tumors of the reproductive tract and accecssory
d. Kallmann syndrome

Answer: d

78. All the following are methods to decrease OHSS EXCEPT

a. HCG trigger
b. GnRH antagonists
c. Invitro oocyte maturation
d. Cabergoline

Answer: a

79. All statements about heterotopic pregnancy are TRUE EXCEPT

a. 1 in 30000 in spontaneous conceptions, as high as 1% with IVF treatment

b. Only 26% of heterotopic cases can be diagnosed with transvaginal US
c. Most often diagnosed in the first 5 to 8 weeks of gestation
d. After treatment of a heterotopic gestation, the overall delivery rate for the
intrauterine pregnancy is only 10-20%

Answer: d

80. All the following are independent prognostic variables in

endometrial cancer EXCEPT

a. Myometrial invasion
b. Peritoneal cytology
c. Tumor size
d. Lymph node metastasis

Answer: b

81. Find the INCORRECT statement regarding endometrial


a. Inactivation of the PTEN tumor-suppressor gene is the most common

genetic defect in type I cancers
b. Type I cancers arise from its precursor Endometrial Intraepithelial
Carcinoma (EIC)
c. Type II cancers frequently demonstrate alterations in
HER2/neu,p53,p16,E-cadherin and loss of LOH
d. Type II endometrial cancer appears to be unrelated to high estrogen levels
and often develops in nonobese women

Answer: b

82. All are TRUE regarding Leiomyosarcoma EXCEPT

a. This malignancy has no relationship with parity

b. A history of prior pelvic radiation can be elicited in about 50% of women
with uterine LMS
c. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for uterine LMS
d. Retroperitoneal lymphatic spread is rare in women with early-stage disease
and lymphadenectomy is not associated with a survival advantage

Answer: b

83. All the following are TRUE about TTTS EXCEPT

a. Although growth discordance or growth restriction may be found with

TTTS, these per se are not considered diagnostic criteria
b. TTTS is diagnosed in a monochorionicdiamnionic pregnancy when there is
oligamnios SVP<2 cm in one sac and polyhydramnios SVP>8 in the other sac
c. Sonography surveillance of pregnancies at risk for TTTS should begin at 16
weeks and continue every 2 weeks
d. The discrepancies in amnionic fluid volumes of TTTS are also typically seen
in Twin Anaemia Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS)

Answer: d

84. Find the FALSE statement regarding 2018 FIGO staging of

cancer cervix.

a. Tumour of size ≥ 2 cm and < 4 cm confined to the cervix is stage IB2

b. Imaging and pathology can be used, where available, to supplement clinical
findings with respect to tumor size and extent, in all stages
c. The involvement of lymph nodes are not part of staging
d. The lateral extent of the lesion is no longer considered

Answer: c

85. The boundaries of paravesical space include all EXCEPT

a. The obliterated umbilical artery running along the bladder medially

b. The obturator internus muscle along the pelvic sidewall laterally 
c. The uterosacral ligament posteriorly
d. The pubic symphysis anteriorly

Answer: c

86. All are TRUE about antiphospholipid antibody syndrome


a. Asherson syndrome is a rapidly progressive thromboembolic disorder due

to a cytokine storm seen in antiphospolipid antibody syndrome
b. Approximately 60 percent of patients with APS have a positive lupus
anticoagulant LAC assay alone
c. Heparin binds to beta 2 glycoprotein I and prevents binding of
anticardiolipin andanti-beta 2 glycoprotein I antibodies to the
d. Treatment using aspirin, anticoagulation and close monitoring has
increased live birth rates to more than 70 percent in women with APS

Answer: b

87. All are TRUE about management of obstetric haemorrhage


a. The most important mechanism of action with internal iliac artery ligation
is an 85-percent reduction in pulse pressure in those arteries distal to the
b. ROTEM or TEG cannot diagnose coagulopathies stemming from platelet
dysfunction or anti platelet drugs
c. Each single-donor apheresis six-unit bag raises the platelet count by
approximately 5000/L
d. Dilutional coagulopathy that is clinically indistinguishable from DIC is the
most frequent coagulation defect found with blood loss and multiple

Answer: c

88. All are TRUE about USS features of Placenta Accreta Spectrum

a. loss of the normal hypoechoicretroplacentalzone between the placenta and

uterus 
b. placental vascular lacunae or lakes
c. distance between the uterine serosa-bladder wall interface and the
retroplacental vessels measures < 10 mm
d. placental bulging into the posterior bladder wall

Answer: c

89. USS has a sensitivity of ____________ in suspected abruptio


a. 24%
b. 54%
c. 81%
d. 93%

Answer: a

90. All are TRUE about COVID-19 in pregnancy EXCEPT

a. It is associated with an almost three times greater risk of preterm birth

b. Majority of pregnant women (74%) may be asymptomatic
c. ICU admissions are not more common in pregnant women compared to
nonpregnant women of the same age
d. Risk factors associated with hospital admissions include older age, obesity,
diabetes and hypertension

Answer: c

91. All are TRUE regarding Fetomaternal unit in pregnancy


a. Progesterone production by the placenta is largely independent of the

quantity of precursor available, the utero-placental perfusion and fetal well-
b. There is a 17 alpha hydroxylase enzyme block in the fetus and placenta has
very little 3 beta hydroxyl steroid dehydrogenase activity
c. Cholesterol and pregnenolone are obtained mainly from the maternal
bloodstream for placental progesterone synthesis
d. In human syncytiotrophoblast, estradiol increases progesterone production
by means of an increase in LDL uptake 
Answer: b

92. All are TRUE statements about Corpus luteum of Pregnancy


a. Progesterone is largely produced by the corpus luteum until about 10 weeks

of gestation
b. Pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) and human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG) from the implanting pregnancy stimulate progesterone production by
the corpus luteum
c. In the luteal phase of conception cycles, progesterone concentrations
increase from about 1-2 mg/mL on the day of the LH surge to a plateau of
approximately 10-35 mg/mL
d. The transitional luteo-placental shift takes place between the 10􀀁ℎ week
and 12􀀁ℎ week

Answer: d

93. The FALSE statement regarding the glycoprotein hormone

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is

a. A maximal level of about 100,000 IU/L in the maternal circulation is

reached at 8-10 weeks of gestation
b. Long half-life of hCG (48 hours) is due mainly to the greater amino acid
content of beta subunit
c. Hyperglycosylated hCG is the major circulating form of hCG regulating
trophoblastic invasion in the first weeks of normal pregnancies
d. β-hCG can be detected in maternal blood about the eighth day after
ovulation or one day after implantation

Answer: b

94. Find out the FALSE statement regarding human parturition

a. The initiating step in the sequence of events leading to parturition could

bean increase in fetal ACTH and cortisol secretion and an increase in
placental CRH
b. There is a definite decline in peripheral blood levels of progesterone prior
to parturition and not just a functional withdrawal
c. An increase in estrogen levels in maternal blood begins at 34-35 weeks
d. The activity of 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase decreases in the 
myometrium and the chorion during labor and causes increase in
prostaglandins associated with parturition

Answer: b

95. All the following statements about fetal lung surfactant are

a. Phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) are present in

only small concentrations until the last 5 weeks of pregnancy
b. At 20-22 weeks of pregnancy, a less stable and less active lecithin,
palmitoyl-myristoyl lecithin, is formed
c. At about the 30􀀁ℎ week of gestation, there is a sudden surge of
dipalmitoyl lecithin, the major surfactant lecithin
d. The Sphingomyelin concentration of amniotic fluid changes relatively little
throughout pregnancy and prior to 34 weeks, the Lecithin : Sphingomyelin
L/S ratio is approximately 1 : 1

Answer: c

96. STRAW stage-3a is characterized by

a. menstrual cycles are relatively unchanged, the serum levels of FSH are low,
AMH and inhibin B are low
b. menstrual cycles become shorter, FSH increases, while AMH, AFC and
inhibin B declines
c. periods of amenorrhea lasting greater than or equal to 60 days, FSH level in
menopausal range, vasomotor symptoms such as hot flushes
d. undetectable AMH, Inhibin and occasional antral follicle

Answer: b

97. The FALSE statement regarding Menopausal Hormone

Therapy (MHT/HRT) is

a. Continuous, combined estrogen-progestin regimens of HRT has more risk

for endometrial cancer than long-term sequential regimens
b. Ospemifene is given orally for the treatment of vulvar and vaginal atrophy
c. Bazedoxifene combined with conjugated estrogens is effective for hot
flushes and vaginal atrophy, prevents bone loss and does not stimulate the
endometrium or cause breast tenderness 
d. The use of tibolone in women with a history of breast cancer remains
relatively contraindicated

Answer: a

98. All the statements about Emergency Contraception are TRUE


a. Copper IUD can be used anytime during the preovulatory phase of the
menstrual cycle and upto 8 days after ovulation
b. Ulipristal acetate is slightly more effective than the single 1.5-mg dose of
levonorgestrel when used within 120 hours
c. Mifepristone prevents about 80-85% of expected pregnancies and has the
same efficacy and side effects as levonorgestrel method
d. Treatment with Levonorgestrel acts primarily by preventing or delaying
ovulation and by preventing fertilization

Answer: a

99. The FALSE statement about etonogestrel Implant (Nexplanon)


a. Inhibits ovulation by preventing LH surge and failure rate is 0.01%

b. Implants have an immediate contraceptive effect when inserted within the
first 7 days of a menstrual cycle
c. Implants should not be inserted immediate postpartum
d. It is absolutely contraindicated in women with active thromboembolic
disease or known breast cancer

Answer: c

100. All the statements about reproductive ageing are TRUE


a. Age related Oocyte aneuploidy results primarily from premature separation

of sister chromatids during meiosis I or from whole chromosome
nondisjunction during meiosis II
b. Miscarriage riks and the prevalence of aneuploidy oocytes are relatively low
and change little until approximately age 35
c. Live birth rates in donor egg IVF cycles relate to the age of the donor, not
the age of the recipient 
d. Aging itself is thought to be a significant factor influencing uterine
endometrial response to steroids and receptivity

Answer: d

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