B72 - Brum - Book Activity 3

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Instructions: Kindly review the items you checked in Exercise 7.1.1A and answer the

following questions:

1. Do you feel you have a voice in the society? Why or why not?

- Being a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a registered voter, and a

person of legal age, I genuinely believe that I have a voice in the society,

since I had a freedom to choose my preferred elected officials and their

political platforms. I also believe that this is indeed the case since I’m able to

work, live, study, and interact with the Filipino society. Almost everyone I

knew throughout my nineteen (19) years of existence is a Filipino, including

my family, friends, peers, and schoolmates.

2. In your opinion, can an adolescent initiate change in the society? Why or why


- I stand with the idea that adolescents could initiate change in the society. I am

a firm believer of the youth as the hope of the future of the Filipino nation. As

our society progresses, change is inevitable in any way possible since the

human nature constantly yearns for improvement of their respective

communities. Humanity will and always have been striving to make life easier

for everyone.

3. Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the country? Why?
- Personally speaking, I’m faithful enough to feel optimistic about the future of

our country, the Philippines. Having lived a memorable life all throughout my

existence in the Philippines, I had my own fair share of obstacles and

challenges brought by being a citizen of this country. I was able to witness

natural calamities, corruption in the government, crimes happening at our

surroundings, and a few people who constantly spread hate and violence in

our society. Despite all of this, these trials as a Filipino are positively

overshadowed by love and care from my family, my friends, and other people

around me. There also exists a silver lining in every difficult situation wherein I

find comfort in the constant moral support that I receive from the people

whom I truly care about. Lastly, our beautiful tourist attractions, the culture,

the food, the hospitality, and the humor are all that encapsulates the best

things that this country can offer to everyone.

4. Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about being a Filipino? Why?

- As a Filipino, I feel both optimistic and pessimistic about my future. On the

one hand, I'm fortunate to live in a country with a great deal of economic and

educational opportunities. The Philippines' economy is growing, and there are

many career paths that offer meaningful work and good salaries. Additionally,

our universities are well-regarded, providing access to quality education.

On the other hand, there are also some discouraging aspects to being a

Filipino. Poverty and corruption are persistent issues that must be tackled,
and the country's political situation is often unstable. These challenges can

make it difficult to stay focused on my studies and my career goals.

Despite the occasional struggles, I'm still optimistic about the country's future

and my own. I'm proud to be Filipino, and I'm passionate about helping to

build a brighter future for my homeland. I'm looking forward to the day when

the Philippines is an example of political stability, economic prosperity, and

educational excellence. I'm confident that my education will prepare me to

take advantage of the opportunities that are available now and those that will



Instructions: Choose a particular political or societal issue that you feel strongly about.

Write down the nature of that issue in the box below and answer the questions.
1. Why do you feel strongly about this issue? Explain.

- I feel very passionately about the issue of open-pit mining in the Philippines.

This type of mining is incredibly damaging to the environment and the local

people, and I believe it should not be allowed to continue. Open-pit mining

causes massive destruction to the environment, leading to deforestation, soil

erosion, and water contamination. Furthermore, the people living in the areas

near these mines often suffer greatly due to the noise, air, and water

pollution, and destruction of their ancestral lands. This type of mining also has

an incredibly negative effect on the livelihoods of the local people who may be

dependent on the land for their food access, housing, and livelihoods.

In addition, open-pit mining in the Philippines has been linked to human rights

abuses such as the suppression of civil liberties and the intimidation of those

who oppose the mining operations. The miners and their families often face

dire economic and health-related issues due to exposure to hazardous

materials, and the government has not done enough to ensure that the

miners and their families are properly protected.

Overall, I strongly oppose open-pit mining in the Philippines, and I believe it is

essential to protect the environment and the people who live in the areas

affected by these operations. We must take steps to ensure that the

necessary safety and health measures are in place to protect those affected

by open-pit mining and that the industry complies with all necessary
regulations and requirements to ensure that the environment and people of

the Philippines are properly protected.

2. What can you do as an individual to address this issue? Describe and explain.

- As a member of the youth sector, there are several ways for me to act against

open-pit mining in the Philippines. The first step that I can take is to educate

myself on the said issue. To the best of my ability, I will learn about the

environmental effects of mining, the people affected, and the alternatives to

open-pit mining. Once I have a better understanding of the issue, I can

spread the word and share your knowledge with others. I could also involve

myself in campaigns and initiatives organized by environmental activists and

organizations. Depending on my own capabilities, I could volunteer to donate

resources or take part in events to raise awareness and voice myself

opposition to open-pit mining in the Philippines.

3. Are you happy being a Filipino? Explain.

- Being a Filipino is an amazing experience that brings with it so much joy and

opportunity. Growing up here, I have been exposed to a vibrant culture, a

welcoming people, and a unique set of customs that have helped shape my

life in many positive ways. What truly makes me happy about being a Filipino

is the strong sense of togetherness and family that I have been blessed with.

From my earliest days, I have felt a deep sense of connection and belonging

to my Filipino community, and I have seen this same feeling mirrored in the
stories of many of my peers. My family has been a huge source of joy for me,

and I feel incredibly lucky to be part of a society that so strongly values

respecting elders, looking out for your neighbors, and cherishing your family

bonds. It has enabled me to establish strong relationships with my relatives

and be surrounded by people who love and accept me. I’m also proud of all

the opportunities that being Filipino brings, such as the ability to become part

of a diverse culture, explore and celebrate different traditions, and travel

around the country. I have been blessed to witness how Filipinos around the

world are so passionate about their heritage, and I am excited to be part of

that global community.

1. How does social media and technology tools influence your daily life as a student

and as a member of your family?

- Social media and technology tools surely revolutionized my way of thinking

and perceiving the surroundings around me. The loads of information that I

acquired whenever I’m visiting these sites brought a different perspective that

modified my understanding to certain things that I interact with in real life.

Examples of these include my relationships, my interests, or my political

viewpoints. In addition, social media made me realize and discover a glimpse

of my acquaintances’ personalities which helped me effectively connect with

them on a more personal level. Finally, the messaging tools brought by these
social media and technology tools enabled me to connect with my personal

and professional relationships more easily and directly.

2. If you were to completely avoid the most frequently used social media in your life,

how would you feel? What would be its effect on your life?

- If I were to completely avoid Facebook in my life, I might generally feel more

at ease in a more personal level, since there would be less digital footprint of

me that certain people with bad intentions could take advantage of. On the

other hand, I would also feel virtually disconnected with my social

relationships that I have, since it would be harder to interact with my friends

when I’m not updated with anything that could be associated with them.

3. If you were to completely avoid the most frequently used technology tool in your

life, how would you feel? What would be its effect on your life?

- If I were to completely avoid the use of cellphone in my life, I may not be able

to survive in my daily life. Technology tools totally made my life easier

wherein I’m able to effectively execute my tasks at school and my

surroundings. Without my cellphone, I won’t be able to message my

schoolmates to meet up for a certain class, and I won’t be able to navigate a

certain place whenever I get lost with the directions. Most importantly, I won’t

be able to send my school tasks whenever I am outside the school in case of

an emergency. These things are telling about the huge importance of my

cellphone device in the daily workings of my life.

4. How do you foresee the future of technology in your life? What role would

technology play in that future?

- I believe technology will play a huge role in how our lives will look in the

future. We're already seeing technology becoming increasingly integrated into

our lives, from smarter homes and workplaces to wearable technology and

AI-powered voice assistants. I think the future will see even more technology

integrated into our lives, from our cars to the way we work, learn, and even

shop. The rise of new technologies such as 5G, AI, and Edge computing, will

enable us to be even more connected with each other, both physically and

virtually. With AI, smart robots, and even self-driving cars, our lives will be

much more efficient and time-saving. We'll be able to accomplish more with

less effort, freeing us to use our time in more meaningful ways. In terms of

how technology will touch our everyday lives, I think it will become more and

more embedded into daily tasks such as shopping, working, and even

entertainment. Virtual reality, augmented reality, and other forms of immersive

technology will continue to improve, and we'll be able to access and

experience entertainment, education, and other immersive experiences in

new and exciting ways. Ultimately, the future of technology in our lives will be

exciting, with new technologies powering and enabling us to explore and

experience the world around us in ways we never thought possible. It's a

future that promises to be filled with convenience, connectivity, and


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