Deep Learning in Lie Detector and Brain Fingerprinting

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Shubhangi Sharma
Computer Engineering Department
MKSSS’s Cummins College Of Engineering For Women
Pune-411052, Maharashtra, India
[email protected]

Abstract —- Lie detectors, also known as polygraph tests, are instruments used to measure changes in
physiological responses such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration, in response to questioning. These
changes are believed to be associated with stress and anxiety, which can be indicative of deception. A polygraph
test typically involves attaching sensors to a person's body and asking a series of questions, and a trained
examiner interprets the results. Brain fingerprinting, on the other hand, is a technique that measures changes in
the brain's electrical activity in response to specific stimuli, such as pictures or words. This technique involves
measuring an individual's brainwaves and using deep learning algorithms to analyze the data and identify
patterns associated with specific information. Brain fingerprinting is used to determine whether an individual has
specific information stored in their brain, such as knowledge of a crime scene or details of a terrorist attack.In lie
detection, us upward functional magnetic resonance imaging derives from studies which suggest that the person
shows many different patterns in the brain rather than when they are being truthful.This new technique uses the
brain waves which are helpful in identifying whether that person, who is subjected to the test, is able to remember
the minute details of the crime or not. Even if the subject tries to suppress the necessary information, it is trapped
in the brain and released in the form of waves. Brain Fingerprinting can detect the information with the help of
measuring cognitive information processing. It does NOT detect stress, emotion or the lies. It just computes
whether the “information is present or not” and a statistical confidence for each conclusion. Laboratory tests and
field tests at CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), US Navy, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) have resulted in
100% accuracy. All the results’ determinations were correct. 3% of the results were found to be “indeterminate”.
It has been applied in many criminal cases too and is considered to be acceptable as a proof. Many alternative
techniques have failed to meet the accuracy and validity of the Brain Fingerprinting. Even after a reward of
$100,00, no one could beat the countermeasures of the Brain Fingerprinting test. Many principles of applying it
in the field as well as the laboratory have been discussed here.

Keywords —- Brain Fingerprinting, Lie Detector, electroencephalography, Deep Neural Network,

Convolutional Neural Network, polygraphic test, P-300 MERMER.

I. INTRODUCTION wave which surely is enough to catch him. This

The Lie Detector model is based on a few technology works on “what you see is what you
assumptions that when a person lies, his heart rate, remember” instead of “what you see is what you get”.
respiration rate, fear, blood pressure and galvanic It is designed to recognize if the person recognizes
skin resistance increases. A graph known as any small detail or something related to the pictures,
polygraphic graph captures and records these words or phrases being shown on the screen. The
changes. pictures are relevant or irrelevant to the subject. The
A new lie detecting technology has been developed in relevant ones should trigger the brain and produce the
the United States of America, by Dr. Larry Farwell, electroencephalographic waves. It is also known as
known as Brain Fingerprinting. This is a new the “Guilty Knowledge Test”. Farewell has used this
invention in the field of criminology. This invention technique in one of his cases where a person
is somehow outcasting the drawbacks of the already convicted for murder was proved innocent and his
existing polygraph test (also known as the Lie accuser was found guilty.
Detector Test). Even if the person tries to suppress There are two types of features of the crime scene
the important information, the brain still generates a that are of use:


1. Permanent Features: They are the ones fingerprinting measures the electric responses
which pre-exist at the crime scene and are through the headband consisting of many sensors.
persistent even after the crime. This may The test’s accuracy is highly disputed by the
include buildings, land, streets etc. researchers but this is the latest well known test
2. Changed Features: They include the changes which is accurate in detecting the “guilty” rather than
that took place during the crime which may the lie detector test which can show false readings.
include the position of the body (during a Lie detectors, also known as polygraph tests, are
murder), fingerprints, blood etc. instruments used to measure changes in physiological
Even the participants in the crime have these two responses such as heart rate, blood pressure, and
features: respiration, in response to questioning. These changes
1. Permanent Features: It includes DNA and are believed to be associated with stress and anxiety,
Fingerprints. which can be indicative of deception.
2. Changed Features: It includes, for example The technology behind lie detectors involves the use
injuries sustained during the crime. of sensors to measure physiological responses, which
In some of the cases the investigators are able to are then recorded on a polygraph machine. The
establish connections directly between the feature at sensors typically include a blood pressure cuff,
the crime scene and the permanent feature of the respiration sensors, and skin conductivity sensors.
culprit. This is mostly the case with the DNA and the The polygraph machine records these physiological
fingerprints. In few other cases, the investigators are responses as a series of lines on graph paper.
able to establish connections between the crime scene In recent years, technology has advanced to include
and the culprit. For example, a fiber sample at the digital polygraph machines that record physiological
crime scene can be matched with the features of the responses electronically, as well as computerized
suspect’s clothes he owns. algorithms that analyze the data collected by the
The culprit and the witnesses virtually know that they sensors. These algorithms use statistical models to
have either participated and/or witnessed it detect changes in physiological responses that are
happening. The record of the crime in the brain for believed to be associated with deception.
the both, is almost the same and is often a much The accuracy and reliability of lie detectors have
comprehensive account of the crime. been the subject of debate in the scientific
The two main disadvantages of a witness testimony community, and their use in legal proceedings is
are, controversial. Critics argue that the technology is not
reliable enough to be used as evidence, while
(i) The witness may lie in desired situations, (ii)
proponents argue that lie detectors can provide
Human memory is really imperfect.
valuable information in certain situations, such as
Brain fingerprinting is a very controversial technique
criminal investigations or security screenings. The
used to identify a terrorist or a dangerous person (an
use of lie detectors in legal proceedings varies by
accused) by measuring the “brain print”. This
jurisdiction, and in some cases, their use is
technology is designed to see if a person/accused is
able to identify specific information corresponding to
Lie detection has been a topic of interest for many
some script, place, picture, words or phrases (related
years, with various techniques developed to detect
to training camp or manual in case of terrorists). This
deception in individuals. One of the techniques used
test is based on the P-300 complex which consists of
for lie detection is polygraph testing, which measures
a series of well-known brain wave components.
physiological responses such as heart rate, blood
When the brain is able to identify something similar
pressure, respiration, and skin conductance. However,
or familiar, it elicits a wave-like response which is
the accuracy and reliability of polygraph tests have
called MERMER (Memory and Encoding-Related
been a subject of debate in the scientific community,
Multifaceted Electroencephalographic Response).
and researchers have been exploring alternative
The MERMER consists of the brain response P-300.
methods for detecting lies. Deep learning, a subset of
The test, where the subject is fitted with a headband
machine learning, has shown promise in this area.
equipped with sensors and shown a few
Deep learning algorithms are designed to recognize
images/words in series on a screen, takes less than 10
patterns in large datasets by using neural networks
minutes to complete. It is a Guilty Knowledge Test
with multiple layers. They have been used in a
where the “guilty” part in the brain is expected to
variety of applications such as image recognition,
react in some way related to the event of the activity.
speech recognition, and natural language processing.
The polygraph test (i.e. lie detecting test) relies on the
In recent years, researchers have been exploring the
measurements of autonomic arousal such as the heart
potential of deep learning in lie detection.
rate or the palm sweating, while the brain


One of the main applications of deep learning in lie learning in brain fingerprinting to improve its
detection is through the analysis of facial expressions. accuracy and reliability.
Researchers have developed algorithms that can One of the main applications of deep learning in
analyze micro-expressions, which are brief facial brain fingerprinting is through the analysis of
expressions that occur when individuals try to event-related potentials (ERPs). ERPs are changes in
suppress their emotions. These micro-expressions are the brain's electrical activity that occur in response to
often a sign of deception and can be used to detect specific stimuli. Deep learning algorithms can be
lies. Deep learning algorithms have been used to used to analyze these changes in electrical activity
detect these micro-expressions in real-time, which and identify patterns that are associated with specific
could be used in applications such as security information [1]. Researchers have used deep learning
screening or job interviews. algorithms to analyze ERPs in response to specific
Another application of deep learning in lie detection words or pictures, and have shown that they can
is through the analysis of speech patterns. accurately identify whether the individual has
Researchers have developed algorithms that can knowledge of the specific information being tested.
analyze speech patterns and detect changes in pitch, Another application of deep learning in brain
tone, and volume. These changes in speech patterns fingerprinting is through the use of functional
are often associated with deception and can be used magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). fMRI is a
to detect lies. Deep learning algorithms can be used technique that measures changes in blood flow in the
to analyze large amounts of speech data and identify brain in response to specific stimuli.
patterns that are associated with deception. While deep learning has shown promise in brain
There are also applications of deep learning in lie fingerprinting, there are also challenges associated
detection that combine both facial expressions and with its use. One of the challenges is the need for
speech patterns. Researchers have developed large datasets to train the algorithms. Another
algorithms that can analyze both facial expressions challenge is the potential for biases in the algorithms,
and speech patterns simultaneously and use this which could lead to inaccurate results. Additionally,
information to detect deception. These algorithms brain fingerprinting is a controversial technique, and
have been tested in real-world scenarios such as job its use has been a subject of debate in the scientific
interviews and have shown promise in improving the community.[2]
accuracy of lie detection. In conclusion, deep learning has the potential to
While deep learning algorithms have shown promise improve the accuracy and reliability of brain
in lie detection, there are also challenges associated fingerprinting. Its ability to analyze large amounts of
with their use. One of the challenges is the need for brainwave data and identify patterns associated with
large datasets to train the algorithms. Another specific information makes it a promising tool for
challenge is the potential for biases in the algorithms, identifying whether specific information is stored in a
which could lead to inaccurate results. person's brain. However, further research is needed to
In conclusion, deep learning has the potential to improve the accuracy and reliability of these
revolutionize the field of lie detection. Its ability to algorithms, and to ensure that they are free from
analyze large amounts of data and recognize patterns biases. Additionally, the use of brain fingerprinting
makes it a promising tool for detecting deception. and deep learning in this context remains a
However, further research is needed to improve the controversial topic, and its ethical and legal
accuracy and reliability of these algorithms, and to implications need to be carefully considered.
ensure that they are free from biases.
Brain fingerprinting is a technique used to identify
whether specific information is stored in a person's II. METHODS
brain. The technique involves measuring an Brain fingerprinting is a technique that measures
individual's brain waves in response to specific changes in the brain's electrical activity in response to
stimuli, such as pictures or words, and using deep specific stimuli, such as pictures or words, to identify
learning algorithms to analyze the brainwaves and patterns associated with specific information.
identify patterns associated with the information
being tested.
A. In Brain Fingerprinting
Deep learning has shown promise in brain
fingerprinting as it can analyze large amounts of Here are some of the methods and technologies used
brainwave data and identify patterns that are in brain fingerprinting:
associated with specific information. In recent years, 1.Event-related potentials (ERPs):
researchers have been exploring the potential of deep ERPs are brainwave patterns that occur in response to
specific stimuli, such as words or pictures. In brain


fingerprinting, the individual's brain waves are increased blood flow in regions of the brain
measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG), and associated with memory processing when they are
the ERPs are analyzed to identify patterns associated presented with stimuli associated with that event.
with specific information. ERPs are measured using While fMRI has shown promise in identifying
an electroencephalogram (EEG), which records the specific information stored in a person's brain, its
electrical activity of the brain through small sensors accuracy and reliability have been the subject of
placed on the scalp. When a person is presented with debate in the scientific community. One of the main
a stimulus, such as a picture or word, the EEG limitations of fMRI is that it is susceptible to false
records a change in brain activity in response to that positives, where the test incorrectly identifies
stimulus. These changes in brain activity are known someone as having knowledge of specific
as ERPs and are recorded as a series of waves on the information when they do not. More research is
EEG.[3] needed to improve the accuracy and reliability of
The ERP components that are typically measured in fMRI in brain fingerprinting.[3]
brain fingerprinting are the P300 and the N400. The
P300 is a positive wave that occurs approximately 3. Deep learning algorithms:
300 milliseconds after the presentation of a rare and Deep learning algorithms are used to analyze the data
meaningful stimulus, such as a specific word or collected from the EEG or fMRI scans to identify
picture. The N400 is a negative wave that occurs patterns associated with specific information. These
approximately 400 milliseconds after the presentation algorithms use statistical models to detect changes in
of a stimulus that is semantically incongruent or brain activity that are believed to be associated with
unexpected. the presence or absence of specific information. Deep
In brain fingerprinting, the individual's brainwaves learning algorithms can be used to analyze the fMRI
are measured using an EEG, and the ERP data and identify patterns associated with the specific
components are analyzed to identify patterns information being tested. Researchers have used deep
associated with specific information. For example, if learning algorithms to analyze fMRI data in response
a person has knowledge of a specific event, their to specific words or pictures, and have shown that
brainwaves may show a larger P300 response to they can accurately identify whether the individual
stimuli associated with that event compared to stimuli has knowledge of the specific information being
that are not associated with the event. By analyzing tested.
the ERP components, it is possible to identify Deep learning has also been used in combination with
patterns of brain activity associated with specific other techniques such as electroencephalography
information, which can be used to determine whether (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) to
a person has knowledge of that information. improve the accuracy of brain fingerprinting. These
techniques measure changes in the brain's electrical
2. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI): or magnetic activity in response to specific stimuli,
fMRI is a technique that uses magnetic fields to and deep learning algorithms can be used to analyze
image changes in blood flow in the brain, which are the data and identify patterns associated with the
believed to be associated with neural activity. In brain specific information being tested.
fingerprinting, fMRI can be used to identify changes
in brain activity in response to specific stimuli. 4. P300-based brain-computer interface:
During an fMRI scan, the person lies on a table and is P300 is an ERP component that occurs in response to
moved into a large, tunnel-like machine that uses a a rare and meaningful stimulus, such as a specific
powerful magnet and radio waves to create images of word or picture. P300-based brain-computer
the brain. When the person is presented with a interfaces (BCIs) are used in brain fingerprinting to
specific task or stimulus, such as a picture or word, present stimuli to the individual and measure their
the fMRI machine detects changes in blood flow in brainwaves in response to these stimuli. The
different regions of the brain.[4] P300-based BCI can be used to identify patterns in
The changes in blood flow are believed to be brain activity associated with specific information.
associated with changes in neural activity in those P300-based brain-computer interface (BCI) is a type
regions of the brain. By analyzing the fMRI images, of BCI that uses the P300 component of the
it is possible to identify patterns of brain activity event-related potential (ERP) measured by
associated with specific tasks or stimuli. electroencephalography (EEG) to enable
In brain fingerprinting, fMRI can be used to identify communication between the brain and a computer. In
patterns of brain activity associated with specific the context of brain fingerprinting, P300-based BCI
information. For example, if a person has knowledge can be used to identify patterns of brain activity
of a specific event, their brain activity may show associated with specific information.


In P300-based BCI, the person is presented with a set argue that the polygraph can be a useful tool for
of stimuli, such as letters, numbers, or images, and identifying deception when used in combination with
the EEG measures the P300 response that occurs other methods and techniques.
when the person recognizes a target stimulus. The
P300 response is a positive wave in the EEG that 2. Voice stress analysis:
occurs approximately 300 milliseconds after the Voice stress analysis (VSA) is a method that analyzes
presentation of a stimulus that is meaningful or changes in the voice that occur when a person is
relevant to the person. lying. It measures variations in pitch, frequency, and
By analyzing the P300 response to the presentation of amplitude, as well as other vocal characteristics.
specific stimuli, it is possible to identify patterns of During a VSA test, a person is asked a series of
brain activity associated with specific information. questions, and their responses are recorded and
For example, if a person has knowledge of a specific analyzed by a computer. The software uses
event, their P300 response may show a larger algorithms to detect changes in the person's voice that
amplitude and shorter latency to stimuli associated are associated with stress, anxiety, or other emotions
with that event compared to stimuli that are not that may be present when a person is lying.
associated with the event. This information can be One of the key assumptions of VSA is that when a
used to determine whether the person has knowledge person is lying, their voice will display certain
of that event. characteristics that are different from when they are
In brain fingerprinting, P300-based BCI can be used telling the truth. For example, when a person is lying,
as a tool to identify patterns of brain activity their voice may become higher in pitch or more
associated with specific information. By presenting strained, or they may pause or hesitate more
the person with a series of stimuli associated with the frequently.
event in question and analyzing the P300 response to While VSA is widely used in some law enforcement
those stimuli, it is possible to identify whether the and military settings, its accuracy and reliability have
person has knowledge of that event. been the subject of debate in the scientific
P300-based BCI has shown promise in identifying community. Critics argue that the technique is prone
specific information stored in a person's brain, but its to false positives and can be influenced by a variety
accuracy and reliability have been the subject of of factors, including the person's physical and
debate in the scientific community. More research is emotional state at the time of the test, as well as the
needed to improve the accuracy and reliability of skill and expertise of the examiner. Others argue that
P300-based BCI in brain fingerprinting. VSA can be a useful tool for detecting deception
when used in combination with other methods and
B. In Lie Detectors - techniques.
1. Polygraph: One example of a deep learning algorithm used in
The polygraph is a machine that measures VSA is the convolutional neural network (CNN). A
physiological responses such as blood pressure, CNN is a type of artificial neural network commonly
respiration, and perspiration while a person is used in image recognition tasks but can also be used
answering a set of questions. The assumption is that for analyzing sound signals, such as speech. The
lying will cause changes in these physiological
responses, which can be detected by the polygraph. mathematical formulas for a CNN used in VSA
The polygraph measures the person's physiological would be similar to those used for image recognition
responses to each question and compares them to the but would be adapted to the particular task of
baseline established by the control questions. If the analyzing speech signals.
person's physiological responses to a relevant Here is an example of the mathematical formulas
question are significantly different from their used in a simple CNN architecture for analyzing
responses to the control questions, the polygraph
speech signals:
examiner may interpret this as an indication that the
person is lying. 1. Convolution operation: In this operation, a
While the polygraph is widely used in law filter (a small matrix of weights) is applied
enforcement and other contexts, its accuracy and to a segment of the speech signal. The filter
reliability have been the subject of debate in the is moved across the signal in a sliding
scientific community. Some experts argue that the window manner, producing a feature map
polygraph is an imperfect tool that can be influenced
that highlights certain patterns in the speech
by a variety of factors, including the examiner's
interpretation of the results and the person's physical signal. The mathematical formula for this
and emotional state at the time of the test. Others


operation is: associated with stress, anxiety, or other emotions that

F = (S*W) + b may be present when a person is lying.
One of the advantages of eye tracking as a lie
detection technique is that it is non-invasive and does
where S is the input speech signal, W is the
not require the person being tested to be physically
filter matrix, b is the bias term, and F is the connected to any equipment. Eye tracking can also be
resulting feature map. used in real-time, allowing examiners to observe
2. Activation function: After the convolution changes in eye movements as they occur.
operation, an activation function is applied
to the feature map to introduce non-linearity Algorithm: Eye tracking in lie detectors typically
into the model. One commonly used involves using deep learning algorithms to analyze
eye movements and patterns to identify changes in a
activation function is the rectified linear unit
person's behavior or physiological responses that may
(ReLU), which sets negative values in the indicate deception.
feature map to zero. The mathematical There are several deep learning algorithms that can
formula for the ReLU function is: be used for this purpose, including convolutional
f(x) = max(0,x) neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks
(RNNs), and long short-term memory networks
3. Pooling operation: The pooling operation (LSTMs).
reduces the spatial size of the feature map by The specific mathematical formulas used in these
taking the maximum (or average) value algorithms can vary depending on the specific
within a small window. This helps to reduce architecture and implementation, but generally
the number of parameters in the model and involve a combination of matrix multiplication,
prevent overfitting. The mathematical activation functions, and optimization techniques
formula for the max pooling operation is: such as gradient descent.
pi = max(Fij) For example, a simple formula for a feedforward
neural network with one hidden layer might look like:
where p_i is the ith pooled value and F_{ij} h = σ(Wx + b)
is the feature map element at position (i,j). y = σ(Vh + c)
Where x is the input vector, W and V are the weight
4. Fully connected layer: The fully connected matrices for the input-to-hidden and hidden-to-output
layer takes the pooled feature map and layers respectively, b and c are the bias vectors, σ is
applies a matrix multiplication to produce a the activation function (such as the sigmoid function),
final output vector. The mathematical h is the hidden layer vector, and y is the output
formula for this operation is: vector.
Y = Wx + b

where x is the flattened pooled feature map, 4. Facial recognition:

Facial recognition technology can be used to detect
W is the weight matrix, b is the bias term,
changes in facial expressions that occur when a
and y is the final output vector. person is lying. For example, a person may show
signs of discomfort or stress when lying. During a
facial recognition test, a person is typically asked a
3. Eye tracking: series of questions, and their facial expressions are
Eye tracking technology can be used to detect recorded and analyzed by a computer. The software
changes in eye movement when a person is lying. For uses algorithms to detect changes in the person's
example, a person may avoid eye contact or blink facial expressions that are associated with stress,
more frequently when lying. During an eye tracking anxiety, or other emotions that may be present when a
test, a person is typically asked a series of questions, person is lying.
and their eye movements are recorded and analyzed One of the key advantages of facial recognition as a
by a computer. The software uses algorithms to detect lie detection technique is that it can be used in
changes in the person's eye movements that are real-time, allowing examiners to observe changes in
facial expressions as they occur. Additionally, facial


recognition is a non-invasive method that does not this layer is a set of feature maps that represent the
require the person being tested to be physically presence of different features in the input image.
connected to any equipment.[4] The convolution operation is defined as:
However, facial recognition has limitations as a lie
$y_{ij} = f(\sum_{m=1}^{M} \sum_{n=1}^{N}
detection technique, as changes in facial expressions
can be influenced by a variety of factors, including x_{i+m-1, j+n-1} \cdot w_{m,n} + b)$
the person's emotional state, physical discomfort, and Where:
other external stimuli. Additionally, facial recognition ● $y_{ij}$ is the output value at position
is subject to interpretation, as different examiners $(i,j)$ of the feature map
may interpret facial expressions differently. As a ● $x_{i+m-1, j+n-1}$ is the input pixel value
result, facial recognition is typically used in
combination with other methods and techniques to at position $(i+m-1, j+n-1)$
increase its accuracy and reliability. ● $w_{m,n}$ is the weight value of the filter
Facial expression recognition in lie detectors can be at position $(m,n)$
achieved using a variety of deep learning algorithms, ● $b$ is the bias value
but one popular approach is to use Convolutional ● $f$ is the activation function (e.g. ReLU)
Neural Networks (CNNs). CNNs are a type of deep 2. Pooling Layers: These layers reduce the
neural network that are particularly well-suited for spatial dimensionality of the feature maps by
image recognition tasks, such as facial expression applying a pooling operation (e.g. max
recognition. pooling) over small regions of the feature
The basic idea behind CNNs is to learn a set of filters maps. The output of this layer is a set of
or kernels that can be applied to the input image to pooled feature maps that retain the most
extract relevant features. These features are then salient features of the input image.
passed through a series of layers to make a prediction The max pooling operation is defined as:
about the class of the input image. In the case of $y_{ij} = \max_{m=1}^{K} \max_{n=1}^{K}
facial expression recognition, the class would x_{(i-1)K+m, (j-1)K+n}$
correspond to the specific expression being displayed Where:
by the individual. ● $y_{ij}$ is the output value at position
Once the CNN has been trained on a large dataset of
$(i,j)$ of the pooled feature map
facial expressions, it can be used to classify new,
● $x_{(i-1)K+m, (j-1)K+n}$ is the input value
unseen images in real-time. The mathematical
at position $((i-1)K+m, (j-1)K+n)$
formulas used in CNNs are quite complex and
● $K$ is the pooling size
involve a lot of matrix multiplications and nonlinear
activation functions, but they can be trained using 3. Fully Connected Layers: These layers take
standard backpropagation algorithms. [5] the flattened pooled feature maps as input
Overall, facial expression recognition using deep and apply a set of weights and biases to
learning algorithms like CNNs can be a powerful tool compute a final output probability
for lie detection and other applications that require distribution over the facial expressions.
real-time analysis of facial expressions. However, it The fully connected layer operation is defined as:
is important to note that there are many ethical and $y_j = f(\sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i \cdot w_{i,j} + b_j)$
legal considerations that must be taken into account Where:
when using these technologies, and they should be ● $y_j$ is the output value for expression $j$
used with caution and in accordance with established ● $x_i$ is the input value from the flattened
guidelines and regulations. pooled feature maps
● $w_{i,j}$ is the weight value for connection
Algorithm: Convolutional Layers: These layers apply between input $i$ and output $j$
a set of filters or kernels to the input image in order to ● $b_j$ is the bias value for output $j$
extract relevant features. Each filter corresponds to a ● $f$ is the activation function (e.g. softmax)
small region of the input image and is applied to
every possible position in the image. The output of


only be known by the guilty and the

investigating officers and not the general
III. TECHNIQUE - public or the innocent suspect.

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been Before the test starts, the scientists identify the targets
used in brain fingerprinting as a way to process and related to the subject and make sure that he knows
classify brain signals more effectively. CNNs are a these stimuli. The subject is also not told what all is
type of deep learning algorithm that are commonly included in the probe. He is just told that, for
used in image and video recognition tasks, but they example, “You are going to see several items, out of
can also be applied to other types of data, including which one will be the murder weapon. But he isn’t
EEG signals. told which items have been included in the probe and
In brain fingerprinting, CNNs can be used to extract which are irrelevant.
features from EEG signals that are related to specific For example, if a subject has claimed not ot have
stimuli or events. For example, a CNN can be trained been at the crime scene and don’t know what the
to identify the P300 response in EEG signals, which murder weapon was, a probe stimulus could be the
is an important signal used in many brain murder weapon, for example a knife. The protocol
fingerprinting techniques. Once the CNN has been ensures that the probe doesn’t contain any
trained, it can be used to process new EEG signals in information which the subject might know from the
real-time, allowing for faster and more accurate news media information.
analysis of brain activity.[3] The scientific question which is addressed by a brain
One advantage of using CNNs in brain fingerprinting fingerprinting is whether the subject knows about the
is that they can be trained to recognize patterns in crime or the investigated situation or not. Specially,
EEG signals that may be difficult for human the critical variable is the recognition of some
examiners to detect. Additionally, CNNs can process information which is contained with respect to the
large amounts of data quickly, making it possible to crime or the lack of it. If and only if, it is present, it is
analyze brain signals in real-time. predicted that P300-MERMER will be elicited by the
However, CNNs also have limitations in brain probe. The characteristics of the individual subject’s
fingerprinting. For example, they require a large response to a stimulus when the subject knows some
amount of training data in order to be effective, and information are Amplitude, Latency and Morphology.
the accuracy of their results can be influenced by For “information present”, the probes contain the
factors such as noise in the EEG signal. As a result, information describing the features that are known of
CNNs are typically used in combination with other the crime.[6] For “information absent”, the probe
methods and techniques to increase their accuracy consists of the information which describes the
and reliability. features that are plausible of the crime and are not
known to be correct. It is necessary to isolate the
The well-known fact about this technique is that it critical variables to classify the probe responses into
uses the signals called P300 emitted by the brain one of these categories. Two standards are required to
(which begins around 300 milliseconds after accomplish this: a standard for the responses of the
confronting a stimulus of some importance. The main subject to the stimuli which contains the known
application of this technique is to identify the P-300 features of the crime and a standard for the responses
in the brain as a response to the stimuli relating to the which contains the plausible but unknown or
crime or situations such as a murder weapon, or the incorrect features of the crime.
face of the victim or the working of a terrorist cell.[4]
The test is based on EEG signals and hence, doesn't IV. .PHASES OF FARWELL BRAIN
require verbal responses to the questions, images or FINGERPRINTING
stimuli. [8]
The subject is made to wear a special headband with In DNA Fingerprinting, the evidence recognized and
many electronic sensors. collected from the crime scene and then preserved
The stimuli are of three types: properly until when the suspect is apprehended, is
1. Irrelevant: the stimuli which is irrelevant to then scientifically compared with the suspect to find
the investigation and to the subject. some match at the crime scene. Whereas, in the Brain
2. Target: the stimuli which is relevant to the Fingerprinting, except that, the evidence collected is
investigation and known to the subject. the informational evidence rather than the physical
3. Probe: the stimuli which are relevant to the evidence. This includes four stages, which are similar
investigation and the subject denies knowing to the DNA fingerprinting:
it. It consists of the information that should


Brain Fingerprinting Crime Scene Evidence V. BRAIN SIGNAL TYPES-

Brain Fingerprinting Brain Evidence Collection As we have known that Brain Fingerprinting uses
Brain FIngerprinting Computer Evidence Collection brain waves to test the memory, a crime suspect is
Brain FIngerprinting Scientific Result provided with words or images which would only be
An expert here examines the crime scene and the known by the police or the person who has
other evidence related to it to identify the details that committed the crime. There are 4 types of
must only be known by the guilty. Then the Brain waves/signals:
Evidence Collection is conducted by the expert to 1. Alpha Wave: They are generated by the
check if the evidence from the crime scene matches human eyes. Frequency is 9-13 Hz.
with the evidence stored in the brain of the 2. Beta Wave: They are generated by the
suspect/accused. In Farwell’s Brain Fingerprinting human mind. Frequency is 15-30 Hz.
system, it makes a mathematical determination for 3. Delta Wave: They are generated by the
whether a specific piece of evidence is stored in the human nose. Frequency is 1-3 Hz.
victim’s brain or not. The determination and 4. Theta Wave: They are generated by the
statistical confidence is the Scientific Result and human mouth. Frequency is 4-7.5 Hz.
claims that: either “Information Present” i.e. the
details of the crime are present in the brain of the
suspect, or “Information Absent” i.e. the details of
the crime aren’t present in the suspect’s brain. [7]

Figure 4.2: Types Of Waves Emitted

Figure 4.1: Brain Signals


Parameters Lie detectors Brain fingerprinting

Measures physiological responses Measures brain responses to stimuli

Principle of method to stimuli and compares them with and compares them with stored
known truthful and deceptive patterns of known information



Changes in physiological Changes in brain waves, such as

responses, such as heart rate, blood P300 response and MERMER,
Basis of detection
pressure, breathing rate, and skin associated with recognition of
conductance familiar information

Controversial and can be

influenced by various factors, such Claims to be highly accurate and
as anxiety, medications, and less vulnerable to countermeasures

Can't distinguish between different

Limited to detecting information
types of deception, such as lying,
Limitations that the suspect has previously
withholding information, and
encountered or witnessed
feigning emotions

Admissible in some jurisdictions, Admissible in some jurisdictions,

Use in legal cases but not widely accepted due to but still controversial and not
reliability concerns widely accepted

Brain fingerprinting relies on

Some researchers have explored the
machine learning techniques to
use of deep learning algorithms to
Use of deep learning identify patterns in brain wave data
improve the accuracy of lie
and make comparisons with stored
patterns of known information

VIII. CONCLUSION In conclusion, deep learning algorithms have been

shown to be effective in improving the accuracy and
reliability of lie detectors and brain fingerprinting


techniques. By using advanced machine learning

techniques, such as neural networks and CNNs, it is X. REFERENCES
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