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cOi fe jk °

11 C

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's

Sardar Patel College of Engineering
(A Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai —400058.
End Semester Exam
May 2016

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 hrs

Class: SE Civil Semester: IV Program: UG
Name of the Course: STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS I Course Code: BTC 203
1. Attempt any five questions.
2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever required, though not sought specifically.
3. Assume suitable data if necessary.
Maximu Course Module
Question m Marks Outcome No.
No Number
(15) (1 ) (1)
20 kN

4m 4m
Determine the support reactions, and draw the axial force,
shear force and bending moment diagrams for the frame.
Joints B and C are rigid joints and Joint E is an internal
hinge of the frame.

b) State and explain Castigliano's theorem. (5) (1 )

Determine the slope and deflection at points B and C of the (10) (2)
beam shown in the figure. Values for the moment of inertia
Q2 of each segment are indicated in the figure.
Take E = 200 GPa. Use Moment-area method.
500 Ntm
/sc. = 4(106) mm.'

Determine the slope at point C of the beam using (10) (2) (3)
Conjugate beam method.
E= 200 GPa and 1= 250(106) mmt.
1 kNan

8 in + 8m

(10) (2) (3)


Determine the horizontal displacement of point C on the

frame shown in Fig. Take E= 29(103) ksi and I = 600 in4
for both members.

Find the vertical deflection of the joint E of the truss shown (10) (2) (3)
b) in Fig. The cross sectional area of each member is 500
mm2; E = 200 kI\l/mm2.
(15) (4) (5)
A symmetrical three hinged arch has a span of 20 meters
and a rise of 4 m. The arch carries a uniformly distributed
load of 10 kN/m over the entire span. It also carries two
Q4 concentrated loads of 40 kN each at 2m and 5m from left
Compute the reactions. Also determine the BM, radial
shear and normal thrust at a section 4 m from left end.

b). Distinguish between an arch and a cable. (5) (4)

The cables of a suspension bridge have a span of 60m and (20) (4)
a central dip of 7.5m. Each cable is stiffened by a girder
hinged at the ends and also at the middle so as to retain a
parabolic shape for the cables. The girder is subjected to a
dead load of 10 kN/m and a live load of 20kN/m, 15m


(a) Find the maximum tension in the cable when the

leading edge of the live load is just at the centre of the
(b) Draw also SF and BM diagrams for the girder.
Q6 For a simply supported beam of span 10m, draw influence (10) (3) (4 )
line diagram for
(a) reaction at left support A and right support B
(b) shear force at a section C, 3m from left support A
(c) bending moment at a section C, 3m from left support A

The load system shown in Fig. moves from left to right on (10) (3) (4)
a girder of span 10 meters. Find maximum bending
moment which can occur under the 80 kN load.

'to loo go '120

b) 104 IN tbi

r't) ..cri to 0

Find Euler's critical buckling load for a hollow cylindrical (10) (5) (7)
cast iron column 200mm external diameter and 25mm
thick, if it is 6 meter long and hinged at both the ends. Take
E= 8x104 N/mm2. Compare Euler's critical load with the
Rankine's critical load taking fc = 550 N/mm2 and
Rankine's constant as 1/1600.

Draw the influence line diagrams for the forces in the (10) (3) (4)

members U2L3, L3U3, U2U3 of the truss shown in Fig.

yz U1_ Ck J6

PaYleig kt411)
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel College of Engineering
(A Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai — 400058.
End Semester Exam
May 2016

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

Program: B.Tech
Name of the Course: Concrete Technology Course Code : BTC230

• Q1 is compulsory to attend
• Assume appropriate any missing data
• ,--....,•• v. I.- -
Question Maximum Course Module
No Marks Outcome No.
Q1.(a) Briefly explain Rapid hardening cement and their uses. 6
(b) Define aggregate. List the characteristics of it which affects the 05
(c) List the types of cement. Briefly explain hydrophobic cement 05
and their uses
(d) Define bleeding in concrete. Briefly explain the purpose of 05
adding admixtures

Q2. (a) Explain in details Slump Test for concrete with a neat sketch 7 2
(b) Explain Tremie method of concreting with neat sketch. 8
(c) Explain the precaution required during under water concreting. 5

Q3 .(a) Design a concrete mix for M40 grade of concrete with the 20 3
following data using IS:10262 code
Type of cement: OPC 43 grade I
Maximum size if aggregate: 20 mm
Workability: 100 mm slump
Minimum cement content: 320 Kg/m3
Take w/c ratio: 0.40
Method of placing concrete: pumping
Type of aggregate: crushed angular
Admixture: Super plasticizer
Specific gravity of Coarse agg : 2.75
Specific gravity of fine agg : 2.65
Grading of fine agg : Zone III
Dosage of admixture: 1.1% weight of cement
Specific gravity of admixture: 1.2

Define High Performance Concrete. Discuss the advantages of 06 4

Q4. (a) HPC over ordinary concrete.
List out the salient requirements of High performance concrete 0

(c) What are the factors which control the performance of HPC 07

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ready mix 06 5

Q5.(a) concrete?

Give a typical layout of the site for Ready mix concrete plant. 14
(b) Explain in details about transit mixer of Ready mix concrete

What do you mean by Fiber Reinforced Concrete? List out its

Q6. (a) types, application, advantages and disadvantages of FRC 10

What do you mean by Polymer concrete? List out its types and
(b) advantages of Polymer concrete. 10

Explain in details Ultrasonic pulse velocity test with neat 10 7

Q7. (a) sketch

t _Define NDT. Briefly explain half cell potentiornet Lt esrwittr - 1-0

neat sketch
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel College of Engineering
(A Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai — 400058.
Re Examination
June 2016

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

Class: SY B.Tech Semester: IV Program: BTech in Civil Engineering
Name of the Course: Structural Analysis-I Course Code : BTC 228
et5k er crne ,
• Attempt any FIVE questions out of SEVEN questions.
• If there are sub questions, answers to all sub questions should be grouped
• Figures to the right indicate full marks.
• Assume suitable data if necessary and state the same clearly.
Max Course Module
Question Marks Outcome No.
No Number
Q.1 (a) For the frame loaded as shown in figure below (15) 1 1
a) Find the support reactions (b) Draw AFD, SFD & BMD

40 kNim

Q.1 (b) State and explain Maxwell's reciprocal theorem. (05) 1 2

Q.2 (a) Find the slope and vertical deflection at C for the beam supported and (10) 2 3
loaded as shown in figure below. Use moment area method only.
6 kN

---) 21 1 ‘f
• -A

Q.2 (b) Find the slope and vertical deflection at C for the beam supported and (10)
2 3
loaded as shown in figure below. Use conjugate method only.

8 k\i'm

> 1
Q.3 (a) Determine the vertical deflection at C of the rigid jointed frame loaded (10)
as shown in figure below. 2 3

2 kN

10 KN/

Q.3 (b) For the pin jointed frame loaded as shown in figure below, find the (10)
2 3
vertical deflection of joint A.

30 kN
3 in

Q.4 (a) A symmetrical three hinged segmental arch of span 40 m and central (15) 4 5
rise of 4 m is subjected to a ad! of 340 kN/m on the left half horizontal
span of the arch and a concentrated loads of 150 kN at 25 m from the
left support.
(a) the support reactions
(b) radial shear, normal thrust and BM just to the left of 150 kN load
(c) draw BMD

Q.4 (b) State the advantages and disadvantages of an arch over a beam of same (05) 4 5

Q.5 A suspension cable of span 100 m and a central dip of 12 m is (20) 4 6

supporting a three hinged stiffening girder. The dead load of the girder
is 10 KN/m. A point load of 250 KN acts on the girder at a distance of
30 m from the left support.
(a) Determine the maximum and minimum tension in the cable
(b) Draw SFD and BMD for the girder
If the suspension cable passes over a smooth pulley on the top of a pier
of height 20m and the anchor cable is at 45° to the horizontal, find the
forces transmitted to the base of the pier.

Q.6 (a) For a simply supported beam of span 8 m with an overhang of 2m over (10) 3 4
the right support B, draw influence diagrams for
a) reaction at left support A
b) shear force at a section C, 3 m from left support A
c) bending moment at a section C, 3 m from left support A

Q.6 (b) The load system shown in figure below crosses a simply supported (10) 3 4
girder of span 30 m. Determine the value of maximum positive shear
force at a section 10 m from left support.

30 kN 30 LN 120k1\ 120 kN

1.0 m 3.0 m 1.0 in

Q.7 (a) Compare the crippling loads given by Euler's and Rankine's formulae (10) 5
for a steel column 5.0 m long and fixed at both the ends. The cross
section of the column is a symmetrical I section with the following
Top and bottom Flange width = 300 mm.
Top and bottom Flange thickness — 20 mm,
Depth of web = 200 mm, Thickness of web = 20 mm.
Take E = 2x10 Nimm2 , f = 350 Mpa and Rankine's constant as

3 4
Q.7 (b) For the pin jointed frame shown in figure below draw influence (10)
diagram for axial force in members FEI, GI I and GI.


Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel College of Engineering
(A Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai — 400058.
End Semester Exam, May-2016
Q. P. Code:
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 hour
Class: S.Y.B.Tech. Semester: IV Program: Civil
Name of the Course: Surveying-II Course Code : BTC- 227
Instructions: ricks),- tic ) e •
1. Question No 1 is compulsory.
2. Attempt any four questions out of remaining six,
3. Draw neat diagrams
4. Assume suitable data if necessary
Question Maximum Course Modul
No Marks Outcome No.
(a) Explain the working principle of electronic tacheometer. 05 C.0.1
(b) In a Triangle PQR, the angles P, Q and R were observed
as 750, 550, and 50°. The line PR was used as base line of
05 C.0.1 7
known length and error d for the distance angles is 3.
Calculate the strength of the figure? (Note: All stations were
occupied and all the angles were measured)
(c) Explain the procedure for transfer of alignment inside 05 C.0.1 6
the tunnel.
(d) Explain the use of tacheometric tables for calculating 05 C.0.3 5
distance and elevation with suitable example.
a) An upgrade of + 1.8 % meet with another upgrade of +
10 C.0.1
1.2 %. Determine the reduced levels of the various stations
on the curve using chord gradient method. Assume rate of
Q2 change of grade to be 0.05% per 20 m chain and the chain
age and elevation of the point of grade separation are 1400
m and 380 m, respectively.
b) Classify precise levelling and discuss the guidelines
10 C.0.1 4
followed in method of precision levelling.
Q3 (a) Prepare data necessary to set out a composite curve
12 C.0.1 2
using deflection angular method from following details: R =-
250 m, Angle of deflection = 60°, length of transition curve
= 100 m. Consider chainage of PI is 1600 m and peg
interval of 20 m for setting out transition as well as circular
i curves.
1 (b) Discuss in detail the procedure for setting out culvert.
08 C.0.4 6
(a) A closed traverse ABCDEA was run using a 12 C.0.1 5
tacheometre fitted with analytic lens and staff kept vertical.
Calculate the missing length and bearing of line EA from
the following data (Assume K= 100):
Inst. Staff Staff Vertical Bearing
Station station intercept angle
A B I 0.35 + 5 ° 30' AB = 71° 30'

Q4 B C 0.29 - 3 ° 45' BC = 118 ° 40'

0.27 + 6 12' CD = 206 020'

E 0.31 -5 ° 30 DE = 243 ° 15'

(b) How will you overcome the difficulty in setting out

08 C.0.1 1
curve when both point of intersection and point of
commencement are inaccessible?
(a) Discuss in brief different systems of Triangulation. How 10 C.0.1
will you measure strength of a figure?
(b) Two tangents intersect at a chainage of 2450 m and 10 C.0.1 1
Q5 angle of intersection between them is 1300. Enumerate the
data required for simple curve having back tangent length =
116.58 and Peg interval = 30 m using Rankine's method.
(a) Derive an expression for horizontal distance and 10 C.0.1
elevation using tangential system when both the angles are
of elevation.
Q6 05 C.0.3 3
(b) Discuss use of computer in survey work for level
computation and plotting contour plan?
05 C.0.1 2
(c) Explain with neat sketch elements of a Reverse curve.
(a) Explain in detail the procedure for setting out combined 10 C.0.1 2
curve by deflection angle method.
(b) Write short notes on any two 10
Q7 C.0.1 3
(i) Total station
C.0.1 2
(ii) ideal transition curve
C.0.1 7
(iii) Base line measurement
.s s2,110/'

9-4 I 6(

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's

Sardar Patel College of Engineering
(A Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai — 400058.
End Semester Re-exam, June 2016
Q. P. Code:
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 hour
Class: S.Y.B.Tech. Semester: IV Program: Civil
Name of the Course: Surveying-II Course Code : BTC- 227
1. Question No 1 is compulsory.
2. Attempt any four questions out of remaining six.
3. Draw neat diagrams
4. Assume suitable data if necessary Mks er (1- ;) e
Question Max. Course Module
No Marks Outcome No.
(a) Discuss in brief different type of EDM instruments.
05 C.0.1 3
(b) What is precise levelling? How it is different than
ordinary levelling?
Q1 05 4
(c) What is subtense Theodolite? Where it is used?
05 5
(d) Highlight the significance of setting out in Civil
05 6
Engineering project.
a) The following observations were made with a
10 C.0.1 5
tacheometre having K=100 and C=0.2. Find the R.L. of
stations M, N and P considering staff held vertical.
Inst. Staff HI Stadia readings Vertical Remark
St° St° angle
0 M 1.12 1.325 1.570 1.815 -3 ° 52' RL of 0 =-
Q2 135.50 m
0 N 1.12 2.225 2.5402.855 + 4° 32'

N P 1.20 0.980 1.220 1.460 +5° 15'

b) Describe in detail the method of setting out curve using 10 C.0.1 1

offsets from chord produced.
Q3 (a) A vertical curve of 160 m length was proposed to join a
10 C.0.1 2
down grade of -0.7% with an upgrade of + 0.4%. Determine
the RLs of different points by tangential correction method.
Assume peg interval of 20 m, and the chain age and
elevation of the point of grade separation are 1700 m and
240 m, respectively.
(b) Derive an expression for the horizontal distance and 10 C.0.4
elevation of staff station, when the staff is held normal to
the line of sight and vertical angle is an angle of depression.
(a) Find the elevation difference between two stations with 10 C.0.1
the following data:
(i) PQ distance = 14,600 M
(ii) R.L. of P = 125.60 M
Q4 (iii) Angle from P to Q = + 2° 23'
(iv) Height at signal at Q = 8.97 M
(v) Height of instrument = 1.52 M

(b).How will you carry out setting out work of a seWer line? 10 C.0.4 6

(a) What is centrifugal ratio? How it affects the design of 05 C.0.1

transition curve?
(b) What is three wire levelling? 05 C.0.1 4
Q5 (e) Describe in detail field work and computational work
required for the `tacheometric project 'conducted in the 10 C.0.1 5
survey camp.
(a) What is ideal transition curve? Derive an intrinsic 10 C.0.1
equation for the same?
(b) A compound curve is to connect two straights having 10 C.0.3 1
deflection angle of 700. The lengths of two tangents are
215.18 m & 243.54 m respectively. Calculate the radius of
second arc, if the radius of the second arc is to be 268 m.
(a) Determine versed sine, mid ordinate, back tangent and 05 C.0.1 1
long chord for a 3 degree curve (arc length 30 m) with
deflection angle of 64°.
(b) Calculate the horizontal distance between Theodolite
and a subtense bar, if the distance between disc was 3 05 C.0.1 5
Q7 meter and angle subtended at Theodolite was 00 44'20".
(C) Write short notes on the following:
(i) Towers and signals
(ii) Global positioning system 05 C.0.1 7
°S C.0.1 3
Lt i i /4
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel College of Engineering
(A Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai — 400058.
End Semester Re-Exam
June 2016
Duration: 04 Hours
Max. Marks: 100 Program:
Class: S.Y.B.Tech. (Civil) Semester: IV
Course Code : BTC231
Course: Building Design and Drawing

Instructions: 1-1,06 izf e

I. Q.1 is compulsory.
any four questions.
2. Out of remaining six questions, attempt
3. In all five questions to be attempted.
4. Attempt each question on a fresh page (use both sides of the sheet)
5. Answers to the theory questions should be written on the drawing sheet only
6. Assume suitable data wherever required and state it clearly
Max. Course Module
Question Marks Outcome No.
No Number

Q.1 A load bearing residential single storey

structure is to be planned for a PWD chief
Engineer in a on a plot of land 25m x 20m. The
compound wall of 25m side of the plot is
common to a municipal park of 25m x 18m and
the 20m side of the plot is to the east side
adjoining a 3.5m wide lane and is having the
entrance gate to the plot. The maximum
permissible plinth area is 150sq.m. The
following accommodation areas are to be
a) Living room — 25sqm
b) Children's bed room — 15sqm
c) Master bed room — 15sqm
d) Kitchen cum dining room — 20sqm
e) store room and pooja room — 10sqm
f) Chief Engineer's office — 10sqm.
Provide adequate passage, verandah, stair,
terrace and sanitary units.
Design and draw the ground floor plan for 12 1,2,3 1-7
building designed in Q.1.
Draw the line floor plan of the first floor for 08 1,2,3 1-7
building designed in Q.l .
Draw the site plan for the structure designed in 05 1 1-6
' with the area statement indicating the
FSI utilized for the plot. The permissible FSI is
Page 1
15 1,2,3 1-6
r- Q.2.b State the principles of planning and designing a
residential building. Explain any four principles
in detail with proper sketches. 1,5,6
20 1,2,3
Q.3. State the essentials to be shown in a foundation
plan and section. Draw the foundation plan with
a detailed section showing, the plinth details,
footing details and the wall details you have
designed for the building in 3
05 4
Q.4.a State the general byelaws that you have
followed while planning the residential
structure. 1,2,3 1,5,6
Design and draw the plan and complete section 15
(showing overhead water tank, staircase
—headroom) of- the -termee--- provided for the -
buildin desi ned in 1 1,6
Give the standard sizes of sanitary units and 05
state the advanta es of rovidint dado and loft 1,6
15 1,2,3
Q.5.b Draw a typical section of simply supported king
post roof truss for a span of 8m showing all its
corn onents and Points. 1,5,6
Draw the elevation of the structure designed in 05
Q.6.a 15 1,2,3 1,5,6,7
Draw the detailed sectional elevation of the
building designed in . The section should
pass through sanitary unit and other important
corns onents of the buildin
Q.7.a Draw a neat detailed section of a RCC column
with isolated footing showing the structural
components and typical reinforcement. Assume
column size of (350 x 350 mm.
Q.7.b Draw the detailed section of (any 2)
1. Typical details of water proofing in
sunken slab provided for the sink in
2. Typical details of a RCC chajja with
3. Typical structural details of a R.C.C.
simply supported T-beam
4. Typical structural details of staircase
(first fliaht)

Page 2
b S-c24`4c)
11C) 11 6
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel College of Engineering
(A Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400058.
Re Examination
June 2016 Duration: 3 hours
Program: Civil
Max. Marks: 100 Semester: V
Class: T. Y. B. Tech. C rse Code: CE302
Name of the Course: Geotechnical Engineering 1

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
Attempt any four out of remaining six questions.
2. State clearly any assumptions made and state units for all quantities.
3. Assume suitable data if necessary and state the same clearly.
Max. Outcome Module
Marks Number
Q. No. 3
05 2
Explain critical gradient and quick sand condition. 05 2 2
1 a 1
What is relative density? State its equation. 05 1
b Draw the three phase diagram for soil and define e, n, w and Sr. 4
05 3
Differentiate between compaction and consolidation.
10 3 6
State and derive the relationship between major and minor
2 a
principal stresses: 05 3
Explain the various causes of slope failure
Determine the liquid limit of soil based on the following data
obtained from the laborator .
12 713 4 7 2
I Trial No. 05 2
j3.1 6.5 12.1 6.5 —1
rWeight of water (gm) --,,----
92 13.8 121.8 . 11
Weight of dry soil (gm)
30 20 115 13 1
Number of blows

10 1 5
Explain Terzaghi's spring analogy of one dimensional
3 a
The sieve analysis of a soil gave % passing 75 micron sieve as
b 10 2 2
4%, % passing 4.75 mm sieve as 78%, coefficient of curvature
as 1.8, and coefficient of uniformity as 12.3. Classify the soil as
per IS 1498-1970.

Explain in detail by drawing a typical graph the method to 10 2 5

4 a
determine coefficient of consolidation by square root of time
05 4 7
Draw a typical borelog and explain its importance in a
Page 1 of 2
construction project. .
05 1 4
c Explain the terms total stress, effective stress and neutral stress

10 1 3
5 a State and derive the Laplace equation for flow nets
b An unconfined compression test on a soil sample shows failure
at 1.5 kg/cm2. The failure plane makes an angle of 500 to the
05 3
horizontal. Calculate c and 4).
c State the importance of performing soil exploration for any 05 4 7
construction project

6 a Triaxial test was performed on an undisturbed soil sample with

drainage permitted. Determine the shear parameters. State if
effective meters.
Test 3 Test 4 10 3
kN/m2 Test 1 Test 2
Deviator Stress 447 167 95 37

{Cell pressure 246 89 36 16 ---1

. ... . • • f. 1 i _I
Explain the core cutter methodof determiflhlig 05 1

c Explain the terms initial, primary and secondary consolidation. 05 2 5

7 a A standard Proctor test was performed in the laboratory and the

following readings were noted. Determine the OMC and MDD. 3 4
, 10
j 1.7 1
1 Bulk Unit Weight (g/cc) 1.62 i rl .89 2.09--11.96
- -----h ---- --I
1 1 i
10 11 12.8 1 14.5 I 16 1
'Moisture Content (%)
I____ 1 1._ ,
4 7
Explain briefly the SPT test as per IS fril
c If the coefficient of permeability of a soil at void ratio of 0.57 is 05
at a void ratio of 0.65.
3.2 x 10-6 cm/s then determine its value

Page 2 of 2
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel College of Engineering
(A Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai — 400058.
End Semester Exam
May 2016

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 04 Hours

Class: S.Y.B.Tech. (Civil) Semester: IV Program:
Course: Building Design and Drawing I Course Code : BTC231

1. Q.1 is compulsory. cks ,

2. Out of remaining six questions, attempt any four questions.

3. In all five questions to be attempted.
4. Attempt each question on a fresh page (use both sides of the sheet)
5. Answers to the theory questions should be written on the drawing sheet only
6. Assume suitable data wherever required and state it clearly

Max. Course Module

Question Marks Outcome No.
No Number
Q.1 A load bearing residential G+1 structure is to be
planned for a General Physician in a rural area on
a plot of land 15m x 25m. The 15m side of the
building is to the east side adjoining a 7m wide
lane. The maximum permissible plinth area is
100sq.m. The following accommodation areas are
to be provided:
a) Living room cum drawing hall
b) Children's bed room, Master bed room
with attached combined bathroom.
c) Kitchen cum dining room, store room,
pooja room
d) Doctor's clinic having an outside entry for
the patients.
Provide adequate passage, verandah, stair and
sanitary units.
Q.1.a Design and draw the ground floor plan for 12 1,2,3 1-7
building designed in Q.1.
Q.1.b Draw the line floor plan of the first floor for 08 1,2,3 1-7
building designed in Q.1.
Q.2.a Explain the importance of 'site plan' and 'location 05 1 1-6
plan'. Sate the elements that are necessary to be
shown in the site plan?

Page 1
Draw the location plan and site plan of the 15 1,2,3 1-6
building designed in . Give the area
statement for the proposed construction in the plot.
05 1 1,5,6
Q.3.a Explain the importance of providing Foundation
plan and section in working drawings. State the
essentials to be shown in the foundation plan of a
RCC structure
15 1,2,3 1,5,6
Q.3.b Draw the foundation plan with a detailed section
showing, the plinth details, footing details and the
column details you have designed for the building
05 4 3
Q.4.a State the byelaws that you have followed while
planning a stair for a residential building.
15 1,2,3 1,5,6
Q.4.b Design and draw the plan and complete section
(from foundation to headroom) of the stair
provided for the building designed in 1,6
Enlist various types of pitched roofs and state the 05 1
advantages of providing pitched roof for
residential buildings. 1,6
Draw a typical section of simply supported steel 15 1,2,3
roof truss for a span of 10m showing all its
components and joints.
05 1 1,5,6
Q.6.a Explain the term 'Elevation'. State the difference
between elevation and sectional elevation.
15 1,2,3 1,5,6,7
Q.6.b Draw the detailed sectional elevation of the
building designed in The section should
pass through sanitary unit and other important
components of the building.
05 1,3,4 1,5,6
Q.7.a State the importance of providing structural
drawings for any building. State the structural
components of load bearing structure and RCC
structure for which drawings are necessary. 1,5,6
15 1,3
Q.7.b Draw the detailed section of (any 3)
1. Typical details of water proofing over
— -- — 2. 1 ypicaTdetailS- Of water prodfing in sunken
slab in sanitary units
3. Typical structural details of a R.C.C. chajja
4. Typical structural details of a UCR
masonry in load bearing foundation for an
external wall.
5. Typical structural details of a R.C.C.
simply supported slab for a load bearing

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's

Sardar Patel College of Engineering
(A Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai — 400058.
End Semester Exam
May 2016
Q. P. Code:
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hrs _ - -
Class: S.Y.11-Te.G11— -Semestei — Program: Civil Engineering
Name of the Course: Fluid Mechanics Course Code : BTC229

ructions: rlas\-cr (file
1. Question no 1 is compulsory & attempt any four out of remaining six questions.
2. Illustrate answer with neat sketches wherever required.
3. Make suitable assumptions where necessary . and state them clear .,
Question Course Module i
No Outcome No.
Write a short note on the following terms (any four)
Q1 a) Capillarity b) Metacentric Height c) Flow net
20 1&2 1-7
d) Borda's mouthpieces e) Uniform flow
f) Relative Equilibrium
A) Derive _ expression
_ . _. for Total pressure_ & Centre of
pressure, when it acts on Inclined plane surface under 08 2
fully submerged conditions.
B) The diameter of small piston & large piston of
Q2 hydraulic jack are 3.5 cm & 11.5 cm respectively. A force
of 75 KN is applied on the small piston. Find the load 2
lifted by large piston, when 06 2
1)the pistons are at same level
2) small piston is 40 cm above the large piston
C) Derive an expression for U-Tube differential
Manometer. 06 2
A) Explain the different types of fluid pattern in fluid
kinematics 08 1
Q3 B) Write a short note on Pitot tube & Rotameter I 06 1
C) A two dimensional flow is described by the 3
velocity components, u = 5 x3 , v= -15x2y .
Evaluate the stream functions, velocity & 06 1
acceleration at point p (1.2)
A) Derive an expression of hydraulic coefficients for
Q4 sharp edged orifices discharging free. 08 1
B) Derive an expression for time emptying a tank through
an orifice at its bottom. 06 1 4
C) Explain the difference between notch & weir with 1
sketches. Why ventilation is provided in the notch?
A) Explain a (flow past Rankine oval body). Also obtain
expression for the following terms:
i. Location of stagnation point. 12 1&2
ii. Max Width of a body.
Q5 5
i i i. Dimension of rankine oval.

B) Discuss the following cases of Ideal flow with their

equation of stream & velocity potential function. 08 1&2
A) Free vortex flow B) source flow
A) Write a short note on Mach number. Also explain
a) Mach Cone 08 2
b) Mach Angle
B) Derive area velocity relationship for compressible 06 2
fluids. 6
C) Find the mach number when an aircraft is flying at
800 km/hr through still air having pressure of 84 KN/m2
& temperature of- 6 degree eel. Take R= 287.14 J/Kg.K. 06 2
Calculate the pressure, density & temp at stagnation
point. Take K= 1.4
A) A rectangular tank 2.5 m wide, 3.0 m long & 3.5 m
deep contains water to depth of 2.0 m. find the horizontal
acceleration which may be imparted to the tank in the
. . of_ its length
__. _, ..._so that (a) there is no spilling of
water from the tank (b) the front bottom corner of the ta—rik- —
is just exposed (c) the bottom of tank is exposed up to its 12 2
mid-point. Calculate the volume of water that would spill
out from the tank in case of (b) & (c) Also calculate the
total forces on each end of the tank in each of the cases &
Q7 show that difference between the forces equals the 7
unbalanced force necessary to accelerate the liquid mass
I in the tank.
1 B) Derive an expression for fluid masses subjected to 04 2
acceleration with inclined plane.
C) In above tank (refer Q.7.A), if oil is filled upto total
height of tank. Find the force acting at side of the tank I
when 04 2
1) Vertical acceleration is 4.5 m/s2 acts upward
2) Vertical acceleration is 4.5 m/s2 acts downward i

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